Home Training | Dr. Matthew Stevenson | I Command You To Live

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[Music] okay we are in a new series entitled the home training and it is the journey all of our campuses are going through to cultural eyes our people and to reacquaint us with the value systems of all nations worship assembling how many you know that culture is very important few things are more powerful than culture culture Trump's lessons called culture Trump's decisions culture Trump's everything because it decides the direction of a people and whenever T I'm teaching about culture I always talk about how Jesus went into a city and it could not do many miracles because of their unbelief now Jesus Christ is the miracle worker and there is nothing impossible for him to do but he went into a city where he was restricted because of a culture of disbelief so culture is so important and we are blessed of the Lord to be one Church six states is that it wait it's a good problem you got to count how many of them so we are all nations worship assembly Chicago all nations worship is similarly Atlanta all nations worship assembly Memphis all nations worship assembly Baltimore and all nations worship assembly Huntsville Alabama amen so once there's five states okay so so God is good and all of us are in-home training right now it is very important that we provide direction for us and a value system as the people we're getting ready to be 14 years old and people often act like all nations just popped up out of nowhere and that's not true she just got big and but she's been around and I mentioned to the eight o'clock I'm gonna give you a message that is important but I mentioned to the eight o'clock that this church started as a weekly deliverance meeting so we started off on 8400 South Ashland I think it's a funeral home or something today but we would have deliverance every week and before we went to Sunday services we were at Friday evenings and we would cast the devil out and so we spent hours casting out Devils breaking curses speaking blessings over people and in an inner-city context that is very very very important we didn't know that it was a great strategy we were just doing it because it was what we did and we went from Friday's to Sundays at 3:00 and what what happened was we thought our church was larger than what it actually was because we didn't realize that folks was leaving their services and coming to us for deliverance so they were going shouting bands all that at their church and then it would come to ours and spit and throw up and speak Swahili and all that stuff but we learned teams at that level didn't we because I didn't know how the trained people and what I did so the way we started was that I would prophesy and give the word of the Lord because it was my strength and when I got tired whoever was carrying my water I would just give them the microphone and go on about my business that was my form of activation this generation is spoiled in all nations y'all got curriculum and y'all got exercises and all of that I didn't know how to do that I was still just a little bit religious so I would just give them the mic and let them take out and doing it and so that's actually how apostle Riley learned to prophesy and learn the gifts of the Spirit right so we started with that we went all the way out for 238 21 South Michigan my father the Lord let me use his building then we did the dumbest thing probably my worst ministry regret we went all the way where black folk don't go 3449 where's aunt Gayle and you know it never occurred to me how difficult it would be to have Church down there when I tell you you could not park nowhere with this new parking issue that we have here is why we have three services but at aunt Gayle folks who park all the way on Fullerton all the way around the corner and would walk stop at Walgreens and come all the way to where we are so give him his sorry oh yeah okay and it was we were in a war cuz the people were releasing from didn't like the fact that we had drums on the property so we had drums up there so we were getting arguments and all that something we went to 6028 Champlain and Pam when I finally obeyed the Lord and and went to the city I was fighting so hard like I don't want to be inner city church gonna be multicultural and the nations in the globe and I'm and and I just was going to tell them by Laura a matter of fact my first property but believe it or not we first started buying buildings within the millet again oh we we bought blocks on 83rd and hull sounds like God to go over here with a church folk I but when we came south things exploded for us and I really believe it's because of who we recall - God had formed us as a people and now we were ready for who he had called this - so things really really really changed and the story has been there but the fact that we were founded on deliverance shows up in everything we do sometimes to a fault we had to learn after I got married that people weren't demons cuz I didn't know that so I thought that if you had the demon you know but you should see something altar call we were and then and most of you who don't know I'm a massive boxing and wrestling fan so I love WrestleMania I love Mike Tyson I go to all of that stuff that's a secret of mine well you should have seen him all - cause we would be couches about me rich flaring people tombstone I have finishing moves you jump off the stage yeah I mean remember some of them old screw all to call okay you coming up my wife came along like baby why is everybody so rough at this chart you know the princess is a dining jessabelle for our and ain't nobody even in the pulpit yeah why I mean nobody in the building so it was a lot we had a concert of Prayer which is basically an hour before church where we would rotate the mic and pray and I don't know why we was fighting so hard now now we legitimately do have haters but at that point we really didn't want to by paying attention to us and we were we were bonding everybody I mean I find you I find your mama the lights is flicking the demon is in the electricity not we weren't thinking that it was an old building and folk was going on we were finding sound machine we were buying and whether we that the devil don't want us to pray it's raining outside recommand water Devils I mean we was bad in a query y'all remember that I find it we and and and we learned the name of Devils we would do all of that and it wasn't until I got married then I feel like we've developed a full wineskin because my helpmate taught me patience and taught me about people and and and all of that so we have grown in our love walk on long amen we've grown in our love walk we've grown in our love journey and we have done what very few deliverance ministries know how to do and we have a lot of imperfections but we have been able to marry acceptance and deliverance there are people who floo in deliverance but our horribly afraid of acceptance they think that to accept you automatically implies that I agree with you but acceptance doesn't have nothing to do with doctrine it has nothing to do with theology it has nothing to do with agreement you can accept a person and still be very different from how and who they are here's here is the rat-race of religion we want a free of people we will not embrace we want to cash bevels out of folk that we're scared to hug churches are scared of cooties so we're trying to get people free before we accept them not so in order for you to gain the influence necessary to free a person you've got to accept them and then put the cards where they are does that make sense so we've made a long journey today I'm gonna go to Ezekiel chapter 16 and I want to preach something to you really quickly because again I'm reeling you with what's important to us as a people we are forming and formulating culture my wife did an awesome job on New Year's Eve about giving us direction about what's about to happen in our church and who we're about to attract and what's going to happen so I'm gonna take the whole month to cultural eyes those will be to my prayer will be talk about the demon diminutive demonstration but I could not start a series like this without talking about deliverance and acceptance so what you're going to use it your sixteen verse one in the NIV version when you NIV version in the NIV and when you're there say I'm there well you're not there say wait on me I want the I'm bears to tell the wait on means to hurry up praising praise the name of the Lord he's here 16 verse 1 the word of the Lord came to me son of man confront Jerusalem with her detestable practices and say this is what the sovereign Lord says to Jerusalem your ancestry and your birth were in the land of the canaanites your father was an amirite and your mother was a hit item on the day you were born your cord was not cut nor were you washed with water to make you clean nor were you rubbed with salt or wrapped in cloths nobody looked on you for pity or mercy or had compassion enough to do any of these things for you rather you were thrown out into the open field for on the day you were born you were despised then I passed by and saw you kicking about in your blood the KJV says polluted in your blood and as you lay there in your blood I said to you scream that word and I made you grow like a plant of the field you grew and you developed and you entered puberty your breasts had form and your hair had grown yet you were still naked later I passed by and when I looked at you and saw you were old enough for love I spread the corner of my garment over you and covered your naked body I gave you my solemn oath and entered into a covenant with you declares the Lord and you became mine father help me to preach this only got a little bit so I don't want to mess with you real long but I want you to find somebody who looks like they need a little lotion just to look and I want you to just scream this word Lia to go ahead you tell them live that person didn't hear you look at the person behind you real quick and I want you to say with everything in you come on say in the name of Jesus I command you to live this church this value system this people is called to a people who were born in the wild however decorated however achieved however dressed we serve a season of people who only know the very few of us were privileged enough to be born to people who saw promise manifests but berry many of us all we know is the Wow and the things that occupy we were groomed by violets and groomed in suspicion and groomed to live life defensively and when you are born in the wild you befriend things you shouldn't be friends you're groomed by things that are inhumane there are things that are normal to you that scare a person born and more civilized means not strange for us to be around people who are used to behaving as animals because they grew up around beasts now that's theoretic and maybe that sounds a little extreme but it is not normal for a kid to grow up in a house where his father is beating his mom it's not normal for a girl to grow up in a house being molested by somebody of the same sex or another sex it's not normal for a child to go to bed wondering where their parent is because they're strolling the streets looking for drugs all of those are wild life conditions and it's so normal to the African American context that we grow numb to hearing testimonies about it it's almost like it is more abnormal or uncommon to hear a story of victory or a story of wholeness that it is one of defeat but this is the assignment is to find a born in the wild you know when the promised land was was made and God made the promise to Israel concerning the promised land while they were in the journey there was a whole generation born in the wilderness and when Joshua became the ruler the Bible says he had to pick up where Moses left off but he didn't pick up with a rod remember Moses led them with Iran Joshua had to pick up a knife because he had to serve is the generation born in the wild when you're born in the wild everything goes there are no rules you do what you want because wild life is about survival it's not necessarily about success it's not about safety it's not about health it's about making it it's about getting through it's about doing what you need to do there is a generation alive that's born in the wild I was born in the wild literally you were probably born in the anything in your life that was a sign to your existence to produce a monster out of you came from the wild and and what I love about this church there's a lot I don't like about job but what i love what i love about this church is that we all welcome the why my god and we're not afraid of people that are still in the wild it doesn't bother us when people come around and they say yo I lost my mind or or I'm addicted to sex or I don't know where I want to go in life that's not something that makes this people push them away in fact you almost get an instant aggressive reaction if we think you're desperate enough to change and it's because we all know that we were born well the wild thing and here's what what I think is interesting about this prophecy through Ezekiel is that he tells them you were like a kid born in the wild the things that we do professionally around here is cut cords and basically what that means is that when you're born in the wilderness he tells him he basically typifies him by saying you were born and you were not separate from the thing that fed you you still had an umbilical or a lifetime to a source of blood and a source of nutrients from something that was a mixture your mama was a head time your daddy was an amirite and he says when I found you you didn't even have a cord cut one of the things that all nations does accidentally we so good at it it's cut cords the first season around this place you get so uncomfortable if you last past month six you're probably supposed to be here because month one through six you come and you hear and preach it projection is being cut being cut tormentors being cut your sexual identity is being cut poverty is being cut it's a part of what we do we cut people from things that feed them if you don't last in the All Nations worship assembly it's because you wouldn't let yourself get cut it is so everybody three sumptuously vacates a space didn't let the knife work how it should a world if you come here we all know what wildlife is life but after a while once you start hearing and experiencing God will even use offensive interaction with the person next to you to put a plate to put his finger on a place in your character that is not yet converted and you will either have the opportunity to be offended or to be cut but one of the ways you're gonna know that you're supposed to be here to a different place in your life Jada is a such thing called iniquity and I won't explain this to you iniquity is not just an action it is inherited sin or sin patterns sin nature that's inherited it's almost intrinsic and and when he tells you rusev them when I found you your cord was not even cut he's basically saying you didn't have the information to sever iniquity in your life how many degrees you get what your marital status is what your money is iniquity will show up in you it it is a pattern in you and you know what I know about demons is that sometimes the things you run all your life with trying not to become people who spend their whole life trying not to be their mama were not to be they daddy and they run so hard from that fearful and that idolatrous example of bad whatever that they end up move mutating and morphing into the very thing they're trying not to become why because it's a process driven by fear and it's a process driven by by terror and by nervousness but listen that he stopped the curse with me listen I don't want to lose this I got some overseas don't you elbow somebody say I am the plot twist come on come on tell somebody I am the plot twist I don't give a nickels worth but all me what happened before me I'm only responsible with what happens with me and I get the joyous privilege of deciding what's don't have to have to me why because he cut me [Music] guess what deliverance does that's what relationships do that's what curse-breaking does it severs you from a pre-existing design for your outcome aren't you glad that you serve a god that won't let you become what was behind you aren't you glad that you serve a god that will not allow your genetic code to decide where you're going in your future are you glad that you serve such a gracious father that will look at what you should be and could be and give you the resources to interrupt a cycle to break up and to give you the opportunity to live to live to live to live to live to live I got a lead it'll longest if some of us think about what we were cut from too long we'd have a fit around here you one cut from when I was cut from but you've been cut from something and you may not be how you're going to be eventually but you are free from the thing at once hills you you still got a lot of work to go that's going to happen in the future but I can prove it put your hand in front of your face you you were born in the wild and when when when nobody washed you you were bloody lord have mercy Jordan your blanket was the stuff active in your blood and and the Bible said that the life in the blood which means that your life will become the byproduct of what area is in your cellular story bidness is why when we take communion and when we celebrate the shedding of blood Jesus could not have saved us with his blood still in him he had to be stopped so that we could have an access point to replace what was in us with what was active in him Christianity is about a blood transfusion because of what should have happened because of what was in my blood Jesus shed his blood say prove it when Thomas started doubting whether or not he was who he was he left the opening ban so he could put his hand and filled without the shedding of aren't you glad lord have mercy that he bled out for you aren't you glad that you don't have to live what was going on in your blood because he gave you a transfusion and access to a brand new story and a brand new with a brand new it says you weren't even washing with water nobody made you clean which means that we miss Church I can't talk about the people on the corner I love to see dirty people when I walk into church and everybody looks clean I know somebody's lying they don't want to have Church today about come the yogurt and and ain't no homewrecker nowhere now they go sound byte minute listen I'm tell you now if I come to your church and don't nobody smell a weave not coming your church they ain't nobody got bags under the eyes from drinking and if ain't nobody got a hickey on a neck up glory to God sign never split ain't a look then I know somebody's lying or somebody's failing as a Christian everybody can't be clean in there because what it means is that Monday through Friday somebody that was clean didn't do their job I believe that every church should have a dirty something you should have a dirty liar come on Sian a dirty backbiter under somebody ought to be an adultery somebody ought to be confused why people that professes to be the source of healing and to be the answer then everybody in your mid shouldn't be decided you should be filled with people who want to see if freedom is possible you should be filled with people who are currently owned by thing that's coming to spy out to see if the Jesus you talking about if the lifestyle you talking about is automatically available for me I would never go to a church if everybody had oh oh [Music] I praise God for this place I'll get on my nerve but I praise God I love that I go to a church then how you doing I'm horny man I want a drink I want some Syrah or lunch in the rail in there I love God that I go to a church better sake pasal you caught me I'm sorry I wish it was me I love God for sending me people who steal bus lord have mercy who still because it means that God trusts me with the broken he knows sin the broken to you he trusts you with the broken to a place that God didn't trust enough to send broken people there only half of us should be hold glory to God if people I see on the street on my unit like you belong all nations childhood I saw a man other day look just like Dennis Robin I'm gonna meet find somebody invite you to church you you one of us it is so it is so so he says I saw you there you were polluted nobody made you clean nobody had compassion on you yet you were born in the open field that day you were despised he is number six this is why we are a supernatural Church Jay when you have wow people that in the wild that are used to jungle life that are used to growing up with monsters if you don't allow God to move they start killing each other this is where a lot of churches go wrong they invite people from the wild in their myths they just don't ever have services where the Lord passes by if you're going to have all kind of stuff in the sea every now and again the man has got to move you got to spend time and worship because listen there may be times that you don't agree what I say I tell you your stuff is wrong you need to repent and you may get offended but if you worship have you ever gotten more blessed and worship than there are times where God does everything he needs to do before the first song is over I remember being Basilan and coming in to hear certain music and my knees would buckle I don't even know if the brother could preach but the glory of God was on the passing when you call people into your church from diverse bondages and divers a sin it's a dangerous thing to not have the glory of God be there you've got to spend time in prayer you've got to spend time in a worship what change is environmental you have got to create a climate that provokes changing people and atmosphere isold of transformation [Music] so we ain't never had an order service ain't nothin wrong with one but we are a place that's used to sing and move when God moves everything is possible I love the fact crystals from the beginning you just don't know what's going to happen we can we have all the calls for air day seriously we remember we would pray for something and a lady came up with that Bloomington bag of Bilbo's you can't and I'm not lying I know this is too real you're not suppose to us in charge but shut up we were we were did and a reason you still bound because you won't talk about it we were preaching about lusts mother came up with a bag full of I mean just locked I was like the bloody cheek and it was just I just start praying the Holy Ghost been in my voter look at that we'd had folk throw bags of weed at the altar we'd have both those cigarettes at the altar and that's the place where the Lord moves people will come in your seat with that marijuana and they will get in the car smoke but in a place where the water everything gets timed out in a place where you will [Music] smack on the house the Lord passed by he passed by he passed by here's what excites me he's comparing Jerusalem to an infant he says your cord was not cut you were polluted in your blood you were laying there in the open field now my kids are pretty smart they get it from their daddy it is so but none of them spoke or understood intelligent speech - about one eight months nine months if he's comparing Jerusalem to a baby whose core why does it matter what he said when I saw you connected by this Court I said that's why we promise I because I'm not saying it to you for you to understand oh honey you know your words you're not gonna always understand the purpose of God for your life the promise of God God's not saying it so you can understand it he's saying it to put it over your life and one day after we get you clean after this cord is cut you're gonna grow up to what I just said over you he said live that baby didn't know what he was talking about but he put it out there so that there could be a destiny that would grow you up - can I give you a word from the Lord you aren't growing into the word on your life you are maturing into the word on your life it's there it has not changed life has been crazy friends I've been crazy money has been crazy crazy but there is still a word living over in you and it's responsible for my tool in you I said do you live now notice he didn't start growing until he was told to live then he started growing he said then I made you grow if you like me you understand it one of the most dangerous things you can say the gun is yes Lord chick Kenny Kenny started fooling around with that song I said ah because that's a dead man's anthem that's the song of one surrender best a song of a person whose will is crushed God makes some people grow you know holiday in Psalms 23 what he talked about he maketh me to lie down in green pastures and I've had seasons just in what God was like you're going to grow I'm gonna use them I'm gonna use that and when God is growing you he does not care about how painful it is he's more committed to the end result so that's why God can have you in a growing spell and you're like oh this hurts and God's like hey man praise me through it you're like I can't stand this is like good I'll hit you tomorrow see God it's not moved by human emotions you could be mad but he knows that there is a greater glory well he got the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared to the glory that shall be revealed so when God is growing you he's going to allow for all kinds of opportunities for you to fail for you to stumble for you to become bitter offended talents because it's a part of him growing you and you will know when he's growing you when what used to hurt don't hurt with what used to work don't work the devil knows that it works he's gonna press the same button but I day to make that Negro switch his strategy y'all came up some of you just make it real easy on the devil but not changing when you flip the script he has to employ different strategies different tactics maybe or do his job make them work harder I dare you to grow I tell you to evolve I tell you to Mutulu idea Tex if you are exactly the same as you were ten years ago it's easy to attack you you predictable change Eve all spread out he says you begin to develop and you entered into puberty this is where a lot of strife in this church comes from because wherever you have gifted people gifted and mature are not all the same how many of you know a gifted Emma to a person we are church that lacks nothing as far as talent is concerned but there is a problem with varying levels of maturity forgiveness a maturity issue reconciliation a maturity issue submission a maturity issue obedience the love language of God a maturity issue so whenever you bring people into an environment where they can be disrobed and feel accepted you provide them the opportunity to mature some people don't respond well other people do respond well but God is interested in maturity now your purpose you see all of those things have developmental phases you will get the baby form of it as you nurtured and take care here will enter into what I'm calling purpose puberty and when you are there let me explain how you'll know it you self-conscious about everything your struggle to find your voice you compare yourself against the strongest person around you nothing seems to be okay you take a little things affect you it's puberty you're changing and you don't know how to handle that change things are moving in you and is providing you the context by which to change so we are a people that's called to people in puberty to help give identity to what's going to happen next the effectiveness of this church is not Sunday it's Monday morning I'm not impressed which you you know running up throwing money on the altar when I'm preaching I want the fruit of my teaching to show up when your supervisor sees you when you're hellish relatives encounter you when the devil say you change you know it's for real I want people who knew the old you to take note of what this environment is doing for your life that's how you really know something has changed have you been in a place and you was going to change and your family moves I don't know what's that got into you with you okay you know when I first started trying to be nice my wife would start checking my temperature like when God starts changing you sometimes use the last person to know it people around your black man this is crazy you have my bid folks they that used to teach you start coming to you for advice what should I do with this or how did you find dumb they know exactly where to come to when they need help you say whatever you want about skinny jeans and tattoos and colored hair you meet girls no non well you start hearing voices you don't know what to do with yourself you're gonna be right at this altar with paper towel and a bucket and it's okay we'll roll with you - we love processing people in puberty and you're going to make mistakes and you're going to stumble and you're going to fall but woe unto you who don't fall on the rocks woe unto you who don't fall anyplace where there is at least safety and people who know what it is to fall before later I pass by and when I looked and saw you were old enough love is a maturity issue and most people can't do it because they still think it's a feeling want to feel it laughs stop being a feeling 2,000 years ago jeez didn't feel like having his hands tied to the cross didn't feel like being stabbed love is a decision and in your attempts to love you're going to hurt people yes you you're gonna make mistakes you're gonna be imperfect but as long as your standard is first Corinthians chapter 13 then you're going to allow yourself to grow and mature in what the Bible calls many of you love but you love through your imperfections the Word of God gives us the definition for being perfected in love and you will know when you've been perfect how afraid you are wherever there is the presence of fear love has not had his perfect work fear has torment and perfect love does what or cast out [Music] beloved let us love one another after four verses seven and eight this born of God next verse and he that loveth not knoweth not God for god is so it is impossible to be perfected in love without God Oh now even when it comes to romantic love I'm getting here in February my series gonna be called triple x-rated anyone cuz y'all I'm messing up with this I just we just got to handle this boyfriend-girlfriend thing and here y'all are nuts man we got to we need to buy below how to choose a mate I'm tenure koalas we just got to heat it with teaching cuz y'all don't know what to look for yeah I mean just this is bad Babu says even about erotic love don't awaken it before its cuz when you wake up that desire for love it gets very distracting it starts now now [Music] Oh [Music] I don't wanna go I don't let me stop you cuz when I tell you I don't want a love they got me not eatin not sleeping in can't go all there that is the most depressing [Music] suicidal anthem and we and we just jam it you pedo anthem of darkness the devil is a liar you're not about to be in control over my piece glory to God you cute but ain't no way in the world you gonna have any Dasha's and and can't sleep I gotta work in the morning I'm crying over you come on look it's not love went too bad thing about you woke up think about you let's call hypnosis I got work to do sit up staring at you what kind of magic is going on the point I'm making his love is not what we thought love it is because love is not abusive love is not selfish love is not even soap centered [Music] and I covered you after a while Oh from prophecy to the promise of God God gives you prophecies every one of us everybody sitting degree promise frustrating very frustrating thing it can be why we are in conflict it can be while we miss communicate because everybody's waiting on the man of estate the promises of God you really do me promise support and if you don't believe me do a social experiment somebody don't have to because this is legitimately your life find you about ten people who don't have a promise and figure out what life is like what conversations our life people who are not living for promise all they do is talk about people that's all they do think that everybody's all wrong or jealous they're negative they're fault-finding they're pessimistic they're critical when people are promise based they'd be so enamored with the possibility of the future they had noticed how much weight you lost a kid that you're here now need up your match on the Sunday but they're not gonna spin all their - come on how many you know if I were to look through some of y'all bones with them snapshots already I can see it in the spirit y'all be screenshotting everybody in here ancient look at you you quiet I know I'll be taking pictures of wigs and feed turn your phone into the halter right now everyone of you because I'm safer Edom glory to God but it's finally important that you have promised support because all of your life tests are going to be promise based everything that God allows you to experience is to prepare you to steward his promise effectively your name relford this word is for you the promise of God for your life has not been he said tell her I'm not I've not forgotten where the devil came for her whole body to try to kill her off you thought that you were needing to get your affairs together because you had a scare tactic from hell medically speaking but the Lord said I am the God of the tumor I am the god of the growth I am the God of the pressure and what I've done is given you another chance so you can obey me and give me the right answer the preaching of the gospel it's coming out of your life in your story and the devil you saw before you will never ever see again cancer you can't have her live live disease death you will not have the pie of car it is so that's what I'm talking about it covers people do you need a place to put your Hertz need a place to put your pain a place to put your question this make sense to you one deal with you about mama tree the sweet of God is going to reverse 48 months of trauma and you Satan had tried to wrap you up in a toxic relationship I mean one that was so hostile to your faith and hostile to even your academic career and it was trying to keep you in the same but what the Lord did was he disrupted this because you made this in depression actually and when God settled your emotions you could see clearly you but there is a brand-new test coming to you and this it's specifically in the area of your career watch and see that God is going to awaken a new passion and put to death and give you the opportunity to pursue something that you only tree you will watch and see as you come into an hair and you will watch it you will watch and see his opportunity to travel to see your cousins becomes extraordinarily evangelistic they will turn their heart away from Mary to the God of your salvation she's promised for you through them dreams and visions is fulfilled and this is because of your prayer life I'm looking at you honest on the side of a twin-size bed cry out to God and God says I've not neglected or overheard any prayer ELISA you and you're going to know what is to be heard in heaven father heal that relationship right now that daughter that mother relationship healing and bring peace to it in the name of Jesus and help her never again to regret her deliverance by the power of the Holy Ghost come up with those hands together for the Lord right now oh come on put those hands together for Jesus [Music] that's what we do we cut cords we speak live over people we give up we give people the opportunity to have perspective about what could end it's I have a word I'm going to share this at fire but one of the things the Lord spoke to me about the year was that he was cutting cords but they're going to be strange things that happen on Wall Street this year very uncommon economic shifts and trends are coming there is something happening with the anointing of business on this people and it's because the more self-sufficient you are as an entrepreneur or an innovator the greater your power to advance never works for broke people to try to people free God's got to empower you with influence and affluence to change your degree of impact ice it's the anointing for business coming upon this church in a massive way and it's going to be uncommon creative on for people who want to set free how many of you have ever known what it is to have an employer from Heil I don't think I've ever had a boss I liked all of them got a mother but what if you were a boss and I'm not talked about in the cultural sense but what if you had employment and working for you could change good light reset family stories instruction and so part of what God is doing this is going to be a season he's going to allow people see y'all are still trying to flank churches and prayer group God wants people to plant programs to open up creative resources for people to be released and change losses got behind LJ coming man [Music] what's your name there is such a unique the forces of darkness and Lionel going to get you an outcome but I heard the Lord say he's about to deal with the recruiter my god there is a thing in a coach he's trying to groom almost like it secret society and the Lord showed me the criminal mind and what the Lord's gonna do it and here you know you got to separate yourself soon because some voters going to jail one of them for critic Ross and the other one possession of drugs and stuff like that are not as good as you want vote to believe very sheltered but what the Lord is about to do is bring you into a deliverance process and it's going to make in everything you do your friends are going to change your teacher will change and you will find that you won't ever have to do anything that compromises your safety to make money it is so I'm going to tell you the plan of see Satan wanted you to drink some that had some stuff I literally where somebody wanted to put some in and recruit you into a lifestyle of slavery very specifically and God would not allow this thing to come to pass and be Satan was trying to make your mind snap so that you would have to live the rest of your life in the ownership Lord spared you for a very specific reason he spit and I want to do with these family hurts he knows exactly what's going on like when you were almost homeless and didn't have anywhere to go and live and found yourself roaming look like only Eastside and I heard God say to tell you never again will I allow you to be exposed in that way he's going to show you what it is not just to live but have life now that job interview that didn't work out right God says let you know I've got people in high places son and I'm going to cause another door to open up just for you and you're gonna start with the one position and you're gonna end up in another one that way next semester you can go back to school come on somebody put those hands together for the Lord come on put those hands together for Jesus together for Jesus that's who we are that's what we do we give people the opportunity to live it is father I magnify you let's just we're here if you are a current business owner just stand up wherever you are and I want you to lift them hands up father I declare over every the business owner in this room the opening to resource to clarity to fission to partnerships to connections I loose in this room but decree of the open heaven over over every business owner let this be the season of multiple births open up their mind and their insight my goodness even those that are about to go into franchising begin to show them how and where to connect and what to own in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth shift them economically shift them in their clarity and give them access for more than they could have ever imagined in the undefeated name of Jesus Christ let this be the year of the Divine Devil and let them experience what it is to go to a new level and to a new dimension because of your power and to work in them in Jesus think i'ma put those hands together for Jesus if you if you just recently there's a couple of people in here with a very strong attack on their nerve endings a nervous some condition please stand thank you lord one of you have like consistent like tingling in the arm and sensations where it feels like your arm is going to sleep just lift your hand I just feel God wanting to move into this father and the glorious name of Jesus I declared complete healing / everybody standing up right now from the top of their head to the sole of their feet in the glorious name of Jesus I pray that healing and restoration would occur and that every a traumatic experience on and in the body from the GI tract on up and around let them experience the fire of God to completely heal in the name of Jesus those that struggle to sleep and to get comfortable and have to take consistent tylenols and aspirins I pray in the name of Jesus Christ that you would reverse nerve damage thank you Lord three of you suffer because of a car accident in the name of Jesus we just curse the power of that event from hell those traumatic events on your body and I commend your energy to return to you now by faith in the name of Jesus I speak the word over you now command you by Jesus Christ's name to be completely healed from the top of your head to the sole of your feet in Jesus name come up with those hands together from the Lord
Channel: All Nations Chicago
Views: 24,662
Rating: 4.9053626 out of 5
Id: Igz2p2RPkqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 12sec (3492 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 20 2018
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