Godzilla Minus One: Review & Breakdown!

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if you want a Godzilla movie to be done correctly make sure it's coming out of Japan because tekashi yamazaki just knocked it out of the park with Godzilla minus one it's number one at the box office right now it's already three times its budget in just one week in theaters I love this film I've only seen maybe five or six Godzilla movies in total this is my favorite one I I none of them even come close to this even what Gareth Edwards did I think that was kind of just like a okay movie didn't really enjoy that one and then the last one um Kong and Godzilla didn't love but this film it felt like a Godzilla movie it didn't feel like a studio bought the rights to the character and made their own version of it this felt like it was just amazing it looked incredible the action sequences were insane it had some really great story character moments good drama and it had a lot of heart to it like I cried at the end too I didn't think that I would walk into a Godzilla movie and cry at the end and it was really touching and on top of that to contrast it it was absolutely epic and I can't believe the budget for this movie was 10 0 million $15 million correct you and I had to pick my job off the floor like think three times during this movie it was such an incredible experience in the theater so again written and directed by tekashi yamazaki IMDB Godzilla minus one is an 8.5 Rotten Tomatoes it's a 97% critic score 98% audience score letter boxed it's a 4.2 baby that's really good for letter box and again on a budget of $15 million it's already at $42 million Global after just 5 days at the Box office and just to put into perspective of how much money this is making compared to its budget and how good it is compared to its budget Godzilla minus one costs $10 million less than one episode of Marvel's She-Hulk hold on so $10 million less than an episode of She-Hulk exactly so one episode of She-Hulk averaged $25 million for a budget Godzilla minus one cost $50 million holy [ __ ] how does it look so good because people cared when they make this movie there was a bunch of artists got together they put their all their energy all their creativity into one project and they had a low budget but you know what it didn't stop them from creating a visually stunning movie of course the CGI at times you can point out parts that don't look incredible but my goodness it doesn't matter because you're so engrossed into such a great story I mean I would only say the only kind of moments of CGI that didn't look in incredible was just some of the moments of water because water is very complicated to get but you can tell they used a lot of Miniatures and they use a lot of practical effects to blend with the visual effects in the CGI so whatever they did I was really blown away because Godzilla especially was incredible to behold and the destruction I can't believe the cost of this movie because the destruction of uh Ginza Ginsu was just absolutely insurmountably huge in Ginza Ginza yeah Ginza yeah double check it unsubscribe we're canceled thank you guys hope you enjoyed the show while it lasted and that seems like it would C like if you if this movie was made in Hollywood it seems like it would cost $200 million well it already has been made in Hollywood three times in the last 10 years and it's just not been amazing it's always been underwhelming and hasn't lived up to the hype or the trailers and you know it's Godzilla it's this icon from Japan for the last 60 years 70 years and this is my favorite one as well and I was just having such a great time in the theater but when it comes to visual effects and practical effects like you said Miniatures involved heavily in this film you could see it especially in the First Act but also Godzilla in this film um giant Kaiju it's all CGI however what I think tekashi did so well with his direction is they made a Godzilla that looked like the suit motion like a guy inside of a suit it it almost looks like a practical Godzilla and I think that it probably decreased the cost of making the Godzilla but also makes it feel authentic to the real story of Godzilla in terms of the original film and the history of the character I loved because so we've seen a bunch of different interpretations in America of Godzilla and they've made him sleek theyve made him sexy sexy Zilla in independent artist you know he's got his own pop punk band yeah the zillas the zillas God and the zillas and I am Godzilla but they they always made it so that it was like in contextually objectively more realistic to the world like the real world that we know and like if a creature like this existed it wouldn't have maybe this huge Stout body and thick legs like he's got a thickness to thi Bo and Tiny arms but that was the original suit and when I watched this film it just kept hearkening back to the originals especially they kept using that brass theme the original Godzilla theme which sounded fantastic in this modern context it was unbelievable but I loveed the design it just was it felt like a contemporary technology was used to create to just remake the original suit and the way Godzilla moved in this it was like you're right it felt like it was someone in a suit and for me that made it better than it would have been if they tried to make it more um Nimble more elusive if it was like jumping around like more like the kaijus in Pacific Rim I don't think it would have felt the same and that's why I think the other Godzilla movies especially the recent ones have never felt right and one of the great strengths to this is tekashi yaki's pitch and his idea for this being a very unique Godzilla film you know the idea of it being right at the tail end of World War II in Japan is already set to zero because they has gone through so much losing World War II and Devastation throughout the country and then what happens when Godzilla comes into play so minus one that's that's Godzilla minus one the idea that Japan is at negative basically because they've lost the war and now they're about to have even more destruction lose even more so they are at zero now they're at minus one hence the title of the story and I also love the perod piece setting because and I'm in my letter box review I I wrote Godzilla but make it Dunkirk because this movie you could tell used a lot of inspiration from Dunkirk and from Christopher Nolan in in whether it be the cinematography the the film making the music the direction it felt uh Christopher Nolan es and you can tell the fingerprint of Dunkirk was put all over this film we get Spitfires we get dog fights we get uh water Land and Sea it's just there's so many elements to it we get all the boats at the end coming to help and we get a it's more about community and locals coming together to help save the day as opposed to the government so I I saw this film I just kept get I just kept thinking about Dunkirk and I thought it was just a really amazing combination of ideas of Dunkirk with Godzilla and it just mashed together really surprisingly well I was thinking of another movie with Godzilla when I was watching I was thinking of Jaws a bunch not just the sinking but in general just on the on the ocean being chased by this giant shark this giant monster the great shot of this little wooden boat being chased by Godzilla swimming as fast as he can like that great shot of his face mouth peering over the water as he's about to eat this ship he's just like smiling ready to kill everything it's so similar to Jaws being stuck to the Orca he's cheerwing through the lines it's like the same exact shot it felt like a reference to me as well as the two ships kind of represented the two barrels or the three barrels used to try to raise Jaws up from under the water just like they raise up ja Godzilla from dropping him to the depths of the trench and then bring him back up so I was feeling Jaws the whole time while watching this oh that's that's absolutely true like I can see that for sure and then going to the human side of it this felt like it did it actually felt like not like a contemporary Japanese film but like a period piece Japanese film uh a lot of older Japanese films the acting was kind of melodramatic and very expressive and they capture that in this film I felt like I was watching scenes from like a film from the' 60s or 50s in Japan and so that really for me watching the movie with the human Story made me feel like the period setting in a huge way it was so accurate to what those films were like how they were acted so I think that they also captured the tone of that era of film making as well as the setting itself so I think they captured it with the writing and with the the story line and with the acting cuz plus authentic Japanese culture and I something I've always found so fascinating about the Japanese culture is obviously it's a very old culture but respect runs deep it's really important to them as a people and respect is seen in many Japanese films for obviously we see this in in the army with the soldiers the pilots everything but then also feeling great shame for your country if you do a dishonor and respect is a massive theme in this film because not only is respect given to human to human but respect is given to Godzilla at the end of this film so obviously we're getting into spoiler territory now but by the end of the film we we'll get to it eventually and talk more detail about how they defeat Godzilla but at the end of of Godzilla minus one after they defeat with the Kochi destroying and blowing up his head Godzilla's head and obviously he survives he lives removing the head or destroying the brain removing the head or destroying the brain thanks for the news report Sean of the dead but um you know at after Godzilla is killed what do all of the Soldiers and Sailors do on the ships they salute Godzilla as a sign of respect because in Japanese culture yamazaki said that Godzilla is more of a undiscerned God in Japan it's there's this term called hold on I have this term I can't remember what it's called but in Japan it's integrated into shintu belief all these negative things in the world have manifested themselves into Godzilla and us as humans were not out to kill Godzilla but we're able to calm Godzilla and bring ourselves back to Peace So they show great respect for Godzilla because they always look at Godzilla as sort of a God to be shown respect part good part evil I completely misinterpreted that scene then oh yeah I thought thought they were saluting shikishima oh no no they I thought they were saluting him victory yeah I thought it was clear that they were doing a it wasn't clear okay well I thought because they showed the saluting then they showed Godzilla's dead body yeah but I thought they were saluting him in the plane after after winning I guess you guess guess you didn't pick up on that now you did how how do you feel about now that you know what it was meant to be it's awesome it's cool I like it better actually like you just devastated our entire city but we respect you for being a God and we will try to keep you at so you don't come back again he'll come back yeah so it's really interesting it's just God Godlike or Greek god methos on in the real world or Japanese gods in the real world yeah and he so Godzilla historically in the lore is half God and half monster in half unicorn where's the horn bro oh it's around man but I love the setting I love the characters we get a rag tag group of uh guys it's just like an old school kind of movie they all have different personalities like you get the old Captain you get the young guy you get the veteran you get the uh the goofy scientists so they captured all like the archetypes that you love in these classic films that I they still do these archetypes but it's not quite as like I just felt good watching this crew I love the cast I haven't seen a crew like this since Pacific Rim Yeah you know I think this is what people like that's the thing with Hollywood these days with these big blockbusters is they just don't really know how to give the people the characters they want anymore and it's a pretty simple formula watch Godzilla minus one every Studio take some notes because these are the characters that we like these are the ones that we love we've been loving them for decades and decades the mad scientist the curly hair it works he's the only guy with curly hair in the movie Ecentric that's what we want that's what we need and we want like the the hardened the hardened Captain leader like it's just it just works we want the young Hut shot that wants to sacrifice himself for his country it all works it all fits together so I think a lot of studies are going to be watching Godzilla minus one and taking notes if not they should I thought it was also incredibly smart how he wrote the film because obviously Godzilla has always been a metaphor for the atom bomb and for nuclear Devastation however he added more themes to this film that I hadn't seen in other Godzilla movies but again I haven't seen them all uh one of the themes was shikishima being a kamakazi pilot and abandoning his duty uh because I think both out of fear but also not wanting to take part in the War uh this is and then also another theme of the government not warning the citizens of each City that Godzilla was approaching and choosing to not inform their citizens of the impending mayhem out of the desire to not cause a panic within the uh City and this is all reminiscent of things that happened in World War II um and the the willingness of the Japanese government to sacrifice as many of their own for victory in a ruthless fashion and we see that talked about multiple times in this film and I love the third act where it's not the government saving the day and it's not the Army saving the day it's a group of civilians choosing to save the day and rejecting the notion that we need to sacrifice men to win but more so let's work together to preserve the future so I thought those are really deep elements that I was not expecting walking into this film and also the lack of ideals and the morality and and Desiring to you know let's send people on suicide missions to just take out one of their own who cares about our own let's just kill as many as them at whatever cost but that shouldn't be the way you defend your country it's said multiple times in the movies that the Japanese government's best skill is information control and controlling the population with that information control as well as like you said sacrificing people that don't have to die like creating fire jets without eject their seats and making tanks that don't have great shielding to protect the people inside the tanks or bombers that don't have great shielding and just putting people's lives at risk that don't have obviously they're at War there's a risk they're going to die but putting them at greater risk not having an ejector seat for your cockpit for your Pilots yeah just making them think they're going to Die With Honor and with respect for their people by sacrificing their lives on a suicide mission and obviously that's a main theme through this film with the main character kichi who obviously like you said abandoned his post as a kamakazi pilot lands on the small island of Odo where there's secretly a kamakazi repair shop basically there's a there's a Garrison of repair men who are there to repair kamakazi Pilots if their sh if their aircraft become faulty they land there and go back on their suicide mission so koichi lands there at the opening of the movie and he's met with obviously distrust and people don't believe that his [ __ ] that his aircraft is damaged they're like there's nothing wrong with your your plane why didn't you die in honor for your country why don't you sacrifice yourself that was your mission you're comicazi pilots and then obviously Godzilla shows up and kills everybody except for the main engineer Tachi bana Tachi bana Mr Tachi bana and for the rest of the film basically kichi feels great guilt survivors guilt specifically as well as great shame you know he goes home his hometown his village has been decimated by the war by the Air Raids he is met with shame from his neighbor who's probably known as whole entire life who shames him for not dying in the war blames him for the death of her children the death of her husband just like how he's blamed for the death of the engineers yeah exactly he's blamed for the death of the engineers for not firing on Godzilla he's blamed for the death of everybody in his community because he didn't sacrifice himself and he's basically coming to terms with trying to F figure out if he actually survived this island if he survived the war at all with his PTSD his survivors guilt as well as should I be alive why did they survive why didn't why am I here to live then accept accepting his faith that he's supposed to live and that it'll be a greater honor to his people if he survives even more not just the first war but this war against Godzilla and his war is not over until Godzilla's dead yeah Kishi is defined by his cowardice in the first half of the film and trying to overcome the idea of being a coward and it's actually poisoning him you know he he stopped he left his post as a kamakazi pilot because he was too afraid and he won't establish a relationship with the woman in his life because he's too afraid and and then he didn't fire on Godzilla because he was too afraid on Odo and so he blames himself for their deaths he blames himself for the deaths of his neighborhood and of his own parents in a way because of his own cowardice but in a way cowardice is shamed in this film and in this culture at the time but choosing not to fight is actually an admirable thing that he begins to learn and then eventually overcoming that cowardice and understanding that you know people aren't dead because of him but now he has the strength to actually make a difference and preserve the future now that he has a young daughter Akiko who's who's so cute Akiko is so adorable adorable it's cut little kid I've ever seen in a movie another thing he's too afraid of is to have a family even though he basically has a family it's funny when the the Sailor crew comes to his house and they they think that this is a family but he's like oh no she's not I'm not a wife and he's like they're like whose daughter is this and they're like oh it's neither of our daughters and then they're like what's going on here and so he's too afraid to even make the set of having a family of his own cuz he's still deal even though he there under his roof and the irony with him is there's nothing he could have done he could have opened up fire with his 20 mm gun on Odo and all it would have done was made Godzilla pissed off and he would have died same thing with if he suicide bombed correctly and became a comicazi pilot and went on with his mission and blew himself up killing somebody else his entire Talent still would have been hit by raids and his parents would be dead so there's nothing he could have done differently that would cause anyone to have survived anything that he was a part of however it takes him the entire fouryear span because this takes place tail end of World War II 1944 to 1948 by the time they destroy Godzilla it takes in that entire time those four years to accept the fact that he was supposed to live and that he should live and that's the best thing he can do and tachibana makes the ejector seat and then we see later when we go do the flashback he told Co koi survive well he didn't make it he just he just knew was there oh yeah already make it okay but he yeah he described because it's the the plane he uses to to fight Godzilla it's a new kind of prototype and there's ejector seats inside of them he just notices he didn't make it yeah but he did he encourage him to because I think that COI was planning to definitely fly into Godzilla's mouth and kill himself kamakazi style as a way of like oh I'm gonna I'm finally have the courage to do what I couldn't do before but with a family with the daughter to take care of and learning to live again and then Tachi bana again encouraging him he says survive cuz he he was expect survive survive I'm a lead farmer [ __ ] because he was ready to kill himself again uh because he thought that that would be the way to honor the men who died on Odo and to respect them again and to give them what he thinks he owes them which is his life but then he learns that actually it's not just about killing but also helping to preserve the future and the only way he can help preserve the future is to survive and to get out of there alive and go back to his family and be a a daddy to be a daddy a Kiko a Kiko and obviously the ending is Sensational we'll get to that in a little bit but I think one of the great parts of this film besides in addition to character is redemption you know when your when your main character has an incredible Arc of redemption it adds so much power to a story whether it's a monster movie or a movie about personal Triumph or or you know obstacles to overcome but Redemption is powerful and audiences feed off Redemption and something that you want your character to achieve and kichi really achieves the ultimate Redemption because he saves his entire country not just for getting Redemption and redeeming himself for his cowardice during the war and landing on Odo and not going through with his mission and feeling guilty for the men's lives that were lost on Odo and plus everyone in his community but he redeems himself by letting go of his fear letting go of his guilt letting go of his shame and becoming a leader and becoming a hero of Tokyo and [ __ ] blowing up Godzilla's face speaking of Godzilla I think that they did an amazing job of blending in Real World War II footage oh yeah showing as wreckage of Godzilla incidents so we saw boats Torn to Pieces obviously is real world footage of boat uh skirmishes in battles and boats being blown up by other boats and you see the Carnage and the the metal and steel Torn to Pieces but they used that with the context of Godzilla caused all of this so I thought it was so smart to use this old world war footage Douglas MacArthur was really is is in this film general Douglas MacArthur we went to Douglas MacArthur Elementary School right that was our that was our elementary school's them oh my God he was a a huge general for obviously this but also in the Korean War yeah he was one of the main generals so I really liked how we had that footage that added believability to it but also both the Japanese and the American armies were seeking trying to stop and attacking Godzilla multiple times throughout the course of the events of this 4-year period we see we saw see on the map there's probably 20 or 30 incidents with Godzilla all failed he destroyed and killed everybody who attacked him so I like how countries have been trying to take him out for a while and nothing's working yeah however there there is one little thing that I I maybe didn't love about that aspect of the film was so America they are tracking Godzilla through the ocean for weeks and weeks at a time he's hard to track but they have ideas of where he's going and then eventually he gets in specific other territories and they stop their Pursuit because they don't want to get involved with the Soviets they don't want to upset the Soviets and cause a potential War but at the same time it's like there's a giant lizard destroying the planet Earth maybe we should work together but I get it because it has to be a Tokyo [ __ ] Japan Centric film yeah that's just one thing that I think it's it's it works fine no no I when I was watching I thought I'm like oh I mean Soviets I'm sure will let them pursue Godzilla and try to take yeah yeah so the thing is every country would see this thing as a insurmountable threat to all of them yeah so obviously in real world everybody would be like let's try to stop this [ __ ] giant dinosaur from killing us all but it has to be I think it it I understood that there was a Japanese movie and so it has to be Japan it could be authentic because maybe Soviets would think that America is using as an opportunity to get good positioning on them for a strike or something like that so it actually it makes sense both ways it makes sense for me that it makes it fits the story but also at the same time they maybe a different workr but you have to like I said make it Japanese Centric yeah I I completely agree cuz I thought I was thinking the same thing but then I was like it's a Godzilla movie yeah [ __ ] it yeah giant lizard taking over the entire world speaking of the Godzilla incidents are insane it's and it's a nice teas in the first one with Odo where we see a little Godzilla he's only what about 200 feet tall tops so he's a little bit small not even he's like 75t tall yeah he's not that tall you know what it felt like it felt like the T-Rex in Jurassic Park yeah it did yeah it felt like a dinosaur coming out of the water so he must have still been growing because then he through over the next four years huge bigger than skyscrapers and so I like the different iterations of the monster and that first attack was a nice appetizer really got us up to speed appetizers make you hungry what the uh with the violence and Carnage would be like and you're right it was very Jurassic parkes the way he would just pick people up with his mouth and just throw them and thrash them but then the Ginza attack I think was the highlight of the film it was huge it was so impressive the music was insane but the visual effects were really just Dynamite I was so blown away by that sequence it was pun intended yes because it was the destruction was insane seeing Godzilla storm through the city well actually not storm but like slowly stor slowly break through yeah and then pounding through skyscrapers just causing mayem destruction and then using his heat ray to really legitimately just create a nuclear blast and it was just so powerful and so incredible to behold I was shocked by that scene something that I have mixed feelings about with past Godzilla films is giving Godzilla sort of like a personality where he likes the good guys he's sometimes a good guy sometimes a bad guy I get it works like that sometimes but I just like this version of Godzilla where he doesn't give a [ __ ] about people or what he's doing because sometimes they person make him too much of a personality that like understands the surroundings really well with the Consciousness in terms of like I'm going to help them out at this time like I got your back like kind of saving the day sometimes so like the upcoming Kong Godzilla teaming up yeah how do you feel about it I whatever I don't know who's the villain in that movie but we'll find out but I just like this version of Godzilla where he's just a killing machine a destruction machine and doesn't care what he's doing just and obviously he's fast at swimming not super fast but like he can't run the boats but when he gets on land he's slow as hell he is just lumbering just barely moving but every little step takes destroys everything but I like how slow he is versus how agile he is in other films even though he's massive but he's just like this big bulky thing and the tail whips are fast and everything and they kind of he sort of feels like a dog in a lot of ways in terms of how it would be or like a T-Rex using its mouth to like pick things up yeah I don't think we've seen a Godzilla version where he's done stuff like that super well not since the past but like to have Godzilla just like pick up the side train compart the train compartment with his Mel like a dog with a bone and throw it around and stuff like that I really like that him using his mouth like a T-Rex because he's teething yeah he's teething because obviously T-Rex they got little arms so they use their mouth for everything to clamp on everything i' AC like I've been into [ __ ] six billion years ago on Earth and I saw this happen but that's what they did they did but to see like Godzilla just take a train compartment in his mouth like a dog and like looking around like this is really cute and fluffy at the same time but also destructive yeah I like this version though I like this version of Godzilla I think it's great and I I'm really looking forward to seeing the future when we're going to get another monster I'm sure in the sequel but then like as even though he's slow slow and bulky and not agile whatsoever once he gets that heat ray going he is a force to be reckoned with and it's it was just incredible the heat vision the heat ray yeah the heat ray I really enjoyed and I I like how after the heat ray his whole entire body just looks like it's gone through a nuclear blast as he kind of heals himself and I like that part about the character I love the Regeneration I thought was great IDE because he's like a Godlike creature so the self regeneration very Qui made a lot of sense it sets up a sequel really well it also makes it seem like how do you stop him like how can you ever defeat him so I think it was really cool the Regeneration aspect and then like yeah like you said after he fires a nuclear blast he's all cooked he looks like got toaster of it so he's healing and it was like the the design was like he was like scary to look at and disturbing to look at at times especially in close-ups when you saw what his skin looked like and the the textures of it I thought it was a really incredible design it was almost like uncanny valley where it looks so real but fake at but in a good way even though it's C like I said even though it's CGI it looks it's very meta CGI it's CGI but it looks like a guy in a suit yeah I freaking loved it immediately I thought it was a guy in a suit for some sequences and some scenes or maybe some close-ups but then I looked it up it's all CGI it's incredible I still don't understand how they did it for so cheap it looks amazing crazy and I saw this Really Scott video he was talking about a shot in Legend and there's a little tiny like Tom Cruz is sleeping on the ground in a campsite and then there's like a little light it's like a Tinkerbell esque character of not a character but like a a sentient light just like dancing around the set and then it it plops on his head and wakes him up and then it goes away like that that happens in the scene and he they used it with a fishing line and a little tiny light bulb they just did it practically and he said if they were going to CGI that now today it would cost $200,000 that's insane yeah just fishing wire in a little bulb $12 at Dick Sporting Goods so the [ __ ] cost of CGI in America is it doesn't it's crazy how expensive it is yeah I think one of the biggest problems with a lot of these Studios they just write it up and chalk oh we'll do it CGI and that's why these movies are $300 million and they look like dog [ __ ] look terrible and then Chris Nola makes the biggest looking movie of the decade and it was $90 million did you see that Oppenheimer didn't get an Oscar nomination for visual effects I can't [ __ ] believe that isn't that insane it's not it's not nominations aren't out but it's not even shortlisted for the top 20 for the top 20 do they just not want to win every single award but how does it not get nominated for visual effects I don't know I well that's the thing of I'm not ant man's on the short list I'm not sure that a lot of people understand that visual effects does not mean CGI every time I think that might be a problem yeah yes Vis there's special effects visual effects and CGI and visual effects have been around since the days that film first started yeah but CGI is part of visual it's all visual effects is an umbrella term but I think that voting especially Academy voters who are not involved in visual effects at all but they're still a part of the academy because they're different all the different categories I don't think that they know that no CGI so there's that problem we got we had a viral clip and people kept fighting with us because we said there's no CGI in Oppenheimer but there are visual effects yeah and people didn't understand that they're separate things but also CG falls into visual effect exactly so they can be separate and they can be the same thing and it's just like that movie is just it's all visual effects and practical effects there's just just no CGI but when it comes to visual effects this is one of the best of the year it's a $5 million budget it's absolutely insane this should this should get nominated I think because of how because of how good it looks for how low of money it is did you see Ant-Man 3 got nominated yeah not nominated but how does that get shortlisted bro I have no idea one one shot of Godzilla in this movie looked better than that entire film maybe that shows you how kind of meh 2023 was with film releases but again a lot of things got pushed to 2024 but how about we move to superlatives then our intermission and we'll get back to Godzilla minus1 how's that sound sounds wonderful all right let's start with our MVP of Godzilla minus one Anthony who is it my MVP is sakashi amazi yamazaki me too he did just did an incredible job writing directing this it's a fantastic monster movie an amazing Godzilla movie exceptional vision and execution just a really really well-made movie top 10 on the year for me I think it's in my top 10 now top 10 of the year for 2023 what is the best scene of Godzilla minus one the best scene is Godzilla destroying Ginza like I said I just went on it 10 minutes earlier just incredible sequence I think my best scene is the first water Chase when they're on the boats and they realize that like oh the government sent us here to try to delay Godzilla so that this big Battleship can come and try to take it out and so all we're here is to buy some time and then they're getting chased by Godzilla fortunately takes out the other scooter ship but then it's coming for them and fortunately it's just slow enough where he's behind them and they it's great because they they weakened Godzilla they hurt godzill for the first time anyone's able to wound him where they get the M inside of his mouth and Kochi blows it up inside of his inside of his jawline and wounds him but then we see him regenerate really quickly blast his face off yeah so we can see that there's way to supposedly kill Godzilla they've done it before Ki specifically saw it but I just loved it because like I said it felt like Jaws so much and it was great suspense built and then but speak yeah speaking of Jurassic Park there's a scene like that in the book okay of the T-Rex chasing them down the river slowly just trailing behind them and it's just his head is visible so when I saw that scene I was like that's just that's like the river scene in Jurassic Park the book that's a good point and then obviously we get to see that even a battleship is no match for Godzilla yeah so I love that scene so much it was funny scary intense and just a blast and for a water for for water sequence it's like those are always incredibly hard to film and I can't believe that they did that in this movie too yeah I will say there's quite a bit of water CGI in this movie you can tell because the camera's on the boat and the boat's not going up and down and the water is but I gu you got to do with you got to shoot quickly and efficiently they don't have a huge budget to shoot on real ocean or in the real water so a lot of the waves and stuff a lot of the water is actually CGI yeah that's that was the only CGI I really I really noticed that in the fishes yeah the this the some of the waves and some of the water ripples it just wasn't obviously up to par from what we're used to but for the most part all the water that Godzilla was involved with that looked great yeah but I didn't care I pointed out I'm like oh that cgi's that's definitely CGI water and I don't give a [ __ ] cuz this movie slaps yeah yeah movie slaps Godzilla looks amazing you taking not to Marvel Come on Anthony what's the best shot of Godzilla minus one I guess actually you just mentioned it's the little boat chugging along with Godzilla's head right behind it it's so cool he's like almost like smiling that's what I mean he's like I'm going to eat the [ __ ] out of these guys he's like dog like yeah he does look like a dog doesn't he that's what I'm say he's like doggy paddling towards the my best shot is Godzilla's first heat ray where the camera Trails all all the way from the bottom tip of his tail and his I guess whatever they're called they start poking out of his tail they they his spikes extend and then highlight blue and the camera goes all the way up his tail up to the his back to the top of his face until he let breathes in the air and then lets out the heat ray beam it's such a badass shot I was not prepared for how cool it was going to be it was great I saw it in the trailer so I I had context for it already Okay I got to ask you give me your honest answer no don't try to be nice or anything just give me your honest answer who is this going to be controversial what do you think about pink Godzilla in the new Godzilla Kong movie I don't like it I don't know I I guess they're just trying to do something new but yeah I don't know man I'm not sure I like it either man it I thought it looked strange maybe the movie would be good I feel like maybe they just wanted to go a different route color-wise cuz Blue's been done so many times yeah but eh kind took me out cool maybe red I think a dark red would have worked better dark red pink just might not be it for Godzilla but I guess it's it's Godzilla female in that movie possibly people are saying it's like the kind of energ that he that Godzilla absorbed was like pink energy or something I don't know honestly I don't even know if I'll see it after seeing this Godzilla movie do I want to see Godzilla versus King Kong is that what it's called it's Godzilla Kong um the time of of new Empire new Empire yeah so they're fighting like that giant red ape is the villain Godzilla vers Kong a new Empire it's a super ape the the red dude there's a red ape I didn't yeah did you skim the trailer skim the [ __ ] out of the trailer I did so there's like because I saw this Godzilla movie I'm like why am I going to see another one so there's like a whole race of Kongs and then there's like a super evil big Kong guy and so he's going to be the so Godzilla and Kong are going to team up and beat Mega Kong yeah yeah yeah let's see how much money they make what is this 20th century Studios what is it it's I think it's Legendary Legendary War Brothers brother is war Brothers you're right well I don't I don't know man I'm not sure about the pink I think the blue just works I don't really care about the it's not so much the pink it's just that you know it's not going to be this good you know it's not going to be it's be that's the thing you know it's not going to be as good as Godzilla minus one so why am I going to see two Godzilla movies in one year and one's way better well that one's coming out next year well not it's like in six months and also the last two godzill de the last two Godzilla movies I did not really like that much they were just they're you know I mean I really Blockbusters I really respect Gareth Edwards but I'm just not a huge fan of his movies I mean everybody knows I'm I I like Rogue one but I don't love it and then I don't really love his Godzilla movie at all but I I think his best movie is monsters his first movie Monsters is the best movie and that's my trivia question for intermission I'm going to have to change it up well we actually have trivia cards so you'll be good yeah it'll be good but yeah okay so that was my best shot who's the best actor of Godzilla minus one the best actor besides Godzilla is noro oi she's great noro I mean uh manami H hamami the actress as noro is great Mami Hami all right my best actor was ruko kamiki who plays gotcha yeah he plays kichi I thought he was terrific you know he's the main he's the main character I like the guy who played Tachi bana too he's funny it's a unique role I've never really seen a character like that of a kamakazi bomber who abandons his post and I thought it was a great set I've never seen that before so was a very unique character like when he was sitting on the beach looking out I was like I was like in my head I was like this is a great character setup a guy kamakazi pilot who left his post great was awesome it like five minutes opening without Godzilla was really humid yeah next up what is the best line from the movie best line is at the end I made me cry koi comes into the hospital with Akiko because they heard news that noro actually survived the attack and she's in the hospital bed I couldn't believe it man so he cries on her bed at on his knees and she says is your war finally over and then he nods yes and I was like oh they're going to be a family finally dude Akiko like I oh man what a cute little kid she did a great job that little actress like she was like years old You Can Tell She's like a little kid just like looking around all the stuff on set like what am I doing but she did everything she had to do like tell they're probably like all right cry now and she's like yeah exactly she she turned it on right away best three-year-old actor I've ever seen in my life yeah but she was like when she hit him the drawing but she was so cute like I was smiling so big every time I saw Kiko I'm like we need more Kiko in this movie The Little bangs oh my God she killed me adorable next up okay my best line was from from Yoji he goes uh this is when they're in the middle of their big plan sure uh operation TTI I tudo was whatever they called it and kuichi is drawing and luring Godzilla from the mainland to the water to the trench area and he's been shooting Godzilla in the face and then Yoji go he looks through Baku he's like Godzilla looks really ticked off Godzilla looks really ticked Offa That wraps our superlatives how about we head to our intermission all right and then we'll get back to the movie let's do it and before we continue the best way to support Raiders of the Lost podcast is to become a patron today at patreon.com raters ofthe lost podcast every single Patron has access to a weekly bonus episode of the show as well as the weekly chat which is exclusively on patreon only not to mention patrons have access to the adree experience of every single main episode of the show at the minimum of $5 tier you can listen to every episode without ads and you can also link your spot Spotify and listen on Spotify 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today with your movie loving friend friends and family members of course this episode like always is sponsored by our friends at movieposters.com the number one place to get your posters online today be sure to use our promo code Raiders 10 movieposters.com to get 10% off your order right now we just did a movie poster giveaway last week thanks to movieposters.com so congratulations to the winner hope you enjoy your poster she'll be coming to you soon and in the meantime the holiday season is upon us there's no better gift to get the movie lover in your life than some awesome movie posters from movieposters.com they have all sorts of sizes framing backlighting for your poster needs as well as a selection of pretty much every movie and TV show imaginable in their gigantic poster Library this is high quality stuff everyone our place is decked out with all these posters and we adore them so be sure to use our promo code Raiders 10 movieposters.com to get 10% off your order right now let's get into that intermission you ready for the movie quote competition ready all right let me uh all right are you ready and when you find the time I'd rather not spend the rest of this winter tied to this [ __ ] couch the thing yeah get me off this [ __ ] couch I almost did the thing is uh BL okay okay you people sit tight hold the fort and keep the home fires burning and if we're not backed by Dawn call the president oh man it sounds super familiar it is actually another Kurt Russell movie do it one more time okay you people will sit tight hold the fort and keep the home the keep the home fires burning if we're not backed by Dawn call the president want to hint is it Escape From New York almost escape from La yes yeah yes Escape From LA from law oh no I'm sorry it's not it's not it's neither of those it's the other one from John Carpenter in Jack in Kurt oh is it um uh Little Big Trouble in Little China correct ding you got it man Big Trouble in Little China got it all right you're a good smart man I try guess this movie release year oh yeah the movie the movie he just sat back James just sat back crack it off off camera he's like guess this movie release Here sits back and looks at me are you going to guess is this idiot going to guess or just sit there [Laughter] Cloverfield uh Cloverfield was 2007 2008 really damn 2008 damn what year did Miracle come out Kurt Russell trivia Kurt Russell today I feel I'm trying to think how old young we were when this came out were we even alive when it came out that's another question you yeah we were I don't know bro were we yeah we were dude not that old it's like 200 2000 2004 God damn it actually not as old as I thought it was okay so Anthony my pop question my pop quiz question was who directed monsters in 2010 Gareth Edwards did that that was his first movie he also did the visual effects on it fun fact so instead I'm going to pull up some trivia cards that dad sent us so dad sent us these he asked us to do them on the show dad's movie trivia so I'll do one for you I'll do a couple for you all right let's hear it these are these are pretty fun and easy which South Park character often says okay a lot when speaking Mr Garrison yes sir well this says Mr Macky I mean M Mr Macky yeah Mr Mack Mr Macky yeah Mack is okay all right uh here's another one Tippy hedrin the star of Alfred Hitchcock's film The Birds is the real life mother of what famous actress um Tippy hedrin is the mother of [ __ ] who is it um I mean Tippy hedin I just yest few days just watch bir time do you know this Natalie but I was shot come come on the mic and see if see if you know it actually I know the grandaughter come here come here come here come here so everyone can hear you you want to be in the episode Natalie get in there the granddaughter is Dakota Johnson I forget the daughter's name oh it's goldian Johnson is Tippy henin's granddaughter goldian whoa no not goldian it's Melanie Griffith oh Melanie Griffith [ __ ] wow I didn't know that that's cool so that's like a family that's a Hollywood family tree Dakota Johnson with uh Don Johnson and then um so he was married to Mar wait no who's the cot of Johnson's parents Don Johnson's her dad and then Kurt R Griffith all right so Kurt Russell is her stepdad gotcha that's what it is that's crazy yeah all right one more for you Anthony and Natalie if you know it this Seinfeld character was based on the show's Creator Larry David it's um it's George yes George George castanza thanks for the dad trivia Dad okay here's one hold on got it when Johnny Carson retired from hosting the Tonight Show after 30 years who was his replacement who took over The Tonight Show from Johnny Carson Letterman Leno Jay Leno over good guess though it was either one of them because he was The Late Show Letterman right not the Tonight Show yes gotcha oh these are some of these are too easy um just go through them and see what in in I Dream of Genie what kind of comfy container did Genie did Genie live in oh it was what was it a comfy container it wasn't a vase was it was it a vase yeah I'm a Genie BT bottle you got to rub me the right way if you want to be with me and you can make me see I'm in the bottle baby me the right way come on get your Christina on bro do one more do one more these are fun another one okay okay here's a good one this comedian is the voice of Tow Mater in Pixar's Car Series and also likes to say get her done I love that name to Mater Tow Mater get her done who's who who made get her done famous what's his name he's Larry the Cable Guy right Larry the Cable Guy I can't believe Larry the Cable Guy was in Pixar movies I mean the the redneck comedy crew was popular man theot yeah it was um [ __ ] Jeff Foxworthy right Jeff yeah Jeff Foxworthy is that his name yeah Don something um and then last what they call themselves though the Rednecks right yeah the rednecks redneck something they were pretty funny get her done he had like a five-year run man he they all they were big okay Anthony do we have any unsubscribers or any haters of the week to bring up we sure do so movie junk we sure do ter sure do let's get her done movie junkie return say remember couldn't go to school though people going like get her get her done remember there's something I you might be a redneck if you might be a redneck if yeah that was a good one remember uh the the Dodge commercials that thing got a Hemy yeah the Hemy engine oh my God that was so funny that was a Super Bowl commercial everybody would say we would always just go to in school be like every time we saw a car we' be like that thing got a hamy thing got a hamy so dumb see things this that was just like our Tik Tok yeah you know what I mean what TV yeah like it was all just like Tik Tok spreads the culture that way you know what I mean okay movie junky Returns on our Tom Cruz clip I did your favorite underrated stunt of Tom Cruz of chiming up the pole that's an awesome stunt and that that's in Rogue Nation right yes that's right movie junkie returns wrote he is such a badass actor he has earned every oh wait that's not the unsubscribed sorry Connor is the unsubscribed that was just a nice comment yeah that was a nice comment Connor said that's how I climbed a bed unsubscribed nice Conor and then our Tom Cruz draft Reckless Rusty wrote this is this kind of friendship is exactly what I'm looking for in a podcast subscribed unfortunately it took James too long to guess Batman Forever unsubscribed I got it though we lost him man we lost him but I got it we lost Rusty God damn it nice job man we lost Rusty nice job we had him man we had him it was s seal let me use my Batman credit card though all right we have a great new five-star review on Apple podcast again anyone could leave a review on Apple podcast you don't have to use the app all you need is an email address and you can just leave that review that'd be great we also broke 1,800 ratings on which is huge nice so five stars from Q bertoy please update overcast feed great podcast I especially like the dynamic between the hosts and the rankings app please update the podcast feed on over on the platform there new new episodes after July 25th 2022 cubertoy I don't know if I communicate with you a few times on twiter last year it's I've been trying to I don't know how to do it I've done everything I can for overcast and I'll look into it again it's been hard maybe let's I mean yeah it's been tough I've been trying to get talk to our rep at Spotify see if we can get that going it's always like I've tried doing the RSS feed there some of the apps some of the platforms just it has an you put the the RSS feed which is basically our our website for the podcast hosting and it just doesn't update I don't know why so cubertoy I appreciate you coming and listening on Apple thanks pal in overcast app I'll look into it again all I got to say is it's James's fault it's all it's all my fault so don't get mad at me get mad at James all right uh Anthony what's your streaming recommendation for this episode oh I didn't say my quiz question oh I have a qu let's hear your quiz question you add me read off the card but I have a good quiz question oh so blame me all right so another thing that's your fault we lost Rusty you [ __ ] up overcast you didn't let me do my quiz question I never never not let you I never not let you do anything so can I can I my qu you just went right into the tri question cards go ahead say it can I say it can I talk can you stalk who may I finish what movie what movie did Kurt Russell play a superhero in well I mean Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 2 not Guardians too he's not even superhero he's just he's a he's a god he's a God yeah okay he's a legitimate superhero cape outfit what movie is it a cape and an outfit what kind of outfit like super outfit [ __ ] like slacks he's a [ __ ] superhero outfit okay it's just a traditional normal superhero outfit okay I feel like he plays a superhero but he's a dick right no okay never mind he's never a dick he's Kurt Russell he's been a dick sometimes even as a dick he's still awesome like he's a serial killer and Death Proof he's kind of a dick yeah he's awesome red flag Natalie if I ever heard one he's into serial killers everybody loves dman Mike um Kurt Russell superhero you're going to you're going to hate this when you get it wrong trying cuz you are going to get it wrong cuz it's not Marvel because it's Guardians it's not Marvel that's a hint it's not Marvel and it's not DC either does he it's not Marvel it's not DC correct what is it freaking Sky High yes Sky High he got it let's go five for that one that was a good one all the way back in like 2004 Sky High you got it man oh man you had to you had to look in the Deep recesses of your brain for that one digging deep digging deep that's a good Tik Tok clip man that movie was ahead of its time skyh high came out before superheroes were popularized it's still loved too it's still loved that was a good one that was one of the better um Disney TV movies that was pretty good all right let's get back into Godzilla minus one what about my streaming wreck no one cares about your streaming wreck what is it I'm GNA say my streaming wreck even if you like it or not Dances with Wolves is on Prime go see it mine is the lighthouse which is also on Amazon Prime I like how pleasantly you said it the lighthouse the lighthouse me here fun me LST sick of your FS moving on to or let's get back into Godzilla minus one that got Anthony farts um I want to talk more about Godzilla and the creature design everything the monster design so we talked about how I like how he grows and he num nums nums for a couple years he gets huge he eats num and then we talked about how he's got a great dinosaur like design especially when he's on the island I can't take this episode seriously my man hits the squat rack bro oh yeah but but I like how they approach it like a dinosaur coming ashore like the big Stomp and everything then the Roar and what I like about the roar in in this film is it's it's unique to what I've ever heard but also what they did was they played the original Godzilla roar from the original film on loudspeakers and recorded that audio to create the Roar for Godzilla in this film and it's piercing and it adds this kind of new frequency to it it's really cool I was going to say it felt like it was um what do you call it when it breaks the threshold pick peing it sounded like it was peeking and but it worked like peeking is like always a big no no in audio but I think sometimes it's okay to peek it's if you want if you want a certain effect given to the audience yeah so I wouldn't say it peaked but it felt like it was peeking like it it felt like it was going past my ears were ringing it felt like it was going past the frequency of human ears you're right cuz whenever he would Roar and then we it would be quiet um afterwards my ears would be kind of ringing after L was like he was really therey and again also reminded me of the T-Rex from Jurassic Park with the Roar and also with Godzilla in this film you know the last several Godzilla movies we've seen coming out of Hollywood they've gotten rid of what Godzilla meant and the metaphor of nuclear war of War destruction Devastation and now they've just turned Godzilla into Monster movies now fusing him with King Kong and it is what it is but I've always loved the interpretation of Godzilla as the metaphor for the war and for the bomb and with this film we go back to that Japanese interpretation of him both as a monster and a god but as well as a mon a metaphor for nuclear war but also the unique take of what if he comes after the war yeah so World War II just happened Japan gets devastated but now Godzilla comes as another Devastation so according to director director yamazi Godzilla includes uniquely Japanese aspects mentioning there's a concept in Japan called tagami spirits that bring Calamity there are good Gods there are bad Gods Godzilla's half monster but also half God so like in a in like Western culture like a demon in way yeah sort of yeah I like that I also really love the the plan in the second half of how to take out Godzilla by sinking him and seeing if the intense pressure decompresses his body to the point of killing him and then also if that didn't work to rise him up and re and then compress him no I mean compress him by going down to the bottom of the ocean and then decompress him by lifting him up to the top at a high rate it's really Co and it's cool because it weakened him didn't kill him but it weakened him enough to give koi time to just crash the plane inside of his jaw so for me like I so I gave this movie four out of five I gave it an eight out of 10 it's a great movie but there's something the stakes weren't quite there for me in the second half cuz I love the plan I thought it was a lot of fun and then the execution of it all I thought it was really entertaining it was great it looked fantastic but the thing is they had a plan then a plan B and then basically a plan C and so that told me they're going to do plan C cuz otherwise they wouldn't mention it in the movie you know what I mean yeah but I feel like that always happens in movies I mean not really it always goes to plan b or c no it doesn't yeah it does no whenever they bring up plan b or c it always goes to that no way see I I thought it was slightly predictable that his jet was going to have an ejector seat yeah I knew I knew that I knew that was going to happen so I knew that koichi was going to survive and I think that if hasi hid that if he kept that a secret I think that would have been a huge surprise been like Dark Knight Rises like we didn't even know he exactly that would have been really cool because as soon as they saw the jet as soon as Mr tabach T tabani got inside to look at the Jet and he looked at the seat in my head I'm like oh it's an ejector seat and he saw the writing obviously in Japanese saying ejector seat like I I also I was like so that's the thing is leading into the final confrontation I knew that the sinking wouldn't work and the rising would work and then I knew that he was going to fly into the mouth and blow up Godzilla's head and he was also going to eject your seed out and so for me even though I had a really good time watching it and I thought it was a lot of fun I knew how it was going to end before they even started the confrontation see and I think that what they were trying to do was throw people off the scent by thinking making us think that kichi was just going to by himself fly his plane kamakazi style into Godzilla's mouth and not even do the plan with the trench but then they kind of took they made it seem like that was going to happen when Godzilla's on Mainland but then he lur him into the trench and they go with plan a for an attempt and I think it was cool to to show plan a work and make it worked it didn't just didn't kill Godzilla yeah but it was really fascinating to like what would you do if this being was if this creature was destroying your planet destroying your city was coming to shore how would you take him out if you didn't have the military's help if the government was not going to help you but you have access to intense weaponry and battleships basically so yeah I I thought I was super creative and I loved it I just think that since I already knew how it was going to end it was I had predicted it perfectly so what I think would have helped it make a little bit better is if none of the plans worked and they improvised a new plan on the spot and killed them that way I think it would have worked better in that regard but that's just me do you think kichi should have died in the end I think that um I would have been okay with him dying and you know doing what he couldn't didn't have the courage to do earlier but I think it worked better with him surviving and having a family cuz he deserved that but I do think that like if it if there could have been if everything went wrong and it looked like they were going to lose everything and Godzilla was going to win and then if they came up with something really quick on the Fly and tried it and defeated him that way something that nobody could have predicted yeah maybe if maybe if koichi wasn't going to go into it in terms of I'm gonna kamakazi Godzilla but it's like his last Stitch effort yeah I think if I think if they didn't um plan that and if he was just used his I think if the plan was him just to be a distraction and nothing more and then crash the sh crash the ship that would have been better cuz we wouldn't have expected it and ejector seats too yeah exactly so it would have worked better but I think cuz we were told all of the aspects of the plan if there are three if there are two backups then obviously the first and two aren't going to work so I walked into the final battle knowing how it was going to play out but I still enjoyed it though I like the science magnets [ __ ] magnets science you know Mr White decompression I thought it was a really cool play I thought it was a lot of fun it was very different from any kind of Godzilla movie and in case anybody's curious I'm guessing that the way that Godzilla is able to be above the water for interactions is because his body is so big it floats because I don't imagine God I don't imagine Godzilla's like kicking his feet the whole time like a little like a little duck yeah I think cuz his his mass is so large that it floats is my guess I have no idea I I'm I just pictur he a little ducky a little ducky kicking his feet I love the music too so Nai naoki satto did the music and not only did he make a lot of great original compositions but they went back in time and brought the Godzilla theme as arranged in Mothra vers Godzilla it was really badass what rap song was that in um that was made famous some some maybe like a Run DMC song Maybe Rizza I think it was wuang I think Rizza did he and um and then then the original film theme from God King Kong versus Godzilla from 1962 so bringing those great themes from 1964 1962 and even some of the themes reusing them for from 1995's Godzilla vers destroya I thought was really cool because it just added so much to the character it's sort of like we all know Godzilla we know the music and I thought it was really special to just have this great Easter egg of like theend Doom Godzilla it's awesome fantastic it was [ __ ] great hearing the music who do you think they're going to bring in for the second film for a monster for a monster just Godzilla again you got to bring in one of the other ones maybe the dragon the three dragon I would do the three dragon I would do Mathra I always like Mathra it's a good name but is like a Pokemon name it is but obviously they set up for a sequel where you know what's left of Godzilla floating to the Sea starts to regenerate which is really cool I also love to talk talk about this wonderful little family so we have Naro Akiko and koichi and they're all sort of Orphan from their families noro is this young girl this young woman who finds a baby after the Air Raids in their Hometown and obviously gets involved with koichi and stays in his house and kind of inserts herself into his life and he doesn't have the heart to tell them to go just like he didn't have the heart to put the baby away anywhere just leave the baby by itself who ended up being a Kiko and it's really beautiful it's this sort of surrogate family that found each other in war after the devastation they lost everyone they loved or know and they just formed this incredible Bond and kichi obviously wants to marry Naro and Naro wants to marry kuichi but as kichi says later on the film and how we've been talking about he's filled with so much shame and guilt and his war is not over and it's not until he can defeat Godzilla Godzilla that he feels like he's ready to be with Naro emotionally his fight is finally over over yeah it's really powerful and I love the family Dynamic and it's so sweet and you know doing everything they can for Aiko and at first koichi doesn't want anything to do with Aiko or Naro and then all he wants to do is provide for them and he takes this dangerous job of destroying the mines the 6,000 mines 60,000 mines that are floating along the Japanese coast and making the water safe which is a very risky job but it pays well he takes on this risky job so that Aiko can survive and doesn't become malnourished and can grow into a nice beautiful little kid he even gets super defensive when Naro wants to get her own job and does get her own job and I think that's a big moment where he's like oh [ __ ] I might I might lose her she might leave me if I don't do something about this yeah and she gets that job in Ginza and then obviously when she's in Ginza one day and little Aiko grows up and she's so cute and Naro is on Ginza the day that Godzilla comes and destroys the city and I love how K kichi goes and finds her to save her after the train sequence but then noro sacrificing herself to save kuichi is really powerful and it devastated me I was rocked man I was so upset yeah it sucked when nio that telegram that the neighbor got I'm like what's the what's the telegram say I knew it was her I didn't I didn't think it was her at first and then when he gets told after winning the battle against Godzilla and he comes to Shore and they run to the hospital I'm like Naro is alive it was so sweet it's just a classic Hollywood ending just the sun's pouring into the hospital room she's on the hospital bed waiting for them been waiting for them for weeks probably and it's just so warm and happy and just a beautiful ending I loved it they both got what they needed and what they wanted and what they deserved yeah exactly it's so sweet it was a sweet I was not expecting that for a Godzilla movie I can't wait for the sequel man if they make one obviously they set it up because in Gareth Edwards Godzilla movie you had Aaron Taylor Johnson in um [ __ ] what's her name stranger things no um W Elizabeth Olson's in Godzilla yeah so they played actually husband and wife and they have they they have a child I barely remember that movie there's like no chemistry or you don't really feel it at all whatsoever they do get separated for a lot of film but like they don't you don't have that Fe familial feeling just isn't there at all in that film and this movie just did the opposite and just crushed it when it came to the emotional stakes and the human story they really did and the cast of characters is great the crew is great I loved everyone in this film and I thought it was just a perfect Blockbuster and it's not a perfect movie but when it comes to Blockbusters this is everything you need and it was so cool to get this in December obviously it came out a little ear it came out a month ago in Japan so it's one of the I think it's the fastest Japanese film to get a American in US Canada release it took it's also the most successful Japanese film so far in its first week of release it's decimating it's Killinger I'm so excited that this movie is doing so well it's already made a profit it really does make me not really that interested in seeing the American Godzilla coming up this is the worst thing for Warner Brothers they've had such a bad year A lot of Studios have but Warner Brothers had such a bad year with their Blockbusters and now like I I have no ambition to go see the Godzilla vers Kong movie because I just saw this and this was awesome and also because I didn't like the last one yeah it's just this is going to dilute Godzilla for me if I go see that yeah I'm just like that franchise the the last one or the one before I'm not I didn't really like either of them so I'm why would I want to see the third one if I didn't like the other two and this one's So Dope yeah this is bad news for waren brothers they're like they're punching the air right now oh we could have done this for $15 million God damn it I mean they do have a stack cast though well actually no there's Dan Stevens um Rebecca Hall Brian Tyreek Henry yeah but they're barely even in the trailer at all is Rebeca Hall even in the trailer she's in the trailer yeah she's the lead there's like two new leads in it no no there's a new lead a new lead yeah no I thought she was the lead it's Rebecca Hall yeah yeah she's got a different haircut oh the blonde woman was Rebeca Hall the short hair it's Rebecca Hall they SC they cut her hair thought she looks she looks totally different with that she look like a different person oh my God you're oh my God she cuz her character design is totally different she's got light blonde hair short like pixie cut different kind of makeup and just different wardrobe compared to what she was in the last one oh my god I didn't even realize that was her yeah they they they changed her up quite a bit she sort of looked looks like um because she is she's like looking after the little girl the deaf girl that's who like that and then Kong and her made a friendship through communication yeah yeah so she taught Kong this is the one where Kong's in this secret do facility and nobody saw him speaking with sign language even though he was surveilled the entire time he was there that movie but somehow nobody saw him speaking in Sign Language or getting taught sign language getting taught sign language over months this little girl's been teaching him sign language for months and nobody saw this it was sweet but [ __ ] I was like I you don't got cameras nobody noticed this I was like this is so dumb giant monkey doing thank you yeah who wrote this anyways I love this movie this movie is awesome Godzilla minus one thank you so much for tuning in to our film do you have anything else on it Anthony uh no we already said all our fun facts did we let me double check yeah oh Gareth Edwards attended to the screening of this film a couple weeks ago and he said that he felt very jealous while watching this film stating this is what a Godzilla movie should be like that feel that tells me that he probably had a lot of Studio control over his movie yeah you know that's usually what it is with a $200 million film but I loved Godzilla minus one thank you so much for tuning into this episode again leave those five star ratings on Spotify and apple they really helped the show immensely for getting seen by new people on the platforms and charting on there as well as become a patron patreon.com raters ofthe lost podcast and share us with with your family and friends it is the best way for a podcast to grow word of mouth is essential to the success of radios of lost podcast and so are you listeners and Watchers wherever you're watching if you're watching on YouTube leave those comments likes subscribe in addition to all the ratings and everything so thank you all so much for tuning in see you take care see you next time I guess James stole my line I did I couldn't let you say it this episode was executive produced by our chosen one patrons Cody mowen Andrew Hagen Benjamin cook Calvin Murphy Griggs Daren Tyler McFly and Sal cotching our chosen one patrons are our biggest supporters thank you so much thank you for watching Raiders of the Lost podcast be sure to hit that subscribe button hit the like button as well notifications for sure listen to the show on Apple podcast Spotify everywhere you can listen to podcast and be sure to check out this other content we have on our YouTube channel
Channel: Raiders Of The Lost Podcast
Views: 9,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: raiders of the lost podcast, movies, film, movie podcast, film podcast, movie review, movie clips, film review, raiders lost podcast, movie news, film news, podcast, review, breakdown, explained, ending, analysis, movie, godzilla, Godzilla minus one, kong, Godzilla kong, Godzilla minus one ending, Godzilla minus one explained, Godzilla minus one trailer, Godzilla minus one ginza, Godzilla minus one attack, Godzilla suit, Godzilla minus one battle, Godzilla ending, godzilla explained
Id: h7atwEvGzmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 69min 52sec (4192 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 13 2023
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