Coffee and Kaiju: Godzilla Minus One!

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hello everybody what's up how's everyone doing morning guys yo morning happy Sunday happy Sunday okay so Mike is unfortunately out sick but that's all right we got no we got Dutch and we got Christine and David's gonna join us here in a little bit and we're gonna talk about minus one and I guess whatever else youall want to talk about but probably just mostly minus one I would imagine everybody have a good Thanksgiving yeah it was very delicious quiet Mo God I hate that word you don't want a dry turkey anyway so yeah minus one if you haven't heard there's a new Godzilla movie that just came out and um it's pretty good and I figur we could all just kind of shoot the [ __ ] and talk about that for a little bit and before we do that though it's doing really well so I mean I don't know if you're like paying attention it's doing like really well is it top three it said right at the box office yeah it's probably gonna make its budget yeah it's G to make its budget back uh this weekend just in the us alone so that's pretty incredible for a Japanese Godzilla movie in the year 2023 subtitles yeah yeah exactly and it's funny because when me and Dutch went and saw it on Wednesday night there were a bunch of kids uh that went into the theater and I remember I looked over at him and I was like dude these kids these kids better not act like fools in this movie cause trying to have that I had a few they were actually pretty well behaved I was shocked I thought they'd be jump on but they were they were into it which is red yeah they were really well behaved and they were like super into it and um and then after the fact uh you know we in the lobby I I overheard them all talking to each other about how much they liked it um and they were pretty young I felt like they were probably all under the age of like 11 and um some them were even younger than that and that movie's pretty intense yeah it is especially the opening um is pretty intense I thought so um like my 30 second review of the movie is that it's it's fantastic I can't believe how good it is I expected it to be good based on the previews uh and the trailers and everything but um I didn't expect what it was it's really really good it was awesome that I went in with pretty much no spoilers um so this is probably GNA be a spoilery show so if you haven't seen it um I mean it's going to be hard to avoid talking some spoilers um we can try to avoid like the bigger ones but um Godzilla's in it so and uh it's really good it's probably my one of my favorite um pissed off versions of Godzilla um I don't think he's ever been like as vicious as he is in this movie and I actually really was not rooting for him at any point um I mean he's awesome in it but at no point did I hope like he won or did like everything he does is terrible so um he is he is really evil and the human characters are really really good uh well done characters and I think um you know in the best Godzilla movies they're always the character is always important but like I really rooted for him uh in this movie I thought it was I thought he was definitely the villain of the movie and um so yeah that's my my little blur but you know whoever who Rich you just saw it last night so you're the you're the one person who I haven't talked to about at all so what what are your thoughts on it so good morning everybody first off good morning um still processing it and yeah still processing it somebody I saw somebody ask if you could basically sum up the movie in one word and I can only come up with gripping um there was a lot of times I was sitting there actually clenching my fists um grabbing my jacket literally every scene that Godzilla was on the screen literally gripping my jacket um definitely the scariest version I've seen of Godzilla the most pissed off version and um just intimidating like like there was so many times I'm sitting there like this is not a too film like who made this film like this is no you know like that's how good it was um the fact that I got to see you with my mom and dad who sitting right here with me uh my brother my two nephews and um another friend of the family the hairdresser ctsy of my mother yeah um but non- Godzilla fans not on our on our level you know so they all loved it and that was awesome like just when the too logo popped up my brother who's sitting like five seats away from me leans over like dude that brings back memories I'm like yeah no [ __ ] um when the Godzilla theme kicked in my mom leaned over and looked at me and I of course I started getting glazed over in my eyes and what not like but mainly because the theme music hit but more so because of like how powerful Godzilla is in this movie like very intimidating um and scary like you know I think all of us can agree um it was like watching Jaws in some parts especially in the sea ocean scenes the dogs misbehaving um it's fine um but the the human characters oh wait Brian you said before the real villain of the movie was Godzilla absolutely but I also feel like war is the villain of the movie or PTSD uh watching the character coochi like watching him go through the motions of what was you know he was a kamakazi pilot and dealing with the repercussions of the war and the shame that he was wrestling with after he came home was like riveting um so great human story love it I could I could Ramble On I'm Gonna Save that probably for the rest of my review and whatnot but yeah nailed it loved it 10 out of 10 for me 10 out of 10 bams yeah good yeah 10 out of 10 I uh if I was gonna I probably give it like a nine and a half out of 10 um you know it's damn near it's damn near perfect perfect uh Nev what do you think man um I I mean I'm on same bar with with Mr fresher I mean the fact that it was a like a I don't want to say a serious movie but there was so much emotional and mental like tension with this giant CGI creature and then with war and then how Japan treats its civilians and its military like there's a lot of lot of themes within it but like at the end of the day like it is just a Godzilla movie right but this guy found a way to successfully make this like a film that had so much of these tension points and have this CGI monster and it's like it's actually pretty incredible to to see that um I love the fact it was kind of like his fan film almost like you know he had did the uh the always two and I think he did always one but that always two dream sequence was like his first like you know thing he wanted to do with Godzilla and he kind of like finally got to that point right and there's a lot of like uh I don't want to say fan service back like little nods to previous films especially with like gmk and 54 and he did it in a way that wasn't fan service like it actually meant something to the plot so he it's just a really well-made movie like the fact that God movie is awesome but like if Godzilla wasn't in it it was just a random other monster it probably still a pretty [ __ ] solid movie I gave it 9 for sure um always wanted to see more Godzilla but I think for what was in there it was still awesome yeah I agree I I mean um I just think it like you said man the fact that they can still make a good movie with Godzilla in it though and not just a Godzilla movie yeah so that was the thing like you know to too's made tons of just Godzilla movies um just for the sake of making a Godzilla movie you know to to keep you know their copyright in the Consciousness you know and to keep selling toys and coffee mugs and t-shirts or whatever but this doesn't feel like that what this doesn't feel like it was made specifically for that I mean obviously they want to make money off of their character but I don't feel like this movie was made to sell a bunch of toys um no and I also think that uh the fact that it was made for $15 million and it looks how it looks and it um it's done the and it's period piece and it looks like it is set in the actual period that it's set in and it doesn't look like when they're in bombed out Tokyo that they're standing in a green screen room and it actually looks like they're standing on a set is like so huge like Marvel and Star Wars and DC and even the legendary Godzilla movies all their budgets are all 10 to 15 times what the budget of this movie was right right you know and I thought the CG I mean it wasn't perfect um it definitely had some a few spots here and there but I mean honestly the CG was good you know um is it on par with you know like Godzilla versus Kong CG maybe not but I personally think this Godzilla looked a hell of a lot cooler yeah and uh this Godzilla would wreck uh would wreck shop in the legendary I mean his his you know his nuke is awesome Christine what you think of the movie I C I definitely cried I well I also went into it without any spoilers and um it definitely took me by surprise I wasn't expec to be as invested I wasn't expecting the the character storyline to be as strong as as it was because normally I'll cry in a Godzilla movie over Godzilla um but this one I actually I cried over the the humans and the the emotions that they portrayed just a astounding and I don't know like this like like you guys have said this if guz wasn't even in the movie still a fantastic movie to go see if it was another monster whatever it was so it was funny how it's like you go to see a Godzilla movie and you come in with an expectation of oh it's GNA be monster Mayhem and all this kind of stuff and you come up with a really freaking great storyline and a great cast and like Nev said I also was expecting a little more gzel action but when I was thinking about it after watching it the second time I'm like you know that's kind of like my own personal expectation um just the film as a whole I mean it was sprinkled in there pretty steadily throughout the movie so you would have you know some Godzilla the human storyline which really progressed I feel like and um yeah the whole story with kichi and I cried when he cried with his PTSD flashbacks and the trauma and all that like this very touching and oh no like any like if you're not a Gilla fan you could still go watch this movie and totally enjoy it two hours and five minutes didn't didn't seem like it at all I've seen it twice now and it just flew by and it was really nice to see afterwards everyone in the lobby or outside talking about the film people we we would sit and there's no after credits but I mean there's some cool sound effects whatever after but it was just nice to see everyone in there like everyone was talking about it afterwards how good it was like there's older people younger people everybody like really enjoyed the film and it made me so happy of course I cried at the end and then when the theme song came on I started crying and Joe looks over at me he's like why are you crying it's not even sad I'm like the music like when you hear that in the theater so loud oh my gosh it's just I don't even know it's just like an automatic reaction I loved it I I want to see it again I want to see it as many times as I can in the theater because you really the experien is in the theater I think with the you know the big screen and the sound and all that it really makes it feel that much more intense and dramatic and terrifying like godz was so creepy like that's the one thing that I took away from him besides he being terrifying he has creeped me the heck out I'll be quiet now because I'll just keep going yeah well uh he shows up at the beginning yeah when he shows up at the beginning the godzillasaurus I guess um first off I didn't expect him to show up that quickly oh within the first five minutes and then when he do and then dude he's dude that is [ __ ] scary like that's the scariest Godzilla you've ever seen that that one specific sequence right there well Brian when that happened because I remembered leaning I you basically took the word you took the words right out of my mouth because I leaned over and you literally said this is the best thing too has done with Godzilla in years and I would like that was exactly what I was going to say say like this sequence is so freaking cool like just I mean I guess you would call it the godzillasaurus but like yeah I that was just that was a great opening to the film just the way like you know they turn the spotlight on and then boom he's there and it's like and you said to me you were like they they they made him move so well because you know the last time we saw a CG a too CGI Godzilla it looked like a statue on wheels that somebody was pushing through the city so you know and the difference between the two uh between the godzillasaurus and Godzilla is pretty cool because the Godzilla Source jumps around and it's Nimble and it steps on people and it's you know snapping at people and it's it runs almost looks like a dinosaur from like Jurassic Park and then when he's fully Godzilla you know when he's out of the ocean he's just like this lumbering Wall of Death and then in the ocean though he's he's actually possibly more scary in the ocean yeah I think so the ocean scenes are like definitely very intense I clenched my te so many times like I came out both times with a headache because I'm just like yeah so good so John I I mean John I saw the the movie with you so I know your thoughts but um what are your thoughts and John um for everybody else put a just did a really cool YouTube video where he Compares um the musical cues from the uh what would you call like the pre-production yeah it was because when I when I got the soundtrack um I mean obviously I you know I'm always going to love the use of the E KUB theme but it was It was kind of strange to me that it was they were just like straight re-recordings of of like the old cues I mean I'm happy that they actually did that and instead of like what Shin Godzilla did which was just kind of pull these decades old mono recordings and just pluck them into the film but I was like that's kind of interesting cuz I you don't know like if you just listen to something on an album you don't really know how it's going to go in the film but the cues are pretty much used verbatim as they are presented on the album so watching the movie it was kind of obvious that it was just following the temporary score and the um like for instance like at at the end when they're you know the ships are the captain of the ship makes the speech and then they're going into know the second use of the Godzilla theme um you hear it like uh that was tracked from um symphonic Fantasia 1 from the evening of special effects music concert in 1983 and you could tell that because that per that first performance is the only version that actually has like a you know when it's like and it just slows down right before it just hits the March and I took both versions and lined them up and the tempos match like exactly like like like so precisely so I mean it's obvious that scene was edited to that piece of music and I just thought it was interesting um how closely not the composer naoki sat followed the tempo and placement of the the temporary score pieces but um as far as the film itself it it's funny because it reminded me more of Godzilla Raids Again than anything else because it's like the main character is this pilot who suffers from perceived cowardice or like insecurity um for different reasons obviously and Godzilla sort of dealt with without the the use of of the military without the use of like um of like super science or like a big it's just ordinary people finding using Ingenuity to kind of find a way to to kind of dispatch him and um I just I liked it it was great I like the fact that Godzilla was scaled down you get a little bit more of a personal story because like the bigger and bigger you make Godzilla I feel like it gets so less personal and um like I don't know if you could have done this story especially with the way that they sort of take care they try to take care of the problem uh I don't know if you could have done that with like a 300 some foot tall Godzilla this one was like very much aware of people and hated people and we saw that and that's the kind of Godzilla I like so I'm still trying to figure out how I would rate it um where I would rate it it's at least it's at least a seven out of 10 for me might be an eight out of 10 like I said the things that the things that I didn't care for that didn't really do much to like sack my enjoyment of anything I thought that the positives in the movie far outweighed the negatives and just very quickly this movie has probably the best sound mix ever of a Godzilla film yeah the sound was so like not even just like with with the depth of the music and but the sound effects the way they work together neither one of them ever drowns out the other and this like like for instance in the in the ocean you know when when they detonate the mines those things were shaking the the theater like those explosions were and like every time he would fire his heat ray like that was that was a fantastic fantastic sound mix I was so impressed by that and I was impressed by the cinematography because this looks different than like any previous Godzilla film and it just looks huge and cinematic I was really impressed yeah I think what you said about the score shows the level of care that was put into it because previously they would have just slapped the music over top of whatever and the fact that they actually edited the mov movie to fit the score and weren't just like oh the Godzilla March goes there and just put it there you know what I mean and actually took the time to be like well the score slows down here maybe we should you know cut this here and so I mean there's a whole level of care of this movie that is so beyond what we're used to with too in the past and I was gonna say do you do you remember when the March kicks in do you remember how many people's heads we could see sort of nodding along and oh yeah like that piece of music is becoming Transcendent it's becoming a piece that everybody knows like the main the main Godzilla March you know the uh it's iconic yeah my my mom is sitting in the theater going like this yep the the funny thing about that is um you know Mike uh Russo who is is out sick today um didn't like the fact that the ifu score was used in the movie and I and I replied basically to him I'm like well it's you almost have to because it's like the Bond theme at this point yeah like you almost expect to see it and I know there have uh there have been Godzilla movies where that isn't used and um but I mean it is like the equivalent of the James Bond theme it's probably one of the most recognizable pieces of character uh theme music out there really I mean most other you know you have the Avengers theme that that's one of those themes that instantly like conjures up what it is but I think Bond and Godzilla are the two I mean I can't think of any other ones probably Jurassic part yeah Jaws yeah yeah Jaws yeah Jaws is almost a parody of itself now you know what I mean because it's been you know same thing with like the Friday the 13th and the you know the Halloween and stuff like that but all right uh now look who's here to give us his review oh I can't wait morning David Hi D good morning good morning David this it's uh nice joining you from beautiful sunny Southern California for the first time um in your new house at we're I am in my new house our new house and it's as you can hear the echo it's pretty empty right now I mean you can kind of see oh wow crazy and there's the dogs I mean we're we're still waiting for the furniture and I'm not sure how long I'm going to be able to stay with you because we don't have any Wi-Fi we're using a mobile hotspot right now um so you give us your review and you you hang as long as you can and let's get your review I love that shirt by the way thank you by our own John balot Jr this is kind of like a oneof that um he he made for me I'm pretty stoked about it but anyway it's great to see everybody and um I got to see it on Friday December 1st with Mr James Hartman which was really nice to see it with another fellow Godzilla person and my my husband Keith who Keith by the way absolutely loved it loved it and it's the polar opposite of his response to Shin Godzilla because when we left the theater at Shin Godzilla I said so what did you think and I think Rich knows the answer to this he said I think I never want to see that again so this one is was quite the opposite reaction he really he really enjoyed it um as as did I um I got a little bit worried from a couple of spoilers that I saw um I always get worried when the hype train is so strong coming on so strong and fast that I'm not going to be able to get on board you know what I mean if if if that analogy works but um it lived up to all of the hype and then some in in my eyes this this was the one I've been waiting for and um I think several of you know that um we had a conversation years ago about what we would want in a Godzilla movie I it was probably in in reaction to to the legendary uh film and I said with I know John Ruffin was part of this conversation Rich you may have been in it too I said I want a movie to go back to Godzilla's origin terrifying scary I want to be afraid of Godzilla I want it to be a period piece check I want Godzilla to be scary check um I want some reference to Odo Island check even though there wasn't enough for me I would have liked more um backstory on the Mythos of Godzilla being known on oo Island but that's just a small a really small nitpicky thing um anyway um so how we doing this am I just going to say this my My overall Score first and then I mean just yeah give your thoughts and your score yeah so so um I was literally shaking when the movie started when when the tow host thing came on because I'm like oh man I better love this one I really want to love this one and um I did I I I loved it I mean I really really really loved it the the human story was as compelling as the monster story maybe even more so um I genuinely felt for these characters um I I'm not a crier as many of you know but I I found myself my my eyes wed up with tears in a couple of scenes you know um I was a little bit worried about the Odo Island God osaurus because of that stupid Bandai horrible figure that was out and does not look like the character I no it doesn't look anything like it not at all and I think all of you know that I absolutely loathe the 98 film there's no redeeming qualities for me in that movie and I'm like why would you make it even remotely resemble that mess yeah and um I was worried about that but that didn't come to to fruition did I love the design no did I hate it no was it dark yes and was it violent and awesome yes so that was that was fine and then once we saw the final form of Godzilla it was just like man this is Godzilla I mean he had all of the the attributes of of the classic Godzilla that we all know and love um he didn't have too many things going on like like too many extra powers that they gave him um I don't know I don't I I'm so Tongue Tied because I'm still sort of processing it but that attack on Ginza holy [ __ ] if I can say this on on your show you say whatever you want man that that was like I mean what did you guys think were you just like blown away when that happened it was like tragic and terrifying and realistic and had some homages to the 54 in there yeah I like the reporters on the roof yeah um which felt and sounded almost word for word like what they're I know um having you know read the subtitles in both versions they're not saying exactly the same thing but Cadence and everything yeah the Cadence to how he was saying it it's obvious that they were like this is you're doing this in the movie you're you're gonna do it just like this guy did it so that was cool as hell um my what I liked about it was okay so in all these movies are especially now I mean in the in the 60s and the 70s Godzilla movies and even in the 90s movies him using his his Ray his Atomic his heat ray whatever you want to call it um was never treated like a huge deal um until the legendary movies started making it a bigger deal and then in this movie the first time he does it you don't get to see him do it because it's underneath it's under the water water yeah but when he does but but it looks awesome and you know what it is you see the water turning blue and then the effect of it is is crazy cool and that's the one where you're like ho [ __ ] that was awesome and then he does it again in Ginza you're like that's [ __ ] terrifying and I don't want him to do it again then when you know what I mean and it's like it makes you completely change how you feel about it I was just gonna mention that another reason that I love this movie so much is the the historical accuracies that are kind of sort of inserted in there with with the fantasy um that looked like a nuclear bomb exploding yeah and and all like the whole like if if you watch any like of the stock footage from you know nuclear tests you know that they the USA did in in Arizona and and and the bikini atol which is a really thing that really happened um it looked just like what would happened with an atomic bomb being dropped and even down to the the Black Rain that fell on there yeah Y and and the thing the thing that I was talking to Keith about I'm like you know the horrific reality of this movie is all those people who are to of radiation poisoning at some point in the near future so probably yes that's what I'm I wanted to say too the the the the smattering of historical accuracies in that period piece really you know was was the icing on the cake for me too so um I I wasn't a th% like okay this plan what's the name of the plan I can't remember it what's the the oh uh the thinking of Godzilla and then the rise quickly it has it has a name to it but anyway I was like o I don't know that's a little bit out there um a little bit like simplistic but um and then and then when there was a scene where they're talking about how they're going to do try to kill Godzilla without the help of the of the Americans and the Japanese government and um I keep I keep interrupting myself there was a little bit of um uh talk about it being disrespectful to America it's like they were just as disrespectful to themselves than they were to America I thought they hand right and um anyway when when he was he revealed he pulled the curtain off of the off off of the uh the model of what he was going to do he like the oxygen destroyer and I'm like yeah well it was very much we all it was very much like that we all we all thought that but I'm actually happy it wasn't me too yeah so am I but I mean it gave you that feel you know what else about the model think about the model that he showed that little wooden Godzilla model Godzilla Raids Again Godzilla Raids Again they used those in Godzilla Raids Again yes the first thing that popped into my head when when they showed that model but when they executed the actual plan and and I thought about it after the fact I'm like wait a minute this is 1945 they don't have a lot of sophisticated technology at this particular time in history so they have to do something a little bit more simplistic right science science Al based I mean they didn't do the Toho super science like no micro black holes or anything like that but um uh but it was it was great and then when I heard like the Pharaoh Island Song in there inserted into okay that's choice but I love it I loved it it fits so well I Know Rich of course you were like oh my God they're using mothur versus Godzilla a suite for motha versus Godzilla in the Ginza attack I'm like yes oh I I love that I mean I had listened to the soundtrack uh prior to seeing it and I they're doing it right you're using I had no idea that they were gonna do that and I it completely disagree with Mike Russo and like what John said you need you Mike it's no no no no I love Mike you know that but you have to have it in there and as John said so eloquently not just as an afterthought it has to sort of like in with the rest of the score and it was it was perfect and it was just the right amount it wasn't it wasn't Overkill it wasn't like you know let's just throw this in there to to to to you know satiate the the hardcore fans it Blended in with with with the the new score uh harmoniously in my opinion and man I I I just I just can't and I had no I had no idea that about the ending like I didn't see any spoilers about the ending or anything like that so that that kind of uh took took me by surprise and then um we could probably talk about this like later on about that that little last little bit where you see the the scar on the noro's neck yeah uh let me let me read let's look at some comments and then we can dive into some of that stuff too um so this one thirsty for chicken best human characters in the franchise H I wouldn't go that far best human characters in the franchise since 1975 I would probably go that [Music] far that's hard I would say a lot of memorable characters I would say since 1954 because there's there's this is this is a different type of movie than all of the ones past 54 there was there was like so little humor if anything there was a little bit of like teeny tiny bit humor I thought the ship captain guy was pretty fun but you needed that little tiny bit of stuff I love that character by the way the uh is that's a that's a peak Toho character right there because he had he always had a sort of a a bemused expression on his face and he sort of barked things out and I I love that kind of I love that kind of of character like that so I thought they did a great job like establishing the friendship between the four of them in a very in a really short amount of time too it was actually believable yeah yeah the seem they're all having sake outside of the uh outside of the the little outdoor uh that little outdoor eating area there um all that stuff was was really cool um and there was so many you know what what's missing from a lot of a lot of the um the Toho movies you know that I love there really aren't any character arcs the characters kind of stay the same throughout which is not a big problem but there were so many character arcs in this film like I can't even count them I mean the I my I I can't remember the character character's name so well but the the woman who who was the neighbor who whose family she totally had a character Arc um uh noro had a character Arc um Tachi B what's his name the the he had the biggest character Arc in the whole film like I had a feeling that he gonna point out that escape parachute thing I had a feeling that's what he was doing but and and I go back and forth thinking would it have been more impactful if he did actually die you know um I would have been pissed if he died I would have been pissed too but but would it have been like a really hard choice for the filmmaker to make like well yeah the whole theme of it was survival survival surving to take care of your family he had died it would good point Christine and you know Keith and I when when noro kind of got blown away by the atomic blast both of I both of us kind of turned to each other and said no I wasn't expecting that I wasn't expecting oh he didn't Keith actually yelled no out loud so and and you have to understand we saw it at uh in this big Regal Theater in Rancho Mirage and there was two other people besides James Keith and I in the theater at 2:10 in the afternoon so um you could hear everything we said it was like you know e in there so but anyway no please go on I want I want to hear what you guys think because I I missed the beginning I wasn't listening in the beginning so I'm going to chime in what I liked about Tachi bana's Arc is like Redemption I mean I think it was Redemption from coochi too but what I likeed specifically about Tachi was he was so dead set on coochi completing his mission as a kamakazi pilot so you know towards the end with the ejection seat um you know which I love that how that was played out you know where like I kind of knew it was like an ejection seat it's like why are they like subtly focusing on that language that was on the back which wasn't in Japanese wasn't in English so I was like that's a swerve but um totally 100% yeah so it was like once he we found out that he ejected and Tachi Bano was you know we were seeing his raw motion it was almost as if it was the realization that hey we didn't really need kamakazi Pilots because if the government actually spent the money and the funding on ejection seats we didn't have to sacrifice so many pilots in the war you know so it was like there was another way for life that's what I picked up too like it was a big like [ __ ] you to the Japanese government of like you you force us to sacrifice our our lives and our family for your country because you're too cheap to put a button in and that was like I thought that was more of a a wake up to the Japanese government versus like disrespect for the United States government I think exactly n i mean was it was it was a pretty heavy anti-war movie and I mean they even had like the dialogue in there where where um I think it was uh oh was it uh Toto the do the doctor or or or whoever it was said by he an actual doctor because they called him doctor but then everybody else called him Mister well I mean I thought they were kind of making fun of him with the doctor title because he says I don't like that when they're on the you might be right about that I don't know but what I was they there was dialogue in there where there was like you know the our government has treated lives too cheaply and stuff like that and yeah to to Rich's Point um that was I think my favorite part about the character AR is their forgiveness yes it's like it's because it's about forgiving yourself but it's also about like tashiana forgave kichi for what what he perceived to be was you know the deaths of all the the men on the Odo Island Air Base and um and then obviously kichi can then kind of forgive himself that was like the whole idea of like is the war finally over um I liked I liked all that it was it was a really really good message I think um and I'm I'm actually really surprised that too kind of allowed this to be made to be honest yeah a little bit I think um that whole kamakazi thing I saw it with my wife and she was like you know you're more versed in Japanese culture to me she's like but I don't I didn't understand why everyone treating him like [ __ ] at the beginning of the movie and that is a very distinctly Japanese thing especially of that time like there is no conceivable way on Earth that in August or or excuse me whenever he lands that plane on Odo Island which is like the beginning or the the middle of 1945 that I am ramming my airplane into anything for Japan like if I'm like there's no way because the war is already over like they told him it was it's just yeah it's it's that's a different way of thinking and then to be like well I'm I'm ashamed because I went home um isn't something that you know and survivors guilt is a thing he has PTSD that's a thing but I mean the whole comicazi thing is such a very Japanese thing and every time he tells somebody he was a kamakazi pilot they all get that sort of look or they look at each other like okay but why are you alive then you know so but at the end as you all just said said at the end there is this element of forgiveness and Christine said it right that's probably why the director wanted him to survive and noro to survive because they have been through it and so many people died actually we saw people die in this movie like really hor and you know and even like we were talking about the the Godzilla sorus attack on Odo Island like Godzilla was not eating them like Jurassic Park he was just [ __ ] killing he just killing them yeah he was just like in the air and that was the best like he didn't do that till he got shot at like he wasn't just going brutally people he was provoked and then he defended himself so I thought that was really interesting kind like man type type situation and he you know just unlike the godzillasaurus like there was like no forgiveness or like allegiance to that band of soldiers at all not none whatsoever so no a little bit this is a good comment this comment here about his eyes because there's a shot in the I this is one of the first things I texted Nev when I was I was actually driving and texting which I shouldn't have been on the way home from the theater and I texted Nev there's a shot at the the shot at the end of the movie where it pans around him in the ocean and his eyes are so [ __ ] crazed is honestly one of the scariest shots of him in any it is the scariest shot of him in any movie he had like Bas like the BS and he like just yeah they had pulled him up and he he's getting ready to to Nuke the entire fleet that was my favorite scene my favorite part of the whole movie really I I loved that they gave him a decoy ship to fire at yeah that was like that was so cool very smart very smart too I think we're talking favorite Parts like I'm gonna go back to the Ginza attack like there was so many iconic shots of Godzilla like the one shot from like a low angle look it look reminded me of of the 1984 when he first appears at the nuclear plant you know you're just kind of looking up and you see Godzilla like his up there I mean and that whole city destruction I mean I think I was talking to lesie a little bit yesterday he he said he wanted that scene to be a little bit longer or at least put one one more scene of city destruction of of like a different city in um in Tokyo and interestingly enough Godzilla first appears in shinagawa and that was the first time Keith and I ever went to Japan we stayed in shinagawa so that was kind of cool yeah um part D uh oh definitely the Ginza the Ginza attack okay I mean it it it's it's exactly what I had envisioned for a Godzilla film a modern take a modern take on Godzilla thank you for my water thank you thank you um it's so dry here we have to like hydrate like constantly but anyway um that that scene the only problem I had with it was it didn't go long enough like I just loved it and I don't know I there's so many sces that I loved and what did you guys think about the Regeneration process of Godzilla how I I did not know that was going to happen either yeah was awesome AES I didn't expect it well and then I didn't expect at the very beginning when they when the mine was in his mouth and then they just blew half his head off I was like oh okay and I was like well shoot so in my head I'm thinking maybe this is just the baby one and then all he starts growing back I was like oh no that's so funny it's like that scene happens and it's like okay roll credits yeah was like in the first half hour they blew half his head off all right all right go oh sorry let's go down the list and see who's I mean just say name your favorite scene go ahead Dutch uh well my favorite scenes were everything everything in the ocean everything in the ocean was was was so good um loved just the way that they sort of conceptualized like when his fins would just kind of come up out of the water and stuff and just like the way he was he was so formidable in the ocean as he should be and I think that that was where he was at his scariest um and like like we were talking about the eyes because I think I might have mentioned this to you at the theater Brian but it was like his eyes were rendered so well they had like like when he was like chasing the boat in the water like it literally looked like he was like this vicious predator and he is just like locked in on this ship and he's gonna he's gonna get it so that was my favorite part I loved uh to talk about the Regeneration aspect I liked the fact that everywhere he regenerated left a scar for the rest of the movie like he had that that mark on his cheek for the rest of the film and I just I thought it was it was cool to do it that way and I liked the fact that using his his nuclear breath hurts him like it it was actually like a cool new way of like because it was almost like he had no control over it like it was his defense mechanism and the only thing he could do was aim it but he had like no real like Precision Precision control over like what he did with it and it was I I liked it I just I liked the fact that they came up with new ways to present Godzilla to present his power and it just you have to do that to make things interesting and sometimes you get mixed results with that but I thought this movie the new Concepts were great yeah Nev what what about you uh favorite part I'd probably say when he's used his Atomic breath in ginso or the big smog that just like it's just Armageddon I thought that was really that whole that whole scene incredible I think the only thing I was I was not pissed about or whatever but like that was half the trailers that we saw was a attack you kind of knew that was coming so I think of comments I wish it was longer because we already saw half that [ __ ] for the past like six months but I mean like that that scene is just so menacing um that whole how they're shooting and now you see the people running and they're actually like between his feet I think the one thing I really thought was a nice touch is when he stomped the asphalt actually went up as opposed it went down buckling that was cool as hell was just like the little the little like details I thought was like just [ __ ] a I think that was my favorite Atomic breath in Ginza yeah what was yours Christine um definitely well it is hard to pick because I really love the Ginza attack and um like John said how whenever he used his Atomic breath he literally burned his own body it was so powerful the nuclear energy that he had but definitely my favorite part I think because the one I keep going back and thinking about is the very end um when they they P the ships pull him up out of the water and he's so enraged and he has just like that Roar it's it's a different kind of roar like when he first comes up he has like just like this painful angry ticked off Roar and um oh gosh that PanAm shot where he's he comes up out of the water he's powering up because he's so mad and that shot where he's just like arms back those white bulging just furious eyes I oh and then he's powered up and then that 20 seconds of just complete silence as everyone thinks oh shoot we're done for now and it was just amazing in the theater too CU like the whole theater was just dead quiet for the whole 20 seconds as we're all just like but that I don't know that to me was that's the part I keep going back and thinking about it was just so well beautifully shot and terrifying and oh I loved it that was my favorite yeah I think I'm with John um I think my favorite parts are all of the ocean stuff um the first ocean scene the way he comes out of the water and gets that boat um is awesome as [ __ ] um that whole sequence is so tense even though we had seen parts of it um in that little um preview that they put out a couple weeks ago where the the cord is a cut for the mine but in context it's so much different especially F you see how he destroys that first boat um and then when the when the Destroyer shows up and he attacks the Destroyer it it um the second time I saw it the way when he gets shot and falls back it almost as like he's completely latched onto the boat like with all of his arms and legs like he's like locked onto that that boat and it's just going to tear it to tear it to Pieces um so that's really awesome the way he destroys it is incredible um and then the finale to me um it's funny because I did want more destruction I was like oh he's going to go to Tokyo and they're going to have to lure him out and he doesn't really you know he he gets to the outskirts and he steps on some small V Little Village or whatever um but then I forgot how intense that finale is and it's not a short finale it's it goes for a while and it just keeps ramping up and ramping up and ramping up as everything they do you know doesn't quite work out the way they intend it to and then it peaks with you know when he's like you said said when he comes up out of the water at the end there and he's so pissed off and you're like none of them are going to they're all going to die and uh so that whole sequence um that's like a top like 10 Godzilla sequence just period in my opinion it's it's just fantastic how good how good that was done what about you rich definitely get a piggyback you and John um the ocean scenes were intense especially the first two ocean scenes with the mine and um when that that Destroyer came in uh but back to the mine that exploded in his mouth like first of all cinematography in this movie is probably the best of any Godzilla movie I've ever seen for sure any Godzilla movie you know legendary included excluded however um so that just made those ocean scenes that much better but what I and it's again it's hard to pick like a favorite scene but one that sticks out was that my blown up in his mouth because technically it was like he was almost dead if not because his eye was rolled in the back of his head so when his brain cells kicked in again and his eye eye rolled back in like surprise that's awesome his eye yeah loved it loved it loved it loved it yeah it's awesome it's awesome and and then like you're saying about him making it to Tokyo again um it's kind of like you know yamaki was saying I'm not going to give you a full Buffet the first your first round you know so I I I could work with that like because it's me it's making me crave more you know and I would rather crave more than be fully stuffed with this movie and like you know so give me more that's a that's a good point hey hey can I add a little thing to my my my explanation of liking the Ginza scene I guess me and never the odd men out here um I love water I love the water scenes too don't get me wrong and now we know why Godzilla's dorsal plates are so big because they needed that for the water scenes you needed that impact to see him coming towards you with that ominous row of dorsal plates coming so anyway um every Godzilla movie or many of the Godzilla films have scenes of the Japanese populace running away from Godzilla never have I seen the confused panicked faces like what is going on they they took time to actually show the faces of the citizens saying holy [ __ ] what is this because yeah that's that's human nature before you run you want to say wait what is going on is it an earthquake and then you see the foot come down and then they start panicking and running and um the way that they you know um sort of choreographed those those fleeing scenes that's the best I've ever seen too and you know and then it just gets back to the the attention to detail the costumes the the buildings everything was from 1945 or it seemed like it it was like period and you know I and I just thought it was just just incredible and and you know that whole uh scene in ginso was just so so tragic and and it it actually mirrored them dropping a bomb on Ginza like instead of Nagasaki and Hiroshima it's like okay now there's a bomb dropped on Ginza but guess what it's a bom a bomb that wasn't dropped by the Americans it was a bomb that was created by mankind in general and it's just so there's so many levels to to this movie that um I need to see it a second time I only saw it once yeah right and I I need to go back and see like John I didn't noticed the scar on his face remained I I didn't even see that nuance and and shame on me because I usually am really good at that kind of thing well I also like that when he uses his Atomic breath it scars his face um which is an awesome an awesome little and I I said something about his dorsals so I want to ask I want to ask about his dorsals what did you all think about the dorsals uh like raising up before he used his oh think because I when I saw that in the trailer I was like I don't know if I like that and then um in in the movie I liked it I especially liked it in the water scene when he was swimming and they were raising up um I thought that was pretty cool so that's a cool new little addition I don't know how uh I mean I loved it I thought it was really really cool because it almost makes it like like there's again it's like consequence to like to his body for using this thing and just kind of like that was an idea that was actually and and I mean people don't really talk about it that much but that was sort of done in gmk very briefly if you look the first time when he's looking down at the parking lot and he's like snarling and you know he starts to to ionize the air if you look at his fins they start moving and and I believe I think if I'm not mistaken I read in in the Japanese Giants gmk issue that shinata built the suit with that function in it because he wanted they wanted to kind of have the the fins be able to like move right before like or react like right before the the heat rate was fired and it just sort of petered out in the film and you don't really get much of it so I actually thought that was that was cool because again it's really really hard to find new things to do with Godzilla is AR gmk is his favorite movie the director's favorite movie is that yeah so many little things in here from it like the Regeneration scene at the end to how he's portrayed the size of the design the feet like there's just the character Tachi B that was the character's name in gmk yeah oh that's right when I first saw the scene damn the trailers I wish I didn't see it in in a trailer or a spoiler when I first saw that I'm like oh [ __ ] this is going down the road of of of like a legendary with the whole like oh we got to make it bigger and more of a spectacle but they didn't overuse it and like you all of you just said it's it takes a toll on his body when when that that happens and um it in in that sense I was totally okay with it and what did you guys think about the size of the dorsal plates were you okay with that didn't bother me I had no problem with design whatsoever I think I I like a I like a big dorsal plate so me too I think it helped balance him out because he was very big he was big like he's got the big legs which I guess is how I guess the way he's built I thought it kind of helped balance him out and you guys the overall design like what is your take on the overall design of this gzo the final form I thought was awesome oh awesome probably my top five designs for sure now oh yeah yeah yeah I think the jewelry was out for me for a while and then once I saw it in the context of the film and I saw how he moved I was like this is great it's exact what we needed to see for this Godzilla and I I just still wish the head was a little bit bigger I mean um because I think all of you know my my initial longing was to see like a like a um storyboard type Godzilla or or at least more of a 1954 like hybrid kind of thing which it kind of was in a way but um it it it took elements from so many different designs uh it paid homage to a bunch of them that I really do do like ended up liking it a lot in the end I was gonna say the head actually looked to me like almost like a like a highay style like a 1990 style head or like a Neo version of that which I really I liked it it was it had a lot of Personality like the like I like we talked about the eyes before um I I overall liked it I think it works better I think I like it better in context of the film than just on its own I think it's really important to see how it functions in the movie it is the most anthropomorphic Godzilla face I've ever seen ever like it it looks like like it emotes emotion and I guess you really can't do that uh as well in in in um uh suit acting because it's you know it's you have to really use CGI to get those expressions and it was so anthropomorphic and so like you could you could you could sense when he was angrier than than normal and when he was in pain and I think that was a really nice touch for the face anyway yeah I agree yeah what did you think of the of the um the actors I put this comment up here because I thought the little girl was [ __ ] adorable um I don't know if she was a I don't know if she was a good child act actor or actress because um she didn't have a lot to say she Pro it's hard to judge acting in these movies but um I thought everybody looked the part and I thought um I mean again it's hard to judge when it's in a different um language obviously but I mean I feel like this was one of the best acted Godzilla movies in a really long time also it didn't it didn't seem like it was crammed with pop stars and stuff like that which is nice um which was no thing they were always keen on doing um in the 2000s movies and and even in some of the Jay movies was just jamming as many pop stars as they could find in their in their movies for added uh added Commercial Success so it was nice to see that um I thought everybody was good I thought U again my favorite character was the ship uh the captain um I also really liked the doctor um I think there was a chance to do some cliche things with the characters that they didn't do like the young kid um I was like oh this kid's gonna die doing something stupid and I'm really glad they didn't you know do any of that kind of cliched stuff so um I I thought the acting was all around really good the kid story he had like his own kind of little story arc too I kind of like that cuz he was like they went through he didn't get to participate in the war and he wanted to and there's that scene in the beginning on the bat where kuichi gets so angry at him where the kid had said you know I wish the war had gone on longer and um he's so desperate to like prove himself and then at the end when he shows up in the tugbo I was like oh he's so like he's so determined to help his country and his fellow like friends any way that he can so I I really liked that that was a great scene when every starts checking in you know what this boat from Yokohama this one it was like this is like this is so cool like they're all coming together and they're just citizens at this point to try and fight Godzilla well tell me tell me this John did you not make reference to um uh the rise of Skywalker when all of the ships come at the end rich I know you did it's like okay here's a I don't I don't know that I that was a little bit Hollywood for me a little bit like one part that I didn't actually love because it's like okay here comes the fleet let's I mean I understand the point is like we have to do it ourselves because we can't rely on the Japanese government or the Americans however that was a little bit Forest Gumpy for me sorry Alber Albert agrees with the Star Wars reference there so think that direct he say Star Wars is like one of his favorite film franchises so I think it was probably just another Easter egg from him about about that probably it didn't ruin it for me but but it didn't ruin it for me and and it was great it was it was fine but again like I they had such a tone that they were going for the whole movie it sort of took me out of it a little bit and took it took me okay now I'm not watching a documentary I'm watching a Hollywood movie or or a big budget movie and and that I don't like when that happens to me I want to be just completely sort of like engaged engrossed in in what I'm seeing and not being being taken out by reference from other other films but again teeny teeny tiny tiny tiny thing well that did you see the tweet that I posted yesterday it was uh somebody had tweeted Godzilla minus one the First Act is is Jurassic Park the second act is like jaws and the third Act is like dunker and I thought that was really accurate um especially the Dunkirk part because it really does have that feel of like I don't know if any of you saw that movie it's a great movie um but there's a sense of just like overwhelming desperation at the end um and that's how the Final Act of that movie feels it's just it feels so desperate and uh I just I thought that was a really accurate and it wasn't meant and it wasn't meant as a insult it was meant more of a compliment to the movie which is all dude I am so psyched about the amount of love that this movie is getting from the general public um and it's got like I don't know I don't watch a lot of regular TV um I watch Like Jeopardy and Wheel of Fortune at night because I'm old those are what I want but like I don't think that there's been advertising for this movie on regular TV I think the only advertising has been on social media and that's it there was no actual there was never any theatrical trailers for it I don't think there's like if they actually put and and now you can see too is getting behind it because every day on the too Facebook page oh yeah and on their Reddit page they're putting out new ads that have a lot of the the um the clips from the various reviews where the you know the r the really high uh High reviews that they're getting um so I wonder if they're gonna put this movie out for another week or two um and see if it has legs because the fact that it's probably going to make its budget back this weekend is is crazy it's crazy it's it's it will be the first it will be the highest rank the highest grossing uh liveaction Japanese release in the United unit States history after this weekend wow I know I feel like this whole thing with it is kind of unprecedented because I like said earlier like the hype with it like it's hard like you're like oh because you know we every time a new Godzilla movie comes up of course we all get hyped about it and then like for it to keep going then it's just like wow this thing is really picking up here like everybody loves it whether they're a fan or not the critics love it like I've hardly seen any bad that the non goodzilla fans like it and that's yeah that's the big thing you know like Rich you you went with a bunch of pretty much non- goodzilla fans and they all loved it so you know now to me the real exciting thing for me Brian is that too now sees that this type of take on the mon the um you know Godzilla films like a serious scary period piece is is resonating with the fans and the non-fans so hopefully we can see maybe a Rodan Standalone movie like in this in this sort of fashion you know or you know you know I I just worry my My worry is it's GNA go too fast like too much like Destroy All Monsters too quick like I I would love it to sort of slowly amp up before we get into the whole like I know I'm against I'm I'm My Own Thing like I love Godzilla against the military I love Monster against man monster battles are great they're fun I love them but I think the most compelling movies to me in my top movies are always Man versus monster and you know the consequences of of that so um I would would would I love to see you know Rodan you know next yes I would love that I don't know if I would honestly you don't know if you would I don't know if I need it I don't know if I need anything else I think if this movie stands if we've if if I know anything it's that too and the executives and not just Toho all movie Executives never learn the correct lesson the correct lesson isn't you don't need to spend $300 million and put love and care into a it's not that they're not going to learn that they're just gonna crank out whatever they can to copy the success of this movie I would be shocked if I don't know I mean just G that's sort of what I'm like wondering is like because I almost don't want a sequel to this movie I like this movie standing standing alone as it is and like I feel like if you started and again you know like we said it's it's cool when there are other Kaiju but like I feel like in this universe if you started like bringing in other monsters it cheapens this mood I think it would I think it would kind of dilute it would dilute what this movie accomplished a little bit agree 1,000% and and I said this and I know Christine has heard me say this a thousand times like instead of making a film like Hollywood is totally guilty of this that is is this only objective is to set up the next one or to set up a world just make a [ __ ] good movie and then see what happens and leave it alone we live we live right now in a time where content is more important than craft quality of of what they're yeah they craft and everybody needs to keep the content coming out you need to keep content you need to keep content you need to keep content and this movie doesn't feel like it was made for content and this movie doesn't feel like I mean you could definitely take this movie and and Branch it into a franchise I'm sure you'd have to tweak some things you can't have you can't have a Godzilla movie where he fights other monsters and his Atomic breath nukes an entire city you have to Nerf that you're right that fight that fight is over that fight is over right away good point yeah yeah but the viciousness of him otherwise the way he moved the way he fought the way he clawed the way he was snapping at the plane the way he tried to jump out of the water was spectac all that stuff all that stuff was cool you but you have to Nerf that you can't have that right you imagine if they if they did a sequel where he he fights another monster it would be over in 30 seconds so you know and he's his Ray seemed to be as powerful as the ray in Shin Godzilla and he's 10 times more mobile than that monster was so you know so yeah um this is a good comment like what do you and I I've been thinking this too that it could potentially be up for an Oscar I don't know for best picture but I could definitely see it up for an Oscar for best for in film oh yeah yeah that would be cool if that happened um be awesome if that happened I don't really but just the the cache of having a Godzilla movie nominated for an Oscar would be so awesome even if it's nominated that is totally like the icing on the cake it probably won't win but just to get the nomination and the acknowledgement that hey man we love this this is great it's making money and it's it's it's an important piece and I think the fact that we we everything we just talked about the fact that it's Godzilla alone the fact that it's a period piece the fact that it's a human the human drama is compelling all of those elements combined would make it a contender for at least a nomination for Best Picture foreign film foreign film [ __ ] design sound I mean there's a lot of [ __ ] you could probably give that true I agree and I wonder if the part of me thinks the only reason that it wouldn't be is because of the stigma of Godzilla movies to the general United the US Being Cheesy crap when really that's not never really been Fair ever but you know I don't know this again that budget yeah this movie seems to be really kind of defying that though because like look looking at the Forbes Magazine headline and uh oh yeah and just like it's getting Universal Acclaim uh from critics and of course now everybody loves Rotten Tomatoes Rotten Tomatoes is is okay now by everybody yeah Rotten Tomatoes is our friend it's our friend now wait wait till Godzilla xcong the new Empire comes out then it's gonna flip again y yeah well that depends on who you are speaking of Godzilla X here's a good comment here I feel too is letting legendary step into cheese so too can then correct the course yeah I mean dude there's such a tonal different David I know you could go on for an hour and a half but but there's such a tonal difference between what legendary's doing and what um Tojo does and you take a show like monarch which honestly I think is a good show I didn't like episode four I thought it was spinning but I all in all yeah right all in all um I think it's a good show but look they showed the the castle BR they showed the test the nuclear test in both these movies in in minus one they showed the nuclear test that mutates Godzilla and inarch they showed the nuclear test that they used to kill Godzilla and that right there shows the total tonal difference of these two franchises one in the Japanese version created a horrible monster the other one you know makes their pet monster turn Stronger Yeah so yeah so I think look I I don't hate the legendary stuff it has its place it's fine it's popcorn nonsense it's fun fun but they'll never they will never do a movie on par with when Toho wants to really do a serious movie like this movie in like 54 I mean what I wanted for the Godzilla 2014 legendary movie to be was pretty much the movie we just got exactly Brian Edward even even said as much yeah Gareth Edwards said this they they made the perfect Godzilla movie yeah he was jealous I think a lot ofet like if we didn't have this legendary stuff which I like the legendary stuff I don't really care if we didn't have this I would bet you wouldn't have a minus one just because popularity that the legendary stuff has and the toys and the merch like all that cash like too still gets that [ __ ] so if it wasn't for the leg wouldn't have minus one yeah I mean we're not like too is it's a it's a they're just printing money with the legendary stuff they don't have to do character that they've built you make this amazing character you license it out and you make the money back so you guys said it best it's it has the monsterverse has its place not not with me personally but it has its place and this movie To my great Delight was the antithesis of everything legendary there was nothing they didn't take any legendary maybe a little bit CGI maybe some of that things that go on but um as far as I'm concerned this is the absolute anti antithesis of the legendary Godzilla and I'm all for it I'm I'm there for it man I was going to say there are there are visual references to Godzilla 2014 in this movie though a few a few you know so I I think that I think yamazaki is basically telling us what his three favorite Godzilla movies were I think it's 54 gmk and 2014 and I think that's also why he invited Gareth Edwards to have a a screening of it I mean there are definite visual homages to 2014 so do we know um I didn't get a chance to look into this for so for the CGI for the schedle did they have a like a motion capture actor for it or was it all just I don't think so I don't think there's I hadn't seen anything so I was wondering if I didn't see any I like the CGI in this movie because it looks like it could have been a guy in a suit that they enhanced with CGI and I think like to me that would be the effects was to have a guy in a suit that's enhanced by CGI you know what I mean yeah the Nakajima Factor as GE deloro said said yeah exactly cuz he behaves like a it doesn't look like 100% CGI there's definitely scenes of it where you're like I could see that being a guy suit you know what I was hoping for Brian was like the Boss Coffee God 54 Godzilla ad that that that was would have been my My ultimate like scenario if this movie was done in that in that form but um I'm I'm not mad at anything that that they did and you know yeah John's like yeah there was several visual references from 2014 I only saw it once like all those years ago so I can't even tell you what visual references well like like going under the ship for one thing is like yeah the use of his tail uh as a an attack um that's that's kind of a 2014 thing too he always tail but and ginsel where he comes out of the smoke the rubble I thought that was like straight from the trailer and that was done yeah yeah this is this comment's true too I mean the monsterverse did for you know it did reignite Godzilla in the American Consciousness at because for sure it did if you remember what 2005 through 2012 was like it was a Barren Wasteland there was nothing happening and now we're getting everything yeah lot of Godzilla F anime ult Man anime we have two Godzilla movies with Godzilla TV show like I know people can pick and choose but we probably should shut the [ __ ] up and just take it all in because just be happy yeah saying man it's good time to be a Godzilla fan yeah so speaking of all all of the Godzilla around what are we hoping for to see in the the world of Collectibles I mean and there's a few things out now and I just pre-ordered one thing already but um oh I know I know Christine's dying for a sofubi yes I would like a sui and I'm Holding Out for a light up X+ because I want I want one with the dorsals popped up light up I want that rich is there an X Plus on the planning stages have you seen anything from X+ not yet no not yet Rich how about you anything um well I know yeah there there's gonna be stuff coming from X+ for sure surprised they actually haven't even um you know revealed something yet yeah but uh give me right didn't they reveal for real think no that was oh never mind egg I think it's cute I want a Rick I want a rick X+ that comes with the Godzilla the Odo Island version would be a an instant purchase yeah yeah an instant I would break my X Plus drought for like a light up rck for this one I haven't bought X+ in years oh could you imagine that the light up effects for those dorsals be I would actually if it was badass i' probably bite the bullet and take the gigantic if they did one oh yeah yeah that would be tough to pass up if it if it looked really good I I pre-ordered the super seven one oh nice that one looks real good I just hope that the figure looks as as the protype that's DVD I've reviewed three of those figures I've reviewed three of those figures for my channel um I passed on it just because they none of them have lived up to what the production photos have looked like and the photos look better there's yeah and honestly it's one of those things where I'll just wait and see because now all of the ones that I bought are on sale for like $55 yeah and that's about what they should be anyway honestly yeah so that's one I'll probably grab but I'm G to grab that um after it's been out for a little bit and his and his kind of warming shelves as they say it might be good though it might be it they might surprise us because that prototype does look freaking amazing it looks like an X Plus quality almost so um I'm going to I'm going to you know be optimistic about it and if and then if it sucks I'll just pass it on to someone else you know does anybody anybody have an answer to this one is the Monster Arts good I thought we saw pictures of it and it was bad right the pictures there half half I've pictures and bad ones sh breaks within like a year just fall apart on your [ __ ] shelf so it looks great but it's gonna look like a junkyard in a year that's it Nev you got it that's exactly right I'm looking his arm is off for some random [ __ ] reason it's like I don't touch 41 years old I don't play with him and it just falls off so don't buy it so what I saw from the SH Monster Arts uh Godzilla minus one is the Prototype looked great um but I think the figure was they they made it with the intention that the collector is going to keep his mouth open you know because when the mouth is closed his bottom jaw looks a little janky it does an under bite yeah I mean you know I know when we see prototypes that's what we we should expect you know that's what you're Pro you're promoting that's what we should get but once you put you know something through a production line there's going to be you know differences and most toy collectors or uh you know Collectibles and Brands put prototype shown actual product may vary you know so that's the unfortunate part but you know I would buy that collectible as well a model of the boat with a piece of his head coming out of the water yep I buy that's probably the shin like zipline if they did a Bandai like that with him coming out of the water that would be awesome oh yeah that's what they need for their water park cast will do it I'm sure I'm hoping that Yugi scky uh you know gets his hands on this and does a does a model kit does a 30 centimeter kit yeah that would be cool um yeah the plane that was a cool plane too it was a cool plane that was a cool plane based in based in reality too which is we didn't get like some we didn't get some silly sci-fi thing it was actually it's based on an actual plane I like finding that out like because like that was one of the first things I wanted to find out when I got home from the theater after we saw it last week I was like is this based on and it is it's based on an actual prototype if you actually do any kind of like deep digging into World War II stuff that every every country had the most like batshit insane uh plans for things that a lot of which never came to fruition for one reason or another but um yeah that's definitely one of the definitely one of the things this is now this is something my um my wife asked me and I kind of explained it to her but um the title minus one and what does that mean kid because it is a weird name I'm kind of surprised too didn't tweak the name before putting it out I mean it doesn't seem like it's hurting it at all so whatever but it is kind of a weird name for a movie what does it mean so basically Japan just lost World War II got hit with two atomic bombs your econom is in [ __ ] just the whole country is just you know just not in a good place they're at the bottom of the barrel right y let's introduce a giant monster and make things worse so instead of moving up you know moving back up the ladder after the war they just slide further backwards exactly that's exactly right it's basically an allegory for your checking account being at zero and then another bill coming out and then you try to go Taco Bell yeah so yeah that's how I took it as well and I think it also works on a personal level for the characters because all of the characters um for the most part when we meet them are all pretty um especially the people in Tokyo or I mean you know when he it didn't it took me till the second time I saw it to realize at the beginning that's his house he's standing in front of when he goes back to Tokyo that's just completely bombed out like that and I think it's really cool the way it shows you know his living situation slowly improves and his dress slowly gets better and he buys a motor motorcycle which did you guys think that motorcycle was an homage to uh original yeah that's I thought it was too I want to look up and see if it's the same kind of that Tak yeah yeah you can you you can get the title just from Tachi bana's character alone because you know he when you he chose not to be a kamakazi pilot and in the eyes of all of his peers in Japan he was minus one already like he was he he shouldn't have been alive he was like alive but not alive and then all the the things that happened to to him in the film especially after losing norico like he was M like more than minus one like his his life was just at like at rock bottom and then introduced this monster you know into the into the mix and it's like I like the title I think it's great it make it makes you think it makes you talk about it you know and and how H how often do we as fans and even non-fans go to Godzilla film and get inspired to learn about history to learn about like hey what planes did come out during World War II yeah how did how how did you know Japan react after the the bombings of of cities in Tokyo how you know it it's so good it it it ignites so much curiosity more than just oh my God this is a fun monster fight you know it's it it's really smart in that respect and and and for that reason alone I think that best forign film nomination might might might be in the mix what do you guys think about this comment that it's not connected to 54 because obviously it's not intentionally connected to 54 but I think it's it concludes in such a way that it could definitely be in that Universe because I don't it it doesn't seem like a lot of the general public knew what was going on even after he destroyed Ginza and I could see this being a thing where like a group of citizens went out and fought this monster and thought they killed it and he shows up again seven years later or however you know whatever it is eight years later um and they had all thought he was dead and that and people that heard anybody talk about it was like those people are CRA you know like those people are crazy like how kind of how uh um in the the Star Wars uh where the what is it episode uh eight where the Jedi are sort of was that real they really were Jedi you know what I mean so sort of something like that even well it's a direct it's it's a direct reference to the scene in the diet building where they're talking about are we goingon to tell the people about Godzilla and they're having that argument the men the the the the government officials and the the citizens are having that debate whether whether they should make it public that Godzilla is here and in in minus one they're straight up saying we're not going to let the public know because we no one wants to take the responsibility for the Panic they literally said it almost word for word and yeah so so yes absolutely they took that from 54 and again it's another it's another dig on the Japanese government you know um they had mentioned something about that the Japanese government being always perfect at hiding information or something perfect exactly and and you know the fact that they did that scene in 1954 and some of the citizens that were the most vocal were women that was unheard of in the ' 50s in Japan so that was a little bit Cutting Edge and a little bit uh risque for for that time and the scene uh in minus one where he introduces his plan also is very very similar to the scene in 54 Where Dr yanii addresses the the crowd I thought that was really similar um I liked there's a lot of little omes and things in this movie that um I thought were really well done and they didn't really beat you over the head with it but there are things when you see it in the movie and you're like that that feels familiar to me and that and that's kind of why so when they Clos the during his speech yep like that like I was like oh it's like the little things like that they sprinkled in I'm surprised they didn't have him fix his tie uh like Dr Yani does in that scene for his ties uh his Ties on the wrong side of his jacket they already did that homage in Godzilla 2000 that's true they did yeah yeah y yeah there's there there's a scene where Shiro sano's character is uh they're talking about like the UFO he literally does he did it on purpose like he tucks his tie into his uh into his jacket interesting I I'll have to watch so yeah because this movie and it's funny speaking of 2000 this movie's already made more in four days than Godzilla 2000 made in its entire theatrical Ron wow pretty which is pretty crazy in the US that's exciting time that had a much wider release I think Godzilla 2000 made like 10 or 13 million I know I read last night that minus one made more already than Shin Godzilla did in its theatric releas wow okay so it's probably gonna pass it today then I would think if it hasn't already doesn't last night yeah yeah milon last time I check all right Rich your mom says the best way to see it is in IMAX and having seen it having seen it in IMAX I agree yeah I've seen every other version except for IMX so go see it in IMX is anybody else seeing it again I'm going to see it again Monday that'll be three I'll be then I'll probably be done I'm I'm planning on going on Tuesday I'm not sure when but I definitely need to see it a second time to to sort of the things that that you guys brought to my attention that I missed that I want to like sort of catch myself but definitely deserves a second view [ __ ] I saw 2014 twice so I got to see this twice oh you got to go see it you got got to see this five times now put to put the universe Back in Balance that's right that's right no it's um real quick Keith said he' SE it again too so that's good um re real quick did any of you think that they were going to utilize any of the character names from 54 like they're gonna like say Dr sarawa oata yeah I thought I thought the baby would be I didn't think because I don't think they want to directly tie it in I think I'm not saying they needed to do that but I was just thinking maybe they were going to do that at some point because you know um C certain things like I was hoping to find a trilite somewhere you know we did see the deep sea fish rise like in the beginning of gorgo which wasting yeah so you know what I thought that was going to be so when he's sitting there um on Odo Island looking in the ocean you hear that splashing um I don't know if you remember in the original screenplay and I think it was actually shot and then deleted from from the movie in the original 54 um oata and emo see Godzilla's tail yes um when they're standing off in Odo Island they see his tail splashing in the water and I totally thought that they were gonna that that was going to be Godzilla's tail splashing in the water at the beginning I I would I would have liked that um yeah that that that was a scene I don't even know if it was filmed it was definitely a storyboard where they're standing on the beach and a tail go by ack formation and they think it looks they think it's part of The Rock I mean there's pictures of Takara and momok cochi like actually standing on the beach like reacting to something I mean maybe they did film it maybe maybe we'll see it someday yeah I mean put a lot of I wish Mike was here because they're putting out a all those four uh 4K releases and he's he is like their biggest Advocate Mike and Mike and Big Ken um so you never know maybe they'll maybe that'll be a bonus feature on one of those so at some you have to assume the footage exists which is like again you can dream because there you know what was it like how many years ago that that silent sort of like trailer that we never saw from Godzilla Raids Again just appeared and it had footage that wasn't in the film so you know you can dream yeah we we can all dream we can all dream so like it's amazing how this movie is way more than just a movie about a Monster yeah That's why this movie is good it's good because it's more than just a monster that's what makes it a good movie um you know watching two monsters punch each other in the face is exciting but it doesn't necessarily make for a great movie so uh that's me that's my take so everybody's um I mean I think we're all gonna go see it again for sure so that's good I hope it like I said I hope it gets a little bit more time in theaters and Word of Mouth seems to be super good I love seeing people on my time on my various timelines that are not Godzilla fans uh raving about it one of my friends posted he saw it and just wrote A++ Plus plus everyone should see this movie yeah I'm just like you know that's that's awesome so good to see I'm dragging two non Kaiju friends uh with me to see it tomorrow so that's cool what's exciting to me is all of us here we're all pretty much on the same page when it comes to these movies but um it seems like across the fandom no matter what your tastes are this is this is this movie is is satisfying you like I love that you know that's that's really untypical for usually it divides the community or there's like a fringe who doesn't like it I don't I don't I haven't seen any real negative responses to this movie yeah yeah I mean there's a there's a segment of older fans older than me and I'm pretty old um who seem to really P really piss on any new Godzilla no well I feel like they do it almost as a of gatekeeping though where it's like the the old movies are the best if you like the new movies you're just settling for Less you that's just stupid because I haven't seen any I haven't seen any I'm saying I haven't seen anybody say that about this movie at all which is amazing like I expected the usual characters to come out and be like yeah you know this movie doesn't have the heart of Godzilla versus of of you know moth versus Godzilla and like they're two different things like it's I they're almost in two different boxes for me like it's hard for me to put this movie in the same box as uh invasion of Astro monster because they're so tonally different like they're both good movies and that's why I was like you know when you and it listen enthusiasm that's great calling it like the greatest Godzilla movie ever or the best since 54 I I I can't do that because it's so unfair to compare this movie to like anything beyond 20 years ago maybe because of how much how the making of these films has changed over the years and sort of too's attitude just and what they're willing to allow people to do with Godzilla has changed so I I just think that hyperbole is is a bit much um but I mean this movie is very good and it's it it it's definitely probably GNA settle in as a top 10 for me I'm just not sure where it's at yet I mean I want to I want to live with it for a little while we don't watch the same movie over and over again like we don't want the same storyline like we know what usually what goes on in the Godzilla movies so it's nice to see something that's different and Christine that's totally true it's different yet it's still stayed true to what we all know about Godzilla like didn't it didn't stray too far off of like well for I'm speaking for myself like it didn't go too much away from what I expect Godzilla to be and what what I've grown to love in Godzilla films this is pretty much everything I was hoping for and you know it it and John I think I think what people are saying is like I don't necessarily think it's it's the greatest movie since 1954 it's that type of movie that 1954 was it's that style of film I you could put 84 in that category too soort I think those three films are sort of you know very similar in in their tone and you know the human drama and things like that um gmk more is a little bit different because it deals with Japanese mythology and and it's it's wonderful but I I think that's a little bit different the three that are the most alike are 54 84 and this one in my opinion they're all grounded very heavily in reality and plausibility even like with like weapons like the oxygen Destroyer or the superx I mean it's science and it's military hardware it's not you know what I mean like they're really really foundationally based in in in real things and this movie I think was probably the most like of any Godzilla movie this one is probably the most reality based because there's literally no super weapon there's you know the the the plan to deal with him is based in real science and it's just ordinary people yeah yeah um should too keep doing oneoff movies or start a new franchise um to me I think they both have their pluses and minuses the pluses are um if you do one offs then you're then you don't have to worry about continuity or anything if you if you don't do them though then the it kind of gets stale after a while resetting every movie gets kind of stale so I don't know it's I'm glad I don't have to make that decision what do you all what do you all think I would just do oneoff some continuance of stuff yeah I mean they did leave this one kind of open at the end for yeah I mean I like those little shorts that they've been putting out too and honestly if they wanted to do like a straight up 70s vibe Godzilla silly like Godzilla superhero style movie I would 100% go to the movie theater and watch that the only thing is you're not going to get the a claim for doing that kind of movie that you're gonna get for doing a movie like this I don't think but like those shorts are fun that megalon short they did was really fun the yeah they're fun I don't think they should they should worry too much about doing a standalone or a franchise they should just worry about making a really good compelling movie yeah that's what I that makes money that makes money a really good compelling movie and let the chips fall where they may after we see this movie and we all love it and I think that's what's going to happen with minus one I would love to see a um like maybe like a prequel kind of I guess you would call it I want to see the story of the oldo island Godzilla before before we get to he's already has an established Legend there so there's so obviously there's been things for years going on I would see that explored I totally Christine I'm gonna be lesle Chambers for a minute yes yes yes I was gonna say that I want to learn about like like expand on the the old Legend of oo Island like they do the the the the the um the exorcism to and send the girl out on the raft and you know why do the natives call him Godzilla how do they know how long has he been coming to the island like what's the deal that how did they deal with them that would be something that I would love to see and and I don't know that we'll get it because it seems too sort of um very specific and and very like but I would I'm 100% down for that and and I have to say keth Keith screamed in the background Mothra I'm curious Cutting Room floor to be honest with that there's a lot of stuff in Shin they cut out that was not an original film like it was just animatics I'm wondering if and when we get the DVD what else is it there more true yeah I know I'm in the minority but God I hate that movie God I hate it it hasn't stood the test this time I liked it when I saw it but I can't watch it now I feel the same way I I kind I more or less liked it like six out of 10 when it came out and I just don't ever feel the need to watch that I think cut out it would have been a better movie like where the kamarun like the blood gushes and the the tires pop like all that [ __ ] they should have just left in it would have been much more like nightmarish especially the Blobs of his flesh that were always mutating on the buildings like they cut all that [ __ ] out and it's it's kind of stale you know all right so I want to wrap up but I do want to say real quick because Shin Godzilla reminds me of this so at the end when all the people are coming out of his tail or whatever that is right I so the second time I saw minus one I paid very close attention to the end where it shows her neck and I and I'm going to pay more attention when I go see it again but I'm 99% sure that thing on her neck is in the shape of one of his dorsal plates well it it also looked like it was like it yeah it was growing it was growing into the shape of a dorsal plate ising yes it grows out it starts gr up her neck and it's got that shape of a dorsal plate on his neck her neck I couldn't see through the tears welling up in my eyes so oh well okay so when another thing I noticed that they kind of they pointed on a little bit they they specifically mentioned it so I was like okay right after the tack and Ginza they said something about they were collecting samples from the creature left behind so I'm like okay does that have something to do with it kind of like 89 or I mean it could have been radiation fall butov course you're gonna go there Christine while samples yeah see here all right good so he agrees with me here um it was definitely in the shape of a dorsal plate I caught that instantly so okay good I'm glad I'm not maybe I'm not crazy cuz um I thought that's what it meant and I have no idea what what do you what is that supposed to mean is she gonna turn into a wezilla like what like what does that mean I don't also so between the attacking Ginza and when the final attack where they destroyed Godzilla that had have been less than month so she got exploded in this nuclear blast and she's that [Music] quickly oh man that it was the one thing I one of the things I just I didn't like about the movie I wish I wish they she would have just been alive you would have lost nothing with with um kichi story and all I remember is this Brian I don't know if you remember this when they revealed that she's alive right our theater was quiet except for one guy to my right probably in the same row he just goes how yeah it could tie into this thing on her neck if she got infected with cells or what or an effect from his Atomic blast maybe because he regenerates right we know Godzilla can regenerate super quickly in this film maybe I'm does that mean every every citizen in Tokyo can do it now or maybe true everyone else would have nothing I thought it was just like you know you thought so these are interesting things so look that's interesting yeah and then this one maybe I just thought it was a a mark of how that you know when you thought you survived the bombings you actually got radiation poisoning and cancer later she we may reading too much into it because it's um you know like I said earlier in in my comments it's like when you when they got the the black rain fell on the citizens of Tokyo they're gonna get cancer and die if they want to keep it B reality so I think we may we may be seeing something that's not there I don't know who knows well we're talking about it which is maybe the point was in the first place CU When I first saw I took it as radiation Point thing and I was like oh but then I'm like well wait a minute he found she die a horrible death from leukemia oh that that poor little girl and that was that was the that was the major aspect just really quickly that was one of the reasons why I didn't like the death fake out because then koichi's suicide mission makes him seem more selfish because like if if Akiko lost her mom and he's all that she has left he should want to live at all costs her I agreed with that too I was like dude if he kills himself and leaves this kid with no parent like you know so I mean my problems were just story beats like that that's it I mean my problem isn't even so much that she did the fake death thing well she didn't do it but that they did the fake death thing thing it was the way that it was shown that she died um like if she had fell if she fell in the water like she does you she drops into the water and then it showed the train car like almost implying that the train car falls on top of her and then you never see her again until the end I could have accepted that more than dude she gets Blown Away by like a gale force wind that is literally pushing shock wave nuclear yeah yeah that's yeah that's literally blowing it shows it's blowing like steel beams and giant walls and vehicles you know and somehow she's okay like so survived that my that is my only complaint with the entire movie is that and I'm glad she lived I'm glad she lived I'm glad that they got a happy ending but that is definitely my only kind of quibble with the movie so Brian what you're saying is the dude in um Godzilla final wars in New York City that got blown away by Rodan he might still be alive too he probably is he's probably still pimping probably still big pimping out there so proba get pink Cadillac toad there's a possibility that he's still out there and there could be a definely certified that but thg life certified thg life certified oh my God all right everyone uh seriously thanks everybody for hanging uh I guess real quick we can do real quick um uh final thoughts David go um it was the movie that I was that I was hoping for and I got it and I'm stoked I give it an 11 out of 10 because I'm just so over the moon right now it might change in the future but right now 11 out of 10 the movie I wanted I'm stoked sweet uh Christine go um yeah I got to say this is one that I've been waiting for I feel like a lot of us have been waiting for a serious period piece like this from too following along what David said I give it probably a 9.5 out of 10 for me sweet dut go you know uh love getting a vicious mean brutal Godzilla that's the way I prefer my Godzilla to be um you know the cinematography and the sound mix in this movie blew me away this the staging of the action like especially in Ginza like you know we're panning up and just the camera's doing things that the Godzilla series typically doesn't do which is us like point and shoot so technically it's great the story was great I like I just have to I have to live with it a little bit longer to kind of see where it falls in with me but enjoyed it good movie yeah cool Nev yeah I'm on the same boat uh probably like everybody said 9.5 out of 10 I definitely want to see it again um I would love to love it another three four years un like shin but time will tell I think this is the Godzilla that is the most Godzilla film we've had in a long time so I'm stoked for that yeah I agree Mr fresh vinyl hello um still processing it just really happy to have a return to form more or less for a Godzilla film in a nutshell loved it 10 out of 10 for me right now you know uh I need to see it again don't think I'm going to be able to catch it again in the theater unless they extend this theatrical run so loved it cool cool uh yeah I pretty much agree with all of your assessments I think it was uh the Godzilla movie that I have wanted to see for a very long time um I'm gonna give it a nine and a half out of 10 and I hope um you know in three or four months whenever it hits streaming that it is as good as I recall it being um when I saw it in the theaters um so yeah that's that's how I feel about it so uh thanks everybody for watching um probably do this again in a couple weeks I don't know maybe we'll do a little Christmas special who knows who knows who knows what we're going to do but we're going to do something anyway thanks everybody for watching and we will see you all next time how about some coffee coffee I like [Music] coffee the
Channel: Sofubi Sit Down
Views: 4,503
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Godzilla, Godzilla minus one, Review
Id: 9ikUJr1TESE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 107min 31sec (6451 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 04 2023
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