Patrice O'Neal on Hoes and Hypergamy

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I generally don't like what women are which is what as I generally don't like living in a world where being what a man is is is a horrible thing and no matter what a woman is it's a wonderful thing this is what they doing they are the society they're bringing men down and women are up but they don't understand women are getting their their cue from men meaning so if you're a woman and you're going I want to be the most successful whatever I want to be you're looking at the most successful man you're competing mentally with men I want to get the most women aren't going I want to be why don't women think in terms of the king and queen system it's a beautiful system the system is if I'm a man okay and I see a [ __ ] bomb woman a woman has nothing she dumb [ __ ] if I marry her she's now the highest level she can be she's the queen you can't get higher than the Queen right it's a great position right it's the baddest [ __ ] in the land but the queen is the King's [ __ ] she can't cheat but here's the reverse this is why these dominant women who can't be find happiness is because the Queen in this system if it's just the Queen right and the Queen of England is the queen because her father didn't have any sons so she he didn't have a kingdom to go so she had the his heir was a woman now she's the queen with no king when she gets married that guy is not the king he's a [ __ ] he's the Queen's husband who doesn't get elevated to his highest position right a man at his highest position helps a woman be at her highest position a highest position woman who has a lower man can't be happy it's nature it's [ __ ] nature all right okay so these points of view I mean this this this assessment of how it all works could this be part of why you're not as populist every time I talk I go this is ridiculous but I you know I have a woman who has been around me a long time that's there's a woman you were with I'm with now I mean my queen my queen my woman who in every woman's fashion is trying to take me down it's like Valkyrie how does the operation Valkyrie these [ __ ] they hate being women man I'm telling you but wait let me ask you so let me just understand something so you're saying that that women only have the model of success and power that men have established so when they try to operate within that they're acting like men yes which means that they are denying themselves they're their queen this and will never be happy thank you that's what you're saying it's like another analogy more or less I try to help my graph to think of analogy every day I know you're very good at it I have to think of an analogy terms uh it's like you meet if you're an animal okay in your great white shark okay there is a woman great white sharks in his men great white shark yeah - every other animal great white sharks are just vicious no other animal looks at a great white jean go oh here comes the girl version yeah oh yeah like yeah a lot of men okay we go and try to date within our species of most male great whites yeah say oh yeah all right go yeah I'm I hate the way um great whites treat the woman great white yeah so I'm going to now date these penguins or these seals who look at me and they run in fear and I'm gonna catch one and I'm not gonna eat it I'm just gonna play around with it and have this particular animal who looks at me with this feeling reverence just go oh my god you didn't kill me yeah I didn't kill you because you know that's why these gorgeous women date these weak men and any right but aren't they usually doing that just to piss off the great white no they're doing it because they go I'm not gonna sit here and deal with this other great white so what happens though is they did dating their food and after a while they go I [ __ ] hate this guy I hate what he is he lets me do anything I want he [ __ ] I talk to him like he's a piece of [ __ ] I spit at him and he just does nothing I'm gonna eat him then she's going how do I feel like a woman you [ __ ] date this man yeah great why'd you go and you go [ __ ] with him and this great white goes a [ __ ] look you don't talk to me like that I only know [ __ ] girl sharks treat me like that mother penguin yeah I got a deal like he's trying to hunt me I got a deal with other man sharks trying to bite me I got a deal with you [ __ ] yeah with your mouth yeah you know no that didn't music ain't yours that's my mother I'm on top of the food chain but I have to how does this analogy work with your woman I'm the longest relationship she's ever been and we've been together good good seven years assumption she's been around a long time I do a whole joke where's like you know she she's been with me for eight years I've been with her for five and and and it's like I didn't know we were together at that time but you know how it is so I she's she's been living truth for a long time where she's at first it was charming to her now she's trying to - I call a karate class man all the things that she went when I was when she was strictly the student she looked at me as the master mm-hmm and I teach on her first kick like okay baby here go hi-yah say oh she feels good she's kicking she's learning mushi like right now this [ __ ] has a seventh degree black belt in my [ __ ] yeah and now she thinks she could actually beat me and she's hard to beat you you suck back in the day I could flip a right on her head verbally Wow yeah she's like oh my god sorry master but each level she wants to go up she thinks she don't want to go out into the world and try her [ __ ] she wants to try it with me and I'm the [ __ ] who taught her and I'm the [ __ ] who loves her but she's always trying to gain an advantage over me and I'm the [ __ ] that she and that's where things go bad and relationships I think is because you know your woman starts to look at you like I can be he the guy I go look man if you need to go find yourself another man if you need to go do what you got to do I'm not gonna allow you to make me unsexy to you because I know how to not I know that you're gonna try to you're trying to gain something so you're saying it like okay like cuz I've been in situations where once they get hip to your [ __ ] I mean your your your model is good but there might come a time where they're just sort of like not only am i hip to your [ __ ] but I'm tired yes she is tired she's tired of me she is but I'm like go be tired because I'm telling you you're thinking like a square you're thinking like all these [ __ ] who don't have a man go join them because as eventually you're gonna what she's looking for out of me is to do some of the things that her food does can't she just be like my food once it's white no [ __ ] no no why don't you want to give her a little bit it's not giving anything it's I'm living me and you living you at some point you got bored see we don't have this is deep [ __ ] I'm not sure it's right it might not be right it might be selfish tree you know never see my wife [ __ ] no I think it is your life this is just it's a point of view it's not it's a it's a it's a deep point of view and it's been around for a while I think it to be fair it's a fair thing about what about what about mother what about that you'll be a good mother take care of your [ __ ] that's inconsequential man I don't even think I'm gonna tell you how far we have kids do you have kids I want kids but I I'm having I don't have anyone I would like so I mean my girl has a kid she came with and I actually what the wonderful thing now I think she the kid lives with you no but I was gonna say I I look at people with kids and I go you know as a stepfather quoting quote you know her father was still in her life you know father she has a good father he's not an [ __ ] it's just that I'm with her mother you know so and we get along she loves me I love her yeah but the thing is that's great and I really like being sometimes dead I'm like wow if she had to be my kid all the time yeah but but don't but isn't there a different level of appreciation for that woman you're with in her relationship with her daughter that transcends this objectification rift that you're going on the thing is I never waver from from this is my standpoint my standpoint is a natural feeling it's a natural feeling it's nature I'm not I'm not there's not a social standpoint like okay being a - can be a good mother okay it's wonderful I love my girls a good mother she's a good woman and and I'm but I'm saying you're missing the part of me being a good father good a good man yeah me being a good son okay okay first of all what mama as a mother people go you have a mother as I yeah but my mother was somebody else's [ __ ] at one time meaning my mother did things to men and she's told me this mentally [ __ ] with men I mean like wish you go I've done this okay as a woman but we do it too right this is the thing you can't always Mikey not my girl got me how how was a guy who was this terrible misogynist when she met me I'm unless I'm telling you yeah a lot less yeah um because I have submitted to the fact that a lot of things I've done I don't do like look at what is it what's your big fear um in relation to women that you're gonna cry that you're gonna what I mean what do you what what what is the armor about what is the fight the fight is and that's interesting question but I'll be very honest I just want my girl to know that my natural instincts stopped once I said I'll I made a decision to be quoting quote a good guy I know that [ __ ] a lot of women is bad for her she don't want it she she wants commitment and she wants she wants a you know I'm a monogamous relationship and I give it to her and I just want her to know that it's not I just wanted to always value the sacrifice I want her to value all I do really all I do is want women to understand what we are what we are I want a lot of [ __ ] women like I just everyday everyday I see a woman that jus I go man I want the opportunity I have a decent house I have a decent car I know I have it's like being a fisherman right right and this is again you fish as a fisherman yeah yeah as a fisherman as a fishing III if your ass I passed my yeah I'm out as a sport yes sir which is a lot different from fishing to live efficient to live you just thank you okay these are you get that context okay now you go out there you try to catch this fish yeah okay uh-huh and you do yeah okay yeah like any other sport fisherman you catch the fish do you show it to your friends you should take a picture yeah you look at it yeah and you throw it back in the water right now your girl is in your life or your wife or anybody else who's a significant person in your light on children is a fish that jump back on the boat after you threw it in the water have you worked this out before because yeah because you caught her she keeps jumping back on your boat mm-hmm and you're sitting there going listen you don't come out because usually some fish get the idea that they swim back into the ocean and hope you come back again to catch them or you got lucky enough to catch but the fish that's in your life was just flapping it around your boat she would she'd run all the other fish away so that at some point you go [ __ ] I just listen you know and then she goes you go look I my job is to catch 1:31 then she's like is that what I am to you and as a man who's has that that dichotomy you just trying no no no I don't know me I'm not a piece of [ __ ] yeah no you're the last fish I was I wanted to catch you and then you know be the last fish then it's like okay good okay now we're dating so every time you come back so every time you come back now now okay yeah you go okay I got this fish now your fish goes you love me all right now that you love me why do you still have your boat and why do you still have your pole and all your bait so are you saying you want me to stop being what I was to get you so what that means is when I stop being what I am you start to look at me and go you ain't even got a boat there's a business is a time where they go you don't even have a boat that guy has a boat you used to be this great fisherman but why don't you say well you know you came and swim anymore they'll never be able to not swim my girl is gorgeous and she plays her cards right dude there's never a time when she can't get something look my girl got me to [ __ ] with her she she was waiting she just was waiting she liked me and she was waiting for some reason you see my girl and you go why is she waiting for me to [ __ ] her which gives me more arrogance because I know that women are better than us cuz a guy like me could get a girl like my woman this is because they love differently than we do yeah what she did is finally after all this time of kind of waiting and kind of being there kind of she she she invited me up to the house and she put a t-shirt on and and went to take a shower and stuff and she's talking to me and same ol same ol and she went to go turn the TV and bent down so that her [ __ ] [ __ ] and [ __ ] was just showing that she picked something up and she know I was looking and like okay it's in my face so she's and by the way his arrogance I'm having a vagina she could actually if I didn't [ __ ] her then she can actually be officially have the right to say that I'm gay just cuz she showed [ __ ] and [ __ ] and I didn't go for it then now I am a [ __ ] [ __ ] then that's how arrogant you can have be with having a [ __ ] you there could be no point where you can show your balls and [ __ ] as a marker to pick a woman up or the [ __ ] a woman yeah and it'd be acceptable yeah if you showed your [ __ ] and balls mark and as a as a hey look at look at this did you change you saying I made the market no I could never do what they do what she did to get dick I laugh at her to this day because it's like do you see you shoujo [ __ ] and [ __ ] that's right but in your model that's how else is it gonna go they're acknowledging that they've got this and that you want and then it's back to okay where there's never I know you've bet you've never met a woman mark who has taken responsibility completely for what she does because that laughs says you did because you would have had a contrary opinion I've never met a woman that went yes I am just wrong now it all right so why don't you present this to the people maybe maybe the reason why you're feeling disappointed in how many people understand you or or how many people want to be in your audiences that maybe the comedy thing is just part of it maybe you need to build this this larger broader fellowship of rough truth this almost this almost pimp [ __ ] and so to be honest it in my am I in my worst I can really say the worst days I where I had a lot of women around I didn't I didn't date any of them but they all they just loved me mm-hmm I go damn it these girls like me enough these girls listen to me enough I'm not hiding any of them from each other I could be a pimp and I realized why I couldn't be a pimp because I'm a I'm a good man this all this [ __ ] is based on the this is not based on being a pimp this is based on being a good man where I go holy [ __ ] I realized something I could never live with myself as a man allow my woman to sell [ __ ] and give me all of my I couldn't do that [ __ ] and I realize they are women who get hit in their relationship and you go why are you staying with that man what this woman at work or nine-to-five and give every dime to a [ __ ] bonus in the house she's a [ __ ] ho and he's a pimp now it's a matter of do you abuse that I don't abuse my woman I just don't want her abusing me mark that's it I don't want her abusing the fact that I'm a good man okay well okay well now we've got that about and I and I believe that you are a good man and your system seems to work it's a hard system to sell out there in the road because what you're saying a lot of what you're saying it may be true to a lot of men but a lot of men aren't going to admit it publicly and they certainly aren't going to sit there in the comedy room and listen do you say that and look at their woman go ahead that's but I'm saying like like Lopez I've read this thing Lopez got busted cheating if I got busted prostate my area it might be some [ __ ] [ __ ] strippers right right pay for some [ __ ] supposedly right but you if you look at if you look at a lot of the guys wives I mean George Lopez his wife gotta be she gave him a kidney she's a [ __ ] soldier and and as a man if he cheats on her with strippers or hookers yeah as a man this should be men that stand up mark and go okay in a cheating world he did the right thing he doesn't have a side [ __ ] that he has kids with he's not keeping he went and got some these girls look better than my wife [ __ ] he's the most venomous name for it and it's not gonna blow me home yes but yet it followed him under the newspaper he's doing the computer most famous Mexican in the world he's a funny looking guy you know and no offense if he's if he's honest with himself bad skin funny-looking face and [ __ ] that will [ __ ] him a little bit I understand that but you know the argument that that works against that in your system is that women can they're always going to be able to get another one you know maybe not as good as one so you're saying that the power of George Lopez is that his [ __ ] so good that his home is so hot that his money is so good that he should be entitled to do that and she should have to put up no this that's what I'm saying he did the right thing he didn't he got talking he got caught hook meaning he didn't he could in all reality yeah go this is what's gonna be like [ __ ] yeah and she goes George shut the [ __ ] up you go I'll give you a two million dollars and you get the [ __ ] out of my face he didn't do that he snuck to try and I gotta go okay so what do you think he's doing now now okay me and my girl discuss if this happened to us I always try to put scenarios there sure if she gets caught cheating I said I'll stay with you but you get demoted down to where you don't want to be no more which is you got no say my girl got say yeah but one she worked hard to have a say mm-hmm do you think you should be doing that right do you think you should be and not afraid or whatever like me my business [ __ ] whatever but do you think you should be doing okay that's my partner okay I told her if I get caught what am I gonna get demoted down to okay what I'll get me get into motion means you get a demotion actually meaning if you what are you gonna do you have to leave me but I'm not gonna stay in your life right if I if I get caught [ __ ] doing something that I didn't want to do and I hurt you what happens is I'm not gonna sit here and live an apology for the rest of my life I felt the same way I'm not gonna sit here and have you hold me hostage and take away really what what our relationship that's realtor is you think that I'm a great man yeah this interesting point because this is something happened to me like when my wife left me for me being an angry [ __ ] and I'll and whatever yeah the the reason she left I understand but the condition of the leaving was I want a three-month trial separation to figure out what I want to do so I you know I was upset I did everything I could to get her back on some level and in quite honestly you know I've never admitted this before man well I tried that I tried it and you know what I was upset for yourself but well no I did it for her I'm saying yes that's what you do for yourself when I knew though like about 200 a half months into this I'm like you know [ __ ] this I can't hold onto anymore I got a I gonna I'm gonna go [ __ ] somebody and I and I know I did that but I waited almost three months but after I [ __ ] somebody I knew I got a file for a divorce because I'm not gonna live an apology for the rest of my life even if I got her back I don't want to have to answer for that and I don't want to have to live an apology but you still could have got through that because look she didn't love me enough she had some other dude that she had enough but she got the other guy with the better job with the better that's what happened she we don't even better-looking we don't even better deal women we just like is that a girl in the trash can let me see what she looked like hey how you doing why you're the trash can is no we're not I can't I know it doesn't matter being good to a woman for us is a commitment to ourselves it's a commitment to the fact that we go this is what they want and this is what they think is is the right thing to do and we're decent people you know she's right this is let me stop trying to [ __ ] everything that moves it's probably some weight like there's my bar it's probably some weird compensation for something and I go let me be good to this girl I'm not gonna get better I might be able to get better good-looking or I might be able to get better decent but not if not together with her
Channel: CheekyTwat
Views: 2,026,906
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Patrice O'Neal (Musical Artist), marc maron, feminism, feminist, sjw, sjws, social justice warriors, comedian, philosophy, comedy, hoes, mgtow, hypergamy, redpillphilosophy, the red pill
Id: opbpBEGR9po
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 51sec (1431 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 01 2015
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