Holy Grace | Philip Anthony Mitchell

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hi and welcome to the victory Church podcast we're so glad you could join us if this ministry has impacted you in any way we'd love to hear all about it please send us an email at share and victory Church ATO org we pray this message will speak to your heart [Music] [Music] three of the series this whole his name Kevin - God Almighty my name so hard the Jews the vowels when they write it [Music] I'll take my medications sniffle a little bit forgive me if that irritates you something I need to say these first couple words that I want to share in this message it may be always difficult to heal controversial and I told our 9:30 experience I was going to strike them from my message [Music] my wife was playing a song on the way to church this morning Phil Thompson are the lines in the song is that I will not remain silent [Music] I told Jordan [Music] at all members of my team specific matter how much they come fast those old Jamelia we are already dead we are living Mars [Music] will not preach and I will not keep my mouth shut send me emails trolls will hate me on my social media channel God's Word in the charge he gave me in Jerusalem taking breath my first couple of words in this message are not gonna be comfortable and I'm not gonna strike them from the message [Music] I will not remain silent - no God holy god of us [Music] thank you God for your incredible presence as in this room right now thank you Lord for the calls that you sent from the old tug on that has burned our hearts Malaya how you have transformed in the school working our hearts God darkness message two weeks more than just sermons when a cry going up from science but you your sons and daughters father god I pray you would open our eyes even right now touch our hearts [Music] and Jesus name I pray amen [Music] I'm gonna be honest my brothers and my sisters I yeah if I didn't have to get this word to you I would just just want to lay out on the floor and just stand the presence of God in that last song you know and I'm gonna confess something to you like in private during the series in the middle of these messages I'll sit down to my in my study and try my best to prepare now I just be gripped by the presence of Almighty God I would just be crying for hours of my prayer time I have two dedicated days every week for my sermon preparation Wednesday and Thursday and I find in my Wednesday's I could barely get any preparation done I spend a whole eight hours just trying and praying and feeling the pain and the grief of Almighty God I could I could barely put together these outlines because I feel God's heart just bleeding from heaven and just wondering if anybody is listening then wondering if anybody cares if anybody would respond to the call that he sent out to Isaiah who can we send for us I'm just wondering if people are sitting in this room but watching me wherever you watching me and just hearing a black dude just crying out like he's crazy and just one if anybody's getting this at all and now I and I'm telling you and it's gonna sound like a broken record and so everybody in here comes to a point of sensitivity where you get on your social media and you see it for yourself ouu you spent time in another church and you see it for yourself where you go on you go on some blog you see it for yourself I'm telling you that this American Christianity is so perverted it is so sickening and disgusting and it's so perverted this Christianity we have in America is so perverted it's so sickening it's so diluted but eyes and falsehoods that we drink that in like cyanide I don't even realize we're poisoning ourselves in America we are poisoning ourselves in America we can't even stand to hear truth god forbid somebody tell us truth we don't want nothing to do with that so we run to churches where preachers keep us comfortable and thin and we don't want no one to challenge us no one to step on our toes no one to just smile at me with a suit on and keep me comfortable and my sin and everything is glorious and the lights is on but but god forbid somebody tell me the truth we don't want that because we are in a generation where we have action is and we want to hepa force those teachers who would tell us what we want to hear because we don't want to be offended we don't want to be offended but my brothers and sisters there is no growth without offense and we do not grow in places of comfort if we are not challenged we know we do not grow and if we are not offended we do not grow god I can't even stand to think what would happen if Jesus had an Instagram now Oh Paul had an Instagram some of the things that people were saying about them they're close-minded their self-righteous they think they're better than everybody else I can't just even imagine the type of trolls that will persecute Paul if he was alive right now or Jesus imagine saying things like I am the only way they will say man you're close-minded you are a heretic you're full of that came to imagine that for the sake of trolls we keep quiet because we want so desperately to be like so we don't want to testify on a Tuesday because we're afraid of some drive-by troll you should check jmontie Studios on IG every Tuesday when he testified to the ungodliness in the Christian hip hop industry and getting death threats because he's exposing light with exposing darkness with light and the American Church is anemic and sick and full of perversion and whoredom and lies and false doctrines and we drink that in like water and shout at them and they make no sense at all men preach it from opinion and not the work and I'm so sick and tired I'm going places or just stomach through my feeds I could barely even go on social media right now and seeing the antics that pass for Christianity in our churches ungodliness and pulpits ungodliness wit with people in the platform we parade ourselves before God doing all men of things and act as if he is not holy or he is not watching things happen in our society and we don't even care right things happen in our society we don't care we don't budge right we won't say anything we keep quiet right evil flourishes when good people do nothing evil flourishes when good people say nothing and so we we we quit you see perversion and society and for so many of us we so numb to sin it doesn't even bother us when we see things that fly in the face of Lord God Almighty there was a great prophet his name was Jeremiah and Jeremiah was called by God during the time when God's people were in rebellion and going astray they were full of depravity and sin and rebellion towards God and they were doing all manner of evil towards God and God raises up a prophet named Jeremiah and he tell he and for 40 years he Commission's jeremiah to preach to the people to repent judgment is coming repent judgment is coming nobody went to his conferences nobody went to Jeremiah's conferences nobody bought Jeremiah's books nobody read his blogs his social media wasn't blowing up because people was afraid of his feed because they were truth coming off his feet so there's nobody want to be Jeremias me because Jeremiah had the Word of God in his belly in fact at one point in time in his life he tried to stop preaching and he said the Word of God inside was like fire burning in his balls and so he had no choice but to speak out and Jeremiah would write down the prophecies of his ministry and in his memoir that is preserved for us in the Old Testament he rolled down and chapter 1 how God called him into the ministry and I want to read to you what Jeremiah wrote about his call into the ministry Jeremiah said this in Jeremiah chapter 1 he said the words of Jeremiah the son of Hilkiah one of the briefs at anathan in a territory of Benjamin the word of the Lord came to him in the thirteenth year of the reign of Josiah son of Amnon king of Judah and through the reign of Jehoiakim son of Josiah king of Judah down to the fifth month of the eleventh year of Zedekiah a false king son of Josiah king of Judah when the people of Jerusalem went into exile carried away by Babylon the word of the Lord came to me saying before I formed you in the womb I knew you and I'm sliding this into my message today because something happened this week and we want to keep silent about it for the sake of not offending nobody but let the gospel offend us this morning before I formed you in the womb Jeremiah I knew you and I already set you apart and appointed you to be a prophet to the nation's God told Jeremiah before I knit you together in your mother's womb I already knew you before your father looked at your mother with a lustful look and said she was dope I already knew you I knew you before you was conceived and at the point of conception Jeremiah I knew you not only did I know you in the womb I already gave you a calling from the womb so as we read in as we wade into this text and Psalms like 139 when the writer says in Psalm 139 when he says you saw my unformed body you knit me together in my mother's womb and every one of my days was already written before one of them came to be David wrote in Psalm 139 and the more we read God's Word the more we see of a holy God that he honors the sanctity of life that he does not call a baby in a womb a fetus he does not call a baby in a room tissue but when God looks into the womb of a woman he sees as human being with soul and conscious and heartbeat and breath and calling and so the more we grow in godliness and the more we read God's Word the more we understand this holy being has a respect for the sanctity of life but this week in my hometown of New York City right these people right here with smiles on their faces sign into law write a late-term abortion law that allows women to have abortions after 24 weeks if we think the baby is not quote unquote viable or if it puts the mother's life in danger so if the mother's life is in danger now you can go even later on into the second and trimester the third trimester put pins in there whatever you kill that life and suck it out with the vacuum like it's never even mattered to begin with that this is not a knock on people who have had abortions God has forgiven you I've paid for two abortions this is not enough or those who had abortions this is a knock on the fact that these kind of things happen on society and Christians don't care right so right now pin drop in the room silence because we think these kind of things are not important we don't think it's important that our nation are passing laws that contradict the Word of God we don't think those kind of things are important so we don't care about laws for same-sex marriage or laws for abortion we don't care about these things because we have made ourselves God and we think we have a right do with life what we want to do with life so what we call of what we call a doctor's procedure God in the scripture will call the shedding of innocent blood and then as we read the word and we look out decided we got to decide whose side are we on are we gonna hold on to our political affiliate I'm black and I'm a Democrat so I support that well it's my political affiliation a great affiliation that my affiliation to the kingdom of God so if the Kingdom you use so much of a Democrat that your political affiliation is greater than your affiliation of Jesus Christ so when the kingdom contradicts your affiliation who has who has the seat of authority but we don't want nothing to do with that because we said we have a right to do whatever we want to do whether it's with our body or with our heart we have the right to do whatever we want to do you know why we feel that way you know why when I put this on the screen everybody got quiet you know why no one cares you know why Christians are not crying out you know we just keep letting our nation pass laws against the Bible and we don't say nothing because we want to we want to be liked we want the approval of men but you know why because we drink in so much sin we are desensitized to sin and desensitized to the holiness of God and what we think is that Yahweh Jehovah God Almighty who is holy does not care about our sin we send so much we think there's no holy being above us who cares about the sin of people the sin of Nations the sin of families we're so desensitized to sin that we think a holy God does not care you know why because we have no respect for him we had no fear of him we have no reverence of him so we treat him like he is a sucker but in the scriptures God has preserved for us some historical accounts to remind people that he is still holy right and what we forget is that because we sin so much we forget that first commandment he gave very first two people so a God created Adam and Eve right he gave them all of this palatial estate is this what we do to God he says you can have all of that this one thing right here don't touch that butBut but we we don't like to look at God's goodness we only look at his restrictions so we said that he's controlling so instead of focusing all that he did give we focused on the one thing he says don't touch and he says in the day you touch this you shall surely die so what was God's demand for sin death and the more we read the scriptures the more we understand that what God demands for sin because he is holy what God demands for sin is punishment and death I'm going somewhere with this listen you'll be in coverage by the end what God demands for sin is punishment and death for every sin he demands some measure of sacrifice some blood some punishment some death because he is so all throughout the Scriptures God he he inter vet he intervenes in time to keep reminding sinful human beings that I'm holy so for example I told you about a man named Moses who God anointed in a desert in front of a bush led him to that time the most powerful nation on earth in Egypt led two million plus people out of slavery and then leads them across an ocean the Red Sea and then and then leads them in the desert for the wilderness of Sinai for it will last for forty years at some point in time they got upset with the food that God was giving him upset with manna a separate quail and now they are thirsty they cry out to Moses we are thirsty and in numbers chapter 20 Moses record something that happened in his life it is a glimpse for us of God's holiness so in numbers chapter 20 Moses recorded this he said in the first month of the whole Israelite community arrived at the desert of Zin and they stay that Kadesh their Miriam died and was buried now there was no water for the community and the people gathered in opposition to Moses and Aaron they quarreled with Moses and said if we had died when our brothers fell dead before the Lord why did you bring the Lord's community into this desert that we and our livestock should die here why did you bring us up out of Egypt to this terrible place and has no grain or figs or grape vines or pomegranates complaining complaining complaining complaining against God and there is no water to drink Moses and Aaron went from the Assembly to the entrance of the tent of meeting and fell face down and the glory of the Lord appeared to them the Lord said to Moses so Moses who is a a type of pastor hears the issues of the people watch he goes to the presence of God to pray and God will give him an instruction he goes to the presence of God to pray and God would give him an instruction he goes to the presence of God to pray and God would give him an instruction how many years I have gone to God in prayer and God gives us an instruction and look what Moses does next take the staff and you and your brother Aaron gather the assembly together speak to that rock which was a type of Jesus their eyes and it will pour out its water you will bring water out of the rock for the community so they and their livestock can drink so Moses took the staff from the Lord's presence just as he commanded so he goes to God he prays and God gives him an instruction he goes to God he prays and God gives him an instruction he goes to card he prays and God gives them an instruction but Moses would do something opposite God's instruction how many times have you and I got an instruction from God and done something opposite of God's instruction how many times have we done that oh so now we lie in now remember the Ten Commandments how many times have you received the word from God let's be honest and done opposite what God said hands hot cool all right so that's that's 99% of the room and we have one person who's not a sinner right so went to God we hear the Holy Spirit telling us forgive give do this leave stay whatever it is book in our flesh we do what we want to do in our flesh right we want to do what we want to do in our flesh so Moses does this in verse 10 and he and Aaron gathered the assembly in front of the rock and Moses said to them listen you rebels there's a frustrated pastor with people who are giving him a hard time because they won't listen to God y'all are not rebels must we bring water for you out of this rock then Moses raised his arm and he struck the rock twice with this staff the water gushed out and the community and their lifestyle drank so Moses disobeyed the instruction of the Lord he went to God sought God's wisdom God gave you an instruction and he did the exact opposite of what God told him to do and all of us are guilty of doing that but God is holy so how did he respond to Moses verse twelve but the Lord said to Moses and Aaron this is powerful watch the text because you did not trust me because my word wasn't good enough for you because you thought you were wiser than me because I gave you an instruction but you thought in your flesh you were wiser than my instruction because you think you're above the word and my word will lead you to the best life possible so since you're smarter than me you did your own thing but now you're gonna pay for what you did so he says because you did not trust me nuf now watch these works to honor me right to honor me as what holy in the sight of the Israel eyes you will not bring this community into the land that I given them pause so you tell me forty years of faithful service parting oceans leading two million people out of Egypt make you in the burning bush I saw your glory shining on my face I make one mistake I committed one sin and you blocked me from going into what you promised me one mistake the holiness of God says because you did not honor me as Holy your one mistake is gonna cost you the promise that I said I was gonna give you so we see the holiness of God responded to one man's mistake and one mistake of one man one mistake the holiness of God responds you're finished because of one mistake just one there was a city in the Middle East called Sodom and Sodom was like Atlanta Sodom was full of perversion and they like to mock God and do whatever they wanted to do they had a sister city next to him called Gomorrah and the Bible tells us these cities was full of wickedness there was a man named Abraham the founder of the Jewish nation he had a nephew named Locke and Laden wanted to live somewhere so Abraham says you choose where you go take your herds and I'm gonna go two opposite way lot looked out across the Middle East you saw that the lands around Sodom was green so he went down and he lived in sunny at some point in time word came back that Sodom was about to be destroyed because God saw that the city was full of sin and wickedness and so angels went into the city and told light you need to get your family out of here get your daughter's on leave right now and and Abraham and they crying out spare the city spare the cities everyone if I find one righteous person I find this number righteous people may spare the city and God said I can't find anyone righteous and that's I wonder if he could find any righteous people in Atlanta any people who really care and take up a standard for him because God can't find any righteous he said man I'm going to destroy that city and then the history tells us in Genesis 19 something happened to the city of sodom and gomorrah Genesis 19 verse 24 it says this it says then the Lord rained down burning sulfur on Sodom and Gomorrah from the Lord out of the heavens thus he overthrew those cities plural and the entire plain including all those living in the cities and also the vegetation in that land and so the scripture tells us that God looked down on Sodom good more and if you study it would be three other cities five in total God looked down at five cities New York Miami Chicago LA pick the last one Atlanta he looked down on five cities that was full of sin and ungodliness and he says I'm wiping out all of them God was so holy the sin of those cities had reached the top of their top and God says when I could take their wicked there's no more he burned them with sulphur and acid archaeologists found the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah in the Middle East buried in this sand atheist archeologists have went and picked off that sand and realized it's 98% pure sulfur they can't explain that but the scripture does it says God rained down fire and brimstone and sulfur upon those cities and that deposit of sulfur from God is still sitting there to this day still smells like smoke so God blocked a man from his promise because of one mistake God destroyed five cities because of their sins and their mistakes God also showed holiness and another account in the Old Testament the hill children of Israel had a box it was called the Ark of the Covenant and it had holes with poles that went through the box and it would be carried on the shoulders of priests during the reign of King Saul who was a foolish King they lost the Ark of the Covenant inside there was the Ten Commandments the BOD of Aaron and rod the rod it was the holy place where God's presence resided in this box some people believe it's in a church in Ethiopia we don't know that for sure the Ark of the Covenant was lost during the reign of King Saul and David at some point time during his reign the king who came after Saul found the Ark of the Covenant and made a decision I'm gonna bring this holy box back to the city of Jerusalem so what David does David gets two animals some ox he puts the art of God on a cart and he begins to travel with the whole nation behind him with the presence of God on this cart and then the writer Samuel tells us something happened while they were traveling to the city of Jerusalem in 2nd samuel chapter 20 this is what the scripture says chapter 6 David again brought together out of Israel chosen men thirty thousand in all he and all his men sent out for a baler of Judah to bring from there the Ark of God which is called by name the name of the Lord capital LRD our way or mighty who is enthroned between the cherubim that are on the ark they set the Ark of God on a new cart and brought it from the house of abinadab which was on a hill Aza and a heel sons of a bill of DAB were guiding the new cart watch with the Ark of God on it and a heel was walking in front of it and David and the whole house of Israel were celebrating with all their might before the Lord and so they're traveling with the ark they're having a worship gathering behind are they're celebrating God that they're bringing back this holy box back to Jerusalem to put it in its place it wasn't supposed to be on a car to begin with with the songs with the harps and lies in the tambourines and all those beautiful instruments when they came to the threshing floor of maycon why also reached out and took hold of the ark of god because the outset was stumble so watch what the Bible says there traveling with the ark the animal stumbles and as the animal stumbles the Ark of God begins to slide off the cart it was about to fall on the floor now if Kenny saw that about to happen he would do what he thought was right so other stretched out his hand to stabilize the ark from falling on the floor he wanted to keep this holy thing from hitting the ground and what happened after that the Lord's anger burned against other because of this irreverent act fearful God struck him down and he died there beside the Ark then David was angry because of the Lord's wrath had broken out against other and to this day this place is called Perez other watch so other stretches his hand out to stabilize the Ark he's doing what he thinks is right but God says this is a revocable Act because our man was not supposed to touch that sinful man was not supposed to touch the Ark of the Covenant so don't other thought he was doing was right God wanted to show the people that he's holy and although this righteous man thought he was doing what was right I'm gonna strike him dead to show all the people to respect the art that I rested so to teach them to respect the fact that I'm holy I'm gonna take this man's life a good man a moral man a righteous man a man the Bible tells us did nothing wrong but God was so holy he wanted to make an example in front of all the people of his holiness so he struck down this man and what does the Bible says happen to David after that David was what he was afraid of the Lord that day and said how can the Ark of the Lord ever come to me so what happened to Dave his heart he saw the holiness of God and he was afraid he had watch respect he had watch reverence because he saw God respond to sin with holiness and we read things like this in the Old Testament Sandman God was crew God was striking people down how could God be doing these kind of things whoo thank God we live in a New Testament under grace God is not holy any more and we could do whatever he wants whenever we want and it doesn't matter to a holy God he don't care nothing about I was sin at all okay Jesus came in the first century Jesus preached Jesus live Jesus dies Jesus is resurrected Jesus spends 40 days with 500 men Jesus goes back to heaven Peter preaches the first sermon on the day of Pentecost the New Testament church is born the Holy Spirit is poured out we're under a new era we're under the blood surely a holy God cannot touch men for their sin anymore but if I remember my scriptures correctly a doctor named a doctor named Luke who wrote down the book of Acts was recording a by the time they was taking up offerings and asking everybody in the church they have equal sacrifice and bringing their offerings we're under the blood now right surely God's holiness doesn't matter anymore right and then Luke recorded this incident happen and she acts he records this right in the book of Acts now a man named Ananias together with his wife Sapphira also sold a piece of property with his wife full knowledge he kept back a part of the money for himself but brought the rest and put it in the Apostles feet then Peter said to Ananias how is it that Satan has so filled your heart that you have lied to the Holy Spirit and that's that you have blaspheme God you have dishonored God how many of us have dishonored God in this new era that we live in we dishonor him all the time you lied to the Holy Spirit and have kept for yourself some of the money you received from the land didn't it belong to you before it was sold and after it was sold wasn't the money at your disposal couldn't you do right with that money what made you think of doing such a thing you have not lied to men but you have lied to God we've done that plenty of times when Ananias heard this she says the church watch since the church was new before I had a chance to be perverted God wanted to set a standard that he was holy so I'm gonna make an example out of someone who blasphemes me who lies to me dishonor me because now the church is 2,000 years old we think that God is asleep so when the church was new God wanted to make sure everybody in this community understands that I'm holy so this man right here that dishonor me I'm gonna make an example out of him you lied you kept that book belong to me I'm taking your life you sinned you died and what happened after the holiness of God broke out against him the people were what in fear they had reverence they had respect the people fear seized all the people who heard what happened then the young men came forward wrapped up his body and carried him out and buried him about three hours later his wife came in not knowing what had happened one of they was having devotions if they were growing in righteousness together so Peter asked her so now he's testing her to see can I get the truth out of this woman about to land this plane tell me is this the price you and Ananias got for the land yes she said she lied that we all lie all the time that is the price Peter said to her how could you agree to test the Spirit of the Lord how could you do this irrevocable thing this dishonour of God how could you think that how could you say that how could you tweet that how could you post that how could you sleep with that look the feet of the men who buried your husband are at the door and they will carry on also at that moment she fell down at his feet and she died then the young men came in finding her dead carried out and bearing her beside her husband and great fear seized everybody as they saw these couple they died why because God wanted to flex his holiness to remind them I'm not to be played around with so although our scriptures and history see God doing what making examples of people to remind humanity that I am holy so he was striking people dead who committed sin because a holy God demands what punishment and payment for sin death for sin question how many times have you sinned against God but you're still alive people see God destroying nations and wiping out people groups because they sin we cry God is cruel but but if we compare the couple people he took out to make an example of holiness in comparison to all the people he don't strike down every time they sin the billions of times we sin against God and we're still breathing is he cruel or is he gracious imagine what would happen if every time you thought something that was sin someone died lay down what somebody's not my husband and wife died in the bedroom lied died stole the pen from job died tweeted something I shouldn't died hell somebody unforgiveness died if God was just striking men dead to keep making an example that he's holy this room would be empty and we cry that he's holy he's patrolling has given us these Commandments honest and they lead us into the best life possible is God cruel [Music] and when you consider your sin nature and all you have done but you stoke here when you consider your sin nature before you were saved and held out imagine all the years God that you keep waking up the next morning after yours has sinned the night before when you wasn't even under the blood and he gave you breath to wake up imagine all the atheists all the rappers the people who had seats all the people that don't know him bless me man Carson reject him walking around sinning and breathing Missy cruel [Music] Oh is he gracious yes last week I told you he has a holy standard now rushman in the judgment she know what else he has holy grace that keeps withholding from you when you and I deserve Hellfire punishment and damnation and the problem with American Christians here is the problem we think we're entitled to grace like we earned that like my blood was sufficient to pay for sin I know of only one lamb that was spotless of the papacy and he has a name [Music] like complicit a right to him answering our prayer a right to place a right to mercy weeping historical judgment but we deserve a fire every time we sin [Music] and be breathing right now hey you know what the powerful thing about grace it's my choice what the guy said his word I choose who I will be gracious to and who all implore wrath on oil it's my choice [Music] a choice to be great you said yesterday some of you send on the way here and you're breathing right now you descend tonight you're gonna be breathing next week his gracious choice cannot strike them does he have to strike people down now to show people that he's holy does he have to take long to get respect why can't we hear the frigate of God's Word and just honor him why can't the word be enough what his signs and wonders be enough does he have to break out against America to get respect that's what we go in changing these laws nobody won't say nothing we are filling up the cup with sin for God to pour out his wrath on this nation I'll show you and God released fury that Christians with prayer then people will repent then preachers will stop preaching garbage and start preaching the gospel of the Lord Jesus right does it have to come to that when I wake up I'm gonna show you what righteousness for God's sake looks like to have a right to do what I want with my body i'ma show you what this is charity and Richard jerk burger on the right a couple that we partner with in ministry this beautiful white couple on the right every month money leaves this church and we send it to Madagascar and we support this mission every family every month in Madagascar they have a church that they planted from scratch in a bush in Africa 24 hours away from the closest town so far away they gotta fly a plane to get to our city and every month money leaves this church from people who give ties and offering and we sent it there to help them in the spread of the gospel [Music] cherry where children had gotten pregnant some years ago she had cancer at the time and the doctor told her you need to kill this child if you don't kill this shout we're not gonna be able to give you this treatment you need to kill the child and they fought huh and they fight her to have this abortion kill the child kill the child kill the child kill each other with charity one of the most godliest women I ever known felt like her best time in life is when she was alone in the presence of God she had to make a decision between what is convenient and what is righteous he said no take me off the chemo I'm gonna carry this baby this is charity in the hospital hold the little kiss here and just a week after this picture was taken my friend charlie is dead she died she made the ultimate sacrifice for life she gave her life so our daughter can live and she said while she was sick she told if I live I live for the glory of Jesus and if I die I die for the glory of this I have been burned with the coal from the altar of God her little bird with the oldest she made a decision I will serve him and honor him and venerate him no matter what it cost me where is that in American Christianity where is that level of sacrifice where is that level of respect for Yahweh and this is not enough when you if you had an abortion that already have painful abortions grown and evolved as I've studied this is not about the abortion this is about how she felt about God it don't have to be about a baby it could be about someone you need to forgive or money you need to start sewing or something you need to stop there it doesn't matter how do you view him I see your homeboy as he dog Oh is he hole [Music] and they're ready trolling me on my Instagram because I tweeted about this law they try to blaspheme me Assange trying to argue with you but yes you are and then I'm going to shut me up if God was Smith the city of the lens and maybe for one black print shop [Applause] [Music] and light all of your sin your bus his holy grace how shame recipient place of God how do we how do we not Russian how do we not love how do we not hurl ourselves into the service how do we not give resources for the guns how do we not pray how do we not cry and care when we see the mockery of his name how should people who deserve death respond to a holy God that keeps pouring our grace how shall you respond how should we respond to Yahweh respect love honor [Music] she's not my homeboy the God of heaven on earth a holy beam all things in his hand and continues to pour out grace for sinners he deserves respect and Federation and honor and worship and praise his Yahweh a whole home holy bee falls out his place only God right now in the name Jesus no way she would awaken us now she wondered - Kamala and loneliness and refined it's not a few quaint place no holy place you keep pouring out on us [Music] god we you we blaspheme you with disrespect you with this book a prayer couple hundred people Oh gracious and merciful you all they will consider what they really deserve for their nature exchange for the grace you have given their hearts will explode gratitude before every single morning as Jeremiah wrote to Mercy's of a new happy new sunrise we see four hardwoods do it our way and everyone [Music] in the mockery of your name touch us now [Music] love as we consider we understand you're just objects of different way we truly hope this message resonated with you and encouraged you in Christ if this ministry has been a blessing to you please support the spread of the gospel by visiting us online and choosing the giving option that works best for you and again thanks for tuning in and we look forward to singing
Channel: Victory Church
Views: 2,185
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: HOplfjidhok
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 59sec (3119 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 27 2019
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