Holly's Bushtucker Trial! | This Morning

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so we have got our our very own this morning bush tucker trial for up for Holly now we have to be very very quiet here because I think I could do this yeah oh you'll be absolutely fine there's nothing to worry about what did you just tell me that you were gonna do we don't know how the celebrities do this I said what I'm a little bit worried about now is now standing about this but I don't think I've got a woman to be like you don't have to do this you don't have to do this can I just say like go to staff they would they won't let you die it's Tony shave don't do it don't feel the pressure don't do it yeah on behalf of the production team I don't like to speak on there but they would say please don't do that there's nothing in this is there you aren't like let's have a look you know better than this as well turn around have I got my number yeah yeah it's the emergency number for Australia okay right well we are going to play a little trolley you're in very safe hands I was there in 2006 reporting from the jungle for the show Phillips the biggest fan in the world as you've literally been everywhere in that jungle ever knew you've seen it will have a tough alert so you're in very safe hands we are gonna play a game that I like to call box of shocks so what we're gonna do there's two little holes in the back here we're gonna call the game holy parenting as well holy Willoughby so two little arm holes in the back I've got some tape okay not so nothing comes out okay so I'll remove that so pop your hands in and have a little feel and see what you think this might be go for it now - please nice and brave stick your hands right in there all the way in go on keep going you've got to do it you've got a deal we haven't got a lot half to put your hands in Fargo you won't get you won't get hurt you can have a guess have a guess I mean it moved he felt like a one more one more go one we'll go then I'll reveal okay reveal here's what it was it was a remote-control spider oh nice nice lead on to the next was that just a warm-up not yet but not hot I don't web on my face again I'm gonna remove the tape so what please be careful okay cuz there are live creatures so this is a real one be careful okay so nice and gently okay you won't get hurt I promise just nice and gently put your hand got such a swell and if I get Paget yeah okay okay all right so let's show the viewers at home what Holly it will be right so these these are live creatures so they put your hands right in amigo okay but be gentle we don't want to run out of time so do can you feel off fuel off to your left a little bit so I've got a touch here course you have you're doing well keep keep going bit further oh god this goes against everything is she close I don't want to touch you said she's very close don't don't be free to jump to the left oh my head am I the head end of it or the bottom end there's got many a can you feel something how's she doing she's it's yeah oh it's really fun is it a rats hey a rat see all that though can you feel that take that forward a little bit gently gently okay would you like to have a hold lights have a guess it's rats it's about saying a rat it should we reveal their kittens on their gorgeous rosy lily oh you wouldn't think to be scared of it was fine well could you just keep an eye on our cats as well to make sure that they don't early knock the box okay so this is the last one this I'm gonna reveal the the remove the tape again Emily yep up so please nice and gently if you'd like to place your hands into the box okay minute please go very slowly and very gently reveal it Steve let's show the viewers at home what she is touching why is that okay it's alright it's alright it's fine it's big yep try again try again nice and slowly what what do you think what does it feel like should I salute it is it so much bad God when you go you're gonna miss so much stuff down they don't know be some biscuits they may sit I have Marmite you've got the whole crumpets in here jungle formula you get all there I'm gonna miss you all so so much well you've got this to do Oh you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 839,245
Rating: 4.8878293 out of 5
Keywords: this morning, interview, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, chat shows - topic, chat show - topic, talk shows - topic, i'm a celebritygetmeoutofhere, i'm a celebritygetmeoutofhere bushtucker trial, i'm a celebritygetmeoutofhere 2018, Holly Willoughby bushtucker trial, holly i'm a celeb
Id: zhWxFfE_mHQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 18 2018
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