Apple Store Facebook Prank

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Apple uh yeah hey hey how you doing uh I came into the store today and I was using the uh the display laptops and unfortunately I guess I I happened to to leave my Facebook logged in on one of the machines oh okay which which one I I'll I'll see to it it get closed out oh that's the thing man I mean me and my friends we came in we were looking at all the different kind of computers we got the IMX the MacBook Pros the airs you know and yeah and I'm getting phone calls right now I don't got internet at home but you know me and all my friends are call me be like yo man why' you post that status up there like what's wrong with you like like like I second ago somebody somebody post I like penis I'm not I'm not even playing so it's like it's really awkward for me me and my homies you know what I'm saying I mean my name on Facebook is thug my name is Tyrone thug nasty bigles you know what I'm saying so I'm I'm I'm chilling at home getting phone calls saying hey yo man you getting weird status updates what's happening so I'm I'm I'm freaking out man so I really appreciate it if you could just hippity hop over to the to the MacBooks and see if you could if you could figure out what's happening because I I don't know what to do man I'll do my best I'll take a look around all the computers and I I'll make sure it's closed out well c c c can can you put me on hold or something and go see yeah if if if you're comfortable with that I'll do that for you hold on just one second okay all Hello uh yeah hello hi I wasn't able to find it um it I I'm I didn't I looked through all the computers we didn't very many out there um and it seems like whoever did it logged out at this point but I'm I that's the best I can do for you I I can't be sure wait wait wait you you said you seem to have found it because my friend just texted me like four like four about four minutes ago as I was on ho he said somebody updated the status again so I I'm sorry I can't find it out there what I recommend you doing is getting to a computer and changing your password because I can find it out there and I you just told me you found it though what no I didn't say I said I said I looked out there and I couldn't seem to find it it seems like whoever of all the computers I checked it seems like whoever was logged on Facebook had logged off at this point well I'm well I was talking to my it friend he told me if you could ask Apple to to something about cookies can you ask him to to to to delete the cookies or something right so I don't know something about something about cookies so I don't know I don't know talking about the food or like some internet termines or some [ __ ] but I don't know about it you oh I I can I can I can do our we'll do our very best to make sure it's all set but I really recommend you changing your getting to another computer as soon as possible your I'm trying man I'm just locked at home I don't got internet right now so I mean can you call the goddamn Cookie Monster or something help have him eat up the cookies man I'm freaking out dog somebody just updated my status and said this penis shirt is scrumptious I'm so I'm sorry s I'm doing the best I can but I can't how you gonna do put yourself in my position man my name is thug nasty on Facebook I'm updating my status about penis I'm sorry I I I'll look around again but I I'm not finding anything out here I'm doing my best did you did you actually do your best d sir I'm sorry this is the best I can do I I'll I'll have all the computers be reset I'll I'll have all the history beist that's the best I can do I'm trying you know I'm talking to you giggling right now in my mind part of me thinks man maybe this maybe this is the guy who's updated my status man you you you you [ __ ] with my [ __ ] no I'm I'm I'm in the back sir I'm not I'm not out there can can you transfer me to somebody who can hit up the Cookie Monster or have the cookies deleted okay give me one second let me let me talk to somebody all right thank you hello uh yeah yeah I I I we're going to reset all the we're going to reset all the cookies on the computer but again that's pretty much all we can do are you sure hey for real dog cuz I mean I don't think you know this the severity of all this for me man because me me and my me and my people I'm I'm getting my phone's blowing up right now apparently my my relationship status just turned to single I'm freaking the [ __ ] out right now I don't know what to do you know what I'm saying I'm I'm losing people I had 131 friends now I got 127 I'm losing friends left and right cuz people be updating my status I don't know what to do though I'm about to poo my goddamn pants I just I I just recommend getting to a computer store immediately and changing your password if it doesn't work but this is all we can do at this point I would try I'm trying to get that right now man I'm in a wheelchair I don't know how I'm supposed to roll my ass over to the library or something yo or maybe maybe get a friend of yours that you trust to do it I'm not really sure I'm sorry this is just the best we can do over here there's not else we can do so you you you pinky swear my ass so you went on the computers you check the cookies right you hit up and I will do it again if you want me to all right that's all we can do all right I'll wait on ho go ahead let me know when you get back okay give me one second hello uh yeah hello hello yeah hi I checked every single computer and all the Facebook things are logged out so that's the best thing I can do for you right now they all logged out right now man cuz man this is I checked every single one of them personally they're all logged out I'm sorry this the best I can do for you my friends are going down man my I lo I'm single now on face Facebook man all all the people be hitting me up saying things man I don't know what to do man I went I went from 127 to 125 and a half friends I don't know what the hell's going on man it's one of them I'm sorry sir this is the best I can this is the best I can do I looked at every single computer myself personally there's nothing there's nothing else I can do I'm sorry you have to find a computer and change your password did you eat the cookies yes I I I I wiped everything so they they not a single computer log in the Facebook right now because people on like talking to people I don't know what's what about the people looking at the computer what about the customers looking at it right now anybody who's on a computer and is on Facebook they're on their own Facebook how do you know it's on their own dog they're looking on another Facebook page how you gonna tell me that because their names are on there how do you so you know everybody's name in the store right now dog how you I am I am positive every computer we have is not logged into your Facebook I checked every single one of them including the ones customers was on did you look up the Ty Reese bams yes there was no no one no Facebook logged in under your name so what about these cookies somebody told me about some cookies y'all got a C I don't no I'm sorry uh I restarted everything you're going to have to change your password if someone's still messing with you I'm try how am I supposed if I give you my login will you log in for me right quick I'm sorry I can't do that I can't handle personal information do do it's just a password my password's fish123 D ain't nothing too personal it's sir I'm sorry but this is the best I can do I can't do anything else for you man you're hurting me right now I'm losing friends left and right man my status updates are going out right now the people in the hood think I'm I'm I'm doing homosexuality and stuff man I don't know what to do D I'm sorry man this is the best I can do I don't know what to do either all right all right hop on Facebook right quick I'll give you my email you can log in for me right quick I'm not I'm not gonna I can't do that sir I'm not handling your personal information dog come on man be a pal man come on I would I would do it for you Billy I'm sorry it's I can't handle personal information I can't I you ain't gonna get fired Billy I'm about to call I'mma call that I'mma call that man what's his name jobs I'mma call him be like yo man I talked to Billy Billy help me out man I'mma get your ass a [ __ ] promotion all all right I'm I'm sorry not I I can't do it I'mma do I'm I'm I'mma put in a good word for you homeboy I'mma make you the the the floor the floor man of J or something D I'm G get you a I'm G get you upgraded you gonna work in the engine manuring Department man you gonna get paid mad dollars man you gonna give you free review un you gonna get all you gonna have the perks the perks I'm sorry sir I can't do anything about it I I'm not changing my answer I can't do it I cannot handle personal information I'm I'll roll over there in my wheelchair afterwards and bring you over like some dinner or something I'll take you out to Popeyes we'll get a threepiece me and you side by side say sorry sir I can't do it how you come on dog you you killing me right now man I'm trying to be your your friend I'm sorry I can't handle personal information over the pH I believe in you dog you ain't you Ain a a what's the word aerate you ain't you ain't like that right you ain't stupid come on I'm get I'mma give you my my email letter by letter right I'mma give you my hippity password you gonna look at it log in and change and change my login dog make it make it I love Apple 20 11 I don't care listen sir the best I can do is hand if you want to speak to a manager you can speak to a manager but there's nothing else we can do for you oh come on man can you just be my friend dog I can't do it sir I'm I'mma get your ass a promotion baby I'm I'm I'mma tell I'mma say some good things about you dog come on man if you want to speak to a manager you can if not I'm gonna have to I'm gonna have to say goodbye I don't want to lose my friends man I only 125 right now man I work my ass off to make those friends you know how hard it is to make friends on a wheelchair I'm sorry I'm sorry sir I can't do anything else man man I can't roll my ass over to the park man I can't do nothing I'm I'm sorry you want to speak to a manager or are we G have to say goodbye I'm sorry this is all I can do y man I'm I'm I'mma put in a good word for you homie come on man I Pro I promise sir I I got I got a couple other phone calls I got to take them I'm sorry this is all I can do can you check the cookies one more time man come on DG I I'll do it but I have to hang up on you right now man how you going to do me like that baby come on man just I'm sorry sir I got to go good luck I I'll I'll clear the computers out again but this the best I can do okay I love your ass man come on man show me some love man I'm sorry sir I'll talk to you later do you love me hello I am the most annoying [ __ ] person of the F hello hey guys I also put up a really funny new prank this week on my second channel uh click the link on the screen or in the description to check it out and thanks again for watching my videos and sharing them with your friends until next time peace
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 2,691,887
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, apple, store, prank, retail, funny, comedy, ownage, pranks, improv, phone, accent, facebook, ownage pranks, iphone, macbook pro, macbook, apple computer, funny videos, funny video, apple customer support
Id: cWJtl2xGO48
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 34sec (574 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 02 2011
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