Escaped Convict vs. Bounty Hunter (Manhunt in the Woods)

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a viewer sent in a request to prank his aunt  who works as a bounty hunter bounty hunters   make their money by catching criminals who  don't show up to court and try to escape   from the law in general they have greater  authority to arrest than even the local   police so they do not mess around I called  her office as Billie and made them think   that I was an escaped convict that their  bounty hunters were after check this out you happier you're the bounty hunters right we  do do that yes okay well I heard between the   grapevine that y'all been you know looking for me  for one reason or another and I was just trying to   say you know what we can do to just have y'all not  do that anymore no if you fail to appear in court   then we have to pick you up but rules are made  to be broken right so guys yeah no they're not   because I get in trouble so I'm not gonna get in  trouble for that it was just a little bit of math   you know I don't need to get tackled and then  all these thing I don't want to go to jail for   bail yet it's just it is it's ridiculous you know  there's no need to flip my life's upset BAM I mean   we have money on the line for you so if you fail  to appear in court if I turn myself in and pay   y'all off would you let me go no okay so basically  I have to live my life on the run unless you want   to go and serve your time and do the right thing  well who would you want to go to jail you know   how bad it smells in jail have you ever taken this  front of strangers I am NOT gonna talk with that   about you talk with you about that Thursday I'm  just saying like you know how hard my butthole   clinches so hard when I'm in front of somebody  not a sinister idea government hello just call   her back like everything like three days hey there  man how you doing yeah well I actually I spoke to   you the other day right I've letha okay listen  ma'am but they're closing in on me and you know   it's it's really daunting and and not good for my  sake so I was hoping to see if y'all had some more   time to think about my offer and see if I could  match and you know on top of they offer y'all   15% just to kind of leave me the hell alone well  what's your name I can't go back to Lincoln County   I'm saying like what is your name sir they call  me wet Willie I don't know if that helps but like   just they have be on a first-name basis what's  your name sir if you're not gonna give your name   I can't help you okay first name wit last name  Willie no they're a real name if you pinky promise   me and give me your word maybe we can you know  proceed with being on a first-name basis I'm not   promising you anything give me your name so I can  either help you or not or don't call me again okay   you're not gonna triangulate this call right cuz  I'm out in the forest and I I borrowed my buddy's   prepaid phone and put a new SIM card in here yeah  can you send someone out to you Cove and we can   like negotiate from or something all right so you  got super quiet at the end once they heard the   location they sent out a team of bounty hunters to  find Billy they obviously couldn't catch them so I   called back a week later give me a second chance  and you know I I paid off that one bail bondsman   a thousand dollars I really hope he's not gonna do  me dirty and you know still try to come get me an   all-day yet so he said you paid off the bondsman  which one wait here's a bit more important context   the requester told me that they recently fired a  bounty hunter who was cutting deals with criminals   basically accepting bribes to leave those  criminals alone I'm gonna use this information   to make her think that I was one of the criminals  setting up these bribes I just can't keep running   away inside I don't want to go back to prison you  know it says it's gonna be real hard for me well   I don't know if he did onto the tape or he's a  big scruffy looking guy so I don't know like why   yeah yeah yeah anyways well point is I just want  to say I'm sorry for you know bugging awake and   stuff like that and I thank y'all for the second  chance at my second lease of life you know but   please it just like I said just me man and a woman  of your words okay well yeah he just told me he he   said he was some bail bonds and you know like  unless you think it was somebody pretending to   work for you but I thought y'all came full circle  on my proposal I have never heard of young no name   I've never heard you before oh okay well you can  call me a wet willy okay look about that name it's   my steam name online I play I'm playing League  of Legends and then it's it's it's called weigh   underscore Willy oh okay yeah yeah but hopefully  you know in a few years time whenever the statute   of limitations expires I'll come over there and  you know give y'all you know bring y'all like   a fruit basket or something like that if you're  still working there it might just take a little   while because I think it might be like five  ten years oh I also be here I don't know oh oh   no wonder you want to know well I hope he wasn't  taken you know money that was would have been in   your register oh we have never given you any money  for anything so I think you need to either tell us   your name get off the phone no no I grab I gave  him money I gave the Bounty Hunter but I've never   seen anybody out to collect money from anybody all  money is paid in the office I have never taken it   was on the table back somebody afraid is more they  have on them no I'm not saying you did it was one   of your bounty hunters it wasn't your weapon they  did is one that's been fired so yeah but like well   unless I tell you his name which I'm not gonna  do you don't know I can't help you well you help   yourself you can't help yourself either candidate  oh my god I think they totally believe this and   how annoying mustered me to think like one of my  employees and taking that money out of the table   she was gay yeah they're I wonder what the process  is like to become one of them bounty hunters if   y'all are hiring right now no not at this time I  know you're having maybe you're stocked up already   but you know I I'm selfie I'm sneaky I you know  I'm nimble light footed limber aerodynamic is   I'd love to all you know I for y'all know my  skills and kind of help y'all even on a trial   basis well I'm like I said unfortunately we're not  hiring or taking any applications for anybody I'm   sorry I got to do you remember me that I talked  to you a couple weeks ago I would remember you   if I had a name look please ma'am you can see  how skillful I am I've been hiding from you all   for three weeks now you know I just I'd love to  kind of show y'all you know what I can do and   come clean and hopefully we can turn a new leaf  together who is this again this is where Willie   I spoke to y'all a couple weeks ago where Willie  yeah yeah there was an issue I guess when y'all   had a bond out for me and I was dealing with you  know one of your bounty hunters and then I paid   him off kind of under the table and it's been like  a long arduous process and I I'm down to work for   free like I said you know I'll catch some bad guys  for a few weeks and I'll whoop some ass you know I   got I just say and then we can let bygones be  bygones what do you think about that yet well   we can't use any of your services they you could  call it out they might be an iron yo the closest   ones to catch me so I thought y'all were the best  and that's what I was saying you know I got away   from y'all for a few weeks and I thought I could  show you what I was doing at the same time yeah I   told you how aerodynamic I am right hey you got a  seat make you aerodynamic oh no it's just the way   you the fat hangs off my body I've noticed that  when I've been you know doing sprints back and   forth hearin in there my running time is quicker  you know you ever seen those BMW ads where the TV   commercial shows you like the wind going on the  outer skin of the car and it kind of rose that   way off around my body yeah yeah yeah yeah forgive  me if I'm selling myself too high you know I just   smoked a little meth and my imaginations run a  little wild on me yeah I guess that happened but   don't worry it's my last Bowl so I'm not gonna  be smoking no more after this hello why Randy   they caught me I had to tell you hey Mandy this  is Russell from ownage pranks I wanted just to   give you a shout I heard you know that the jig  is up and you are deal was just a prank call   huh oh no I know I am aware I was like what in the  world is going on about oh my god well I literally   wanted to call you just for a quick minute I hope  I didn't catch you at a bad time just to AI know   you guys must get swamped and busy over there so  I'm sorry for you know the several callbacks but   I also do hope that it was like a random and  funny enough to be kind of a cool memory for   you guys it actually was to be honest with you  I mean it's definitely something we're never   gonna forget and definitely think my neck you went  down oh my god yeah cuz I was just wondering I was   like I hope they don't say anything I wonder what  happened I actually was trying to call you at the   at work a couple times and I couldn't get a hold  yeah I just talked to Michael and he was laughing   me about it and that's why I was like frankart  so that's why I have to open it up with a very   very reminder of what happened yes back I really  wasn't serving because that was really weird tom   and when you started calling because we had just  let a guy go for stealing money and doing deals   under the table really weird when I mentioned  that side comment about get like settle yeah   you're like what was his name yeah then my sister  she was like I well whoever you're talking about   we are really weird of course thank you so much  for your time I appreciate it you take care now   unless you get ended off like laughing amazing  you know if I ever had to hide they would never   catch me I really am that limber and aerodynamic  if you enjoyed the video do me a favor and done   diddly doo da smash their like button down below  and remember to follow us on Instagram Antonis   pranks we got more goodies going up on there all  the time we'll see you subscribers again next week
Channel: Ownage Pranks
Views: 1,206,197
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Escaped Convict vs. Bounty Hunter, convict, Escaped Convict, Manhunt in the Woods, escaped convict prank, ownage pranks prank call, ownage pranks youtube, ownagepranks, bounty hunter, youtube ownage pranks, ownage pranks, the bounty hunter, Manhunt, the Woods, woods, escaped convict convinces cop jogger, escaped convict jimin ff, Prison Escapee, bounty hunter d, bounty hunter d cheater, bounty hunter d repo
Id: ZPKf8B4ESx8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 23sec (623 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 14 2018
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