Godzilla Minus One (Spoiler Review)

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what is up everybody we are Cinema 3D and today we are going to be giving our review of Godzilla minus [Music] one so welcome back Cinema 3D with one more D to join us today please welcome Griffin uh first guests on our official podcast episodes and uh Griffin you came to watch this movie with us and uh now we would like to talk about the movie with you I'm super excited to uh dig in this was a quite a quite a film quite a film indeed Dig Dug so we uh so modest this is going to be our uh third Godzilla film in the recent days after John gave us two great Godzilla videos uh this week be sure to check those out on our Channel and uh we are pretty much going to be getting right into talking about the king of the monsters himself Godzilla minus one starting with Justin of Cinema 3D Justin I want to ask you what did you think of Godzilla minus one give us some feedback on it give me that sweet sweet we're back here with Justin oh man so uh I don't know I want to Hype it up a little bit more for you but that's uh how we'll start with an easier question how's the popcorn popcorn was all right popcorn was good Coke is better Coke is better oh I actually completely disagree yeah and here's why because the coke machines and this is a huge problem for movie theaters by the way I understand yeah yeah AMC if you're watching this this this this whole one and done soda soop is just ridiculous because you pour your soda and the fountain doesn't get rid of all the excess like juices from the other sodas so you're over here ordering a Coke and you always get a hint of cherry doesn't matter how long you rinse out with water you you no you do the water first I always do the water do water and then that doesn't work for you it doesn't work perfectly they got to do the own podcast we have the same person on this side person 3D only offers two personalities theonomy contrast is real yo but that that is my complaint with the sodas and I miss old school just just fill her up give me a separate give me a classic Coke or Pepsi I don't care Dr Pepper Sprite anything but beyond the snacks the film itself give us your take all right all right so uh I don't know if you guys saw me I'm sure you did uh I was crying multiple times throughout the film but at the end I was in tears uh I had to wipe them out while I was walking out uh oh my gosh dude this this is a film like yeah I don't think I've ever really experienced something like that in the theaters before uh I like I want to cry right now talking about it this amaz um it I don't know how they did this honestly like I do not know how you can accomplish something like this the visuals are stunning not just the effects but the simplicity of the style of the look they went for it's just so so good like pleasing not overly Satur I know this is technical stuff but like from the get-go with like the water sequence the plane landing and him a lot of static shots lot of static shots and it accentuates all the action that happens in the movie you going to say something I was just going are we doing is this spoiler fore or are we going with spoilers um I think I think we could uh let's have the first half um well honestly no just people are watching this spoiler exactly this is this is spoiler this is spoilers spoiler warning is now officially out let's just get going spoiler it's amazing so yeah go watch it there you go John has spoken he saw it twice already I did that's true um yeah no the look looks amazing the acting was yeah top tier I mean that's that's that's like understating it honestly absolutely so easy to follow MH like I yeah I knew it was Japanese film with sub subtitles but when it started I like kind of forgot that you completely forgot the subtitles like dude I normally when you're watching something like that you're always like this this this this and then your head starts hurting this one never you were reading as naturally as you were hearing yeah honestly the what I'm so glad you guys said that because cuz uh a lot of a lot a lot of people don't like foreign films don't like subtitles I I think I think you want to broaden your Horizon and watch all these great foreign films as well I just think this it hits different it's kind of cool to go into another culture and just kind of see see their art their their way of Cinema so any I I just want I'm glad you guys said that great Point as well that was one of the things I noticed like 15 20 minutes in I was like I'm not in pain like with my eyes normally I would be even in some of the some of the past godzill ones they have a lot more action that I would say than this one does um and it was a little bit harder to read and understand what was going on but even without reading there were sometimes I didn't even look down and I understood exactly what was happening like I kind of got used to some of the words they were saying which was kind of cool cuz I don't know the language at all right um that the story did not expect that that was out of left field um you know I'm expecting classic Godzilla action you know he's going to destroy stuff absolutely and that does happen but it's so much more meaningful when you watch it and uh if Godzilla wasn't even in this movie I would still cried mhm yeah like I agree I can see that 100% you just ah spoilers yeah I don't I I'm fine with it I just don't want to spoil the movie for people that are going to have the same experience as I did but the main character I don't know his name because I don't really understand the names per se kichi kichi ah stand out yeah and ab from the get-go to the end one of the best less than 2hour character development I've ever seen in my life y yeah 100% start to finish bookends perfectly in ways you wouldn't expect and I was just in tears uh he trying to hold it back cuz I went to watch with four three men but I just let it go cuz I was just like this this deserves it this movie deserves yeah the emotion that it gave me and um it's so hard to talk about it right after seeing it but I just have so much emotion towards it already and I just saw it and I feel like it's one of those movies I'm never going to stop thinking about and never going to stop wanting to talk about yep and also definitely going to buy it when it comes out and we'll recommend it constantly 100% it's one for the ages like that's great yeah I I will have more to say but that's like my first thoughts until we spark up some more conversation M so yeah I I loved it yeah so uh great review we're going to be feel right now my feel we're going to be uh turning it over to yeah I think that was from you actually that was from me yes Drizzy Aubrey oh my God grant was in the building twice oh yeah second one's you so we are going to be turning it over to Griffin's first review on Cinema 3D Griffin give us your take on Godzilla minus one what a great film to First review I'm telling you this was a pleasure to watch it was unexpected uh I think and you know I love Godzilla I love the Godzilla franchise I'm not as storied in it as our good friend John is but uh but I've seen I've seen a decent amount um and I think of what I've seen this film captured the spirit of the original film more than anything I've ever seen cuz we watched that together John showed it to me a couple you know about a year ago I guess all watch it together it was like 2 a.m. we watched king of the monsters and then we watched right after the Pacific ring too and Pacific ring all in one day that was was a crazy day it was it was awesome um and so I really feel like this this this film captured the same essence you know the same the same feelings um but I really was not expecting to walk in and experience such an intimate human story you know um and I I one of so I just watched 2014 Godzilla this week um and you know I love that I love that movie and one of the things I love about it is they wait for so long to like reveal Godzilla right like he's this kind of like this essence you know he's this idea and um so I was kind of like At first I was hoping that this film would do the same thing but they actually show Godzilla like in the first you know two or three minutes and at first I was I was really surprised because I was like and then I was like it it it changed my expectation for the film abut cuz I was like oh this is just going to be a Godzilla slaughterfest the entire time and then you don't see Godzilla again for like 45 minutes you know and so and then it goes into you know our main character story of him recovering him having PTSD from the war and from a Godzilla attack in which he's having to cope with the fact that he really shouldn't be alive but he's alive he has like the most intense survivors guilt you know absolutely while also trying to cope with accepting and raising a family that was thrust upon him they didn't ask for so he's got you've got going on in the context of a Godzilla movie you know which is absolutely bananas which is to Justin's point of like even if Godzilla wasn't in this film and it was just a war movie yeah yeah all the emotion would still be there AB but you also get Godzilla which is awesome adding on to what you were saying at the beginning with him showing up so quick yeah I feel like we all felt the same you already knew but I'm sure the first viewing you we like what oh absolutely um I was actually scared oh the I've never I've never been scared in the Godzilla movie genuinely genuine cliche like popcorn jump in a theater before but the amount that I believed that Godzilla was going to show up you know when Godzilla shows up in a Godzilla film you hear the theme you hear the theme yeah he comes out of the water and like I was waiting for that bro quick pan to the right and this Beast is standing there dimly lit but like shards of his skin are like moving fast I this dude is cloud 12 right now trained you well no that's true to to venture into deeper you know spoiler territory I the the moment when his love interest you know gets Swept Away by the wind you know he comes out and he's on his knees and the like acid rain starts falling down and he's just like screaming like brilliant performance brilliant performance that's one of the things that's so interesting about this being a a you know a Japanese language movie is that um you're still able as a non-native speaker or someone who doesn't speak the language you're still able to capture that emotion so well because acting is so freaking good freaking good that you're capturing this emotion that that you're feeling while you're reading and but you can still hear the tone of what they're saying as they're saying it and how you know his love interest telling him to live you know and that she wants him to live while he's not even convinced that he's actually alive you know he's consistently thinking that he's actually dead M and you know sees of the film right there yeah yep that line it's incredible oh am I actually live that one then the other the other one I sent chills through my whole body was uh monologue no uh it was the guy who told the young guy when he was screaming I want to go with you I want to go with you oh my gosh yeah yeah we leave the future to you yeah we leave you the future earlier when he says um way they yeah cuz the kids talking about how he wants how he get to go to war and he wants to go to war and stuff like that he's like you should be proud yeah that you didn't yeah and not to yeah not to dismiss anything like that but I mean just like he doesn't know what they all went through no that's my my favorite kind of Godzilla or Mony movie is the ones that focus on the people more again I love I love any Kaiju Monsters punch of other monsters it's always awesome but the ones that because on the people experiencing that yeah and like what they're going through um are always the best ones absolutely so yeah that was that was arguably the best Godzilla film I've ever uh experienced so mhm 100% yeah it was great yeah I'm trying not to say anything right now I'm trying to so I mean fantastic reviews from both of you and um just echoing everything that you guys said about this movie um right off the right off the bat going into it um that's a huge moment that I wasn't expecting and that set the tone for the film was I was not expecting anything that I got in this film no no same no like I I told you something something I was like I feel like this is going to be the new Shin Godzilla it's like completely different which is completely different I don't know how I wasn't expecting it you know I just but like it also threw me off because when you initially see Godzilla you think it's going to go one way which is different than the way I thought it was going to go but they end up going a completely different way from both of those you know yeah know yeah and this film captures the spirit of the original film 100% absolutely because a I mean just the message of the film it's there it's destruction and War mhm and choosing to live and fighting for that even though you have this monster of a beast to tackle in front of you and it's not going to be and they all go out and fight him without their government forcing them to go out and fight it they fight it for the right to live talk about beautifully working the art of Cinema I know to tell a story to tell a story that people need to hear yeah no that was what this movie did that scene when he was asking people who would be willing mhm and then he's like this is not an order type thing yeah um and then like I was expecting quite a few people to leave mhm and there was like probably 10 I like that show some people leave and it shows them the and you just bought everything this movie everything felt so real yes yes there was no uh there was no plot armor in this movie at all of disbel that's that's what everybody that's what everybody keeps keeps saying is that there is no plot armor in this movie movie and Godzilla's terrifying like this is people are shocked by this because you know we've seen the monsterverse and Godzilla just you know he's he's know the protector and and this and that is with no stakes and plot Galore with with the the those films but they with everything pretty much but this it's like whoa when when he's like when they're in the the small boat and he's chasing them in the water and it's just his draws reference by the way three characters I'm glad you brought that too because the eyes the eyes wow the most pissed off Godzilla ever the most real looking eyes to the most this is this is 100% the most realistic looking just in the face alone Godzilla that we've seen um his entire design it's my favorite design I've seen of Godzilla and I love Shin Godzilla's look and I love the red but um wow this was my absolute this was like a blend of shin and king of the monsters for me he just felt like a just terrifying yeah animal that you cannot stop or monstrosity that you cannot stop at all and you know he always feels like that but something about this film with the way he moved and just like the that's the thing yeah no no he wasn't a hero no nothing just destroyed and that's what it was and like he literally yeah like that's his purpose yeah cuz there wasn't even like he was targeting things just the next thing he saw it was like oh cool I'm going to go here but like not in a funny way it was just like holy crap I I'm going to go do this again movement here I'm going to go here yeah and then I mean so it had it had those type of classic Godzilla moments had moments that gave you chills from just watching all of the all the ones that you showed us in the first place and then getting just like as soon as I heard the theme come into the film I had you cuz I was starting to get pumped in the theater yeah you you get the classic theme uh and in in the climax but the the first his first attack is the theme but it's also it's a it's a rendition of a of a classic rendition of a theme from the original composer from Gaza versus Mathra and it's my favorite Gaza theme it's so and it's one when one of the main characters is in the train that whole thing is that music it's it's been redone too it's it's still the same same uh uh sound but it's it's a little more modern yeah and talk about music really amplifying and sound design amplifying a scene that Amplified it so much that's a crazy scene beautiful yeah the score was absolutely phenomenal score was pH um he every character was phenomenal this movie you cared for every you cared for all of them especially the team them kid kichi the uh um uh Captain yeah yeah so everyone felt real everyone felt like you care yeah yeah the little girl the act the little girl the acting oh my goodness F adorable crap you gave me huge uh Pacific Rim moo Vibes a little bit yeah yeah yeah gave me my gave me honestly my niece Vibes yo it hit me so much I was like oh way she acted was oh it was so sweet it was tender it's like one of the many reasons why I was crying cuz like I tried not to cuz I knew I didn't know where it was going but like I I saw the the Beats of the story but like I was like what if that was me mhm and not necessarily that I didn't you know his love kind of just happened randomly but like if that's your own family like what would you do and that it just kind of broke down you know how amazing that is that you're able to actually project yourself onto on those characters like that like that's phenomenal and and and not a lot of Godzilla films do this but not a lot of actual Hollywood films do that either you can't especially when it's a lot of superhero things you can't really can you really like put yourself into in like superhero shoes or large in life characters not really this was this was this was like I haven't up in a movie for a while and this one got me as well yeah first time I saw it it still got me but the first time I'm like whoa I was like I was ready I'm like yes yes and out of nowhere I'm like like after the first 45 minutes I'm like who yeah this is hdden hard man great stuff I think the one thing that I have to leave it with is that this should not be looked at like it's just a movie in the monsterverse and don't think that yeah go to see this to see true cinema this year and unfortunately people are already saying what you know it's it's it's the ill informed it is what it is especially if you're not a Godzilla fan but people are saying is this connected to uh the monster verse is Kong in it like people are saying that it's like oh man no no no no no it's not like J yeah yeah absolutely I mean that's the same type of thing and you just walk out you're just like freaking cinema this is this is its own thing it's not a sequel to Shin Godzilla it's not a sequel to the monsterverse it's not even a remake it is its own story that for the first time ever besides the original film even though that's not really a period piece of it because it came out but this is aiod piece we haven't gotten that in a god before that's awesome so original I am just I mean to compare it with even the other Godzilla films the only one that this one competes with for me is 1954 and I think this one actually might well I think it might take it okay honestly I mean just it got you it did and I think even the entire experience of seeing it the theater as well yeah adds a layer to it dude Absol freaking absolutely could you imagine if we didn't I mean we we I I was fortunate I had to watch this movie but I I it really got me that there was a moment where I'm like damn there none of you guys are going to be able to see it but because it's done so well it was it's extended I'm like yes we can do this cuz you guys have to see you you have to see this in the theater like it's have to and I mean if you can see an IMAX I saw an IMAX mhm and our theater was good though it was actually like I was think about what theater we were at I was just in it yeah absolutely I mean I thought I was worried about the sound and the picture quality it was still really really great especially guys of the Roar but man and IMAX though that thing was boom so good so satisfying in my ears yeah lose hearing good was so worth it but to uh pass over the review torch now to the godfa father of the Godzilla Cinema 3D fan base that is Daddy John Thomas daddy John Thomas wow okay that's a that's that's a big shoot um so as you guys know I am a you know a small fan of Godzilla I would say right being mod okay so I I am a DieHard huge Godzilla fan I have all the films I've seen them all I collected it I collected memorabilia I study these films I love them um and this uh uh and I've been a I've been a fan of Godzilla since I was a kid and what's great with Godzilla similar to like Batman and a couple other uh characters that they can transcend you can have the serious dark films then you could have your campy films with other messages and kid-friendly stuff it seems like the general consensus is is like oh Godzilla protector of the of of the world and stuff like that and it's like if you really really really dissect this and and you really watch the the root of what this is he is an allegory the creature is an allegory for what Japan went through and you see it in this film mhm and it is phenomenal everybody has been saying this statement and I would also agree it is one of the best Godzilla films ever made mhm yeah attachment to the director tekashi yamazaki um he um directed the [ __ ] out of this but what's great is that he not only directed it he also helped do the VFS for it oh wow and and and let's and let's go back to just the overall production this film only cost 15 million mhm gosh I just saw that what can you yeah exactly I know that the fact I mean you guys finally saw after I've told you guys hey it's it's only 15 million I'm sure you guys are like after watching it does it look like 15 million looks like big budget possible 100% And the fact this should I mean Hollywood should watch should see this film because yo it is literally perfect I mean and they're they're banking too too Studios is banking with this movie man I mean I mean it's doing well here it's it crushed it in Japan okay but anyways um Godzilla is back the way he is always meant to be um you know it's great to have some American film American Godzilla films and whatnot but I think it's kind of to me the idea has kind of died off cuz like ever since when Roland em did the 98 film it's like oh Hollywood can Hollywood can do Godzilla the the the better way with huge money and special effects and all this stuff and it's like T-Rex yeah we yeah T-Rex yeah exactly iguana on iguana on two legs or and in 2014 the 2014 fil which I love and I Gareth Edwards the director did a great job with that um but but at the same time there's is something about Toho the Japanese way of doing these these uh Kaiju films these monster movies this just on another level well they're just they're so much more attached to it yes exactly in many facets oh 100 very much very much yep and um but but we're not like that even with like King Kong I mean King Kong is an icon for America but we're not it's not like it's not like uh he's not an allegory for for any for for like how Godzilla is that's what set sets him apart but um the these are probably some of the best characters ever put in a godilla film and I love and there is a handful of characters that I love in the series series especially in the original in the original film uh it's just great characters especially uh one of the characters in the film in the original film was a scientist such great such a great character but these are the most well-rounded characters and oh my goodness you there is no plot armor you care for these characters and it's sad it's heartwarming it's just it's devastating as well like you go tell me how you go you go through all these ranges of emotions and it's not forced no is not forced freaking funny stuff it is y exactly I've never laughed in the Godzilla movie before yeah everything felt Beyond genuine it very yes and um you could tell it was made it was made uh with so much heart the director clearly loves Godzilla yeah um is a fan of these of these films Godzilla looks incredible and I am so and be see I'm glad that Shin Godzilla had a crazy crazy design was very different it took took chances on took chances on the Big G yeah I'm glad that at the same time we kind of got a more traditional Godzilla with some extra sprinkles of nness like oh okay you can do this you can do that that's cool um but it was it was inherently still very classic and he looks very much like the '90s mhm era of Godzilla yeah with with a with very much but exactly but but with a with a little bit it's like almost it's almost like the director kind of pick and picked and and choose like um and shows uh different parts pieces from from other designs kind of amalgamate it together and it looked phenomenal I'm glad that they scaled him back as far as his size it's kind of closer to the original Godzilla film as far as his size cuz it started getting even even in even in those films he guys started getting huge and huge and huge and then uh Shin Godzilla in 2014 it was like massive real it felt very real the scale looked perfect God this Terri what did you think of the uh the color the color Godzilla himself it was interesting yeah it was like it wasn't he's usually charcoal charcoal everyone you know the the cliche oh green green no he's not green he's only green once um in Goda 2000 MH um but normally he's charcoal gray or charcoal black yeah but this was like black with brown Shades and if it was Scar Tissue Scar Tissue the stuff was Scar Tissue was like the where the like coloration happened and let me tell you why that's amazing if you look at the design of the original film the way the if you look at it look at some photos of the original film the way his scales are or the way his skin is is just like that like he was he he's a survivor of an atomic blast I love that they show him surviving that and also pissed off from that too you can tell that he's literally like he should not be looking like that he should not be existing you can tell he is p this is probably the most pissed off he's ever been and he's pissed off in in the original Godzilla film he's pissed off in the returnal Godzilla from 1984 pissed off in that movie but this was like holy [ __ ] like he is pissed off and awesome yeah and um yeah it's it's it's h there's so much to impact my mind like it's just I cannot wait to to have this in my colle in my collection of 30 plus films yeah and uh the music the classic Godzilla themes were there PE uh uh some people were like oh is does it seem kind of forced no I think they're the ones that that that Toho does it the best cuz they originated the music and stuff you know I think the original composer of the of the god of the film is a F rest in peace I think he would be proud of this and who else will be proud of this movie The Original director of the original film iser Randa one of my favorite directors yamama zakian isir Ronda is literally smiling that you made this amazing film that he would go watch and that's a testament to how great this movie is I would so so highly recommend this movie if you can try to get it to see it please do um if not wait for it to come out on digital and and Blu-ray buy it rent it watch it you won't be disappointed this was a shocker for this year let me tell you I'm a Godzilla fan so I'm a Godzilla fan obviously so yeah I'm a Godzilla fan so I I'll obviously like love it but I wasn't expecting to be like yo this could contend for top of the year yeah contend for top and I love I love that I love that that that a Godzilla film could possibly do that and that just gives me so much hope you know year is going to be a contender for bottom of the year yeah probably I'm not I some you lose some yeah absolutely hey you know why it's all good though because at least at least it's too doing this and killing it and too has done some short films as well um with with uh some director some uh directors doing like five minute short films and those are more suit mations uh with actual men in suit so you should get the best of both worlds you kind of they even done some some some uh animated uh short films as well so you get you get the modern tech you get the suit mations and you get you get the uh animated film animated shorts so it's been a huge uh year for Godzilla and it's phenomenal so I love this movie I think it will be in it's in my top films of all the time wow as well I think I could I think I could top five or top 50 uh I don't know I I I don't know if where it's at but yeah definitely for sure but it's definitely uh in my top films so let me ask you this cuz this could be the first time should we go around and wait for you we'll start with you me yeah we're going to go back around the the whatever this is shapewise square yeah four signs all right so we're going to start with you um out of the Cinema 3D rankings which we have a five- tier ranking system there you are five tier ranking system starting with never again means you're never going to watch the movie again not a fan which means you didn't really care for movie it wasn't really your cup te good flick is what an average most movies will be if you highly enjoyed the film it gets a positive rating great movie had a few problems in my collection was a phenomenally great movie one that you have to own one that you will watch frequently one that you want to show other people like he has a collection right there it's not all these movies are in my collection but and some U particular movie collections he has are actually incomplete and not a complete collection oh you had to throw that shade in there CU there's some never again oo love that's awesome then the highest honor a film can receive is what we call movie Magic that is something that we are not generous with at all because that is pretty much achieving a perfect score of a film that is a film that is really just one of your favorite of all time um I have not announced a movie Magic movie on this channel as of yet neither as Justin John you have not for any of the new movies that have come out I know you haven't said any yet so to that one so we are looking forward to the day when a new movie comes out that reaches movie Magic uh we have yeah anyway so Justin we'll start with your ranking my ranking for Godzilla minus one Godzilla minus one um I love this movie so much I want to see it again and then again after that yep um aesome 100% can't wait till it comes out so I can buy it definitely going to be up there the time when it comes out I am buying that [ __ ] I want watch steelbook or 4K Blu-ray that's that's what it deserves absolutely um so yeah this is one of my favorite movies ever made so it's definitely movie Magic it was perfect perfect everything down to the last minute details wow I mean from top to bottom there's absolutely nothing wrong with it no there's not there's not one single thing wrong with it yeah m is blown right now I don't it's I don't want to spoil the top 10 of the year but like it's it's up there um yeah I love how you just said we don't give this no we don't give it out lately we've never done it and it just so happens that you know Christmas is right around the corner so I got a gift this year that's God minus one perfect that was it that was great y yep so so wow that is our first official movie Magic claim on Cinema 3D this is a historic moment one that will certainly go down in the history books y Griffin man it feels weird to come on to the podcast and then just be like oh yeah move your magic obviously like you know so I'm sitting here be like oh can I explain a way to make that in my collection so that it don't sound like a poser you know but I I got to agree with just I I cannot think of something wrong with this film Perfection there there was one VFX shot in the entire film that I thought looked a little wonky and even then it didn't really look that wonky you know but if that's the only thing I can say about this movie where it's not even an actual issue it was something that I was like oh yeah you know like it was more that I knew what they did you know it wasn't even that it looked bad I just knew what they did to do it you know and so yeah what what can you say you know I was cuz even like you were talking about the the levity you know that it had that was because of the captain you know and like every character has an important purpose for being there even the captain who's kind of this this you know levity character he's meant he's like a foil to the main character who's depressed the entire movie you know and so You' got this one trying to like raise his spirits and tell him the right way to go I love that so optimistic especially since the original film wasn't that optimistic there was a sense of nihilism with with very much a caution a very much a lot of caution this film does a complete opposite it's like There's Hope yes but there is a level of sadness there and caution there but it's still like the overall message is amazing it's it's so like I I'd be shocked if the people in Japan did not like really like I I know this had to sit like hit them hard yeah but just in general just the world in General it's a beautiful message a filmm that had a message yeah yeah we don't we don't have that much we don't have that that that many of films that have done that this year a monster movie only one other one yeah absolutely that's it yeah you've got this character who at the beginning is like again the levity but ends up becoming the hope you know and that's what the movie is trying to do and he ends up becoming a you know thematically one of the most important characters you know it's crazy it's just phenomenal so yeah you know first time on thanks for having me guys I appreciate it think I'm going to have toss this one to move magic what can you say two magic in a now anyone to put it um so this movie I Am here's my problem I am probably the stingiest when it comes to movie Magic because I'm trying to decide if movie Magic means how limited am I going with giving away movie Magic oh no I feel the same way I just could not not and that's the position I'm currently in today yeah because I am battling right now between movie Magic and in my collection this is a big deal this is a huge deal it's a huge deal he is very stingy I'm extremely stingy because I almost want to limit movie Magic to my top 15 films of all time that's how stingy I am with it that's that's what I that's what's hard about it yeah that's what's hard because I could see a movie that is the best film of the last 10 years but that doesn't necessarily mean it could achieve magic that's the hard part about it mm do we need to come back to you the problem is I felt the exact same the problem is I want to say how this as of right now probably to me is the best film of the year yeah and that's the claim that I'm making yeah that's why I said movie Magic because it is the best film of the year it's the best film of the Year easily holy [ __ ] this is but then again we need to come up with an actual criteria from movie Magic so we know movie Magic to me here I'll break it down yeah break it down because is this in my top 15 I don't know about that but is it in my top 50 yes movie so there are some movie Magic movies that I will have once we do that video mhm that have some flaws right real same like just straight up yeah whether it's literal flaws like you know Dark Knight little you know there's editing errors but stuff like that editing errors like errors just stuff that people generally nitpick I don't find as that if if a movie like Godzilla minus one has nothing that I can even detailed look for and find no flaw we almost magic for me rearrange our ranking system because no here here's why though because movie Magic is the highest honor of a film but we could have a movie that is nostalgic and it be movie Magic but that doesn't mean it's objectively great this movie is objectively great yeah yeah I see that you see what I mean so like let's say as an example Space Jam doesn't live up to a movie like this but it might be one of my favorite movies just out of pure Nostalgia you had the BR space j so that is that is the flaw in our ranking system that is the flaw in our ranking system is is the subjective objective but we're just talking about this movie today and this movie is objectively I have nothing to say about it I have nothing nitpick probably the best movie of the year MH the only one that I can think of where you're walking out with this feeling afterwards so regardless of my whatever we're giving this film movie Magic yes all right this is you guys don't understand how how crazy this is for this entire time like my vision was just like more you wow three for three three for three okay now leave it up to the biggest Godzilla fan to give his ranking hey boys okay it's movie magic magic guys I just I can't I can't I can't F this up there you're right there's L nothing wrong with this movie it is L phenomenal I just can't I can't get over this movie I'm thinking about it every day listen to soundtrack way too much I will be listening to it cuz that soundtra is so freaking please do uh especially Gilla suet number one it's phenomenal um the constant repetition but it's never annoying strings and a lot of strings but like oh my gosh they do different stuff with it and like the the opening sequence horrifying mhm yeah with the same monotone score for like 3 minutes yeah and then a lot of the uh emotional stuff didn't have scores which was amazing or if it did it just had like low but but it was perfect there was just so many different themes in this movie like musically and thematically yeah that's brilliant no but but I mean it's uh it's movie Magic Man like the only other film that uh like from from your point as far as has uh walking out of the theater and feeling like this was dial of Destiny and Oppenheimer as far as like those three however however this one you really they're really see with Dela Destiny a't even Oppenheimer there's some things that you can maybe you know this and that it's you know you can't there's some things you can nitpick and and and have problems with if you if you really step back and think you can't with this movie n like and and and and biased but at the same time no you're not this movie is just great yeah yeah exactly no that's the thing is you don't need to I was not expecting this from from you guys and I could not believe this you're biased with some other Godzilla movies probably I mean yeah that might just not be as good like as the original or 84 or 2014 but like no it's great if you're a Godzilla fan of this film and if you have never seen a Godzilla movie it's great and if you didn't like other Godzilla movies it's great if you like you can't go wrong war movies it's for you if you like monster movies it's for you you like stories if you like love stories it's for you it's for you family there's another one I forgot horror horor horror political thriller tap right there but if you like votes you feel like cooking documentaries it might not be for you there cooking documentaries oh there is cooking there is cooking in it very interesting Mis soup after that even though it's probably not the right thing sake as well man they were enjoying that yeah absolutely I can go but the dude the freaking everything I can't put into words how amazing this movie is not going to say it's my favorite movie of all time but it's one of those that like yeah it could be you know like it's not it's not I'm not saying that no yeah yeah but like still the fact that it's even in like this is like that type of movie that should be you know considered as one of the greats of all time I agree 100% And then you know what a great character to have that yeah as well because I mean you know obviously the original Godzilla it would be the other one and that's always been the thing too with you know Godzilla being this huge franchise the one that I've always kind of linked to as being like what I would consider to be this type of film is only 1954 and the other ones have all been like that's a great that one is a great film and the five we talked about earlier which will save for another video mhm but 1954 was the one where I could be like this is kind of like Peak Cinema it's nice to see it come back around again with PE Absolut it's that perfect combination of like it's an objectively fantastic movie it is an objectively you could say Flawless movie but in conjunction with that it is also just hits you like it is it is and it it is relatable to your humanness yeah right like we are Americans who watched this film and got something out of it you know like that's not for us right but it we felt it you know and so when those things come together that's that's movie magic man that's magic look at this guy and what year did Joker come out 19 this could be the best film of the decade as of right now you got to stop you it's is like I'm I'm like getting blown away the best film of the 2 Century I'm like get him blown away every single moment yo keep going best best Godzilla score oh overall wow um obviously pulling from The Originals music that's always a tricky thing with a legacy film is they pull from the original so which one has better you can do it yeah different and yep absolutely better yeah I yeah absolutely um my favorite looking film not just not Godzilla himself but like my favorite looking Godzilla film mhm to dat yeah same all-encompassing uh I mean obviously had my favorite acting in a Godzilla film because I connected with it the most that also blends with the story yeah best overall story I would say too because it allows you that time to connect to it and I I remember 1954 I I feel like the fact that this one has just a regular man dealing with his love and also not wanting to be succumb to love right rather than just strictly the scientist more throughout this one still had a scientist aspect but I feel like this had more for me I think um I think we can't because it's crazy how often I think about that we can't sleep on 54 though no because that one the emotion that is in a particular scene in that film yeah hits really hard to to me it's like again I I I can I can pretty confidently say I like this one more than 54 but I mean it's like Super Mario 64 to Super Mario Galaxy for that play game you know that it's like Super Mario Galaxy a better game than superio 64 but you cannot for a second undervalue the importance of Super Mario 64 and that it's also incredible in groundbreaking and and phenomenal and that's where that type of scenario comes inh yeah that's awesome yeah I'm so happy right now I feel like I could you have a good thing you have a timer because I feel like if if it wasn't so late I could keep thinking about stuff one of the most epic scenes ever yeah the the the cut to silence for about 15 20 25 seconds all of a sudden the SC just comes back in absolutely and the stable tracking shot of the plane whatever you call it um the Jet and then the other one somewhere in the middle of the movie like it was just yeah the the freaking she pushes him had yeah he left he left I thought it was going to be the other way around yes that was he he wants to die yeah you know he wanted to get swept away he doesn't even care with the the dude from the beginning like I knew something was up with the lever I just did not expect that he was actually going to e show him that it was an ejector I thought when he initially said you know the bomb where he said that it's a safety for the bomb if he pulled this yep I thought that was going to be the ejection but it turns out that no that was just a safety for the bomb and then later on he showed him yeah I was pretty surprised that he told him to live like I thought I thought that he was going to be pretty he was emotional about itally beat him up just because he wanted to reach out to him hated him as long as he knew him yeah yeah and like that was both of their Redemption arcs completed was just to tell them to live like y gosh man dude I I I I I want to watch it again I want to watch again talk about how wonderful stable shots are that just oh yeah we we I watched The Hunger Games last week such a goody it's amazing I love the it's an incredible film but there just right I can't see yeah not thinking about it yeah like I can't see anything no I mean I mean oh just just St stable shots Parx beautiful Parallax shots especially since it is a foreign film and you know people are going to be reading subtitles definitely lends more towards that yeah but it adds to the horror yes cuz when it does happen it's scary true true and you know a huge Advantage I got to say over let's say Godzilla not to say anything about that film but 2014 is I I can see Godzilla yes true true I yes I would agree is like that that was one of the main criticisms and yeah like how how crazy is crazy is it that too and the director were confident being like there's no there's only one night scene everything else is daylight we're going to show you this in all its glory for only that's only cost 15 million but we're confident and we want you to see this creature 100% um dude I mean with the whole like shaky shots and even steady shots like some of it like the the shot where uh the two main characters are running away with with all the other people behind them and you have this amazing shot going like this and you have Godzilla's foot going like that dude that was Shan a drone they literally they use I think I think one of the I think a mavic but it was one of the high-end mavic it was literally I saw the behind the scenes and it Lally just there yeah it's literally just there and they're doing doing that what dude they literally shot this on a back lot and had a green screen here and then maybe put maybe had a little bit of like the props or like the old school Japanese like like shop area and then they showed you that like when they putting uh how it looks like and then putting all the V effect on there and what you see none of that was freaking real but the humans were real and a little bit of the thing of the props were real so like that's that's a testament to making it believable it is phenomenal mhm it's any just had to say that it's crazy yeah I will we will be buying us on Blu-ray we'll be buying this on Blu-ray for a little movie Magic six or seven scenes I want to rewatch right now absolutely oh dud I want to rewatch the uh I think his first attack on land yeah the train that one yeah no train the train one yeah that has the best music all sad scenes the ending mhm then the very end talk about about an actual good plot twist again well also like like she had something coming up on her neck like is that is that reation is it a connection to Godzilla like that's that I'm glad you say cuz we're getting spoilers so it's like for sure I'm taking it asy it it is it is but but but Happ but at the same at the same time like that's the thing with war too War happened and you're going to have casualties people are injured people have know radiation all TSD all that stuff but we're Al but we're alive mhm that's what's great it is a there is a a level of caution and somber with that especially at the very end too which you know but I we won't say that but phenomenal man yeah yeah cuz I mean that connects so much more with you know Godzilla being an analogy for World War II you know in the atomic bomb that you know that's just what that's what the people Japan went through you know the people that were lucky enough to survive the atomic bomb radius ended up dying of radiation poisoning you know years later true and it's just it just hammers that message home you know that it's like there's still a cost to these things was beyond imminent destruction you know love that this is a as JN would say master class display of why film is the way it is and why we need to keep it alive great Point that's that's you need to see this movie I who you are if watching if we get one view if we get a million who cares like you need to go see this movie heed this word see this film that's where it comes fromo four unanimous movie Magic decision first time ever we're not going to happen for a long time ago no Simer didn't even get movie Magic no Oppenheimer did not uh and one of the best films of the Year second best film of the year yeah mhm it is honestly yeah no yeah yeah I mean for me as of right now it is well the thing yeah like this one shocked the crap on me oen Hamer I went into that thinking it was going to be my favorite of the Year obviously not thought it was going to stay at Point yeah and then another movie Allah Hunger Games shocked me too yeah so it's also the original Hunger Games the shaky Camp oh like like I watch oh yes that was confus the new movie the new the new one was amazing is so freaking yes the new one's incredible cannot wait to do our top five or top 10 of the year which will be fil very very soon you know let me just say this though this year I actually was ranking mine the other day getting ready for it year actually kind of delivered it's not bad wasn't a bad haven't seen that many but I feel like for the most part the ones I've seen have been the ones I needed to see it lighter year for seeing films as well I've seen about 12 films I got about oh really yeah I got about three or four more that I just need to see before we do this review um so yeah we'll see how many we end up mentioning in that one but uh as of right now that closes out our revieww of Godzilla minus one did you see Godzilla minus one that one viewer million viewers whoever's watching this right now did you see it what did you think of it and also what's your favorite Godzilla film or favorite Godzilla moment let us know down in the comments below and we will see you guys next time for more Cinema 3D and 4D and however many D's we can [Laughter] get
Channel: Cinema3D
Views: 2,011
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: godzilla, godzilla minus one, king of the monsters, kaiju, monster movies, film, cinema, review, spoilers, reaction, theater, IMAX, AMC theaters, King Kong, legendary, toho, Japanese movies, anime, epic
Id: P60jr1AW9lc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 56min 26sec (3386 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 09 2023
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