11-YEAR-OLD FAT SHAMED In BASKETBALL, What Happens Next Is Shocking | Dhar Mann

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oh you think he can guard me can't believe he fell for that there's a reason I'm number one you guys gotta be better if you want to make the team hey big boy you lost or something uh no I mean for tryouts you're telling me that you want to play basketball with us get out of here man I bet you can't even make it half court without running out of breath all right everyone welcome as you all know we're looking for the fifth man which means only one of you will make the team looks like you can already eliminate one hey not gonna try out what's your name Jayden all right Jayden came all the way out here might as well try out right all right fellas grab a water and then we're gonna get ready to run some laps let's go come on hurry up let's go hustle hustle let's go don't make Corey he's good but he acts like he's the next brawny James thanks do you know where they're gonna pick the fifth player for the team next month I think okay I really hope I make the team make the team look buddy if you really want to play with us you can be my ball boy [Music] all right let's go hustle up line up let's go let's go get it nice work good Pace keep up the good Pace let's go try to keep up Jaden let's go hustle let's go maybe he'd run faster we put a Twinkie under the hoop cut it out Corey what I'm just being honest [Applause] hey you know Jaden you can take off the hoodie and run easy so keep going keep hustling great work great work foreign I don't know it's all right everyone's probably tired we can stop here are you kidding me [Applause] all right everyone take five there's snacks over here whoever needs them [Music] wasn't sure there'd be any food left after I saw you here so what's your deal you know it takes certain body type to play basketball I know that but I've never let that stop me I've loved playing basketball since I was five certainly that's not the only thing you love why do you keep picking on me just leave me alone just a little tip maybe if we eat apples instead of pastries you wouldn't weigh as much foreign boys let's do some defensive drills let's have Corey to the court please and you try to guard her but I already know I can't just try your best check where'd you get these new kids from coach Walmart hey don't get too overconfident Corey one of them might be better than you [Music] Jaden it should be fun somebody grab crutches cause I'm about to break this kid's ankles check wow great job now try to score [Music] I told you you felt lucky Big Boy Hey knock it off I'm serious hey don't worry about it you did great he's not cut out to make the team hey maybe not yet but we all have to start somewhere he should start by losing 20 pounds hey don't think I won't you for having a bad attitude I don't care how good you are Jaden wait up all right everybody else keep practicing I'll be right back [Music] Jayden hold on are you okay this is a bad idea I should have never come here wait but I heard you said you really wanted to play on the team I do I mean I did but I'm just not fit for it wait but don't give up because someone made you feel bad you know how many people make fun of me when I first started to play basketball but you're not overweight like me you think I always used to look like this not even close you see when I was younger I was let's just say bigger than everyone else but I still dreamed of becoming a ball player every time I shoveled to practice people laughed at me they made fun of me and told me that I wasn't cut off for basketball but the most important part is I never let that stop me I kept working hard and believing in myself no matter what I was determined to become the best player I could be and guess what over time my dream came true I became one of the best players out there so you see I used to be heavier but I never let that stop me from being great and now that's it you because you can be anything you want in life as long as you work hard and believe in yourself well I can't believe you're just like me and if I can do it so can you so we still have a whole month before we choose our fifth so just keep practicing okay [Music] preparation working hard and believing in himself again every day he's always the first one to arrive before everyone gets there and the last one to leave after everyone's gone [Music] as he continues to train whenever he feels like giving up he remembers the coach's words and that's what keeps him working hard and believing in himself over time Jaden starts to get better and better he keeps practicing day after day and eventually he ends up becoming a really good player and then came the day of the decision [Music] clip you shot it again unfortunately it's the best of three baskets sorry want to go next I gotta admit I'm surprised you even decided to show up today guess you wanted another whooping we'll see about that oh also now you're a tough guy huh we'll see how long that confidence lasts check [Music] [Applause] Nice Shot Jayden nice shot whatever that's the only shot you'll ever make go ahead try that again [Music] one one next Point wins check check pretty check check that's enough Play Already that's game that was amazing he just got lucky let's go again and see what happens I'm way better than him actually that won't be necessary I've already made my decision everyone please help me in congratulating the tink [Music] oh no he's not the only one I'm also adding Jade into the team really yeah but that no sense then there'll be six players I tried to tell you Corey I don't care how good you are if you have a bad attitude so Jaden and Paul will be starting next season and you'll be on the bench you've got to be kidding me well thank you everybody else for trying out maybe next season Jaden Paul come with me to try some new uniforms and check out the schedule [Music] hey Darman fam thanks for watching this is actually my nephew Jaden it's his first time acting so make sure to show him some love in the comments and don't forget we're not just telling stories we're changing lives I'll see you in the next video foreign [Music]
Channel: Dhar Mann
Views: 7,734,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dhar Mann, motivation, motivational video, inspirational video, self improvement, self help, self development, personal development, short film, inspirational, life lessons
Id: Rfx9u8Qtxjo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 53sec (653 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 22 2023
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