Born of Fire | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to the victory Church podcast we're so glad you could join us if this ministry has impacted you in any way we'd love to hear all about it please send us an email at share and victory Church ATO dot org we pray this message will speak to your heart and if you're here for the first time I don't know which message we're gonna if you're watching this on YouTube welcome to week one of a series called a hundred proof and and I'm gonna do my best to just get this out as quickly as possible good take my time I feel the spirit Frank you feel like just just hang out with me Holy Father [Music] [Music] [Music] it's a word for look around this morning [Music] Christ last weekend my wife and I were in Florida just stay with me Frank for two meetings we got up and we went to a church on Sunday morning and sat down in auditorium people got up and they begin to have their worship experience the worship team had no life dad and the people in the room had no life dead [Music] and they came together to worship the one we call Jesus and Yahweh not a voice said Amen then a hand went into the air nine o'clock none of the commands of the Psalms that we've been taught to do in the presence of God when he says clap your hands all ye people and lift up your hands in the sanctuary and bless the Lord and make a joyful no no joyful noise the people stood there like zombies and it almost felt demonic and dark and God opened my eyes and said look this is what I spoke to you about at the garden tomb and God said to me America its churches are dying and they are dark and full of perversion they are dead and lifeless and have bought into other Gospels and other teachings and I wept it was just a couple of days before that I was on Facebook and saw a preacher that he settled his little live with four people in his chat room and in the next X amount of days everybody in this room is gonna be wealthy by the time X days is over no concern for the fact that people in the room whether or not they were good stewards of their money or they were living in rebellion but God will work through his own principles to bless people because you said so but your false preaching lies and heresies on Facebook life and I was reminded in one weekend of the of America and the perversion of Christianity in this country the doctrines of demons that are preached from pulpits every Sunday lies being masked and doctrine and do you know what my fear is my brothers and sisters two of them one I fear something don't change in this country and it's recorded this day and March this nation Christianity in this nation will fall and we will have nothing to pass our children to or the greater fear of my heart words that terrified me when I was a young man picking up the Bible when Jesus said many on that day will come to me and they will say Lord Lord did I not prophesy in your name and in your name did we not drive out demons and conform mighty miracles and when I read those words for the first time they struck terror in my heart Nadine you know why because the atheists I'm not going to call Jesus Lord that he's talking about men and women who claim to be Christians sit in churches listen to bad doctrine never want to be confronted you think because you went to church in you as baptized as a baby you're saved and because of false Gospels and lyin preachers and cupcake ministry and bad theology millions on top of millions but multiplied millions of Americans I'm gonna die and take their last breath and gonna meet the shock of their life I said so today in recording the most dreadful words and human being will have her here I checked the role and I don't see your name here come the most dreadful words any human being will ever hear you went to church you sang on a team you came every week but the Lord will say depart from me you work of evil I never knew you you never responded to the gospel for real your heart never really turned to me for real the most dreadful words and what do we have in American Christianity perversion and what I feel this church is drifting the American church towards apathy the sin lethargy entertainment we shout they name and run around and didn't even check what they said was biblical but because it moved to you and because they have fame and status and the Pope head raping people in ignorance who will never open the scriptures for themselves and I tell you right now as a man has been burned with the coals of fire at the garden tomb in Jerusalem Christianity in this nation is in crisis [Music] and what we need is a return to biblical Christianity because we keep crying out for revival revival can't come without repentance revival can't come without prayer revival can't come without gospel preaching listen there is no revival without repentance prayer and gospel preaching and what we need in America is biblical Christianity that we have exchanged for cultural Christianity the question is then what is biblical Christianity I want to answer that with this series and I want to start here in northern Israel my wife when I was here I snapped this picture in northern Israel twenty-five miles north of the Sea of Galilee and an ancient city called Caesarea Philippi and it is here in this ancient city this massive rock that's been sitting there for thousands of years similar to what we have here in Atlanta at Stone Mountain this unmovable massive rock in the bottom left corner is a cave carved out by pagans and they named the cave the gateway to Hades the Gateway to the Dead the gateway to hell is what they named the cave a massive rock a a movable rock and underneath that rock a cave named the Gateway to Hades or hell watch now and was your lord and mine's the master communicator who traveled to northern Israel with his disciples and the creator of all things who knew this massive rock was sitting there he used it as an illustration for a powerful sermon in which he cashed a vision for what biblical Christianity would become and against the foil of this massive rock with a small gate called the gate of Hades or the gate of hell one man that was standing in that place was Jesus named Matthew and eyewitness of the life of Jesus and Matthew recorded that conversation in the sixteenth chapter of his gospel beginning at verse 13 Matthew said when Jesus came to the region of Caesarea Philippi he asked his disciples who do people say the Son of Man is Watch what's the word on the street about me what did they say at your job about me what do they say or in your company about me verse 14 they replied some say John the Baptist Lord another say Elijah Lord and still others say Jeremiah and the prophets so they say you are some of these great men they give you high esteem but not high enough for you are greater than these men that we can have right opinions about Jesus and still have the wrong understanding of Jesus [Music] he was a great prophet says Islam but he was more than a prophet says Christianity and he was just a great preacher says Judaism but he was more than a great preacher says Christianity because we can have good opinions about Jesus and still have wrong opinions about Jesus verse 15 but what about you he asks who do you say I am because more important than what the world says is what does the person who claimed Christianity says about the one you call Savior and Christ do you know who I am [Music] one man with boldness spoke up in the group in verse 16 he says Simon Peter answered you are the Christ the Son of the Living God Christ is not Jesus lastly in Christ means Christos anointed one the one who the Old Testament promised would come that the Jews still denied verse 17 jesus replied watch blessed are You Simon son of Jonah but this was not revealed to you by man but but my father in heaven who gave you a revelation of who I am next verse and I tell you that you are Peter and against that background because he created it and he knew it was there so he used that background as an illustration to say and all this rock I not Phillip I not Jake's I not rich Wilkinson I fill in the blank I not your favorite preacher I will build my church that is I have intentionality and design of what I want Christianity to be not what your favorite preacher says that's anti-bible I will build my church and staring at that rock and the gates of Hades underneath that rock will never we'll never prevail against it will never overcome it and what Jesus said in a sense I will always have a church a people that belongs to me in the world they will be attacked by evil forces but they will not be destroyed the church will always stand but notice how he said you are Peter this is so powerful but before that Peter said you are the Christ as Peter acknowledged the identity of Jesus [Music] he then received his identity for the word PITA and Greek means rock that the more we understand who Jesus is [Music] [Applause] the more we understand who we are an exchange of Revelation of identity watch that if he is Savior then I am redeemed identity that if he is Lord then I am follower if he is Shepard then I am his sheep exchange of identity and if he is father I love this one [Applause] and I am so [Applause] no matter what the devil says about you if you understand his identity then you will understand your identity [Applause] [Music] next verse and he said to Peter I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven keys mean Authority and whatever you bind on earth it will be bound in heaven and this is a bad translation for the Greek says whatever you bind on earth was already bound in heaven [Music] keys open doors and closed doors and gives access and takes access he says I'll give you authority to control access and doors [Music] entrance and exit next verse then he warned his disciples not to tell anyone he was the Christ next verse from that time on Jesus began to explain to his disciples how he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things at the hands of the elders chief priests and teachers it's funny how even religious people denied the Lord Jesus Christ we do that now I swear I tell you some of these pulpit preachers they such divas and if Jesus appeared they won't even jump off the stage to give them the platform you I see them all the time they such divas they think they all of that they got golden microphones and body shirts and they coochie print on stage they such divas that if Jesus appeared they would even give him the platform I do my old towel at myself [Music] I thought my talent myself all these divas they won't even yield to the heart Jesus Christ [Music] everything is the glory of their name and every flyer has their name and everything is their name it's all about them the Bible says be careful of those that don't exalt the Lord Jesus these divas I swear Jesus appeared they would even go left stage and hand him the microphone teachers and priests of the law to be killed and raised to life and history tells us what happened after that Jesus rolled into Jerusalem had communion with his followers was arrested in the Garden of Gethsemane was flogged at the Otoniel fortress was brutally executed on a hill outside of Jerusalem was buried in a tomb by two rich men because the gospel is not only for the pale for the poor to rich men put Jesus in a tool Joseph of Arimathea and Nicodemus his disciples ran the Jesus Movement is over everybody goes back to their house they bake bread is done but don't write your story on Friday for God still says something on Sunday and according to history a tomb could not hold the Lord Jesus Christ both I read my Bible correctly on the third day the father from heaven sent the Holy Spirit to raise the three day dead party of the Lord Jesus Christ and he burst out of a tomb in power and glory and went to eat with his followers a man named Luke almost done a doctor and first century historian recorded the last words the very last words and meeting Jesus had with his followers this doctor and historian recorded this I want to read it for you Acts chapter 1 beginning at verse 1 Luke wrote Oh excellent Theophilus he said I wrote about Jesus I began to do and teach all of this until the day he was taken up to heaven after giving instructions through the Holy Spirit to his apostles he had chosen after his suffering he showed himself to these men and gave many convincing proofs that he was alive because we don't serve a God that's dead Muhammad he's dead Confucius he's dead Buddha he's dead buried we could go dig up their bones but there's a grave in Jerusalem where there's no gold to be dug up [Music] our empty tomb [Music] he appeared to them over a period of 40 days and spoke about the kingdom of God on one occasion while he was eating with them he gave them this command which will be his last command to them do not leave Jerusalem almost done but wait for the gift my father promised but you have heard me speak about for John baptized with water oh I love this but in a few days from now you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit he said don't leave Jerusalem watch he said don't get ahead of me don't get in your flesh and try to give birth to ministry without me first he didn't tell you to start that and he don't have to give praise for what he did not tell you to build he told them wait for me before you do anything wait for me [Music] so when they met together they asked him Lord are you at this time going to restore the kingdom to Israel are you gonna take over Roman Empire he said to them it is not for you to know the times dates the father has set by his own authority oh I love verse 8 oh you're you you you you're all in verse 8 he said in verse 8 but you Christians will promise receive power Greek word Dunamis where we get the word dynamite from that'll sound dead to me now - L - L - over the top and victory but you will receive dynamite yeah yeah too loud a victory but you will receive dynamite oh yeah too much a victory but to receive dynamite is the Greek word but to receive Dunamis when the Holy Spirit comes on you and you will be my witnesses none of your thing myself biblical Christianity you will be my witnesses mouth life where wherever you are and as far as I take you in Jerusalem and Judea and Samaria to the very ends of the earth what are you waiting for while I'm waiting until I have X amount of dollars I'm waiting until I have this platform I'm waiting to I'll move this place you're gonna be my witness where you start and you will be my witness as far as I take you watch yours is to manage my reputation they don't want to hear that Melissa a witness you are to manage my reputation speak what I spoke do what I do be my witness not a witness of only your thing is this not the problem of American Christianity ministries that have nothing to do with Jesus let's finish this text after he said this he was taken up to his very before their very eyes and a cloud in them from this side they were looking intently into the sky as he was going when suddenly two men dressed in white stood beside them men of Galilee they said why do you stand here looking into the sky this same Jesus who came or this same Jesus who has been taken from you into heaven and we're going to connect this with the book of Revelation in the end of this year because the same way he left is the same way he's going to return he left on a trial of glory he's coming back on a cloud of glory not coming back as a baby coming back to make war we need to start telling people he's returning so we keep putting our feet up but we got watch this time you keep sitting under that garbage teaching like you have time what have time time is running out [Music] can I finish this message he's gonna come back the same way you've seen him going to heaven then they return to Jerusalem to watch they obeyed the instruction go to Jerusalem don't leave he left they had a choice either go do our own thing or follow his word they returned to Jerusalem they didn't need the presence of the master to be obedient to the master they didn't need somebody watching over their shoulder to obey the commands of Scripture a Sabbath days walk from the city when they arrived they went upstairs into a room that my wife and I went into this room we're not sure people believe it was this room we stood in that room where they were staying it's called the upper room in Jerusalem those present were Peter watch John James Andrew Philip Thomas Bartholomew Matthew who recorded what happened in Caesarea Philippi James the son of Alphaeus Simon the zealot Judas not the one who betrayed him of James they all join constantly together in what and prayer yeah then let me call a gathering saying I'm laying hands and giving our financial blessing room will be packed let me tell everybody I'm giving out free prophecies room will be packed let me call a prayer meeting but don't nobody crowd into a room in America for no prayer gatherings man I saw 40,000 Muslims go up to the Temple Mount in Jerusalem for prayer 40,000 and my wife and I when we walked the street that you rule them you could hear them crying out to their false deity they got more discipline than us and serve a demon spirit and we serve the God of heaven and we can't even come into his presence let somebody call a prayer gathering [Music] sometimes we need to has an old-school word Terry just stay in God's presence for just a little while yes there's time for the drive-by prayer on the way to work but there's time to just sit in his presence some we get answers in his presence we get strength in his presence we get corrected in his presence we get peace in his presence we get joy in his presence things change in us in his presence and sometimes it's just put on music and just sit there listen almost done and what somebody said take my time listen to me and what happened next is one of the most important events in biblical history and will change the course of the world as we know it forever acts 2 verse 1 when the day of Pentecost came Pentecost means 50 this is 50 days from the resurrection of Jesus and 10 days from the time he left to go to the to heaven 50 days Pentecost is a festival called the feast of weeks this what happened next is one of the most important events in biblical history and will change the course of the world forever for there were only a hundred and twenty people in that room there are billions of us today because of what happened in this moment when the day of Pentecost had fully come they heard a sound they heard a sound like the blowing of a violent wind it came from heaven and it filled the whole house where they were sitting there was in a prayer gathering and garden faded the gathering next verse they saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and it came to rest or how many of them each of them got a little bit of that glory verse 3 verse 4 and all of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and they began to speak and other tongues as the spirit enabled them watch watch watch they are praying they're crying out to God watch and then the Holy Spirit is poured out on this first group of Christians now watch this is powerful watch watch watch notice the first thing God touches when he comes to earth is not a man's hand not his microphone not his feet the first thing God touches when he comes to earth in the person of the Holy Spirit is the mouth tongues sigh but Isaiah cried out what was me God sent the coal from the altar that touches what mouth would have call a fire because the mouth is the expression of the what the heart the first thing God touched on a man when he came to earth in the person of the Holy Spirit must rush he burned him in his letters he burned them in their lips with fire and that's when she touched him in their heart with fire dead church what the first thing God touched on the very first Christians was their heart and what did he do he set them on I'm shy and I wasn't raised that way not just because it's natural to you that doesn't mean it's what's best for you if the Holy Spirit lives in you then the fire of God lives in you and it's on you to keep stirring that thing up with prayer with worship with the word there's a fire living on the inside of you men throw some logs on that thing some of you you come to church and you watch other people jump you watch other people lift the head and you're waiting man throw yourself in that fire lift the head shout clap leap for joy all these things are biblical somebody shout right now that's fire somebody clap your hands leap for joy [Music] let me finish the message [Music] this is so powerful now then we're staying in Jerusalem god-fearing Jews from every nation under heaven watch [Music] they burst out of that upper room onto the limestone streets of Jerusalem filled with fire but and their people watching them like their people watching you all over your social media in your family at your job you claim to be Christian but you always depress and dead but they're people watching them and he said they're people of Jews from every nation on the heaven let me close this when they heard this sound a crowd came together in bewilderment almost done because each one heard them speaking in his own language utterly amazed they ass are not these men who are speaking Galileans then how do we hear each of them speaking another own native language parthians medes elamite you might as well say white black indian Trinidadian jamaican Irish residents of Mesopotamia Judea Cappadocia Pontus and Asia Phrygia Pamphylia Egypt parts of Libya near Cyrene visitors from Rome now verse 11 is so powerful verse 11 is so powerful watch verse 11 both Jews and constant Judaism Cretans and Arabs what what's what the people said the people said we hear them [Music] your people said no question if we hear them my social media is we hear them the onlookers the outliers said we share them because we will not be it says we share them hear them declaring what how awesome you are or Philip is awesome so all my posters about me know we hear them doing what declaring the wonders of God people fill with the Holy Spirit declaring the wonders of God now let me land the plane verse 12 amazed and perplexed they asked one another what does this mean next verse some however made fun of them and said they've had too much wine this is about to make sense to you in a second but Dave they've had too much wine and they they've had too much wine watch so powerful the OP the outliers are now mocking them they had too much wine and then one man with holy boldness and holy doing let me land this plane makes first then Peter the man who understood his identity stood up with the eleven stood up he refused to be silent [Music] he refused to be silent Gemini they stood up they got fed up watched they got fed up of people mocking the Christians I wish we had a little party no geez why will we get angry at the mockery of Jesus in America one man of the eleven had holy boldness and holy doing he stood up let's land the plane he raised his voice and he addressed the crowd fellow Jews and all you who live in Jerusalem let me explain this to you listen carefully to what I say and what what Peter says next is the very first Christian sermon ever preached let's look for nuances of did your house get your car get your blessing prosperity all as well you never have no process let's look for that in the first biblical Christian sermon these men are not drunk as you suppose or they drunk but not as use of hopes it's only 9:00 in the morning no this is what was spoken of by the Prophet Joel and the pita uses the Bible we all test them [Music] he uses the Old Testament this is biblical preaching next verse in the last days he quotes the Prophet Joel God says I will pour out my spirit on all people your sons and daughters will would prophesy is our pour my spirit on you and things will come out of their mouths how can the Spirit of God being you and you'd be quiet now pour out my spirit on you and they will prophesy he said your sons and daughters will prophesy your young men will see visions we got dreams and visions and the born of the flesh he said when the Spirit comes I will give you a vision I will give you a dream for your life even on my meds servants both men and women who said women can't preach [Music] how a poor master in those days let's finish the text and close up and they will prophesy I will show wonders in heaven above and signs in the earth below blood fire billows of smoke that's coming we'll talk about that in Revelation the Sun will be turned to darkness and the moon to blood before the coming and the creating glorious day of the Lord is gonna be warfare when Jesus come and everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved he quotes the Bible then he preaches from the Bible Bible preaching Bible Pritchard men of Israel Peter said listen to this he doesn't exalt himself all these divas he doesn't exalt his brand all these divas who does he exalt the Lord Jesus Christ this is biblical teaching Jesus of Nazareth a man accredited by God to you by miracles wonders and signs which God did among you through him as you yourselves know keep going this man you handed over by you God set purpose for knowledge and you with the help of wicked men you put him to death nail him to the cross but God raised him from the dead freeing him from the agony of death because it was impossible [Music] for death to keep them down just like it is impossible for anything to keep the Christian down I've been following the Lord Jesus Christ we may stumble but we can back up again [Music] more Scripture he quotes the songs David said about him I saw the law he's quoting the songs Bible preaching Bible preaching always before me because he's at my right here I will not be forsaken therefore my heart is glad and my tongue rejoices my body will also live in hope because you will not abandon me to the grave nor will you let your Holy One see decay just keep going you have made it known to me the paths of life you will fill me with your joy in your presence then he then he preaches brothers I can tell you confidently that the patriarch David has died and was buried and his tomb is here with us to this day but he was a prophet and knew that God had promised him an oath that he would place one on his descendants on his throne just keep going seeing what was ahead he spoke of the resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ and he was not abandoned to the grave no nor did his body see decay no God raised this Jesus to life and we all [Music] we are of this one fact that'll argue with you it's a one sacked [Music] exalted to the right hand of God he has received from the Father the promised Holy Spirit and has poured out what you now see in here keep going for David did not ascended to heaven yet he said the Lord said to my lord sit at my right hand until I make your enemies a footstool he's bridging more scripture therefore that all Israel be assured of this God has made this Jesus whom you crucified both Lord and Christ stop let's finish this message this is what you call biblical Christianity biblical preaching and what is the result of biblical preaching not all it is diva garbage cotton candy falls down trying to keep you comfortable and sin and never challenge you self-help everything what is the fruit of Christianity the way Jesus intended what is biblical preaching what does it produce the next verse is what it produced when the people heard this [Music] there was cut to the one to the heart and they cried out Apostles brothers what shall we do and what is the response to the one that thinks they're okay and they're not keep lying to them and tell them they're all dead and a bag of chips no what does biblical Christianity says Peter replied repent turn from your sin and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the forgiveness of your sins and you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit keep going the promise is for you and your children for those who are far from the Lord God will call keep going with many other words he would where is that today warn them and pleaded with them save your selves from this corrupt generation as what pastor Phillip is dreaming since I've been back from Israel be delivered from perverted Christianity last verse those who accepted us those who accepted his message were baptized and about three thousand were added to that number that right now those tuition somebody just tommy those prices they will choose a big truck there was a wood fire for God and I'll tell you right now now keep drinking that 10 see that that 10% water tell diluted ungodly fortune that won't even get you to fill up the lift ahead I don't want that garbage let me tell you what [Music] [Music] I need to say that again join it I don't want I'm closing that 10% watertown diluted American Christianity that can't even get me tipsy enough to wave a finger no I want a biblical Christianity as strong as a hundred proof of that yes the disciples who are drunk would not have a suppose but with the Holy Spirit can track anything a hundred [Music] and any Mitchell have made my choice I don't want to keep sipping water down no chaser I won that one trip [Music] my soul [Music] [Music] hundred [Music] that leads major transformation don't give me a part of it I want an in its purest form [Music] let it burn until I'm a brand man and a brand new woman in Jesus name [Music] let this word gun burn the minister for Genoa salesmen [Music] Christianity of America [Music] for that hundred proof doctrine the world of God is your and every desire in Thailand let me take it it meant burn us and our souls are set until we are transformed into the image and the likeness of your son and as it was in the first century so shall we be right down that we will not remain silent but we will for the Federation in the autumn Christian may they hear us and accuse us of being drunk when that drunk as they suppose but trunk with the Spirit of Almighty God for the church was born hi and we thank you for that then your mighty name we pray oh man and I met somebody put your heads together we truly hope this message resonated with you and encouraged you in Christ if this ministry has been a blessing to you please support the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you and again thanks for tuning in and we look forward to singing
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 12,555
Rating: 4.9539475 out of 5
Id: 95NctLQhtqw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 13sec (3133 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 10 2019
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