Exclusive: Holly's First Bushtucker Trial | This Morning

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good luck good luck with that sorry we just this is our I'm a celeb sofa yeah oh thank you and it's I think it's been in storage for a year it stinks it's the morning after the night before we're 10:00 at famous faces including our very own Holly into the jungle yeah and a celebrity get me out of here got underway last night tops here with all the lowdown and didn't she do well didn't she I mean she did everyone proud but most of all herself I mean if she was nervous she didn't you know I mean she even got her own catchphrase off the ground he's loads of fun and five-foot-one it's a good and they thought the dynamic between her and dec was wonderful I just really really AM that's a hard thing you know to the responsibility of taking over that show just for this series I'm standing in as a bit of a caretaker for ant and and then going into someone else's I mean the great thing is that everybody's mate so that's yeah but actually someone else's timing and the way they present I thought it was absolutely fabulous and their word was one bit where it was very very Holly yeah like you said very Holly yeah we're not good number stop with me feeling so much well done [Music] [Laughter] just say what Quinn said Joe Holly it was brilliant brilliant next up what I really liked about Emily doing the first Bush took a trial this evening I mean obviously last night she spent you know the whole show screaming much my delight is so nice it wasn't me this year I'm CEO she's definitely not the calmest person in camp right now and obviously her going in to the trial this evening called the Viper pit I mean I can think of a darker name for a first trial and actually we've got a little sneak sneak peak here say look I'm gonna have to just take it just be really gentle you might just have to move him along slightly I can't oh my god he's looking right at me Oh oh good I mean tonight's gonna be absolutely that's the trial day with the snakes yeah have the eating trial yet yeah I want your own easy trial it's much closer to home oh darling really yeah well I was feeling a bit nostalgic last night a little bit and I thought you know what we'll go down really well on this morning safer Thank You delicious nutritious cricket so you can buy these now in a supermarket they're actually um you know that starts with s I think it ends in bass breeze and and so insects very serious part of diets in trendy as well and they're quite trendy voluntary incredibly rich in protein easy for you sustainable oh no look the legs are all cold as I've eaten my job lots of stuff like that oh no they are not no it's not I don't think they're that bad I'm with you forever really am oh we don't like that smell it smells like the taste of fish food oh it was quite meaty I'm sorry sorry I brought that up we're gonna do this and my breath you've done your voice what else can you tell it I really want to talk about Harry again I've fallen in love with an older man in the jungle I just I thought his one - last night was shows brilliant red and I just think you know I think why we were all falling in love with him already he's unassumingly funny it is the normality that actually everyone engaged yeah yeah I thought he really earns his paycheck last night with the line well I didn't think I was a really good driver until I ran my wife do we do we think he's going to be you know the alpha male yeah it's interesting when they were doing the challenge I mean he was coming across as the real al fey was being quite bossy and it was starting I kind of thought it might be annoying for the other camp mate and some people were saying at night and then other people like me I'm kind of thought that actually he was turning into Ross from friends do you remember that routine money shouting pivot so they're so funny have a look I'm relying on you guys for balance back there what the balance guys maybe balance balance balance balanced don't grab at it nice and gel pull us further along side so we're more stable gentle gentle gentle very good job Baron because I was watching Andy Peters on on the ICB to show saying that I mean we all know johnny is an incredibly funny guy but you can flip and have said this on the extra camp last night which I thought was very interesting I mean John came across last night is one of the big standout personality but I think I might have a point there might be a little society might come out do you think Ann Haggerty will walk I really hope not I really felt for last night and I thought actually she was speaking about something that's very important autism is not normally spoken about mainstream telly and they think I misled she is a great tool to raise awareness for things and I thought I really really salute her for sitting there and saying how she felt and he sticks I hope she writes oh please no no no more I've already got cricket in my teeth or war no I just can't honestly it wasn't enjoyable but we are all your sons you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 335,034
Rating: 4.8300519 out of 5
Keywords: this morning, interview, holly willoughby, phillip schofield, ruth langsford, eamonn holmes, chat shows - topic, chat show - topic, talk shows - topic, bushtucker trial, im a celeb, im a celebritygetmeoutofhere, holly i'm a celeb, holly bushtucker trial, i'm a celeb 2018, i'm a celeb get me outta here 2018, i'm a celebritygetmeoutofhere 2018, toff i'm a celeb, toff i'm a celeb get me outta here, toff i'm a celeb winner, toff i'm a celeb interview
Id: YhpkL5rYjM4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 35sec (455 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 19 2018
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