Godzilla Minus One is THE BEST FILM OF 2023! WOW! - Angry Movie Review

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[Music] hey guys are you like me and you have countless subscription services that it's hard to keep track of like for the Angry Joe show I got like like 17 I mean I needed to cancel EA access that ultimate whatever for for Madden we don't need that no more okay but I forgot about it we'll never forget about it again how get yourself rocket money app it's going to be the easiest way to manage and cancel all on one screen all of the subscriptions that are taking your money every month and this is something we actually use Joe has been using it oop sorry I've been using this for months now and it truly has been so helpful for me it's been reminding me about bills about paying stuff that I don't even I forgot to cancel and you can do it like and click on a button it says cancel now bam simp so simple there's Bill negotiation there's budgeting setting your goals it'll help you get organized and I love getting organized there's already 5 million people using it go to Rocket money.com angry joosu right now or check that link in the description you and download the app for free yeah free trial right now and there's a premium version that unlocks a ton of extra features as well all right check it out guys rocket money app it is awesome and I hope you guys enjoy the video guys we just got back from Godzilla minus one and I am very happy to report to you that this is an amazing movie that all of you should go out and see right now it is that good in fact now let me preface this I'm a big Godzilla fan but I think that this might actually be the best film of the year and it blows me away um you know normally it gets right the one thing that American Godzilla films cannot do which is human characters I I can't stand human characters that's why we when we watch one we're like let's see the let's see the monsters F let's see how many different kaijus they are because the human the America has had a chance and they failed over and over and here with the Japanese there is an actual story here with characters that are complex that are interesting that are flawed That Make You Care this is this sort of mly crew that comes together post World War II Japan which that time period's already fascinating to me the technology the different uh you know aspects of the War postwar uh and then them having to find a way to defend their Island from this this one of the most aggressive Godzillas one of the most evil destructive Godzillas uh which is good to see you know they didn't try to make AO or anything those films have a have a place and I like them because I love my anti-hero Godzilla but this Godzilla he's a [ __ ] monster right and they have to try to find a way um in this postwar Japan where where resources are depleted uh the military is being dismantled to try to find a way to stop this uh this sort of um you know destruction from happening and when the characters and the human drama and the story being told is so good with some themes in it themes of redemption themes of of forgiving yourself uh there's so many themes here that it touches and does well while simultaneously providing us that monster action um you know honestly I didn't expect to to many um action scenes but we got a really good amount uh I'd say there's four major ones and they just keep getting better and better and I just sat in this chair I opened up Wikipedia and I'm [ __ ] shocked because the budget is only 15 million I cannot believe with a budget of 15 million they did what Gareth Edwards and all these other American directors with all their 200 million did they did Godzilla better I mean of course this is Japan so they know what the [ __ ] they're doing right uh but this film is even better than the Japanese uh recent you know Shin Godzilla was about bureaucracy it could be a little boring I it was hard for me to go out and scream from the mountain tops go watch Shin Godzilla right because it's it's got a certain uh one you could see at the time though this the best one you can see at the time this one I can scream from the mountain tops go out and see this the characters are compelling the story is awesome the uh visual effects are great on a $15 million budget Godzilla is is menacing there's a sense of urgency it does every single aspect right it's it's near perfect now I mean no film is perfect so there are some things here and there that we'll talk about especially in maybe in the spoiler section some tropes that you know get a little ridiculous but when you're having such a good time like this uh I don't [ __ ] care it's it's completely forgiven and I got to say guys I'm so mad at American Cinema that is so caught up and subverting expectations and trying to take something and create something new out of it when the action starts in this film and they [ __ ] play that Godzilla theme I I'm I'm sh shaking in my chair like a weirdo I don't give a [ __ ] this [ __ ] fuels me and it it touches my heart this is done well I never expected them to hit it as well as they hit it here so as you can tell glowing review from me I've got more to say on it but I'm curious whether uh Joe and Alex felt the same way about it what did y'all think of Godzilla Min now by the way we got here's our tickets three tickets uh now we went to a theater that already isn't frequented very often it's Southwest uh Lake line more people should go it's a great theater very comfortable chairs uh and it was at 11:30 so we were the only ones in the theater but what I want you to know is you need to go out and buy tickets to this it it is totally worth it and I want it to do well in the theaters go ahead uh I'm just happy we saw a good movie it's been a while hasn't it uh the last two were a little disappointing in the what are the last two Silent Night Napoleon was a little dis this is more historically accurate even including Godzilla than Napoleon so [ __ ] you Ridley Scott retired no this is a very good film I really enjoyed it uh the characters I actually enjoyed watching the characters I didn't find myself being like okay now it's time for Godzilla I was enjoying the pace his uh inner battles was great his Redemption was great again like a couple tropes but I [ __ ] loved Godzilla from beginning oh man this is a Godzilla they do great on him now he's not a complete [ __ ] rubber suit like I've always wanted that but we're not going to get it we're going to get a mix what's amazing is the 50s version of Godzilla it's it almost feels like a reboot not a reboot but a remake in certain ways of that Godzilla cuz he does have kind of the the little awkward little and it reminds you of the go a little bit of the goofy but you take it serious he looks so good his eyes like they're like almost human eyes when you look at him there's this unsettling this thing is more than a lizard and that's perfect for Godzilla they did a wonderful job with Godzilla and let me gush for a second this is the best that that the atomic breath has ever been they spice the atomic breath like it should be Atomic breath when he fires that thing it's like a [ __ ] B bomb goes off a Hiroshima and they not only do they do the blue beam too often the beam is weak it's like it's like a [ __ ] I don't know a laser or something no no this thing there's a [ __ ] shock wave that that explodes forth blasting everything around it it's almost as destructive if you're getting hit by the beam as destructive as getting slightly to the side of the beam and then once the Beam stops it's not done in this version it gets Co there's like a [ __ ] blowback it is just amazing and perfectly done and when Godzilla uses this it is oh it is just cinematic Bliss you need to enjoy that in the the for for the in theat you must see shaking yes it is great go see it in theaters or I'm not your friend anymore yeah it's a good movie that I think anyone can enjoy um it's by far better than any of the other I mean it's better than all of the American King Kong movies movies it's the human element is not you know it's like you don't want toou your eyes out when they're on screen and that's that's a big Aaron I don't know I don't even remember the just [ __ ] the other but they're they're so bad and you don't care about like why their parents are divorced and like everything about the story in those movies are so [ __ ] terrible that you're like fine just give me the monsters and because that's the only thing you're competent at this they do everything well because we got the monsters they're satisfying but we have the human story and it's really s satisfying there's actually a lot of really interesting things that happen here and I think it did a really great job um and this this just a war torn yes I like that to are really great $15 million this blows it's about 50 well so yeah but it's about 50% increase because of the the yen to dollar ratio so it's like but it's still even if it's for $20 million this is incredible how much was the marbles uh yeah oh oh my God Joe and did you know Indiana Jones was like 300 million I completely forgot that film came out this year I saw that because it was the only movie that I haven't seen on a flight so I had to watch it I was like okay I'll I'll check it out [ __ ] tr oh my God bored you realize how much money could be distributed to I don't know civilization I don't know that just when you when you are this effective with such little money it makes what we're doing over here like we're just setting fire to just basically piles of money I mean there's some directors that do a good job like well Disney yes but it's like the Creator was low budget and look I mean I had some issues with the storytelling but fantastic looking movie and I think that you know if we're going to talk I mean I gush I'm gushing all the things that you guys had ditto love all the other things you know for not the sake of repeating ourselves but honestly these $200 million monstrosities I think are going away and they have to be cuz the studios are looking at they're like look Indiana Jones like how many movies over 200 Mill that cost over $200 million made a profit this year and I know the answer is one there's only one it's Guardians of Galaxy 3 it's the only one that did it and like all right and so the issue is you're taking all of this amount of money and you're like hey there are smaller people passionate talented people who can do far more with far less and then I'm hoping restrictions too Hollywood tekashi yamazaki want to give him all the credit in the world written and directed by this guy he uh started in the effects area but he gets it I actually felt emotion in in this film like I came to tears I'm I'm not afraid to admit it I I I was tearing up and that's what I want from and there were moments in this film where I was letting out gasps and oh you know like when that first atomic breath like I didn't expect to blow back and all that stuff knew everyone was [ __ ] like oh it's just a and then and then when he goes after the boats while it like it's just it's like Jaws on [ __ ] steroids L PCP LSD it is like you are just terrified and there's nothing you can do about it cuz you're on a small [ __ ] wooden boat that would capsize if you stood on it wrong you know it's it's just amazing and uh they do such Justice uh to the Godzilla license and the this is I mean I'm so happy for uh Japanese Cinema I don't know how well it's doing over there in Japan but um I I really think this is if I go through all of the films that I've seen this year you know what what are some of the good on you know actually this has been a great video game year but not that great of a movie year what I mean flowers flower kill Moon I like this better I actually think that this may be my favorite film of the year and and that's crazy cuz I didn't I didn't expect something like that uh now it's subtitles I don't know if you know this it's uh directly from Japan it's you know in Japanese so you got to read subtitles do not let that scare you off it is so worth it uh everybody the acting is super herb it you feel the emotion from every single character you buy like everything that's going on here um almost every emotional beat hits and I think I I saw a few people talking about it that that may be an act two it it Loose It the pacing is not meanders a little bit so I was prepping myself with that but I never ran into that like I was invested in those characters and mainly because I think I liked the characters enough and it it like maybe right hit that point and then it just starts and I'm like okay good good if it had gone a little bit more then then yeah I could see that but I think the pacing is excellent uh I enjoyed all three acts and honestly I want to go see it with some other friends I want to take my girl I want to I want to see it again like almost I would see it today if somebody asked me yeah cuz we saw this at 11:30 a.m. we had it to ourselves and help this out you know Joe I do do that you know I [ __ ] did it for Black Adam so now I feel as shame you're part of the problem I'm part of now I need to give this one at least three tickets well I did give it three tickets we got these three tickets and I'll can get some more and I hope you guys go out and see it based upon what what we said yeah uh go ahead save your money don't see Silent Night see this one instant if you're going to go see anything this uh holiday holiday weekend yeah and and hopefully this thing is in theaters you know over the Christmas and and break family com take your family to it yes they may never have seen a Godzilla before but it doesn't matter you don't need this guess what this is technically the 37th Godzilla film the 33rd in the too series uh and and you don't need to have seen any other Godzilla film to understand what's happening here just just to make that clear so let's uh let's go to final verdicts and and then we'll do a spoiler section afterwards um I I did I mean there was like little tiny things here and there like I do think that there was 15 minutes maybe of this how long is this movie uh 2 hours and 5 minutes yeah I think that maybe 25 minutes they could have cut 15 minutes but I didn't feel like you feel the length a little bit but I didn't mind it like I I didn't bother me and it gets really tropy towards the end but I was on board and it's like I I understand why they're doing what they what they wanted to do um but I think you know it's hard to find fault in something like this is one of the best monster movies that I've seen in a very long time I'd have to go through and rewatch some of them but I think this might be the best Godzilla film that that I've seen yeah I mean so they really nailed you know that but you're interested in both things you're in like Godzilla is the setting Godzilla is the you know the the bad guy but the human element is there it earned its place it is not at all like Millie Bobby Brown where you just monsters every second and so it's like I think I mean it's hard for me not to say that this is a legendary Godzilla movie this I I got out of I tried to stay s yeah but I mean like this is this is what I mean by legendary this is a this is not like you know episode and I'm going to say it again this is not like episode 3 of invincible were in 2 years I won't remember at all and when we think about Invincible it's not on your even in your top five like this is like when you think Godzilla and monster movies this is watch this one this is probably the very tippy top of the list this is this is what legendary is 10 out of 10 yeah Joe don't disappointed no I agree it's better than king of monsters it's better than Kong versus Godzilla uh no Jet Jaguar that's the that's the only Point that's the only one we I'm going to give him not the kind of film are you a man of principal or not he's not a man of principle that was he's a man of stupid principles you're a man of good principles not stupid principles I do want to see a [ __ ] Jet Jaguar that would be [ __ ] stupid but Joe we just got a fan Jet Jaguar whole film for Godzilla celebration 2023 this should be the year that you don't minus so it's a nine with a star but for real though yeah this is a [ __ ] 10 uh this is best one I've seen I've actually cared about the uh the main character was [ __ ] very compelling I was like rooting for him the entire time and like his like just what he was going through and everything I was like I felt so bad for him and I got emotional this had everything I wanted wow this has an 100% on Rotten Tomatoes it just went down uh with even a dump a big dump of reviews it's at 97 now critics 98 audiences so it's still a record for one critic and one audience member didn't like it yeah I like it's not there I had to read I came here to lead not to read but again like these characters were all very compelling his team too I even enjoyed watching their team so everything about this was great Side characters good immersing engrossing um and even then whenever we had some clearcut cohesive you can even understand the plans that are unfolding and then when it goes wrong you're like oh my God I like that as well the planning is like all right sometimes like you don't really see Godzilla but they're like still preparing or still talking about it okay it's a Godzilla movie building yeah okay guys well that is about as glowing as we can get if you don't watch Godzilla after watching this review shame on Union and my friend so uh those of you who are [ __ ] Ultra Godzilla fans and have already seen it can join us in the spoiler section the rest of you do not watch the spoiler section uh I want to see the views drop tremend tremendously right now on my video analytics cuz go see it first then we'll talk about uh spoilers there's not much here and I don't I really don't want to spoil too much but we'll just we'll talk about it uh briefly so thank you so much for watching go out and see this woman with your family it deserves to be seen in theaters and supported this is what uh Cinema's about cuz it's not not just a good monster film it's a good human story yeah all right guys uh we'll see you on the next Angry Joe show bye guys hey welcome to the spoiler section so um I didn't know if I should say kamakazi or do we get demonetized from YouTube I don't [ __ ] know but I think I said it already so he is a soldier pilot in the Japanese Air Force non alive pilot the non-al life pilot who um basically is experiencing a lot of Shame and survivors guilt because he uh didn't do his duty and pretended his plane uh you know is broke go ahead oh yeah he pretended his plane was def faulty so he landed on the island he's like Uh something's wrong with my plane and they checked it out it's like nothing's wrong with your plane it's like you just aband man mechanics like what are you talking about what are you implying and then there's he walks away there's one mechanic that does come and say look hey I I get it I mean we're we're already losing over I'm with you on this and uh you know so just just from that small little scene like that had more motion than a lot of the other films that we've seen this year but then as he's on the beach he's noticing these weird [ __ ] sea creatures he's not seen before and these are deep sea fish they're fishes that have thrown up their their swimbladder I guess they died from the radiation right well yeah they die from the radiation so he brings up the Deep yeah they look they they look um interesting but it's like look like little little uh sperm in then in the water yeah I don't you go deep sea fishing you pull up a fish too quick and then they throw up this swim bladder and then because there's a small amount of gas in there so [ __ ] intelligent I was wondering what the [ __ ] that was I thought it was M I was like makes sense now cuz of the compression the decompression and all that that factors they teach you scuba diving yeah so get he notices that and this is the first time overnight that we see Godzilla attack the island uh little baby Godzilla hey little Godzilla's [ __ ] amazing I loved it it was like a T-Rex size gy no he was probably 10 times the size of T-rex or maybe five times the size of T-Rex but it was amazing and it was [ __ ] awesome and it's a great scene first action scene to start this thing and you knew that things were uh doing it right now I'm surprised you know in the trailer actually I looked at the gra you know the the the effect and they I don't know some people can maybe see it as oh there's a little hokey little fakey maybe little there was a couple SC in the film like you're in it and and that stuff Fades away tanks the only liation yeah the tanks were bad bad the the yeah the tanks were bad it's 15 15 million limitation for the Japanese don't have any other their tank left over because put smoke in front of them or something but there's a comment about tanks later on that their light armor tanks were a bad idea and they even mention it themselves um and I liked the line too so comes ashore and attacks this small Air Force Base the guy the mechanics and the leader telling him hey hop in your [ __ ] plane and fire that 20 mil you know machine gun as he's walking towards us and so he does it and but then he he freezes again freezes again so Godzilla is not aggressive but honestly it's a smart thing to do like I I'm like that's not going to do [ __ ] and I'm going to di for no reason but they don't know that but still I'm glad he didn't do it cuz he would have just [ __ ] died instantly um like the other guys do and then so the Japanese guys get a little scared one of the guys gets a little shaky and he starts firing his gun and then they all fire guns and then that [ __ ] it's over it's over for and Godzilla comes in Godzilla was just kind of checking out the island looking around hadn't attacked anyone and then the be quiet just shut the [ __ ] up and maybe this thing will walk away and they're like no Shine the Light the big you know 8 million luming light directly into it size and then that guy that guy died and then I love how Godzilla is like if you [ __ ] look at me wrong I'mma [ __ ] you up yeah you know I just I don't give a [ __ ] I'm going to kill whatever is trying to me you know mess with me and when you mess with Godzilla you die yep King yeah that's that's yeah okay keep going uh and then so after and then So eventually the the war ends this was the last couple days of the war um so there's the head mechanic on the island survives he's left with the limp but the head mechanic blames the the the guy he's like look you should have shot all these men dying it's 100% your fault and he hands them this this uh envelope this waxed envelope of pictures he had gathered up all the pictures from all of their families and he's like they're dead because of you and it's like you you failed your mission you you refused to be a comicazi in the war and you wouldn't pull the trigger on Godzilla all and so it's like this it's not just it's building up then he goes home and he realizes his home is [ __ ] destroyed yeah his parents are [ __ ] dead and there's his next door neighbor uh who becomes a character I love that she's she stays a part of this group and she's like you know at first yeah I love her children died growth was great she blames him you know like cowards like you but it's misplaced anger you know because it's kamakazi and well she like she's like wait a minute you were a kamakazi pilot what the [ __ ] are you doing alive and it's like you must be a coward and that Survivor guilt kicks in and it's great and later on um this this vagrant it seems like a vagrant lady who stole something is running by and it she shoves some things in his hand he's like what what is what is this and it turns out to be a little baby and he's like what the hell but you can tell our main character is a good guy cuz he he leaves a baby behind and he's like walking off and he's like I I can't just leave a baby and uh later on she's like hey you know and he's like why did you come there you are where the hell were you with his baby and she was like well you out in the open I you know I'm running I'm trying to you know avoid for you the law or something yeah and uh so you have this little relationship forming and we learn that it's not actually her baby either it was a dying woman in the Air Raids you know the b29 bombers just bombing Tokyo and other places other cities more than likely and and uh she made her promise to take care of the baby so she did and she's not very good at it uh but she's doing it nonetheless and so they're they're they're the same in in that in that kind of way he didn't want to leave the baby either uh the neighbor figures out about this and you know while being you know can't let the baby die yeah can't while being angry at these two and not really caring for them she gives them her best rice and she starts to help too so we've got this little mly crew forming uh meanwhile he doesn't want her to stay in his house but you know as these things are falling into his lab you know they become a household not necessarily A family but they will become a family later on but and then he goes looking for a job finds something super dangerous that pays a lot of money uh so they're able to fix up the house and and you know form this family and they find these friends on this Fisherman's Boat uh that they clean up Minds you know cuz there's tons of minds and like all this is so believable so great characters you got the doc who's like you know a formal Navy intelligence officer he got a kid that's like man if the war just lasted a little longer kick ass and they all like what the [ __ ] did you say you know what I mean just like great moments like that all throughout the film um and so as they're cleaning mines um you know they hire him because he's a little good at shooting Sharp Shooting blowing up the mines after they bring them up from uh the the Sea and the uh one one thing though that may I was like I I my suspension of disbelief is not broken I'll allow it is how the government is nowhere to be found there's no mil like but I guess it does still make sense it's Cleanup Crew it's it's yeah but you would think that if a monsters come in the military probably have their own plan maybe they could have just said yeah the military probably has a plan but I don't trust them I want I want to make sure that we're doing something too yeah they try to a small line like that they try to explain it cuz like MacArthur General MacArthur took over Japan after the war and he and that's he was some the reason that there's some weirdness over there is because he was a he was a weirdo um but so he's like look the US is completely involed involved with this this post World War II Soviet thing so they're all 100% of their attention and because they were running Japan at the time yeah they were so scared of the Soviets they didn't even want to give them fighter jets they didn't want to give them boats they begrudgingly gave them a few boats that are unarmed don't have the guns actually there was one boat that did have some some guns that helped the fisherman out uh previously which was another great action scene so uh they realized at one point that this this monster is on the loose do a little bit of that old school uh Montage where the you know dotted line where the monsters going I like that that's definitely a throwback to a lot of the other 33 Godzilla films and it was done lovingly and so they're out there and they're like oh my God the government actually kind of uh you know we're out here on behalf to try to stop them and we're just here to delay the monster until one of the military ships can show up and uh great action scene here this is where you get that that Jaws like thing where the captain's like we're going to take it home to back to Tokyo it's going to be a trophy he's like I'm radioing to the other ship like we're going to kick it ass we're here gives this next scene boat gets taken out he's like his never mind let's get the [ __ ] out of here I'm like yes yep it's not one of those films that do this stupid ass [ __ ] he's like no we're gone yes like full steam but they still try to take care of business they got some mines on there and Dro mines to try to uh you know delay a little bit and you know Godzilla you know is not affected by the mine I like that they managed to get one of the mines in its mouth that does shot godzill a little bit and and they're like okay so that that might be a way to hurt him U meanwhile the big uh just as Godzilla is about to take uh our Our Heroes out in in the small wooden fishing boat boom he gets hit and [ __ ] gets rattled taken out so you know those those do help and I guess if you had maybe a a full us Fleet maybe you can you could stop Godzilla but this is um immediate surrender postwar Japan where they just don't have those kinds of resources so you have to get creative uh so when they do hit it with the big guns uh Godzilla just goes oh yeah he Dives like what are you gonna do now you ain't gonna do [ __ ] he goes under it I love this is that just light the water just starts glowing and I'm like oh over for you oh looks so cool thewes oh actually first he he does he does go and like you know wreck it a little bit and then then goes under because the ship while it's getting tossed around manages to turn to the deck guns and hit them like at Point Blank Range he's like you son of all right that's how you want to play you want to play dirty wh Atomic breath uh from a just amazing all right so you got that action scene was [ __ ] fantastic um got more characterization uh eventually you know the fisherman crew become friends he uses the money to upgrade his house and his friends are like hey man you know uh got a great family here and he's like this not my daughter and this is not my just some lady I know it's like what and and he hears the story and they're all like wow man that's that's good it's like all right so when you get married he's like no I'm not I I don't need I don't want or I don't want that and it's sad because you know you know without him saying it he feels like he doesn't deserve to have a family because of everything yeah because of everything and and he even uh the the line hit me at one point um why did you never marry her later on in the film and he's like because my War isn't over cuz he didn't do his duty and so he's just flaing in the wind [ __ ] rainbow yeah so so then we get to our third action sequence where Godzilla is going towards WS uh the city of ginu gin and it it just oh another great action this one of those classic uh Japanese goira films tossing train cars uh power lines was [ __ ] awesome um yeah and she work she so this is and then he realizes oh [ __ ] she works in the city and then we cut away to her in train car he actually attacks the specific train car that she's in just so happens so this is there's there's two moments in this film that that do the little too far Trope but like I said because we're at this high level you forgive it and I wanted I wanted a happy ending this film has a happy ending I'll spoil it now has an extremely happy ending and I'll allow be more impactful cuz it's like this is he has to survive for the kid so it would have been more impactful if she was dead but I guess so the first one is uh the fact that uh she is in the train car and and she's hanging on as it's hanging in his mouth and then luckily it goes over water so she is uh gets to jump in the water but the small stupid thing is she gets out of the water and all of a sudden she's in the road where everybody else is and Godzilla just so happens to be there walking in that and then she's like not walking they're like what are you doing let's get out of my way and he shows up in that an I'm like come on man there's no [ __ ] find her in that chaos no man everything else in film up until that point has had explanations for everything but it's like all right so we're already in it let's just go so he finds her and then you know as he's walking away with her um and everybody's running Godzilla starts charging up Bo tanks show up T amazing EXC tanks I want to know what type of Tanks those are cuz I don't recognize well they they aren't real they they're very they're in Microsoft I mean they they they did a lot of historically accurate things that shinden uh jet fighter is real I'm looking at it and it's [ __ ] sweet look pretty crazy um so I'm pretty sure the tanks are probably real too tank show up start firing at it and it just pisses it off so then you see this badass scene where his spikes just like start jetting out it's like all right everyone [ __ ] run this is where we see the first um After Effects first real Atomic Atomic breath yeah and H they're type three chinu all right I had to know I had to know type three chinos and they do look like that cuz you know you have the barrel but then there's like three mini fake barrels I'm like what what is that I'm so curious uh if you know type in the comments anyway so they fire piss him off and all right F all right [ __ ] y'all and he does the atomic breath and this is the best Atomic breath we've seen on screen this is a high power level [ __ ] it's basically an atomic bomb that gets a mini bomb that gets set off and the blast just destroys a ton of buildings and in that moment our character all that characterization that we had up building up you people that you like are at risk you're like no right and just in that moment you know you they're they're near um a concrete alley and she shoves our our main character into the alley at the same time the blast and she goes like she did she and then the shock wave blows back and it's so fast you can't see is she still in that debris when she goes that way too cuz motherfucker's dead and we and to everybody at that moment she died and They Mourn her death and he survives just goes go CRA you know because I think at that moment he might have been thinking about dreaming and and having a family at that moment and then he just has it all taken away so I feel in his hatred for Godzilla I'mma get you [ __ ] I'mma get you [ __ ] I don't know how cuz you are so big is so powerful and can blow up cities and I can't do [ __ ] um but he does eventually and it's awesome so one of you guys take it over Alex yeah and then after the destruction of Ginza a group of EX Navy and ex scientists to get together and say like hey uh we need to do something the government can't do anything we've got no resources but we've been able to get a small amount of these uh destroyers and we can get this group together and you lay out the plan the plan is look Godzilla is buoyant just kind of hangs out even you know can can just float in the ocean what if we release this gas to make that buoyancy go away and we plunge Godzilla 1500 meters to the bottom of the ocean the pressure should kill him uh if not there's this this raft CO2 raft system that we can do where they're going to you know plunge them super deep hopefully the pressure gets them and then immediately raise them up and if not the decompression should at least you know should do something uh and so that's their plan they set forth and there's a lot of like trying to convince these people that are like look we just got out of a war I don't want to risk my life you know that sort of thing we all got family but they they eventually move forward and they they collect everyone gets together so everyone from our our little mind sweeping fishing boat gets together um they're there and they just get get all these things together um but our main character needs something to do specifically and they're like look we can use a fighter uh fighter plane to lure Godzilla to the exact point so they need to go out and they they find a jet but or a plane that doesn't work and it leads back to the very beginning where we have the head mechanic that's the shinden that short range landbased Interceptor that they were saving for the supposed you know land Invasion that never came or you know attacking those b29 and this is a real plane really cool but you know that it was never used two were only ever built they were prototypes and uh so we get to see it fly in this film I think it's cool history it doesn't work uh and so they need a um you know a mechanic and he's like the only mechanic that I want is the one from Oda Island where I let all these people die it's part of him trying to you know like save yeah Mega men's and do all these other things so he writes him a bunch of letters that says you're a dick your mama doesn't love you uh and you're responsible for all all these people deaths yeah and and it's like what and you dress funny and then he shows up and beats the [ __ ] out of him love Yeah in the back of the head and ties him up he's probably going to kill him yeah beating his ass and he's like ah I tricked you I was luring you here so you kick my ass and it's just like okay this is and it's like it was amazing yeah uh then he explains his thing he's like look I need you to do this I need to finally get my mission I need you to fill this plane with explosives because I pull the Jaws you know blew up something in its mouth but and it didn't kill it but it almost did and so we just fill this whole thing up with even more bombs than I think I can take this guy's on board because you know he feels that he our main character is responsible responsible for all of his friends and his mechanics dying and they had families to go home to and this guy you know didn't fire at Godzilla so he helps him and fixes up the plane and what's cool is as um we get a scene where he's sitting in the cockpit and he's explaining to him because at some point he makes a decision I'm going to fly my plane into Godzilla's mouth and I'm going to blow up and I will ful my war is not over but that I'm going to fulfill my War I want to protect the little girl make everything right again you know her mom's dead I want to make it good for for her and so he he steals himself to do that shares his plans with everybody including this mechanic this mechanic says all right you got to Prime The Bomb by pulling this and then he says one more thing but we didn't hear it and it cuts away and I'm like oh interesting what's going to happen here um later on it turns out that this particular fighter has a ejection system and then he so he said use this ejection seat and live because like he's earned his respect and everything now he's giving him the permission basically to live or the motivation a little extra motivation to live and there's this other great speech before they go into battle because all the these aren't the military these is essentially the citizens who have to who survive the war have to go back and risk their lives and I like the speech because it's like in the war we developed all these weapons where our lives didn't matter thinly armored tanks you know planes that were amazing but had no ejection seat he's like you either win or you lose you just die you know these su kamakazi su all these different tactics um well Mass death through starvation and disease they said half casual very poor supply lines they even you know were humbled themselves and you part of the reason why they weren't as effective um and they said this time let's live and so that that's another theme here and it was well done comes across this is a film not it not only is a Godzilla film but it's definitely for Japanese audiences because this will speak to them you know and it's just a great story too so it still works here in America and there's constant like Jabs about the the community the lack of communication of the Japanese government like talking like not letting the citizens know what was going on oh they're the best at doing the secretive keeping things from them it's like we won't tell them what we're doing over in China it's like what what do you mean you're not going to it's like and in fact like when when the the main cities attacked the smaller City not Tokyo is was like uh everybody evacuate uh there's a giant monster coming this is not a hoax by the way cuz like they don't they were not going to tell this innocence at all until the last [ __ ] minute that's why our main character is so pissed off because he was like we got to tell them you know what coming government will not because they don't want Mass area it will look bad for them I don't give a [ __ ] anyways so great great great just all this drama and tension everywhere that uh so they enact the plan Here Comes Godzilla oh [ __ ] here a bolt flies across it was like one of the boats that's you know uh trying to monitor where Godzilla is uh they fire off uh some mines has no effect and then the boat comes flying and they're like wait a minute it was the boat pulling the speaker that was playing the uh the record Godzilla's voice we're piss Godzilla off like Mission successful it's like oh they're dead all right and they're like [ __ ] he's already at land or how we oh we still have shin zami and whatever his name is let me try to look up his name so he manages to lure Godzilla uh by shooting at his face and [ __ ] flying around and uh being menacing I would have liked to we fight a little tighter and then you know kept leading him and flying Tighter and Lead him cuz he kind of leads off and I'm wondering if God be like ah [ __ ] it and just keep going back to the destruction but no he you you you do one bullet and Godzilla he's like [ __ ] you're dead um Kochi uh she uh K Shima Kochi so Kochi leads him away and back into the water and back over the trench and so that allows the boats to wrap uh the um what kind of guess Freon that's right and you know they're just going so fast and they just need to connect these wires they slam into each other they like damage on avoid I don't care let's go yeah and so they SL so great great moment there as well so then they get the plan they hit the plan into effect at right as Godzilla like realized what the [ __ ] is all this all right well y'all are lined up he's about to do the atomic breath and then just then they order it and he goes goes under the water [ __ ] [ __ ] awesome Godzilla's Good Under Pressure though and he's glowing right you'd be too you'd be pissed love yeah when he stop and then the glow just stops and I'm like holy [ __ ] I was like did they get him did they get him they didn't get him cuz the ropes come you know get get get yanked and they're like what this [ __ ] he won't die bastard won't die stupid lizard Plan B balloons blow up and and lift him up they lift him about halfway hoping the decompression will fre exp his head or something it I mean it does [ __ ] up Godzilla a lot a lot like when like you see a little bit in the the scales and then when it fully comes up a little bit later like it is covered in what looks like short so Godzilla just choose I mean they're they're balloons right they and then Godzilla has claws and teeth and so he just chewed through them and so that plan wasn't wasn't that great wasn't wasn't the smartest cuz he could just go like this even though little arms and he's still like but I still buy it cuz half of the balloons come up and then they're like well we're [ __ ] now uh but a little Side Story that one uh the kid on the boat who wanted to go to war he's like let me help let me help they're like no we're going to leave the future to you that's why we're ignoring you and stuff it's honorable thing to do uh but he manages to find purpose and he gets a bunch of tugboats and a bunch more civilian uh craft to show up just in time to help the two destroyers uh pull up Godzilla manually uh so they do that but mother [ __ ] even though he's like [ __ ] up he's like all right you [ __ ] [ __ ] Atomic breath and as a perving moment they stop it now we go into movie time here because he would have fired right but you get an additional 10 seconds this gave him an additional 30 seconds so that you can see what happened previously and you see it coming because our pilot is missing this whole time you're like where is he and that mouth is wide open and everyone's like taking their hat off it's like all right we're going to die it's like okay just then he slams his plane into the mouth and uh his bomb explodes and that that that definitely [ __ ] Godzilla up because he was about to do atomic breath at the same time so the combination of all that uh succeeded and then we see the parachute so he survived used the parachute see the scene where the guy told the mechanic said live and he lives meanwhile um you know before he left he had the little girl a Kiko and told her you know he was going to gave the neighbor money to take care of her and he's basically resigning himself to death um but she gets a note a telegram and we're like what's happening here so maybe it could have been more messages from him you don't know but I I saw that coming as well where she is potentially alive so uh the girl that got [ __ ] sucked in you know with all the debris I guess her body landed somewhere else and she survived in a hospital she lost an eye though we think maybe yeah uh maybe she did a terrible job so when he comes back everybody's happy and they're cheering him and they you know and they lived and it was great a little happy ending and then um you know the neighbor comes up with the baby and uh then gives him the note and he realizes he she's like hitting him yeah you eat you give me you give me $17 you know expensive kids are you piece of [ __ ] $7 go you go get the girl you go marry that girl you you get her now and then he was like yeah I'm going to go get her I'm going to get some so he goes and he sees her at the hospital and just a great moment emotional made me emotional and it was just fantastic I loved it and so we get a happy ending Godzilla [ __ ] and and I'm like okay so Godzilla and I'm like oh they G to kill Godzilla they they kill Godzilla he falls apart you know in the effect you're like oh [ __ ] motherfucker's dead but you know there's you know I guess his head is blown off and you know shoulders blown off and so he's like falling but after the credits no before the credits they show that uh he's regrowing and they play you know the theme song again like then they show the title G minus one I'm like oh that's go was like cuz you can't kill our boy boy you can't man that version of Godzilla was so amazing I don't want him dead by the end of the film and he's so amazing he not dead by the end of the film but and now in my head Cannon I can say that's the that's the Godzilla that we get in the future he leaves the people alone he's like all right respect that that hurt I'll I'll leave y'all alone a little bit and then later he comes in these other films guys you know what brings uh me much joy is that the next movie is going to be Godzilla King Kong and Jet jagar here's here's what brings me much joy uh hiiki ano co-director of shin Godzilla called the film film wellmade and praised it for its technical prowess feeling that Japan has improved in the in that area but Godzilla director Gareth Edwards I was just giving him crab 2014 praised the film and admitted to feeling jealousy he added that this is what a Godzilla movie should be yes and and that the film should be mentioned as a candidate for the best Godzilla movie of all time yes so he was like damn man that made me look bad yeah he's over there with his his wads of money going did such an amazing job yeah man no he he he stop giving these people hundreds of millions of dollars appreciate that he said that um cuz he didn't need to say that so at the film oh God damn it the color change hope we'll see if that affects things uh Godzilla king of the monsters director Michael dardy told uh that the film was amazing while actor Seth Green said movie is filled with a lot of emotions are very moved by it um yeah just go out and see this thing guys that's it um did we miss anything I think we covered everything and um as a Godzilla fan you'll you'll [ __ ] love it it deserves to be seen even at even if you're not a Godzilla fan please go out and watch this you will not be disappointed it is a great time with friends and family all right guys thank you all so much for watching and we will see you on the next I just so happy the best film of the year is Godzilla Godzilla minus one number one film of 20 23 all right guys we'll see you on the next Angry Joe show bye guys
Channel: AngryJoeShow
Views: 444,173
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 49ooh-dYzQ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 5sec (3065 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 02 2023
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