Godzilla Minus One Movie Review | Earth Station One

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[Music] hey there listeners and welcome to another episode of the earth station one podcast that's right folks we are back and we've got a great one tonight this one we are looking at Godzilla minus one it's interesting because this is the first time we've actually had a movie review for one of the Japanese Godzilla movies this is real interesting to do because we've done all the American made ones since you know king of monsters all the way up through Kong versus Godzilla and it's interesting to be able to talk about this one cuz this one took me by surprise I did not even know this was coming and you know when I saw the trailer about three or four weeks ago I said I'll probably go to see it and then I heard everyone the buzz starting to build with it and I wrote Mike and I was just like dude we have to review this one and he was like he didn't even B and ey he went okay I'm sorry go see a Godzilla movie in the theater oh twist my arm I know exactly exactly and we've got a great great crew to talk all about it of course Mr Mike Gorton's here howdy Welcome Back Sir you were missed last week oh thank you thank you I still haven't seen um Napoleon yet so I'm uh not not quite sure if I'm going to now based on the uh reviews that you guys had last week but but um I will check it out at some point but yeah I was sorry to miss it but I was I had a good vacation at home uh good Thanksgiving so uh I appreciate the uh sentiments that I got uh that I was missed oh very much so people were like going where's Gordon where's the howdy so it was pretty cool though and who man who didn't even leave since last week Alan Porter's back thank you yeah I was going to say it's only seems like a week since we were left together yeah it it feels just like yesterday to me man really really does it's great to have you uh returning and of course Drew Meers here well hi how's it going thanks for having me oh D I'm glad that you could fit this in especially since you know this wasn't directed by David Cronenberg uh Mike is referring to the fact that for the month of November I decided to watch all of cronenberg's films 22 films in chronological order and I got about 34 of the way through had to take a break it was getting to the point where I was watching a Cronenberg then watching a Paddington movie then watching a Cronenberg then a Paddington movie uh and then I just had to stop so um this was an excellent break from that watch and I'm looking forward to talking with you gentleman oh it's going to be great I'm glad you're here and returning once again Mark Holmes is here welcome sirich it is awesome you know we're talking Godzilla you know it's either you or Maddox showing up for for these movies and it's it was great to when you said I know you're reviewing Godzilla and I being on it you know you were like literally the first one who jumped in so it's always great to have you sir thanks for having me I always have to uh make your own luck you say so I reached out to Mike and he was nice enough to accept absolutely of course of course and of course at home if you haven't seen the movie yet and it's you know it's not in widespread it's not at every single movie theater it's close for a Japanese release it's very widespread but compared to something like the Marvels or Napoleon or some of the other new stuff that's coming out that's American release it's you know on every corner almost but Godzilla you had to travel a little bit we are going to spoil the hell out of this one okay so you have been warned Mr Mike ready to take away sir yeah um we'll talk a little a little bit about the box office there's not a lot to talk about I mean it did it did okay um uh its opening weekend it grossed um uh you know like about 11 I think 11 or 12 million do um which wasn't terrible um you know it was third this week but that just goes to show you how terrible the box office has been overall uh for folks uh but I mean it did make some some ground um some Headway um and some history because the largest box office opening for any liveaction Japanese film in North America so that ended of itself is pretty significant and also it's actually um I believe the largest opening for a foreign film this year in the United States so um uh so that's pretty significant um it did have a lot going against it because it is uh Japanese with subtitles so I you know for whatever reason a lot of people like stay away from that kind of thing and and so it's A Hard Sell and and as Mike pointed out it wasn't available on every every single Cinema that you could go to despite the fact that they have multis screens and I think the another thing that hurt it too at least I was disappointed is the fact that because it's a smaller release the all the big movies uh Beyonce etc etc are taking all of the uh Dolby Theaters they taking all the IMAX theaters so Godzilla minus one even though it was shot for IMAX um it was not available for a lot of people to watch in that format which was very disappointing so I know that I saw it on a in a you know pretty much a regular screen um not enhanced in any way and and yet there were many times I mean we'll talk we'll go into it but there were many times where I didn't feel like it was that diminished because I was like Wow both visually and audio wise um so uh but but um yeah um it's it you know we've talked about it before the box office this year has been really wonky um it's been crazy and uh I think you know there's not I wouldn't I would I look I'm looking at the pluses on this one uh despite the fact that it's a minus one I'm looking at the pluses on this release instead of the the the minuses as far as you know the fact that you know it did it it didn't do huge numbers especially when you compare it to the uh legendary P pictures Rel releases for Godzilla movies over the last uh is it almost wow 10 years right because that first one came out in 2014 so goodness gracious um uh it doesn't you know it does have that which is kind of unfortunate but as we'll get into it I think a lot of us will agree that this one is not one to miss um uh this one is um yeah this one should be seen by more people and I hope that that's the case I hope the word of mouth is uh and we can help that out by um by spreading the word so um that said let's get into it um uh and talk about first of all um I know you know Mark you've been on the show before and we've talked about Godzilla and Godzilla movies and everything but real briefly um what's your history with the big green guy and uh what were you expecting about this movie oh my history is pretty it's probably going to be pretty similar to everybody else I actually grew up watching Godzilla movies and Ultram man and all the giant uh Japanese monster movies we had a show uh with a local horror host who would show the Godzilla movies on Saturday mornings so I was pretty much of an introvert when I was younger so IID stay home and watch the horror movies on Saturday mornings and uh Godzilla was a big part of it the one that I remember the most as a child was a Godzilla versus the sea monster because I believe it snuck into the public domain somehow and the local UHF stations would just run it again and again and again so I have very vivid memory of that one uh as I got older and I got married and had children I wanted to get my son into it but he just didn't it just didn't click with him so the first Toho movie I ever saw Godzilla one was a Godzilla 2000 and uh we saw that in the theater and uh I liked it but my son wasn't very impressed with it so he he goes his own Direction so when I heard that Godzilla minus one was going to be in a theater I had to I had to see that one I had missed Shin Godzilla somehow it came and went in my area very quickly so Shin Godzilla slipped right by me but I did catch that movie yeah that one was a very much uh that one came out that was the last Too release I believe um at least theatrically um and when it hit this country I don't even I don't know how many screens it was it wasn't very huge and I don't don't even think it made I think it made less than $5 million really total in in North America which was very very small um but that one was one that once it was released and available um I think it was on Netflix um but streaming anyway Word of Mouth got out pretty quickly on that one uh Drew what about you what's your history with uh the king of monsters uh as a small child I owned the Shogun Warriors Godzilla toy uh that hit the button right up there on that shelf yep yep the tongue and the fists launching off um Godzilla is one of those where before we let's see I would watch it on TV on reruns as soon as we got a VHS player I would rent the the movies um in fact the very first VHS we ever rented was Godzilla 1984 so as a seven-year-old uh that was one of those things really early on I think it had the Godzilla versus Bambi trailer right there at the beginning um I have have two younger brothers uh who are one is 12 years younger than me the other is 20 years younger than me and as they came to a certain age those were the films that we used to watch together so we've watched pretty much all of the original um series Once they came to the later 2000s I kind of fell off for a while um Shen Godzilla came out uh watched it twice in the theaters I think it's a masterpiece we'll probably talk about that a little bit in comparison especially tonally um because it what came out in 2016 and then basically got a a gag order while legendary were the ones releasing the the films uh so yeah as soon as this was announced that it was going to be coming out it peaked my interest and as soon as I found out I could see it in the theater I went I I like you said very bummed I missed it on IMAX uh a couple of friends of mine who have gotten a chance to see it in some bigger cities they said it's really astounding but I feel like the impact of this movie is less about the sound and the visuals and more about the story which I'm sure we'll get into into it just a moment so it's not that big of a loss uh and if I can find it on IMAX I will go see it sometime soon yeah I'm definitely going to rewatch it if it if it gets a bigger release here that's for sure um Allan what about you I am the Newbie to the party um culturally Godzilla is not that big a thing in the UK did not grow up with it um not part of my childhood at all um obviously knew who Godzilla was you know I mean it just sort of seeps through the Port was like guys but it was not a big thing on TV like it was here of course most of my friends needs I need I think he needs to Target London now yeah um but of course most of my friends over here having moved to the states 20 OD years ago you know most of my friends here around the same age like you guys they all grew up on it so it's Godzilla Godzilla Godzilla you know can't go out for a drink without somebody talking about Godzilla sort of thing um but I actually didn't really watch a single Godzilla film until I was on a flight to Tokyo in 2014 and Godzilla was actually on the inflight entertainment and I thought well I'm going to Tokyo I might as well watch a Godzilla movie but of course in that movie he attacked San Francisco not Tokyo so it was all the um and I I I will say I was completely unimpressed and then I was invited to a press screening of shin Godzilla and I absolutely adored it I thought it was a brilliant piece of film making and having just a couple of years ago been in Japan just The View gave of Japanese culture the way Japanese government worked why things happened the way they did and stuff I thought was absolutely brilliant and there wasn't a lot of the actual Li big lizard in it um you know it it was more about people's reaction to it which I thought was really clever uh and really loved it um watched Godzilla versus Kong because I got co-opted onto a panel at convention where we're going to talk about it so I have to go watch it before I did the convention um that pretty much was just some of my Godzilla history up until this week um like Mike said I saw the the um you know a couple of the trailers sort of you know three four weeks ago and thought Oh this looks good and then I started hearing the buzz and particularly the buzz about as Drew was just mentioning it the story how human this story is it's got you know it's it's a very human story that just happens to have a big lizard in it and it what I was seeing in the trailers looked very cool so I thought yeah I'll go see it um so I want to see it this weekend and I tell you I never expected my the two best movies I saw this year that one would be about a um a doll and the other one would be about a big lizard but um yeah it totally blew me away I I was very impressed with it so absolutely absolutely Mike so yeah I come at it with a with a very sort of fresh perspective I do not have the history or anything that's very cool that's very cool so you've never seen the like the original 1954 I've obviously seen clips and stuff on YouTube of men in rubber suits and stuff like that but I never sat down and watched any of the original Japanese Godzilla movies um I'm thinking back as actually just before we got on the air I was thinking back I think I've seen like the N the 1998 one there was it Ronald Emer yeah yeah yeah yeah I think I think you're mistaken there may not actually have been a 1988 Godzilla movie that Poss couldn't possibly have existed I think you're probably think something with Jurassic Park no I think the last time it doesn't exist okay all right that's the last time that one will be mentioned on this show um but uh but Mike I know that we've talked about Godzilla a lot quick recap about like what your thoughts were going into this one oh well everyone knows you know like Drew and Mark and such I grew up on D on Godzilla you know it was the Saturday afternoon movies on channel 20 growing up it was you know going to see Ultram man on you know TV after school Johnny Sako and giant robot you know Shogun Warriors you know and Godzilla was always floating around those even though he was not in the TV shows but it was always interesting you know I the first movie that I actually got to see Godzilla in the theaters was the movie that shall not be named and forgotten forever all time and but then you know having a young son uh born in 99 he was the perfect age for watching Godzilla movies and you know as William grew up you know we religiously watched all the different Godzillas even final wars and you know it went where you know that was just awesome it was all the monsters and everything and you know it was just graping able to watch it together and then you know 10 years ago when they came out with the new Godzilla king of monsters and we've talked about it multiple times all the different movies but we've also talked about Godzilla the Japanese versions and you know all the different watchings we've done at conventions or at home and they're always just fun CU they're fun movies to watch and then I saw the trailer for this one and I was like oh this is this one felt very similar to Shin very very much from the trailers and what it looked like and everything and I was like oh this looks awesome and then what had me you know well get into it of course but you know the look of the monster and everything was just like wow I've got to go see this one and it's it won me over with that it was pretty awesome yeah um I uh I mean yeah similar story here I grew up with Godzilla movies on Saturday afternoon creature double features um and um but most of those were the the the the the 70s uh Toho movies that were dubbed um and where Godzilla was pretty cartoony like I mean he was cool but like he was fighting like other monsters big monsters and it was just you know um it was a lot of fun um I do remember at some point seeing the 1956 American version of his debut with Raymond Burr um and I thought that was pretty cool and everything um I don't think I'd seen the original 1954 Godzilla movie uh the the Japanese version I don't think I'd seen that until we went to record our episode uh spotlighting Godzilla for one of our countdown to Halloween episod episodes I think it was 2014 where we did that as well and um I I purposefully watched uh the original Japanese version and I was blown away I hadn't realized that that was that was something else entirely that was not cartoony um and it was really really significant um and and really was uh not just a monster movie but uh like all really really good monster movies it was a parable for a lot of things that were happening in Japan at the time and uh it was really something I think that that was closely associated with Japan um so I I didn't understand that until I watched that one and as much as I've enjoyed some of the legendary films uh over the years 10 years I guess it's been my goodness um I uh I you know I've I've been I've looked out for the uh the to releases I think Criterion did a really good job at re-releasing those in a nice great package that you can watch them with subtitles instead of Dubs so I think that helps a lot um if anything else it helps you take them more seriously I think in some ways um and uh I'm not really that uh I I didn't want I haven't watched all the the Toho ones that were done like in the in later like in the 9s and the 2000s and all that so uh those I'm those are a big blank spot for me as far as the Godzilla franchise but I did see Shin Godzilla I think largely because Mike you were talking about it at the time and you had seen it you were like this is awesome so I watched it I enjoyed it a lot I didn't love it love it I I appreciated the take that they they had on it I thought it was really interesting um but I didn't like love it love it especially I don't I wasn't really too excited about the creature design especially in the beginning um but uh but I was all like this is the first time I've seen a too Godzilla movie in the theater so that alone was enough for me to go yes please also you know I don't think it's a coincidence that uh this is coming out at the same time that the Monarch series on Apple Plus is out uh they just released a Godzilla and Kong uh trailer for that's coming that's coming out next year so even though they're kind of you know they're doing their own thing there's this sort of connection between what too is doing and what um what legendary is doing uh I think they're sort of playing off each other um as I think Drew pointed out um to is not allowed to come out with a Godzilla movie whenever you know legendary does so they're kind of limited in what they can do um so uh I don't know when we'll get the next one but I'm glad we got this one so this was a great experience experience um I think this this to me now ranks as one of the uh it's the second best Godzilla movie to me in um apart from the 19 the original 1954 one and um I'd say it's it's it ranks up there among the best movies I've seen this year uh this is this is really really special um and let's talk a little bit more about how special it is and why um why it's so special um Drew we're going to start with you this round um what uh what what how did Godzilla minus one uh reach you man how do what do you think of it as a whole Mike if you had told me a week ago that I was going to cry in a Godzilla film uh I would have said it's possible uh unlikely but possible um yeah so you know we're talking about the trailer for this film the trailer for Godzilla minus one does not discuss the plot it is it is all Monster uh and I think that's the thing that a lot of people are going to stay away from is they're you know they think oh the advertisements people just want to see this monster when this movie wins Awards and it will win Awards it's going to win Awards because of the the human element the part that let's face it is usually the weakest when it comes to Godzilla movies when we were all children Allan aside when we were all children watching those movies I'm pretty sure none of us were watching it for the human interaction uh you know unless it was those little twins singing to for Mathra we want to see the guy in the rubber suit smashing the models and admittedly that's what I thought I wanted out of this film I would have been happy watching this movie even without Godzilla in it uh and that is the biggest compliment I can make because it was that good and then you gave me a big Atomic lizard and that just made it better um I will say that uh I I'm going to I'm going to watch this again uh probably relatively soon at the moment Shin Godzilla stands as my favorite of the Godzilla and then probably this one then the original 1954 one that I came into late in life didn't realize what the big deal was when everyone would talk about how great of a film it was until Criterion released a Blu-ray EV it I'm like have I actually watched this movie and I watched like where's Raymond Burr ah yes um yeah I I came out of the theater uh and immediately started recording notes uh I think I I recorded like about 10 10 minutes worth of notes just on the right back which admittedly is a bit dangerous in the car I probably shouldn't have done that but I needed to get those thoughts down because I knew that there wasn't going to be anyone in my life that was going to be discussing this with me immediately until this this podcast you don't have to worry about it nobody watches us or listens to us anyway so they won't know um so yeah um I thought it was exceptional um I I'm really looking forward to discussing characters with you I'm uh imagery um them themes uh narrative flow all the things that I would never have expected to want to discuss in a Godzilla film um and again like if you told me the Godzilla is the weakest part of the Godzilla movie um I never would have believed it and I'm not saying it's weak I'm just saying it is the weakest part um but I'm gonna let somebody else rant for a second and uh you can come back to me with those absolutely absolutely and we'll definitely see how much we can get through all of that u in the limited time that we have to talk about it here but um uh Mark what about you what uh what are your overall feelings about Godzilla minus one where does it rank for you oh it ranks right up there at the top uh I'm a sucker for the cheesy Godzilla movies those are the ones that I grew up on and then I'm a sucker for the 90s era Godzilla movies because they were right over the top some of those 90s movies are just Bonkers but uh I'm also a romantic at heart and similar to what Drew said I did get a little Misty eyed more than once in the entire movie I when I got home from the movie I went to my wife and I said you would have been crying your eyes out if you watched this movie with me and she said well it's probably a good thing I didn't go then this I am a romantic at heart and this is a love story that I have never seen before the the couple that wind up together it just blew me away it it just so innocent the way that they just found each other in the all this Devastation of Japan uh to catch people up the movie starts at the end of World War II and it's almost a post-apocalyptic movie when it comes to Japan because the entire country was just devastated from the American bombings a lot of people don't know that during World War II the Air Force was firebombing Japan and more Japanese died in the fire bombings of Tokyo than did during the two atomic bomb attacks so it was going to happen sooner or later that the uh the Japanese would have surrendered but the atomic bombings actually just sped that up a little bit but to look at the devastation from the news reels of the day and then they recreate it in this movie at the personal level you see a soldier come home from war and there's nothing to come home to his neighbor from across the street comes across the street and instead of welcoming him you know thank God you're alive she's actually upset with him because he didn't fight harder right you know she had a personal everybody in the movie Lost somebody in the war she was also Mark she was also mad at him because he was supposed to be a kamakazi correct he knew that correct uh he was supposed to go out and die he wasn't supposed to go out and fight he was supposed to just go out there and die uh that happened in the opening minutes of the movie when he lands his plane at the at the air base and there is a bomb on the bottom of his plane and the I'm a of a history buff and I said I know exactly what this guy is I know exactly what he didn't do and I know what's going to happened to him I realized that he was a kamakazi pilot that lost his nerve and could not go through with it and I said okay they're setting him up as a coward in the beginning of the movie but as we get to know this young man he's not a coward he's just somebody who did not want to die and I said that is the the most human response you could ever I can't even imagine climbing into a plane with the intention of deliberately crashing it into a enemy ship it just you know just not something that a normal person would think about and the comicazi went out in the thousands and did that it was it was a really really strange time of the war and uh but as they're seeing they you know as they get notes from home all of Japan is being destroyed from the air and it's it's really like I'm I'm getting a little choked up just talking about it it was really a tough and they brought that home to the human level and as was mentioned you could make this movie without the dinosaur and it would be almost as powerful yeah yeah to me it's like it it this movie and the very first Godzilla movie um and and I think there's some others that are it's probably a lot more subtle but this is really hits home where the the sort of when I think Godzilla is much more like powerfully effective when he's depicted as not just a random Monster uh but as a sort of like Godlike figure you know like um uh and and with for you know people that are dealing with a lot of of issues um uh so I thought that that's what made this uh this take on him really really much more powerful than some of the others that I've seen Alan what about you what uh What uh how did you feel about the the whole thing uh yeah I was the same there was actually parts of the movie when I was like oh don't bring Godzilla on at the moment I can see because I was so invested in the human story it was actually interesting because when I got home my wife Jill said to me say she said well what was the movie about and I'm like well first off it was not a monster movie I think then actually marketing it as a monster movie has done themselves a disservice because I think people will not go to see it because they think it's a monster movie um and it's far more than that though I will say when I went the movie theater was full I actually had people sat next to me nice which is complete opposite to my recent experience at Marvels and Napoleon when the places were empty um so the movie theater was full so I think so actually I I said I actually said to Jill hang on just let me write down a quick list of what I think this movie was about and I actually came up with 10 things a bit like Drew in the car I was thinking about it so can I go down that list absolutely so I think this movie was about survivors guilt yes BTSD big time Big Time BTSD Redemption family is what you make of it friendship loyalty reconstruction Mark right I mean the just the stuff about um the devastation in Tokyo was amazing the will of people over the stagnation of government Innovation horrors of unnecessary War cultural change and then I put in Brackets oh and it had a big lizard in it too um that movie was was just about so thing I actually have we have a we had a Japanese exchange student lived with us for for a while um and she's still sort of semi- part of the family she still calls us mom and dad even though she's been back in Tokyo for a long time now we still see her whenever I've been in Japan but it's interesting because when her and her family talk about the war they thought their view on it is very different than ours and the ones that my kids got through their education and they do talk a lot about the devastation and stuff and I've heard them talk about it but to see it on screen um to Mark's point was incredibly emotional um and to see that family who aren't related but just come together and grow and the friendship of the four guys on the boat on the Mind sweeper as well um was just such a call to that movie yeah there was times one particular scene in in thing when I was you know gasping oh no um almost in tears yeah um but having said all that when I said oh and it's got a big lizard in it Godzilla was brilliant as the creature the way the creature was actually represented the way it moved the looks it didn't look like a CGI monster like it does in all the legendary once I'm not looking at that going that's good CGI I'm looking at that thinking that is an actual organic being that I'm watching it was so well done yeah so absolutely yeah I'm gonna I jump in just sorry Alan may I jump in there's two points that I I think we we've danced around here but need to be mentioned first this is the seven this is essentially the 70th anniversary of Godzilla technically it'll be next year but but this film for for those who like Doctor Who when we do our 50th anniversaries of Doctor Who or 60th anniversaries there's a lot of ODS to the Past in this Godzilla they are doing all the erors of Godzilla in one one form or another so rather than a big CGI monster this is animated to look like an organic man and a guy guy a suit right there's references to the shaa era the Hess era all the eras of of Godzilla um even though those are eras that are you know chronologically take Pace in in the future from what this this uh story is taking place and the other thing that is mindblowing to me is when I looked up what the budget of this film is Mike you had said this film only made about 11.2 million in the United States guess what it made its money back because it cost $5 million to make this film yeah this is essentially for that price an independ independent film uh and and so any money they make is probably going to be incredibly profitable so the fact that we get this kind of quality this should to anyone who likes these kind of films tell you why a a well-written script is important and why character is important and why the legendary films while they are spectacle are never going to be great films they're going to be enjoyable films but they'll never be on this level talking of the budget I I heard something on one of the YouTube videos I watched I don't know if it's about the amount of time it took to make this one and that the reason the budget is low is they actually gave this the animators and the effects team time to do the details and get it right as opposed to throwing money at them and saying we need a CGI monster in six months it's like we've only got this amount of M budget but you've got two years right right um so you know they could work at it at a lower cost but actually get much better effects because they were actually giving they weren't pushing them they were giving them time to hone their craft and I thought that came up I don't know if it's that's accurate but they look like that to me on the screen I I also want to point out too I mentioned the box office and that I was talking just about the North American box office when this this debuted in Japan um uh I think the first weekend of October and it was instantly number one at the Japanese box office um it grossed I think um 7.8 million roughly if you convert the Yen um and it's done you know significantly well in Japan so um I don't want to make it sound like it's only made like you know uh $12 million or whatever because it's actually made quite a bit more than that if you add in the Japanese and the worldwide uh numbers as well um so I don't want I don't want to slag down American movies because I do enjoy American movies but you wonder where the money goes sometimes yeah I mean you double uh this movie's budget triple it quadruple it and you're barely getting to the catering budget of an American movie it's true hundreds and hundreds of millions of dollars have been spent these past couple years on big budget movies that have just completely not connected with the audience for whatever reason and here we have the what looks like a huge budget movie for $15 million I remember a few years back when we did uh the Space Battleship Yamato special yeah I looked up that liveaction movie and that was $18 million and that movie took place entirely out in space there was no uh just going outside and filming I mean everything was a a set and I I just I just baffles me where the money goes on American Productions yeah well it uh well a lot of them goes to I mean a lot of it goes to I mean I'm not I'm not coming down on actors or whatever but and and talent like that but I mean you know this budget would there's a lot of there's a lot of actors and directors and writers in Hollywood that they they wouldn't even meet this budget right like they would they would want more than this this entire budget right so and this you know this movie despite the fact that it doesn't have any big names in it uh International names um is I mean all the actors are believable all the actors are really you know well well received I think I I there wasn't any time where I thought oh man I'm might buying this um uh they did such a great job um Mike what's something else about the movie or or overall what what how you feel about it well like everyone else was saying I loved and I did mean loved I love the human interaction Not Just Between the the fighter pilot and the you know the woman he met with the the daughter well the that became their daughter I should say and it was interesting but I love the interaction between him and the boat crew that was you know they were what he needed they needed that was to help him build his confidence back to he had a purpose in life and that was the wonderful thing about it and I loved it I really really loved it and I thought that was just great and the human element was just wonderful and when you saw the ineptness of the government that they didn't want to get involved to help stop Godzilla it had to be a civilian crew to do it and it was just it was just awesome to see and I like how they played into the geopolitical and it was you know oh we can't Japan didn't want to get involved and the US didn't want to get involved because of Russia and you know everything because it was just the beginning of the Cold War and it was very real thing yeah oh very much so and I just thought you know the scenes were so amazing in this movie The wrecks of the ships and the battleships and then to see Godzilla Lock and Load was just awesome you know literally the the fins coming up and as they were lighting up they were raising and everything that was just so well done and then the power of His blast was just like beyond belief yeah that was that was one the first time that went off uh the first time Zilla and atomic uh I mean like I said I was not in a Dolby Theater I was not in an IMAX theater but I I went back in my seat and now I was like wow that was just I mean they depicted it so well uh that it was such a powerful moment um and also I agree with you about and you know you're not the only one that's uh today has mentioned the boat crew um the writer and director of this movie uh tekashi yamazaki I believe is pron iation I hope I'm I'm doing that Justice um uh he has stated in one of his influences uh to make this movie was Jaws and yeah you could definitely tell with the uh rapport with with the boat crew that that was right there I mean we didn't get a scene of them comparing scars or anything but you know it was it was that that camaraderie was there and that feeling was there um but I also appreciate the fact that what you know you guys have talked about the human element which I I'm all on board with but I do have to say like that equal equal to that is the Godzilla moments and I really appreciate the fact that uh the director didn't want to because we've seen it so many times especially when they try to reinvent him or whatever it's like oh let's build up to see Godzilla let's like see a little bit of him here little bit of him here and we won't get to see the full like Beast until like the third act and and you know we all know Godzilla at this point like as you pointed out it's like it's he's reaching his 70th Anniversary it's like yeah we know what Godzilla looks like we don't know what this version is going to look like but we know what Godzilla's look like that you don't need to like pull the the whole um you know Jaws thing on us like and show us just little bits at a time um and they didn't like I mean when we that first sequence where we see him on the island a very young teenage Godzilla pre pre-atomic right um I mean he's brutal uh they they show all of him it's just fantastic right there and then I mean he's imposing then now uh I don't know if uh if uh the kamakazi pilot uh would have had any shot even if he had got to his plane and actually pulled the trigger I don't suspect that he would have had any effect on Godzilla even at that point but but still uh because he was that imposing but then you know once he goes Atomic the next time we see Godzilla man that is something else entirely um the sequences are just phenomenal of him you know destroying the cities we've seen it a hundred times by now but yet it's this made it feel just as fresh and it had consequences I mean we see the damage and we see the people reacting to the damage and I think it was a it was much more effective in this telling than it has been in the past um and you know I mean I hate to see him go but man the ending of how they defeated Godzilla I think was really interesting especially since you know this is a a de weaponized Japan um so they have to come up with unique ways of defeating this thing and I thought it was pretty clever um and I mean ultimately it was a a a bomb in a in a plane that did it to him but um of course as we you know see at the right before the credit start he he's not quite done yet so um Allan uh what else about the movie something else about the movie that you appreciated well actually I'm just gonna pick because I'm as you guys know I'm actually also an aviation geek absolutely so I'd love the plane at the end that's a real plane right it is an actual plane yeah um hang on a minute I just got grabb my notes here so it was The j7w shinden Fighter um they they mention in the movie that they only two made made it into combat it's not actually accurate they only Built two which never saw combat so there was two prototypes gotta um which were there in the end at the end of the war uh one was scrapped the other one was repatriated by the US Navy and he's actually at the Smithsonian in Washington DC oh wow um so but yet that was an actual plane I geeked out when I saw that um because it's like I know what that plane is that's awesome um so the the only thing is and this may have been a translation thing in the subtitles they kept the the fighter pilot kept talking about jet planes the Japanese did not have jet ples at that point in history it's too early um that and they correctly showed that was actually propeller um driven aircraft so that was fine um again just my Aviation geek but I must admit that last the third act when they building up to the big sacrifice potential sacrifice to you know fly the plane into Godzilla's mouth spoiler alert um I was like they've taken one fuel tank out of this plane to put the bomb in there's no way that that plane GNA be flying around for that amount of time just circling with only half a fuel tank um but that was the only time in the movie that anything threw me out of the movie was I just had this thing at the back of my mind that playing cannot stay up in the air that long on half a fuel tank just circling around waiting for his moment um but other than that yeah I mean I love that as an ex um Merchant Marine sailor guy who's served on board ships as well I love the whole stuff with the boats um and the the Navy guys that was awesome too um and just said just the way they came together and that camaraderie um even I mean I didn't know any of the actors but they were all brilliant I think they there was just something about that family and by family I don't just mean the three of them but as we said also the guys on the boat the neighbor across the street the way they all sort of grew together um I just and and then the mechanic and his guys as well it was just a nuclear family coin of phrase sort of grew and grew and grew and he gradually pulled in more and more people that you cared about and it really was about caring about the people so yeah I I I don't really have a bad word to say about this movie other than that one little technical Gaff with the plane so and the C had great chemistry together Lally just thinking that I really was just to all those interactions were totally believable uh Drew what's something else you got anything else in your notes there I have so many um so uh let's see let's talk a little bit about just some favorite scenes um anything with Godzilla is great um but in particular Mikey mentioned that in this situation Godzilla is multi multi- representative um it's an allegory to a number of things right so you know the original Godzilla 19 54 is only nine years after Hiroshima I mean think about that nine years after that kind of Devastation and they're making a movie trying to parse out a country's trauma um and in many ways it still has the same allegory in this but it's also I think a representative of the horrors of War because it's always going to follow follow you and in many ways I was thinking all right so Koshi who's our kind of quote unquote coward hero Redemption Arc it I was really I mean 10 minutes in the movie you know how the movie is gonna end I mean it's like you you have a a fighter pilot who is too afraid or which wants to live and won't kill themselves you know how that story has to end um but uh the idea that uh he gets up in the air he finally gets in the plane and as he's on his way he's flying over this beautiful green pastoral fields of Japan and the music fades it lowers and nothing is said the engines it's all you can seees the engines but you can just see him looking at the beauty that is his country and the camera is from his point of view so it's looking down across the field and then the camera moves to the point of view to the front of the plane and you just see Godzilla walking across the green fields and everywhere Godzilla walks there's destruction and fire and damage this is this is always going to be a part of it and there's only one way for him to you know get it get it out of his life and I thought that's really good storytelling because if you can present that to us and it's not so heavy-handed and you can do so in so little words on the other scene that I think is maybe not as obvious as as a showcase piece is uh we we talk about this is a a volunteer Army right so the the government's not going to be a help and it's basically anyone who wants to do it but everyone who comes to the meeting to for the volunteers they're all ex-military they're all ex-military who um have have found themselves a drift after the war they all suffering from PTSD they're all suffering trying to get their families together they're all suffering from injuries you know so many of them are limping or so many of them in bandages uh and the idea that they have to go back but this time time unlike the first time where there are you know the rich the politicians they're making them go to war and they're going to see no benefit they actually can do good and they're doing it to save their families and there's a scene where you're thinking kyoshi's gonna be the guy who stands up and rallies the troops together and he doesn't once again he is unable to speak and he just sits there and know we're looking at this massive crowd scene and he's in the bottom leftand corner with his arms crossed scowling while people who we've never seen before standing up and talking about the price they have to pay and why they will or won't join and it's a very powerful scene and I think it's a really intelligent one because at that point in time we don't have a a point of view hero character leading everything this is a really about found family and standing up and this is about a you know a generational trauma if you will um postwar I think both of those are really excellent and Mike you mentioned that Godzilla is not only allegory but also a God and it's true those scenes in the water with the boat is something that we've never seen in a Godzilla film before I know Godzilla versus Kong there's the aircraft carrier fight it's not the same it's not it's not even designed to be the same um and yes it does invoke Jaws but at the same time it invokes the awe of what Godzilla actually is um no point in time do you think this is a man- in a rubber suit this is this is a legitimate both Supernatural natural um Power that is beyond anything and the fact that it it is accepted by the people as being something natural but above them as well it was really well done so yeah and then sorry last one one last scene uh the very final scene where their neighbor um who is let's let's see it's not n uh Sumo so Sumo meets him when the boat docks and is hitting him because she's got the telegram yeah and she's just reading the holding the telegram and pounding his chest like you're such an idiot you never checked all of this could have been avoided you would have risked it all I H that's I think probably the time I lost it the most so yeah it's an interesting ending because it sets it up that noro has quot quote died in in the attack in the Godzilla attack and then uh and uh shishima is going to you know fulfill his kamakazi Destiny right but the movie dials back on both of those it doesn't give us both of those deaths right it dials back at the end where uh you know the pilot um uh does does escape um and and quite um uh in a great I was touched the the thing that touched me was the fact that um you know his his old cap that one Captain who has every reason to want him dead is the one who made sure that that plane had an ejector seat for him uh and wanted him to live um that that was that touched me a lot um and then we find out that um noro's alive too so you've got this like happy ending whereas I didn't I didn't expect that I thought you know with the way that this movie was playing out things that it would be kind of a honorable ending uh for the main characters but it would be an ending um so I I but I it didn't even though they dialed back on both of those I didn't feel like it was it it felt contrived I felt like it was earned and I was glad for it because I was glad to see them when they reunited in the hospital um I it was it was it was really touching and it got really Dusty in the theater really dusty uh uh all right Mike Mark last any last comments from you on the movie yeah I was actually very surprised on how anti-government the movie was presented the uh they they had to they had to wave a wand to get the Americans out of the picture because in reality Japan was occupied by the American Military so if a giant monster did land on the beach there would have been an American Military response to it however brilliantly they just ramped up the Cold War and they said the Americans had to face down the Soviets and they couldn't spare any men or materials to fight what they called the Japanese problem but the part that shocked me was the Japanese government just collapsed it just said we we can't deal with it and we're not going to so that's when the ordinary citizens got together uh one of the boat crew doc he meets up with a veteran a Navy captain and they like was mentioned earlier regular citizens all veterans were called to a meeting and when they were presented with what is basically a suicide mission some of them just got up and left you know I have a wife I have a family to take care of I've already done my duty and the one like like was mentioned earlier our hero is just sitting in the corner and a regular guy gets up and says you're telling me the government isn't going to be involved and they said yes and he says oh so we stand a better chance of surviving now now if if that's not a stab at the war government and the post-war government of Japan I don't know what is so there was tons of stabs at the Japanese government through throughout this and uh we we've really only glanced on Shin Godzilla which came out just a few years earlier that movie was made in response to the tsunami and the uh nuclear power station that was uh flooded right and uh had a radiation leak and uh public was upset with the government response to that disaster so they just made that Shin Godzilla movie and ramped that up to 11 m on how the entire Japanese government was wiped out and all these minor functionaries had to move up into higher positions and actually got the job done so they were saying the people that we elect aren't can't handle it and it takes other people to come up and take care of it so that was two Godzilla movies in a row very critical of the modern government and the past government which that took some guts I mean for a a filmmaker that that took some guts yeah absolutely Allan any last words from you on the movie I was just going to say we just talked um Drew and Mike really just touched on it but for me one of the underlying things it was that cultural shift there was that line in there about I mean they went into detail about you know why things W didn't work in the war you know that uh the ships weren't well armored planes didn't have eject toy you know the basically people were sent out to die and then there the line in the movie about it's no longer about war is no longer about sacrifice we're going to war about our future and for me that underlined a huge cultural shift in Japanese thinking which was happening around that time about you know start looking for the future we're not doing things just because of tradition or we've been told to or it's about sacrifice war is no longer about sacrifice war is about um you know making sure that we have a future and as you said you know the the whole thing of you know Godzilla was very much an analogy for you know War and the fear of atomic war in particular and the inevitability of the damage and stuff that comes with war um so there was there was that but uh but also being a Godzilla newb the first time he used his Atomic breath boy that blew me away almost literally um and and that that scene was heart-wrenching with when you actually saw the human cost of that as well well um it was spectacular but it was also heart-wrenching so yeah this was just a brilliant movie All Around y any final words on the movie from you Mike that means for now anyway yeah go see it folks it's it's wonderful it is probably it's ranked up there with one of my favorite Godzilla movies and and it is going to be up there in our lists of top movies for the year it's definitely going to be up at the top towards the number one cuz it just it took me out of nowhere and it's a human drama that just H like we said earlier that just happens to have a monster in it and boy is it a monster and everything and there's scenes in Godzilla movies from Godzilla movies that you in this one that we've never seen before the scene where Godzilla was following the the PT boat and that was just amazing and it was just you know it it didn't look CGI it didn't look like a GU in a costume it looked amazing and whoever you know did the special effects on this truly it's a true thumbs up you know you know it might have been a guy staying up all night on his Mac trying to get all the effects done and everything but you know what Bravo to them they did a great great job on this and I'm looking forward to seeing this again cuz I went on my own and Judy now now I've been raving about it for two days and you know I definitely want to take her to go see it too yeah absolutely more people more people um yeah uh anybody stay through the credits or did anybody everybody leave oh man all right I mean it's not it there's no after credit scene it's this is not a Marvel movie this is not like but I will say uh stay through the credits because you will be granted a little gift first of all I stay through the credits anyway even though usually I like to read the credits but in this case I don't read Japanese so was not really conducive to me to read the credits uh but also just to just sit back and listen to the Godzilla theme and the different Godzilla themes because they Incorporated it's not just the the 54 theme they Incorporated in the movie but as Drew poined out there's references to other Godzilla movies uh other music in in in the suite that they had too I instantly got the soundtrack soundtrack is is is phenomenal um and uh I will say if you stay to the end you just hit to hear one final before it fades to black or whatever uh before it ends you that you're Grant you're gifted with one last Godzilla roar and it just is awe I was just in awe I mean there's no way I could leave the theater not smiling after a Godzilla roar um which is something I would not say if he was real at all so reason enough to go see it especially on a good theater like a really quality high quality uh super theater so hopefully that'll be available for us if not then you know get your sound systems ready at home because I'm sure this will be available I do believe that Amazon Prime has said that they I think will have the rights to have to show this at some point so maybe next year in the meantime you know there's a lot of other gods stuff to come because we saw trailers and stuff from Monarch but we'll talk about that next year because I'm sure that'll be something that is on our radar but thanks guys we really appreciate you guys joining us to talk about this uh Too release uh we're going to be right back and we're going to close out the show okay YouTube folks this is our bonus parts and you know I was thinking about it and it's real interesting right now but how much Godzilla we're getting right now you know between the movie we just were talking about but also Monarch and it's just amazing and then of course the trailer for Godzilla xcon and it just it looks great this is just a great time to be a monster fan you know the big big monsters and I'm loving it and when one of the things I was going to talk was going to talk about are has anyone in here been watching Monarch on Apple I've been watching and enjoying Monarch quite a bit it's it's been a ton of fun and you know I've always said you know watching like Kong Skull Island and watching you know Godzilla you know king of the monsters and stuff oh I want to see more monsters I want to see you know more Monster time I don't want to deal with these people parts and everything and Monarch is actually doing a really good job with the people but every episode you're at least getting one or two big monsters and I'm loving the series and anything and you know there's been four episodes so far and I think we've gotten two cameos by Godzilla yes so and in other Titans as as well but uh yeah two two so for Godzilla fans uh you know and I think they're building towards something bigger even that is an interesting point Mike where like a lot of times and even with this movie I did the only criticism I heard was from some people that are just like there's too many people and not there's too much people and not enough Godzilla and I'm like well I that's you that's that's the case a lot of times right like certainly that's the case for the 2014 legendary I mean that's that's a true case of like get off the screen show us the green guy like that just eight minutes and 14 seconds of Godzilla only in the 2014 really and what's worse is that movie like teases him like throughout the movie it teases him and you're like and you're like come on like like he's over here and our characters are going the other way and the camera decides to follow the characters and I'm like no no let's go it's just annoying um destroy San Francisco come on but when but when you have a movie like this one uh that the people are interesting as we've all said we didn't even get we didn't even need Godzilla for this movie but he's Incorporated very well with the story the use of him um and he takes on a different meaning um and it means so much more than just a thing that comes in and destroys crap which always looks cool well not always 1998 uh but but 98 you keep on referring can I uh couldn't res this but uh just to give it one last shot but uh yeah so but yeah I I you know I think Monarch's doing a good job with the people uh Kurt Russell's in it so if anybody's a Kurt Russell fan like I am um and his son is in it and it takes place over two different time periods and it's the same character and uh it's great to see them sort of you know work off each other and different time periods but um yeah I think it's a good I think it's a good show oh very much so it's a lot of fun and I do recommend it for folks but where I'm going with this is this is more of like a Renaissance for the big green guy and do you think you know are they overkilling it or is it too much or are you guys happy with everything that's coming out right now seen everything so yeah and neither have I and I'm so it's one of those things where streaming services there's just so many of them out there Apple TV I'm going to wait until the series has run its course and then I'm going to binge it in a a single month period just I can't afford everything um what I think is kind of really cool about this Godzilla sance if if we can um I like that you should copyright I'm sure someone has beat me to it um is that we're getting a lot of different voices with it so you have the American stuff you have the Japanese stuff that's coming out and um I think you're everyone who's mentioned the fact that um Shen Godzilla is very much a dig at the the Japanese government in response to that that Godzilla is a call back to what made Godzilla great you know there's Criterion copies of the 54 Godzilla right um that's what we're getting from there and in the United States we're getting the spectacle and the television show we're getting a little bit more along those lines it's not too much for me because the great thing is if I don't like what's coming out new I have 70 years worth of Godzilla to watch so I can pick and choose however I I I want um I think it's nice if there's a demand for it I think there is I think within fandom and I think it's like I mentioned before with my younger brothers every couple of years they would get become reinvested in in what Godzilla is and I think there's a lot of younger Generations who are going to get a chance to watch Godzilla and come to it with programs like the the legendary or like monarch but then they'll also have access to shin and minus one brilliant I mean that's I I wish I had those I love my my showa era stuff but to have access to that in all its kind of diversity all we need now is another Saturday morning cartoon like we had as a child with a with a Godzuki right a little flying Godzilla with the little flaps under its arms maybe maybe not no actually what am I saying we have that as well Netflix has the animated Godzilla series that came out a couple of years ago which are phenomenal which take place far into the future and the Godzilla Gene has overrun the entire planet if you haven't seen those those are amazing the gamra series I know it's SL the beaten path but still Kaiju the gamra series that just got dropped on Netflix is a kids on bikes Adventure um set in a in a Kaiju warart torn um area so yeah if you want if you want your big monsters um bring it because we got them that's I was going to ask you guys because I had seen you know in doing the research that too with Shin Godzilla that was that represented a new era of of too's production of Godzilla and they they said that Godzilla minus one is actually the fourth movie in that era and uh there's three animated movies which are on Netflix as well as an animated series um as you mentioned I have not seen any of the anime movies um I didn't know you know what their connection was to anything um and if they were any good I I didn't even know that too actually was the one behind those those three movies um but you guys have you guys seen those or they worth it oh I'm gonna be a bit of a negative Nelly I did not care for the uh Netflix animated Godzilla series it was set way too far in the future and like Drew mentioned the uh Godzilla had taken over the entire planet in it and uh it just it just didn't connect with me however we will go back to that non- mentioned 98 there was an excellent Saturday morning there was an excellent Saturday morning cartoon series based in that Universe which they should have hired those writers for the movie version as opposed to those writers picking up the pieces of that movie and making an excellent cartoon out of itting I love the the Renaissance that Mike and Drew brought up that uh we are living in great times if you're a monster fan oh very much uh there's an old adage which is getting blurred these days that movies are plot driven and TV shows are character-driven so used to be that you would watch a movie for the plot and like American TV shows like gunm smoke they could only compete against a big budget Western because it was character driven every week you learned just a little bit more about the character whereas in a movie you had an hour and a half to learn everything you're going to need to know about a character so but yeah with streaming and binge watching and all that all that's getting blurred these days so we have Godzilla minus one which I would argue is character driven and Monarch which is also character-driven so but I just saw the preview for uh Godzilla X Kong and that looks very much plot driven yeah I think you can I think you can just cut out the that one you can cut the humans right out of that movie yeah I'm sure they probably have actually that looked like just a CGI slugfest [Laughter] right it's pretty if you are a literary fan and you like reading about stuff um last year uh well maybe actually no it was this year God Zilla the official guide the king of the monsters was released that it was an official publication by Tojo and it was co-written by um film critic Graham scripper um and it's an excellent guide um and it's the entire history and it's everything so the little aspects it's like those C cartoons from the 90s or the 80s uh the Netflix animated series every aspect of Godzilla the books the comics there's a whole living breathing Comics world I mean Godzilla goes to hell as just Bonkers as I'll get out um so if this movie uh well Monarch and this movie and the legendary movies are sparking an interest in someone you know and I'm saying this to our listeners or to our guests here uh then it's certainly worth checking out especially if you like learning more about this kind of subject um it's it's one there's a purchase that I'm very happy with that's awesome that is really really awesome cuz there are quite a few books about Godzilla too for people to check out so it's just not you know the movies and TV folks there's you know and there's a wonderful song by the purple so it's okay he's not just the king of monsters he's arguably one of the kings of media yes very much so was that blue wasn't that Blue Oyster Cult Blue Oyster Cult yes BL Oyster Cult I should be fire fire I don't I don't have a lot to contribute to this this conversation but I do know that was blue blue I I know that covered by our good friends uh the posum king and Ramblers as well exactly he used to play it all the time for William and he says dad play the gu a song I love the guys yeah awesome exactly and you know and then he would just be humming all day after that there goes Tokyo so it's awesome it's like I raised that kid right so it's okay all right let's wrap up the show so that's going to wrap up another episode of the earth station one podcast I want to thank everybody for joining us tonight Allan thanks for sleeping on the station this week we did appreciate you thank you the beds are comfy catering is not so good but the beds are comfy well we're working on the catering you know and everything anything you want to shout out about Sirah yeah actually talking about growing up on Japanese TV um I don't know if folks are aware of this book Rising Sun reruns um which is a selection of essays from today's growingup kids reflecting on Growing Up on Japanese TV shows I have a essay in here about watching a Japanese TV show called The Water margin which was a badly dubbed BBC version of a Japanese show that I grew up on but if you want to know about flying robots Astro Boy Battle of the planet Space Giants and all that good stuff that you guys were talking about is a fun collection of essays on people's memories of growing up with those TV shows uh it's called Rising Sun runs and you can find it uh I'll link to it from the uh the books page on my website alanj border. awesome yeah I'm definitely looking into that because yeah I grew up with stuff like that like Johnny side then you also had Marine boy Speed Racer Kimo the White Lion you know you had all those type of things it was just wonderful stuff thank you thank you sir Drew always great to have you yeah thanks for inviting me along this is a one of my favorite subjects to discuss uh and if you want to hear me discuss more movies um I have a a relatively new podcast called Never Say Die it is a movie review and roleplaying game podcast where we bring in a movie discuss it and then discuss how you can um roleplay the kind of the spirit of the film regardless of the system that you're using our first season was all kids on bikes second season is all Heist films and somehow we managed to talk about Godzilla and monster and Kaiju films in almost all of our episodes uh so that ones can be found wherever you find fine podcasts that's awesome that you're recording again sir that's awesome to hear yeah absolutely now it's back to Cronenberg body horror for you Mr Mark way to spend the holidays Mr Mark thank you so much as always oh thank you for having me as always anything you want to promote or shout out about uh I am currently working on a uh screenplay for a completely computer animated movie which I cannot quite divulge anything about and I've also working on a new story for dark sister magazine which you can find on Amazon if you wish but my new story is not out yet awesome awesome awesome but look up just look up Mark he's everywhere you I'm on Facebook that's my that's my jam I'm easily I'm there every day so if you want to find me I'm easy to find he's sitting there you know talking we'll talk to anybody he talks to us so he must be able to talk to anybody so it's a good thing and now that he got his microphone working Watch Out World he's coming for you now you can actually hear me when I talk exactly it's a perfect thing and Mr Mike Gordon we've made it through another one my friend we did as as always it's my pleasure anything you want to shout out about or promote uh yeah I do um we had the uh Bobby had the original um or the actual um book launch this past weekend although it's been available for a little while now but I just wanted to give a shout out to our good friend Bobby Nash uh Benny books his self-publishing company which I I help with edits uh came out with the newest the seventh installment of the Abraham snow series which is snow hunt so it's available now um it's uh these be these books just keep getting better and better the action this one is almost all action it's a great uh uh sort of story about um a thriller about um trying to find an assassin who loves to plant Bombs all over Atlanta uh so uh it's um it's a really good read and you know if you're you're from the Atlanta area you are very familiar with some of these sites so um it's a it's it's this is I think one of the best series that uh Bobby's ever done so and he continues to get better and better with them so they are available they make great stock you can fit the In Stocking great stocking stuffers so get some get some get yeah get some get some snow for Christmas awesome awesome uh my shout out real quick is to the fine folks here at ESO Network it's been a while since we've all gotten together but we actually had a holiday party and it's first one we've done in over four years and it was wonderful to be back with everybody um it's just it was always an annual tradition ever since I started podcasting is to get together with either my podcast host and such or friends of the show and then as the network grew we started um having a yearly holiday party and up until Co we got together with you know everyone who was local to Atlanta but then we even had folks who came in from Tennessee from Alabama from Florida you know if they could get to us they came in for the party and this was the first time we've been able to get together and that I felt comfortable enough after Co to be able to have be in a crowd like this and it was wonderful it was magical it was a great great time time to join together and see people we haven't been in the same room with for quite some time and to celebrate to celebrate the season to celebrate ESO to talk about memories and you know all this kind of stuff and it was just it was a it for me it was just a really really special time and we've got a lot coming this next year that you know we'll be in touch with and you guys will be along for the ride that you know we're going to you know be able to celebrate all together and for a lot of things so you know just you know it's just this time of the year it's always nice to reflect and remember but also be thankful for what you have and to all those who are around you so it was just really nice and I also want to give a shout out to the fine folks at bambinelli's in Tucker Georgia they were am amazing um they have you know some amazing Italian food and they have a couple different locations around Atlanta and so if you get a chance check them out we give and they they didn't even pay for advertising you know and we ended up paying them so you know this is it was still that good that I'm willing to give them a shout out so you can check them at bell.com or and Yelp or you know Google and such I definitely would highly recommend it thanks for listening to the Earth station one podcast always remember we couldn't do this without you if you want to support the podcast please check out our T public store and check out some cool ESO Network schwag and right now the whole store is 35% off so folks if you've been wanting to get some Earth station one stuff any ESO Network show stuff um there's some pretty cool things up there and 35% off the regular prices it's pretty decent and their prices aren't that high anyway so you know I know I'm going to be getting some ESO Network stickers and some other things that you know some new t-shirts and such and we have new designs coming so you know what there's always new stuff popping up and even if you go through our link and you see other designs other than you know what we designed you can actually purchase those through the store and we still get a little you know credit for it so definitely check it out you can find the link on top of of the earth station one podcast website or ESO Network website so definitely check it out also if you want to help support us please you know become a patron of the eso Network for only as little as a dollar a month you too can help support the eso Network and we want to give a huge shout out to our patrons they've been with us through thick and thin and you know what we do appreciate you guys more than you could ever expect thank you as always to those patrons you two can join just go to patreon.com eson network we want to hear from you so please write us anytime you want please write us a feedback at earthstation 1.com we definitely would love to hear for you remember you could also find earthstation 1 wherever fine podcast are found and now our station one has these wonderful Sunny Faces up on video so you know what folks you can see us on YouTube and you could throw things at us and you know yell at us pack and say that's not what Godzilla was about no of course you can see my Godzilla guy exactly right up there you could see it zooming over mik Gordon he's looming exactly pretty awesome so you definitely check it out you know definitely check us up on YouTube and if you get a chance like And subscribe you made it this far into the video you must like us somewhat you know or something so please like And subscribe okay folks that's the show for tonight on behalf of myself Mike Faber Mr Mr Michael Gordon Alan J Porter Drew Meyer and Mr Mark Holmes thank you for joining us on N station one we'll see you here next week take it easy everyone have a great week and we are done boom bye you're listening to the eso Network your station for all things geek
Channel: Earth Station One
Views: 1,066
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alan j porter, angela pritchett, ashley pauls, cinematic discussion, cinematic experience, creature feature, drew meyer, earth station one, earth station one podcast, earth station one podcast ep 737, entertainment podcast, eso, eso network, film discussion, geek, godzilla fan, godzilla minus one, godzilla review, kaiju, mark holmes, michael gordon, michelle bourg, mike faber, monster movies, movie geeks godzilla, movie podcast, movie review, podcast, podcast review
Id: M1tPc67mzDY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 54sec (4974 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 08 2023
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