Patrice O'Neal: Uncut (2008) | Raw Footage From The Classic Interview

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because i know you have opinions about a lot of different things right um and then a little bio okay so please introduce yourself i am uh my name is patrice o'neill i'm uh been doing comedy [ __ ] since 92. i'm originally from boston i was there about six years and left to come to um not even six years uh five years in boston and i've been in new york for the next for the last uh 10 so uh you know i mean i don't even know what my commie i know it's hard i'm not a self-described anything i don't i really don't people who self-describe themselves kind of bore me so i mean if you saw me i don't know i don't know what people what do you have a comic persona i'm late i'm laid back i'm not in particular like right now i i talk about i've got to the point where i kind of talk about um what um thanks man take care zoe see you later i got to a point where um i talk about where i am mentally so right now you know i'm in a relationship my woman wants to get married i don't i don't not want to marry her but i don't know if i want you know what i mean i'm not ready to just jump in but she's she's ready to go so i'm at that place where i got a woman that she's a good woman she deserves to be married and she thinks that i'm the guy that wants to marry you know things but i don't know but i want to keep her happy but i don't want to make me unhappy so that's like those that's the kind of thing i'm talking about now which is you know relationships and and some of the things of why i might not um want to get married that's that's where i am now you know it's talking about how we live and how what it's like to be with a woman you know like that and and some of the things that she has to understand as a woman that things that you know just because they want to get married they women act like just because they want to get married that's all it takes is that i want to get married so that's what it is yeah so nah she got a kid though luckily you know she got a kid from another relationship so she's not itching to have babies and all that stuff so okay well now i mean what makes a grown man want to go on stage and share all that information with a bunch of lonely strangers every night well what else is there you know you got my all my friends are comics so they don't want to really talk to you about it i mean i got one good friend that we talk a lot about relationships and and really it's i mean you classify you say pimping but you know pimping people think pimping is you know you beat your girl and she go sell [ __ ] for money but it's it's a mentality of you know when people are fascinated with pimping they're fascinated with what does it take to get a guy to be able to have the ability to talk a girl into [ __ ] selling her body and giving money that's that's not what dudes want but they want to know what that the magical understanding of that is to like convince a girl against her better judgment that you're right and she'd be happy with that situation you know what i mean okay so the mac is your favorite movie of all time no that's what didn't move me uh i like american pimp you know i like uh i like uh uh uh pimps up hoes down but like i said i'm not a pimp because i don't i'm missing a gene that will slap a [ __ ] for not giving me money i'm not that dude i'm more i'm a dude where i'm like i want to give her money i want to make sure she's okay but at the same time i want to make sure i'm okay too and not not money-wise just mentally i want to be happy i think my happiness you know is oh sorry i think i think my my happiness is um paramount i think that it trickles if it trickles down for me it's better you know for me that's what i think i mean it could be misogyny or whatever but i just think it's not 50 50 it's not you know i think the only way a relationship could survive is if your girl looks at you like you're better than her and i don't know how to explain that to make people not mad about it i just think you know if she's if you are if she looks at you like man this dude is better than me the relationship's gonna work cause she's gonna always always be trying to make you equal or bring you down so if you don't let her bring you down she's gonna love you forever she's just gonna always be living to get her because she see she she hates how much she's in love with you if your woman hates you you're in a good relationship because she really don't hate you she just hates how much she loves you because she it makes her not focus did you always have this confidence no it's not it's pain yeah it's just living life yeah and i mean i i had a couple of epiphanies here and there and you know only only thing you have to do to want to want to um have happiness is is uh accept loss is accept that you may you may lose you may she may walk away and like not you know that's the only way all you have to do is fight is fight rejection and fight walking away and then once you're able to face that then you you find a good one that's gonna listen because most of the time you know you get you see girls you know even in this show man there's some girls that don't got no man they want a man bad they don't know how to keep one they're tired of losing them they're tired of getting one because they know how to get them getting a man is [ __ ] easy like that getting a woman is our job getting a woman is hard for us getting her is hard now keeping is not hard but but getting a man is easy for a woman but keeping a man is hard because because they think they didn't really they don't their keeping skills aren't sharp so wait you sound like you're the love doctor some people call me that man you know you know something i got a show on xm called black philip it's a it's a it's a i don't i can't tell what it's a variation though because you can get sue but we call him black philip but like off the off the record is like black dr phil you know and i do a show like every month on xm and we just for three hours we just talk [ __ ] about girls man because there's no place to talk [ __ ] about girls where is there where is there there's no place where misogyny lives and i'm not talking about women hatred you know woman haters uh the he man woman hate his club not that so so that's that's the dynamic that exists in today today as far as women want to be controlled to a certain extent so that another man women want to be the boss and they're upset about being a boss that's the thing like you shouldn't be upset about things that's that should make you happy like a man boss is not a happy guy we want to be the boss a man without a girl who's got a lot of girls is not unhappy but a woman that has no man but a lot of men isn't happy they that whole woman from venus men from our [ __ ] that's it's true all you got to do is go how you feel and it's the exact opposite how she feel but somebody's opposites somebody's opposite has to lose somebody has to has to suffer so why should it be me i don't understand why that's why i suffer because you don't understand me i got to suffer because i don't understand you or oh i understand you and i got to suffer no inspiration man i was a funny dude growing up i didn't look at prior and say i can do that you know i mean that's what that's what's different about comedy now nobody people look at comics and go i can do that i could do that but i didn't look at prior or carlin or cosby i didn't watch that and go i could do that so they wasn't an inspiration they were they were um i might have aspired aspired to be as good as one of them hope hope to hope to be as respected as a cosby or pride or carlin but i never looked at them and go i want to do that because i didn't look at what they did and some [ __ ] that anybody should be doing um so i don't want to inspire any comic to do comedy i want to inspire you leaving all right um so i hope to be uh i hope comics aspire to be like me well i don't i want to make people not want to get into comedy really i want to make have them look at me and say that's just too hard for me to think about doing and then really make a decision what um and and and i want somebody to i want somebody to look at me and go i don't want to do that and because and if you do it looking at pride then you really wanted to do it so i always want to be a comic and i guess this is saying so if people don't get confused i didn't look at any comic and go he's the reason i do comedy i think if there was no such thing as calling or pry i might have still did comedy that's why that's why i say not inspired i don't want to make that arrogant or disrespectful you know i mean they're the best but i'm i mean i didn't look and go no i mean but what you're saying makes is sort of adding up a little bit in the sense as it seems like the perfect job for you because like you face rejection every time you go up well yeah i mean it's possible like this show here man it's possible the crowd just didn't like me you got to make the right choice you got to read the crowd you got to hope they want to laugh a lot of things going on when there's a dynamic of a mob it's a mob dynamic there's a lot it's a people sitting there watching you and they want to be manipulated you know you dealing with a lot of people that want to be manipulated into forgetting that they're having a tough time or they that's what it is it's manipulation dude laughter is something that people don't do because they want to do they kind of they're kind of uh made to do so they kind of you know you know so that's that's the art and science of comedy yeah it's manipulation it's just like you know somebody's sitting there like you might come out and you know i don't like your face you just look like somebody that looked like a [ __ ] that robbed me when i was a kid it's it's it's real uh instinctive it's real uh native [ __ ] you know what i mean it is it's like you you come out and um you just said i don't like this dude and then now i got to manipulate you into not liking me and into laughing you know that's that's serious and without letting you know it you know by just my words to arbitrary people really i'm talking to you but if this was 50 people out here i might be talking to you but they all listening and you representing them so if you like me then they'll trickle over to that one it's it's it's it's mental it's a lot of mental [ __ ] going on with this game it's a serious thing that's why sometimes comics are not happy you know because that's what we give her you catch a comic and it's always you know you think [ __ ] ready to just be funny that's what they do but that's not what they do you leave a little piece of you you gotta rest man it's tiring as you give all you you know and they give you some fuel too but you given really you know you don't go home as a comic and go oh man that girl laughed at this time this way she left they go home they take you with them and you know they take a little they take you with them and that's some that's heavy [ __ ] to be taken home and um and now you got to get fuel from you know it's like you're never getting fueled you're always you're refueling and then you're really you got to give it away you got to give your full you know it's like a bank with just that that just gives um you know a bank that just gives you know not deposits but uh returns or you know you just so i mean were you the guy on the corner doing the dozens or yeah man yeah but when we you know yeah of course like kevin he looks like it's all hustle yeah i'm not i'm not that guy and and i always i i respect anybody that does what they do kev looks at a hustle i look at that as a it's life it got me through like you know got me through life before i was even a comic i mean it just kept me alive and uh you know getting paid is you know i don't do nothing else so yeah it's paid but it's a it's a weird um paradox you know it's uh you know to have to do something you want to have respect but at the same time you gotta feed your selfie maybe your family and take care of people you have a responsibility and sometimes your artistic uh moral dilemma don't mean [ __ ] you gotta feed your family you know period you know so people look at it as a hustle i wish i had that kind of confidence kevin has a lot of confidence he just is a confident kid and i i i'm jealous of that confidence like that that un that unshaking like i'm gonna win i don't have that i have a you know i just i i do it because i have to do it you know i just do it yeah i just do it and then and it's anxiety sometimes these two shows anxiety man people you know heard about this guy patrice o'neill come down and if i gotta deliver and if i don't if i deliver mediocre media with mediocrity it's not good enough man it's good you know people have to go it was worth the name you don't have to live up to my name that's cool a lot of people know you from life like do you have any opinion like you're respected for your opinions um do you have any tip on this election yeah i don't i i just want to see a woman or a black dude win and i really i really don't believe in the political system that that um because there's a black president that's gonna be better for black people i think i think we need a symbol and i think the symbol is gonna be good enough i mean we've had to live with white symbols forever and uh it'd be nice just to see a black guy in it or a woman just to see a different [ __ ] thing other than an old white guy um well how much how bad could he do and i think maybe as black people we saw a black person in in office man we might do better i might not shoot a [ __ ] in the street might not rob you you know rob your house if there's a black you got to make the back president proud you know it's better to see something i just want to see what it is different you know because every president i don't even know i don't know politics that much to even think does it make a [ __ ] difference do do the president make a difference does he do things that that is just is singular to him like he goes i made these changes and the world's better for me i don't believe that i think you you owe somebody some money when you raise 50 60 70 million dollars you oh [ __ ] this ain't you know this is this is uh i don't know there's nothing for free i give you 10 million dollars what good luck to you with your attempt to run the world now remember when you run the world i gave you 10 million dollars so you know i just want to see a black president just as a symbol man as a symbol of something and that don't mean white people that now black people can't be racist no we can't talk about race no more because we got the black president [ __ ] you that's one little b baby step that's the least you can do you know a big picture for yourself career-wise i mean do you see yourself as a black comedian i see myself man i love black people i want black people to love me but i want white people love me chinese people love me i want everybody to look at my comedy as a as a it meant something anybody who means something doesn't mean something to one group i mean there's some the groups will fight to see who this person belongs to like if you had a fight and you go well uh richard pryor black people claim richard pryor but there's a lot of white people that love him so there might be somebody that love them enough to say i'm gonna fight for richard pryor i mean you can't have richard prior to yourself and and and but he's like a black and calling too like i would fight to have car i don't want white people to just have carlin i want carlin too you know what i'm saying so i want everybody to like man everybody everybody i don't know if that's possible but i i want to i just i want to build a uh the whole scope i want the this this escape to be you know universal i guess is the word you know i i would love it but i don't i don't want to sacrifice who i am you know there's some things that i do i mean i'm i'm i'm interested in a lot of cultures man i've grown i've traveled so there's some things that um there's some things that uh i could bring to the world i can't just bring black to the world because i've been you know seven eight nine countries you know okay well just feeling like you got a lot of things going on like your podcast yeah i got my i got my podcast uh it's like it was something i was doing just to keep out there while the wireless strike was going on just to show people like it was like to say hey if you don't know something out there that i could do i'll do it myself and maybe this will give you an idea what i could do if you did if you go well we don't know what to do with you say oh okay here's what you might want to do with me you know what i mean i had the web junk thing that's over um the def jam is on our pay-per-view right now and a couple of um men on the streets is on paid not pay-per-view sorry um on-demand free so just in case people think pay-per-views with us on demand if you got hbo you can go to death jam and watch the whole watch the whole season man great season i think it's one of the best seasons i've ever seen man you know so so i mean so this is the last part just talking about state of black comedy state of black film a lot of black comedians are in a position where their fans know him love them and when you're on stage and you're writing your own material you have a complete control when you go to make films maybe you don't have a big park it's a collaborative process right um i mean what's your take on that and does that affect or influence your decision well i don't really um look this thing is a lottery man i mean it's a jump you jump off the mountain and you keep falling dude i mean you can stop falling anytime you want you can step up and stop falling go get a job there's things that's happening in this game that you have no control over so what i have control over is my ethic you know what i mean so i don't look at sometimes i might do i don't i might not get a standing ovation or great applause i might get i might be happy about a set that i tried 20 new things and got five good laughs so like at least kept the crowd interested and when it comes to movies dude you can't control that unless you got your own money unless you got your woman to make movies i mean hollywood is hollywood dude it's not it's the belly of the beast man when you get into that game and there's a lot of people that's another thing in hollywood you know if you're tom cruise you're the president you owe and if you want to be the president man you owe somebody you don't get there without owning somebody you know you owe somebody favors so if you want to reach the higher echelon man you got talent but at some point you talked to somebody that talked to somebody that did you a favor and sometimes you got to walk in that door backwards and it depends on you know how you want to take it you know sometimes and and and i'm not saying anybody who made it had to take something but we all gonna owe somebody man it's just that's what it is if some [ __ ] jew give me a [ __ ] movie dude you know i owe him a [ __ ] favor you know he you know something it depends on what i'm willing to borrow with you know what i mean you do a lot of writing and people i mean there's a level celebrity no pain but folks that watch cages definitely but that's it's just that's what i'm saying you don't dude it's like i'm sure you know people that said oh man he's a talented guy but so what i've had so many people tell me i'm this that in a third but it's like well really well if you can help me help me if you don't just let me walk as sam jackson said in pulp fiction and i'm gonna just walk to earth you know i'm saying let me do what i do the path of the righteous man as they say and i'm not saying righteous in terms of godly i'm saying righteous in terms of uh doing the best for you man doing what what keeps you um looking yourself in the mirror you know what i'm saying and um i ain't gonna say i never never put on tap shoes i've put on tap shoes many times and dance to dance in this game but [Applause] you know sometimes i've done you know i i i thank god i haven't been able to there's there's nobody that can show me a picture that's gonna make me go oh my god my life is [ __ ] up you know what i mean i've been pretty uh i've been pretty uh i've had integrity i think you know what i mean so that's all it has to be is a little integrity do what you do and hopefully it works out and if you don't work out you don't know anyway you'll be dead you just do it to you so you don't do it so i mean do you have a firm do you have any opinion like kami has never changed since 92. it's a lot more open i guess there's a lot more opportunities i don't know i i really don't because i'm in i'm at the point where i'm just trying to book you know book a movie i'm the guy that goes in auditions you know what i mean because i mean if you look at it too it's a very who you know game too i mean look i could just get something to scoop you up that's it and you wonder you've been doing this all your life and it led to this point you know or you could scoop me up i've been doing this all my life to lead to this point and then you start going damn is that what it takes but that's what it takes because i think life is chronological a b c d e f g is it's it's it's really straightforward and you could start out at a and then skip all three let you skip and get to j but your life is living at j you go from a to j but you're gonna have to revisit you know b d c you know e f g h you know i and you don't know what lessons you had to learn before you got to j to be able to handle j you go from a to j you might not be able to handle j so i i don't know what i'm trying to move chronologically man i'm just trying to do the right thing in the next move and learn a lesson i need to learn you know what i mean i'm not in a rush i got a car in a house that i'm paying for decently you know what i mean i'm i'm 100 there you know what i'm saying i'm not going crazy i you know me and my girl go out to eat nice places you know but well no i mean hollywood one day i'm the type of guy that wants when it catches everybody's going to pretend that they love me the whole time and i'm not going to throw it back and they face that you [ __ ] me you [ __ ] me you didn't help me i'm gonna be like that's the game that's the that's the game dude that's the rules you know if you play basketball you got to dribble see you later if you got a dribble you got to dribble you can't just go [ __ ] that i don't like dribbling you're playing basketball so in this game you got to wait till somebody helps you know tell folks you can find me on see my podcast all my dates you know tourists in brazil or go to uh myspace comedy you look for patrice o'neill and uh hbo on demand um def comedy jam on up hb hbo on demand def commie jam good man all right i hope i can cut it really it's a different persona oh what yeah hi i'm crystal and we're here at keith robinson's crazy sexy comedy we're here at another sold out show at the helium comedy club tonight our headliners are patrice o'neill and kevin hart we'll see you inside for the show just remember your whole thing [Music] [Laughter] we're backstage here at the crazy sexy comedy we're here with okay hi this is crystal and we're backstage at the crazy sexy comedy we're back here with kevin keith and patrice you guys how you guys how are you guys tonight what are you smiling for okay say something what's up y'all and how did you enjoy doing your first show he enjoyed that [ __ ] that [ __ ] was good it was fire is that what they say now what they say now young fellow i like my set a lot i did good now when asked him about his musical portion yeah that was funny that was really funny that was really funny the the first one that he did the first one the first one if y'all want to know what i did first of all it's not a musical bit okay uh let's let's let that in the bud what it is is i'm i'm portraying the image of an r b singer and what i'm saying is if i were to be an rb singer this is all you would need to know how to do you know just open your hands close your point because it doesn't take much to dance as an rb singer so what i did was i gave a visual to the audience see the thing with kevin hart that's i like to talk about myself sometimes in third person because i'm at a different point in my life the thing with me is i'm a visual comic you know think of me as a young bill cosby with an attitude um so the the difference between me and a lot of comics you see is my personality and what i do is i try to bring my personality out on stage and i think when you see me there's an example of it there's an example of variety and uh i think patrice o'neill just played the same thing tonight which gave us a balance and that's what comedy's about you know keith theresa and myself we complement each other wow all right there you have it they complement each other very well all right all right you wanted to talk about keith specifically why don't you take the microphone talk about me specifically uh sure for those people who don't know keith robinson which is probably a lot um i'm gonna tell you which keith robinson yeah keep trust me i don't get i was gonna say nobody doesn't thank you for him keith robinson started a movie called rebound everybody's seen it um yeah don cheadle definitely was in the movie it's if you have hbo 15 i think you can see it it's about 15 different hbo's and it showed on the last one but he's a great guy and i you know what i owe a lot to keith it's actually because of keith that i'm where i'm at today what keith did for me was um i got rid of his name little kevin little cat the bastard that was my name patrice you remember uh i went by little kev um one night we're out it's crazy we're there having a good time and uh i met keith and what he said he said young fella that's how you said it you did it you [Laughter] man i'm putting on the voice just playing around i don't want to go into detail about it but my old head here aka pop pop he started me man a whole lot to him and you know what between keith robertson and patrice o'neill the constant trashes that i took gave me a level head man and i can honestly thank them both cause that's where i'm at where i'm at today what made you wear this tight shirt tonight well i mean here's the difference once you get past the fact that you have man titties and your body will never change and the sad part is keith works out and it stays the same i like to show my shape off ladies love me i'm a sex symbol i go by the name chocolate drop on the weekends that's what i go by so um talk about fool's goal fool's gold in theaters now currently the number one movie out um starring matthew mcconaughey that was cool um and patrice just talked about coming to philly working working with keith coming to philly and working with kiev is cool [Laughter] coming to philly and working with keith it's cool why oh why just give us a little more hey man because you know keith is uh we all look at keith as a as a father figure you know he coddles us he works us through and then um you know he makes sure everyone's all right you know good brother good philly brother as they say well i don't live in philly well he's from philly but he he doesn't forget philly yeah he doesn't forget where he comes from now we got philly comics in the house jamal dolman is here for everybody task of projects i think you live there you from philly you know tomorrow that's jamal that's all good all right everybody what do you mean everybody easy jay lamont face so i just want to say that i'm just saying relax jamal you got plenty of time now that you moved back to philly and i just say i did not move back to philly i live in van nuys okay i like 10 minutes for the cab i just want to make it get a close-up of a face no one cares about keith robertson had lunch in l.a is this in high def because you need high def to not recognize this [ __ ] much love i just like to say this is a pleasure to come down and do this for philly i i would for keith i came down for keith keith asked me to come through and i came through this is all for keith keith can get them all together man million men march that's keith man and just give us your 20 seconds what's the concept like you know this chocolate well it's not no chocolate sundae it's good comedy that's what it is good comedy as you've seen tonight damn good comedy except for kev's musical bits damn good comedy that's what we do you had a musical [ __ ] i got rid of it so what's the concept behind crazy sex economy the comedy behind crazy sexy comedy there you go right there there's the sexy right there you understand what i'm saying are you the crazy huh i haven't found the crazy yet we haven't seen the crazy just yet but it's crazy it's sexy and it's good i'm wild crazy all right so but was there a specific reason why he wanted to bring a really high level a high level show yeah to raise the bar so all the comics understand that you got to work to be good you can't just come on stage and run around you got to come up to these guys levels that's it what i'm just saying it is what it is you said everything i said i said everything i can say my boot is all right and when does it happen uh it happens on sundays every month third sunday every month crazy sexy comedy we're here at patrice kevin the bastard and there's jamal dolman right back there so that's it thank you brother you
Channel: Reelblack Two
Views: 257,079
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: N5PIhizRSoU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 16sec (1936 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 27 2022
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