Hogwarts Legacy's Storyline Explained... (Hogwarts Legacy Story Summary Explained)

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hey guys and welcome today I'm very excited to bring you my first video on Hogwarts Legacy and what better way to kick it off just explain and go through the entirety of the story Hogwarts Legacy took me around 22 hours to complete admittedly though I was focusing predominantly on the storyline and I do have a lot of other things to do throughout the world but I'm really excited to jump back in and to finish them off and let's eventually go for that 100 but before we jump in let me know your thoughts and opinions down below if you've played Hogwarts Legacy did you enjoy the game the gameplay and what do you think of the storyline it would be a very much appreciated if you could consider leaving a like on today's video and if you want to see more content like this one but for other games in the future consider subscribing to the channel as well but without further Ado everyone let's dive straight in however before we jump into today's video I did want to ask you guys for a bit of help now my good friend Amy and her partner Andrew are both running the London Marathon native young lives versus cancer this will be done in April and it's a charity that supports children and young people aged 0 to 25 that have been diagnosed with cancer the charity are so so good because they provide day-to-day support for young people and their families following a cancer diagnosis this can range from help with financial support providing places to stay during treatments for patients and their families and supporting young people just generally and helping them get their lives back on track after beating the cancer and ringing that Bell or the briefing support for families and for those who sadly don't win their battles now this is especially close to all of us here as well because at the age of 16 Andrew was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia and the support that he received throughout that diagnosis and the treatment that he had helped him absolutely massively and he went on to smash it and it's way in the pass room now but to show the support thoughtful of the people that helped during that process and to help people that are in that situation as well because it's an awful one to be in we want to try and give back as much as possible to them and this is exactly what we're trying to do here at the minute on average 12 young people are diagnosed with cancer every single day and Amy and Andrew's goal is to raise around 2 000 pounds to help young lives versus cancer and support as many people children young people as they possibly can they've managed to raise an amazing 916 pounds as I've recorded this video and I know that for a fact that we can help them smash that 2K barrier I know that a lot of you guys may be able to relate to their story or Maiden have lived through it yourself it's an awful thing and unfortunately there's nothing that we can do to flick a switch and stop it it is something that we are going to unfortunately have to live with through life with friends family loved ones whoever that might be they go through this as well so if there's anything we can do to support it I'm all for it and I'm really open to helping a good cause so if any of you guys could relate to this or if you want to just donate and help out I'll leave the link to the just giving in the description down below and all of the money that's donated will be going directly to the charity nothing will be kept for anyone all of the money that's raised will be going directly there and of course as soon as it does I'll show proof from the channel as well just to make sure that everyone is 100 confident that it does thank you very much for your support now on to the video Hogwarts Legacy starts off with a letter that you've received from Professor Weasley relating to you joining and starting your Hogwarts Journey on September the 1st as a fifth year student we will join Hogwarts due to our unique circumstances we start off in the center of London in the 1800s where a character named Professor fig picks you up and takes us towards Hogwarts with all of our stuff located on some sort of carriage behind us fig makes a comments that he's not seen someone take so quickly to a secondhand want and that we seem to be pretty special however suddenly out of nowhere comes a man named George osrick and it tells us that the Hogwarts is waiting for us and the reason we leave September 1st today is because it's the start of the yearly sorting ceremony and great feast in the Great Hall however something didn't really seem right as we leave London and climb into the cart George looked a little bit worried before he stepped fully in and as we fly off into the distance we see someone watching us in the background as he disappears [Music] thank you during this long journey though George asks fig about his traveling companion which was us of course and who we are fig disclaims that we're joining Hogwarts as a fifth year student and George responds that that's never happened before although the two professors thought anyway during this time George pulls out a newspaper showing us of a character named ramrock The Game's antagonist he tells us that he doesn't really know what ramrock is after right now however he seems to pose a significant threat to the Wizarding World not enough evidence was gathered right now though in order to show us what ramrock was trying to do but the person to tell George of all of this was figg's late wife Miriam Although mid-conversation our character glances out of the window of the cart and we spot something in the distance but we think nothing of it right now and go back into the conversation George then pulls out a device that Miriam actually given to him just after she'd sent the letter asking for information on ramrock a device that couldn't be opened by George or fig and it was made out of goblin metal there were no correspondence along with this device when it was sent almost like Miriam had to get rid of it extremely quickly in order to try and keep it safe and out of the wrong hands probably ramrock however our character sees a form of glow on the symbol on this device symbol and a glow that others do not we take it from fig and the device suddenly opens Merlin's beard how did you wait however before we could take it a dragon comes out of nowhere and takes George and the other half of the carriage with it leaving us and fig to tremble within this small half of the carriage [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] as we're falling in mid-flight Vig uses the accio spell to pull the key towards him and were transported to an unknown location are you all right you're hurt perhaps a bit take this it's Wigan World potion that stuff will write you in a second we take a moment to process what the hell had just happened and that's when fig mentioned that this key must be a port key it brings anyone who touches it to a particular place in which it's created and programmed however it was also noted that this Dragon was behaving extremely strangely they should never act like that almost like it was being controlled in a way anyway we walk outside the cave and we suggest that this portkey has led us here on purpose somewhere in the Scottish Highlands nobody really knows and fig doesn't know either however we do see a ruin in the distance and perhaps that's where we need to go Fig's late wife Miriam spent years searching for a type of ancient magic one that seemed to have been lost to time and one that belonged to a very select few Hogwarts was built on this ancient magic so it must be to do with that in some capacity Marion's life was based on searching for this ancient magic and she wanted to know why it disappeared as it was totally unexplained right now figures ensures to why and how she came into possession of this portkey but he's certain that it's related to this search so be pushed forward and enter the cliff side and figures the repairer spell to repair the bridge that was once here affirming further that someone built this place for a reason and we were meant to find it here we walk into the ruins and do a bit of searching around and suddenly we come across another symbol like earlier but this time it was on the wall but there looks to also be a room behind it one that only we can see thick wasn't able to see this room on the other side of the wall so our character touches it and then behind us is something extremely unexpected the rooms have almost flipped around and we're now on the other side of this wall with no explanation as to how and when we turn around we see an altar right in front of us and they're on top of it is a goblin sleeping behind a book we walk towards it and fig wakes the Goblin and it stares over us stating that it can't be [Music] uh in just a moment it turns out that we're in gringott's Wizarding bank and we're after Vault number 12. so if we jump into the cart and make our way down the tracks the port key that we came in possession of was then given to the Goblin in the bank whilst taking our journey down to Vol 12 on the cards the banker says that the private and hidden vaults are very very rare you need to be of great importance wealth or both to be given access to even one of these vaults so it begs the question what is this key for whose key is it and why is this fault 12 at the very bottom and heavily secured however when we reach the bottom and go through security checks our character notices that the security Goblin is wearing a band with the same glowing Mark that the dragon was wearing when it attacked us on the carriage however we push forward and finally reach our destination Vault 12. this Goblin has been here for centuries and never has seen anyone go in or have access to Vault 12. so this is a momentous occasion for this goblin the goblin opens Vault 12 with the port key and we walk inside to see what's there however the goblin was under strict instructions to let the people into Vault 12 and then shut the door straight behind them so that's exactly what he did instructions for Vault 12 indicate that I underground access to the holder of the key and then close the door this is luck so we begin to search this room using the spell called revelio and it reveals a doorway in front of us so we walk through this doorway however as we interact we see this isn't an ordinary Vault and we apparently need to earn our way out of it we move forward and see another glowing lights but this time it was on the floor when we interacted with it it changed the floor and revealed a glowing statue that only we could see we interact with the Statue and cast the spell lumos to position the reflection in just the right way to match the above statue however suddenly a bunch of knights came out of nowhere and started attacking us and fig we finally take them out and then the room just goes black however when we cast lumos fig was gone and we were all alone we keep pushing forward and eventually a doorway is revealed we walk through the newly formed doorway and at the center of the room was a basin of some sort with something floating at the center we reach out and grab the object and suddenly a door opens behind us and it was fig we show fig what we found and the artifact we'd seen floating Above This Basin however fig tells us that this is no ordinary Basin but it's actually called a pensive and this is used for viewing memories of the past the thing that we picked up contained a memory of some sort which fig poured into the pensive and were able to see into the past Follow My Lead [Music] foreign [Music] place the porky is well hidden perhaps too well I wonder if the path we've created may be impossible to follow it will only be impossible for one who cannot see traces of ancient magic as I can your ability to see what others cannot will not be enough Passover we are entrusting the one who embarks on this path with Powerful Secrets with knowledge others will do anything to obtain yes and if we are correct Charles the ritual wizard who completes the trials will have proven themselves worthy of that knowledge and the responsibility that accompanies it we've done all that we can the memory shows a wizard named Charles Rockwood and another named per civil raccoon Percival was able to see this ancient magic and it seems they've created some sort of pathway for another wizard to follow one that also could see this ancient magic knowledge they hold and this path was said to contain Powerful Secrets one that if fallen into the wrong hands could be devastating for the world the witch or wizard that completes the trial set by these Wizards would gain the right to know this information the glow surrounding them and these objects is traces of ancient Magic The Magic that Miriam believed that it always existed but could never see it herself Miriam and George died searching for this magic and its meaning and we might be the key to this however suddenly we hear something in the distance it was ramrock who were they I don't know but sir you shouldn't be in I was right Rock seems my reputation precedes me I was beginning to think no one was ever going to visit raccoons walks and why are you here no need for that just give me whatever it is you found here and we can let bygones be bygones Round Rock was waiting for this day for a very long time the people to access vault 12. have the key to the Vault we see what kind of person ramrock is from the very beginning here as he picks up the goblin that granted us access to the Vault and killed him for not letting him in sooner a goblin killing his own kind calling him a traitor this guy has no remorse fig attacked ramrock with his wand and he somehow evades it however suddenly out of nowhere a large Stone knight rises from the depths of the room and starts to attack us almost like a built-in defense mechanism left by the owner this Goblin was much more powerful than the rest with Fig's magic completely unaffecting him however we finally found a way out and it was here that it seemed that Charles Rookwood and per civil rukham wanted us to end up right here I've never seen so powerful a goblin he seemed holy unaffected by my magic where are we it can't be it seems those who set up the pensive the locket and the path to both wanted someone with your ability to end up here come we have a sorting ceremony to get to right outside Hogwarts [Music] [Music] foreign ly enter Hogwarts after what was a very long and tedious journey and walk into the Great Hall [Music] oh good we haven't missed the Sorting ceremony I'm no expert but that seems more appropriate now I need to study this locket as soon as I can but first I must contact the ministry they need to know what happened to George and be warned of ran Rock for the moment I ask that you keep all that's happened this evening between you and me of course sir thank you ready for the Sorting ceremony here we meet Phineas my jealous black for the very first time the current Headmaster of Hogwarts Witchcraft and Wizardry [Music] Phineas Knight jealous black prepare yourself to meet the Headmaster fake nice of you to join us the Sorting sediment is over there were complications complications seems the goblin is goblins like no time for rumors fig and I'm rapidly losing whatever patience I had left if you're might still be able to get you sorted this evening I'll be in touch [Music] foreign the sourcing ceremony was over and we were very late to it of course but we make our way into the Great Hall and get sorted into our house we take a seat speak with the Sorting Hat and personally for me sort it into the new house better be Gryffindor [Music] [Applause] foreign however due to an injury in the last season's quidditch final this year's game has been canceled [Applause] oh and one more thing due to the unfortunate injury on the pitch in last Spring's final this year's quidditch season has been canceled [Music] enough it's not as though I've banned flying altogether but don't tempt me you are here to focus on your academic Futures I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow I said I'm sure you all have plenty to do before classes begin tomorrow personally I thought this is a really a good Canon way of getting quidditch out of Hogwarts Legacy it's great because throughout you'll also hear the characters in game fight against the decision of this and all the characters in game want quidditch to be there almost like being the community whereas black is like the developers and saying no no quidditch so that was just a cool touch there it was also here that we met Professor Matilda Weasley and she shows us to our common room we walk up to the karma room in the singing Lady portrait say our password grata Domin and walk into the room to get some sleep [Music] we eventually wake and make our way outside the common room to meet with Professor Weasley as a fifth year student it's very unexpected for us to join so late on almost unheard of others have heard from many different people already so in order for us to catch up with everyone at the school classes spells and general knowledge Professor Weasley under the board have devised that we should use a book one that will keep track of everything that we learn and this is called our Field Guide this will give us the best chance possible to complete our owls or ordinary Wizarding level exams at the end of the year as we moved throughout the castle with Professor Weasley we learned that today we're going to be attending our first defense against the dark arts and a charms class however during a conversation with Professor Weasley there walks in Professor fig Professor Weasley walks off and fig tells us to ensure that we leave everything that had happened yesterday with the Porky and Gringotts between us for now until we know more around what happened as it could attract some unnecessary attention from the likes of Professor black and Professor Weasley fig will go away and do some research on everything that happened the other day whilst we go to our two classes and get started so we make our way there and we enter the classroom and with these two students battling it out double you've got Professor perhaps you'd be good enough to blast each other to pieces on your own time I get new students every year but I only have one hebridium black skull with professor hecat being the leader of this class it was in this class that we learned Leviosa and adored our classmate Sebastian sallow and ecat was very pleased with our performance class was dismissed by the professor and we went over to speak with Sebastian sallow the one that we dueled he tells us about unofficial dueling club and that there is a forbidden part of the library as well that has some really interesting information within if we ever wanted to go and give it an explore to let him know and this is where we start to see the more darker side of the Hogwarts Legacy game anyway we have another class to attend today and that's the charms class so we make our way across the castle and walk into the classroom and as we do we see a student named Natty she was very receptive and she was essentially the first person we spoke to in the first friend that we made so we sat next to her in this class we'll learn the spell accio allowing us to pull objects towards us now that we've completed our first two classes Professor Weasley wanted to see us in her office and as we walk in we see an elf poseider named Deke until it disses until he disappeared I have to speak with Mrs Weasley we need to make our way to hogsmeade to one get ourselves our own wand as the one we're using currently is a second hand one given to us temporarily and two we need to go with a friend however Wheezy mentioned to us to ensure that along the way to hogsmead we avoid someone named Victor Rockwood at all costs and any of his associates however the main being Theophilus Harlow a rather unsavory set of locals we make our way to hogsmead with Natty and it's here that we walk into olivanders and are assigned our very own wand I'll be right with just a moment please [Music] hello sir I'm looking for a new wand yes it's about time yes about time well you're our new fifth year student are you not oh what am I saying of course you are girl bone ollivanders the name but of course you'll have heard of the ollibanders I'm sure Timeless one makers in the world it's a pleasure to meet you truly now come with me let's find you the perfect one shall we no no no no not you um ah yes ten and a half inches you might do here give this one a try well go ahead swish the first one that we try however doesn't quite work how we expected once more come on really switch it foreign [Music] well this isn't a good match at all is it um we'll find you something not to worry hmm no not you perhaps yes a rare wood 13 and three-quarter inches Dragon heart string let's give this one a try Olive under pulls out a second wand and we try that looks like it's back to the shelf for you nope not this one either this is proving to be trickier than I had anticipated how perplexing where are you perhaps you ah there you are foreign yes think you might be the one here take it but the third one this was our want we customized the wand to our desire purchase it from olivanders and make our way outside what do you think [Music] extraordinary another one another beginning of a bright and magical future [Music] ah [Music] now how did that feel good different I sense the sort of surge of some kind a match your connection seemed particularly powerful the right wand will learn from you just as you learn from it I'm eager to try it out I would imagine so a wand with a dragon heartstring core is capable of dazzling magic and the bond between you and your wand should only grow stronger do not be surprised at your new one's ability to perceive your intentions particularly in a moment of need that sounds wonderful Mr Ollivander I'll let you get to it do come and see me again if ever I can be of further assistance we visit all of the locations needed to replace the things that were eaten by the dragon at the start of the game collect all of our bits and now off to find Natty however suddenly just as we meet up with Natty we hear a rumbling in the background and it catches our interests so if we go and investigate however suddenly just as we meet up with Natty in the square of hogsmead we hear a rumbling in the background and suddenly a troll comes out of nowhere and starts to attack the village of hogsmead laughs foreign [Music] then a second one comes out of nowhere as well what's going on here all glowing like ramrock was in the vault hmm we finally take the trolls out however at the end use some ancient Magic from within us and completely destroy it here we meet officer Ruth singer and we offer to help repair The Village so we do this and then reward ourselves in the best possible way with a butter beer sirona is the owner of the three broomsticks and would love to meet us over a butterbeer however as we walk into the pub we come across Victor Rockwood meeting with ramrock in a dark alley in hogsmead you could get to the child when they came to hogsmead they're all you needed was a distraction I gave you a distraction I just watched a student take down your distraction who's this child what are you not telling me all you need to know is that if you cannot get to the child then you have no value to me let's go do they see us I don't think so what is that Goblin doing with Victor Rookwood van rock is working with Rookwood the Goblin from The Daily Prophet I knew I'd seen him somewhere [Music] Ricky let's get inside the three Broomsticks the trolls that we fought were sent as a distraction by Rockwood and here we could see that ramrock mentioned us thank you presumably because we were the ones that found per civil's Vault we narrowly escaped the eye of Rockwood and escaped it into the three broomsticks where sirona gave us a butterbeer on the house now what can I oh there's a face I haven't seen before it's my first time here welcome is on me heard about the attack I shall be looking in on the other shopkeepers and residents shortly glad to see you two escaped injury thanks to this one single-handedly took down a troll is that right well done thanks for this my pleasure I will say trolls in hogsmeade that's never happened before something's not right the only brutes we usually have to deal with however in walks Victor Rockwood all leaving just now your clientele's not what it used to be sirona not so very Victor once the two of you leave the caliber of my clientele will greatly improve I wouldn't do that if I were you Theophilus come now no need for theatrics I'm only here for this one anyway my friend is enjoying a well-earned butter beer only want a quick word perhaps you didn't hear me I said my friend is busy one would think you all had enough Bloodshed for one day come the office the three broomsticks isn't what it used to be let's take our galleons elsewhere can't drink butter beer forever seems you've made an unfortunate enemy what's your back Rookwood and Harlow are worse than any troll you might encounter trolls ran Rock and Rookwood what are you not telling me sirona stood up for us and ensures that Rookwood backed off however Natty becomes concerned that we're not telling her everything we promised to later but it would probably not be the best time to do that right now so we return to the castle a short time later we wake in our room and receive a message from our owl to meet with fig as he'd found some new information about our little Adventure at the start when we get into his office fix helps us that ramrock who's the goblin silver to control that Dragon at the beginning the same thing that was used on the trolls that we fought in hogsmead ramrock is using Rookwood to find us because ramrock wants whatever we found in that Vault above that pensive the memory of Charles Rookwood and Percival rackman as you can see Charles Rookwood and Victor Rookwood seemed to share some very interesting commonalities in their naming but more on this a bit later ramrock is using Rookwood to find us because what ramrock wants is what we found in the vault above the pensive ramrock looks to be after the locket however fig found an inscription on the locket and it revealed a map of Hogwarts on this map it revealed a section that we should visit which would potentially tell us more around what's happening here and what happened and why we were attacked although it was in the library specifically the part that was off limits to everyone fig was going to accompany us to the library however he must deal with whatever the Headmaster requires first of all it was non-negotiable unfortunately so we had to do it all alone however if you remember earlier on our classmate Sebastian sallow was already very experienced in visiting this section of the library so that's the first place that we start in hope that he might know a way into the restricted section of the Library without being seen so that we can follow this map we run and find Sebastian and ask him about this Restricted Section of the library and if he would help us get inside however we need to be very careful about the librarian Madame Scribner if caught detention or maybe worse however this isn't our only problem here we also need to avoid peeves the poltergeists at all costs as he loves to tell on students and just cause Havoc around the castle so we agreed to meet Sebastian later tonight and sneak into the library a short amount of time passes and here we see Hogwarts at night a spooky place but a really interesting one at that with the restricted areas everywhere so we do need to be careful we see the door that we need to go to however it's been guarded by two prefects if they see us trying to get in they will screw our chances over big time however Sebastian tells us of a spell that we can use called the disillusionment spell allowing us to pretty much go invisible and get around them not as good as a cloak but their cloaks are very expensive and this well it's free so we use that we learn it and make our way into the library however when we get into the library the librarian still looks to be there usually but it'll still be alright do you see her desk behind me the key is in the drawer of that desk now here's what we're going to do I'll create a distraction to draw her away you focus on getting the key I'll meet you outside of the Restricted Section Bastion said that she's usually gone by now so he was surprised himself but this would not be as easy as he first thoughts Sebastian would do his best to try and distract the librarian whilst we go behind the desk and search for a key for the Forbidden section we'll meet him inside the Restricted Section once we have the key in once we've unlocked it Sebastian mentioned that he used to be able to unlock this spell using alohomora however librarian knew Sebastian wasn't using the spell to get in and eventually got caught and she casted an anti-alohomorrah spell on this lock so a key is a hundred percent required to get in we finally make our way inside the Forbidden section and walk down a flight of stairs it was here that we learned that Sebastian keeps entering the Forbidden section of the library to try and help his sister return to Hogwarts his sister Anne was cursed and is suffering from a great illness because of it in which nurses and medical staff aren't able to cure so Sebastian is doing his own research in order to try and cure her himself so that she can return to Hogwarts and they can go through their journey together again you know what fair play to the guy his motivations are pretty cool and I gotta respect it we moved through the dark forbidden section of the library and come to a section where peeves new little friend out exploring where they shouldn't be naughty naughty you'll get caughty peeves don't [Music] blasted peeves I've got to stop him or at least get to the librarian with a good excuse for all of this how do I know you won't go to the librarian and blame this all on me why would I do that I like having friends who are in my debt now go good luck in your search Now where's that damned Poltergeist got to Sebastian Sprints off to try and stop peeves from telling on us or at least give the librarian a good excuse as to why we should be let off lightly leaving us down here to continue our research alone as we progress further down into the library we started to go deeper underground and finally walk into a room with what looked to be surrounded by ruins and there traces of ancient Magic we walked through the Gateway that had opened before us and that reveals a long winding staircase that would light up as we progressed further down and a huge marked door at the end of it leading us further into the castle the door led to a huge room one that looked like no one had been here for centuries at the very least a place called the anti-chamber we progressed further on into the chamber and come across a door with guards armed of the ready but we make light work of them we follow it further down and finally find a pensive with a book floating above it [Music] while accessing this pensive stare into the memory and see four wizards and witches two of them being Charles Rookwood and civil Rackham and it looks as though that the land before them was suffering from a great drought all of the crops dying out and the land really suffering and the people within it too even looking to the left and seeing a family of a father and two children a boy and a girl really really suffering going without any water at all however a civil and the other Wizards would use their ancient magic to cause rainfall then cast a spell to induce wildlife and to grow different crops and make it more habitable [Music] foreign [Music] stares over to the family as the little girl seems very very interested and the brother or the boy very very sick with the black plague here we find that this little girl is actually named Isadora morganak and when she's a bit older she eventually attends Hogwarts and she was also admitted as a fifth year as well like us Professor Rookwood Professor Bacall we understand that you are adjusting wealth to life at Hogwarts I am I am glad especially in life of your unusual situation starting as a fifth year as it happens I was also admitted to Hogwarts as a fifth year I have never heard of another like us miss morganock when we spoke yesterday after class you asked about the beautiful swirls you saw years ago when we visited duhammer I recognized you all immediately I cannot thank you enough for what you did we were glad to help and yes I did see swirls of magic everywhere that day my father insists it was My Imagination Running Wild but it was certainly real to me it was not your imagination Percival Professor Rackham can see them too but we have never known of another who could I don't understand what are they The Whispers or traces that appear when a particular form of ancient magic is wielded ancient Magic few are capable of wielding it Hogwarts itself is a stronghold of ancient Magic so if I can see traces of ancient magic to it with the proper training but let us not get ahead of ourselves Miss Morgan before I can train you to wield such Magic you must first master all that Hogwarts has to offer a magic this powerful can do great harm in the wrong hands it must be wielded by a select few as such we ask that you not speak to anyone about what we have discussed here today it was here that we also learned that per civil Rackham was also a fifth year student and he'd never heard of anyone else who was a fifth year before him on the day the Wizards cast The Magic over the lands essentially ending the drought Isadora mentioned that she saw bundles of light all around her however her father insisted that this was her imagination due to him of course not being able to see it himself however per civil put those theories to rest and said it was not her imagination and it was a form of ancient magic that only a few can see these were Whispers or traces of ancient magic that only form when someone that can see or willed this magic is close and that's why it was showing for her that was the end of the memory but a very interesting one as well and it sets the scene as to kind of what happened and who we should look to meet further on anyway we make our way back up to the top of the library and stood there next to peeves begging him to not say anything was Sebastian he was eventually caught by the librarian clearly detentions are insufficient I'm afraid I must take this to the Headmaster but that being said peeves informs me that you didn't come alone tonight if someone has coerced you I would have you tell me you're a bright boy don't waste this there was nobody else I came alone oh Sebastian what will your uncle say the librarian threatened to go to the Headmaster due to him not being a first offender however when she asked who else was with us he never ratted us out Sebastian seems quite cool anyway we need to about a fig and tell him what we've found the Percival was able to see the magic and also wield it along with another student who also started in their fifth year before us could also see this ancient magic is Adora organic unorthodox it's inconceivable it's ah fig you have a visitor I'll see what I can find out as we walk into fake's office we see fake speaking of some Uncle Professor sharp sharp mentioned he'll do some digging into a Rockwood working with ranrock before walking off we tell fig of what we've found that the map led us to a book we give this book to Fig and as we look through we can see that two of the pages are missing we must find these two missing pages however in the meantime fig said that he must take the book with him to London to study it as the Headmaster is insisted that figure goes to the minister about George ostrich's death at the start of the game George tried his best to convince the ministry of ramrock's antics for a very long time so when we know more they will be sure to tell them anyway a short time later we hear that nearly headless Nick was looking for us in the Great Hall so we head there to see what he wanted won't be spoke with nearly headless Nick he tells us that he knows about the book that we'd found and about those missing pages but how the ghosts Goss it between themselves he says and word does get around quite quickly nearly headless Nick was well aware of our snooping and also that peeves can't keep a secret he seems to think that he knows who had the pages however the information will only be shared if we do him a small favor go into the kitchen and get him some rotten roast beef he of course can't carry it with him being a ghost so we go to the kitchen we tickle the pair in the painting not joking either and find this rotten beef we finally take the beef and return it to Nick here he says that we need to give this beep to a ghost named Sir Patrick Sir Patrick is the organizer of the Headless hunt a group of ghosts that gather from many headless activities Richard jackdaw A now ghost had the pages when he was still alive so the plan was to take this rotting roast beef to Sir Patrick in an attempt to speak with Richard jackdaw on the whereabouts of these Pages we finally come across Patrick when we reached the cemetery as if by chance he was pondering over wanting a piece of rotting meat we take the meat to Patrick and ask for permission to speak with Richard jackdaw however we only found his body so we needed to go on the search for his head however the real goal of this was for nearly headless Nick to impress Patrick to try and get him to join the Headless group of the Headless hunt group however because he's nearly headless Nick and not headless Nick it doesn't quite make the cut literally anyway we finally find Richard Dak door and when found we ask you about these Pages he knew exactly what we wanted to know and mentioned that he stole the pages from peeves a long time ago when he was still alive and potentially when peeves was too the pages should be where they were last and that was where Jack draw died Richard tells us to meet him on the edge of the Forbidden Forest where we can travel inside and it will show us where the cave is situated that contained the cave in which the page led him to and of course where he died following them we make our way through the Forbidden Forest and Jack door didn't want to go any further as he didn't want to be faced with his dead body we had to keep an eye out for a bird bath of some sort and then whisper a code into it to open the doorway this would reveal the entrance to how where we need to go and that's exactly what we did however suddenly out of nowhere a bunch of ramrock schoons showed up so he had to deal with them first until then on to jackdaw's tomb we go the cave itself looked huge and when activated to three gongs a bridge formed under the water however as we moved through we're faced with the worst enemy of all giant spiders as we walk through we see more and more of these different Bridges and Pathways form when finally we reach the main Bridge as we walk over it there we see Mr Richard jackdaw and the lost pages he was telling the truth as we move to the end Trend seems to be forming here another doorway into somewhere we make our way inside and the room starts to flood however there seems to be some form of magic protecting us from the water so we're not affected by it we carry a walking up a large flight of stairs and into a large empty room [Music] foreign four large portraits on the wall one of them showing for civil Rackham we had found the map chamber here we explained to Percival that we're the same as him and Isadora we joined Hogwarts on our fifth year and the Civil responds to say that our presence here does not entirely surprise him however before we progress any further we need that book that fig took with him to London and place it in the center of the altar in the map chamber it's then that we continue our conversation with the Civil but first let's find fig although before doing so we have a really important class to attend to Mr Clapton your attention please sorry madam Kagawa everyone please welcome a new student to our flying class the goal of today is to remind all of you how to maneuver on a broomstick safely as broom flight is first and foremost a means of transportation this I fear some of you have forgotten flying was definitely a highlight for me after we're finished we were called in by Professor Weasley to meet her somewhere somewhere she said that our studies would be hidden away without the worry of people spying on us or distracting us from getting our things done we enter a corridor and there a doorway opens out of nowhere Merlin's beard I see you've wasted no time well done shall we take a step inside and Professor Weasley mentioned that this is called the room of requirements this room will help and reveal to any student that's in need of help and will change depending on the needs of that student or requirement is as it's in the name [Music] you've given yourself quite a canvas to work with Once we'd become acquainted with our room we move to meet with Sebastian yeah swimming to show us Sebastian shows us another room one called the undercroft that not even the professors know about or even the Headmaster this will become very useful later on in the storyline so keep this in mind however Sebastian has a friend called ominous he was the one who originally showed him this room and he promised he would not tell another soul ominous is a blind student and his wand allows him to get around the castle and to the grounds as if he could see he was not happy with Sebastian that he told us about this place and we encounter him as we leave the under craft anyway once we're past all of this we moved into fixed office to tell him the latest news we take fig to the depths of Hogwarts to the room we'd uncovered with the book in hand and make our way to the map chamber thank you this looks promising [Music] foreign [Music] fig places the book on the Altar and then the room started to Glow sending ancient magic across the entirety of the room and the floor when suddenly the center of the room started to Glow with tiny white orbs floating all around however the center it revealed a map of hogsmead the Forbidden Forest and Hogwarts with fig reminiscing about his wife's life's work and how she'd have loved to have seen this if only you were here to see this shortly after Percival appears within his portrait and we walk forward to speak with him about this this is where he tells us that the trials will appear on the map one for each of the keepers four in total and these trials must be completed on our own these trials were designed so the power and the knowledge of the ancient magic doesn't fall into the wrong hands and these trials were what were mentioned by percivalent Charles in the vault room at the beginning it was here that fig tells per civil that ramrock also seems to possess this magic in some way and we don't have the luxury of time or waiting so he marks the location on our map and we start the first trial as soon as possible we meet Fick at the first destination a Tower located near Hogwarts we do a bit of scouting first around the tower to see why ramrock's loyalists are here and what they're actually looking for however we come across orders from ramrock himself search the surrounding Tower and look for anything to do with names hmm could he be referring to the Keeper's names but how would ramrock know the keepers names or even of the keepers anyway we entered the tower and walked to the top and there is possible again within his portrait this is San bakar's Tower a keeper we are still yet to encounter we have to make our way downstairs and enter a doorway that'll be made up by a reservoir of ancient magic which has now been unlocked by for civil we make our way through the reservoir and finally we reach the trial we finish it and now it's time to learn the secret situated under a huge statue was another pensive we stare into the pensive and look at this memory [Music] Percival looks to be teaching her the ways of the ancient magic however she mentioned that her father lost her brother due to illness which was the Black Plague which was going around at around this time when the game was set however he's never gotten over it since and the pain has never left him even to the extent that he hasn't said a word ever since he died I don't think he'll ever recover from the death of my brother it is agonizing to see those we love suffer the trout was years ago but the pain of losing him is as deep for him now as if it happened only yesterday isidora wants to help her father by using this ancient magic and removing the pain from within him I could help him professor you do so much for your father already it's not enough I want to take away his pain it is tempting I know to use this magic that you're mastering to transfigure more than the physical world but human emotion is a potent Force unto itself even the most well-meaning and competent witch cannot possibly know the consequences of irrevocably manipulating it so I'm to watch as my father's pain destroys him [Music] it is not your pain to take fast forwarding a few years into the future and Isadora became a part of the Hogwarts staff and was the new defense against the dark arts teacher she invited Percival Rackham Charles Rookwood and the other Keepers would also join her at a home that evening to catch up and to see how she's been in which they will happily accepted of course this was the end of that the now we make our way back to the map chamber and there was another portrait filled Charles Rockwood the one from the visions we introduce ourselves and their Charles is filled in on the details by Percival we informed figure of what we've found so far however before we can complete the next trial Charles and Pacific will need a chat about the current situation anyway after hogsmeade we go to speak with sirona we ask sarona around the goblin that she was speaking with the day that ramrock tried to take us from the three Broomsticks lodgog was the name of the goblin he's a friend of sironas and he had been for years however lodglock was as worried about ramrock as us we want to speak with him of course and sirona said to us if we're looking for an alliance lodgock is a very good one to have we find Lord God situated at a pub down the road so we moved there and asked him about ramrock and at first he seemed very wary as you'd expect but if sirona trusts us so does he years ago a witch stole a goblin Relic from the goblins and when it was stolen lodgok and ramrock had a falling out if this Relic is retrieved as is only accessible to The Wizarding kind it might repair the relationship between lodgog and ramrock allowing him to find out more information however only after this Relic is retrieved will Lord God tell us everything he learns from ramrock so in order to do this we meet lodgok at the Tomb in which this helmet is situated this is called the helmet of urcot this witch was a collector and purchased it from a goblin that created it the goblin way of thinking though is that whoever made it owns it so apparently purchasing it means absolutely nothing so if we have all that we need and we enter the tomb to collect the helmet of ercot we push through to the end and they're laying in front of the tomb was a dead ashwinder one of Rockwood's goons it looks like someone's already made up with the helmet so we need to report this back to lodgock we need to get to the helmet before Rockwood does else we're gonna have no leverage against ramrock and it will make finding out what he's doing much much harder there's a Raiders camp nearby where we believe the helmet might be being kept so be pushed there to see if they have it and what do you know they did we take this helmet back to lodgok and now they should earn ramrod's trust and repair the relationship between them both however when we're speaking about the next steps lodgkop slips up here saying that this might put ramrock off his search but he never mentioned a search what does he know that we don't and why won't he tell us Lord got goes off to find ramrock whilst we return to Hogwarts to meet with Sebastian during our Venture in the library we promised Sebastian that we'd go with him to visit his sister Anne who was cursed a long while ago and as we get there we can see exactly what this curse has done to her everyone's convinced there's no cure but I'm sure we'll get to the bottom of it somehow hey shrivel things cannot reverse a curse nothing can the sooner you accept that reality the better but we haven't tried everything there is no cure when will you accept that never I can never accept it now what you've done I'm sorry [Music] laughs his uncle was very adamant that Sebastian was wasting his time but he will not stop until a cure is found for Anne Sebastian takes us to a place where his sister got the curse and is adamant that this was caused by the goblins he told us how Ann was cursed that the house seemed to be on fire so she ran out trying to save anyone that she couldn't to see what was going on however it was completely smothered in goblins however out into the distance she heard a voice children should be seen and not heard blinding blast followed they didn't even give her a chance to run she wasn't able to get a glimpse at who or what did this though however when we reached the top what do you know this place seems extremely familiar the vision the drought turned into Greenland this is where the four Keepers were stood in that vision however as we move into the house to investigate on top of the hill inside was a portrait one that was completely destroyed that's when it clicked this house belonged to Isadora Morgan act and this was her portrait that was destroyed probably by the keepers but why more on this later as we look around the house though we notice a section that was blocked off we clear it and it reveals a basement where we find entries into isadora's travels the first two entries of this detail her see many people flowing in and out of the doctors stating that there are so many people suffering from the Black Plague and losing their loved ones causing similar pain that her father would have with the power of this ancient magic she has the power to help these people to heal them and to rid them of their torment however in the corner you see a wall that for some reason stares straight into the undercroft within Hogwarts the secret room at Sebastian told us earlier about in the story we take a step through this wall and another section of the room within the undercraft reveals itself and they're hung on the wall was something called a triptych with a note straight in the center this note showed a rune symbol of some sort one used by the keepers the players to attempt to follow this symbol and try to find the missing piece of this triptych and hopefully this will open the door to more information about Isadora and what the hell happened fig census and Allah mentions that now is a good time to talk next steps so we make our way down to the map chamber and get discussing it was here that we told fig around lodgok and how he's trying to help us get some more information and after this Charles tells us that it looks as though ramrock is searching for something in Rockwood's Castle Rockwood returned there in his portraits and have a look around and see what was going on but stayed after the site to prevent his portrait being destroyed like we saw with isadoras at her home and he seen a load of ramrock's loyalists surrounding the castle it was here that we told Charles Rookwood that his descent Victor Rockwood is a dark wizard in which he was extremely shocked the next trial is situated at The Rookwood Castle so we need to make our way there as soon as possible to complete it when we get to The Rookwood Castle we see that ramrock's Loyalists and rookwood's ashwiners are all in an alliance of some sort albeit not a friendly one of that however as we walk inside there was ramrock and Rockwood talking probably managed to bring me the child we wouldn't need the child if you hadn't sent a dragon to retrieve the container I spent months and countless Ministry favors tracking you let them board The Carriage my options were limited once I knew it would be inconveniently beyond my reach of that infernal School quite enough power here I allowed you to tunnel under my family home allowed me you are here only because you are descended from a keeper and May at some point inadvertently become valuable we had an agreement I will share with you the power that I discovered if you locate the stores of magic that are yet to be found so unless you want another demonstration of my power a power that you one day hope to wield bring me the child to break this down ramrock is digging a tunnel underneath rookwood's Castle to try and figure out more around this ancient magic record is tracking the port Keys container for months on end however ramrod became impatient and sent a dragon being controlled by him to retrieve it and kill everyone on board so there was no prisoners and no Witnesses the only reason ramrock is working with Rockwood is because he is The Descent of a keeper and he might become valuable at a later date so ramrock knows about the keepers but how the agreement between them was that ramrock would share the power that he discovers the ancient magic if Rockwood finds the stores of magic that they're still yet to be found at this point ramrock somehow holds this power within the goblin metal that he carries on him but why are they after the stores of power if they can't capture the boy which is us that this is their plan we enter the castle and tell charge that they've found the stores of magic Brian Rock has learned the ancient magic and also knows that Charles Rockwood was a keeper anyway we must complete the second trial in order to learn more so we push forward reach the pensive and it reveals the next memory say I'm curious to hear visitors travels come in please have a seat it was here that we saw the four Keepers walk inside isadora's home Isadora where she wanted to show him something most intrigued to hear we're ready isadora's father walks into the room something to show you he hasn't talked since her brother's loss father these are my colleagues from Hogwarts however like she said when she was younger the ancient power is enough to take the pain away and can be used for good on my travels I confirm that which I've always believed that we have the power to take away pain Isidore removed the pain from within a father as the other four Keepers watched and placed it into a jar Dora what have you done I took his pain foreign this is Uncharted magic is Adora you can only see what has been sealed in the jar and we do not know what power that may hold but the traces of that magic are different from what I've seen before the traces of magic removed were different to what we've seen before this was very very bad I went against everything that possible and the other three Keepers stood for we move back to the map chamber and tell the keepers of what had happened and what we'd saw in the past here a new keeper appears an old headmistress of Hogwarts Professor Fitzgerald she will be getting her trial ready for us soon however in the meantime we should see if we can find anything else on ramrock and Rockwood we get some updates from logged Gog around the helmet and ramrock and also Sebastian wanted to meet us too we started by going to see log block first and he mentioned that the plan didn't work as we hoped however we might still be able to get the answers that were after by visiting one of ramrock's nearby Goblin mines although we need to bring someone with us that can speak gobble digu earlier on in the story during astronomy class we met someone called Amit who mentioned that he was able to speak this language well kinda Amit was happy to join us on this journey and we make our way to lodgok when we get there though lodglock mentions to us that the helmet didn't have the effect that he thought and the ramrock scene straight through lodgock stating that he must have had a wizard accompanying him in retrieving it as it wouldn't have been possible just on his own log then mentions some critical information pertaining to how ramrock knows about the keepers and more an ancestor to ramrock named bragbor a renowned metal keeper by trade not too long ago ramrock sent lodgok to collect a recently Unearthed set of brag Wars journals these journals described repositories in which bragbor would create commissioned by a group of witches and wizards the keepers these repositories are large metal receptacles crafted out of goblin metal possessing the ability to hold such ancient magic which is of course what we've seen on the likes of ramrock's armor and also the ones on the braces for the dragons ramrock recruited an army and his loyalists to locate these repositories the first being within Rookwood castle where we found him and Rookwood of course and completed the first trial there were five names mentioned Within These journals Rackham Fitzgerald bakar borgonac and Rockwood this is exactly what the notes of Rockwood's Castle from ramrock mentioned search for anything relating to names ramrock was convinced that these repositories contain a magical power does the Wizarding World wants to keep themselves he's determined to take it for Goblin Kind logo tells us that within the mine there'll be a series of plans that we need translating lodgock won't wait for us out of here when we return as we enter the miner make our way through we start to go through these plans it looks as though that ramrock is building enormous drills and this is of course to harvest the repository's power and dig through any terrain required to get to them we report back to lodgok and tell him of what we'd found however he doesn't quite know of any of the location that van Rock will Target next although there is a question we need to ask loggock if he shares ramrock's views why is he helping us I expected Rookwood Castle to be deserted when I arrived to begin my search so a surprise divine a witch there who would set up a sort of improvised research site she was studying something so intently that she almost didn't notice me when she looked up I thought she would react with fear or disdain but instead she did something that I will never forget without a moment's hesitation and asked me to sit with her she told me that she was a researcher and showed me a small oddly shaped container with the strange symbol on it she was certain it was made of goblin metal but was unable to open it she wanted to work together Miriam yes but how did you Professor Fig's wife he told me of her research and I know of the container the reverence with which she talked of goblins and their intelligence and skill it caught me entirely off guard I'd never been treated with such Respect by a witch or wizard so to my surprise I let her study the container if she would allow me to search the castle on my own we parted ways with her promising to share what she'd learned more of ranrock's recruits arrived and we began to dig eventually locating the first Repository ranrock was thrilled with our discovery but Furious what I told him about Miriam berated me for trusting a witch and I heard she'd been killed you think run what murdered her I don't want to believe it but don't know after that something shifted in me I had seen how the power from the repositories was transforming Round Rock transforming all of them I could no longer remain apart thank you Lord for telling me this tell you all of this so that you understand what is at stake Round Rock never found all of blackboard's journals but the ones he did find suggest that Bradmore at some point built a repository far greater in size than the one beneath Rookwood Castle what you've discovered here today worries me deeply if Round Rock learns of the location of that Repository I fear we shall be destined for a great War I will find out what ran Rock knows watch for my owl so Lord Locker Miriam working together and promise to share with each other everything they found out however ramrock never found all of bradmore's journals but Brad built a repository much greater in size than the one below rookwood's castle and the other areas if he finds this larger repository you might be in for a huge War this is what we must find and ensure that ramrock is kept away from it however in the meantime log will find out anything he can around ramrock's next steps and he will let us know if you just find out it is probably also really important here to mention the motivations of ramrock and why he hates the Wizarding kind so much now this is on a side quest a little bit further into the game but it's important to know at this point because we won't be going into that side quest so this is what you need to know in 1709 ramrock stumbled upon an illegal Dragon Camp which was used for illegal breeding he would visit this camp in secret to every chance that he could finding the creatures absolutely fascinating however would never make his present known after weeks he summoned the courage to speak of the wizard that was in charge however when walking up to him he noticed that the wizard had dropped his wand this was ramrock's opportunity to do a nice deed for this wizard pick up his wand and hand it back to him whilst introducing himself however the size of a goblin with a wand made the wizard enraged with anger and he beat ramrock almost to death from that day onwards ramrock despised all wizard kind sees them all as cruel and this is why he's trying to harness all of this ancient magical power to give to Goblin Kind and to make them the most powerful wielding beings it's pretty sad to be honest it's pretty deep like damn I mean he's probably got a bit too far but you can kind of see why he hates them all so much however now once you're finished with lodgock Sebastian wants to meet us too by the Overlook the location that was shown to us on the trip tick so we make our way over there and see what information he's got for us the tripty that we found earlier has some resemblance to a mine the ramrocus in charge of nearby so again like before we try to be stealthy here we enter the mine and try to find the Rune symbol that was on the triptych and make our way into the bottom of the mine and there it shows that Isadora was here at some point we find more journal entries when we enter in her study room by the looks of things and in one of these journal entries it shows that Isadora became lightheaded at one point and suddenly passed out she thought that she had fallen and knocked herself out on something however there was no Mark nor injury however the pain was throbbing in her mind and she hoped that it wasn't the Black Death plague going around at that time this was straight after removing the pain from her father is that potentially when could she have potentially inhaled some of this dark magic we don't know so far but I'm sure we'll find out going forward we find the missing piece of the canvas we return to the undercraft and place this piece of the canvas on the trip tick and immediately Sebastian knew where this was but stated that we're in for more trouble ramrock has taken over a huge mine in that area and it will not be easy to find the last piece however when We Tell Sebastian about lodgok he flips out completely wanting no part of it as he was convinced that Goblin Kind was the reason behind his sister's curse he walks up in Rage and we need to keep pressing forward so we make our way down to the map chamber to see if Fitzgerald has finalized her trial we reached the map chamber and let the keepers know of the drills that ramrock was creating and that this is really bad if he gets into these larger repositories then it could mean that the whole plan is over however we're told that the next trial is pretty nearby the headmaster's office Fitzgerald used to be the Headmaster of Hogwarts so it only makes sense that that's where the next trial is she has a portrait in the office so we just need to meet her there however in order to get into the office we need to be there when black isn't so we go to fix office to inform you of this news the office is locked behind a password that is only known by Professor black himself and his personal house elf however in order to get it fig tells us what we need to do take apologies potion and impersonate black to get the code from his house elf we drink apologies potion and make our way to find the house self thank you foreign how do you feel incredible I won't forget that taste anytime soon how do I sound convincing I've taken the liberty of transfiguring your robes as we discussed you'll need the password from scrope who could be anywhere in the castle you might look for Professor Kagawa she's taken to badgering the poor elf about quidditch in the hopes that he can convince black to change his mind thus far unsuccessfully I see but what if Professor black sees me leave him to me I shall tell him where to meet a liaison from the ministry in hogsmead that should give you plenty of time thank you professor I suppose we'll meet again in the map chamber it's rather strange to hear gratitude coming from Professor black I'll see you there and as she walks through the corridor we've run into professor's sharp he tells us that he'd been able to create the potion to remove the boils that black had found on him somewhere he had asked me about a particular potion and I well I did I did yes well spit it out sharp I don't have all day probably best not to discuss it here sir I assure you sharp you may speak free very well I've brewed the cure for boils you wanted I can drop it by your office when it's convenient of course yes no need for all the Cloak and Dagger Sim I have a student deliver it a student very well sir if you insist I do and thank you sharp I just hope you've brewed enough for all my boils with black initially being very discreet about it of course we are not black and we're impersonating him we found it really really funny and requested a student to deliver it to Black's office despite sharp trying to be pretty discreet about it even going to the extent of messing with students as we go down as well telling the likes of Gareth Weasley that he's getting greater he's potion making and to bring a few samples by Black's office bro our character is cold you know we walk outside and speak with Madame gagawa as well about quidditch sadly we don't reverse Black's decision though however on our way into the Great Hall as that's where our house self is we see Professor Weasley and this was a moment where if this was me I would absolutely myself and then we enter the Great Hall and standing at the foot of the Great Hall next to the altar is the house elf of Professor black we ask scrote for the password and he tells us that Professor black told him to tell the password to no one even himself however the password is in French and it relates to the black family we get the password from scrope and now it's time to make our way into the office we use the password to get in and reveals a flight of stairs we make our way up the stairs to greet the old head mistress approach the pedestal in the anti-chamber and read the book that appears we're sucked into the book and we look to be actually inside of it as we walk inside we need to push on and find Professor Fitzgerald avoiding death at all costs we finally get to the way forward and there it is the invisibility cloak this allows us to move freely around the enemies and reach the next step The Next Step a wand is this the Elder Wand we push forward and fight off waves of different enemies and reach the end until we're greeted with the final piece a stone known as the horcrux is this the Deathly Hallows we find Professor Fitzgerald towards the end and make our way to the altar to see her memory visitor what you did for your father was remarkable wasn't it and Percival needn't worry about the strands of emotion or the traces that this magic leaves I found a way to contain all of it you haven't stopped Goblin silver you spoke to a goblin about this don't worry he has no idea what we're containing we don't know what affected any of this may have the emotions the dark trade you sound like Percival and as it happens I do know it is a source of strength of focus somehow it enhances my ability to wield Magic I don't follow Isadora I think we can harness it power like this is not to be toyed with in the wrong house I saw what I did for my father we have imagined the good we could do everyone is in some kind of pain what are you doing [Music] hurry the tin Can you feel it oh it's Adora this must stop all of us you've kept this power to yourselves for so long because you fear it I choose to embrace it [Music] within the memory Professor Fitzgerald and Isadora are walking outside of Hogwarts somewhere Isadora was trying to continue with this extraction and the use of this ancient magic even speaking with goblins and getting them involved Isadora believes they could harness his power everyone is in some kind of pain she then takes her wand and tries to remove the pain from the professor Fitzgerald's chest she seems to be embracing the power Hannah's almost gone power mad however the professor moves away preventing her from doing so and is horrified of what she's just seen we return to the map chamber and speak with the keepers and greet the final keeper Samba car Isadora looked to be inhaling painful emotions almost thriving off them how did she harness his power we fill Samba Karen on the events with ramrock however he will require some time to confirm the other Keepers as his trust for people is not entirely where it should be after the events from Isadora and of course the standard that she'd set however a short time later Sebastian sends us a message through his owl and tells us that he's found something so we take a journey across the Scottish Highlands to meet him on the coastline Sebastian found Robes of ramrock's goons going toward a mine so that's exactly where we're going we finally enter a place called the tower tunnel in hope it will tell us more around ramrock is planning it's here that we start to find more around isadora's missing journal entries and start to understand more around what she's doing with the extra power that she can't harness there's only so much power that someone can take him right so where does the rest of it go so much Haze and power making Isadora feel like she's doing something great but really she's causing much more destruction to herself and the World of Magic than she knows could the repositories be the place that this extra power is stored however as we continue through you see that Isadora was in fact here and that this could be where she honed this ancient Magic as we enter the chamber we come across another note when referring to our latest trials memories the headmistress professor Fitzgerald will not help his Adora and she shares the same feelings as per civil Isidore did not want this ancient magic to lay dormant she wanted to share it help more people by removing their pain and felt the Keepers were incredibly greedy keeping it all to themselves she she worries she may not be able to find someone in a lifetime that would share this work with her however Isadora has left them a trail to follow and perhaps they can heal the world so really is a door is it so really isadora's intentions and motivations were not that bad at heart but unfortunately her disillusionment but unfortunately her disillusion had cost her however as we begin to research around we find to the final piece of the triptych canvas the one thing we don't understand right now though is why did Isadora go to this length to share this knowledge with the world without knowing what the keepers do if she'd understood and took the time to listen and learn that from them maybe things would have been different we placed the final piece of the canvas on the triptych behind us appears offensive we look inside and it's a memory of Isadora and her father I cannot bring my brother back father but I can give you peace please have a seat Isadora we are almost intrigued to hear we're ready I've something to show you bothered these are my colleagues from Hogwarts father hasn't spoken since my brother died on my travels I confirm that which I've always believed that we have the power to take away pain is Adora what have you done I took his pain thank you that worked it didn't indeed of course it did it's Goblin silver I need something much bigger all right I would hope if you could tell me more about what it is your story Magic left over from a spell I devised to remove pain but fused correctly its power can be used to do even more good did you want to store such magic are we I only need to keep it safe until I can convince my colleagues of its worth magic like this a nerve Sun oh everyone's ready to wield such power perhaps not someone will be in this memory it shows her motivations leading up to the knights the keepers attended a house and she took the pain away from her father and transferred it into a container sealing it away her father speaks for the first time and later on that day a knock on the door a goblin named bragbor gave her some Goblin silver to store this ancient magic the pain that was removed from her father however bradbaugh was intrigued as to why she wanted to store this magic with multiple vials of the stuff in the background as she goes to show and collects one she'd been very busy to say the least she wanted braggboard to create large devices made of goblin metal the repositories to store this magic until she can convince the other keepers of her plan however a short time later lodgok sends to now stated that he'd found a mine somewhere near the shore and that he's going to go and destroy the drills that ramrock had created we arrive and take a minecart deep into ramrock's mine to find this drill and see what's going on however when we get further into the mind and destroy the drill There Was ramrock You that is unfortunate no matter we will build another I found this one looking outside Lord GOG come to make amends little brother I came to stop this what is this you've brought me that cannot be thank you all this time you knew you knew where it was are you all right I'll never understand you Lord Goku so Gollum that witch did not consider you an equal she like all wizard kind sought only to use you you're wrong ran Rock young ones are especially deceitful they are taught to hide their disgust for us as they exploit us astonishing that our ancestors ever trusted each other looking everywhere for the final repository searching in vain for Bradford's last journal wasted my time chasing a child and my little brother knew where it was all along but now I don't need you I don't need any of you I was bringing it to you you are a greater to Our Kind no Obama Kadabra [Music] dead by his brother's hand no wonder he tried so hard to reason with him the next trial will involve a massive amount of magical skill San bakar mentioned and we must engage with any beasts a part of the trial anyway we meet fig near the coast we remove some of the weeds covering this statue of some sort of what looked to be like a dragon's head this head resembles a fearsome Beast known as a graph horn this would somehow open the way forward but we must bring one here and go from there we make our way to the shore and suddenly as we walk around the corner oh no we fight and eventually take out the graph horn and it suddenly starts to charge at us however instead of finishing it off we kneel it stands firm but almost respects us and we climb onto its back and make our way back to the trial we charge our way back to the pensive chamber and attempt to open the doorway and once we stand on the podium it starts to glow and we walk inside to see the portrait of sambakar and make our way to the pensive hello is it still working okay thank you Sean I'm glad you're here because the daughter who's not at your home I know father what is it as though he was tripped not only of his pain but of all emotion everything is much worse than I feared he was right Isadora hasn't stopped I've just learned that she has been wielding that magic on students we must gather the others I need you to return to your common room all right foreign what have you done take a breath students his Adora everyone feels pain and why because of your arrogance her obsession with secrets he won't suffer any longer not my father not my students no one to Dora set down your wand so you taught me to hone my power not throw it away I did not teach you this expelliables [Music] foreign [Music] after learning of this we return to the map chamber the caverns below Hogwarts that's the location of the final repository the strands of emotion within that repository cannot be destroyed so they did all they could to hide it and keep it safe which is the reason why they're called the keepers keeping people out and keeping this magic hidden away and the repositories the repository is protected by an ancient magic however to get around it we must craft a wand with each of the artifacts that were found on the Keeper's pensives however ramrock might be trying to drill his way through and with the power from all the repositories put together well it might be enough to breach through the ancient magic protecting it we need to get to ollivanders and create this wand immediately so that's exactly what we do foreign [Music] [Music] I should warn you I've never seen a one like this before my suspicion as Professor fig implied in his letter is that it serves a unique purpose I doubt you shall find much use for it otherwise [Music] I understand thank you sir [Music] as we walk outside olivanders though with the wand in hand Rockwood I'm afraid you're on your own I've ensured that we have a moment to ourselves oh come come need for such theatrics in light of what ranrock now knows you must agree that our interests are aligned our interests will never be aligned you would let goblins take what is rightfully ours the final repository belongs to wizard kind we would be fools not to work together what's that you've got there there might this sudden visit to the wand maker have something to do with our mutual Pursuit I have no idea what you're talking about [Music] it's repository is my Birthright Charles Rockwood wouldn't have wanted you near it the arrogance should have known better than to try and reason with a child but then Brookwood says this I've always said children should be seen and not heard remember that an icy voice drifted out from somewhere in the smoke children should be seen and not heard blinding blast followed they didn't even give her a chance to run Rockwood cursed and Brookwood and his ashwinders teleport us to a compound to fight and we get into a one door with Rookwood and after countless battles we defeat Victor Rockwood we return to the map chamber to inform the keepers and figure what just happened all of the trials are now completed under circumstances that were very very intense the trials and all of the other tests were there to ensure that us and all of the keepers would make the same choices whatever is found in the repository must never be freed or destroyed it must be left where it is is way too powerful and it should remain stored there so we make our way forward and head on into the Keeper's Caverns we make our way into the room and there the Goblins they've managed to drill straight through the Hogwarts terrain we must go now we take out multiple hordes of enemies that ramrocket sent in and finally oh no [Music] foreign [Music] s had somehow evaded the Castle's defensive charge [Music] they got this [Music] let's freaking go just like the ending of Avengers end game this is so sick sharp jumps down and helps us with the troll sending a pillar flying towards us it's just about to land on us when suddenly Professor Weasley absolutely smashes it out of the park and saves us she gives us our pathway forward narrowly escaping ramrose loyalists foreign and here it is the doorway to the Repository [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] the doorway slowly opens there in front of us is the Repository we made it I'm relieved we got here before ran Rock can't believe this is it the repository has been under the castle for hundreds of years fig asks us what we intend to do with the power here many lives have been lost because of it because of the research and the goblins do we store it away under the castle or do we plan to open it we can follow the path of Isadora or we can follow the path of the keepers man honestly I sat here for a good few minutes thinking my decision on this one I was really stuck I wanted to see what would happen if I was to free it but of course I wanted to stay at the Keeper's path so if we decided to free it we sold fig that would free it I bet it was like what the hell are you doing however ramrock walks in the arrogance of wizard kind goblins built this Repository longs to us enough ramrock it was never yours I've been wanting to play with this Miriam's wand if she's simply handed over the container all of this could have been avoided foolish self-important was easier to have a kind she didn't know when to give up either [Music] no one [Music] we take ramrock down and harness all of the ancient power within the wand we created into the repository where it all belongs [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign Professor to many of you suddenly a long-standing colleague to his peers a famed Adventurer and seeker of knowledge he built a reputation charging into the unknown brazenly disregarding both discretion and safety providing perhaps a rather unfortunate lesson for us all his Devotion to Adventure was rivaled only by his dedication to Hogwarts and of course to his wife Maddie midi um who we lost much too soon as well um Professor fig represented the best of all of us He Could Be deviously Clever possessed a brilliantly inquisitive mind and was the most loyal of friends foreign [Music] courage for which we will all be forever indebted to him if not for Professor fig [Music] well I can say with confidence that if not for him many of us let alone Hogwarts would not be here today [Music] those that knew him best will agree that we must now honor him as only Hogwarts can by wisely resourcefully justly and bravely facing all that lies ahead to Professor fig foreign I didn't know him as well as you did but I know he was a good man glad Weasley spoke for him she honored him well fig will be well remembered Sebastian there's something you should know it's to do with Victor Rookwood I heard a rumor that he confronted you outside of olive Anders sounds as if he faced quite a fight the rumors are true and I did but it's not that just before Rook would attacked he uttered something familiar the same words Anne heard before she was cursed children should be seen and not heard wait what what are you saying he wasn't one of ranrock's loyalists who kirstan it was Rookwood it was Rookwood all along this this can't be it was the Loyalists it's always been them the night and was cursed all she saw were goblins once Rook would allied with ran Rock isadora's estate became of interest to them both that's why Rookwood was there the night Anne was cursed he is working with vanrock when he saw your sister well he didn't want anyone to know so he cursed her and she's never been the same so cruel Rookwood deserved what he got thank you for telling me Glenn I suppose I owe you an apology all this time I thought goblins were the enemy but it was never that simple I have a lot to think about let's speak again soon and that ladies and gentlemen is the story of Hogwarts Legacy a vengeful Goblin named ranrock wanting to almost prove a point and make Goblin Kind the most powerful beings in existence Victor Rookwood going away from his family's good name turning into a dark Wizard and the five Keepers Isadora being the cause of all of this of course but her motivations were to openly try and help people but of course it had gone too far and here we are today overall this is my first 10 out of 10 game on the channel absolutely amazing game game of the FME 110 it was fantastic I love every minute of it and it took me 22 hours to finish on the lowest difficulty and that was just me rushing through as well however I'm so excited to keep playing and I'm gonna try my best to 100 it as well let me know the thoughts and opinions down below everyone but of course I really hope you have enjoyed today's video leave a like if you have subscribe for more content coming if you've made it this far comment down below High Wing comment hiring down below if you've got this far I'd love to know but we'll see you all next time [Music]
Channel: Wizzo
Views: 81,216
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hogwarts legacy gameplay, hogwarts legacy, harry potter game, Hogwarts Legacy story, Hogwarts legacy story explained, The Hogwarts legacy story, Hogwarts Legacy story summary, hogwarts legacy story explained, hogwarts legacy review, Hogwarts legacy story summary, hogwarts legacy storyline explained, Hogwarts Legacy Story FULLY Explained, Hogwarts Legacy Story Summary Explained, Hogwarts legacy, Hogwarts legacy walkthrough, hogwarts legacy avada kedavra, Hogwarts Legacy secrets
Id: GEgqAeW-b3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 124min 31sec (7471 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 09 2023
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