Godzilla Minus One | Movie Review

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Kaiser yeah do you like Kaiju I i' I've been known to like some Kaiju sometimes not all not all Kaiju not all Kaiju not all Kaiju not all Kaiju not all Kaiju you a gam guy friend of children actually I don't know if I've ever seen a g movie H yeah like here's the thing i' I've seen a lot of modern Kaiju but I so that's the thing I wouldn't call myself like a big Kaiju guy like I haven't seen the original Godzilla really you haven't seen the 50s one no but funny I've seen the original mothur movie that is weird yeah I saw the original mothur movie because I actually did it as a um MST 3K for a free convention with a couple friends okay so uh we're here to talk about Godzilla minus one uh what was your first Godzilla movie then my first Godzilla movie uh is not a very good one was it the N was it the Matthew Broderick one yeah that's a lot of dinner I grew up in a time where Godzilla was everywhere like he was part of the like he's always he's been part of the Zeitgeist for a while like I mean you're introduced to the concept in Rugrats through like Reptar and stuff like yeah I literally one of the things I was just thinking about you know you know who Godzilla is uh you've seen clips of him you just know big lizard destroys a city um and you see games like Rampage things like that yeah um hell I even played Godzilla like the that old Monster game where you're playing a bunch of Kaiju destroying the city not Rampage uh destroy monsters I'm going to go can you guys handle it sorry we we believe in you a button I have to press handle the button and take the car yeah but Destroy All Monsters was I think that was on the SNES um and I I loved them all but I actually had not seen a proper Godzilla movie for a long time the first one was in fact the Roland Emer garbage Fest uh and I am really really glad that I have seen more Godzilla since then again I haven't seen the original but I I mean if you get introduced to it on a low point Point anything beyond that's good so yeah I guess that's true um but yeah so honestly my favorite Godzilla movie might still be Shin goeta actually like it is still high up there but I will say this one is in competition this yeah spoiler-free uh as much as I enjoyed Shen goeta this one's actually probably my favorite I mean I i' need to watch it again but it it is solid I I am a firm uh like I I'm I'm firmly in the camp of I think Godzilla versus Humanity makes for the better movies see I don't disagree that it those make for compelling films for me some of the best my favorite Godzilla like movies like the most iconic ones are him versus another monster but that's particularly because I love there's also more of those yes well yeah there might be yeah but also the hyay era came with a ton a ton of amazing Godzilla fights I'm also a Big King Gora fan and you can't have Gora without you know basically making uh Godzilla a proxy protagonist against a defender of the earth so to speak yeah um uh and you know those were the Godzilla movies that I kind of grew up on uh I got introduced to Godzilla funny enough through Mystery Science Theater 3000 as a boy in Minnesota in the 90s that like I'm it's one of our best experts along with the music of Prince and Snoopy so uh it's it was around and that's where I first saw godilla that was around the age where you know I was still in that like dinosaur phase I'm like oh dinosaur but Giant and destroying things and fighting other monsters hell yeah let's go let's be honest that was the Jurassic Park was a direct inspiration for for why Roland Emer did what he did with Godzilla in that but I mean I feel like every uh like boy boys of like a young age you know young children they get into like a few things it's trucks it's or or it's dinosaurs or space or space yeah sometimes it's space sometimes space but yeah it's for me it was dinosaurs I was I don't know if I was a big dinosaur kid in fact actually I think it was a big space kid I think that was my thing I loved the idea of space weirdly enough uh I slept through my astronomy class so came out of that with a B minus did not do any of the homework aced all the tests I love space it's fun there you go but uh when it comes to uh like dinosaurs yeah if you're a big dinosaur kid godz hit for you and Godzilla in fact did hit for me as a kid I watched all of the movies like throughout Elementary School uh and then like in the late '90s when the broaderick film The Roland Emer film came out I went and saw it twice in theaters cuz I was a child also ate the out of some Taco Bell at that point in time in my life too yeah oh man I cannot believe that Taco Bell had such a huge presence with Godzilla for a while because of that like the gordas were my jam for that bit um but uh fast forward yeah several decades and now we're looking at this new line of Godzilla through like legendary pictures he's getting kind of this revival the legendary pictures are all sort of Hit and Miss for me um I will tell you what this film is an amazing example of how you can write human characters with God Zilla as the like the force of Nature and the legendary movies are all examples of just stop writing people because it's sort of amazing to me in the legendary pictures Godzilla Godzilla is so expressive he has he has all a wide range of emotions when he needs to yeah the Kaiju are the star of those movies in fact and anytime the humans are on screen it's like can we cut these scenes down a bit they're really bad they're unbelievably bad and in this film it's made all that more apparent by the fact that they wrote compelling very personal and very re uh like uh reverent stories for their characters like this whole movie uh I mean go Godzilla as you know in all of the humanity versus Godzilla thing he's more of a metaphor for like a natural disaster but he's also a giant lizard monster really cool I mean originally he was a you know reference to the atonic b in fact here he's very much a reference but in this like the the Crux of the story when it's not focusing on the Godzilla related threat is about a man coming back from war who is at once relieved to kind of be alive but at the same time he was a uh kamaz pilot who kind of you know I don't want to use the word like chickened out of his mission but decided to not do his mission I mean yeah it's it's not okay it's not chickening out but he he chose life yeah he chose he chose to live which hey yeah no that was the right move yeah and they make a big point of it like later in the movies like saying you know what uh I think like the like the Japanese government has you know really not put enough e like uh enough effort into preserving life they built planes without ejection seats they built tanks that could be shredded way too easily yeah like so without going too much into spoilers because I feel like you very easily could um you could very easily go into dis spos I'm just like talking about thematics yeah the theme of the movie like it's a very personal story about uh overcoming like not only just how do I put this it's overcoming survivors guilt yeah honestly that like the the entire movie is just a man having to come to terms with the fact that he lived when he was supposed to die and Facing a Giant Unstoppable monster and you know what that that story his story alone is still better than literally almost any of the stories the human drama in this movie had me invested so when Godzilla showed up I was like oh yeah that's right but the best part about it is like he's just one character with a compelling story every single character in this has something about them something that they're carrying on their shoulders he's he's just the most prominent one he's the one he's prominent and he killed it like that that dude's acting when when you see like some of the traumatic he goes through oh my God he puts on a clinic yeah the scene I'm like without spoiling anything the scene with the Black Rain the scene with the black rain oh my God killed me like there's just so many moments in the film that are how do I put this like where the characters are carrying it with just the Expressions on their face and I almost saw this movie without subtitles oh I was in Japan the last day I was in Japan it came out I almost made time for it in theaters really glad I didn't because the dialogue in this film is also really important and got me crying at least twice yeah I I I know you made a comparison you said that Shin Goa might be your favorite it it might be because well for me Shin Goa is a film that is highly highly reminiscent of those original films uh in ways where I've SE I've gone back and I've seen a couple of those older films now um but you know when you take a look at Shin Goa it is a film about everybody coming about Japan coming to together um and cutting through bureaucracy and the uh failure of modern government mhm there's some of that in this film as well but it is not trying to capture the original visual or a like like it's not trying to cap uh capture that original feeling of those Godzilla films it's trying to reimagine that that original scenario with a modern lens yeah which I really like uh and uh just kind of like going back to the the dialogue the one part that I kind of dislike about Shing goira uh is the dialogue itself especially when they uh scripted English-speaking actors oh yeah because nobody talks like that yeah it's takes me all the way out of the movie whereas this I was invested throughout and I think this might be my favorite Godzilla movie because of that I I I want to see it again cuz I did go back and rewatch Shing goira pretty much directly after we saw this just to kind of like get that fresh in my head and yeah this this Godzilla minus one stands up to me like big compared to it I also have to give them Credit Now the Japanese filming industry is incredibly abusive and exploitative uh so when I say this I'd like to point out that it's impressive but it's also horrifying the budget for this film do you know what the budget for this fil was no clue between 25 and 50 that's insane especially for how God how good Godzilla looked throughout the movie yeah Godzilla so there are some bad CG in the movie there's just some bad shots is but Godzilla almost always looks amazing Godzilla always looks so godamn sick like there are scenes where he's doing his awesome like water lizard thing and he's like swimming Behind the B I'm like holy is that practical that shot there's that shot in the boat it's a we go full horror movie in that moment the the music isn't too overpowering The Sounds it felt like Jaws like it gave me jaws Vibes I mean it's it's it's doing it on purpose I was about to say if there wasn't an like if the the director had not seen Jaws congratulations on being one of five people who haven't seen Jaws yeah especially if you're a filmmaker but like it oh my God yes it's just Jaws but with a Kaiju and that's amazing the look on Godzilla's eyes throughout that she like oh I'm going to eat you I'm going to eat you I got to say this as much as I love Shin Goa the eyes were a choice I actually kind of love him the the Derpy ass looking eyes and like that that being said i' prefer the eyes here oh yeah um they look e like oh he looks like a Monster yeah this oh man this Godzilla it doesn't feel like it's a how do I put this he almost feels like an eldrich abomination in places like it does not feel like he is a naturally created or even like he does not feel like a a creature that should exist and it's so creepy and it's made worse by the nuclear experiments so which I remember so in the very early on in the movie it's actually remarkably fast how fast like I was not expecting godilla they show you Godzilla yeah and like the first time you see Godzilla he's tiny like tiny but he's basically the size of like uh what the T-Rex from Jurassic Park yeah he's not that big like he's destroying the out of their camp but holy like just that monster marching out of the Jungle in the night yeah no it's it's a terrifying scene but when I was watching it I'm like huh is Godzilla that tiny in this one yeah like he's like the size of like King Kong in like the Peter Jackson movie yeah and then we find out like you know through circumstances he get bigger he get way bigger there's like a little like a splash of like you know time and there were nuclear testing at the bikini at yeah that shot I was like like oh there's a lot of really great shots in this film uh and I don't know I don't know how much more I want to talk about the movie before we really get into the into the nitty-gritty because there's so much I do want to talk about is there anything else that Nono non spoiler related I mean honestly actually there's one more thing that I'll say and it is a criticism and I'm going to get Flack for this one I know it because there I I've already talked to some people who were like what do you mean this was great I liked this I was not a fan of their particular usage of the Godzilla theme not that I didn't want it to be in the movie not that it wasn't even used in the right place but the problem I had was they used the original recording they used the original orchestration and in a film so it's sort of interesting Shin Goa is a modern a modern Godzilla like in modern times but kind of trying to reimagine it with the original uh like uh SC Stone the original tone the like hearkening back in its tone and its imagery which that worked with like not only shos saku's music who is he just kills it even if he does just take a song from avelan I I I see where you're coming from but here it is a no we're going back to the 1940s we're going back to that time where Godzilla originally attacked but with a modern lens it's a a modern like and that's why using that song that original piece did not it felt like it clashed with the tone that the movie was going for I see a little bit where you're coming from where the original recording does come across as a little for lack of better word frumpy it's it's a little it has it it comes with all the age that a song that was recorded back then would come with and and for me it's like a comparison I remember when I was playing through Dragon Quest 11 right and I had to immediately download a mod that replaced all of the in-game music with the reorchestrated versions because the in-game music was all midi it was all it was all these like you know classic 16bit era music which cool that's great but it clashed with the modern visual style I I see where you come from I don't necessarily agree but I I'm not going to be somebody that like says oh you idiot for that kind of an opinion because I agree when I when I first heard the song like queing up I'm like something about this is like you know just kind of vibing a little odd but I'm down yeah and and look uh I because I've already talked with some people and they were like I don't know what you're talking about I thought it was great I'm like hey cool you know if it worked for you it worked for you uh I still would have personally in that in that position had the composer by the way the music in this movie is real good too like genuinely just great music throughout I would have had the composer go go and recreate the theme song uh but with a modern instrumentation that's what I would have done I would have kept the brass I do like the brass in it yeah I mean like getting rid of the brass but you could also make it a bit more of a fuller orchestration to help kind of carry it but yeah no that's that's just my perspective that that's like one of the few critiques I actually have of the film I like one of the other ones I have spoilers so I I'll I'll stand by that I think that this is one of like the best Godzilla movies ever made in in my opinion yeah uh the the only critique I might have is uh and maybe this is just me as a theatergoer getting older uh I I think it could have cut a little bit here and there I I don't know I was I don't like sitting in movie theaters for over two hours anymore that's me I I it so for me it's hard to think necessarily what I would have cut mostly because it felt like every had a reason a purpose that plays back later so it's hard for me to say whether or not I would have every scene felt great and like even as somebody that's like you know oh man I just want to see the Kaus fight a a good majority of this movie is the human drama yeah and that's fine largely because they wrote really great characters I then there is some davex mocking I hear in there but I'll get to that in spoiler yeah I know what you're talking about already yeah but yeah you know what honestly this this is one of the best Japanese live action films I've ever seen it's the again it it's up there with me for Shen Goa the problem with shin goeta and Godzilla minus one I don't know why I keep saying goeta for shin goeta but Godzilla for Godzilla minus one because Godzilla minus one is actually spelled Godzilla minus one on the poster Gogeta is actually spelled Gogeta oh you might be right but U like between the two of them they they hit differently for me it's hard to compare them because they're accomplishing different goals they tones are different their messages are somewhat similar but ultimately distinct and so I for me it's hard to say which one comes out on top but I will say I love this movie and I highly recommend that if you're into Kaiju how have you not seen this yet it's in theaters hurry it's going to leave soon unless it gets an extended run you never know I I really hope it do hope it does too it's killing it it's the highest grossing liveaction Japanese uh picture in the states yeah I mean I mean and and here's the thing I also love a period piece I I I I just remember sitting down just like watching this I'm like at the same time this is going on Oppenheimer is happening and yeah um there's a oh man war war never changes it is the month before gift Miss so come make some noise I've got wonderful deals for all good girls and good boys with t-shirts and hats sweaters and pins sure to fill all who receive them with Wonder and grins a new Piccoli and holiday sweater my power is maximum but wait it gets better we've got Dodge shirts and hats in both orange and in Lime I drink people and Androids are back but for a limited time and what to my wandering eyes should appear why it's a new shirt celebrating our 15th year so to sharkrobot.com with joy and with cheer Merry Christmas to all and a happy New [Music] Year uh but with that that let's uh let's move into spoiler territory if you haven't seen it and you care about spoilers for the giant lizard movie don't watch this part yeah or leave it on but mute it so we can get add money I don't care uh so um first thing I want to point out is uh man I love this whole cast Sumo is like up there in top terms of like one of my favorite characters in the film because I started out hating her oh yeah she like supposed to but also completely understanding her I I remember I was you come back to a town that was literally just destroyed by war that the that the jet fighters were supposed to stop the kamic Kaz Pilots were literally like you know there to give their lives to stop and the entire place is destroyed most of the people you know and love are dead and you have somebody that you can finally pin that blame on in front of you yeah the like as we said before the film is about survivors guilt really it's about Survivor guilt it's about moving it's finding new meaning in a life that you don't think there is meaning in yeah it's about which Godzilla is honestly kind of a metaphor for in this it's about reconciling the decisions that you make which you can never know for sure whether or not you made the right ones because it's very interesting to me Tachi bana in that first scene when he's like hey so we looked at your plane and we can't find anything wrong with it there's nothing wrong with it like yeah cuz like the the entire like start of this thing is he lands on an island to get his plane repaired so that he can go do his kamic Kaz thing but he was lying he was lying his his plan just doesn't want to die which hey um fair enough fair enough uh maybe comicazi Pilots are really really horrible and should be considered war crimes maybe I don't know probably anyway so he stops at that island and you know he obviously shik sh is like I don't know what you're saying then like what you the light came on and he blusters his off sits down and Tachi bana God bless him goes over there and he's like hey you're right I get it like I get it uh cuz I think Tachi bana at this point has already reconciled that this war is being the war over the war is lost uh these are the last days of World War II for them yeah like and so he understands why shikima is doing what he's doing and it's this moment where maybe in if this had just been it shikishima could have gone back to Tokyo and maybe been all right but then Godzilla shows up at the camp in the first 5 minutes I again yeah first 15 minutes of the movie he just bam in Camp yeah like you know and I was I was really surprised I wasn't expecting Godzilla just boom here he is the Zilla himself like it's it's it's actually a really cool scene cuz it's like it's night time the the claxon start blaring around camps like oh we're under attack what who's going to attack this place yeah and then just giant lizard ripping down watchtowers and uh he he like you know bro runs over to a plane cuz like okay somebody needs to shoot that thing that's a 20 mm gun it can tear through it Tachi banaana tells kichi hey we don't know how to use that you do go to the gun go to your plane shoot it yeah and he has a chance and Godzilla's just sitting there like right in front of him it's like and have to take that chance will this gun be enough and that's the up thing it might have at that point in time it might have at that point it might have or it might not have exactly and in that moment again he has to make the decision is my life worth giving up on a chance because if it doesn't work he's going to die like he'll get a couple of shots in maybe Godzilla's damaged but as we find out it takes a lot more to kill this later especially especially when he goes through that growth spur but this like you know still Tiny still potentially fleshy yeah so we to this like and the film never gives you an answer of whether or not that gun would have been enough but he chooses to not do it and guess what happens like the others start firing on it with small arms and Godzilla rips everybody except him and Tachi bana apart which you know obviously was their mistake they shouldn't have attacked it no they shouldn't have it's very likely that Godzilla would have been like okay I'm I'm I'm piecing out Bor here now yeah but unfortunately they all attack him and everybody except for koichi and shikishima and tachibana die all of them are dead and it's of course tachibana blames him he's like you had a chance to get out there and attack which is you had the better gun which is such a like immediately we already have this horrible juxtaposition of him telling shikima earlier no man I get it don't go die for for a cause that isn't worth it and then 10 minutes later he's like you piece of you should have gotten out there you should have shot him all these people are dead because of you to him that goes from like you chose life I understand to you're a coward yeah and that oh man and then he immediately goes home to his bombed out City learns that his parents are dead and immediately gets blamed by his neighbor like this is your fault for not doing your job so he's like just getting layer upon layer of this on him which by the way if you're an American viewer and you don't know much about World War II there are some people out there who who are who think oh we dropped two bombs on them that was it right no no we firebombed a lot of Japan like we World War II was actually is just bad in general yeah I'm just going to leave it at that but yeah so he so he has to deal with all of this survivors guilt and then he's met with uh what would eventually become a found family as uh a young woman carrying a baby who had presumably just robbed some dudes uh runs up like hold this hands him a baby she just runs off which uh nio is so great and the with the story with her in Akiko like the baby by the way Sumo noo and Akiko I understand Co is a common like last name for girls in Japan it's easy for American audiences to remember I mean I I won't lie I was able to remember a lot of names in this movie because they kind of follow s similar structures but um yeah like the whole setup of none of these three people no none of these four people are Rel related Sumo is unrelated to those three those three are unrelated to each other like and and like the most beautiful part is like you know we come to learn that all three of them uh noro and you know Akiko at the very least are all orphans like Akiko was given to nio to take care of by like you as the dying wish of the mother and she's like okay I I I mean who else is going to yeah so it's literally the story of like three orphans it is a beautiful story which they actually kind of lampshade later when they're having like a drunken conversation with his later Associates right and it's oh man again that opening scene with sumo I was so angry but in that moment I was like get no she has every right at this point to be not every right necessarily but it is 1,00% understandable she was fed propaganda by the government uh she I mean she was fed propaganda and her son and and her children died and now this person who she's angry and she needs somebody to blame and there's somebody that she's been programmed to blame which comes back later in a in a scene that made meing Cry um and then you know Sumo comes around when she finds out like at first okay I will say this J position was a little like a little to hamfisted when she's like I don't care if she's got a baby what do I care wa for the baby it's like wait hold on does she know how to breastfeed it's not hers and and then she finds out like oh okay you have no idea what you're doing I can't leave now which yeah she ends up becoming kind of like the Auntie for yeah she's like and this it's not uncommon in that time in Japan H was I don't know if it was that uncommon they end up like kind of re like it's sort of like a time lapse that we see where they start to slowly rebuild over time uh he gets a job postwar to help support Everybody by going out and decommissioning Old Land old water mines yeah a a very dangerous job which people died doing back then by the way um and it's but it also was a chance to show off that he had like you know he's he's an impeccable Marksman yeah honestly there's nothing I love more than just those little moments where you get to see like the true Talent of a character come out in new ways like when he when he's like come back in a number of ways later on uh especially after Godzilla starts showing up and ripping apart battle battle ships before we get into that I love the crew of that ship yeah again Jaws Vibes um like the captain this grizzled old Captain uh the Plucky scientist the oh my God he's the best character in the film for me I love him I love like this dude who's like I don't know how to I don't know how to expain him but he's just he's desperately trying to do good with a science that he knows he's trying to keep an optimistic Outlook he's he's trying to keep things together I I don't remember what his background was but he screamed to me as like somebody who was part of the government who was trying to like yeah do good by yeah he developed weapons for the Japanese government that was CU like a big part of this movie is that like we can't count on the government to do this it's it's actually a Citizens group that comes together to battle Godzilla yeah because and the one of the overarching themes is hey the government really us here the government absolutely at every single step of World War II the Japanese government failed in horrible ways um which you know then hey governments oh our government failed in a lot of ways too our government did Terrible Things this is like but the major part of this film is hey like the government here institution bad people good yes which hell yeah I'm all about that personally I'm all about a story where it's like we need to look out for each other we need to take care of each other we need to come together and and be a community which hell God just again it's like you said that that when Su it is encapsulated perfectly with suo Akiko uh noo and uh shikima they are literally the encapsulation of people coming together to raise each other up above a horrible horrible tragedy yeah all well uh like you know dudes trying to like get over the like his entire Arc is the fact that his war never ended yeah yeah it's CU like you know he left all those bodies behind he he never really like stood up to the like anything that he truly believed in he just ran from everything and and you don't blame him no you can't especially when like especially when Godzilla shows up it's like what the you want me to do oh my God okay so the first time we see Godzilla like really see him post uh the a like it's l about when you first see him it's more about they uh they ride up to this American Battleship that had been destroyed ruined it's like okay so what are we supposed to do about the thing that did that and they're in they're in these wooden dingies with like you know a machine gun on the back and a few landmines loaded or a few sea mines loaded on before I forget it there's one part I want to point out um and this this kind of bothered me because this happens kind of weirdly often in Japanese liveaction uh Cinema for me um so we get that moment where there's supposed to be a bunch of boats out there right we only hear from the boats we don't see a lot of the boats so it Ocean's big man well but here's the thing they're close enough to each other that they can see each other but we don't get a lot of visual like uh Exposition we don't get like establishing shots where here's where the boats are so when that second boat gets taken out by Godzilla early on I was like there wasn't oh yeah there was we get like one establishing shot that shows them when their mind sweeping and that's kind of like their formation like also but we also get that time skip like we we're reminded that we've been waiting a while so when that when that boat shows back up it felt like there was too much time that it passed I don't know I I I wasn't confused by it but I mean I wasn't confused it just it felt weird to me it felt odd but but besides that like yeah that shot where Godzilla you you get to see the destruction and then you just see like the shape under the water and then as soon as that head pops up over the water uh like it's like because you know the guy on the ship who's been like you know actually talking to the main character for a while like no you got to stand up to your duty you can't run from stuff like that Godzilla rips that other dingy apart just jump okay this we're out yeah and and and yo hey in that moment he's like you've got to stand up You' got it and then he realizes oh no we're just going to die and it's not going to matter work yeah cuz they're trying to buy time for an actual Battleship to show up and the ensuing chase scene is one of the most riveting parts of the movie hor it's a horror it's a horror scene it's just they they it's like this is a monster that's chasing the heroes and all they could do is just keep looks horrifying just like behind them like yeah I'm you're my lunch which you know they they detonate one on him does nothing and they and and then shima's like no we need to get it in his mouth yeah we need to get one of those Minds in his mouth and they do yeah and it's the only time we see Godzilla take damage well I mean not the only time later the the like the first time and then and it would be a mortal wound but H okay so I will say this weird decision to give him a healing Factor like this yeah like a Wolverine style immortality almost healing Factor little weird not how I would have gone about that myself kind of feels like it it's I I here's the thing I could have dealt with a healing Factor not the I just blew a quarter of your skull off healing Factor though yeah it's it's it felt like a little cuz I I don't mind I don't mind him healing quickly I don't mind like yeah we took off his arm and he's a lizard that's fine yeah like I don't mind him Healing Way quicker than even if you blew off like part of his jaw but no we see the top half like top quarter of his head just yeah he comes back immediately it is it is L like and that's a little weird I would not have done that myself it really like changes the scope of tension yeah also like I know he's supposed to be an unnaturally occurring creature but that's a little like we've gone from like like a early on they actually established that he is a naturally occurring creature cuz the locals had told legends about it for a long time yeah but he also got hit by nuclear bombs that isn't natural that's that's the unnatural part so it just it feels a little bit weird to me that they gave him like Wolverine ceiling Factor but that that being said it doesn't ruin the movie no and it's just a little bit okay that's a little op but whatever okay Gil is still cool looking he's still an awesome monster and he still works exactly as he's supposed to within the film so and yeah that chase scene phenomenal the way they the way they Bend him off fantastic love the and and then we get the first hint at the atomic breath and it's so cool looking at first oh yeah like uh when he destroys the battleship from under underwater just yeah sick yeah uh and uh I mean we we've gone over the fact that the the story with the humans is beautiful so I don't I don't want to like recap whole we we don't have to go through the whole thing uh the the second big Godzilla attack he finally makes landfall and you finally get to see what Godzilla does in a city and holy um yeah Ginza so you know why it's called Godzilla minus one uh I assumed it was because like this is before the 50s version but Godzilla minus one minus one is because uh World War II was considered the lowest point of Japan they had lost everything it was a rebuilding point for them in a lot of ways and then Godzilla shows up that's the negative one this is the we've been brought not just to our lowest point we've been brought even lower how do we deal with this it is you can deal with losing everything but can you deal with then having to deal with like basically a repeat of what you just had encapsulated in this creature because not only does Godzilla show up and Destroy Ginza which had just been rebuilt a really cool scene that that shot from inside the train as he's just Marching In it's like oh yeah I think that's in the trailers amazing use of scale in this film but then one of the coolest and most horrifying scenes in all like any Godzilla film I've ever seen is his by the way kudos to this film for matching the horror that was the atomic uh breath in Shin Godzilla that one terrified me that was horrifying to watch yeah where there like these plasma beams but this one's actually like a a bomb yeah cuz in that in that film it like fills the streets with fire and destruction this one is it's a beam and then at the point of impact yeah it creates a mushroom cloud it's visually stunning it's supposed to be an immediate reference to the to you know the the nuclear bomb dropped on Hiroshima and E one of the most heartbreaking moments in the movie cuz at this point uh like protagonist is I I keep forgetting his name shikima shikishima you can also use koichi if that's easier it isn't shikishima is fine uh shikishima has been struggling this entire time about like you know what what exactly does he want with this found family of his cuz you know he's got noico but he's he doesn't act like a husband's and he's not like really he doesn't he he's actively told AKO like I'm not your father and and he's his heartbreaking to see that and he's trying to come to terms with like and this is at a point the movie was like you know what maybe I can choose life maybe maybe I can make this work for for a brief moment for five minutes for five minutes and then Godzilla's attacking the city that your wife's working in he runs there and finds noo d x making a part one he does find her in that crowded ass Street and Godzilla fires off that breath the most horrifying just like backlash of wind as she shoves him into a for some reason safe Alleyway uh well yeah no it would have been you would be amazed like I I I I understand he's also the only Survivor on that Street uh oh no he's not we yes very true there are others who have adamantium skeletons well no here's the thing so the idea that anyone could survive that blast is not insane people people in get that but the amount of force we see like the wind that pushes people away and then literally just moments later we see it back the other way as it's getting sucked up into the mushroom cloud yeah like I'm I'm willing to believe people could survive that blast um because horrifyingly that happen um but it's it's a horrifying scene and and like you know he steps out like just as uh the woman he now realized he loves seemingly died and he's like this is the most heartbreaking scream I have seen in a movie in a very long time as this man just has this full mental break down and then you remember that Godzilla is still there as he turns around and Godzilla's just like yeah and and basically after that he kind of just off like yeah I did my thing yeah um like it's like ah good I've gotten all the plot relevant points out I'm going to go off now uh and he leaves and I made my point yeah exactly and it's horrifying and it's it's definitely one of those scenes so here's the thing I have no problem with uh disaster films that Revel in the destruction um I like a lot of Roland emeric films even if they're not very good I'll still like they're they're they're crap Cinema yeah uh but you know they've got some cool stuff going on and every once in a while it's it's it's there's things blow up is fun yeah there's this innate Fascination that we have with watching mass destruction um when it's fake when it's real it's a very different scenario I mean if you're going to blow up a building you you'd be surprised to make people show up for a demolition yeah but then it's like Demolition and yeah the same concept though yeah but in those Rolland amerc films people are dying at least at least at least when you have it anyway point being point being um here you are supposed to at in equal parts Marvel at the destru but also feel this unbelievable horror and it strikes that tone very well yes it is I'm really impressed because it sometimes these films will try to do that but it comes off as silly like oh yeah I'm really definitely feeling bad for all these people dying when like they're trying to focus on the Marvel it's it's it it reminds me of a lot of films that are like oh the the violence is supposed to be terrible then why did you film it like we're supposed to enjoy all thisr every time that there's like some massive destruction going on I mean there's a few cases where like Godzilla like knocks down a building with his tail it's just like a that's cool but but like the the big yeah again that Atomic blast is terrifi terrifying it is not there's like yeah it's like holy holy so yeah now you have like you know uh like he's at his lowest low now yeah and uh the entire rest of the movie is him deciding like know what I'm going to kill myself to kill this godamn oh yeah no at this point he's like I got nothing to lose he he leaves uh notes and all of his money uh for Akiko so that uh Sumo can take care of her should he not come back very specifically before all that um there's all the people have to get together to figure out like what the hell are we going to do the government has left us high and dry but they did leave them some battleships and stuff like that it's like hey we got some batt and their plan to stop Godzilla is honestly really cool one I like I liked the plan they came up with I know a friend who's Big in like physics and whatnot and he said they said this doesn't make a lot like realistically if you break it down this doesn't actually make sense but in terms of like a plan to kill a large monster this is brilliant because their goal is to like lure him over like the deepest trench in the ocean that they have nearby uh basically bubble some Freon around him so that he'll sink at rapid rate and then bring him back up so that if he's not killed by the compression he'll be like killed by the decompression yeah which phenomenal idea just in genuinely like what a cool way to take out Godzilla that makes sense in this time frame absolutely like even my friend again they were like if you really break down the science it doesn't actually work but as as you know as soft science really cool it's it's it is unique it is very unique honestly it was better than what they did Shin Godzilla I where they just fro where they just like dumped where they they knocked him down sorry that was silly I love it chug chug chug but here phenomenal like such a cool idea and and of course it's not going to work yeah like ultimately but I mean ultimately it is the combined effort they needed all of the that to happen it isn't just oh because it came down to uh like you know an actual kamic Kaz run into its mouth with a Plane full of like with a bomb in it yeah um but before we get to that I I want to talk about Tachi bana and how someone gets him back because like no I yeah like I I'm committed to it this time he like I see like you know you you're actually in on this now like like when he's like cuz when uh I can't remember was Sumo or n no notico um when he has that first breakdown in front of her it's horrifying she has no idea what's happening yeah cuz she she doesn't know how to comfort him and and he's like and and yeah and and he grabs onto her and she freaks out like honestly PTSD this whole time like am I alive am I alive did I die and then that second time she realizes no I need to be here for him that second breakdown oh God where he says my war never ended oh Christ that hurts and like and so after she's gone and he's like I'm going I I got nothing else except for like this child and I can't provide for this child as I am yeah and he's like I need I need tachibana I need him specifically it has to be him he needs closure nobody realizes why and it's literally because I need him to know that I'm going to do the right thing that the people that he worked with who died I'm going to give my life to do what I should have done back then yeah I need you to fix up this experimental jet so that I can fly it into Godzilla's face yeah and Taki bana is furious by the way goating him out because he's like if I were honest with you you'd never have showed up I had to tell you it was your fault those people died just so you'd come here and beat me up so I could keep you here to help me do what we both need to do brilliant a plus fantastic but Tachi bana when he realizes oh my God he's really going to do this he's going to kill himself to kill Godzilla there's a moment where he's like Okay so this this is what you're going to do when you get close you're going to P pull this to Prime the bomb yeah and it's going to Prime the bomb and I I thought they were going to do a bait and switch there for a second I thought okay because I I heard you in the theat and you had the same idea that I did where I thought like oh he built in an injector that which which which did I would have here's the thing not necessarily necessary true as because as we find out like later like the way they did it's fine yeah the way they did is fine I I thought it was misdirection but here's a cool thing in that shot where we're seeing the plane there's German on it that tells you what it is also that scene earlier when they were like the the Japanese government failed us they gave us planes without ejector seats they they were they were lampshading it a lot and you see that it's German that's the immediate like that's not a Japanese plane it's a German plane a German model plane yeah that has an ejector seat and then and then later on right like you know as all the action is going down we get a flashback to that scene cuz it cuts away after he said here's and It ultimately makes sense that he would tell him there is something here which means everything that taji bana after like saying you should have like you know basically you should have you should have died for your country yeah you should have died for your country he's like you don't need to die yeah you choose life yeah and like even shikishima is like why are you like for that moment he's like how I should die for this and and no tajan is like no you don't need to die you like you shouldn't have to this sucks if you can live you need to live and that all leads if I can jump a little bit further ahead of course so Sumo there's a shot where Sumo like as she's taking care of AKO after she's already found the letter and the money left by shikishima saying hey I'm going to go die or I might die at the very least yeah basically like hey I'm planning on not coming back yeah this kid's basically yours now essentially here's some money take care of her and you know and then the a second letter shows up and we don't see what it is and Sumo is freaking out afterwards Sumo comes up to him after he gets off the off the boat like after after they defeat Godzilla yeah he's like he's got a like blanket around him he's like which by way that whole scene's great as well like it's it's a great climax yeah the climax is stupendous but when we get that shot of sumo walking up to him it's night and day in comparison to that first scene because she hug him is like you're live also also you idiot why were you trying to kill yourself you you you idiot she's still alive and and like oh my God okay so I will makeup could have done a bit more here I think but I will say this noic Co being alive is not a bad decision no no I I think a happy ending is deserved yeah he deserved the earned the happy ending is earned after the misery he goes through I will say it is a little convenient that she survived the blast especially the way we see her like it yeah we see her yeah all things considered I believe she survived I'm okay I'll I I'll take that davex mocking up but but leaving it out leaving it to the very end there did kind of feel like I I think that's fine too cuz like you like the stakes and all that yeah but like in that moment he is rewarded for for giving everything he has a family now and and her last line is your War over now and he just breaks down crying oh my God my only problem with the scene is she looks way too clean she she took no battle damage little bit she has like an eye patch that's about it like we're we're led to believe she might have lost an eye which is horrifying but she's alive um and yeah it's it's a it's a hard it's a oh my God the entire last like five five minutes of that film I was damn near just absolutely stupendous and yeah the the actual climax it's cool it's a really cool action scene like everyone comes together I've said like you know Godzilla might not be in a majority of this movie but the parts where Godzilla is in it are amazing yeah and unlike with that uh Aaron Johnson uh the original yeah where they keep cutting away from him every time he shows up I hated that I was like no please like you're you're M like you have Ken Watson ab and and Brian cranon and you killed Brian Cranson and K watab has barely anything to do Aaron Johnson sucks please just let us see Godzilla no in this I was like every single one of these characters is fantastic spend as much time as you need with them Godzilla's awesome but I am fully invested in every step here this is like all of this has just gone to reinforce I think this is probably my favorite Godzilla movie yeah I mean like it's its worst parts are like yeah that was a little me otherwise stupendous really good fantastic oh I just I can't get over just this complex emotional Arc that all these characters get to take how well everything is called back to how Full Circle everything comes like it's like some people might call it simple storytelling but you know what it is some of the simple stories are the best and it is highly effective yeah and again it sticks to its themes and it does everything that it does not only competently but extremely well beyond that yeah and again I can't get over just again because the complex emotions of sumo's response to him coming back alive to at the end the ju depositions of the framing it's yeah it's it's poetry it is it's so good but for those of you that have seen it I'm assuming you agree do any of you disagree I I genuinely like are there people out there that nay say this movie I maybe a few like some of the people that are like needs more Godzilla I I believe there are people like that are are you a needs more Godzilla type I could always have more Godzilla I suppose I could have okay look I could have done with more Godzilla I guess but if it had cut into the wonderful story that we' gotten with these other characters I think it would have been disappointed to me this is almost as close as you get to a perfect Godzilla movie It kind honestly for me I mean it makes it it really does take all of those boxes like what Godzilla is supposed to represent the horrifying but also like like uh mytifi what's the term like destruction that is both marvelous and horrifying a compelling story about Humanity coming together like it it ticks all those boxes phenomenally it's not just like we did it it's big red check marks like full marks Godzilla film you did it you you hit everything that a Godzilla film is supposed to hit and you did it with like Gusto just damn man final thoughts um I I can't even imagine the emotional Arc that a lot of these characters had to go through but it is a testament that I felt every step of the way like I could understand and feel their pain even though I couldn't even begin to comprehend that pain I couldn't even I I couldn't put myself in this situation so it's a testament to the film making at every step that you feel like if you were there you'd understand the emotional complexities of each and every character absolutely stunning and also Godzilla was so cool in the movie like alternatively Godzilla looks so cool that Atomic this might be like the legendary pictures Godzilla looks amazing this might be the best Godzilla's ever looked in my opinion look but the two my two favorite Godzillas are currently like in terms of design that legendary design and this design are way up there it's it's it's it is a beautiful period piece a a great character drama and a amazing monster movie yeah again let us know what you think down below if you've seen it if you haven't seen it if you like Kaiju movies and you sat through this whole video see it yeah and hey look I we might have spoiled it for you but that's your fault you could have clicked off or muted it a while ago I was going to say I was going to say we might have spoiled it for you but if it doesn't do it justice it doesn't it doesn't it it really doesn't like there there are so many things that we didn't talk about so many great character moments we barely even mentioned the kid barely mentioned any of like the secondary characters like the oh the the oh man I wish I'd been in the war oh my God the kid his like his crew uh yeah awesome yeah yeah that's Godzilla minus one I'm I I don't know do you think I would see a sequel but I kind of hope it doesn't get one if we get a sequel It's going to be way later if it's like I I highly doubt honestly if we just get like more period Godzillas like Godzillas Through The Years honestly I love period pieces I would love to see what a 7s or ' 80s Godzilla film would look like at this point yeah like where they just like oh no Godzilla's back but now we have 70s tech let's see what happens yeah like I can but like the major thing though is it's difficult to set like cuz even Shin Goa was uh utilizing its modern day setting in fantastic ways um but that story's been told now I don't I don't know like you have to you need to have an actual human story to tell Beyond it like something for Godzilla to be that metaphor for I mean here's the thing it's one of the reasons that I kind of like him versus other monsters I get that like like him versus the other monsters provides him with not only stories that can focus a little bit more around Godzilla but also give us like interesting characters again I love gidora a lot and the idea of where their conflict comes with each other and how they operate within the world is so fascinating to me I mean I won't why one of the coolest Godzilla sequences I've ever seen is in that legendary picture uh that legendary Godzilla where he's walking through the city powered up basically Super Godzilla and everything is melting around him that was sick and it feels like from this point forward like you know Godzilla is just going to keep going man I me we got the we got like the new trailer recently for me Godzilla plus one yeah Godzilla yeah that's not my joke by the way I stole that from somebody on Twitter who was way Godzilla and Kong whatever I I it's look pink pink Godzilla I'm down it these films all kind of look the same now they do I mean they're basically like again I I I told like one of the reasons I really like Godzilla versus humanity is when we do get those legendary things where he is fighting other Kaiju they they have the same Vibe as a superhero movie to me now well I'm just saying that if we just let these like God if we just let these guu have their own stories I actually think you could do something really cool I still really want like a David ateno like Kaiju documentary style movie actually that could be really cool I I would I would watch something like that just give me Monster Island man yeah I don't know what do you think let us know in the comments below thank you for tuning in go check out Godzilla yeah watch Godzilla minus one in theaters if you can IMAX experience is apparently unbelievable if you know in IMX yes if you can find it in like real IMAX by the way there are fake imax's out there don't settle for less bye bye
Channel: FourStarBento
Views: 69,846
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tfs, tfs abridged, team four star, teamfourstar, lanipator, kaiserneko, comedy, anime, funny
Id: t9QwuXddsaY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 53sec (3473 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 07 2023
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