You Only Have One Chance to See This...

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there is a Hogwarts Legacy secret you only have one chance to see without having to start a completely new playthrough look at this point I'm sure you already know about the gravestone behind the gamekeeper's Hut the Chamber of Secrets sync and the random dragon flying about the world but today I'll show you the secret you only have one shot to notice as well as nine other Easter eggs you don't want to miss including one I haven't seen anyone talking about yet that the developers at Avalanche just teased in a recent live stream first up that Easter egg that you only have one shot at seeing per play through well when Deputy had mistress Matilda Weasley introduces you to the room of requirement you'll need to first pass through the room of hidden things which is one form of the room of requirement now thinking back to the original Harry Potter series this is actually where Voldemort hid one of his horcruxes that Harry had to go and find in Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows you'll only pass through this area one time for each playthrough and you cannot enter again there are a few interesting things to find here like this letter there's also a Jack In The Box that some fans think is a reference to Severus Snape but to me those are not the most interesting objects here but first a quick history lesson in Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets peeves drops a Vanishing cabinet over filch's office and damages it in the process later in order of the Phoenix Fred and George Weasley shove Montague of Dolores umbridge's inquisitorial Squad into what is most likely the very same Vanishing cabinet being broken it doesn't work as it's supposed to and Montague nearly dies trying to apparate out it's actually through Montague's experience that Draco Malfoy figures out the broken cabin and Hogwarts is linked to a cabinet in Borgen and Berks and ultimately if you know the story malfley figures out how to repair the cabinet with borgen's help and ends up sneaking the Death Eaters directly inside Hogwarts near the end of book six this cabinet was moved to the room of hidden things after Montague's traumatic experience while it just so happens in Hogwarts Legacy during your quick walk through the room of hidden things you can spot a Vanishing cabinet now if you take a look at the screenshot from the movie here there's no denying it is meant to be a Vanishing cabinet but could it be the very same one I suppose the question would be just who took it out before peeves decided to use it to torment filch remember Hogwarts Legacy takes place in the late 1800s so at some point between the late 1800s and then Harry's arrival at the school it needed to make its way out of the room of hidden things before making it back in again and even if it's not meant to be the exact same cabinet it's clearly a nod to fans about what will happen all those years later up next we have a secret in hogsmead that I somehow missed throughout my entire first 80 hours with the game so if you go to the main square area just across from honeydukes there's a spot here where you'll often find someone selling copies of the daily profit during the daytime hours now first up this is only there during the daytime hours but in addition to that it's also only there at certain times throughout the year so whenever you find this stand make sure you go approach the stand and you'll actually be able to take a look at the cover of the paper not only that though you can also interact with the paper and get a close-up view for one of the day's main stories what's even more interesting is that even if you don't see a different cover from what I could see they only had about two or three covers but there are actually quite a few different stories that you can find and they update each new day some of them even build on stories from previous days there's one about a Cornish wizard arrested for breeding basilisks another about someone cross-breeding a dragon and a chicken which could be a nod to Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix when Mr Weasley has a conversation with a Ministry official who's confiscated you guessed it a fire-breathing chicken I won't spoil them all here but one of my personal favorites has to be the story of a mother who believes her son has lost his soul to a dementor there's even a line here about her trying to give him chocolate which of course is known throughout the Wizarding World as a short-term remedy to cheer someone up if they've been in the presence of Dementors now for her next secret here did you know our defense against the dark arts Professor Dina heckett isn't nearly as old as she may first appear you see you can actually learn even more about the backstory for many of the Hogwarts Legacy professors way more than what you get in just the normal classes all you have to do is return to their classrooms after your designated class times you'll have the option to speak with them further to even ask more more questions about their past and teaching subject by talking to Professor heckett after class you'll learn she worked as an unspeakable in the department of mysteries now being an unspeakable it's no surprise she can't share too many specifics about what she did during her time in that role she does tell us though that appearances can be deceiving and that she was once wounded by time itself now if you remember in Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix there's a moment where Harry and his friends discover a bell jar inside the time room this jar has a tiny hummingbird inside and as they watch it transforms from an egg to fully grown bird and back to an egg again of course later on during the battle at the department of mysteries one of Voldemort's Death Eaters falls into the Bell jar his head begins to rapidly shift Through Time transforming from a man's head to a baby's head that was one extra little tip here you can learn even more about most of the professors by fully upgrading your alohomora spell this will allow you to get inside any room in Hogwarts including the private study and living quarters for most of these professors there you'll find plenty of items and decorations to get a sense of their style but in most of these you'll even find letters written to them by close friends or family members now speaking of the boy who lived himself there's also an absolutely beautiful Easter egg for Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban fans will no doubt remember this iconic scene both from the movies and from the books when Harry and Hermione travel back in time to save Buckbeak and Sirius Black in the series this is where Harry casts a full corporeal Patronus from across the lake which of course takes the form of the Stag now it just so happens you'll come across this very same Lake in Hogwarts Legacy inside the Forbidden Forest there's actually a mission that will take you here and when you approach the lake there will be a stag around the lake and your character will even comment on the Stags that are there something oddly solemn about this place such Regal creatures stacked Avalanche software has started doing their own twitch live streams for the game and in their most recent stream they teased an Easter egg I haven't seen anyone else talking about yet I was actually in the chat trying to get them to answer this question are there secrets we haven't found yet of course peeves had to get in the way and distract right after I asked the question but eventually a little bit later in that stream they approached this vase here just outside the room of requirement now if you make your way over to this vase and adjust your camera to see inside you'll notice there are two bottles of butter beer here and what they said is that this was a nod to something that happens in the future not necessarily something there in Hogwarts Legacy so personally seeing how close this is to the room of requirement I believe it's actually a nod to a plot point from Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire this plot Point featured Dobby and winky the hell self if you remember from that book winky actually got her job in the Hogwarts kitchens after getting sacked by Barney Crouch however she was not happy about this and did not enjoy her job at Hogwarts she ended up going into a state of depression and became addicted to butterbeer I know it sounds kind of comical at first but it's actually a very tragic story she just remains addicted she basically becomes an alcoholic with butterbeer now you may say well this doesn't have alcohol and it's true the popular Wizarding World Beverage is said to contain very little alcohol however it still proves to be too much for a small house self especially when consumed in large quantities now for a time she actually completely neglects her work at Hogwarts many of the other house cells become embarrassed by this by the fact that she's basically just drinking butter beer all the time Dobby of course being the amazing awesome character that he is tries to take care of her he even ends up finding a bed from the room of requirement where he can go and lay winky whenever he finds her intoxicated from consuming too much butter beer so personally my guess is that these two bottles of butter beer could very well be a small knot to Dobby and how he ends up caring for winky all those years later as she struggles through her butter beer addiction now that last one I think it's pretty hard to find I mean we had to have Avalanche tell us exactly where to look but you know what it turns out some of the most well-kept secrets are hidden plane site on your way to the dungeons you'll come across this tapestry here now many of you probably know about the secret room here but there's a little bit more here now what looks like a normal tapestry actually contains a hidden entrance you can walk straight through the K and you'll find it was actually a hidden doorway all along you can find a field guide page here as well as a tapestry that tells the story of a mother who was bitten and turned into a werewolf but to reveal the full story there's actually a special use for the lumo spell so if you want to see the story in the correct order you'll start with the far left and look at each tapestry exactly as is then when you get to the very last tapestry get right up close and cast lumos then turn lumos off go to the next tapestry this is going to be one step to your left now and go all the way back to the original tapestry to see the full story now stuff like this I absolutely love I mean it has me asking the question is it possible there are other secrets in the game still waiting to be discovered that just require a certain spell in a very specific location and also behaving in a way that it doesn't normally behave I mean I can't think of anywhere else in the game where we see lumos do something quite like this alright our next secret involves one of the magical creatures in Hogwarts Legacy now if you've managed to breed unicorns yet in one of your room of requirement vivariums you may have been surprised to see that the Unicorn is gold despite the coloration of its parents now this is not some sort of glitch or a rare type of unicorn it's actually accurate to the original lore of The Wizarding World According to Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them the companion book that is not the movie of the same name unicorn foals were born gold instead of white silver or gray they actually remain gold until they're about two years old when they begin turning silver by four they'll have their horn and then by seven they're considered fully grown and will be Pure White in coloration in Hogwarts Legacy it seems that newborn creatures bred in the vivariums will remain in that state and will not grow into adults so once you have that gold unicorn you'll get to keep the little baby forever now given Hogwarts legacies late 1800s time frame it set back far enough that many of the iconic Wizards in which as we know from the original series are not present in the game sure you'll notice the house goes like nearly headless Nick and of course peeves the Poltergeist makes frequent appearances throughout but there's one witch that appeared on a chocolate frog card in the original Harry Potter video games sakurisa tugwood makes an appearance in Hogwarts Legacy both as a student wandering the halls but also in a more prominent role with the spot removal quest after talking with her outside dog Wheaton death cap you'll learn she's been experimenting with a new beauty cream she's run out of the key ingredient buba tuber plus that's right you heard me correctly and just so happened she needs our help to find more it's a simple Quest but still a really fun nod for fans considering that tugwood would go on to having her likeness appear on a famous witch card all due to her discovery of the pimple curing properties of Buba tuber pus now for our next one I actually had the incredible privilege to meet game director Alan 2 in person back at a pre-release event before the launch of the game when he was talking with us he teased a fun little secret that involves the potential for special interactions based on the appearance of the gear you're wearing so far fans have already discovered a few different dialogue options for the pajamas in the game shameful go back to your dorm and change into your school robes immediately but I'm still trying others I mean surely there has to be one when you're dressed as a knight right don't you think have you guys found any others if you have let me know in the comments below and I'll try to test it out myself in our next little secret here involves one of the most powerful late game spells and that is the transformation spell especially if you use a talent point to upgrade it this spell will let you transform enemies in battle into an explosive barrel and then use the ancient magic throw to send that Barrel flying back at another enemy but like lumos earlier the transform spell also has an extra function in that it can transform many of the animals you see throughout the world of Hogwarts Legacy I know right blew me away too now don't let the fact that you can't lock on fool you I always have to use the left trigger for help with targeting the animal now there are some animals I have not seen this work on but the majority of them it will work on including fish now the first time I discovered this I thought that's it that's where it ends but if you keep going sometimes you may actually get the animal to transform into coins I have no idea what triggers this if there's a secret to it who knows maybe it's just a bug but the coins definitely don't happen too often when I was testing this out so it very well could just be a random but intended Easter egg that transformation spell is just one of the many incredible spells in Hogwarts Legacy I actually ranked every spell in the game so if you want to see where it ranks on the list check out the video on the right side of your screen now as always thank you all so much for watching I'll talk to you again soon
Channel: RetroRaconteur
Views: 354,268
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RetroRaconteur, hogrwats legacy, hogwars legacy, hogwarts legacy, harry potter video games, hogwarts legacy rpg, hogwarts legacy mmo, harry potter game, hogwrats legacy, new harry potter game, harry potter gameplay, hogwarts legacy news, harry potter legacy gameplay, howard's legacy, hogwarts legacy tips and tricks, hogwarts legacy tips, hogwarts legacy bugs, hogwarts legacy glitches, secrets, easter eggs
Id: NAGoSSIy-k4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 17sec (737 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 21 2023
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