HoI4 Guide: Ultimate Nationalist China

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the 1930s and 40s were not the best times for China the once great Empire was laid low and divided with the Japanese on the prowl for more and the Communists trying to take what's left can we do better I think we can today we're gonna keep Chiang Kai check from getting Chiang Kai wrecked and make China Great again we will be playing as nationalist China and we will be going for the Romance of the Three Kingdoms where we need to puppet and integrate all of the Warlords as well as awake and angry where we must Force the Japanese capitulation to get the white piece event and take all of our cores except for the European States so let us get going Iron Man mode on historical AI focuses on and let's go ah beautiful China and its smaller Brothers also China now I've done a guide for this about two years ago and most of it still works but I just want to do a little update for no step back let's start with the basics we organized the army China has a very large army it's just all trash we have 24 of these booping she uh these are decent enough and then we have about 28 of these these are not decent enough but they will have to do and then we have some Cavalry so that leaves us with three armies I'll put them under a field Marshal first off let's just park them somewhere that we actually have Supply and that'll do in terms of production you will need guns you will need a lot of guns I'm also gonna make a couple of Fighters This is controversial because these are inter-war Fighters but air is vital to destroying the Japanese so I'm Gonna Keep building a couple of Fighters and I'll put one on civilian trains because China doesn't have a lot of trains and it is a big country it's gonna need more trains and I'm also going to start making trucks for Supply purposes as far as trade is concerned we will be trading mostly with the Soviet Union ironically they will help us far better than the West in terms of focuses we will be rushing first and foremost for subjugate the Warlords and anti-communism subject to get the Warlords first this is where things get a little difficult subjugate the Warlords can go many different ways every one of our warlos so yunan huangshi shibe San Mai well you know the ones they all get an event and it's a 50 chance it's literally a coin flip where they either submit to you or they don't if they submit great you don't have to fight them and you can integrate them via the decision mechanics if they do not submit and you have to fight them that's not a problem for shangshi huangshi or yoonan yunnan's a little annoying but not too bad but it's terrible for shibe sanma and senkyan for this reason when you check out the supply map there is no Supply and we will need to work on that so the first thing we're gonna build and again this may be controversial but I've tested it it seems to work it's gonna build a supply Hub up here in ganzi Northern ganzi that will allow us to reach golmuth and when we take gold mood we'll plug that in with a railway and and then we can keep pushing further so once that Supply Hub is built we're gonna plug it into our own Railway Network like so that should get things going now you can see this is gonna take forever February of 37. don't have that kind of time fortunately we have a solution to that problem we can reorganize the railway system a 300 percent instruction bonus once those are built we're gonna build up more military factories in our highest development provinces and preferably away from the coastline because Japan might start throwing Naval invisions at us eventually another thing that we are going to do is um cheese the intelligence agency mechanics yes we're gonna make this one but we're gonna wait until we've actually built that Hub five factories is a lot but that will allow us to force Japan into a peace deal that we can extend for three years so while in the base game Japan goes to war with us in mid 37 we can force him to sit on the sidelines and watch until 39 or even 1940 if we play our cards right if you don't want that Rush of fighting Japan at full strength while you're floundering this is the guide for you boys and girls now in terms of future research I'm just going to keep my inventory equipment up to date keep my industry up to date and I'm gonna get Fighters and don't forget support equipment to get yourself Engineers for that entrenchment it's gonna be very helpful as well as trucks because you need to get places it's also group up the Air Force and we'll use these boys in our initial Wars with the Warlords in terms of field Marshals we have a pretty wide selection I like to start for the warlord pit with this guy you a you I don't know how because he is good on the offense and has decent stats for Supply check your Railways every now and then make sure everything is like at least level two if it's leading to the front lines and make sure all of these ports are actually plugged into the railway system otherwise the eye is constantly going to try and Supply them via sea where the Japanese Navy is obviously going to sink everything you have now the reason I'm making all of these Fighters is uh the layout of the map currently Beijing that's our stuff is smack in the middle of the northern China Air Zone if we get our Air Force here we can dominate the northern China Air Zone No Matter What Japan does they will be playing catch-up and will back those Fighters up with either tactical bombers or casts I'm leaning more towards Cass because they are cheaper anyway the supply Hub is built the railway is being built so we can now start on our intelligence agency I know a lot of people are going to think this is cheesy they put it in the game I'm gonna use it it's working as intended the basis for the China playthrough this time is just gonna beef up the industry because we don't need that much of a military buildup we're gonna do a military buildup obviously because Japan is there and I know they're coming for us but we are able to buy so much time that we can actually afford to build out China's industry and when China's industry gets going oh boy I'm gonna go for Good Old Reliable silent Workhorse if you get a Seducer get those but we don't have any available so let's just put our spy in Japan and exercise diplomatic pressure what that does is make Japan more likely to accept a non-aggression pact why do we want a non-aggression pact well you'll see and now all we can really do is wait and see who is with us and who is against us uh there's no way to tell like I said it is a literal coin flip so they can all be against you or they can all become your subjects there's no way to tell ahead of time so this is the RNG part of the guide I'm sorry it's a paradox game it's gonna have RNG I lost the run to run to RNG dude and for our second political power pick Let's also go to the military High command and hire the Infantry expert he's gonna give us some taking Army experience which we will eventually need to get rid of the army corruption and here come the events alright so the mod click has refused that's annoying but not insurmountable young shishan submits so who's that shangshi that's okay lisongrat okay so everybody except yunan and Ma have decided to submit so let's make this easy and not as painful we're just gonna grind them down real quick we'll Crush you non first when yulon is out of the picture we'll move the entire Army to take out shibe San Ma and we should be able to take them out quickly as well now that we're done with that we have 70 days to take anti-communism that will give us a war goal against the commies I'm just gonna declare war in Yunnan don't call the puppets and you don't need to they they mostly serve to draw troops away from the enemy border so use your Infantry here to just rush the victory points don't let them dig in in the mountains it's gonna be annoying enough as it is despite their small army speed speed speed just want to get this over with there we go now if you're going for Romance of the Three Kingdoms what you're gonna wanna do is take all of the valuable States and then puppet them in the remaining State Dali here why well because the Romance of the Three Kingdoms requires you to integrate your subjects using the puppet mechanics now we put all of our boys on the border with Ma and do the same really the only Advantage Ma has over Yunnan is that Supply there is arguably even worse so maybe I need to beef that up not got the support companies gonna grab the trucks next I'm gonna grab either better Fighters or cast I'm thinking let's start with Cass and then get better Fighters and there goes shibe sanma again puppets don't call them and you really don't need them and because we built that Supply Hub there there is at least a limited amount of supply for us to work with so it's not an immediate stalemate we can actually go places now I want you take gold mud there's a supply Hub there as well you can plug that in oh no it is plugged in via the river if you if you're meticulous about your supply you might want to plug this in with a railway but you don't have to apparently it's already connected all right we've finished that anti-communism I'm not gonna declare war on Mao just yet I need to do a little bit of preparation I have time instead let's go to unified industrial planning and go grab ourselves an extra research slot that is going to be amazing I'm gonna need that and while we continue to grind ma down like there's no more victory points so it's just a matter of actually grabbing land yeah I don't like fighting the Warlords there we go shibe sanma has fall and again just take everything and then pop at them in the place that doesn't matter now the deal with the Communists we'll go into shangshi we're gonna request their entire Army because they will not be able to use it properly anyway then I am going to take my boys here and send them South not at the river but the mountains just behind the river something like this should do we can do a very concentrated attack from the South if you play our cards right like this once our boys are all in position we're gonna declare war on Mao and we're gonna call shangshi in and hopefully Mao in His Infinite Wisdom decides to attack where I'm not but I'm gonna allow Mao to attack North to attack into shangshi to attack into my territory even to push towards Beijing and I will not oppose him and as a result he's going to spread his troops so thin I'll be able to take yanan if we are gonna get the expanded academica cynica we're gonna need 70 stability that is not in the cards right now unless we hire this guy the popular figurehead 15 stability bada bing bada boom we're there and I'm gonna call shangshi in I think he's spread out reasonably enough now we're gonna assign a new front line here and we're just going to batter down the front Gates aggressively with air power pinning attacks Cavalry moving in behind to take yanan and go go go go go go go speed just go around his army because he's spread out like this he definitely doesn't have enough troops to cover everything we can attack him to pin his troops into place and we'll walk around his army we'll literally go around his army if he does have anything in yanan just isolate yanan cut off the Visions on the front line and just throw so much stuff at Mao and he doesn't have the slightest opportunity to resist us anyway with this many troops assigned here uh we should be able to take him out eventually just make sure you uh get around to surrounding yanan now for the Japanese we're gonna want a non-aggression pack as you can see even with full diplomatic pressure we're a little bit off because Japan hates us let's improve our relations with Japan and then we can get peace deal well not a peace deal a non-aggression pact there we go now with the Japanese opinion of us slightly lifted we can get a non-aggression pact perfect and they have accepted now what does that mean the non-aggression pact for the next year until 1938 Japan is entirely unable to declare war on us there's nothing they can do to stop us from you know being at peace for the year and a half after that they can only break it if they have twice our divisions for the six months after that they can only break it if they have the exact same amount of the Visions on our border yeah good luck Japan I'm gonna snack the out of our border for the six months after that they can break it with half our divisions yeah I wouldn't even mind if they did that because by then we'll be more than powerful enough and after 30 months they can break it at any time so this effectively buys us almost three years which is just great anyway we are dealing with what's left of mouse troops so a little bit of clever maneuvering should be able to uh net you Victory here I know it doesn't look like Victory trust me he will not be able to reinforce these divisions they will eventually die off and we can keep throwing men at him and yanan is about to fall and there goes Mao perfect so we are now going to stack the hell out of our shared border with Japan stack all of the good troops between Beijing and taijin will expand the front later by the time we're ready to go to war but currently this is the only front that matters and the bad troops these boys we can use them as Port cards we have to make sure all of our ports are guarded the Japanese won't be Naval invading until we actually go to war but when we do go to war they are very likely to throw a massive amount of Naval invasions our way just want to be prepared of course we're going to grab Army reform we're going to grab academic cynica Financial policy like just work your way through the tree as you see fit there is no clear path here that is the best well there might be I just don't know it but we have so much time that it really doesn't matter in terms of political power I think it's time to go up to partial mobilization to unlock that industrial might and then grab things like the first lady of the Republic's pretty good the financial expert is pretty good they integrate the Warlords decisions these are very expensive they're gonna take a very long time you'll be spending a lot of political power clicking all of these but you have the entire game to do it and while we're waiting for Japan let's also put our boys our airplanes in the Beijing airport make sure we are putting them over the North China everything will be here this is where the war will be decided trust me following this strategy there is nothing absolutely nothing Japan can do to deal with us and there they go the Marco Polo Bridge incident what are they gonna do the Clare warn us so you can either give up Beijing Shandong and qingdao and all you get out of it is a couple of months because they still get a claim on Shanghai and the truce only lasts until 38 so you get six months out of this now in terms of focuses I'm not gonna hold your hand and tell you what to get I recommend going down this path especially the executive Juan for more political power game that is going to be incredibly good for integrating those Warlords this is a pretty good one if you want some more factories but you're gonna have to balance it out with those inflation mechanics these mostly reduce inflation these mostly gain inflation ah it's a little anyway Japan has their two War goals and there's nothing they can do with them the war goals do last forever so the moment we break the truce they will declare layer but until then literally nothing they can do to us and I'm going to be cutting out most of what I'm doing unless there's something very spectacular here this is literally sit here twiddle your thumbs while you build up your industry build up your army and work your way through your focus Street like I said it's not super important which way you go because you have so much time just make sure use your political power wisely just to build out your military High command first the air superiority genius is also pretty nice to have so I would get air superiority guy Army regrouping guy and then this guy lisongren if you have him Army defense is pretty good if you don't have him Army organization also pretty good I'll be back in like 38 or 39 depending on how quickly the build up goes and I'll tell you about my templates for the crushing of Japan so it's somewhere mid-may 1939 and we've broken the non-aggression pact with Japan they haven't declared yet because they are trying to maneuver troops into position and then they will eventually go for us now because we've waited this long World tension has somewhat peaked and we are about to pick up a guarantee I know the UK loves to throw our guarantees and China is no exception because we're not at War yet we are going to pick up a UK guarantee of Independence now that's not terrible we can still get everything done it's actually going to make things easier because Japan will be distracted however it might break the white peace event I've had the white piece event fire despite Japan being at war with the UK several times but I've also had a handful of times where it did not work so that's a word of caution you want to make sure that your defensive line the one with the shangshi troops is running somewhere to the north of the victory Point here and the Victory Point here in China that way we can give up all of these Northern deserts and eventually link up with the territory of ma as far as political power is concerned we can start spending some on integrating the Warlords to get ourselves another achievement and with all of this Army experience flooding in from R and visors and The Limited Wars we fought against the Warlords we also got enough Army experience to get army reform twice so we are just one take away from getting rid of army reform and we are at 10 penalty it's not that severe so we're almost done ah there we go they lined up perfectly so we've got the UK guaranteeing our independence Japan declaring war and Japan is now all with us and the UK that's perfectly fine pretty much all we have to do now is sit here and take a little bit of a beating until we are ready to counter-attack shouldn't be too long now one thing you do want to be careful of the UK if they guarantee you are gonna start asking you to join the Allies that sounds like a great deal we don't currently have a faction do not do this the only time this can possibly benefit you is if you're strong enough to take over the Allies it has to do with how the event for the white piece is coded it goes to a faction leader if you're not in a faction it still works if if they're at war with a major if you're not yet it's not gonna work so just decline these offers and now we wait Japan is going to launch Naval invasions that will easily repel with all these troops positioned here and to the north here they're just gonna either throw men at us pointlessly or do nothing I am fine with both now for this Northern defense if you're not feeling too confident in the amount of Divisions you've got out or if you went to war a little bit sooner you might want to replace this Kai um my offensive Field Marshal offensive Doctrine aggressive assault you might want to replace him with the guy I currently have defending my Porsche to you why well he has a little more defense but he also has a defensive Doctrine giving him 30 entrenchment so you might want to make one of those choices let them spread out in northern China there's nothing they can do to us up there they will all run out of Supply there are no Supply hubs there's nothing for them there and uh we are pretty much untouchable meanwhile I'm still upgrading my Railways leading towards Beijing because I have so many troops stacked there just to prevent me from having supply issues so I'm just gonna have Japan expand its strength against me a little bit and then I'm going to go for a counter attack soon enough as far as my templates are concerned my port cards are just these they're really not good and my Frontline unit is this it's not amazing 21 combat with with one artillery nine infantry this holds a line fairly well ideally I would go to something like this or even this if I were to go full bore counter attack but right now my industry cannot uh sustain that I am short a lot of artillery meanwhile I'm just waiting for Japan to spend its strength like my bombers are doing a lot of good work here the one risk you do run is if you leave these on area defense like I'm doing now you can see the AI pulling a lot of troops away to contest these Naval invasions even though they don't have to so you might be better off setting these divisions to manually guard ports and the tiles next to the ports that might be safer I think the Japanese lines have gotten sufficiently thin with them spreading out in northern China then I can make a bit of an offensive in East there are two Supply hubs you want to capture these and then we have a drive northward Zhang Bay and then we can immediately cut off the entire Japanese line there if we're a bit careful this way we're gonna take what we can and give nothing back and with our air power here as well like the damage we're doing to the Japanese is well frankly ridiculous and just keep pushing keep pushing keep pushing when you get the Zhang Bay it's over they will fold but you can see we're at the very edge of our own supply line so things are getting a little bit dicey want to keep the pressure up so they're never able to recover Rush blue Army in to encircle those units and then when blue Army has arrived we can move the entire purple army so this Army group to the other side of the front and keep pushing we just want to reach the supply hubs in manchuco before the Japanese are able to mount an effective defense so he got mukden that means we have local Supply here and we can keep the front moving along if you don't make it to mukden that's fine just keep falling back until you're in your own Supply area let the Japanese attack you and then counter-attack when they're low on organization and with mukden under control we can just keep pushing and the upside is all states that we take here they're all core territory except for Korea so we get stronger than the further we push in the weight of numbers is too much for the Japanese once China actually gets troops out that's it's over for Japan and we can now click our final Army reform and that is where all of our army experience has gone except for making this division one unit larger and and making these divisions into what I usually use so I've spent all of my Army experience getting Army reform that means I have no doctrines and I chose professional officer core just to give me five percent more gain just mop up the mess up there and keep pushing out the all we need to do is make sure Japan holds no Chinese course except for Taiwan North or South Korea manchuko has to be capitulated those are the requirements so I think we're meeting all of them right now so just need a little bit of mopping up the thing that's keeping the Japanese contained here is also keeping us a little bit out of there there is no Supply so you don't throw your men away needlessly you can just let them sit there and starve build more Supply Hub expand here get my air force over there and we'll eventually crush them so I'm just gonna leave them there starve a little bit how are we looking for casualties now this has been a remarkably short war six months in and we've almost cost a million Japanese casualties uh 706 000 and we've taken 100 thousand losses I'd say that's not too bad I'd say that's pretty good actually and we've almost pushed them out of Japan just gotta keep going keep going keep going love to see it the Japanese Army is being wiped clean there's still a sizable uh a Japanese force in the north here we should be able to stop them but you know the AI always cheats a little bit when it comes to supply as long as we can keep them away from the supply hubs they shouldn't be able to get anything and even if they do take a hub it's going to be an unconnected Hub it's more of a nuisance to us really and keep redeploying your port card so everything is covered uh you don't want to get any secret Naval invasions behind your lines it's annoying enough as it is dealing with Japan alright that is the last of the Japanese troops being pushed out of Korea and bada bing bada boom we have Korea I'm gonna redeploy my port guards for full coverage and the entire Chinese Army can now Bear Down on the Japanese aggressors in northern China and we'll wipe them out so with these numbers now redeployed we're gonna keep hammering the Japanese here yes we're gonna see a lot of red Bubbles and we're gonna take some casualties here it's just horrible horrible terrain horrible Supply and the AIS can cheat with last stance it is what it is we will simply grind them to dust there's nothing they can do about it they are entirely encircled they cut off from Supply they will die it might just take a while and the Japanese launch more Naval invasions but fortunately we have a very large army ready to repel anything they throw at us so should be fine should be perfectly fine even if they do take a little bit of land as long as you push them out of Korea and Manchuria quickly enough this is just this is no challenge Naval invasions you can use irregular forces to actually stop them and you can see they don't really stand a chance and they're gone boom that is the last of the Japanese Army in China being destroyed and I think we got him ladies and gentlemen we got him ladies and gentlemen we got him oh no we need Huang Zhao one so let's deal with guangzhouan and then let's wait for the event there we go Japan offers peace so let's quickly recap what we need we need to push Japan out of every Chinese core that's one and we have to push them out of North and South Korea that's two and three it explicitly states that Manchuria has to be either non-existent capitulated or not a subject of Japan and we currently meet all of those and as a result Japan offers peace the war has been won we must accept this if we are to get awake and angry we can always go to war with Japan later if you really want to humiliate them but you must accept the war has been won where do we go from here if you want the Romance of the Three Kingdoms we simply need to work our way through these events these decisions take a lot of political power they're gonna take a long time do you want to stab a dagger into the Soviet Union's back and help out the Germans can do that do you want to take the fight to the Japanese and finish this once and for all you can do that do you want to contest with the European colonizers and take southeast Asia for yourself you're in a perfect position to do so you can get a massive industry going you still have a ton of focuses that will make you even stronger you can do anything you want you can tip the balance for any faction you are the mighty China you just look a little weird on a map until you've integrated the rest of your friends that is awake and angry done as well as Romance of the Three Kingdoms and you now have a super China to play with I'll keep the game rolling for a little bit off the camera just to integrate my Warlords well there you go Japan has declared war the moment our truce was up which is fine at this point we pretty much have what we need here they will again fire the white piece as soon as we push them out of these tiles but we don't want that right now I don't think we do so at this point it's fine to join the Allies if that is what you're in for if you don't want to join the Allies well don't obviously I think we might just do that I'm a little bored sitting here waiting to integrate our vassal so so far we're working on the third one two more to go so this is a lengthy lengthy process I've also because I got bored started sending a massive massive Lend Lease to the Soviets thousands of guns and artillery and planes and pretty much everything I can spare is being sent to the Soviets and as a result they're actually holding reasonably well that's another way of getting some game impacts but let's start crushing the Japanese now I got a little bored as well and started making mechanized equipment and I want to start making tanks but then I realized it's 1942 it's not gonna matter yeah Japan's gonna keep offering peace it's just what they do let's not uh go for that it I think the event needs a little bit of a rework I'm not expecting great difficulties uh facing Japan here so yeah a great sweeping tide of Chinese units is just flooding over the Japanese lines they uh yeah they're really not gonna be able to stop me here I got more than enough Port guards to hold anything I even got reserves in Beijing ready to deploy anywhere I need them oh air power the Japanese have nothing against this kind of air power it's almost stupid just how powerful Cass is it's almost stupid but not quite not quite so we've swept into southeast Asia we've come to the aid of the British Raj and I think we've got Japan here nicely encircled they will be crushed down south here we're just at the edge of our supply line so I need to reorganize regroup and then go for another massive push towards Bangkok and knock Siam out and they can sweep down to the Japanese Holdings around Singapore they haven't even tried a naval Landing so I think I'm good here I'm feeling very confident that they won't even try to touch me and maybe when I see an opportunity uh if there's any chance of getting Naval Supremacy anywhere here usually when the Japanese leave and the Americans arrive maybe I'll try a naval invasion of Japan it has been costly though we've lost 3 000 artillery pieces well more than three thousand so yeah our industry is going to need to work overtime to make up for it we're also lacking quite a bit of fuel but we can always trade for more with the Soviets and in terms of casualties it's cost us 200 000 men which is a lot but on the flip side we've killed 300 000 Japanese which is also a lot so all in all we're doing pretty well and we have 50 of the total contribution already but I think that's just because we're only fighting Japan I haven't actually joined the war against Germany might as well doesn't matter as far as the rest of the world's concerned uh we're about to crush whatever Japan has left in Asia there's nothing they can do about that the Allies are going to town on the axes Italy as usual the weak link along with the Yugoslav Coast it's just a massive yeah let's not even look at that and surprisingly because of our massive lend lease early on the Soviets were able to Halt the German Advance as they've been pushing back steadily they're not nearly close to Kiev but um they've held in the north very well and in the South they've started a pretty good come back so the X's are pretty much done for and so was Japan pretty much want to start my Naval invasion of Japan soon actually it's uh it's already it's already a little late an impressive defense of Bangkok by Thailand but no Siam no you cannot stop the Chinese tide it has to be such a terrifying sight to be a Japanese soldier here and just to see this tidal wave of Chinese troops coming down the peninsula you gotta be your pants at some point oh 1943 things are not looking up for Germany uh Italy's pretty much gone it's just Germany and its miners against the might of the allies and well a very very angry Soviet Union that is steadily moving back West I this is actually going fairly historically oh except for this mess but it looks pretty fun ah I decided to eat Korea and they've also decided to join the axis yeah that's not gonna work out for you Korea that's not gonna work out for you at all all right so it's November of 1943. I was trying to Naval invade with my mechanized units it just wasn't happening I've been bombing the hell out of the Japanese Navy it doesn't really seem to phase them so I took one of my armies converted them into paratroopers and just bombarded the area around Nagasaki I'm hitting them with uh Force attacks whatever works I'm burning through Chinese soldiers just to take the port but I think we've got Nagasaki now um this is gonna be the end when we Crush Japan I'm gonna call it here we are just about ready or we are actually completely integrated we have awake and angry as well as Romance of the Three Kingdoms I just want to crush Japan now as a nice cherry on top thank you I'm pretty sure the Japanese Army is virtually non-existent at this point [Music] there we go China suffers no more humiliations we'll simply puppet Japan and be done with it and we're gonna take our pound of Flesh in Southeast Asia I think we've earned that I say we can end this with the best timeline for China restored almost the full natural borders they're just a bit of Mongolia I'd like to take namely all of it but I'm really not gonna do that and the tree ports down here but hey what are you gonna do we have a massive China it was virtually zero effort and as a nice little bonus we put the emperor in his place which is prison and we now control Asia we are the dominant force in Asia and possibly the world now I hope you've enjoyed this video the guide was a little long in the tooth by the end but all you need for Romance of the Three Kingdoms is to Annex every warlord using the decisions which sucks and all you need for awaken angry is to push Japan off the continent get them off any Chinese core get rid of Manchuria and push them out of Korea and that should see you get the wide piece event you need the white piece event and after that it's just a matter of taking all of your cores back the only things you don't need are these three European 3D ports they don't matter for the achievement anyway I hope you've enjoyed this video and hope you'll enjoy the next one too see ya
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 434,431
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Keywords: no step back, hoi4, hoi4 no step back, hearts of iron 4, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron iv, hoi4 dlc, hoi4 guide, hoi4 soviet union, hoi4 tutorial, no supply hoi4, hearts of iron 4 no step back, hoi4 no step back dlc, hoi4 bittersteel, hoi4 bitt3rsteel, hoi4 achievements guide, hoi4 achievement, hoi4 memes, hoi4 china, hoin4 china guide
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 34sec (2074 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 10 2022
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