Installation Service of Reverend Prisgar Woods - Roxborough Revival Centre

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[Music] so [Music] do [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] do [Music] the establishment of pastor chris gowers as the new pastor of roxbury bible center installation services and at this time it's my privilege to hand over to reverend wayne kwashi who is the chairman of this afternoon's proceedings so it's over to you perfect question [Music] [Music] good evening to everyone and it's good for us to be here at the roxbury revival center you know for this installation service at this time i want to take the time to welcome to welcome you know in our service today the executive members and i want to at this time welcome our district bishop reverend knowles mccall ancestor helen mccall church ministries director we have christopher woods who is going to be you know the one installed at the church and today himself and his wife simone woods missions director and lauren greene and primura green district secretary van gaadlin chance reverend app reverend governor chance and robin [Music] and john chance district treasurer reverend david villarreal this is cindy guevara and assistant bishop yo chuli all right reverend dwayne kwashi and this time we want to just take the time to welcome you know our [Music] you know main person this evening reverend christopher woods all right we want to acknowledge him his wife and his children at this time so welcome sir welcome all right and also to welcome all of you who are here visiting and sharing this time with us this evening we thank god that we are here to really you know support and to encourage you know reverend krishna so this time as we prepare to continue we just want to welcome the relevant laundry at this time with commentary pleasant good evening to everyone maybe you'll stand as we open in prayer thank you hallelujah father we bless your name this evening and we give you all the glory all the praise and holy honor father for indeed there is none like you there is none that can be compared and so we worship your holy name father we bless you god for indeed you are god we bless you god because you love us and you care for us we bless you dear god father because you take care of our every need we bless you dear god because we can call on you oh god and expect an answer we bless you dear god because in all things oh god father in everything in every aspect in every area of our lives dear god we ought to give you praise and we ought to magnify your name and god indeed you have done a great thing and you are doing a great thing in this church in this work in our lives as individuals and father this evening as we gather for the time god when the pastor would be installed at this church oh god we commit the time into your hands in the name of jesus and we declare that it will be a well time it will be a blessed time in the name of jesus we declare this evening oh god that everything would run according to your plan in the name of jesus so god we welcome your holy spirit's presence hey god we know that you are with us and we welcome your presence dear god and we ask you in the name of jesus the director our god every area of our service this evening in the name of jesus may your holy ghost be manifest in and above us this evening in the name of jesus and we bless you even now for doing it in jesus mighty name amen and amen amen thank you lord okay at this time i just want to acknowledge you know former pastor of the stretch reverend michael cherry it's nice to have you with us [Music] all right and we want to also take time to welcome all your visiting pastors here with us this evening all right so we pray that you enjoy your time stand with us here also all right so at this time we just want to welcome you know our worship team that will take it from here right because we realize that we do not have much time it's only one hour we have and we have to be able to maximize it and we [Music] it is always a good day and a good time to give god praise amen we serve a faithful god we serve an excellent god and today at night this evening we want to give him some praise you are who you are yesterday today and forevermore and what you say is what you do [Music] you never fail you never change you are faithful to the end of god i worship [Music] me [Music] me in my life [Music] today is [Music] oh [Music] until [Music] is [Music] my me in my life [Music] [Music] me [Music] my come to me [Music] too hallelujah to fail me in you i know who i am i know who i am in you jesus and you're too faithful to give up on me in the middle of it you're too faithful to give up on so i asked myself what shall i render to jehovah for he has done so very much for me what shall i render to jehovah oh for he has done so very much for me [Music] [Music] oh foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Music] what shall [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] take one more time [Music] [Applause] [Music] we just wanted to declare that a life given to god is a life well given a life given to god is a life i give myself away i give myself away so you [Music] i give myself me [Music] me [Music] [Applause] [Music] me [Music] is [Music] is [Applause] [Music] myself [Music] [Music] me [Music] myself [Music] [Applause] [Music] give me [Music] me [Music] yes [Music] [Applause] [Music] i give myself to you [Music] thank you [Music] all right so we thank god for this wonderful occasion all right it's a beautiful setting and we bless god for all the hard work you know that you would have put in to welcome your pastor this evening so this time we want to go straight into the installation ceremony [Music] praise the lord district executive members right district bishop of the nola smoke having followed all the guidelines as her constitution and by law of pawi pertaining to the procedure for appointment of a suitable candidate to fill a vacant pass rate of a dependent assembly and whereas the district executive would have embarked and fulfilled the procedural requirements and whereas it was unanimously agreed by the district executive and endorsed by the church board that reverend chris awards is the suitable candidate to fill the vacant passat at the roxboro revival center as pastor i take this opportunity to present him before you and the congregation to administer the church to commission him to god and officially declare him as a pastor of the rockstar revival center on this day sunday 3rd october in the year of oh lord 2021 mr knows my call the privilege is mine to now present to you the pastor appointed reverend prisca wolves to be installed as a pastor of the rock school revival center thank you very much for watching to join us praise the lord good afternoon 30 minutes before 6. greetings in the name of jesus somebody say praise the lord you are very quiet i wonder if we are still a very cautious people wait god and say the lord is my light the lord is my salvation the lord is the strength of my life [Applause] thank you jesus thank you jesus thank you jesus we are gathered here this evening or this afternoon in the sight of god and in your company to conduct this simple but very important exercise which is based in scripture ephesians chapter 4 11 12 reads and he gave some apostles and some prophets and some evangelists and some pastors and some teachers for the perfecting of the saints for the work of the ministry for the defying of the body of christ we also read in the book of acts chapter 13 verses one to three we are the church in anthea after the holy spirit has spoken and given specific instructions to the apostles barnabas and saul concerning the work that he had called them to do how that the apostles after much prayer laid their hands upon them and commissioned them the scriptures repeat with such influences and on the currencies of individuals answering god's call to the ministry this evening is no exception but it's a continuation of that self-practice of commissioning and we have come to conduct and to witness the installation ceremony forever praised the words as the pastor of the revival center eric woods my duty is to charge you to commission you to this awesome task to which god has really called you woods having made yourself available to god and in obedience to the holy spirit's leading which has brought you to this junction here this evening where you're about to assume the mantle of leadership of the roxbury revival center do you wholeheartedly embrace this as of god and conscientiously enter into the pastorate of the roxborough revival center we don't fear reservation or intimidation yes yes i will i charge you in the presence of the lord jesus christ that you seek at all times to be yourself remain original god called you to lead his people at this season therefore i call upon you to spend time with him live in his presence so that you can communicate and minister under the anointing of the holy spirit do you intend to abide and practice doing this during the antenna at the roxborough revival center yes i would i charge you to be faithful to the lord who saved you and would have called you by his grace wherein you now stand that you as a true servant one that you live a life above reproach being an example to the floor take it to yourself and to the ministry that you have received in the lord to fulfill it because on that day you will have to answer to almighty god by giving an account of your structure do you so conclude yes i will i further challenge you before god and the lord jesus christ on this company that you preach the word the insulting season amount of season be prepared whether the time is favorable or not patiently correct rebuke encourage the saints with all of long suffering and with some biblical teaching you are not eternalize this awesome responsibility do you faithfully promise to discharge yourself yes by god's grace i charge you as a husband that you love your wife simone sweeter scared as she is more than just a companion in ministry but an extension of yourself place a very critical and vital role in your life which no other human can fulfill do you succumb most certainly i charge you that we emphasize the pentecostal distinctives by preaching and encouraging the baptism of the holy spirit with the initial evidence of speaking in other tongues and that your whole adoption statement of faith of the pentecostal assembly of the west indies known as referred to as what we believe you will do so concur yes i am as under shepherd you have to care for the sheep pray for and with them their needs are unique it is said people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care win the loss do the work of our evangelists their souls to be saved i know i find the members of the church court to please stand you are to be working in close conjunction i don't rather phrases up here with the pastor your will your role is just as critical as he is i'm charging to be considerate of the temporal comfort and support of your pastor the reverend prince of the woods and his family you are exalted in the word to obey them which have the rule over you and to submit yourselves for the watch over your souls as they must give an account as the board of the roxboro revival center do you intend to abide by this biblical principle principle and do you pledge to wholeheartedly support your pastor yes and thy god's grace he will thank you very much you may be seeing reverend woods reverend priscilla vista let me give you your full name words how many therefore answering the affirmative i bishop knows my call by the authority investing in me god's word accordance with the constitution constitutional bylaws of the pentecostal assemblies of the west indies along with the members of this district executive we now hereby proceed to anoint them to commission you to the work that almighty god has called you to at the rockstar revival center please step before me i ask your wife simone to join us members of the executive district executive also join me the congregation will please stop my question my sister bishop the seeds this is the commissioning exercise eternal father in the precious name of your son jesus christ of nazareth behold your presence thank you for life thanking you god for this opportunity when this work was established in 67 you would have seen this afternoon into the evening exercise nothing happens by chance in the kingdom of almighty god we are here this afternoon to commission this young man and his wife to the world that we have called them to it is their season at this time at the roxborough revival center i pray o god as they enter into your season that your hand will be upon them i pray o god in the name of jesus that the anointing of the holy spirit will rest my till upon them we are releasing them this evening in jesus name to do the work that you have called them to do lord they will hear from you they will receive from you and as they hear and as they receive they will be able to deliver from you to the people in the name of jesus christ of nazareth lord in this day of itching years and in the mirage of so many our designations and titles where it seems that men are juggling and just looking for positions and pray oh god that he will know what it is to wait in your presence hallelujah oh god there are so many rooms but lord god there is no one and there is nothing rather can really replace the upper room that will spend time in his presence hallelujah as long as you sire sought the lord you made his way prosperous and i pray o god that his journey here in roxbury will be a prosperous journey in the name of jesus christ of nazareth it will be a fruitful journey hallelujah lord god you'll be able to take the church to the next dimension and next level in the name of jesus christ of nazareth i pray oh god a special anointing i pray for rich anointing i pray for a new anointing upon his life in jesus name we are releasing him oh god in the name of the father of the son and of the holy spirit we send you forth here in the name of jesus shall work the works of almighty god hallelujah souls will be saved in the name of jesus christ of nazareth the young people will be filled with the spirit speaking in tongues in the name of jesus call will answer the call of god to full-time ministry in the name of jesus christ of nazareth this church will rise to be a beacon this church will rise to be a lighthouse here in the community for your honor and for the glory of almighty god no weapon form against them shall prosper in the name of jesus the tongues that shall rise against them in church we condemn them in the name of jesus hallelujah hallelujah we thank you lord god we know that you have become the world and that which you have become lord god you're gonna continue to tweet in jesus name so lord god today lord god we pray hallelujah as we release our brother we release him with fire we release it with anointed releasing with future we release him with strength in the name of jesus what the hallelujah has called him to do in jesus name touch his wife in the name of jesus as she stands alongside him in jesus name bless her bless the children we commit their lives into your hand and we thank you god and this family hallelujah the young men as their word as their labor here in eating in rock school that the power of the almighty god and there will be upon their lives we thank right in the name of jesus we say go forth in the name of the father of the soul of the holy spirit in jesus name the lord bless you and keep you the lord lift up his countenance the lord be gracious unto you grant unto your peace in jesus precious name [Music] [Applause] [Music] members of the rewards for revivals and other visited ministers hallelujah the privilege is mine the honor is mine everything that is good is mine good intentions we want to at this point in time i take this opportunity to present to you your pastor of [Applause] may god bless you god bless you sir praise the lord thank you jesus amen praise the lord come on judgment stand me amen lift your hands hallelujah give god a little praise hallelujah take two minutes of my time and bless the lord with me let us exalt his name together lord your word lord your word come on we're in church today lord we give you praise hallelujah our duty and our task is when we are gathered in the house of the lord to ensure that we minister unto god and so god will give you praise you are the beginning of the ending you are the first and the last you are the alpha and the america and we give you prayers today we give you praise today my god we give you praise we give you thanks we gave your honor you may have your seats tonight amen praise the lord let me take this opportunity at this time to really thank god amen it has been a journey and i really want to thank god a journey must have a beginning and it must has an end amen my journey began so many years ago amen i'm thankful for my mother she's in our midst today amen a woman who prayed for me come on put your hands together amen pray for me nurture me praise the lord i'm also thankful for the rock that god put by my side my age my lovely wife simone charles woods amen praise the lord and three beautiful children joshua jesseron and janae amen god is indeed a good god i am also thankful for the maranata family amen hallelujah this is an emotional moment for me because hallelujah there are some things i remember from our late bishop now amen he says when you do things right the first time you do not have to make serious adjustments after amen those things another stuff to stare with me i can still hear men like bruh culture amen encouraging me that you are the future amen hallelujah don't monkey around with your christian living those are the things that hallelujah wove my life to what it's called to be amen and i give god thanks not only for brother cuddle but by the david's hallelujah brother toby amen mom's in our presence today amen hallelujah the manatee family i give credit to pastor roberts amen teaching us how to love and appreciate people put your hands together for her amen and amen god is indeed a wonderful god hallelujah young god hallelujah for a lot of people in america how do you see my siblings and all this my heart and your loving sister-in-law sonia charles samson and a wonderful husband amen i see also my sister mauricio was amen quiet but unassuming that she's a very powerful young lady i want to thank god for a reverend hallelujah david guevara and his wonderful wife cindy gavarra put your hands together for them hallelujah amen teaching us how to be simple hallelujah and still love god when i came into rochester it was a task but one of the things i remember pastor arthur when he asked me how did to assume this responsibility i always remember some things he would share with us when you're going to the presence of god it was caught hallelujah when you're going to the presence of god it must count and bishop i am thankful for those models and those examples bible school was also a challenge hallelujah but i got good friend hallelujah in the person of reverend peter we come a wonderful wife amen he stood with me in bible school him and along the road but god still planned people who would look after me and counsel and give encouragement amen praise god i'm thankful for people like apostle division amen put your hands together for him hallelujah sit for the powerful man of god we thank god for you hallelujah praise the name of jesus i can go on and on but i will forget hallelujah a lot of things but i am so thankful for this present executive led by our bishop today amen hallelujah i thought these stars would never end but today hallelujah you'll come good on your promise come on put your hands together for the bishop and the entire executive this afternoon in the name of jesus arrest must start well and it must also end well let me have you take a few moments to tell us something that the lord jesus christ wants the entire church and out to end i'm thankful for the board and i almost forget this young man elder victor fraser taking some good punches but still dutiful amen come on put your hands together for him and the entire world their receiving open arms i'm also humbled by the presence of michael jeremy's come on this is not the first time it's not the second time he has come and paid his visit i'm humbled by the presence of and all the pastors in the surrounding area that is here today i bless you preston god bless you pastor june god bless you amen pastor hero and your wonderful wife god bless you amen my sister patricia god bless you amen god bless you amen praise the lord and race must begin well but it must also end well and this is my final submission today amen as i looked at the book of revelation there are some things that stayed with me as god tried to beckon the church to finish the race revelation 2 and 7 says to him that overcome will i give to eden of the tree of life which is in the midst of the paradise of god he that overcomes shall not be heard with the second dead to him that overcome what i give to eat of the hidden matter i will give him a white stone and in the stone and you name written which no man lord saving he that receiveth it and he that overcome and keeping my works until the end to him i will get power over the nations and he shall rule them with a rod of iron and i shall give him the mourning star he that overcome the same shall be called in white raymond and i will not brought out his name out of the book of life but i will confess his name before my father and before his throne that is why i want to finish this race and i want to take as many of you with me to finish the rest to him that overcome it will i make a pillar in the temple of my god he shall go no more out and i will write upon him the name of my god and the name of the city of my god which is the new jerusalem which cometh out of heaven from my god and i will write upon him my new name to him that overcome i will come to sit with me in my throat even as also i am come and i am sat down with my father in his throne i want to invite my beautiful wife to come amen praise the lord i just want you to sing this song welcome to mosiah praise the lord now i'm standing in the presence in the presence of the king and i hear amongst you the voices as all creations sing now they're watching from the grandstand this mighty man above as the final curtain rises and redemption [Music] [Music] [Music] glory to his name [Music] [Applause] assembly to the church of the firstborn all those registered in heaven and to god the judge of all when i see abraham and moses with jesus lord of all joining with the angel's voice [Music] how can you me [Music] singing glory to you [Music] our god [Music] [Music] yes [Music] the lord [Music] hallelujah hallelujah [Music] yes [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Laughter] my god [Music] yes [Music] [Music] [Music] finish [Music] [Applause] [Music] praise the privilege is mine to now present to you as the chief constitution of the roxboro revival center the peace to the property of this [Music] this [Applause] in order to come and welcome you on behalf of the church praise god christopher woods on behalf of the roxbury liberal center congregation board and members we welcome you into this family as our pastor [Applause] praise the lord join me standing amen god bless you let me see i accept and i by god grace i will fulfill this word amen [Music] praise the lord [Music] all right i think let's put our hands together for the lord all right it's been a wonderful evening and we thank god for all that he has done and i believe before you know i call you know for both of those i realize that there are some gifts okay to be given out i don't know he's responsible for the gifts you can have your seat good afternoon good evening again the pleasure falls on me to say thank you you know normally we would say thank you to god last but i say thank god first because god has done everything well and we're thankful for this evening god is good thank you to the district executive thank you for your presence and in this process we thank you so much we say thank you to all visiting ministers by your presence here we know we have your support thank you to those that were visiting especially invited to the board and members of the roxborough revival center thank you thank you thank you we say thanks to everyone that is here your presence means a lot to us and even as we go we pray that god will pour out continue to put a blessing out upon you all your hard work those that have put into the sanctuary looking so beautiful thank you so very much you did an awesome job you cannot agree on that but in all things it is always good to give god thanks and with that i pray that i'm praying that all everyone [Music] thank you thank you thank you all right this is also my task as well to call on members of the um body who have um some gifts for our pastor and his family and the district yes i'm calling on the district executive secretary reverend garten after chance to make a presentation [Music] past the prisoner now we we want to make sure that they get the picture so could you come on my family of god good evening indeed it's a pleasure for me to have the privilege of presenting to you this token of all love and appreciation on behalf of the power tobago district executive well you know that we love you and we know that you are going to do a good work with the help of god amen i want to assure you that this gift that we have given you oh that we are giving you now that it will facilitate the enhancement of your stewardship in this new vineyard i also want to take the opportunity to welcome you to what we refer to as the country because i'm a country girl and because we are going to be in the same zone formally now we welcome you the pastors in the east say welcome reverend priscilla enjoy [Applause] in the interest of time because we rush the time once you have a gift on the table please come forward so that we can make that quick presentation thank you and this is from the board of the oxford revival center excuse me [Music] pastor on behalf of the board and the finance committee we want to present this to you um i want to say to you that in this gift you know you will see different things in this game and i want to tell you that as the things that inside name one thing i wanted i don't want to expose it too much the thing that inside the name wanted but it's different and so we here we are bragging but we are different just like you use this thing for different occasions no all of us you know who to use for different things all right god bless you thank you so much it is worth two minutes please for you i know you this is your very very joyous occasion for you all but we are running a time consuming time control please be very very grateful thank you good afternoon everybody on behalf of the women's ministry i'd like to present you with this small token of our love and appreciation i hope that you enjoy everything that is that is in here and i hope that we'll have a great future together [Applause] um [Music] yes we want to say god bless you all and we are grateful to [Music] [Applause] sorry on behalf of sister canal [Music] [Applause] this is a junior from the christian education department this gift this is from youth alive you so much as well [Music] our cameraman mr phillips right for rendering service you know this evening all right so we just want to welcome rebecca this time to live good evening and it's always difficult to have to wrap this sort of occasions in one hour but such is what we have to do again let me take this moment to say a hearty congratulations to reverend physical words simone and the family and congratulations to all of you for the journey that god has taken you on we look forward with great anticipation to the future stand with me please just lift your hands in 30 seconds and give god praise father god we worship you we bless your name because you are god sovereign lord worthy worthy worthy there is no other name god and we worship you we worship you bless your people today god lord we commit them into your hands in the name of jesus and in the words of paul the apostle finally brethren farewell become complete be of good comfort be of one mind live in peace and the god of love and peace will be with you the grace of the lord jesus christ and the love of god the communion of the holy spirit be with you all now to the king eternal immortal invisible to god who alone is wise be honor and glory forever and ever and everybody says amen god bless you so much [Music] [Music] do [Music] you
Channel: Magnificent Productionz
Views: 2,468
Rating: 4.6666665 out of 5
Id: 18AQ0jCZM9Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 48sec (4488 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 03 2021
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