Hollywood...TAKE NOTES!!! | "Godzilla: Minus One" | REVIEW |

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and we are live guys what happens when you get an international movie with a budget of only $15 million as compared to some of uh the big budget 200 million 300 million uh Blockbusters are supposed to be great why don't you tell us arguably you get one of the greatest uh movies of the year in Godzilla minus one debatable not debatable yeah cus [Music] one back guys gals and another Palace to another edition of the final credits you may notice we're doing things a little differently because we got a new area to uh actually do stuff we could reach out and uh touch people now hi hi pancakes how you doing what's up that's creepy but yes wow don't make me regret this we our own Studio you will regret this instantly Johnny but anyway all right so regardless we are here to talk about uh for the first time I guess uh seeing Godzilla minus one and like I said in the intro this had a budget of roughly $15 million I don't know like if that's in comparison to like you know if that is a bigger number in Japan cuz I don't know how Curren work2 billion Yang thank you pancakes pancakes with the numbers nice now you may be fired technically does that mean that it could also be less than that because like 15 B uh 15 million is the budget and they can't cross that so maybe they even spent less than that or is it just that was like the total that they reported on that is the total that I believe they reported on now I don't have the actual number in front of me of what it has currently made having said that though when I went to go uh saw it uh it was essentially shown as like a nationwide release but it was really only shown in like certain theaters just happened to be like across it was speckled across like you know the country right having said that though as of uh the time of this recording which is a week later two weeks later a week a week later uh they have decided no no we need to open it to a lot more theaters so the ones that saw it they actually listened guys they listen to us it needed to it needed to be in as many possible it's it's just such a good movie that's the thing let's let's get into how good of a movie this is this such a good movie absolutely definitely do guys wait hold on a second yes just so everybody knows uhuh the three of them sorry I did not because I was too busy doing this so yeah so what you're saying is as of right now your opinion does it matter yes okay cool and that's why I say it's debatable CU I haven't seen it yet soen it it is what it is then there is no debate no there is a debate guys guys Spade has to go on our word right now oh I guess oh I like this power I like it so much yeah all right all right so anyway uh guys all right so I didn't see it with you guys I did a uh solo video I apologize about that I had my own uh circumstances going on but how like I want to talk about you guys how how uh how was the theater experience for you guys cuz I you guys were sitting next to each other you guys were in there like okay what was it well besides the crying baby yeah I was say we went to we went to the Staten Island Atrium Cinema which if you live on the island like everybody knows what that that place is we uh we talked about this I beat you I think by like an hour I never go there anymore for specific reasons and it's just like that's the place where you could like find like all the all all the class acts on on the island and one of them brought their their toddler their kid time listen to a kid crying and running around the theater to the St out of the atrium I did not mean to uh poopy all over uh the theater that was not the case I didn't mean that guys all over the theater attack me attack me not the rest that is at Johnny 64 on Instagram this guy okay blame him regardless though the point that I'm trying to say is when you guys were minus the crying baby minus like all the things that we cannot control what was the experience for you guys were there cheers was there crying was there laughing was there laughing what what happened it got an Applause uh it got an Applause first things first it people applauded when the movie ended great it was just and I mean obviously we were we were in that that Applause as well and um I mean we were just like I was at least blown away and also just so relieved that like movies like this could still exist yeah that you know I was just fully invested in the story I was fully invested in the characters I felt emotionally attached to it and like it and I feel like the the whole theater was like in that that that mentality too that they were also feeling like what the what the movie was like trying to make everybody feel like it was just a fullon like Movie experience and um again like you said $15 million budget versus like the $200 million flops we've been subjected all year almost um you know I think Hollywood has to take a hard look at this movie and take notes because the the the differences were there the excuses were none for Hollywood in my opinion there you go it felt like getting back to basics like the classic Godzilla films bought into the present day the modern day and Japan's like we'll do it ourselves and it was just so well done and Godzilla didn't even need a origin story I mean they said things here and there like triggered by the nuclear fallout and that contribute to what we saw but he just appeared and you know we got used to Godzilla being the human savior in certain movies battling these big monsters this big mofo was just all about the destruction he was it was back to the big villain Godzilla and the humans were fending from themselves and I love the ever that they picked you know post World War II where was Modern you know in the modern Japanese like their most sensitive history to see how they would be affected by Godzilla so I'm very happy that you brought that up because truly Spade truly this was a throwback to the original movie it actually uh and for all the uh for all the die hards out there I apologize if I butcher the name of this uh the look of Godzilla was even a throwback to back to a Godzilla bu Shiro I believe it looked exactly like an old school Godzilla not like uh the legendary uh version that we have the American version which I still love personally but this is like thick meaty strong Godzilla that we got and very much like how when I saw Rogue one when I was like oh my God I'm afraid of Darth Vader again I looked at this and everyone in the theater was just like a gasp of how frightening this Godzilla was we had a Jaws moment we had a Jaws moment of Godzilla chasing people in a tugboat and I'm like oh my God run run run thinking of that scene I I was just as scary like all the other scenes where he's attacking the S as scary like for some reason like because at first we we in that boat chase scene like his head is underneath the water and you just see his spine just like standing Shar then at one point he's he he makes his head go above the water and you see his eyes just like can you imagine just being in a boat and a gigantic angry ferocious Godzilla with those angry eyes and teeth are is just like like matching the speed of your boat and coming right for you I like I remember just seeing that that scene and I was just like oh my God this would like my heart was like starting to go this what I'm talking about that like the movie made like made me feel like whatever the characters are feeling and oh well into the characterization in a moment because I think that was a highlight but so what you guys are saying is that this movie was literally Jaws but no in 202 no that was just one scene that was one scene that was well then never mind you tried you tried Spade I listen I'm proud of you I'm proud of you for trying to uh understand what's going on yeah was this the biggest Godzilla like the tallest Godzilla yet no no no they they they they this is confirmed yeah it's confirmed that they was they went above and beyond to make him bigger than the American version well hang on hang on a second though cuz Let's uh go back a couple years too let's talk about shin Godzilla just for a second this one's still bigger you have 30 seconds I hate Shin Godzilla they literally only made Shin Godzilla because legendary pictures made the American Godzilla the biggest one and uh to was very much just like no we can't have that fire up the reals we need to make a new Godzilla movie only made him 10 me is taller still bigger and so petty still taller so petty and the movie was garbage I'm not sorry I'm done talking about chill that's good that was actually like around 30 seconds good and you didn't have faith in me I'm you Johnny so one classic trat of any version of Godzilla of course is the atomic Brett and once detail G one detail I absolutely love is seeing the scales on the back of Godzilla light up one by one go ahead gra let let me tell you something do you need do you need to cigarette right now oh maybe after talking about this so the way how they did it with this was just Immaculate because we've never seen anything like this before with his scales popping out like we've seen the glow coming from like up his tail up to like his head and his spine with this version we actually see the scales pop out and when he's fully charged they all like pop back into his uh back essentially it looked like it was loading a gun and then he fired and it was destructive it was it has to be by far like I mean compared to like the legendary Godzilla like his version of the atomic breath this that that Atomic breath is nothing that was just bad breath in comparison to how because it was actually an atomic bomb of atomic breath it literally shoots up like it might as well shoot a bomb from his mouth to like wherever he's shooting to because it it was like hirosima moment it the entire city it was a whole and like the just the nature of like how it showed all the buildings vaporizing the people getting blasted out it like you know like the shock wave coming through they Christopher Nolan must have been watching this movie like what what the hell noan was taking notes like I just spent all this money and all this time marketing open Hy and that all I needed was just a gigantic Titan to breathe on something my God and this little Studio from Japan was just hiding in the shadows this entire time just out do that it was but it I will forgive you for not understanding to but to is not a little Studio out of Japan to is a money to I think may be like the equivalent to our Warner Brothers like essentially can we talk can we talk about the human the human Story how amazing that was well done yeah yeah we're all there to see Godzilla but the human story and the God was right on par with the with with the humans I'll play you to you this way in almost any kind of movie that they do movie or show where like the main character is Optimus Prime the Transformer Godzilla the Terminator whatever when that's like the main focus but we have all these like Human Side characters that we do see more than what we pay to actually see MH this is the one time that I can honestly uh think of that I was very happy with both The Human Side characters I'm going to call them that because Godzilla is the true star and Godzilla also being in the movie I genuinely rooted for these human characters I wanted them to succeed I laughed when they laughed I cried when they cried I like I said in the tugboat scene with uh them Godzilla chasing them I wanted them to get away I wanted any other time I'm like godzill Chom Chomp them I don't care get rid of them more scenes of Godzilla I cared about them you know what the secret was like this movie it might as well actual human emotion that and good riding and all that stuff of course but I feel like this movie it didn't need to be a Godzilla movie like Godzilla just happened to be in it and just destroying everything because really this was a movie that took place right after the second world war Japan is obviously reeling from that um right off the bat we everybody just in shambles like living in shambles pretty much trying to pick up the pieces and then along comes with Godzilla and makes everything worse and you know but so we see um how you know the like the protagonist especially like how he's reeling from everything how he's trying to get back on his feet how he's thrown into a situation where he uh he has a kid out of nowhere like a woman gives him a kid runs away and then he finds a woman later on and like long story short they start to live together um just to make ends meet not even romantically and like it but it it added so many layers to the like the the protagonist Story the supporting character story that you like when Godzilla finally comes and attacks and does his thing you are genuinely scared for them you want you're praying that they're going to live through it and you know like when it comes time for them to fight Godzilla and everything like you're you know you're getting hyped with them yeah um shout out to the music as well because like that that theme when they were about to fight him on final scenes again I'll throwback to the original of just said oh my God so good so freaking good so the so the end the end more to the human Story the main character you know the biggest thing for him was a Redemption story because he was pretty much declared a coward he was a kamakazi pilot That was supposed to sacrifice himself in World War II and then at the beginning of the movie he lands his plane on the island and to for his plane to get fixed in quotes and then when they when Godzilla makes landfall you know he has a clear shot not that it was going to do any damage as we find out later on with Godzilla but he froze up and that whole crew of essentially Engineers or mechanics get destroy and there was only one Survivor other than that pilot and you see him struggle along with the hard times in Japan and he is one of the mean Heroes when flying his plane full of bombs into the mouth of Godzilla to blow him to uh kingdom kingdom k blow him the [ __ ] up well listen uh that still didn't happen because Godzilla don't break for anybody literally so uh literally of which there were a lot of elements to this movie that I don't know if I discussed with you guys yet but if they decide to make a direct sequel to this movie which they freaking better I they may not they better they may not I I would love if they did but what I'm trying to say though is that I as uh pancake said earlier like this man has a a wife and a child out of nowhere out of nowhere but regardless though this is literally the perfect setup and the OG Godzilla fans will also uh know this as well the perfect way to set this up would be for Godzilla to return because oh Godzilla didn't die from the Giant Bomb something who could have known anyway I'm sorry uh so have Godzilla come back and his kid the daughter now grows up and picks up her piloting skills from her father and is now the pilot for Mecca Godzilla because meca Godzilla is piloted from a separate plane I go meca Godzilla for just the sequel I think is too soon I would I would keep the third and or four movie there better be a third and fourth movie in this minus Universe I just I just want to know yeah was godi in this no he wasn't this isit he's going to be in the fifth movie I agree no no he better be some [ __ ] actually actually firstly unfortunately yes he was not in this movie that's [ __ ] I I agree uh guki should be in the sequel yeah you could definitely do something with that fine if you want to say oh Godzilla died or whatever you a young Godzilla who now comes onto you know the scene or whatever and is now our good guy Godzilla because in the original Godzilla straight up died that's how we actually get to me a Godzilla but that's story for another time kid stick around maybe I'll tell it let me ask this let me ask this question what what is it about this giant lizard uh dinosaur huge monster coming out of the sea doing absolute destruction since the 50s that's so that we love so much and it's become such a pop coach icon that no matter how many versions that the love and the fans keep coming back well uh pancakes let me answer your question with another question what makes the Power Rangers so iconic probably the Nostalgia of it and the memories and how um how campy it is but everything about everything you said and more and the short answer for us for that is that it's iconic because it's iconic it's very much like how the Kardashians are celebrities they just are because they're celebrities and that's it how dare you mention them in the same breath as we're talking about Godzilla well Hey listen someone needs to put it out there but regardless though Godzilla is one of those things that I hope never goes away I hope is always here in some form or another and I just hope that they don't mess it up well the thing I mean Godzilla too like any iconic piece of media like he's adaptable you can put him in any type of movie any type or maybe not any type of movie but like you can but you can like conform and and and shape him for different scenarios different types of uh you know Kaiju movies I guess you could say and like that's why he's withstood the test of time because you could just kind of retell and add to his story again and again and it's entertaining every single time plus it's Godzilla even if you're not fan of the Godzilla movies you just got to like have love for the for the big lizard you know what I mean listen you could try just uh don't ever pair him up with Matthew Brer that's all I'm goingon to say it had to be said and I'm not sorry at the time it came out you georia as a kids yeah cuz I didn't know it cuz I was a kid and I didn't know any better and then I saw final wars and I'm like this is what I've been missing I'm so sorry Godzilla your truest form you know what this movie did for me though like what like the big Revelation moment for me is just that you know like all this year like we mentioned before that we've just been subjected to you know movies with big budgets that just ended up being a whole lot of nothings right and again and again every time somebody's either trying to defend it or describe it or whatever like the same word's always used and it's called like fun it's it was a fun movie it wasn't that bad like it wasn't great but it was a fun movie been and I feel like every time somebody uses that word fun they're only just describing one type of movie and saying a movie can only be fun if it's like a zany wacky wild roller coaster ride that's fun for the whole family and it you know like it it that's what makes it like a like a fun fun movie but I had so much fun watching Godzilla minus one despite how dark and dreary and at times hopeless the story got and like how emotionally effective it was but that's what made it fun and I think people and Hollywood especially have forgotten that like a movie that does that to you is also very fun if not more because the more invested somebody is in the movie that they're watching the more that they're going to respond to it and nobody's been responding to movies like you know the Marvel movies we've been getting like Transformers and fast a and all that stuff just because they've all just been cookie cutter like just get it out of the gate and put a put a product out type of mentality behind it with like bad visuals bad CGI don't like like lowquality storytelling but it doesn't have to be a wild crazy you know low stakes humor riddled story just to make it fun it could be fun despite all that and uh I think again like Hollywood really needs to take a close look at this movie and say wow this is what we've been doing wrong this year because this is they achieved all this with a $15 million budget a fraction of what we've been dishing out per movie this year so yeah but see the thing is though a24 does that all the time right they they take a small budget and they make great movies they make great M for most part but they don't they don't make you know Godzilla sized movies but they they don't make movies like this that really like capture your like investment in Emotion that's unfortunately the problem with a24 movies and I do Spade I'm with you with that 1,00% but the thing is they don't stand out they don't stick out and unfortunately like you just said yes Godzilla sized but sometimes you have to be Godzilla size in order to stand out and this is the thing too like an a you compare one a24 movie with another a24 movie they're both a24 movies yeah you again talking about Godzilla's adaptability you compare Godzilla minus one to the Godzilla 2014 you know the the differences are night and day absolutely but it's still Godzilla but you know you have two very different types of movies that are both entertaining and fun in their own way but that's what you know that that's that's kind of what the point is here that you're you're just that much more invested in the movie underrated underrated Godzilla movie Godzilla 2000 Godzilla 2000 was pretty decent I'm G to be honest that was uh that wasn't bad I kind I remember the previews of that movie I don't know if I watched it I remember seeing uh the Matthew bradick 1998 movie in theaters and as a kid thinking it was entertaining and that was like the defend of Godzilla but then I grew up yeah I oh my it's almost like I said that already and I agree with you yeah so we're veering off topic right now we are so at the end of the day what would you say see it not see it or absolutely see it see it twice even if you're not a Godzilla fan like I said this this is this is more than just a Godzilla movie and the story for the humans alone will invest despite the fact that it's all Japanese Subs let me put this in perspective to you Johnny I'm soor it was let me put this in perspective for you okay I think Spade I may have actually made these two official anime fans because this was essentially a liveaction anime with all the heartstrings with the giant threat coming through with the kooky because there was one character that was a little more kooky than with the rag tag underdogs working together to beat yeah that that I love the most there you go there you go I made the anime fans for the record I was already an anime fan maybe not as big as you but well getting back to you're a classic anime fan which I appreciate getting back to Godzilla minus one absolutely 100% no question go see it so uh Spade you you've been told Thrice to go see this movie now uh get your button gear and uh go see it well ladies and genten our closing thoughts is that I should go watch this movie everybody should absolutely and everyone else should too so with that said I don't know what do you guys think oh what are your thoughts let us know down in the comments now oh yeah no we do going oh no how are we going to do the RO credits now oh roll CR just don't hit your mic I was about to say yeah no am I just supposed to flip this table now like rollit oh wow roll the table just say your usual bit well uh guys uh thank you for listening to us now we appreciate each and every one of you we love you all uh please give us a listen give us a like uh comment subscribe do all the things let us know how you feel are we right Are We Wrong is this probably the best Godzilla movie I don't know but it was definitely better than Chi Godzilla until then roll credits we're out R credits it absolutely was the best Godzilla I meant to say that earlier
Channel: The Final Credits
Views: 3,103
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: OtQ_tJ6TN-o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 46sec (1546 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 15 2023
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