CRAZY Walmart Movie Return Prank - Ownage Pranks

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Walmart How Can I Help You? Yeah Can You Transfer Me To The Mooooooovie Department? The What? I Watching Da Mooovie. Ummm. Really Sorry, I Can' Understand What You're Saying. It's Okay, I Try To Extend It A Little Bit For You To Give You A Chance To Understand Me. So Yeah I want to the talk to thedepartment for tha mooooooooovie I watch the moooooooovie Oh you want electronics Yeah I think do you think thats the right department for the moooovies Yeah the movies.... They're in electronics area Yeah yeah that's right But not the movie the mooooooooovies right Isn't that how you say it? it somebody tell me you have to extend it or something like that but can you just say that they can be so I know you're saying it like to see a movie hello Chris and around get some work for you and I love but just sitting for us just say move like a cow can I help you yeah I just wanted to talk to the movie department i don't know what this is the billion dollar movie department if how can we help I ok thanks oh my return yeah Hera what's popping my brother how you doing re yes so I come in there to buy the memory alive by the dark at night by getting my favorite movie on the blu-ray this King right so i watch the movie but then I realizing that once i get to the interrogation scene your lower the Batman the Joker whatever right you can see the camera guy in the scene you know so they didn't fuck up with editing anybody upset me a little hurt my feelings so I want to come there to get my refund yeah girl we doing here could be be able to refinance when you're talking about loads lately we're at the Parker care about that mark charming yeah but what is your name one more time I mind electronic yeah and you have to work very well i will get what you need let me let me you have no idea of what the question I say whatever what is name your mother fucka hello mr electronic can help you yeah I didn't get your name what is your name again our unique have preferred that says but it would really low so what is your name is what I'm not know I know it not being right now are you telling you that i use customer favorite what is your name I'm gonna put your whore cutter cut your attack hello thank you for calling walmart yeah hello can you tell me what the guys name is in the electronics department trees I'm not become more therapy that I can't believe who you know how do you care yeah I can't leave my department I'm now it is it's hard out there for a pimp my ride hard out there for a pimp yeah isn't that what they say hello there yeah I i try to make it you're laughing but that's why i say the joke i'm making a joke about the pimping and oh yeah and yelling get me out what yeah okay so yeah how do i can find out what his name is what's the best way to find out how on ok tank which one yeah hello how you doing man all right yeah I'm doing really good too thanks for asking what is your name going yeah you see I talked to some guy who make an asshole behavior to me i don't think it was your James you sound like a nice cool guy right like a hip-hop style rights but the other guy he's a douche bag so what do I do about that you know where your primary but tell me if I come in there to fight him will you at least record in case i can put it on the world star hiphop office no going to vary but look all I need you to do is to just sit in the background right i will start to fight right i put on my karate outfit and then you just screaming in background what start right and then you'll only make a pit movie are currently we're okay but I want to find out who is the asshole guy who fuck with me who do I talk to about it your head I would remember many ok can you transfer me there are 10 or 20 round I was on the phone for electronic department how to fuck you like it here don't understand hello hunger can help you you know I don't even know where to start i'm starting to go crazy i think so I you some loaded that can help me and is competent I'm sorry so I had a very shitty walmart experience i'm very unhappy okay i'm sorry i got more worried the problem that you had so once upon a time 45 minutes ago the proper my como it is the movie you know I might move with a recognized that has like an edit a mistake in the movie but when i find this out everybody upset me so I want to come in for the funding and then I get out around our all right everybody transform you had to move their transfer me up down left right at somebody yet but I knew what I knew to me know what do i do about that ok you heard you had her what the dr nut the back at nine no more low do you watch the betterment of Joe Carter they go into the interrogation scene they tried to do boomeritis had a good night we have everything I have a precipitous yes i have it okay if you have a repeated bring the items in question apartment but you see everybody tell me something different you know it's whatever to me because I talk to somebody they tell me all we cannot give to you because it's the movie right we cannot be a better funding on a movie but I said by the mistakes and the boys you have to make the exception for way and then they said no we don't do it and then everybody tell me something different i could have disrespected me you know so i want to think that film it ok what I want ok done tonight or I'll ok and preparing for my Mandarin to come yeah hello are you the asshole lady who hung up on my face hear me I said are you too asshole motherfucker who hung up on my face I guess it was but I'm okay mom so it was you what the hell is your problem why do you do that to me again you know I'm glad to make your car you just hung up on my piss mark can I direct your cock yeah you can select the deep inside your heart to give me sincere apology - what is your name was on it you don't need to know my night and beg for my privately no it's another the copyright and how can I direct your call i mean with one actually my life where you live what is your name how can I direct your huh is your leg motherfucker hello thank you for calling on where and how can i help you yeah hello could you tell me the name of the person who answers the telephone takes american speaking yeah it's a bug flew at the buckle ooh - right it's a buffalo what can I do for you book a little ooh ok there we go i like the way you talk so yeah you know I talked to the lady she wouldn't be very nice to me it definitely was not you it was the older brother created one there that's right next to you so you can you pass the telephone to her tanks older lady yes she's the only like a hundred my right all right but we will give me one second I want this you never get my name is Theresa ok Teresa a little all right can i call you that like we're related you want to call me career move yeah if you don't mind you know you can beat us a little i be - no and then we can call her bitch Lulu right because she hung up on my pace are no no we're we're not gonna call her arm that were we can make things better okay ya know but what else am I gonna call you look like she was doing the bitch behavior on the part of dr. get into one second all right what hello thank you , mark yeah hello just hurry solo home would you like to speak with her yeah but page in Teresa's Lou to talk to become a little please everything moon yet pardon what happened to you I'd be there for pretend to like me and be so friendly but then you put the phone away from your face and then like a dumb bitch you say what the fuck is wrong with him you like and hear everything before I do a part of dark for that but I have a lot of people that he's around me that wasn't me okay so which one said that you know how it was right this is not prison ok not going to get shanked later if you tell me that was you please don't play games you could come on you know who it was like you heard it I heard it and then I heard you just now say haha he had earlier um I told you have a wonderful evening ok ok thank you so much so that I'm are you want to be a bitch look at yourself right hello she's god I hope you guys enjoyed the craziness apparently most people at this walmart don't like keeping out their first names this prank was actually inspired by my buddies over a screen red we just made an awesome video about the 10 biggest blockbuster movie mistakes you didn't see it's super interesting to witness what made it past the editing process so i really think you guys will enjoy checking it out let me know your favorite part was in the comments section and hit that like button if you enjoyed the prank below you'll see the crazy new animation i recently uploaded and the super interesting video for my friends over at screen ramp so don't forget to check that out I'll see you subscribers on sunday with another new video he just wants a quick our borders just to make beast right like just everybody likes to be surprised by what you want an apology from school yeah just a quick one look at it real quick painless right like Thailand but with a smaller one hello
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 2,580,224
Rating: 4.8952699 out of 5
Keywords: ownagepranks, prank call, ownage pranks, prank, comedy, improv, voice acting, prank calls, movie, dark knight, the dark knight, return, customer service, asian accent, buk lau, Prank Walmart, walmart prank, walmart prank call, prank calling walmart, walmart prank phone call, prank phone calling walmart, returning movie prank, old movie prank, returns prank, returns prank call, prank calling return movie, prank phone call movie return, walmart movie return, prankging walmart
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 39sec (579 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2015
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