What if Alexander the Great lived in 1936?

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Bitter steel is the best

👍︎︎ 4 👤︎︎ u/No_Manufacturer44734 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey guys bittersteel here back with another video for hearts of iron four and today we're doing another one of those affordable nations and it appears you guys want to watch me suffer considering the results of the latest poll let's go the suffering begin that's right we will be playing as greece and no we will not go for the easy one no byzantine empire we will set our sights on something far far grander we will reclaim alexander's legacy so playing as greece turn iron man mode on so you know i'm not cheating and historical ai focuses on because oh boy i need every little edge i can get and that predictability is going to help let's go but first if you like these videos leave a like consider subscribing if you want to see more videos like this hit me up in the comments with your suggestions and your questions i try to answer as many as i can and if you really want to support the channel check out the new youtube membership there's a button down there that says join click that and it will take you to the youtube membership page thank you for your support so far but i've taken up enough of your time to the video ah greece 1936. yeah those are some nasty nasty national spirits we have virtually no economy uh we'll use what we have to build two military factories in attica fine that will do terms of production there is no production well we have two military factories they are positioned as such and well no real point in changing this uh but we will look to the future add a few to the artillery need a lot of artillery and some support equipment i like to arrange these in this way that way i don't have to think about it for too much this will take a while to fill up anyway oh and while we're here production could build some convoys but we need something else we are going to need submarines fortunately greece starts with submarine twos unfortunate those are too expensive no we need something cheaper we need to churn out bathtubs by the dozen just to get naval superiority later on in the game to do that we are going here to outdated equipment and we are going to build these guys the katsonis class submarine extremely outdated but much cheaper and for naval superiority the only thing that matters is number of ships quality of ships doesn't matter so we will be building these terrible submarines pretty much for most of the game now you'll notice we are lacking steel uh i wouldn't bother trading for this yes we would make more submarines but at the cost of well cutting our already very limited construction capability in half so let's not bother research will start with the basics engineering machine tools and construction now for our focus path we will be rushing all the way down here to molding the new world order this strat is based heavily on the work of spaniard once again i'll leave a link to his channel and the video down in the description below so you guys can check it out he has done some excellent work with this guide and i hope to do with credit with my run here i've made some slight alterations see if they pay off but the king's government comes first that leaves us with the army we have a sizable army 13 divisions and we have no manpower to fill the needs so let's switch things up we'll switch all of them to the horse template yes i know it's terrible that's the smallest one we have and even that will not be enough so we will get rid of two horse divisions it's best to get rid of the ones that aren't equipped anyway that leaves us with 11 divisions and some manpower all right i'll take two of these horses out assign them to a new army assign both armies to a field marshal we'll use the standard field marshal threes to start with the army of nine can have marcos dracos here he's pretty good and sit on the bulgarian border start building a planning bonus and exercise the smaller army gets the other general with the very long name sit on the albanian border and also build some planning bonus and exercise these guys will remain exercising until 10 army xp so that's the basic setup let's go now the reason why i've deleted those two cavalry divisions is cool thank you monarchists now the reason why i deleted those cavalry divisions is not just we have enough troops to fill out the army because that would have happened naturally over time but to also have a small buffer of manpower so we can keep deploying submarines otherwise if we have zero manpower and the submarine would be ready it's just going to sit there in the queue not deploying until there's 200 manpower available for it and we need a lot of subs alright the king's government done let's keep going down metaxism the hellenic spirit all the way down here to recruit the brown shirts in terms of political power we're not spending anything not until we're ready right electronic engineering done next step mechanical computing always a good idea yeah this low manpower alert get used to it you'll be seeing this for most of the run alright basic machine tools is done two options here concentrated or dispersed personally i like this burst because of the efficiency retention and efficiency base now in this run considering you have so few factories there is something to be said for going with concentrated just so that the factories you do have pump out more stuff on the whole it doesn't matter too much i'm still going to go with dispersed because i like upgrading my equipment as soon as possible even if that's not always the best idea i have a little bit of ocd when it comes to that construction is done now everything else here is a bit ahead of time for now so we're going to take this research slot and get to work on superior firepower the best doctrine especially considering our size and economy all reliable and yes i know we have a lot of political power we're gonna need it hold on to one while we're waiting for things to happen the world might as well assign some traits to our generals they are both excellent leaders because they start with trickster and mountaineer and if you have trickster plus a terrain trait you get improv experts one of my favorite traits it makes your units quicker and makes them more capable in fighting across rivers due to makeshift bridges that's also the reason why i've picked these guys for our military and not any of the other leaders we will be getting later on as for the field marshall yes i know he has the less desirable trait of old guard but that max entrenchment's useful and the other stats aren't too terrible i like to just give him charismatic and organization first to start out with you could go with any of these other traits as well it doesn't really matter and we have 10 army xp we will now stop all exercising try and make sure that if you try this you stop at or as close to 10 as possible otherwise we'll be wasting a lot of equipment and it's not like we have the factories to keep churning this stuff out so keep an eye on that and in preparation for that 10 army xp we will take the standard infantry template duplicate it give it any name you want make that an elite template those are going to be the priority for equipment and turn it into a basic 7 to 10 army experience i know a 7 2 isn't great in fact it's pretty bad but we don't have the luxury of going for 14 fours and 10 zeros just an infantry block has zero pushing potential without some sort of air cover and we can't produce that either so here we are using garbage it's what we have to work with we'll suffer through it and we'll forget about the units for now we have other priorities all right this burst and mechanical computing are done let's put those research slots back to work in the industry tab yes it's a little bit ahead of time that's fine no worries there we'll get this burst to more concentrated too your pick and construction just so we can at least get a few factories out the door and if it's bothering you that we have so much political power sitting here unused trust me it's bothering me too but we really have no choice this is a run where the main theme is suffering and sacrifice so bear with me here this is this is hurting me just as much as it's hurting you probably more right republicans cracked down time to recruit the brown shirts as you'll notice this will make romania cancel our guarantee of us which is going to be helpful all right superior firepower is done let's take that slot back to the industry as well and get improved machine tools alrighty we have recruited the evil brown shirts remember what you're going to do is immediately pause when you finish this focus just instantly pause it's time to do some political power spending first order of business we will be hiring this man here xenophon josmas the national socialist paramilitarists uh mostly because he's going to boost our brown shirt support now why are we hiring this guy well we need to continue down our tree and we could go to following in the footsteps of giants which gives us a flat 10 support for fascism uh not bad but that's a little bit early we want to get it to take up naturally first because the higher your support the lower those daily changes become and if you get that 10 early you're wasting a lot of time so we are going to wait with that focus instead we are going this way the four-year plan down to the shocked plan now i know i know we are losing all of these glorious bonuses for metaxism i know it's another sacrifice we have to make i wish i wish we could rush down here to reviving the spartan warrior spirits and and keep all of those juicy bonuses but we can't we just can't it's going to suck but it's the least amount of suck i can provide just follow this path so the four year plan it is and now that we've finished recruit the fascists we also have access to this decision befriend the communists which is for some reason only available after you've uh recruited the fascists already that's nice let's just click that so quick recap we've recruited the fascists which incidentally triggered them in the faction management tab in case you've never looked at this this is basically greece's internal workings you have four factions the loyalists republicans the communists and the fascists since we went with the king monarchists are with us and everyone else was kind of indifferent or hostile due to the focus recruit the fascists the fascists are now friendly i've said that word a lot please don't demonetize me anyway because they are friendly they are giving us more recruitable pop and more stability we're now doing the same for the communists that will also give us more recruitable pop and boy do we need it alrighty let's keep this train going you'll notice now that uh the manpower is starting to mobilize so we'll start getting a little bit more manpower and that's going to be useful later all right this burst industry is done uh i will be reserving this one research slot purely for land doctrine we need every little boost we can get every advantage on the ai and doctrine will play a large part in that that's also construction done um i'm not going to tell you exactly what to research though i would recommend sticking with the artillery upgrade this and upgrade the infantry i am going to get the infantry equipment first we need like i said every edge we can get on the ai a few things of note to research after you've gotten your infantry equipment and artillery up to date might want to pick up at the air we'll be building that later on might also want to pick up close air support though not as important it can be pretty powerful and of course don't forget you also gonna need radios computing machine and just your basic industry don't let this lag behind too much the excavation techs and synthetic texts are not that important those are nice to have later on when you have a few slots at your disposal that aren't doing extremely vital work oh and might want to have a look at this one military police it's not super important right now but this is going to come in handy trust me we are going to be occupying a lot of land before we get any cores out of it and i noticed that we have quite a bit of manpower let's go into our recruitment tab and train one two three four horses one run high priority and deploy them somewhere near the bulgarian border they will be joining up with that army and just force deploy these every time you can just 20 training outdoor go go go all right the four-year plan is done time to open up the country this will unlock investment schemes don't bother they're broken still bugged it's been about four months five months since release still doesn't work so this is just a pathway to greater abilities as we're recruiting these horses set this army to train until level three so that's uh just shift clicking the cog here uh get these guys some training like i said we need every edge we can get don't have a lot of troops so we need them to be in the best fighting ship possible all right countries opened up time to bolster the shock plan and these are the investment schemes i spoke of on paper they look pretty interesting in practice they are useless they are broken half the time the ai doesn't even respond to your request by now you should be finishing that final factory in attica and with the extra text we've researched we can add two more factories to the mix bringing us up to a total of four military factories probably gonna be like 1940 or 1939 before we even finish those but hey have to make do with what we have which isn't much i've also researched new and better guns my personal approach is to always get those quickly even if it's going to cut into our efficiency that's also why i go dispersed because i know myself you don't have to you could just keep producing basic infantry equipment just make shitty guns and work with those i like doing this and yes i know we're lacking a lot of steel it's hurting our production but we're almost finished with the shocked plan and that's gonna fix a lot and yes we are still sitting on a lot of political power trust me we have plans for this all right we have mobilized all the manpower we are going to mobilize and that should net us around 32 000. let's go to our largest army and select all of those horses and unselect four try to unselect the ones that don't have rank 3 and swap those 9 that you have left over to the standard infantry template we'll just have enough manpower left to keep deploying subs and switch over and remember keep training until everybody's rank 3. now you may be wondering why i'm changing these to the basic infantry template and not these new guys that we made the 7 2s they are so much better why not go straight for them well these guys require artillery and actually quite a bit of artillery the other template on the other hand only requires a little bit of artillery and mostly requires guns so while exercising these guys will mostly be burning through guns when they are at rank 3 and we switch them out for the new template the change is so small that additional training does not take very long and as such does not burn through a lot of guns and i don't know if you've noticed but it's taking a lot more effort to build artillery than it is to build infantry equipment anyway we have bolstered the shack plan back to the central branch and we will now follow in the footsteps of giants footsteps followed next step the modern movement the suffering continues there we go the modern movement pause it here uh this is an important event it's basically about two party leaders trying to outdo each other in terms of speeches you either have mataxas who will promise to lead us to greater greece sounds nice or mercurus who will promise to deliver us to the glorious empire of alexander the great and well why stop at anything short of greatness that is exactly what we want george mercurus will be our national leader as for focuses let's head for cement greco-german ties get this one first now let's go back into our decisions and befriend the republicans which ironically is only possible when you're completely fascist okay that will improve our stability and war support plus a little more recruitable pop definitely something we need what else can we do let's have a chat with the italians they like us now let one day take by yes like i said they like us now so get that non-aggression packed that will give us 60 opinion perfect leave it at that and let's also go to the germans and ask for docking rights they should agree to that no problem great now use those docking rights how do we use those docking rights let's check out the navy we'll split off the two cruisers and one two three four these itos class destroyers and move them over to the submarine fleet that leaves us with four destroyers of the hydra class that's the one we want we'll take these destroyers and sail them all the way over here to wilhelm's haven and we'll forget about them for now the rest of the navy will still remain here chilling in port now let's have another look at that large army we made as you can see the infantry divisions have reached rank 3. it's time to change them again into our 7-2 template that is going to give us more manpower which we can then use to change out the cavalry again and it's going to start requiring a lot of toad artillery that is going to hurt but we don't lose that much experience meaning we're not going to burn that much equipment to get these guys back to rank 3. all right record german ties strengthened let's go for a helena turkism where we ask the turks if they want to play nice with us and make a joint application to the axis we are definitely not going to stab them in the back that also gave us an extra research slot so that's helpful research is going to be great and every little edge we can get and again with these cavalry units being ready switch them over to basic infantry whenever one of them reaches rank 3 and then when that infantry reaches rank 3 switch him over to the seven twos yes i know it's convoluted trust me it does save on equipment costs all right hello turkism is done time to subjugate the bulgarians this is gonna give us a war goal on bulgaria but we'll not be using that for now we have time and then this event is going to pop up right after finishing the focus turkey agrees to heleno turkism friendship packs alright when this event pops up right after we finish the focus we click the bottom options perhaps we do not need the turks and we shall be torpedoing their relation with the fascist powers i'm sorry turkey the bosphorus isn't big enough for both of us now sometimes you might get a different event that just has turkey flat out refusing you that has different outcomes it's going to force you right into the axis which isn't great i recommend you leave that and it's also going to cost you war support i believe five percent at that point you might be better off restarting because it's going to make things a lot more difficult but it is relatively rare anyway where were we a few moments later all right subjugate the bulgarians done we now have a fancy war goal in reserve it doesn't expire so hold on to it time to move on to the last country standing we are forced into this option because we chose to backstab turkey that's fine what are we going to do now for the duration of this focus we are going to keep a very very close eye on its progress and world tension let's keep the time flowing until we reach 12 days out of 70. it's now day 12 and world tension is looking not too great it's rather low which means if we were to justify on albania which is our next step for their claimed state it would take 130 days so that in mind we are going to wait until we reach day 17. now if world tension is 25 or higher at this point for you you can start justifying on albania already we are gonna wait a little bit longer because it's going to take longer trust me on this it all has to do with timings timings are tight timings are important what i mean by that we need to get this focus molding the new order that allows us to create factions what we're going to do is create a faction with italy but to do that we need to be at war which is why we are saving that war goal with bulgaria so the plan is to justify albania as that's going on work towards the focus to create a faction the instant we have that focus for the factions done we will declare on bulgaria invite italy to our faction and a few days after the war goal for albania will finish and will declare in albania as well and they will be free real estate because the italian guarantee will mean nothing there day 17 and we'll justify on albania for northern emperors 113 days last country standing done let's go on and mold the new world order and yes we're sitting on a lot of political power it's starting to become a theme here i know by now we've also switched over the entire army of 13 divisions to the 72 divisions so also by now we have switched over the entire army of 13 divisions to the new template this one the seven twos now for the albanian front don't worry these stay as horse divisions we need their speediness to deal with albania well deal with just walk in there looks like franco is also fascist that could be trouble later on but we'll see now seeing as we're about to finish molding the new order here and we do have quite a bit of political power and a good idea to spend it on would be ramping up to extensive conscription we can always use more manpower that gives us time to mobilize it as well let's keep going now when this focus finishes immediately pause the game very important there it's finished games paused we have some things to do here first off pick a new focus good idea would be to finally strengthen our economy and we'll be heading into devaluating the drachma down to utilize our strength the right path really isn't that good at least not in the situation where greece finds itself right now no utilize our strengths will be better so devaluate the drachma have a chat with the bulgarians and simply declare perfect oh your tiny air force put them up over the eastern balkans air superiority and close air support it should be enough the bulgarian air force is laughably tiny as for the navy uh just set them to strike force in the aegean and the eastern mediterranean for the well giant stack of your subs and remember that smaller navy we split off earlier sign them to a different admiral to keep them from doing strange things and have them mind laying yes mindling in the north sea this tile here mine laying can only be done while at war that's why we were waiting so long and we do need the naval range which is why we asked germany if we could dock here now this will lead up to our future invasion of the united kingdom mindling slowly increases your naval superiority and uh well we can use any edge we can really so just leave those boats there as for bulgaria what's the plan with bulgaria well we want to destroy the bulgarian army with encirclements obviously but we do not want to capture the capital yet we don't want to capitulate them until we are good and ready they can capitulate on our terms so our plan will be to encircle the capital but not capture it and simply overrun the rest of the country and destroy their army then we can leave them to be capitulated at any time of our choosing do be aware we want to limit our casualties we don't have that much manpower yes more is mobilizing but there are only so many greeks in the world and it will take a very very long time before we get any extra core manpower so try to be very careful in your bulgarian war make encirclements attack only in favorable terrain make extensive extensive use of this button makeshift bridges this is going to be incredibly helpful to get across these uh rivers here and simply fight the enemy where they are weak and you are strong so what i'm going to do here is push up through the forest tile towards sofia and try and go for an encirclement this way these units will support the attack like so these guys will head towards this tile up into plovdiv and these guys will head into ascoho again support attacks from as many sides as possible to open up the combat with the plan here will be to encircle these units and these units destroy them and push further north they should not have that much now that's going on let's have a chat with the italians we can now create a faction with the italians very good do that immediately and they're in perfect that will allow us to eat the albanians in seven days with impunity what else can we do oh yeah whenever germany wants to send you volunteers decline i know it sounds great extra troops to help us but the germans will just ruin our plans so just keep saying no right what else can we do queue up as many of these seven twos as you can that's going to put us at a massive massive equipment deficit but that's fine simply have a chat with the italians and request some equipment they'll send us guns support artillery and support equipment and do the same for the germans they will not send us guns they're still building their army i guess they will send support equipment but no toward artillery oh germany's being a cheapskate at least the italians are giving us a lot of stuff right then go back to your recruitment and delete the last one in that line we just need 11 that will fill up the army to full and deploy them somewhere near the turkish border they have other duties now keep a very close eye on this fighting it's going to be important to minimize our casualties these units are moving out they're trying to escape what they see as an encirclement waiting to happen do not let them pin them in place with your other divisions excellent that's one encirclement done immediately push across the river help close the pocket and we finished our justification on albania as well simply go there declare on albania and the italian guarantee doesn't matter since italy is in our faction and again do not call any allies albania only has one or at most two divisions use one of your cavalry divisions to pin whatever they have in place if it's two divisions just go around them if it's one division pin it and go around them doesn't matter and simply use what's left to take their three victory points your cavalry is quick enough should not be any problem and again for bulgaria make extensive use of makeshift bridges now that we are fighting both albania and bulgaria we have access to propaganda efforts these are going to be very important now do not click war propaganda against bulgaria not yet start out with war propaganda against albania albania is going to disappear soon but this will keep ticking so click this one first in 90 days when this one finishes then we can click war propaganda against bulgaria and get the well the benefit of both of these otherwise we'd be stuck with only one and as you can see we need a lot more war support in this we are below 50 percent opening us up to some pretty nasty events let's keep our fingers crossed that they don't happen and again make pinning attacks to prevent the enemy from walking out of this encirclement waiting to happen oh look albania found a second division shouldn't matter we've taken tirana it's all but over now and there goes albania great now we deploy those units to the bulgarian front excellent so that's another three bulgarian divisions encircled we will now destroy them and move on to the rest of the country and again be very careful not to actually capture sofia we do not want to capture sophia oh that's albania simply take all states perfect and done right pause the game again we have some more changes to make we definitely need the min max our manpower and to do that we are going into our occupied territories switch the template over to the horses they're cheaper and have more suppression and set our occupation law to local police force that should keep them under control also set the garrisons to a high priority how's that italian equipment looking 18 days for their stuff great keep an eye on this every time they make a shipment request a new one otherwise it keeps sending you like small fractions of that initial shipment so if they give you 10 000 guns they will follow up with i believe 10 or 100 guns every month so just wait for the big shipment cancel the land lease when it's arrived and then ask for another big shipment otherwise you're just gonna keep getting like tiny shipments that don't really matter let's have a look at our casualties all right we're already at 3.7 k i know i know it's a small number but greece doesn't have a lot of manpower try and keep these casualties extremely limited so just be careful not to waste manpower here as for the bulgarians they should be giving up any time now meanwhile we continue to tighten the noose around sophia while that's going on let's have a look at our focuses okay we are working on devaluating the drachma very good what is turkey doing here we go turkey is now doing um unhistorical that's why we play on historical turkey is now working on abuse the office of soil products the next focus they will take is reconfigure turkish foreign policy which will cause them to lose their romanian guarantee as you can see turkey is guaranteed by romania and we cannot fight both turkey and romania sorry we're just not strong enough fortunately soon turkey will lose its guarantee however immediately after they will start this focus the anglo-turkish agreement giving them a uk guarantee that means there is a 35-day window in the entire game where turkey is not guaranteed by anyone and we are going to jump on that window when it presents itself so immediately after turkey finishes reconfigured turkish foreign policy that is when we strike that is the reason why we rushed all the way down this focus tree and gave up any hope of these great excellent methoxism focuses if we took these yes greece would be stronger but we would not be able to get to the turks in time to make use of that small 35 day window that's the reason we rushed all that meanwhile keep these training first deploy them as soon as they're ready but that will take a few more days all right evaluating drachma is done let's keep going and utilize our strengths what is turkey doing yep they are reconfiguring turkish foreign policy and if i'm not mistaking that is a 70-day focus 70 days so in 70 days we need to have this cleaned up so while it's not a rush to defeat bulgaria we are on somewhat of a timer and we have the entire bulgarian army surrounded in sofia and up here in within we'll clean up within and then make a joint assault on sofia to destroy the units but halt the attack in time before any of our units you know actually walk in we don't want to capture sophia the reason for that is we want to be continuously at war we will declare on turkey and then finish up bulgaria that way we are always at war this ensures our mind layers keep operating we need every edge we can get if we are to invade britain at some point and this will allow us to make use of these war propagandas so in 60 days we can click war propaganda against bulgaria after that it doesn't really matter we should be a fighting turks by then we now have sophia entirely surrounded and the bulgarians have no army that's perfect we can move on to the next step of the operation we will park our entire army the big one on the turkish border leave one division on sofia to capture it as soon as we're ready and we'll take our horses one horse division here um this uh is where the battle line has to be drawn for this island i know it's absurd the crossing is here but if you want to assign troops to this little island you have to click that corner up there then the other horse can man the southern island of samos this will keep the turks uh focusing on these two islands so freeing up a lot of divisions that otherwise would be here it's already going to be tough and the turks are also going to commit quite a few troops to guarding against italy even though we will not be calling italy in right how are these other divisions doing keep force deploying these into the fields that's perfect and these units can exercise while we wait for our turkish adventure and the air force has done its duty we'll ground them for now wouldn't want to get any more planes lost due to accidents we've already lost two so just ground the planes until we're ready to fight turkey draw a battle line here the plan for turkey is the same i've used in my byzantium video we will break through towards istanbul capture their port down here preferably from the rear because there is a river crossing here and encircle and destroy the turkish army on this side of the bosphorus then withdraw to our defensive positions and allow the turks to move more troops in and rinse and repeat until the turks really don't have an army left but for our turkish war but for our turkish war again be careful we cannot take too many casualties 25 30 000 is okay anything else is really starting to hurt greece good thing we're still mobilizing troops oh and while you're waiting for the turks to finish their focus keep an eye on sophia with that one unit you have next to it sometimes not often but sometimes the bulgarians manage to find enough troops and some guns to deploy an understand unit and while it doesn't really matter it can be annoying if they retake most of their country while you're not looking alright quick recap in 48 days we can click war propaganda against bulgaria and for turkey uh yeah in about 55 days we can go to war we have time time we can use to get these divisions out the door actually gonna queue up some more the cheese the italians sending me more stuff five days they'll send me some cannons what will the germans send me no artillery time you germany what a cheapskate at least italy is a faithful friend willing to send me more artillery all right that's all of these units deployed keep them training so they're at least level two well ideally level two before we have to fight turkey these guys are doing great they are building up entrenchment the navy on strike force does not consume any fuel which is perfect but at the same time it does offer us naval superiority meaning the turks cannot naval invade us again i don't know why paradox made it like this but i'll take it i'll take it we need every edge we can get and there war propaganda against bulgaria that should be enough to get us up to 50 war support that we can finally change the war economy the reason why i've not gone up to partial is i hope obvious um this is a lot of political power i'd rather just go straight to war economy as for focuses uh seven days until the turks get what's coming best stop the exercises yeah they're not all level two but that will do i'll get some organization all right utilize our strengths is done that means the turks have reconfigured their national policies and there we go there is no guarantee on turkey revel in this boys this is the only 35 days in the game where turkey does not have a guarantee and will immediately declare great turkey stands alone and will take her out this division can knock out bulgaria and redeploy to the turkish front and we'll wait a little bit see what the turks do there that's for air force deploy them over greece close air support near superiority and slow the game back down right as far as the turkish front is concerned i've given you a rough outline of what my plans are so i'm just going to show you now i'm going to attack this tile and move straight into istanbul as well half of the army is going to go to this tile instead so we are going to push down and then spread out push towards istanbul and leave one division in istanbul that will prevent the turks from crossing here it's a pretty hefty crossing penalty so one division should be able to hold the rest of the army will work together to close the pocket around the rest of the turkish troops in europe very important though since battle of the bosphorus turkey now has a port down here in indian we need to take that port and the easiest way to do that is to take it from the rear because of the nasty river crossing in alexandropolis also they have an armored division there so that could be nasty to take out have to be careful cannot take too many casualties as for our national focuses we will now open foreign subsidized factories this will give us one military and one civilian factory for each of the following countries that have an opinion of us greater than 80. france not gonna happen the united kingdom not gonna happen the german rush that's an option and the soviet union that's also an option so we are going to start that focus and immediately improve opinion with the soviets and improve relations with the germans once these relations max out though i suggest cancelling the improved relations because it's costing quite a bit of political power but that should get you over 80 with both of these the soviets start out minus 10 so they cap out at 90 perfect germans start out pretty high so that should be easy like i said uk is already at -23 so that's impossible and same goes for france minus 23 not happening meanwhile and the turks immediately launching attacks onto our little islands but that river crossing should really enable our horse slats to hold the line oh and one change i forgot since we've researched military police might as well actually use it going into our horse divisions and i'm going to duplicate these call them the mps low priority save that and use those instead as our divisions as for bulgaria take all states there i am also going to launch attacks using makeshift bridges just to prevent the turks from moving to oppose our pocket here the eye isn't bright but they know when something's up so even though we're losing these attacks that's fine we just want to keep these units in position so they don't move you know out of the pocket all right we've got a nice little pocket here that's a large large portion of the turkish army we have trapped we'll now leave one division on istanbul itself to prevent turkish reinforcements and we close the pockets that's going to be so spicy we are going to stop attacking for a while allow these troops to reorganize get some planning bonus and we start pressing them and again make extensive use of makeshift bridges i wonder how many divisions do we have here just have to make sure they don't get out of here that's four or five that's another five that's 10 13 17 divisions i think that's about half the turkish army just have to make sure that we don't take too many casualties closing this oh boy we've already taken quite a few cash all right uh it's getting better and better just have to make sure that these units down south don't escape close that pocket up there you open it up that's bad and just close it again should be fine there perfect as far as the islands are concerned yeah turks are not going to push in there istanbul that one division can hold easily no sweat and now we close what's left in there and we try and take out the ports i don't want these units leaving the port so i'm gonna hit another makeshift bridges and start pressing into that port as long as those units are engaged in combat they cannot withdraw from that port and that's perfect well that's a lot of casualties all right let's take the ports let's see how many turks we killed here oh i think that was over half the turkish army we just destroyed at the cost of uh unfortunately almost 20 000 greeks sad sad but sacrifices have to be made now going to move the entire army back to a fallback line between burgas and the port in adair that way there's no port we have to take a second time and we're going to let the turks walk in here again they probably will not commit as many units simply because they just don't have that many units anymore great and uh we'll try that again destroy four or five motivations and then we'll push across the bosphorus perfect we are now over 50 or support which means we can finally ramp up to war economy finally greece has some semblance of an economy going for it now should be finishing up that last military factory we're gonna add a few dockyards and mills i'd rather have a few more mills now and a dockyard or two three four maybe after so we can get a few more submarines out yeah i don't think we're going to get another grand encirclement out of this so let's just deal them the coup de grace and we'll now push past istanbul right across the street rest of the army clean up time to push into anatolia and uh start going for victory points the purpose will not be to completely annihilate the turkish army it would be cool but we uh oh we cannot afford those casualties we will now be going for his victory points as many of them as quickly as possible just to capitulate to the turks in a timely fashion and again i'm focusing on manually taking victory points try to encircle the turkish divisions to destroy them or to just ignore them if they're nowhere near one of their victory points and you just keep pushing turkey has a lot of victory points yes but we should be far superior to the turkish army at this point should be able to win this without taking too many extra casualties all right we've opened our foreign subsidised factories and yes we scored the soviet one and the german one great and stop improving relations that's pointless perfect our economy is improving ever so slightly i've shifted to producing a bit more interwar artillery but i just realized i should also be making a few units of toad at the air and a little bit of cass i don't have researched cass yet how well mistakes were made before i forget as for focuses we will continue down and export more luxury commodities and probably best to follow it up with increasing the mining operations it's such a horrible mess and i love it oh look at that mess we've made how far along is turkey next big victory point should do it yeah there we go turkey has capitulated a few guns some equipment most importantly a lot of land and we will simply take all states done done and end all right with turkey defeated there is some light at the end of the tunnel at least the decision to form the macedonian empire has shown up and as you can see here we have quite the long way ahead of us before we can call this quits what do we still need all bulgarian and albanian states we have those as well as all yugoslav states south of serbia so that's these i believe so yeah everything below belgrade and montenegro all right so yugoslavia is next up on the chopping block then there's iran afghanistan stalin about pamir and tashkent i think we'll take those from the soviet union also need iraq all french states in syria so that's this bit egypt yes uk palestine jordan kuwait yeah also uk and pakistani states that's these i believe from the raj so our path is pretty obvious we have to take on the allies but first we'll try and sneak in a small war on yugoslavia assuming the allies don't intervene because as you can see world tension is high and if we were to justify on yugoslavia now the allies are guaranteed to jump in there so what are we going to do we are going to wait if we wait for world war ii to kick off we might be able to sneak in a little bit of a justification before anyone really realizes the reason for that is simple italy is not in the german faction so they will not be at war with france meaning france will not deploy troops to its borders the same goes for the united kingdom as a result they will feel threatened by the presence of italy in the area and are less eager to commit to a two-front war if they're already fighting germany however this is not set in stone it's perfectly possible for them to still guarantee yugoslavia now you could go around and throw justifications in on all the nordic countries and other democratic nations in the world just to make the allies run out of political power but one it's very costly for you as well and still it's not really guaranteed to work because at some point even countries like the netherlands and belgium start throwing out guarantees giving you the same results so what are we going to do we'll wait for world war ii justify on the yugoslavs if the allies don't guarantee them perfect we'll eat them and unfortunately we'll also need to eat the romanians since that guarantee is not going away anytime soon if the allies do guarantee them well we'll have a difficult uphill struggle ahead uh we'll see how we handle that it will be a matter of rolling with the punches and adapting to the situation now we're not really equipped to deal with that kind of fallout so either that run will be dead i'm sorry i i wish i had a better way of dealing with the ai or it will be very difficult but also satisfying when we do finally land in the united kingdom so let's go fortunately we are mobilizing some manpower because oh boy garrisons are sucking up quite a bit right luxury commodities exported uh in terms of focuses we will now head down to increase mining operations mobilize the economy and clear the slums usually this isn't the better option however this gives us 66 000 manpower and manpower comes at a premium we need that manpower rejuvenating athens usually is the better option here but like i said we need the manpower so we'll head for clear the slums in terms of political power we will halt our spending and start saving up to hire some military advisors good options here are the army maneuver genius division speed is excellent as well as the infantry expert and the artillery expert greece has some pretty good generals or army command guys and just to be able to fill our front line i'm going to start training horse divisions these are not great but as manpower trickles in we'll be able to replace these with actual infantry we just need something out of the door and again force deploy these divisions whenever they're ready get them to exercise and once we have more manpower in the bank start switching these over to an infantry template now the big problem with yugoslavia is not going to be our justification usually i say usually the allies ignore our justification unless there's some really crazy things going on with world tension however on historical eventually italy is going to start justifying on yugoslavia as well usually for a couple of the northern states at the same time so that's a large world tension spike and italy is seen as a very very threatening country to the allies and that is usually again i keep saying usually but that is where the allies tend to go off the rails and guarantee yugoslavia this is pretty much the point in the video where the guide goes off the rails and it becomes a matter of rolling with the punches the eye becomes so unpredictable that it's very hard to say what you should be doing it becomes more a matter of reacting to what the ai does because like i said they become so incredibly unpredictable fortunately we can still out think the ai meanwhile keep recruiting horse divisions till there's uh roughly 16 out in the field that should be enough to man the romanian front then start switching them over to infantry alright the germans have started world war ii and they're at war with the allies great and we'll start our own justification on the yugoslavs 175 days 35 political power i'm gonna click this and i am very afraid i am very afraid it might just immediately pop up with an allied guarantee if it does we'll have to see from there well so far so good 30 days in almost and no additional guarantees but i'm not ready to celebrate just yet at 16 horse divisions being trained when these are deployed we'll start switching over to infantry and we'll do the same thing with it with the army in the first build up we'll switch the regular infantry first train those up to level three and then switch those out for the seven twos just to conserve artillery we don't have that much artillery now we have a bunch of political power available to us i'm gonna spend a little bit of it going to start by hiring the army maneuver genius he's going to be excellent as well as the infantry expert always a good choice and who do we have here the artillery expert that's a pretty well-rounded military cabinet these guys will carry us to victory hopefully all right we've cleared the slums we can now move on for the industry you can continue down here connecting our prefectures all the way down to the academy of athens then you can also head here for some more resources or the hellenic armed forces since we'll be doing a lot of fighting this unlocks academy battle plans and those are pretty great to give you a bonus against certain countries um i would recommend picking up this one first going further down give you some nice bonuses to research or the atlantic navy gives you a couple of extra dockyards that could be very handy in pumping out a few more submarines just to be able to invade the uk all right it's been 70 days almost without allied guarantee i'm starting to hope please don't crush my dreams paradox i do have a nice amount of manpower but we are not going to get around the fact that we will have to ramp up manpower laws next 93 000 and we're not getting a single extra soldier and we have several more countries to fight we need to take out yugoslavia romania france well fiji france probably the united kingdom iraq iran afghanistan and the raj though we have plans for these countries i'll talk a little bit about that when we get there you see you don't have to fight every battle also finally going to start making some close air support these guys are going to be helpful even if we're not going to get green air cass always works the enemy fighters don't seem to target cass as much in air combat so yeah pretty nice meanwhile yugoslavia is still free real estate we have 50 days left to go can i start dreaming please don't take this away from me paradox please oh no italy just started justifying uh still safe still safe this is usually the point where either uk or france decides that they've had enough of our shenanigans um doesn't appear to be happening so i'll keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best now in your case if this does happen uh two options either you restart which i would not recommend or if you're pretty good at the game and are confident in your ability to fight this war just fight it conquer as much of yugoslavia as you can and at least get occupation on the states that are going to be required do not call in italy if you find yourself being fought with standstill by uk reinforcements or romania is too much what you can still do at that point is kick italy out of your faction which is still possible because they will not be at war and ask to join the germans in the axis just disband your faction join the axis and germany will come to your rescue quickly knocking out yugoslavia and romania that will free you up to finally start planning an offensive against the united kingdom with the risk of having a pretty bad peace deal you will be at the mercy of the ai since it will be cheaper for them to take land if you're in the same faction at the peace deal all right hellenic armed force is done i'm gonna get the hell on it navy couple more submarines out are going to be incredibly helpful all right it's been long enough uh how is this looking justification is done in about 20 days still no guarantee i am starting to dream so i'm just gonna switch the entire army over to seven twos not the ideal way of doing it but we need these units ready stockpiles are still looking okay production's not too bad either so we are going to gear up for our big confrontation here because these are two pretty powerful countries we'll be fighting yugoslavia is no joke if they're left on their own as you can see they got quite a few divisions and they're well equipped and the romanian army is pretty much the largest in the balkans so they are a tough nut to crack however we're not afraid of a couple of nuts we can do this now there goes france now i finished up the hellenic navy um i'm just gonna work on the industry focus wise you do you doesn't really matter at this point we have what we need anything else is a nice bonus on top the main focus will be fighting from here on end we need to conquer yugoslavia defeat the romanians get vichy here that will involve joining the axis get our hands on the united kingdom's lands in egypt and iraq iran afghanistan tiraj we could conquer our way there but i think our plan is going to be knocking out the allies before the united states join so we have about a year maybe a year and a half to do that but first yugoslavia there we go we have our war goal there is no guarantee other than the romanian ones will immediately declare and now we have about 95 days to do this on our own before italy decides to join in now it's not terrible for italy to join in but would much rather get this on our own and we'll start by trying to encircle this southern salient by pushing through the weakest points of their lines we'll take the speed way way down and see how this goes oh and uh manpower is again a problem so up to surface by requirement i really don't like doing that but we need more soldiers all right and let's put our joke open air force up over the eastern balkans every little bit helps [Music] all right that's one encirclement complete with a pretty sizable portion of the yugoslav army trapped in the south now to destroy them to the north yes we are we are suffering uh the romanians are gonna push hard um not much we can do about that maybe redeploy our air force here just to give our boys a little bit of an edge but the romanians actually have an air force so that could be difficult i wish we had more manpower and more troops to spare i could pull off some fancy naval invasions and try to encircle well the entire south here but i just don't have the troops i'm gonna try my best to create as many encirclements as i can destroy yugoslav units pretty much the only shot we have at defeating these guys without taking massive casualties it's another two divisions dealt with and again make use of these makeshift bridges whenever you run into a river it's excellent and more divisions in circles good good yugoslavia should start feeling the pressure now you may be able to tell but this is very micro intensive so don't just set a battle plan and let it go that's gonna get you killed now we need to conserve manpower and we need to be quick about finishing this as well because how much time do we have left in about 60 days the italians are going to want to join in 20 minutes later oh we've done so much damage to yugoslavia already still not giving up just just roll over preferably before romania joins the axis all right let's walk into belgrade maybe that will be enough to convince these guys to give up come on yugoslavia 99 all right so one more victory point is that it probably zagreb then oh there you go the yugoslavs perfect all right now i just need to take all yugoslav states south of serbia and that would be montenegro need that one we need southern serbia got that one and macedonia great anything else could just go to a puppet really going to satellite a bunch of these countries that will keep me from having to garrison the area great and and that right now we deploy the army to the romanian flank and take out romania let's check out the decision yes we got all the states we needed in the peace deal now do be careful here because germany can still come in and take out yugoslavia because serbia here counts as the yugoslavia attack and germany has some events to destroy them um one way to work around that is to join the axis at this point which probably wouldn't be a terrible idea but it is going to put romania into the allies as it's not a great idea then again if we don't the romanians might join the axis that's also not a great idea let's see if we can make it work use this window of opportunity to take as much territory as we can before the romanians managed to redeploy their army although pretty pleased with this managed to inflict a good amount of damage on romania in that window they gave us oh manpower is still ticking up we've not lost too many soldiers here no casualties are pretty okay let's keep going how close are they to capitulation can't be much more 23 all right so probably this victory points and galati up there i'm guessing oh there goes romania perfect and we don't need any romanian territory so i'm just going to split this up i'm going to give some to transylvania since they do have cores there and we'll just pop puppet what's left of romania there finished okay so we are looking quite chunky we have the territory we need from the balkans and everything else is going to come from the allies and neutral states in the middle east now how are we going to proceed what we are going to do next is probably what you will have to do in case yugoslavia gets guaranteed by one of the allies anyway what is the plan we will build up an invasion force in northern germany trying to head from i believe hanover here and try and naval invade the united kingdom near hull while we're doing that we need to keep some troops in reserve along the iraqi and the iranian front we don't need that many troops just a couple of divisions to hold this front it's mountainous so one division per tile should be able to hold perfectly not to mention that we'll get some axis help as well because after our build-up is complete we are going to kick italy from our faction by italy and we are going to join the axis and with help from the axis we should have no trouble securing our home front in case of naval invasions because that is going to be a risk and we will start our offensive operations against the united kingdom and these middle eastern states and in preparation i'm gonna free up some manpower to defend against these middle eastern countries we'll need one two three four five six tiles six mountain tiles two holes so i'll reduce this army to a size of well riley is that rid of four divisions perfect and these twelve will be enough and we'll start changing these divisions into fourteen fours the perfect division for an invasion on a budget so this is what our 14 fours are going to look like nothing fancy here just 14 infantry battalions four artillery battalions with a little bit of support thrown into the mix support anti-air as well these are the guys going to land in the united kingdom i get at least 10 those are the units doing the actual landing and we'll switch over more as we get more manpower available oh and we have more political power to spend and to conserve our precious manpower this guy is also a good pick extra recruitable pop very nice reduced damage to garrisons very handy considering we're sitting on a lot of land and also reduces our required garrisons this is going to be incredibly incredibly helpful that's going to free up more manpower quickly i've also realized i'm not going to get our opinion of germany up high enough to get military access so i'm just going to kick italy from the faction now and dismantle our faction bye bye meme bros and we're just gonna join germany they have no problems with that hey there we go now i'll redeploy my entire army up here near hamburg 24 divisions can go up there i'll prepare my naval invasion from there i will also ship the rest of our navy that giant pile of bathtubs over to the german port of wilhelm's haven and they will come in very handy when doing a naval invasion there alright now to invade the united kingdom we will be hitting them in the flank near hull like all the way down between newcastle hull and this this bit here above uh norwich i found that these two sea tiles are the easiest to get through because the royal navy is one very spread out and two the german navy tends to show up in these tiles every now and then giving us a slight window of opportunity i'll ship most of my army over there and i'll try to change as many of them over to 14 fours as i can without crippling my industry or manpower as far as our middle eastern front is concerned once we join the fight against the uk we'll start quick justifications on iraq iran afghanistan get them into the war hopefully drawing them into the peace deal alright most of our army is trained and equipped they're all ready to go i'm gonna stop this training session let their organization take up a little bit set the naval invasions to go off as you can see we are definitely lacking naval supremacy but the navy is here ready to provide naval invasion support all we have to do now is accept this call to arms and click gonna slow the speed way way down and see if we can actually make this landing happen oh fortunate uh our naval invasion is off so bear with me here we're in the home stretch boys meanwhile i've started a quick justification on the iraqis should only take 10 days that should draw them into the war they'll join the allied faction then i'll do the same thing to iran and afghanistan they will all join the fight they will get involved in a little bit of fighting along this border and we should be able to snag them up in the peace deal as well hopefully now on to the main event here the naval invasion all right they're contesting us at hull but i think we'll be able to land in the other tiles all right troops have landed i'm gonna do this manually so there'll be a lot of micro management involved the basic idea is to cut towards liverpool cut the country in half clean up the north that's usually pretty easy and then start pushing south in an attempt to completely encircle london without taking it that will allow us to occupy all of the home islands without actually capitulating the united kingdom giving us time to potentially get something out of iraq iran afghanistan in case we need more participation because participation is what gives you the peace deal that you want and it is one of the weak points in hearts of iron i have to say peace deals can really ruin it for you we are running into major major resistance almost instantly so the uk i'm afraid has most of its army at home that is going to suck oh boy this is going to be really difficult we've successfully landed we've taken aboard time to send the rest of the army across that's the iraqis let's get them involved they'll join the allies that's fine i will justify on the iranians god i hope they get my army across in time all right the reserves are incoming which is very very welcome because our lines are extremely over extended fortunately the eye isn't too bright and they're not really doing much so they are starting to move into obnoxious positions all right to organize i'll use the seven twos for the northern front and everything else goes to the southern edge um we need all the fighting capability we can muster to the south that is a lot of uk divisions no good we got an encirclement every little bit helps now to the north we can make some aggressive moves um the terrain isn't great but the uk will start pulling these units away so they shouldn't have entrenchment or high organization so i'm going to keep hounding them as they try to retreat to a port hopefully i can catch them before they actually get away and join the fighting in the south to the south i will have to play this strategically work for encirclements trying to close the gaps here and there and prevent them from digging in too much all right that's our justification on iran done let's get them involved as well yeah still join the allies it's fine and afghanistan next like i said this front should hold just fine might even get some german support here and we may may be able to push a tile or two although let's let's not go overboard this is our main concern this is gonna be hard that's another pocket great all right the uk isn't on its knees but we are making gains we are definitely making gains all right that's afghanistan and yeah fine just call on them and now they're in the allies as well and our puppets are providing us with some troops i'll just assign them to the far eastern front if we can take bristol here we'll cut off whales well they still have a port there but we can hurt them with this we can hurt them pretty bad yep that's whales cut off great all right these divisions usually there now we ramp up the pressure yes i know that attacks like these will cost us a lot of manpower and we don't have that much but it's do or die at this point um this is make it or break it as far as this one's concerned oh if we take cardiff oh yeah that's the entirety of the welsh army in circles they're not going anywhere those units are gone to the north they have pretty much nothing left so we're pushing up there easily um that's just gonna lead to some cleanup in the south and we'll be done great excellent like i said i hope to encircle london without taking it that will allow me more time to clean up in this region as needed um we just need to be able to finish it by the time the us is ready to join i don't want to deal with the us i'm just making a small offensive against these middle eastern states um just so they'll be included in the peace deal they'll need to have some sort of contribution in here for them to get counted so a couple of losses uh should be fine iraq's already included iran should be soon afghanistan uh unlikely they're pretty far away from any fighting hey more troops surrounded around norwich six divisions gone oh uk we've managed to cut off cornwall as well great to the north everything is going exactly as planned so yeah i'd say we are definitely in control at this point now that's an unstoppable tide of greek fury we are engulfing the isles and fire oh that is so many uk divisions we've trapped here now oh that is so many casualties uk oh that overrun i want to see what that did right the uk is on the brink of surrender if we take london it's all over for them and we have caused 768 000 casualties oh man yeah 27 participation i think i think we'll end it here if the grind is just costing us too much um and italy is getting more and more participation as they eat up more of africa so i don't think it's worth it i think we're just going to end this fight here and make do with the peace deal we get and there goes the united kingdom and we get our p steal all right let's see germany went first and took a bunch of irrelevant stuff our turn what do we need all right let me let me just pull up uh the wiki here so i only take the provinces that i need all right let's start in egypt gotta trick the ai a little bit only take coastal stuff or stuff that they don't border that way they can't take it in a peace deal or at least they they're not inclined to take it in a peace deal um fascist ai only wants to take states that are either next to the sea or that they can get a direct land route too connected to their territory so if you're ever in a peace deal trying to puzzle together some sort of empire the most tactical way is to use your points to first go for territory that would cut off the ai from further expansion so anything coastal and anything adjoining their territory and a quick recap we have all the territory that we need except for afghanistan we can come back and take that a later date and the pakistani territory we can get that by integrating the raj plus we need some stuff from the soviet union and we'll get that when operation barbarossa starts also managed to get a teeny tiny united kingdom here as a puppet can integrate them for the fleet that's always one of my favorite moves now our next order of business will be to take out official france or to quickly justify on them and take their territory all right time to make pitta disappear shouldn't be too much of a problem all right we should be able to wipe out the vichy french there without too much of an issue still doesn't solve the problem of getting towards north africa because we need to get to north africa to actually capitulate them i believe oh it looks like the invasion of the north africa was actually easier than expected actually just works all right i'll take it oh there we go fishy france there let's just take syria from them that's all we really need anything else can just either reoccupy it or just i think we'll just satellite a bunch of stuff there we got syria and that was way more headache than it was worth and hellenic austenia looks nice doesn't it many months later all right pretty much everyone's in position we'll challenge them around the caucuses uh we'll push up from here as well and i'll leave a couple of divisions ready to take on afghanistan we'll justify as soon as we join the fight with the soviet union so let's get in on this and start aggressively pushing out we need that territory all right afghanistan bye bye yes it's gonna call on the allies no no i don't really care there that's afghanistan gone let's redirect those forces to the soviet push and if we look at the decision all we need now is all pakistani states which we'll get when we integrate india and stalin about pamir and tashkent i believe that's uh stalin about pamir and where's tashkent so just push up through the well terrible areas in russia and we'll get it eventually all right we control all those russian states now it's time to integrate the indians let's just send them a bunch of convoys that's the easiest way to get independence down 800 will do we'll get them back anyway there we go we can lower india's autonomy they're ready for integration let's click that and the game's lagging oh there we go look at that thick hellenic state and with that we can finally honor the legacy of the argeots it is time for the world to recognize that greece is no longer a tiny little mediterranean backwater no no no we are one of the great states of the world click that and look at that macedonian empire i love this color i love that flag oh yes and look at the manpower oh nine million manpower my god our factories haven't updated yet but we've 113 cities and 125 military factories yeah this is now one of the most powerful nations on the planet i hope you've enjoyed my suffering if you did leave a like consider subscribing and don't forget to click that bell icon to be notified whenever i upload more content also if you're interested in supporting what i do there's a new join button down there next to the subscribe button that will take you to the youtube membership page the channel has just been approved for memberships so that is a great way to support what i do thank you very much and as always i am looking for your suggestions in the comment section down below and don't forget to check out our discord as well this has been me bittersteel goodbye
Channel: Bitt3rSteel
Views: 993,640
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bitt3rsteel, bittersteel, bittersteel hoi4, hoi4 greece, hoi4 greece battle for the bosporus, hoi4 macedonian empire, hearts of iron 4, hoi4, hoi4 guide, hoi4 challenge, hearts of iron iv, greece, alexander the great
Id: 17muSbbTog0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 56sec (4376 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 24 2021
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