Holy Prayer | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to the victory Church podcast we're so glad you could join us if this ministry has impacted you in any way we'd love to hear all about it please send us an email at share and victory Church ATO org we pray this message will speak to your heart for three weeks I've been preaching to you about the holiness of God I've preached you about the holy standard of God I've pushed you about the holy grace of God and what I honestly felt like the Holy Spirit wanted from us this Sunday was to take a moment and to just reflect what we have heard what we have learned to just take a moment to pray in his presence now for those of us who are not believers this part of our experience is gonna seem awkward to you this is normally the time when I would I would open up this gorgeous and and preach to my spiritual family but but I am a man not bound by programs but I am bound by the Holy Spirit and I do felt like the Holy Spirit told me to keep silent this Sunday to not breach on this particular day but is for us to pray through a psalm together and and and let our time in prayer in our time and God's presence be suffice because one of the problems I did mention to you in the series is that when not contact with God like he is not enough for us and so if he's not providing us with trinkets and toys and the next thing we get bored with a holy God but but today God himself would be enough and if God is not enough was decided that you shall leave this room disappointed because a man is not gonna preach to you this morning but we're gonna press into God's presence with them with the hope that God himself and the word itself would be enough for us this morning and if you're not a follower of Jesus then you you can just watch us as we communicate with a holy God [Music] and maybe God might minister to you while we pray to the Father [Music] [Music] I want y'all to come out from there and join us come sit on the stage with me and you choose because I want you to be a part of us what's happening right now [Music] psalm 119 a group of men ruled out a cry unto the Lord to be closer to him through his word and I felt the Holy Spirit give me a portion of this song for us to pray through this morning and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna read a line and then we're gonna bow our heads and we're gonna pray through that part of the psalm whatever's happening in your life you're gonna pray through that part of the song for you psalm 119 verse 1 says this blessed are they those ways are blameless walk according to the law of God blessed happy prosperous of the individuals the men and women of God whose ways are blameless they don't bring shame to God Almighty they walk not according to their own flesh and opinions they walk or they live their lives according to the Word of God let's bow our heads right now I want you to think about the areas in your life where you know you've brought God shame with things you have done and things you have said have been an embarrassment to the Lord I want you to think about areas of your life that is not submitted to God's Word where you say I live this way the way that I want to live but is not according to God's Word God I've embarrassed you in this area I've brought shame to you in this area of my life and I am honest to know that this area of my life I'm not following your word in this area and I know it I want you to take a moment and repent of that area and recommit your heart to follow God according to his word in that area of your life [Music] just be honest the presence of the Lord is in this room just be honest this is what he wants from us [Music] where have you brought him shame wait has your life embarrassed him where has people fell away from the faith because of your life and your witness [Music] where have you blew it and you said I wish I didn't say that I wish I didn't represent him that way I posted that but I lived a different way we have you brought shame to God repent of that and where have you honestly lived according to your own opinion but not according to his word repent of that [Music] first tool blessed are they who keep his statutes and seek him with their whole heart blessed happy prosperous are the men and women who run after the Word of God and who seek God they they look for him with their whole heart now let's pray I want you to ask God to give you a hunger for his presence and a hunger for his word let's be honest let's let's pray that we would be we would be hungry for him and hungry for his word because if we would be honest we have been hungry for other things let's take a moment and ask God for ourselves for a hunger for his word a hunger for him and let's repent of things we have been pursuing above him are you hungry for him do you enjoy times of Prayer are you bored when you go into his presence do you not think about him except on Sunday God give me a Hummer for you give me a thirst for your holy word may my heart run after you God I want to seek you with everything that is in me let that be a prayer for just a moment Jesus [Music] and blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness for they shall be filled and people in this room your heart is empty and you know it you have sex but you come up empty you have boyfriends and girlfriends but you come up empty you got the new job we're just still happy you got the new house but you're still empty you got the car but you still empty because those things can't satisfy satisfy everything else will betray you people will be true titles and positions will betray you increasing money will betray you you'll be happy for militant you'll be happy again [Music] first three and four they do nothing wrong they walk in your ways you have laid down precepts that are to be fully obeyed that's pretty God has given us preset stuff to be fully obeyed let's pray against our disobedience let's confess the areas where we know we have been disobedient God you say give and I don't do that you say so and I don't do that you say forgive me they don't do that you gave me instructions and I've went the other way how many times have we been hard because of our disobedience that's repelled of death and as God to help us to have an obedient spirit before him obedience is better than sacrifice [Music] verse 5 o that my waves were steadfast in obeying your decrees and six then I would not be put to shame when I consider all your Commandments so this part of the psalm is Lord teach me to be faithful and not always giving up when things get uneven not always quitting when things get uneasy steadfastness is unfaithful when things are good and I'm faithful when things are bad I am faithful on mountaintops and I am faithful in valleys steadfastness means my feet are movable from where you have planted me we have not been steadfast the preacher said something I didn't like new church the word convicted me I'm not coming next Sunday serving the team somebody offended me I'm God let's confess our sins of where we have been unfaithful and that's ask God to give us a spirit of steadfastness that is I am unmovable come hello I want [Music] when a person is that fast they can be trusted when person is steadfast and not wishy-washy I am steadfast my feet of firm and planted I will not turn my back on you lord let's pray and ask God to give us a spirit of steadfastness that watch this keeps us in all things steadfastness will give you a great legacy steadfastness will transform a marriage there are marriages in this room that are in trouble because some husband or some life is not steadfast love should not be conditional it is unconditional patience grace there's a marriage that could be transformed right now for husband and wife will be steadfast some of you you will get a promotion on your job if you will be steadfast some of you you see doors open for you of your be steadfast no one is gonna trust someone who is flighty and always up and forth and back and forth steadfast can your employer depend on you can guard the planned on you can your children depend on you can your husband and wife depend on you can the people when you team depend on you show up and let's wait for somebody else to carry don't blow this moment that God wants us to lead into his presence brave children god help me to be steadfast you know transform relationships your transform a marriage of a transform your part of a transform your life faithfulness attracts favor [Music] verse 7 I will praise you with an upright heart as I learned no righteous ways for Satan I will pay you decrease God do not utterly forsake me as part of the psalm is I will train myself to always give you exaltation and glory [Music] and not doing that from a form of godless before a pure heart so this is the part where we pray God created us hearts that appeal and teach me how to always give you adoration from my lips [Music] you and I know that areas of a heart that are dark God give me a pure heart teach me the praise teach me to enjoy worshipping your presence let's pray that before the Lord first night problems palm wine understands how verse 9 says how can a young man or woman keep their way pure how can I protect my heart from the perversion and the filth of this world how can I keep my eyes fixed on you and my heart fixed on you because you know there's so much stimulus around us we get pulled off our bit social media would drag you away from God some wrong friend will drag you away from God some bad relationship how can I keep myself you in a society of perversion and darkness and loss and all the things that is competing for attention how can I do that by living according to your word let's pray that God would teach us to live according to his word and that he will protect our hearts from the perversion of our society I hear somebody cry how can I get over with this thing that I'm battling at night God's Word a minute here battle got lost God's Word will teach you not to stare at a piece of tail too long his word the more of his word we get into us the more we will push away from things that are perverted this Lord will give us an anchor against these things how can we keep our hearts pure by living according to his word when my heart is defiled and running after things that no matter his word to me anchor let's pray that God will give us pure hearts and teach us to run after his word and that his word would protect our hearts for perversion they passed on board with this on a sermon from a man that's all problem God says I'm with you there's this boy you to be in God's presence I want you you and I to have this intimate moment in your chair and since his words cannot come back to him void we're praying the scriptures that cannot fall did you think about that when I pray in your words we're praying his words and as we pray them they're not gonna fall he's gonna answer these breaths first ten verse eleven I seek you with all of my heart do not let me stray from your comments I've hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you as part of the song the psalmist says he says I seek you with all my heart do not let me stray far away from you this is the part where we break on hate me from drifting can't keep me from drifting and keep filling me up with your word and I will have the strength to battle against sin let's pray that God keep me from drifting I keep filling me up with your word and I will have the strength to is this sin that's powerful because we all drift some of us are in a dry place right now as God to bring you back some of us lots of coal has got to restore that fire oh Jesus some of us right now a weary man has got to renew our strength God keep me Lord from drifting God send the Hound of heaven the holy spirit to bring me back to that place I need to be there men and women is room you have drifted far away from God but a loving father right now has made room for you says come back to me my son of my daughter pray for me and I will bring you back to me they are Protocol's in this room needed the pig food away from God but come back to him a table has been prepared for you a feast is waiting for your ring you will put your hand and new garments of praise you'll put on your back it's okay just confess kind of faraway bring me back to you and keep me from left [Music] twelve and thirteen praise be to you teach me or decrease with my lips I recount all the loss I want to take a moment and just pray and ask God Lord give me the ability to keep remembering the things that you have taught me [Music] and bring them to me in times of need I'm getting ready to make a big decision bring me back your word I'm battling on whether or not I should date this person bring me back your word I'm paddling whether or not I should shift this job bring me back your Lord reminds me of the things you have said to me remind me of the promise you made to me three years ago that I won't forget some of you you're wary because you feel like it's not gonna happen but God remind me of your promises that's powerful I see tears falling from people's eyes God reminds me of the things you spoken for me some person said something to you and you let the word of some person cause you to be greater than the world of God over you the devil is alive I am above [Music] somebody has got to bring back to your remembrances word for you did he not speak to you in that season they not make you a promise they not give you some passage from the Word of God bring those things back to the remembrance especially in times of need [Music] we worry about the Super Bowl no God is not gonna be overshadowed by a game mine last two verses I meditate on your precepts now consider your ways I like this last verse I delight in your decrees I will not neglect your worth let's be honest about this [Music] [Music] [Music] you're wearing [Music] you're gonna see something shift in your life because God will answer these prayers [Music] and I have a brother in the room right now who came all the way from England sitting in the front row just to come and sit in the presence the sisters here at Victory Church God is going out from Atlanta is going across cities [Music] we have a brother in the faith with us sitting on a farm came all the way from England all the way from another country this morning at the Word of God and Christmasy discharge [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're gonna wake in the sleep let's eat [Music] Lord Jesus Church [Music] [Music] [Music] these prayers that we have prayed not from Oaxaca from your heart into my heart to you that you cannot return to you boy [Music] in worship we have reflected but you have already said it now we prayed the scriptures to you we thank you Lord for these words that we have away and I thank you for the manifestation of these breasts now I'm gonna break out in the lives of your sons and daughters we will continue condom [Music] a fire operator would keep giving us a revelation of get events homeliness guess the back top of your face everywhere themselves [Music] in the hearts of your people right now [Music] as we set out to do outreach this month God maybe we go out of here and be the hands and feets of your son in this way every city [Music] [Applause] [Music] we awning you match this name with three we truly hope this message resonated with you and encouraged you increase if this ministry has been a blessing to you please support the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you and again thanks for tuning in and we look forward to singing [Music]
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 1,388
Rating: 4.9529409 out of 5
Id: SUXiYpUwu3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 16sec (1876 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 03 2019
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