Hollywood's Most Hated Comedian: The Legend of Patrice O'Neal

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patrice o'neil was a comedian like no other and if you were lucky enough to see him live you could tell that you were in the presence of someone special i get like uh like you know like fat people i don't know like uh you know fat strangers they'll they speak to me in the middle of the street like we got some sort of you know bond or something like you know hey you know hey i eat too i don't know you but his comedy wasn't the only thing that made him memorable in my opinion it was his philosophy from relationships to show business and even video games patrice had a unique insight on almost every little thing you could imagine and his views often went against the status quo you talk about a lot of things a lot of people don't talk about well that's why nobody knows me that's why a lot of people thought i was a a woman no one thought that patrice o'neill was a woman watch this man how many people knew me before i came out here one two three seven seven that's more than seven people what are they clapping somebody thought patrice o'neil was a lovely white girl or an irish this is what made his philosophy so special because it came from someone who wasn't afraid of opposing popular opinion and wrote jokes that addressed the elephant in the room having women work with men right is like having a grizzly bear work with salmon dipped in honey like so now you dip the salmon in the honey right grizzly bears and the salmon get to walk through comfortable with honey and fish and good morning grizzly bears and the grizzly bears is like hey he can't even you can't even growl like ah what's up fish oh my god human resources the grizzly bear just did grizzly bears so but if you could boil down his philosophy into the fundamentals what would be some of the principles in an attempt to distill what patrice o'neill stood for and believed in i want to cover some of his broader principles of his philosophy because the ideas and wisdoms that he imparted are something that demand attention and expansion upon because each viewpoint patrice shared wasn't made up fleetingly or without purpose there was reasoning logic inside but your your world is not funny your world is next next on the big story my world is people trying to be funny well i mean you think it's okay to try to make jokes about rape i'm diabetic i make fun of that i'm a victim i might lose a toe but i'm trying to make fun of i'm trying to make fun of anything i think i can make fun of the largest of his viewpoints covered his thoughts on comedy honesty and relationships and each has a deeper meaning to them that i've rarely seen from any other comedian and it's within these three areas that i want to cover in this video because they made patrice more than just a comedian that made him an icon how the [ __ ] can i be too mean after all this [ __ ] i can't believe it i'm dying of diabetes and you like all that evil fat you know [Music] [Applause] the first staple of patrice's philosophy is the idea that comedy is about having fifty percent of people laughing with the other 50 percent being horrified i had to learn to stop caring about people not laughing because the idea of comedy really is not everybody should be laughing it should be about 50 people laughing and 50 people horrified you know what i mean it's supposed to be people that get it and people that don't get it as patrice describes comedy for him wasn't just about making people laugh it was also about doing the exact opposite and this suggests why he often wanted to address the elephant in the room with his own jokes even if it meant polarizing the audience were you not hopeful that there would be change with obama in office i love magic man we don't like talking reality that's why i never really fell for the whole thing we like that's why people think ancient dishwashers have predicted the end of the world in 2012 man i don't believe in that ancient the swastika the apocalypto goofy little short dude i don't i don't believe in it you feel this though you feel this it's just like ooh because i said ancient dishwashers but let's be honest that's some funny [ __ ] but but why would a comedian actually want to horrify the same people who would pay to come and see him in my opinion what patrice meant by this principle is that he genuinely believed comedy should be used as a tool to explore topics that were off the table and that it might actually be one of the best ways to do so because as patrice often did he could then tackle serious subjects in a light-hearted manner you ever feel like a terrible person when you're watching the news like like you watch the news and no matter what's on you just you just can't you can't care like you tried to but it just 30 000 chinese people died in an earthquake and you're like oh my god [Music] wow i could care less oh my god i feel that patrice knew that if comedy was simply about pleasing the audience all the time it would mean not every topic could be covered because not everything would make people laugh here's my question how can you justify a bad joke a joke that isn't funny wait a minute wait an attempt that isn't funny doesn't get any laughs and is about raping a the first black woman to ever become the secretary of state in the united states throw that at me the attempt is what i'm trying to fight for the joke may or may funny jokes and unfunny jokes are come out of the same birth that you you don't know if anything is going to be funny you should attempt to be able to make anything you think a joke about rape is doomed to be not funny it's possible but i've heard him i've heard you've heard a funny rape joke i say a couple watch my hbo special i'm pretty good at it some content is always going to be controversial or dangerous to talk about simply because to people it's no laughing matter so how could you bring it up without offending someone in the first place let alone making a joke about it a violent act of hitting her in the back of her head her body it's called the donkey punch which will then why are you laughing she's outraged it's called the donkey punch it's all humor that she has no clue what it is the same problem that opium anthony does you can't say just anything on the air you can say anything you want it might not be funny you might get in trouble for it but you should be able to be attempting and plus when is a crazy bum going to get an opportunity to rate the president if the president's wife john to me patrice didn't care about this he didn't care if someone took offense or hated him for daring to bring it up in the first place she has an entire encyclopedia of her stance on it but it's no passion involved it's not a real this just what she has to say we are outraged and fired and fired and fired main calling i'm outraged i am outraged you should be i am a fool patrice always dared to address the elephant in the room because he wanted to truly have his freedom to discuss anything on his mind which was in turn something that he wanted for everyone it just sets people up who want to control everyone right where you go okay tracy you go a guy like tracy he isn't qualified to have an opinion just having an opinion it should be in the hands of people who are qualified intellectually so guys like him if he's not if you don't have a a degree if you know they'll start making language elite where you can't you can't have an opinion but i say tracy can be as ignorant as [ __ ] up as he wants to be because i want to be able to communicate and if i'm [ __ ] up let me be [ __ ] up but i support anything as long as you're not hitting me and robbing me for patrice talking about things in this manner was different to physical violence which is why he didn't mind risking the chance of upsetting someone even if they would label it as hate speech in fact this was something that he embraced this is my question for life now can we say are we retiring the phrase sticks and stones and break my bones and names will never hurt is that now it's officially it seems like we are i think you're right no one can you know can is it is it legal for me to say i endorse hate speech i don't give a [ __ ] yeah i i want hate speech yeah but why can't i hate you in speech exactly his words might sound inflammatory but in my view what patrice is alluding to is that he wanted the ability to simply voice his opinions even if they were ones of opposition his advocation of hate speech didn't mean he would actively seek out an opportunity to be hostile or unfriendly to someone but it did mean he was able to tell someone he didn't like them if that was something he truly felt legislating feelings is i don't want white people to like me if they don't um like don't force them don't force th don't force don't don't make white people like me patrice didn't want us to be afraid of talking because by engaging in a discussion we could actually better ourselves as people who embrace the truth no matter how hard it was to talk about none of you know what funny is like a doctor doctor was that was it was it funny what is funny happy you should be able to explore any words you want to say he messed up would it be different if a black person said it of course i could say not bad at home all day but i want to be able to call white girls straight headed hoes anytime i feel like any time would you of course and would you should be should you be punished for it of course not right this is what he stood for and it's why he loved talking about any subject even if others didn't want him to that to me is what was special about his comedy as it became a pillar about who he was as a person i'm saying i'm just saying i i know i know funny and i know it's if he hadn't said nappy-headed athletes that would happen okay young women why is that okay why is no it's not okay if you hadn't said we'd be just as that beheaded athlete would have been is he using the adjective i don't get it but to say navi had it whole is so ridiculous you know he was trying to be funny his lack of political correctness and advocacy for speaking his mind especially when it came to calling out things that didn't feel right to him was what made him an icon for addressing the elephant in the room and i genuinely feel that in doing so patrice was able to actually do more good than harm i like saying [ __ ] that i i want to use it exactly so it's not and this is this is the thing i love the [ __ ] word right and not cause i love to say call anybody in the guy called why you want me [ __ ] it just i like that word why do you like that word can i ask because black people ain't getting no money for slavery we ain't gotta go we're gonna get reparations what we did have is language we got to say anything we want the way we want which is the reparations which is the fact that i can say cracker all day and everybody goes but because that was my payoff as a black man i get to say what the [ __ ] i want to white people anytime i want in allowing an open forum to discuss controversial ideas or opinions that in turn actually got to the heart of the matter and sought out the truth patrice encouraged intelligent discourse by asking questions or stating viewpoints that many people might also be thinking of or at least which were interesting to hear but they were also risky to bring up from fear of embarrassment or more often than not offending someone you know i this this one is it's harassment day i think men and women should discuss harassment and and whether or not it's it's it's as bad as it you know i mean there's some women that would love to be harassed and i'm not talking about grad but just like hey cutie pie you're looking good and uh maybe i can date you or something is did i discuss that yeah i discuss uh natalie holloway won't get into that because there's plenty of natalie holloway's here tonight i'm not gonna get into that um do you see but this is you see this reaction this is why no one knows me because because people go ew you listen by daring to go where no one would go patrice showed us that it was possible to find a way to make any topic okay to talk about and also how it could be funny even if not everyone was laughing he said a joke earlier that i it was a it was a great joke about uh black people getting treated better about the dog what's mr thought don't lie to yourselves did you feel how uncomfortable you were white people all this is your fault patrice had the foresight to see that although he'd come across as a monster to some initially in time people would realize that he was just ahead of the curve and that he'd be respected for saying it how it is but i felt the feeling of of trying to make it and that that vague make it that emptiness of i've made it what's it you know what i'm saying so i don't i just do it because when a guy says to me dude you know man that you changed my life that feels good if a dude says you changed my life or a woman says you changed my life for some goofy [ __ ] you did you know that means something that's it the second staple of patrice's philosophy can be summarized broadly as aim to be righteous but be careful of what you owe and let's break down these two ideas that although seem to be opposite are in actuality two sides of the same coin firstly to aim to be righteous this was something patrice wanted to do throughout the course of his life and he referred to it as a guiding principle what i'm trying to do is be righteous and when i say righteous i don't mean god you know god righteous i mean just when i wake up i know i was honest to myself you know what i mean being righteous wasn't about being religious but rather being honest with what he wanted in life and about being true to himself no matter what that's why i'm like i am because i i wish i could just be funny and it all be fun but it's not the business part of it i'm i don't excel at the business part of it because the business part always lends itself to a lot of things that you just don't want to do like if i want to be a curmudgeon i want to be you know as long as i'm not hurting anybody right i could be the grinch long as i'm not trying to [ __ ] steal your christmas you know what i'm saying for me his comedy was an extension of this belief and it touches on the elements mentioned before about how patrice wanted to be able to express his mind freely on any topic it's like can we talk about it without you saying i'm a [ __ ] i'm an anti this and a [ __ ] that man stop it's it's it's it's scary it's it's deflating it's it's it makes it makes me furious man it makes me furious because you feel lonely and help you feel helpless because you know you have to deal with this [ __ ] to make it in this business and i got in this business because i was a funny kid and then i found out what comedy was and it ain't funny and i'm like it tricked me his desire to have true freedom of speech was an extension of his desire to be righteous to himself because it was something he truly felt passionate about to his core if if this is how imus is going to be treated what about the people leading the charge is it fair you say well you're trying to create this is there you know real and honest but i'm saying are they being hypocritical are they being hypocritical hang on a second this ability to say what was on his mind despite any consequences was something he advocated and that was part of who he was as a person i do want to be able to say something against the status quo without losing everything i have without losing everything but such a thing is a challenge in and of itself and especially so in an industry such as show business where everything you say is constantly looked upon under a microscope and although patrice spoke of this challenge and the emerging culture surrounding silencing anyone who spoke out against the status quo years ahead before even such a term as cancer culture was ever coined patrice again had the foresight and wisdom to recognize why it went against his values and how it had impacted his career thus far it's something else cartel it's somebody owing somebody the favor i was close i was i was hooked in with the spike lee cartel he had his own baby cartel that he's connected but you can because he's big enough for you to be connected to him but he's connected to somebody else and and he asked me for a favor and i said i can't gone it's clear that because of his desire to stay righteous to himself and to resist the pressures of show business not all of the opportunities that could have been afforded to patrice were given to him this business is the beast yeah and it eats everybody and shits them out but here's what's funny about the beast it's a never-ending line of people who want to get in the mouth and get chewed up and [ __ ] out why is that it's cause you when you get in the belly yeah you get two million dollars a week and when you get [ __ ] out you're a pile back there and you have to you have the option to go get back in line and wait to go get back in the beast and get eaten and [ __ ] out [ __ ] is and we learn hilarious but despite all of this i genuinely don't believe that patrice ever compromised himself or his integrity in order to stay relevant in show business that's why i talk so much because i want people to understand what i'm saying now if i talk about gays and talk about anything i have a problem with i'm gonna make sure if they're gonna end my career you know that it's it's a it's a muscle move that is unfair to me he was battling those who wanted him to conform or be a different version of himself because he knew deep down that he wasn't being righteous by doing so he goes man i got this role i want want you to do but can you not be you but be you hmm i go what are you f i knew what he meant i wanted to say it so you're saying you think that you can get everything good out of me without getting no bad the reason you think i'm good is because of the bad part it's it's it's an entirety in my view this is why he wasn't afraid of risking it all in terms of his career because at the end of the day he wanted to be able to wake up and look in the mirror to see a man who was honest with what he wanted and with who he was as not just a comedian but also as a human being if you're a man if you're kind of forced or or urged to kind of lift yourself up a little a little bit but that's that's you just reading from whatever this what you just said somewhere there's something i barely read so i don't know you gotta write your own books man it's like what's the word it's like i learned one of the few things i learned in college is good is good if it's good for me yeah and i i enjoy the people i enjoy i enjoy things the way i enjoy it i don't want to enjoy life are set up by someone else's rules of how to enjoy life if that if that's what it means this leads me to the second half of that expression in being careful with what you owe as a person who worked in show business patrice realized that there were certain rules of the game that he had to understand in order to be successful when it came to working as not just a comedian but any entertainer in hollywood these rules or ideas included recognizing that no person ruled alone loyalty always came at a cost and that you had to be aware of what it took in order to make it in the business you couldn't be ignorant otherwise you'd either fall behind or risk losing at all patrice discussed these elements by warning people of being careful of what they owed i didn't lose fame glory and everything i only lost some some money yeah but you know they got [ __ ] you lose when everything but see it's everything that you want you want shine you want to you i i sat twice up on the front row msg my girl with me when uh twice or twice or once it's so intoxicating when you're in the front row you're looking around at whoever you have to move your feet because you might trip the player when they threaten to take that away you get scared this idea might sound like it applies to only those in show business but what's interesting is that it expands upon all facets of life as patrice goes on to describe about how almost any career path or type of organization is really part of a bigger system that has rules and caveats that are important to understand if you'd like to be successful or at least understand the game of it all from the sidelines now you see the guy that got the promotion over you you know you're better yep but he was playing the [ __ ] game he'd simple as that he did he played those dumb things that you just don't want to do and and you're an idiot yeah for not for not doing anything but you truly are an idiot because that's the game you're in you're fine to me this idea can sound almost like a conspiracy theory as it suggests or hints that everything in life is run by an invisible set of guidelines and perhaps is known only by select members of a hidden society but what i take from it is that it's really about understanding your role as a human being in any walk of life or career that you undertake and learning more so about what it takes to be successful in what you do in life but moreover not compromising your own set of values if it means getting ahead ultimately this is what patrice meant by not wanting to owe too much and why he warned to be careful of how much you owed as it was something that he learned early on in his career that movie i did um the 25th hour yeah i didn't i really didn't audition for that he said hey man you're a celtics fan ain't you i said man from boston he goes all right you got it you got to dig like he saw my comedy like me sat me down yeah he said you're in he just you're in put me in this movie was really nice to me uh put me in voiceover commercials and all type of [ __ ] i was seeing money i never seen before and he asked me it was it was some some gig with uh like show time something happened with showtime but they did me real dirty but he was doing the show this movie with showtime and i said man i said i can do the part i i don't want to come read but i did it through my agents i did the right thing he just bypassed my agents everybody else he called me personally and said come come do this and i go well i how can i what i'm gonna do just say [ __ ] my agents and [ __ ] people that i i have a business if i do that that destroys my entire system i feel like i should have a system like you have a system i i can't he said all right that was it patrice constantly struggled or fought against the unspoken rules of show business and is why he was always advocating for people to be careful of what they owed he wanted us to understand what it really meant to owe something to another person or several persons who might oversee your success in life and who might hold something against you later on down the line for the people who helped get you to where you are today but it might take something from you in the future the potential consequences of owing too much but i'm like i don't want to put myself in a spot to where i'm balanced like i'm telling y'all i said i sit in my house every day and i and i i appreciate my ceiling fan man because one day someone gonna try to take it and i gotta look at it and know that someday somebody's gonna try to take my ceiling fan there are those in life that you might see who follow the law of the land so well that their career progression up the ladder feels almost artificial and dishonest that it can be infuriating to watch them succeed while you continue to sit back on the sidelines without much progression the same kind of people that you know are simply kissing ass and sucking up just to get ahead in life this isn't what patrice was trying to tell people to do but he did want us to acknowledge it he did want us to be aware of the rules of the game but more importantly why we shouldn't succumb to the temptations of getting ahead if it compromises our integrity as he didn't want us to fall into a role in which we would become obligated to someone else or worse yet the vicious cycle of success itself i've been i've tasted little parts of what success is i've tasted it it's it's it's good it's deliciously you get drunk off of it uh-huh but you know what i'm getting from you though is it's not a fear that's too easy to say of of success you don't want to put yourself in a position where you can fall hard and hurt yourself and yeah oh but you oh for me patrice wanted us to avoid falling into this trap of just becoming a slave to your own career and pursuing a never-ending chase of attaining more and more achievements simply for the sake of collecting achievements instead of pursuing what was truly meaningful he wanted us to realize that by letting success blind us we risk never feeling content with our lives as we constantly move the goal posts to achieve more and more leading us to an increased amount of success that also increases our risk towards failure patrice refers to this as the day someone comes knocking at your door or the day in which you fail to jump over the hurdles on your way up the success ladder where you have to now pay back what you owe it's not a fear that's too easy to say of of of success you don't want to put yourself in a position where you can fall hard and hurt yourself and yeah oh but you oh and the godfather all luckily what he owed was fix my son up he got shot and you go but when you hit a knock on your door and he goes i need you to do me a favor you're gonna you're gonna be at the uh dinner with the president aren't you uh yeah well you're gonna be at a dinner with somebody i want dead right i want you to put this pill in his drink oof uh i i i i don't well well what you always we're going to kill your whole family i told you i want my favor so you do that and then just you'll get caught and maybe go to jail but your wife and kids we won't blow the whole house up but you owe us and that's why you end up you're in my debt this is what patrice was warning us about and it's why he wanted always to be righteous with himself for patrice he got into comedy because he was a funny kid but he realized that when he did get in comedy wasn't just about being funny and that it was about something more he realized that there were certain roles he had to abide by and be included in certain groups if he wanted to be successful in his own career okay say i get a show on tv say it's not it's not too popular but they keep they keep it on for me until it gets popular a favor i oh i [ __ ] know patrice valued his own belief system honest integrity and set of principles far too much to give in to feeding the show business beast and in the process risk losing his sense of righteousness he always wanted to be truthful to who he was even if he was part of a bigger system that's not an easy thing to do but it's why patrice to me was always bigger than just a comedian he was an intelligent individual who knew to be true to himself no matter what and to be careful of what he owed my risk is open in my [ __ ] mouth it's risky it's a risky thing yeah so i'm not afraid of nothing i just don't want to be at a party and somebody goes patrice here try this what is it it'll it'll make you feel better i don't drink [ __ ] that makes me feel better [ __ ] all right listen um the party's over for you the party is over the final cornerstone of patrice o'neill's philosophy was on a subject that in my opinion was one that he was most passionate about relationships i'm going to give you some advice ladies on how to keep your man liking you once he loves you if that's possible this is what i think men want to be alone but we don't want to be by ourself does that make sense at all and although he spoke on length about this topic i want to focus in on one sentence that to me summarizes most poignantly what patrice embodied throughout all of his discussions on relationships which says that a happy man means a happy woman i just wanted to treat save my marriage i was the uh the doting the doting husband and was always it was all about her uh started to listen to him and things were going bad so i started going well what would patrice do i started following his advice what would patrice do it was bad at first but it turned her around and we're happier than we could possibly a happy man is a happy relationship a happy woman is a miserable man this idea sounds misleading upon initial glance as if you were to simply look at the words on just a service level it can lead you to think that in a relationship only men should be in focus or that their happiness is the only thing important to me this isn't what patrice was purely advocating for as there's layers to what he really means yes patrice believed that men should own up to being slightly more dominant in a relationship but what he adds is that he wants men to realize that women want their partners to take responsibility as a fully matured adult man who isn't going to let anyone walk over them for patrice it was about getting your things in order she wanted me to be the man that's that's what the [ __ ] point is it's a mind thing all they want all they want is just a [ __ ] they can look at and blink slow and respect and and you know it's not about beating them and and subjugating them it's about they look at you and feel like they don't need to be your mama that's it patrice wanted men to get their lives in order so in turn their relationships would benefit for patrice it was about being accountable that they go wow this [ __ ] is in my corner he handles his business you know sex this is what i'm saying in your house situation you become a million times sexier because that's the man [ __ ] you did is by a [ __ ] mansion that's a man [ __ ] but although he suggests that men's happiness should come first or should triumph in priority to women what patrice also wants us to realize is that in order for a relationship between men and women to work he doesn't want anyone to self-sacrifice or self-edit themselves when it comes to sharing how they really feel towards their partner which often happens when we become too concerned with pleasing our partner and catering towards their needs even if they come at the expense of our own men have an editing system in the middle before it gets to our mouth and brain where we're always trying to make someone else feel better before we open our mouths and i'm trying to cut that editing system out so that actually women can really truly understand what we want patrice believed that by large a lot of self-editing came from the side of men and in particular men who always wanted to please women no matter what the case even if it went against their gut feelings to me this idea really works both ways because we should never not express how we truly feel to each other especially towards our partner who we care for simply just because we want to please them or protect them from potentially feeling offended by what we have to say self-editing means self-sacrificing and that's not beneficial to anyone in any form of relationship in truth it's through this process of not actually seeing what's on our mind that really detracts from caring about someone because we're choosing not to be honest with them we're choosing not to be open and honest with them because we have this notion that we really think we know what's best for them we think that a simple white lie here and there is better to maintain the peace instead of embracing a short-term conflict that ultimately leads to a happier long-term resolution the the good part of this whole thing is that he chooses to be with her he chooses to love her he's not obligated and the second he starts taking [ __ ] from her that means that he is obligated to love her and me it means he lost the power that me i i volunteer my love to my girl and if she takes that [ __ ] for granted that i i take my free love away and i freely give her this in my opinion is what patrice really meant by a happy man means a happy woman he observed too many men going against their gut instincts and caring almost too much for how their partner felt to the point where they didn't even want to risk offending them because of an opinion that may go against them here's where it ends for men when that when we get you ever get that gut feeling of this [ __ ] [ __ ] but you don't say nothing okay where it ends is where you don't say nothing patrice hated this process of self-editing to the point where he wanted all men to realize and they should focus on making themselves happy first despite whatever consequences came about as a result of them unediting themselves and actually expressing how they felt towards their partner i've read one thing which says one one to ten the worst things to talk about during a date right don't talk about religion don't talk about it it's like what is there to talk about you're saying what you don't want to talk about again this is for you it's not for us no no but you don't you listen that's the idea these are shortcuts do you wanna do you wanna show us what into her panties these are the shortcuts if you're gonna start talking about religion if you're gonna start talking about your mother it's gonna take you longer to get if you're gonna listen but and ultimately there is no shortcut see shortcuts to a woman's panties ends up being long cuts to my [ __ ] life in turn trice wanted men to realize that if they actually removed this step of editing out their white knight-like behavior it would instead improve their relationship with women it would actually improve both their lives as it adds to the lives of their partners patrice knew that this was a win-win scenario as opposed to a lose-win situation in where only one person was happy where only one person dictated the terms of the relationship this isn't what patrice wanted at all a perfect example i'm going to bed one time my ex girl this is my ex-girl and she goes what side of the bed you want to lay on okay this is the [ __ ] that it here's where it ends for men when that when we get you ever get that gut feeling of this [ __ ] [ __ ] but you don't say nothing okay where it ends is where you don't say nothing so she goes what side of the baby you want to lay on and i go this side then she goes but then i won't be able to see the tv it's like a what why the [ __ ] did you ask me when you want to sleep anyway now i could have went okay i'll just sleep but that was some enabling [ __ ] that she wanted before i finish i want to add that throughout expressing his views and opinions on relationships patrice does note that he himself does so in a way that is not necessarily the smoothest of methods he explains that not everyone expresses themselves like him even though they may have the same ideas and viewpoints he has on relationships patrice realizes that the way he articulates his points might not be the most palatable or the easiest on the ears as he describes others around him such as his good friend and radio co-host dante nero as being a smoother individual than himself you could be a smooth [ __ ] yeah i happen to not be a smooth [ __ ] i think jeffrey is a smooth [ __ ] dante's a smooth [ __ ] but that's why a lot of women jeffrey has been their favorite or dante's been their favorite you understand where you have a chick in your life for 10 years i bring this up to address people who might hate patrice to recognize that yes despite what i genuinely feel about patrice as a good-hearted individual with nothing but the best in mind for the people that he has met he nevertheless wasn't the most articulate man in terms of expressing himself in a way that wasn't offensive or maybe in a way that he himself recognized was somewhat antiquated or outdated the dilemma in my head is this you back in the 1910s eight-year-old kids worked in the coal mine or whatever yeah and god people back then thought that it that it uh built character yeah but then we go up to our age where our parents hit us and now we go oh that that built character when you hit it so i'm saying the point i'm making is maybe i'm antiquated maybe i'm thinking oh because i don't think kids should work in coal mines yeah but i do think kids could should get hit but now you can't even tease kids in school it's bully bullying and bullying very absolutely yeah maybe it's right maybe the way the world's going is right but at the same time him not caring about offending people was the whole essence to patrice's charm and it's why i love him as a comedian because he said things on his mind no matter whom he was talking to or how it may have sounded he truly didn't care about offending someone and that's what made him great so even though he may not be the most smoothest of people to hear patrice was someone who told it how it was or at the very least how we saw it the word brutal honesty i was i was thinking about that the other day like the word brutal honesty is just the dumb term like i don't understand who wants their honesty like brutal should be associated with lying okay you're a brutal liar right as opposed to somebody that just is gonna inform you of what they believe the truth to be right and sometimes what is the truth this doesn't mean patrice was infallible he wasn't just a comedian that was always right but he was someone that encouraged intelligent discourse and actively sought out a discussion on any topic so that he could engage in a meaningful and humorous conversation about it he was a remarkable person who lived truthfully in his own life and who wanted to find the truth in others so that they could seek out the truth in their own lives that's why he was more than just a comedian and why his legacy will live on if patrice was still alive today i have no doubts in my mind that he would thrive in an era filled with podcasts and talk shows he would thrive on calling out the numerous movements surrounding free speech and cancel culture let alone everything else in the world he would thrive by simply being patrice and by staying true to himself ultimately that's what i think he would have wanted for all of us he would have wanted us to embrace confrontation to embrace righteousness and embrace honesty because that's what patrice did and that's something we need to do as well rest in peace the great patrice sonia my goal is to somehow have an ability to reach out to whoever wants to listen and i get money for it somehow i don't know how to do that which is which is people who just agree or not agree but they get to hear another side and and i can i don't have to worry about apologizing every five minutes i don't have to worry about the police kick i all i have to do is worry about whether someone agrees with me or not because i'm i'm not a frivolous guy i don't just like say this to get effect i believe it it hurts it it hurts stuff in my heart what kind of job is that like what nothing what do you but i found out like in 2011 [Music] when you were involved [Applause] [Music] could look you in the eyes [Applause] you float like a feather and your skin and make me cry you're just like an angel [Music] and it's beautiful you're so [ __ ] special i wish i was special but i'm a creepy [Applause] [Music] when i don't belong in it's okay if it hurts [Applause] don't wanna have a strong [Music] when i'm not alright you're so [ __ ] special i wish i was special [Music] but i'm a crazy [Music] i'm a little what the [Music] i don't belong [Music] [Applause] [Music] whatever makes you happy [Applause] [Music] whatever you want you're so [ __ ] special i wish i was special oh man oh yeah of course of course the way that she'd slide those little thumb panties off yeah but you know what i might do to get her next time [Music] oh is [Laughter] i get your points
Channel: Motion In Art
Views: 2,426,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Patrice O'Neal, patrice oneal advice, patrice oneal video games, Patrice O'Neal: Killing is Easy, Patrice O'Neal Comedy, Patrice O'neal Stand up, Patrice O'Neal opie and anthony, elephant in the room, patrice oneal interview, Patrice O'neal women, Patrice O'neal stories, patrice o'neal death, patrice o'neal stand up, patrice o'neal tribute, patrice o'neal advice, patrice o'neal roast charlie sheen, patrice o'neal fox news, the best of patrice oneal, black phillip show
Id: 6JjTMuDRfrM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 59sec (2879 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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