Holy Remnant | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to the victory Church podcast we're so glad you could join us if this ministry has impacted you in any way we'd love to hear all about it please send us an email at share and victory Church ATO dot org we pray this message will speak to your heart if you are guest with us this morning this is welcome to victory if you're watching online welcome to victory this is week five of the series we're calling Yahweh a series in which I am doing what is very difficult to do and up and saying this every week as a disclaimer that in this series we are taking the beginning of this year to try our best to communicate about the holy character of God his very nature his very essence this series was born out of really this entire preaching Caledon this year and maybe maybe the rest of my preaching for the rest of my life if your guests have been born out of the nine-day trip my wife and I took to Israel and which God met me at the garden tomb and said some words to me about the condition of the church in America and gave me a charge at that garden tomb a charge that is now it has it has branded me mark me it has dictated this entire preaching calendar this year and as far as I'm concerned whether lsi Punk out [Music] we'll probably dictate my preaching for the rest of my life now today's message was not in this series because I'm preaching a text that has never preached and what I was supposed to preach this Sunday God told me to preach that next week you're gonna preach this this week and it makes no sense to me even up into this very moment the back half of our primary text no one preaches that yet God told me you will preach this or say nothing at all so if I could just grab the ears of some people in this room I will say if you're a preacher you need to listen to me this morning especially those who feel called to communicate God's message if anybody needs to listen this morning it should be you and for the rest of us who are constantly hearing sermons men god help us that we hear something this morning and so Holy Father in obedience to your Holy Spirit your word will be preached and let those who have eyes to see let them see and let those who have ears to hear let them hear what your spirit is saying to the church and for those watching to the churches the mighty name of the one before whom we all will give an account the Holy One of Israel the Lord God Almighty Yahweh Yahshua HaMashiach Lord God Almighty we pray and his matchless name Amen and amen and amen hallelujah hallelujah the other the other night I saw that my son's light was was on in his room and it was late and everybody else was sleeping and so I snuck upstairs and I pushed open Malachi's door to see what what he was doing hope because because he's a teen and I don't know what he's up there doing that late and we as parents need to not just expect our kids we'll always do right we need to be investigating their behavior and so I went up late and I pushed him open his door to see what he was doing and I saw his computer was on and I want to know see is he looking at porn is he watching something he's not supposed to be watching and I said Malachi is 2 in the morning what are you doing he said daddy I'm on YouTube I said watching what he said I'm in a debate room and I said about what what are you doing he said I'm debating people in this room about about social issues and about abortion about other things and and I'm and I'm trying to take a stand for what is right dad and I said to Malachi well what are you writing and he said well I'm writing that abortion is murder and that we shouldn't be doing that and we should respect the life of the unborn and and I said well who's saying what and he said they have unbelievers in here argue with me well they should but then he said Mandel people here who are Christians and even preachers in here arguing against me and he's a death I was hurt and I just begin to pulse and I was like the only one taking a stand in this little chat room and I stared at my 14 year old son I said nothing to him at all I closed his door and I wept on my way downstairs back to my room and I thought to myself my son 14 years old that has he been sitting here listening to these sermons his mouth has been burned with the coal of God's fire that he refuses to keep silent about truth and since the beginning of this series and since I've returned from Israel I've been saying this statement that every time I go in my prayer room man I'd be flooded with tears I could barely focus and I keep putting on my social media and even when Jordan started his testifying Tuesday we've been saying that the office on Tuesday we will not remain silent but we will cry out all the more for the veneration and the honor of God Almighty whether people like that or not whether people accept that or not whether they pack out this church or not that I've given up on numbers but I'm more focused on what God told me to not remain silent but to keep crying out even if they persecute you and they've been coming for me they've been persecuting me on my social media persecuting me on IG everybody got something to say about what we preach it and I thank you for those who been coming to my rescue and IG but I'm gonna tell you right now I'm not gonna keep silent and I'm gonna keep crying out this truth and as I thought about what Malachi was doing I thought about myself man that the bigger tragedy was not that they were unbelievers arguing against my son to pick a tragedy Danielle with that they were preachers and believers in there arguing against my son because their opinion for whatever they believe was superseding God's Word and I thought to myself in that instant that that problem that was happening in that chat room so indicative of what's happening in America I'm tired of people keep blaming the world for the issues of the church we need to stop pointing fingers outside of the church to keep blaming the church for what's happening in the church the issue with the American church is not the sinner it is not the atheist it is not the people that don't believe in God the issue with the American Church is that thing right there don't nobody want to hear that but it's true the issue with the American church is filip as TD jakes as Joyce Meyer it's filling the blank for your favorite preacher the issue with the American Church is the pulpit the weakness of the American Church is the pulpit the waning Christianity is because of the pulpit the fact that believers are anemic and sick and weak and can't stand up for truth is because of the pulpit doctrines of Lies doctrines of demons heresies pseudo Christianity cupcake ministry lies to keep people comfortable in this state because we're afraid to tell people the truth this is what happened in Europe in the times of the Enlightenment meant changing the gospel because they refused to preach the truth and where has it gone our sister nation darkness you can barely see the strength of Christianity in Europe the very place that gave us the faith has almost completely abandoned the faith because of this thing right here the pulpit the abandonment of truth from the pulpits in Europe is what caused your home to slip into a dark place spiritually and I'm telling you my brothers and sisters America and on the same truck I'm telling you right now America is on the same path that if we don't repent and not repent from the pews first if we don't repent from this sacred desk first America is gonna slip into it you is just being recorded mark my words America is gonna slip into a dark place if there's no repentance from the pulpit first the American church is in trouble because of the pulpit first then the Pew and I'm tired of people always blaming what's happening in church because stuff that's outside no judgment has to begin with God's house it's the pulpit that has us in the condition that we in and our main text for this series we find what a preacher a preacher who after a man his nation depended on died had a revelation of God Almighty so powerful that God removed a human dependent before he revealed himself to this preacher let me remind you what happened to him in the first eight verses and then I'm gonna preach the back half of this text that no one ever preaches so Isaiah the preacher in our main text writes in the year that King Uzziah died what he said I saw the Lord high and exalted seated on a throne right the Train of his robe and filled the temple is that what the scripture says the Train of his robe and filled the temple right above him with Saracen each with six wings and with two wings they covered their faces and with two wings that covered their feet and with two wings they were flying and they were calling to one another holy holy holy is the Lord God Almighty the whole earth is filled with his glory and the sound of their voice is the doorposts in the threshold they shook in the presence of a holy God and the temple was filled with smoke war to me watch woe to me I cried I am ruined for I am a man with unclean lips and I live amongst a nation like America with unclean lips the lips represented the issues of the heart woe to me the preacher said I'm a man undone ruled to me the preacher said I am a sinner and I live among the people that are sinners we have rebelled against a holy God he said watch then one of the server's flew to me with a live cold in his hand which he had taken tongs from the altar this is what happened at Malachi written he touched my mouth and said see this has touched your lives you've been burned with the coal of God's righteousness your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for then I heard the voice of the Lord saying now watch watch because we were just singing oh Jesus oh how I love you Jesus I love you do we really love him will we take a stand for him are we willing to be persecuted for him after Isaiah feels unworthy and be knows that he's willing to be crushed by the holiness of Almighty God he hurls himself into God's service right at the ears God says now this this is this is what this is then I heard the voice of the Lord saying everybody watch whom shall I send that God is saying in heaven who can I trust with a holy message who can I trust to carry truth who can I trust to take a stand for righteousness is there anybody at all I can trust whom shall we send that God says and whom shall go for us and in Isaiah he is the counsel of heaven and says here am I send me now plenty of sermons have been preached on these first eight verses you almost find very little sermons on the second half of this chapter why because what it talks about yet I see our nation in the second half of this chapter and and and God told me no you you gonna preach this this morning because as I've been reading this and and shedding tears over it with very little notes I see our nation in the second half of this chapter so the preacher realizes that he can be crushed by the weight of God's holiness he hears God saying man who can I trust with the holy message he says God Here I am he says now send me right now how many preachers in this room watch me right now man we come to God God's call us in the ministry and now we start having dreams of platforms no I don't go there Philip we start having dreams of platforms dreams of glory dreams of grandeur we want to go to Jake's conference we want to go to Fern X conference we want to preach on it we start having all these dreams of grandeur grids of old that's what happens to us in America right God called me let me start this ministry God call me I'm on Facebook live God call me everybody got something to say verse 9 and God said to him go and tell this people pause pause notice the word this in the text because as I read my Bible God has a way of talking to people with affinity when he says go and tell my people but we see that God now is set up with the sins of his people because y'all keep calling my name but y'all don't represent me yeah I don't listen to me y'all mock me y'all listen y'all rebuked me blasphemy I have no respect for me at all no longer you're just gonna be my people you Golan tells this people you want to be in ministry you want to be a preacher you want to stand for God and this this blasphemous generation and what is your message to the people blessing and prosperity happiness God is sleeping he's not caring about our sin he's trying to blind eye to our ways he is not holy he's dope is that your message preacher as that's a message wrapper Christian wrappers that your message preachers that your message that's the American message what was God's message to Isaiah the man who he revealed him holiness self - right so God reveals its holiness to a preacher and then what is his message to that preacher they missed that God revealed his true nature to a preacher and then what is his message for that richer blessing and prosperity ease and put up your feet name it and claim it put hands on that house it shall be yours God is gonna make you happy you have no problems what is his message to the preacher whose heart has now been burned with the coals of righteousness from a holy God and God said to this people be ever hearing but never understanding go preach this to them be ever seeing but never perceiving God says go preach this to them be ever hearing but never understanding be ever seeing but never proceed this is the message for this generation and who is Isaiah preaching - oh he's preaching to Judah a prosperous nation a nation that was set up just like we are in America prosperous wealthy bubbling God sees their sin and he says to the preacher who has got a revelation of His Holiness not prosperity and blessing only no go and tell these people seeing and hearing never understanding never perceiving now this word hearing is synonymous with the word doing always busy but never doing what I've called you to do always starting some new ministry but not doing what I've called you to do always running to and fro in all these activities but never doing what I've called you to do always hearing always busy you're busy busy busy we busy but not fruitful ain't that the American Church busy everybody got a conference everybody got a book everybody got a Facebook live busy busy busy busy busy but where is the fruit always busy but you don't understand you do in ministry with no revelation no I just need to I just need to stop right here right I got all these people doing ministry with no revelation and you listen to them and you read their books and you buy their music because we think if someone can move a crowd God's hand is on them you think because somebody can read God's hand is on them you think because somebody can write God's hands is on them you think because somebody has a big church God's answers on any fool with a gift can gather a crowd that'll need that they anointed the gift belongs to the fool the anointing belongs to Yahweh [Applause] the gift belongs to the rapper the anointing belongs to Yahweh is why we testify any fool can move a crowd to gather enough money to play golf for a week it takes a consecrated man or woman to have an anointing wherever there's anointing there's a price being paid for that always hearing but never understanding always doing but no revelation isn't that the American church every time you go through social media some fool is on facebook live some fool got something to say that the social media has given a platform to fools have something to say and we like subscribe do all of that nonsense because we have no discernment at all and this was God's message for the preacher watch whose heart was burned with coal so if I'm hearing people that never challenged me if I'm listening to preaching that never challenges me has that person's heart truly been burned with the fire of God's anointing could a holy God keep quiet about a sinful nation doesn't he not use men and women to communicate his holy message on the earth and so could a holy God keep quiet about a sinful nation what's the majority to preaching you hear everything is good blessing and prosperity name it and claim it take her husband take that person's car all of this everything that doesn't mean God don't love but we preach grace so much and we preach love so much we've gone to an extreme to the point we forgot that God was holy she said man watch be ever hearing but never understanding now this word seeing is equivalent to receiving always getting messages but you never understand them you're always getting sermon and sermon out weekend week out Sunday and Sunday out month in and month out but it doesn't register in the heart he goes on to tell the preach I want you to preach the rest of this message part-b he says the part make the heart of this people callous make that as dull and close their eyes it's just what you want me to preach now watch what he's telling Isaiah Isaiah I want you to preach the truth so hard make the heart of the people calloused he says make there is dull and close their eyes next part of the verse this is the theological problem in this verse for me otherwise they might see with their eyes or hear with their ears understand with their hearts turn and be healed now any person reading this should be confused God Tobin preached in such a way that the people won't be healed Isaiah preached in such a way that the people won't even be healed pause that's a theological problem does not God want us to be healed well who's he talking to I say what just happened to Isiah before he gave him this message he saw God in his glory I see him recognize now that God is completely holy so now what is this setup for Isiah a decision Isiah nose on my preaches listening Isiah knows if I if I preach to them the god I just saw you start telling people what is right if I preach to them to God I just saw man they gonna they gonna reject me all the more they gonna push away from me all the more they gonna stop coming to my church they're gonna turn off my live feed made my Instagram is not gonna blow up if I start telling them the truth about the God I just saw my popularity my decrease and so now the preacher has to make a decision he's wrestling now do I tell him about the God they just saw the compromise would be let me bend the truth of the god I just saw that I may win them with popularity and God says if you do that they would receive a pseudo healing a type of healing born out of a form of godliness but not out of true repentance the problem being the only way to be truly healed is to be truly hurt you missed that there's so many people dealing with brokenness that will never be fixed unless your hearts verse because the only thing that brings real healing is God's truth that's why there's so many people I don't even know if this is making sense Melissa there's so many there's so many Christians sitting in churches can wouldn't deal with all men and stuff because the preacher won't tell them the truth and to be healed by false preaching because of just good good stuff that makes that tickles your ears is a mockery of God Almighty I want to say this again sometimes you must be hurt to be healed hurt with what truth confronted in the areas you keep sweeping under that rug and you know how America does we don't want to hear truth so how do we know that because because some of the most popular preachers stray away from even talking about sin open your eyes and I say it now is in a conundrum man what do I do should I should I bend the truth just a little bit so that I could be light should I bend the truth just a little bit so I can be popular if I tell them that God is holy if I tell him that he has a standard if I tell them that we are people of unclean lips they may not like me God do you want me to really preach judgement and truth to your people how do we know Isaiah isn't a problem a conundrum Isaiah is in look what he responds to God then I said God really you want me to take a stand for righteousness how long you want me to take a stand on my social media for you how long you want me to take a stand on my ig for how long you wanted me to take a stand in my music but for how long God you sent me back from Israel to preach this for how long God they already persecuted me on my personal IG feed how long they already coming from me on my Facebook page God but for how long do you want me to preach this house answer God do you want me to preach at your holy you only to bring that you have a standard you only call people to repentance you want me to actually tell people that we are ruined before holy God have we need to replace is this what you want me to preach to a prosperous nation how long God should I preach truth how long do you want me to keep crying it out how long next verse thank God answer Isaiah all of you who claim to be my mouthpiece you keep standing for truth and preaching tools until until the cities lying ruined without an inhabitant you keep preaching truth until I see the houses are left deserted and the fields are ruined and leveraged how long how long next verse you keep preaching truth until the Lord has sent everyone far away and the land is utterly forsaken you keep preaching truth Isaiah until I bring judgment on those that keep rejecting that truth you keep standing for truth until I visit everyone that rejects the holy message you keep standing for truth whether they like you or not is what God wants from his servants who've been burned in their heart you keep preaching truth until I come to put an end to the mockery of my name verse 13 and though attention remains this is powerful you're gonna get a revelation right now although a tense remains in the land it will again be laid waste but as the terebinth and the oak leaf stumps when they are cut down so the holy seed will be the stump in the land pasture what does that mean he says you keep breathing through the clock coming push over those who reject me and that the only thing that will remain is a remnant of people that accepted that holy message you keep standing for truth until I've chopped down everything that is a mockery of my name that big ministry that mocks me I will chop it down the bridges got nothing I would chop them down the worship leaders that you keep preaching truth until I chopped down everything that is a mockery of my name and that the only thing that remains Isaiah is a remnant [Music] now people [Music] who get it who understands that I am holy have called them for my purposes [Music] I will push out for Chuck down everything that makes a mockery of me and the only thing left standing will be a remnant a remnant and my question for you is what group do you want to be in the group that God comes for in the end or the remnant that stood for his name your choice and you see this is not sexy but this is what America needs [Music] you keep making those songs in mockery of God he sees your life and you keep preaching that garbage he knows always Oh God knows my heart no he's now he's loving he knows my heart yes he knows your heart he knows your heart is perverted and full of nastiness and evil and wickedness how you were gonna get chopped down in the end and I'm in the rabbit what group do you want to be in [Music] the group that keeps making a mockery of his name man take that off your profile if you ain't livin for him tired of God first and programs 31 woman and man of God and you don't live it take that off [Applause] I wish I had the power to go and snatch profiles or for social mean you make a mockery of the Lord Jesus Christ [Music] and we are either gonna be in a group chopped down by the judgment of God in the end [Music] we're gonna be in the remnant that remain [Music] what group do you want to be we're gonna keep playing games with God until they meet him in the afterlife he knows soccer [Music] and I will cry out alone my son and I only cry out with a church whose hearts have been burned on coal of cause fire I hear Carson who cannot send [Applause] [Music] I had God screaming from heaven who can I send for us where is the Christian whose heart has been awakened by gospel truth and will take a stand for righteousness where are they only more of us will say here am I send me chores that holy message that Jesus preached repent the kingdom of God [Music] when your cry beam God open my eyes that I can see [Music] God open my heart that I can believe [Music] open my ears that I can hear [Music] that is my prayer for those of you let's say send me eternal Carnival wise father Holy One before every knee will bow and every tongue will confess one before whom is issuing a call in this last hour plays real sons and daughters to arrive I pray now got over your sons and daughters even in this moment you will keep sending again cold from your holy altar to burn us in our lips and burn us in our house live for us from areas of compromise and mockery of your Holy Name we want to be amongst those in the remnant that remain people that stood for truth righteousness and love we want to be a people that refused in our generation to remain silent but let it be said of us God when we died there laid a man and woman who spoke and who lived for the glory shall we I pray that over these we truly hope this message resonated with you and encouraged you in Christ if this ministry has been a blessing to you please support the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you and again thanks for tuning in and we look forward to singing
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 5,049
Rating: 4.9705882 out of 5
Id: ePs9N1We8pA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 31sec (2311 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 10 2019
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