Phillip and Holly's Funniest Encounters with Food & Drink | This Morning

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are you getting in there go on it's a chocolate cake why not so people yeah very ladylike how very yeah well you just get your fingers in there laughs I can't remember what the medicine was I used to be given when I was probably my mother gave it to me put me to sleep I can't but whatever it was it reminds me of that I've got a juicer at home but nothing I'd made comes out looking like this looks like it's come out of the drain it's like pond water I'm not sure I can do this but I'm gonna do it it's this not surprised i suitably it is I think it's billed as the world's first make your own single bottle of sparkling wine it's myseco comment first of all you add the secret and magic syrup nice so cool how is that gonna explode right there even flinch I haven't done breakfast yet so this could go one of two ways well let's just hope it goes one way no it's really really lovely it's really lovely it's just I'm not in a good place for this year's on televisions their very first time that's ever happy this is the packing one ship challenge it's the world's hottest pepper it it's made with the hottest chili pepper on the planet the Carolina Reaper created for sheer pleasure and intense heat and paintings as well I've had to put gloves on because you should them with your hands there's only one but this cop the Sunny's well I'm not playing that's it just mine the dust in your eyes all you need to do Philip so you're going to do this wait right right so it's the amount of time yeah you can do it for without reaching for some milk or ice cream okay oh my goodness the time starts now put that clock on just put the whole thing oh we shake him what you are I feeling so room so so far seven seconds you doing real well turn the record the records about two minutes oh no don't do that cuz we'll be up will be affair are you guys there you don't have to do it for two minutes it starts off with quite a chili flavor you're amazing that I mimic then it actually does get hotter and hotter and hotter can you swallow now can you feel do you feel like some milk I feel a bit sick oh I will never go alright I'd never go with it well isn't it you look all right it's really very very good seconds you see a sweaty sheen building up your heart your eyes are watery making it's making my tongue is really really don't put your face down on fire now my I totally and getting worse it's building a site listen there is ice cream and they go if you are not doing any of that are you really is it really bad is it worse than the chili vodka yeah this is like garlic bread that's quite strong it's just strong but as opposed to what we had last week I suppose no no it's not well let me had last week not raw that's not it's not strong it's nice it's nice after taste of garlic now moving on yeah we've gotta talk to these and hands in a minute no please don't give me any more guys I got it's a black garlic dip I don't want any taste it's heavily smoked [Music] don't like it personally but there we are with the chocolate drip it looks kind of like you're just this far can you imagine what I'm thinking so we've got a pair of scissors you need to cut a very small hole in the end of your button and hold it fit well say I've got a clip here that is because I don't want to be having the whole amount of shock for coming out so hold it like this so all the chocolate doesn't start flowing and a very small hole in the end of your bag like that and it might kind of come out but don't worry also what this is it's just dark chocolate together so mate basically took horribly fades like Britney yeah yeah yeah the consistency is when it's liquidly crumbly is not a complete fail what a strange way to resign would you fancy the pickled egg oh do you want to chew on that phone I'm going for the cake I literally just want to bury my face in this do it right okay what efficient fish-and-chip accompaniments you're actually gonna do better look rich Oh see it's all right when she Munson I love it bye nice okay hey welcome back through this morning the record was two minutes we've just come off air fellas had no relief from his she'd the world's two minutes twenty worldwide worldwide you for you I did you know just site something like deep corner just make that two minute no you haven't you have anything so that's the thing which seven minutes no that's the thing that's the thing it's seven your eyes are going red your eyes are going rates slightly shaking man alive my tongue is really no I'm not doing it so what is the record tell him somebody tell him someone's son seven minutes I just made up two minutes I'm not I'm not you I can't believe you did that to me I am actually not gonna have anything so that really for how long my record will be forever I am NOT I'm not gonna have any any pain relief neither do i I've never seen your eyes you eyes look like that in the morning after the NTAs when you came in I've never seen them look this bad oh my god I mean it is like there is a burning fire in my mouth my tongue feels like like it's out of stranger things it's a massive great big fiery tongue if you thing out at all not remotely it's getting it's actually you spread to the back of my throat can I just say it's gonna spread to your stomach and then you know where it's gonna go next I mean this is the gift that keeps on giving this one but you want to still matter is it really bad it's really really bad you're not in competition with anyone by not doing a competition with the world it's aimed towards consumers you've built a tolerance a weaker amounts of caffeine and needs something stronger they've warned that it's not in the targeted category should be careful when consuming the coffee serving of caffeine which is more than I did that's why I need this this morning with the reading that we had was extraordinary a little bit of a kick right ok so you've got to do the worm right have you done one I did the worm that's a hallucinogenic one that's why I fell in the lake you chew the worm or just swallow it I swallowed it you know you know any food but you know the other end to Christie oh that feels fat neither I look down and the now face it out yeah now okay okay so you got showed you a show to do later on and you've got the rest of the show to do which isn't that long I've got a text anthem any reaction help from you guys as well because it's hard to keep both after three ready three absolutely tears one go I saw it come across a crown a Abbas when you got a flat tone separator right listen let's talk you are the winner I've won you've won you are the winner oh we quits now yeah let's leave it let's see because it's gonna get look at me classism see [Music] you
Channel: This Morning
Views: 2,450,503
Rating: 4.9008441 out of 5
Keywords: Holly & Phillip funny, phillip and holly's funniest encounters with food, phillip and holly food, this morning phillip and holly food, phillip and holly this morning, phillip and holly best moments, holly and phillip, this morning funniest, phillip and holly laughing, funny, phillip schofield, gino d'acampo funny moments, holly willoughby, gino d'acampo if my grandmother had wheels, this morning, food, cake, hungover, compilation, mashup, funniest moments, best of, gino dacampo
Id: QPBp6sYjt58
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 43sec (703 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 15 2019
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