Home Alone Games - JonTron

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Greensleeves - Chiptune version


👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/themunga 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies

Darude Echstorm

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/yagamison 📅︎︎ Jun 08 2017 🗫︎ replies
hey guys quick announcement before you watch the video this home alone video is going up a little bit earlier than it would I know it's a bit weird because we just launched the site but due to some odd circumstances the next two job drum videos are gonna go to youtube and Norwood's at the same time but when it gets to March again it's normal boots exclusive so for now [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hmm nothing like the smell of nog on Christmas Eve a shot that's racist this here I'm getting nuts every other year I play it safe not this year you get nuts hell yeah boy let's do this time to get dunce you feel me you feel me on this I've never really struck me before but I'm starting to think there might be a pretty big species divide between you and I have very very different interpretations on what getting nuts means now some grandmother's are known to be on the same level getting a roast another two for the holidays but this Russian that's nuts duty you're like no Jack I'll show you how to cook hmm you smell that smells like the Hamptons in January you [Music] oh it's Christmas come on Jack we got Christmas through you doona you doing right there you look good yeah all different McCully that you that's me I'm here to tell you it's not too late you still have a chance Jesus what happen your face doing all right did I mean honestly see anyone did abused you seem like a great guy had a bit of a corpse face John it's January 25th you slept for a month you slept through Christmas and starved your bird out all right Chronos if I'm expected to believe it's January 25th then why is my calendar safe December 25th Oh Domini yes my swordfish oh by the way I'm trying to help you here I'm gonna go ahead and ignore how hurtful that last statement was about the corpse space and help you undo this thing I should now I shouldn't but I'm gonna climb a good person I didn't do that much drugs and my dad stole my money the only way to bring your dead friend back is to find a good game from the home alone franchise which is there's a lot of them so good luck I need it please help me now I got a couple to treat pokies on me and a few people a car payments find the game please start your search for answers here home alone one on the NES you know how many hours of my life you wasted with it home alone a franchise based entirely off this space see this one's a classic didn't know what they were doing first one's got the face second one got away from the face yeah you can't get away from the face third one didn't have the face and that's why Jonathan Taylor Thomas said whoever the [ __ ] this is didn't have such a good time around number four they realized what they were doing wrong that the face bag got the face gone ratings skyrocketed but see the problem with this one they got Ernest in this one trying to do bring him back from the dead that's disrespectful five as this was the class the holiday high stuff of bad things it's beautiful this one's for the criterion collection they even got Malcolm McDowell I'm sure they walked up to a minute they have to do any explaining he said I'm Malcolm McDowell and I've worked the greatest I work with Kubrick I've been a clockwork orange' beat the [ __ ] out of my house he asked me if I'd do a holiday night would you ask me do you want the best caviar on the planet you know I asked you man a question like that get the [ __ ] out of my mansion the later home alone films were just cash ins on the series but the first two were actually really good films they were written by John Hughes directed by Chris Columbus would go on to make the first two Harry Potter films hilariously and guy only goes in twos and the music was composed by the one and only John Williams so naturally they made a bunch of games to capitalize on the height do any of them stand to capture the childlike and whimsical essence of the film's let's find out because apparently that's the first step to get my bird back according to the actor of the titular films Macaulay Culkin wears have pasty s Skeletor [ __ ] he getting his ectoplasm will make toothbrushes what a [ __ ] guy let's take a look at home alone one for the NES first what this game is made by Bethesda like Skyrim Bethesda yeah it actually is the same Bethesda that made Skyrim and fallout 3 made home alone one for the Ness weird in this game unsurprisingly you play is Kevin and wander around your house without parents I guess I mean come on you got to give him some credit that's pretty true to the film's core message ah look at this they got people walking by I didn't know they had AI street tech in the nineteen oh Jesus he's at my house okay so that's terrifying in the movies the villains are in it for the valuables but here they seem to be only interested in Kevin Ware's Chris Hansen and that suspiciously benign plate of cookies when you need them you know I don't want this cookie I just want to get to the feet come in just one second [Music] yeah that's just about right that's appropriate a boy is captured and will likely be found dead in the coming weeks and all you got his own no it's got a good message so the point of the game and I'm being generous here with that statement seems to be walk around pick up random objects and place them as traps to halt the kidnappers completely tell what's going on in this game you got stuff like spider toy car what's this potato did I just pick up a [ __ ] potato to stop robbers oh well there's the light bulb for it at least that's good now I can knock them out with my impressive science skills brings new home potato security are those are those nails why can't I pick these up there are real robbers in my house there are real hardened criminals in my house and about I'm pretty sure nails would be infinitely more useful than potato I see Michael Jackson made such a big impact on Macaulay Culkin they put the moonwalk in the game let's grab the spider cuz you know that's not completely terrifying or anything Oh should put down put that put down dog [Music] then I just rip up that robber with a spider and then do a moonwalk that's it this is the best game ever [Music] okay even though this is clearly just hmm one of the most sublime games ever created I'm gonna go ahead and try to nitpick a bit I think I'll start with what the hell is going on with anything the perspective is completely bonkers what's going on what's this what am i standing on is that my house is that another house across the street or is that a subterranean lair home alone well this is more akin to a mobius strip it's like a Klein bottle up in here he's better uh filling up with hot tar pouring all those pesky intruders if that wasn't enough for you and your entire lineage they also made home alone too lost in New York this musics given me a fever dream of Macaulay Culkin's goddamn gremlin head back get a nanny in memory of Tom hype poor bastard the last thing this guy worked on in his life all the things he did just funneled down the home alone too on the NES for his sake I hope it's better than home alone one I guess this is supposed to be Tim Curry's character given that he plays the concierge that's after Kevin in the movie hmm Tim you've been eating your vegetables you know look yourself literally at all so right off the bat this game is a lot better than the last one take that for what you will at least you're just dealing with left and right no the theoretical physics in this version but that doesn't mean they put much thought into it as you can see they've got into painstaking detail to recreate Kevin McCallister signature goiter humph you can almost smell the ointment I don't know what he put on boy let's not forget the real star of the show the fact that you can pull this [ __ ] and the platoon rescue presence again this game is cod and madness everything wants to kill you just for the street cred possessed luggage Frankenstein's monster bloody mops even witch's who's running this hotel the Adams family let me tell you in my experience only to cut old ladies to move like that retired Russian Olympians and ho inches you see right there that's a parabola now only wish to pull up a parabola of this nature I think this establishments got bigger problems on its hands than Kevin McCallister running around with a fake credit card the main point of this game seems to be to make a mad dash to the end of the level but when you get there the elevator doors are closed I don't know what to do you can get these what appear to be a necklace of pearls I guess we might as well try to take out some of the enemies with it maybe that'll lead us in the right direction BAM not well okay that didn't do anything okay I guess it's more of a trap than a projectile gotta use the old McAllister wits here come here Chubby Checker time to do a twist he just walked right over my beads like it was nothing yeah I hate this game it doesn't even let me have fun when I try this game automatically goes on my [ __ ] list because T's kill you what kind of sadism is this these are deeply rooted conventions man you don't mess with this stuff and this game came out way after things like Legend of Zelda all right they had time it turns out you're actually supposed to bang on the elevator button a bunch of times to get the elevator to come which I guess is about accurate I mean usually when you're trying to call an elevator you just do it like this is a video game though how was I supposed to know I had to wait for the elevator this isn't some experimental indie game it gave me no indication it was even coming let's move on to the SNES that's one of my favorite systems it's gotta be at home along game on man huh that's better already decent graphics and at least it plays like an actual video game whoa hold up look at that giant emerald ring on the dresser over there you could pawn that off and buy Kenya it's no wonder people are trying to rob this guy's house all the time okay first stuff up who who was this cartoon mobster here and why does no one care that he's in my house is he's just a weird family member is he my dad is it was my cousin my game dad also I'd just like to point out that this bowling ball placement is exquisite [Music] so basically the point of this fun kids SNES game is to run around and collect valuables from your house and then when you collect them deposit them into these safes which drop the items into a sex dungeon what is the significance of this is that a giant vault in their basement who has a giant vault in their basement I really have no idea why I'm supposed to do this I can't figure it out if you can't figure out how to play home alone one on the Smiths right away what it's bad its Bree do the game throne without redo the [ __ ] game also for some reason every item you deposit always turns into a candelabra was Liberace the executive producer for this game is something seriously why I'm picking up emerald rings sex of money but it always turns into my golden candelabra why does it always turn into a candelabra [Music] okay soos you're gonna tell me that a community of right minded adults made a game about a ten-year-old boy and then decided that the best course of action would be to have the game over screen be a naked picture of him let it be known that this is actually the only part of the movie where it touches his face and screams and that's what he's applying naked ly aftershave applying it Oh looks like they caught old Kevin after all his tricks and toy cars weren't enough to keep the fully grown robbers with more developed brains at bang [Music] is that a single good home loan thing after home alone to the movie exception of course set episode of five holiday heist highly regarded as the strikes back of the series of course certainly not the gameboy version it's really just the same thing as the SNES version with a few marked improvements that I'll go over right now but one thing when you shoot the mobster he turns into michael jackson moonwalker still got that bowling ball though that's how you know it's authentic maybe there's hope and home alone - for this next but probably not no hoping year probably ain't no hope for the life this is exactly the same game as the one for the NES but this one has much better JPEG you could tell by the fact that Tim Curry looks like he has less jaundice in this one but a fortunately they didn't find out how to make him look like Tim Curry yet oh my god I think they've literally just cut out Joe Pesci's head and pasted it on this cartoon body look at the clipping on the pea coat don't get me started on Daniel Stern hair it looks like he's trying to cork out a hard [ __ ] he's been brewing in his ass for a couple of weeks most everything here is the same bar the graphical upgrade except this lady's different also I think this bears tripping balls with that dog down there this is the face of someone who's seen some [ __ ] wait there is one more game the rarest game of them all only released in Europe for the PlayStation 2 and that's like 10 years newer than the SNES they must have figured out how to make a good home alone game by then I mean they [ __ ] up every other time you can only [ __ ] up so many times before someone finds you let's do this I gotta say my best friend oh yeah the 20th Century Fox logo you always know you're in for something good when you see that oh oh are you serious is it something that someone who calls himself a professional artist actually made and handed to their boss and the boss but yeah that looks good do that oh my god this isn't some sort of hat game this is a real game with real box art real money that was exchanged by real people to really [ __ ] own it on PlayStation 2 oh my god this looks like something you'd see at 11-year old post on deviantART look at this house now look at this house bordering the text I could literally make this in Photoshop in like two minutes tops good nah I'll do it I'll do it right now I did it I literally that I literally made the exact same thing with a mouse and zero experience in art don't you remember these iconic characters from the film Kelly Carl Carly my favorite scene with them was this one what is this what am i doing I'm alone but I'm not in the home I'm in some Botanical Garden oh so why is this taking place during summer did anyone on this and I use this phrase loosely team of developers watch the film before sitting down and making the game I know they had to put it together in one whole weekend but damn son that is some serious commitment to being unfaithful to your source material you spend more time in this game walking around locking doors and he do laying traps for the bad guys excuse me if you could turn the effects down in this game what effects this game has effects that you can turn off so basically you go around attempting to attack the two burglars with various things you find laying around my personal favorite is the spider because you just throw a [ __ ] spider at them you just throw another living being at their face I can't believe this is a real game it's no wonder they didn't release this game outside of Europe the boxart the I mean no exaggeration by this the box art is literally the best part about this game how did this happen no seriously how did this game happen it was released in 2006 that's like ten years after home alone was even relevant anymore why did anyone opt to make this game was there some sort of interdimensional being they had to keep it bay by making a new home loan game well I guess that's it I'll never see Jack again there's not a single redeemable game in this entire library where you say I can see clearly now the rain is gone come on come on I must have missed something I mean there was so many different competing companies back in the 90s that's it home alone for Sega Genesis well this may be one of the first times that the Sega versions of the game are better than their SNES counterparts but the home alone games on Sega are pretty sweet at least compared to the horror that I just witnessed tight graphics novel gameplay Kevin looks and controls just as you'd expect them to and you know what in the case of - this is a pretty accurate rendition of New York City as far as the Sega Genesis goes I found the collie wake up come on get out that stone corn should I host made it all that didn't I
Channel: JonTronShow
Views: 14,676,952
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jontron, Home Alone (Film), Nintendo Entertainment System (Computer), Super Nintendo Entertainment System (Computer), sega genesis, jontronshow, funny, game review
Id: PrUrQi3po8k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 13sec (1093 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 13 2014
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