Hoarders Top Episodes MARATHON - Binge Them w/ Dorothy the Organizer! Part 3 | A&E

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hi everybody I'm Dorothy the organizer from hoarders of course are you ready for a hoarders marathon we've put together some of the top hoarders episodes and I'll be joining you throughout those episodes to give you organizing tips why because so many of our fans tell us they feel inspired to get organized after they watch a show so I hope I can give you some inspiration and I hope you enjoy the show it's inconvenient it's not a hazard how are you showering I'm horrified I want you to see your refrigerator everything's covered in pee and poop Oh God this was point Kim he's been my whole my life I misplace a lot of things Lynn has the thing with bad it's like a drug he's getting ready to have a panic attack so a newspaper from 1991 this behavior is self abuse [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm sandy and I love books books have always been my escape they don't judge you they take us to places no one's ever been i used books to escape reality and while that can be kind of a therapy it also doesn't get things done i'm Nona and sandy is my sister sandy is a hoarder she's always had problems throwing things away letting them build up just not being able to let go of stuff that she should I don't think I'm a hoarder I just go out and buy stuff and then don't have any place to put it I'm Jen and Sandy is my aunt when I went to the kitchen about a month ago it was completely full of trash and junk but the refrigerator broke I have to get ice and put it in there to keep the stuff cold things started accumulating in the bathtub so I don't take baths and showers here anymore now let's sponge bath [Music] code enforcement from a town called me because I'm legally responsible for the home and they've had a complaint that the house was getting pretty rundown I wanted to know the condition and I said I really don't know I haven't been in it a couple years I went over I wanted to talk to her about it banging on the door the doors locked - she says I'll come right out and when she did she open the door and took a real quick two steps so I couldn't get in and she held the door shut so I wouldn't see but I'd seen it it was a problem she can't sleep she can't eat properly she can't cook she can't walk through there she can't sit in the chair I'm just afraid the whole house is gonna kick in the house is solid it's inconvenient it's not a hazard as a child growing up my mom threw everything away it's like everybody else normally you know you only keep this so long and you throw it out sandy took it more personal she'd talk books in certain corners where she didn't think my mother would see him so she could read him again mother never really respected our privacy she would go into my room and take stuff that she considered junk and throw it away it just hurt that she would think so little with my feelings mother's first stroke was in February of 82 it was her birthday and I moved in to help take care of her I tried to keep them happy it did what housekeeping I could but he was constantly criticizing it and it gets to be a awful screen I think my mom's death could have released her from any restraint she had I live here this is my home and I can buy this I don't have to get rid of this now it just got worse and worse after mother died really escalated I couldn't seem to get up the energy or the motivation to clean my mother told me a long time ago she wanted my name on the deed because my sister has maxed out every credit card she ever had she was afraid that they were to come after her they take the house it was in Sandy's name I had expected to have my own home and now I've got tenancy I'm a tenant in my own home it's breaking my heart to have that house in that condition and what my grandkids to go over there and enjoy the house the way we all did have a piece of what we all had if she doesn't clean it up I'll be forced to remove her from the home she has no choice she has to clean out now or she won't have a place to live [Music] my name is Lea I'm retired steelworker and yes I'm a hoarder someone coming in for first time and seeing that house they would really flip out it's complete clutter I'm gaynelle and I'm Lynn Scott sister it is not easy to walk through Lynn's house when you walk through it you have to walk sideways Lynn has a thing with bags lottie's bags like you have different colors on them I like stuff like that multi colors bags I believe Lynn has about a thousand trash bags in the house and they're the big contractor size trash bags there's so many bags in house because I put stuffing in to protect it like my clothes and stuff I want to keep everything has to have a bag and you could never find the bag daddy put some things in I misplace a lot of things I've been looking for so I had to buy him again Lynne's mom and aunt was in a fatal car crash when he was eight or nine years old my mom's driving she was with her sister both were killed at eight or nine you need your mom after that my father got sick and it told me cancer well my dad passed that's when I felt like I became a hoarder there was really no mother and no father no one to go to just feel lonely feel lonely to this day I'm cheves and I'm Lance great niece my family has adopted Lee we take care of him a helped him out through his daily activities we love him he's a part of our family Lynne comes over to my house three to four times out of the week for dinner because he really doesn't have anywhere to sit and neither meal in this home I really don't have any patience with learning that hoarding anymore if I don't get the stuff right this time I think she don't want to be around me anymore but I just don't know how to correct the problem [Music] I had a heart attack after iron in my heart I lost my job because I really couldn't do the physical part no more and that's what I'm problem I really began with the house I would get wind and shortness of breath I am very worried about his safety if Flynn doesn't clean up I've made up my mind that I will call the authorities [Music] well the last time I was in the home it was over 10 years ago I think she's been keeping this order secret because she knows it's gonna piss me off she doesn't clean up I'm gonna kick her out well I already have a bad feeling because I'm looking in the window here and it's completely hoarded i'm dr. robin zasio I'm a licensed clinical psychologist and I specialize in hoarding disorder and OCD well Andy hi dr. zasio thanks for having me I'm here with Nona and we'd like to come in okay but I'd rather not be with no no when she does - her first walkthrough okay and that's because I really don't want to hear it yeah she probably is afraid that I'm gonna punch the hell out of them and I will respect that Nona I'll be back in a little bit all right [Music] so sandy I help people with hoarding disorder for a living what's going on here this is according per se I do clean stuff out the garbage goes out regularly there's nothing sitting around okay well let's continue with the tour so I can see more about what's going on okay looks like it's a little bit of a maze oh sandy I know that's not safe to stand in I mean you've got black mold in there that's really really dangerous how are you showering well I don't I haven't had hot water for several years you have no hot water No hi Hey so I think it's best that you just go in and take a peek for yourself and we'll talk when you come out okay [Music] knockety lifted speed the way she's living is atrocious you can't walk you can't step you can't sleep I'm a horrified I'm horrified I used to sleep here my father my mother built his house it was where I was born and it's ruined it's totally ruined I'm done [Music] hi hello I'm Lee I'm dr. Melva green a psychiatrist specializing in hoarding behaviors so you are Lin's I'm like a nephew Julia woman's the last time you saw there it's been about two years for me okay okay well let's go on in let's go see how me and Lin spend a lot of time together I normally seen every Sunday at Sunday dinner at my mom's house hi today I'm having a walk through to see the extent of the hoard this house is bags bags bags bags and more bags I had no idea what's happening for you Lin you looking kind of teary then people come in like new you or anybody has seen this condition of the house it's something I'm not proud of getting a little winded now with my health it's clear that Lin is very overwhelmed right now he's looking like he's getting ready to have a panic attack I'm watching you you're getting really sweaty and really physically overwhelmed and we've barely gotten started yeah I'm not in the best shape you know my heart condition this is heavy I get it [Music] Wow this is unreal it's heartbreaking I mean that's no way to live for anyone Lee I know you've been up here a while yeah we finally made it it's safe for you up here land you know you have health problems and if you need help they'll have a hard time getting to you so just this guy to stop this behavior has is self abuse I'm just hoping that you understand I got how I got like this and I didn't want to be like this I just won over with will be ashamed people calling my house this is a life-and-death situation for him with this health issues and he's got a number of them cracking down with any level of tough love that would just be a disaster you can watch more hoarders episodes every single Sunday this month at 7 a.m. on A&E [Music] [Laughter] so what do you want to say to your sister you're not doing this for the holes again and you're not gonna do it yourself period I don't care what it takes Nona owns the house and Sandy is a tenant if she doesn't get the place cleaned up she's gonna be booted out and on the streets we don't want to see you homeless and I know that you don't want to throw her out on the street Oh okay let's get started okay [Music] all right good morning everybody I'm Matt Paxton I'm an extreme cleaning specialist normally we do a lot of lovey-dovey and hugging and goal making and I don't think that's really the style for this family all right so I think we're just gonna get working is that cool let's do it so bring a couple bags to transfer the stuff but nothing is being trashed and we're just bringing to them to make decisions on their own okay keep-keep okay keep my Afghan books I need this that's staying cleaning brushes stay these are wallpaper paste not going to wallpaper no but I used them for sweeping up she's keeping about 90% of this stuff I don't think she is grasping that if she doesn't get this house in order she's going to be living on the streets once we got under that first foot we realized everything's covered in pee and poop and doesn't even register with her droppings this is food yeah which was in the box to keep it clean so you're gonna eat this food the food is Queen who's not she doesn't understand or she doesn't see but this is really dangerous sandy if you invited me over for dinner and I knew that you made me some soup in this box I would be horrified it's totally insane it's totally insane trying to keep moping fool it's not just about getting rid of this stuff it's about changing your thinking up here okay Oh God okay it's dead it's dead Oh a dead mouse right there huh so that's what's in your stuff okay yeah this is a box of food with a fresh dead mouse in it okay yeah this is real what are you thinking I'm thinking she's not getting rid of stuff keeping I'm keeping I'm keeping you need to get rid of the cleanup has been very slow it's the end of the day and there's nothing is getting tossed so I'm gonna bring Sandhya known in so they can actually see how much work we still have to do cotton is all huh you can't leave like this you sit here and you ham and hot you got five rooms they can take everything out everything no questions no nothing no more [Music] I had no idea Lin was living away he was it's just horrible [Music] [Applause] good morning I'm Dorothy breininger I'm a professional organizing expert and I specialize in hoarding this house is full of bags I don't know how you did it I've never seen this many bags in my life me okay let's go we are taking all the bags from upstairs outside and the family's looking at the bags and they're horrified they want to know whether this is from the whole top floor or just one room guess what just one room Lin are you sure you could fit this I'm positive do we really need to show you why do you want to keep the games someday I might find somebody to play some games with them they're not even open because the game is plant stuff like this is still good keep these now what you gonna do with that don't worry about it I said a lot of stuff I'm Kim's gonna try the family's sorting together but gaynelle is having a really hard time hey there hi there he agitates me and then I agitated him back then NJ now they're gonna have to work together your family okay you two I know you guys kind of rub up against each other but this avoiding each other doesn't help the process I mean you've got to be able to communicate with each other working beside one another they're rico right now but i had a bunch of ones over there right by you it was right I see you guys are working together and sorta kinda Lin downstairs you have all brand new towels I saw them you pulled him out and showed me why do you want to keep those ratty tatty towels look that way cuz they're right now Lynn Canal has been real clear that if this is not sorted out she's gonna call the authorities because she's concerned about you you matter far more than those ratty tatty towels I'm getting very women I'm not ready to stop Lynn doesn't really express himself verbally but his body language says it all he stops making eye contact and eventually he gets up [Music] I'm done with the procrastinating [Music] they understand that she has a sickness but she can't sit there twiddling foam and keep keep it's over sandy I really need you to let me make a sweeping decision do we have your permission waist down toss yes okay waist-down go part of the process to heal is to see the reality of what's happened I want you to see your refrigerator I know oh I didn't know it was like that this I have got to go through what what are you doing I want to see this is maple syrup that's been covered so all right die now what are you saying you want to keep that would like to have kept it if it was still usable why would you want to eat something out of there I'm really worried at this point I thought we were making some progress psychologically but I'm not sure that's happening [Music] so this is the reality of hoarding this is what happens and I wanted you to see the volume I mean look at this look how much poop that is that's a lot of poop all these cabinets have to come out all the sink has to come out you guys are gonna have to make real decisions do you want to put money back into this we don't have money I'm saying it ain't fixable then I empty it they're not gonna have to do anything else because it's too fireball sandy is there anything that you want to say to Nona I mean she's pretty shaken up over this well I'm pretty shaken you know what I'm done okay we did this for you with doing this video trying to save the home yeah and all your glut is I'm chick up to well you know what get destroyed the family home well you know but you didn't never come and visit me in 10 years I wouldn't come in here because of the condition it was a bad place to live [Music] you know you all have to be able to tolerate uncomfortable emotions otherwise nothing changes Lynne is just avoiding he's not getting in touch with the emotional clean-out that's really necessary for change to take place walking away is just another way of avoiding your situation voices waves understand I do the best I can do well this is a bag with another bag yeah all right all right donation items like yard stuff donate rest of this newspaper from 1991 wow this is something no wait mium I'm granny tried to clean it a few years ago like we actually had this room clear it really hurts my feelings and I hope we don't happen again this is not the first time this family has done this they are kind of over the whole deal here if Len doesn't clean this up this time they're done they don't want to do anymore who here has wanted to say something about doing all this cleanup again madam all I really need from you is to take initiative you have to learn to take care of yourself in your own Shay you've been shaking your head for two days because I just unbelievable I feel like after tomorrow when we're finished I'm washing my hands with it at this point I need Len to get serious because this family is no longer going to come to the rescue and he needs to know that we still have a half a living room to do we still have a kitchen to do we still have a dining room to do we have half a day left we have got to push we need tough luck [Music] I think everybody is stressed because really what we have now is just an empty broken-down house that's not usable all right so things are a little different now that we've seen the damage through the house and you said I'm prior to him to sell the house it's the only thing we can do so financially we can't fix it up none of us have any money yeah I mean it is what it is we hand a mouse so what I need to do for you is different now I know I'm sorry that it's turning out this way I wasn't expecting this it was gonna be fixed and it was going to be okay she could live here and the house would be beautiful again and now it's not to be part of family anymore thought are we doing a nice thing but it ended up kicking us me ass Nona has asked us to ask you to look for another place to live because her plan is to sell the house the reason she's not sitting here telling you is because she knows she lost her temper and it would only hurt you and she didn't want to do that to you she said I'll talk to her in a few minutes when I calm down this was my case my home all my life we are here to help you figure out what your options are but none of them are gonna allow you to bring all this stuff with you this is the only foam I have ever known and I'm almost 65 I thought this was going to be my home to the rest of my wife well listen I want you to go into the living room as a group and see what we can do in there push hard let's go more trash bags these should be illegal for Linda bye what do you need your family to understand it's like a drug at times it ease the pain my loneliness you won't have to be lonely if you clean up behind yourself but you haven't even put that new shower curtain up I told you the hooks don't work on that one I tried putting it open I'm noticing Lin that you don't like correction I've been corrected and corrected and corrected how many times you going correctly Linn seems to be stonewalling he just wants this process to be over been a long day I'm just really tired that's his way of coping he don't want to focus it it's not gonna help him what's the hardest part of this whole thing so you found me your friends making jokes about you and stuff and when they say something about you it hurts but nothing I could do he's holding it in he's been abandoned people have died relationships were gone he's alone and the stuff prevented him from being alone and now he truly is and that's the scariest part of all [Music] we're gonna be really blunt and open about what's happened the job has changed we now are pretty much getting sandy ready to move we have about six hours to finish this house you ready let's go hello sandy hi I did a bunch of research I have found information on section 8 and government coupons that will help pay for your housing so if you stay at a friend's house and focus on the information that I'm gonna give you that will increase your odds of getting housing suits in a way we're going to both bedrooms today I was thinking if I stay here I can be emptying it I don't mind staying here I've been staying here for 64 years I'm not gonna go through here's the deal it's not safe I will call the authorities and they will come in here that would condemn the house you'll be kicked out immediately your sister will be fined as the landlord it gets really nasty really fast and you basically both would lose the house usually I try to keep hope going through the entire cleanup with this house I really needed to just get the honest truth out and the reality is sandy can't live here anymore it's just not safe no no what do you want to see happen I want to see her stay at a friend's house I really would not to be mean not to be I don't want you in there [Music] sandy would you call your friends and ask them okay let's do it now let's call the friends and see what options we have okay I'd prefer to have a perfectly clean house that sandy can move into and everything's great but that's not hoarding sandy is gonna stay at a friend's house for a couple days thank God sandy has real friends this is a perfect example of how hoarding disorder doesn't just affect the person who's struggling with the condition it affects the family members as well I'm gonna show my family home as well but I feel better knowing that at least she'll be sleeping somewhere clean instead of sleeping he would write no bed I know that Nona wants what's best for me but my biggest regret when this place is sold as I won't be able to come here anymore losing your home is devastating but I have good friends they'll help me [Music] what do you want to say to me [Music] it's overwhelming and it's unbearable to see all the stuff I have I didn't realize it I get it honey when's the last time you had a real hug as friendly as Len is you would think everybody's out hugging him but in fact nobody can really get to him because of the stuff and we're breaking through and it's really giving him some emotion one more hug for the road Lennis had a good start he's getting in touch with the emotional clean-out that's really necessary for change to take place hello beautiful people we cleared out 2,700 bags from this house we had small bags cloth bags bags with handles you name it we had them right so let's go [Music] the family is completely stunned oh they have spent the whole time bickering giggling joking and suddenly today nothing Linda's still in a crisis but not like he was I'm not calling the authorities Oh I'm gonna have to take this I'm gonna make a weekly visit unannounced hopefully that'll keep laying on his toes how does this feel I feel like I'm finally starting to get my life back yeah like it what's worth Lin completely broke down he was clearly overwhelmed that his dreams had come true I hope I get a real good night's sleep wake up and it's not violate his own it's real [Music] this episode it really pulled on my heartstrings sometimes I can really grow to love my hoarding clients on the show and Len was one of those people you know he lost his mom when he was 8 shortly thereafter he lost his dad he had a heart attack when he was an adult then he lost his job and things just seemed to continue that way for him and sometimes it's just really easy to see how a person can develop these hoarding tendencies trauma seems to do it every time I think and Len was also very lonely and I recall when his niece and nephew were in the living room clearing things out and just laughing and having a good time trying to make the best of this lousy experience of cleaning up somebody else's house and then Len came to me and he was crying and he thought they were laughing at him and that's why you know I think it's always a good idea to work with professionals who can keep a thoughtful expression of behavior right in the hoarders presence we just don't want them to feel insecure or feel badly because we are possibly laughing at them and we're not in the end we did use hundreds of boxes to sort lens his stuff and I'm I'm kind of stuttering because I remember there were I had everybody put boxes on top of boxes because we were under a tent in the rain again so we had to double up and triple up on these boxes and we're trying to sort like with like in all these boxes and it was just a matte house but what you never do see on this show is when we have all of these weather experiences whether it's snow or massive rain and monsoons the puddles and the mud every single day one person from the show you know suddenly slides into Mudd and we you know you can't help but laugh and here we are in the middle of what I think is a very serious sin situation but I'll tell you what those moments really make it and make us sort of a family you know among the experts and the crew but bad weather is never a friend apart from that so despite the misunderstandings the more the hoard was removed the more the family could actually see Len needed his family and they were willing to step up to do it Len had access to his family and adult education classes in church and then we were able to provide him a safe clean D hoarded home in which to live she's having an allergy attack there are millions and millions and millions molecules of mold in this house in every single nook and cranny is deadly she just tells me to go do a puff for my tailor then she doesn't worry better they move past the doing bad to angry you just threw this in on the garbage dammit it's not about me it's about him and I got to remember that do you think it's a bad idea to have your mom here she's gonna learn something one way or another still no good it's not about you yet I'm sorry I'm sorry [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm Jill I'm 46 and I am a dog groomer I [Music] don't know exactly why I hold onto stuff you know I guess I always go through this thing in my mind well you know maybe someday I want it or or maybe someday I'll wear this [Music] I feel if I have stuff there it helps me remember that's why there's picture love things everywhere it's been an issue pretty much all along but it just has gotten so much worse and now it's it's just like it's overwhelming and I I just I you know look at pie holes and think oh I don't even know where to start I'm Kerry I am 44 and I am Jill's sister my grandma was a terrible hoarder and for us you know we that was our first exposure to it as children that's my biggest fear is that I'm gonna be become like her and I love my grandma but it's like I wish she could have gotten help I'm Dean I'm 48 I'm Jill's husband probably notice they're hoarding stuff Charlie I forgot married she had stuff when I moved her from her mom and dad's when we fight about it we I want to get rid of stuff she don't want to grow stuff for the boys want to get through his stuff I get frustrated when I walk in there and it looks the way it does get out of bed please they probably puts a pretty good strain on our relationship [Music] Spencer I'm 17 and I'm Jill's oldest son it's really frustrating and I probably get like too mad about it sometimes my oldest son he's a very smart boy very strong-willed however sometimes we butt heads a little bit probably seems like I blame her I'm just kind of indifferent I don't care anymore because it's always been that way if I have a choice to go home or somewhere else I'll go somewhere else just because I don't like you that much I'm Tyler I'm 13 and I'm Jill son I think that she just doesn't really think it's that bad but it really is just he's bugging me how clutter is sometimes Tyler was allergy tested because I've been concerned about the mold and it's in the basement I try not to vacuum while he's here because that kind of stirs it up when the dust gets stirred up it just makes my BZ worse cuz I just get all stuffed up and this kid really well and she noticed it too but she just tells me to go coughing my hailer and then just doesn't worry about I'm always asking did you take your medicine you know to do or inhaler it's it's always in the back of my mind there the risk I firmly believe that the house is pretty toxic knowing that all of this is in the basement and it's actually you know going through the furnace and up into the the living floors it's needing attention quickly it was bad enough that the allergist had to give him a shot of epinephrine and some prednisone and I I do I feel really bad that you know it you know he's susceptible to what is around him even though he he doesn't choose to you know have it this way and I think I do need a minute it seemed like jill has what her grandma has and I don't she's trying to deal with it in other ways by trying to get rid of it but I just I think it takes a toll you know after seeing the way my grandma lived and how she struggled and how sad she was and to see my sister going through the same pattern and a while it's it's just it's sad I know that will be my future if I don't make changes I'd know it [Music] I'm Trey forty-years-old firefighter/emt for the city's fire department he's doing the marathon he worked yesterday he's working today he's working again tomorrow in 72 hours guys who work with their there are great bunch of people this is discount therapy right here I know it I'm here for you brother just enjoy working with them and join learning from them so as I was checking and stuff like I do in the morning and that tea pass actually needs to be the battery change I think the structure of it all the discipline of it has started to make me take a better look at my home life I know I got a problem with having too much stuff hoarding yeah hard to say hard to say the words that say I have a problem morning I guess emotionally attached to those things I want to keep a person that works in the fire departments not supposed to live like this I mean especially because we know what these kind of hazards can bring and this is just unacceptable [Music] I'm Timothy Thomas captain with Euston Fire Department when I went to his house you know certainly in in thirty years in the fire department I've seen worse but I've never seen personally I've never seen this extent with somebody at that age based on the little way he handled his duties at the fire station it was it was shocking to see his home in the condition it was in I don't see how you can live that way with that type of clutter and not eventually get to the point that it's a affect every part of your life it can't help but eventually affect his ability to just function in a workplace and that's one thing that we don't really tolerate real well and the fire department is is the inability to function my name is MIA and entrees sister my brother's house is chaos when I walk in the door I you have that moment of Oh God how can you live like this and be calm be organized I think it affects performance I think it affects his concentration I'm Patricia and I'm Trey's mother I was in Trey's house and I just started crying because I said a tray I can't stand to be there I said you don't understand I said I get so anxious I had to use the restroom and I almost killed myself because I tripped over some boxes that were in there and it's just and stuff like what and see it just makes me crazy he went ballistic because he said we threw things away and then when we threw away a broken frame we threw away junk mail but he wants to go through everything he wants to look at everything I just don't like stuff being flowing behind my back I feel very violated and very serious breakup trust if someone does that I thought you'd be doing something to me and I don't like that at all it's sad because my whole family has adjusted to this disorder that pay my flip did with this is not how I want us to live [Music] hi come on in hi Joe how are you good I'm dr. Marla Dobler a clinical psychologist who specializes in the treatment of anxiety disorders I have learned how to work in very small areas I kind of like compared to being in camping there are a number of rooms that jill has some difficulty with the kitchen for example is significantly cluttered she doesn't have any available counter space at all I would love to be able to use it you know to roll out my dough or make my cookies and you know cool my cookies but it just it just kind of has a continuous clutter problem there's one entire guest room that is used for storage and it's barricade so not only is the room completely full of items but also the room can't be accessed because of the items okay and this is my bedroom it's a lot of clothes yes it is it's got a little way out of control I haven't been in the closet in 10 years how do you pick out what you're gonna wear for the day usually I kind of look for the color of what I'm looking for and kind of wiggle it out of the pile and occasionally it tips over and I have to scoop it up toss it back on the top jill has particular difficulty with clothing and with sentimental items I think the biggest challenge we're gonna have with Jill is that she's gonna get stuck on sentiment we're gonna have to give her a more functional and adaptive way to be able to hang onto those memories without actually hanging on to all those things but it's going to be very important to clean up this house in order to prevent Tyler from having further health problems [Music] [Music] [Music] the sampling that we performed for you a couple of things but are of concern to me you had significant spore counts of toxigenic mold spores that were present on most of those materials where you see the black girl through the gray growth on some of that stuff is laying on the floor anytime you have a lot of water or moisture and the right environment which is temperature and humidity you have mold growth on a scale of one to ten the basement area would certainly be a ten [Music] the crisis for this family is going to be prevention a lot of family discord because of the conflicts about not being able to discard things and they're unable to move forward I think that if it continues this way without intervention that this could be a family that falls apart just everything ends up back being dirty so there's no point cleaning it and it's just useful stuff [Music] [Music] I've kind of become numb to the mess I guess I know I got a problem it's sad for me to see something that's got you go to waste no matter what it is just seeing it go in the trash it's just such a way such a shame and it saddens me without some sort of drastic intervention I don't see this resolving itself and that's my concern there comes a point of I think of no return and I never really possible to force it on him about getting home just to get him turned around I'm dr. Susan try nice to meet you I'm Susan shabam a clinical psychologist and I specialize in OCD and hoarding this is the living room I was starting to starting to go through stuff and thought I gotta cover boxes to kind of help organize but just kind of kind of let it go for now okay and you have pictures of loved ones on the walls you did a nice job with hoarding we've noticed that a lot of porters early in their life had perfectionistic tendencies your caps are well-organized you've belts on the door that are organized when I discussed this with him he agrees that he does have perfectionistic tendencies that anything he does he has to do extremely well I like it the way I like it yeah and I my guess is that gets in the way of you completing tests because it takes you more time the areas that he did tackle to organize are very well organized and yet he cannot organize other areas in part because he can't get it just right so then he gives up this is mainly a bed I bought probably two years ago now I just never got I want to put it together because I wonder stain the wood first one of my primary roles is teaching him new skills for organizing himself is staying on task for making decisions how to reduce some of his perfectionism so that he can get some work done so are you ready for tomorrow no not now will be though I think I'm getting there [Music] I'm talking about your problems in the fire department they get your stuff out all in the open talk about it and get it all squared away yeah what's embarrassing you one is Stephen admitting the problem to hearing some istic solutions because it's not as simple as throwing it all the way it just isn't a lot of it is just going through boxes I haven't been in in probably 10 15 years but there's stuff in those boxes but I don't want to see ya see ya take the box you can't do then you don't have to come tomorrow yeah for there's probably half of stuff in it I don't want to get rid of I want to make sure I've gone through with a fine-tooth comb and I'm moving tonight so these guys can't find my house look at that we have a map yeah yeah yeah I don't want to get too far outside the comfort zone cuz I don't want to lose my ever-lovin mind in the process it's the last thing I want all right we're all funny dirty shirt guys things going wrong all right [Music] it's like I just I kept everything you know what I did I would never wanted to get rid of anything I was one thing I could control was my stuff [Music] my room now was full of crap and one summer that got cleaned out and it's been relatively clean ever since except for my mom stuffed under my desk which got put there last time she cleaned so I'm storing her crap it's stupid stuff we don't need good morning everybody I'm Matt Paxton I'm hoarding specialist we are here as we need to get some order back in our life we just need some rules the real situation here is the fear of where this hoarding could take them Jill and her family all saw what her grandmother did as an extreme hoarder with you know a level 5 with witches pathways through the house and we're not there with with Joe's case she's very very young in the hoarding progression but she's got all the tools to be a stage 5 all right let's get started hey let's do it I'm all ready for this and I think I've gone through my little worrying stages and and I'm ready [Music] I encouraged the family to be positive and reinforcement hey you're doing a good job so Spencer being a 17 year old boy he did it he did exactly what I asked and in a tone that completely told me to screw off he's pitched for a long time his life is different because of this it doesn't have the light that his friends are and he's for what four hours as seeing his mom make an effort it's gonna take you know 40 days not four days there's five cents on bottles and cans in Iowa that's why they're in here because they need to go hold up let me answer I don't know why she just can't bring herself to throw stuff away it's just it's tough throwing stuff away she just keeps it and it's stupid that would keep it getting irritated all right you take five because Spencer is making all the decisions just get rid of a just came out of it and I'm getting irritated seriously I don't want it I want this his Boy Scouting an employment if I had a Girl Scout uniform ID I probably still have it in the closet you know but my mom got rid of that a long time ago you know so and it's it's not a childhood issue I don't believe it's just I was hoping it'd be more important to him cute innocent I mean there's just something precious to her about young and you know childlike things and we had fun together you know cos I was usually there participating it doesn't mean nothing to him that he can just you know just discard it alright you and I are gonna switch out you're gonna start grabbing stuff I'm excited yes well the kitchen towel I should be using now okay I don't think I'll realistically get used in I think they will what's it like Spencer to be helping your mom really suck awesome um how's it feel to hear Spencer say that I shut off all the feelings he said I needed to keep that and I already told you why everyone I'm getting angry I already told you I had to keep this I don't know where to put it though okay Spencer do have any problem with anything okay just I already knew him and I were gonna have confrontation because that is kind of the theme that's been going on between him and I lately you're how old 17 in you're how old okay you guys got a boat start acting like adults when you say things to piss each other off it doesn't help anything a bunch of kids are not gonna clean a house typically a couple of dalts that actually communicate possibly can okay okay I just don't think he respects anything I'd like so they move past the Ewing bad to angry I don't get why he feels he has to keep all these things but I see that he does feel like he has to keep all these things and I try really hard to be sensitive about it but I mean sometimes it's like do you just got to let this stuff go this is ridiculous with this cleanup process mmm I may have some trust issues that I don't know how am i doing with yet good morning everybody thank you I'm Geralyn Thomas and I'm a certified professional organizer specializing in chronic disorganization we have a big crowd here it's one of the biggest crowds I've ever had assembled to help one person get organized in a house this size we have plenty of help and our speed is going to be determined by how quickly you make decisions today okay okay everybody ready to go let's go let me get let me let me let me hold on to that place for this lower longer I'm looking at this stuff all this could I actually go back in the garage honestly because I'm gonna want to go through some more we'll just put that aside and I'll look at it later mr. Kimball 1995 who the hell is that if he's like that here if he's undecisive here where he can't you know throw a piece of paper away you know or make a snit make a decision he's gonna carry that to work and we can't have that you know we got to make snap decisions all the time you know just that's that's our job this probably wouldn't even work I could bubbly we could decide to throw this away and yeah your life would go on very well with that stop don't you just make a decision there's a good decision you're forgetting that this is a mental disorder well understand that you're also forgetting you're a firefighter not a therapist having the firefighters here is really a mixed blessing well for now the cooler will be put in a good box they're being extremely helpful but there's also a downside I would like everybody to stop the stretching for the next five minutes okay okay their speed is moving a lot quickly and I think they understand this disorder ask yourself again what is this stuff was it worth I want to acknowledge that I know it's uncomfortable for you I can see the discomfort yeah what are you thinking right now this moment there's boxes I want to go through that you know you thinking about what's going on over there yeah okay I think Trey is reaching his limit right now as to the decision-making in the speed solid-solid let it go mom your input is is as appreciated but unwarranted I'm kind of numb right now what is the the Nam just from what the speed too much yeah much too fast okay when he starts numbing he feels like that it comes the signal a red flag to relapse you feel comfortable with your decisions I visited this before I've been here before and I've regressed before good I don't want to regress again you can watch more hoarders episodes every Sunday morning this month starting at 7:00 a.m. on A&E you know hits the bottom I am disgusted by the house you know the whole house feels like a prison [Music] the kitchen went very slowly Jill felt the need to look through everything and evaluate everything and she had a difficult time sort of paring down the items that she values it's not empty I hate wasting stuff there was a container of dishwashing detergent and she became very irritated when we started to question her how much juice are you gonna get out of that couple can we put in a place other than on the counter so that you can get the rest of it how about if we clear space we just throw it away and we don't discuss it anymore good okay keep moving all right I'm okay with getting rid of it okay one of my hobbies had to obey dad's basic flying all the way around with all the model semis they all the companies came out with yeah hard what cookies when I take them to the kids I don't see the container you know it was it was quite a lesson for me to understand that you know there is importance to everything that she keeps and you know trying to respect that and at the same time trying to clean her house up with her it was a it was a tough balance at times and you just threw this in on the garbage dammit well I was advised that everything in this cabinet you okayed to throw away because you wanted this stuff in the cabinet okay we're wasting time here whatever [Music] [Music] she's having an allergy attack I don't know she's ever had one who do like a mask no I'm okay I like that rephrase it I'd like you to wear a mask this has to so dangerous because there are millions and millions and millions of molecules of mold in this house in every single nook and cranny you know every surface there's the it's just it's deadly it actually is probably one of those dangerous houses we go into you just can't tell too much I want to go through so that can go is there anything at all in the style going through everything was faster than my comfort zone all my speakers I told a few times they're supposed to stay yeah I told you that there's a few missing okay and I don't know where they are they'll turn up I want better nobody's throwing things away that's you know the speed of it all is an anxiety level that data like you're gonna come up with a reason to hang on to every single I was getting really good at getting rid of some stuff but just when I'm forced to get rid of a lot of stuff I'm afraid I'll start saving all that stuff okay I don't want to feel like I'm needing to get stuff back because I got rid of some stuff today okay I destroyed all this time to tell me that no good hell you know go why do you think it's a bad idea to have your mom here no no cuz she's gonna learn something one way or another honestly and who's gonna teach you no I'm still trying to figure out the relationship among the members of his family so I can't have the lamp that that's fine I want that I'd rather them go together though I'm not gonna have them both it's a very confusing picture on one hand he is loyal to his mom protective of her doesn't want to be comfortable here I don't want him do you want her to be comfortable yeah when she comes over on the other hand he's clearly aggravated by some of the things she says to him he gets angry very quickly this shouldn't have come out of the house none of this should have been moved the constant interruptions from his sister from his mom they're distractions and the sooner everybody accepts that the better the process will be portray it's not about me it's about him and I got to remember that [Music] why don't they hurry up and do some stuff because I'm seeing it on my eyes all she sees is what he's not throwing away and I'm like you know nobody needs that kind of negativity yes I see them haul off two and a half trucks and that's wonderful but I want more Wow what I'm not supposed to make any guy I'm sorry I can't hold it in I'm sorry the other room if it really hit your mom okay I'm sorry you wouldn't do it again and again and again if you really were it's awesome well I but I am sorry yeah okay so today cuz we only have today to deal with your feelings right and so the more you can be aware of what you really feel and what you really need the more you're gonna get over this hoarding problem yes so take a deep breath take a nap yeah I noticed you have lots of extra toothbrush I'm finding them all over your house I was really frustrated when we stopped making them because I really liked the way they worked and you know if they made them again I hope I wouldn't but I'm probably by like a hundred every your sister is rolling horizon why it's a toothbrush and about how long will you hang on to these if I could find tomorrow if you can't find them let's say never I never find them again when they get really or they're not any whether they're not working like I think they're working anymore they're gone but they still work a little bit and I whenever the toothbrush issues seem to bring up a lot of stuff that I was also surprised they you know to me it's plain and simple cut and dry tissue most people if they can't find the toothbrush they prefer they just pick another I I'm going to get you back in hearing I am listening trot I say always me would you ask your side I'm contacting me now please when you and you scoff like you did earlier about come to us and you early about whatever it was I wants to send me back into a depression cycle need to a horde again so if I walk away will that make you feel that way too if you try to at least act like you're trying to understand what I'm coming from intact even though it's not since I want you to try to understand this problem that I have you started feeling again you he's asking does not have all right try okay listen I'm listening could you guys come in here and talk about it [Music] okay take a deep breath you heard what I said that's a communication thank you you want to make sure she is that exactly right yeah want to make sure this one really loves it this one is so much is law so this way okay so weightless and here just this one like I'm some kind of animal and I'm not that's how it comes across what he just said well that's why I chose my words very carefully just didn't say yes I did no not the same break for me see yeah angry yeah not how he meant retrain eyes okay these are good people that probably share a common problem in thinking it has made it a very hot situation very prone to conflict you made a comment what I was trying to say some of them you know no I didn't make a comment you're hearing things I did not make a comment I didn't say anything [Music] I want him to know that I love him very much and I want the very best for him and if I had anyway caused this problem for him I am truly sorry and I didn't mean to if I did I want only the very best for my son and I wish him all the success [Music] I think this opportunity has been a giant first step towards the goal that he wants of not being a hoarder or just not letting it get out of control this is the beginning of developing some self-worth so the consistency in his life is not defined by objects around him that are always there and never go away but the consistency is defined by himself who he is what he believes about himself I know I can do this I know I can tackle this it's a lot still to do but I've got a great start and a really great turbo boost this week I just got to make the effort and not get lazy and not dwell on any negatives [Music] whatever doesn't come out of that bedroom for the next hour you come in okay we gotta get it out do you agree with you understand [Music] [Music] I want to clean this house I want it done we do too I know you do and that's why I'm pushing you on this you know if you're gonna be exhausted I know that's part of it not all those books it's a lot of books this is absolutely got a state yeah running at a time I want that basket by the way don't try sneaking that out I don't care I want it the dust bunny you dork it's like a dust wall you just can't remember that kid with severe asthma Rena is breathing this in this is this is loud well I hadn't really thought previously how the clutter had contributed to you know all of our allergy and asthma symptoms you know it's sad but we've accepted you know that is kind of normal we all sneeze and sneeze and blow our noses in how can that make any sense I'm so grossed out by dirt by living it how does that make it easy we're starting to see things a little differently jealous of snakes now I know of it I had a big part in it that knowledge is definitely empowering it was time for me to let it go and pick up and move on these can be trashed get a little dust in my eyes trash step aside [Music] this is burning and that's dad's stuff I suppose in the craft cupboard what's this has to be done I would like to think that we're starting to communicate better understand each other better and I'll get dad to come over to that stuff right now my biggest concern was they didn't understand how bad the air quality was in this home because they couldn't see it there was too much crap in the house well now they did a great job decluttering the home what's different now is there's no blaming they're just doing they're taking action well I didn't think this was all gonna happen I figured we'd get two rooms done to be done with it but it's really coming together I'm happy whoo-hoo this looks like a not even my kitchen before I thought she just was gonna keep everything forever and now it feels a lot better because I know she get rid of stuff everybody kicked in and worked so hard it was just awesome I just think about my grandma I just didn't want to see Jill go down that same that same path and it's just it's been a miracle you guys are really wonderful you're a lifesaver [Music] [Music] [Music] I never really get to use a lot of my organizing tips on the hoarder show because we're usually busy repairing the plumbing replacing a toilet or fixing the shower so I thought we should talk about organizing tips for the bathroom and you know the bathroom has a big time waster in there it's not what you think it's actually the mirror because you know we're trying to find all of our imperfections and we're looking for sorts of hair products and cosmetics so that we can improve and well talking about imperfections you'll actually see on many of these hoarders episodes that I'm always wearing a face mask and I'm getting rained on and my hair is blowing and I'm perspiring and my perfections or rather imperfections are just a little too obvious however in my bathroom I am able to maintain optimum organization and you can to the process really starts with thinking about what's most important for you in that room because organization is really personal and should accommodate your lifestyle so for example if you don't use what is it cotton balls when you take off your makeup why do you have a decorative jar with cotton balls next to the sink if you don't use wash claws every day when you shower or take a bath why keep them on a shelf so eliminate that kind of clutter and then think about brand allegiance if you can stay devoted to just one or two brands in terms of your hair products and cosmetics you will have fewer choices to make when getting ready and you'll have fewer half empty containers hanging around in your cabinets so by switching brands you are taking the risk of trying a new product and not liking it and then it hangs around for a really long time why because well you've invested money in it it was expensive and number two there's still so much left in the bottle or in the tubes so you're not going to throw but you're not really using it either so you can minimize these miss purchases by having what I call brand Allegiance now if you have a small bathroom or a small space in the bathroom and you've got multiple people using that bathroom I like to suggest that you use like a college tote that students use to go back and forth in the dorm to the bathrooms and everybody brings in their own toiletries and you pack it back out when you're done another great idea is one of these organizing bins I'll show it to you here it's got several drawers and you can keep it under the bathroom sink and all you have to do is pull out one of the drawers and then keep it with you while you get ready this one happens to have a bunch of toothpaste and dental floss and things like that in it and then when you've done you just put it back underneath the sink so it keeps things stored really easily for you there you are these are clutter free solutions and I truly hope that you will be able to get organized quickly so you can get out the door faster good luck I'm not a hoarder a lot of stuff Child Protective Services would take that child away I get over emotions on my son when the objects go the emotions will flow shion appreciate nobody doing nothing [Music] I'm a packrat she don't get the house right they're gonna take that house this is the biggest tort I've ever dealt with I can't fit through here Barbara's almost hysterical bicep one lemon in the house when you ain't got nothing [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I'm Roxanne a former model a makeup artist and a mom I started modeling when I was nine years old I really loved it I love to travel and meet new people and be in a different city I'm really happy that I have my baby it's like my life like you know he's mr. personality like he has a lot of personality just for you know seven month old [Music] I'm Monique and I'm waxing his older sister the house is just messy this is a lot of stuff well in my house is very cluttered very cluttered just things that were left behind from other generations and some of my mom's things and my granddad's things also things that I've accumulated over the years I definitely have concerns about when Joaquin starts walking that you know he could hurt himself like get into something or like through something down rocks and likes to save everything I do photos she's no hoarder yeah I'm not a hoarder I'm just playing a lot of stuff upcycling for me is just finding the use in something that you can make it something beautiful if you want to throw something out rocks they don't be like I can make something out of that or I couldn't do this is always a reason why she keeps stuff whenever I go to a thrift store I look for vintage item and I found really good things she's very creative but vaccean doesn't follow through with a lot of stuff I do have a lot of projects that they're half done it's just difficult because like my son demands so much attention and you know I give him that attention [Music] I'm Richard I'm Brock sans boyfriend when I first walked in the house I cada was a little bit shocked to be honest with you I couldn't believe how many things had accumulated yeah richard is such a neat freak like it drives me crazy sometimes alright well um I'm kind of neat everything has to be in its place and if it's out of place he will not sit still you know I like things to have certain order in my life because he was like a baby gotta clean organized you know when I first got there in the kitchen I've never watched so much silver pair in my life chili just stop this is a family home and my mother and I moved in with my granddad and so it's been in the family for a really long time I do have many good memories from this house I spent a lot of time with her everything it's kind of difficult to like you know come home and she's not here I'm happy that I had the mother in a hat I miss my mom Roxanne doesn't get her life in order she's gonna always be upset depressed the hoarder it might get worse I really know that my sister loves her baby but if you don't keep everything order then people that don't really know you are going to judge and that could become a problem [Music] I'm Barbara and I'm a mother of ten children and I've been a homemaker most of my life I love to do gardening I've never felt that I'm a hoarder I'm a packrat the difference between a hoarder and a packrat it's you keep it more organized you have places to put the stuff you don't crowd your house up I'm Joey I'm Barbara's youngest daughter my mom's an extreme hoarder she has pretty much everything that you can imagine broken new used including garbage she gets her stuff from everywhere my mom would drive around the neighborhood and even in other towns and if she comes across something that she likes and someone's garbage she'll pick it up and then she'll put it in the back of her car and bring it home I'm Jeff and I'm Barbara's fish son up until I was about six years old and we had a normal life like any other family the rooms were always clear clean it was open there was no hoarding or nothing like that [Music] I'm Brandon I'm Barbara six child I was five years old my mother was at work I saw some matches laying on the ground I grabbed them I went upstairs with some paper and I started lighting the paper and then I heard somebody come in and I put it out but I think it still had the red embers on it and I stuffed it under the bed and reignited and the curtains on fire I just grabbed my brother and I towed him downstairs we ran over the neighbor's house we lost everything and it burnt it to the ground she was never really the same afternoon when she moved into the house she's in now that's the first time I really started noticing that she started putting stuff in that front room and as the years went on and just just got worse when the house burnt down and I lost a lot of stuff that started me starting to collect more and wanting more more stuff just kept coming in started pound higher and higher last time I was in there about four years ago you couldn't even get into the living room if you wanted to go any you would have to crawl over something [Music] my dad passed away in May and she was all extremely ill soon after she was in the hospital the doctor told my mom either you go stay with one of your children or I'm gonna put you in a nursing home until you're recovered that's when she come to stay with me there was just no way she can live there I know if code enforcement would come in there now she's gonna lose everything she has nowhere to sleep she has nowhere to cook her bathroom is completely consumed and she don't see that I want to go back I want to be at my home it's the last place my husband and I live I'm afraid if something falls on her she can't get an offer and that's my worst fear we're dining at home because it's out of control [Music] think about my mom like no matter what she was going through she would always say how would it be okay and I'll be fine help me [Music] you must be a yes I am I'm dr. Suzanne Chabot and i'm a specialist in OCD and hoarding disorder great have you been in the house and that passed out of them why don't you go past the living room you know I'm asking myself that too I I'm not sure I'm not sure so we're gonna see it maybe why I guess it's time to take a look they say what we can do okay a lone rock sayin hey i'm dr. chabaud of course you know baby hi how are you and this must be Joaquin yes Rock sayin now two months from her mother's death still grieving and she realizes at this point I have to do something for my son what were you feeling when you thought I've got to get something done here yeah so you go take a look cause you haven't seen the rest of the house right okay and we're gonna just hang out here okay okay so you realize there's a problem here right but the baby was a signal to you like oh my gosh this is not safe here she has a difficulty providing a healthy environment for her child if she continued on this path it would get to the point where Child Protective Services would have to come in and take that child away I don't even know what to say about all these clothes on this beach and all the hangers but the clothes is on a bed I don't I got to go fast to live one today and I was shocked that it looked the way look that was the stuff in there was so old and like why didn't you just throw it away so what room is this this is my mom's room hey does this hold any emotion for you yes and when you come into this room what do you feel I just try to avoid even coming in here mm-hmm because I don't want to start crying the biggest challenge facing Roxanne is that she needs to come to terms with the loss of her mother it's only two months and her mother was extremely important to her so when the objects go the emotions will flow and it's going to be a river this is going to be extremely hard for Roxanne if she don't get to help and get the house right they're gonna take that house and I don't believe that'll kill my mother [Music] hey Jeff mark Pfeffer nice to meet you the USD friend yes how you doing I'm good my name is Mark Pfeffer I'm a licensed psychotherapist and specialist in hoarding disorder [Music] so a few guys are ready let's do it okay I'll follow you brother walking up to the house I sense that Brandon and Jeff are skeptical afraid and guarded of what was to come I Barbara we're gonna try to take a tour through the house they just started going that way I'll take a stop right here this is where your mom sleeps I could see on your faces it's not easy to witness this last time I was here she slept in her bedroom which you could get into standing on the mattress in the living room and all the clutter around where she couldn't barely move she was on the bed it was pretty bad going upstairs everything's different it's all packed you can't get into any of the rooms upstairs I can't go any further guys I can't fit through here all right we've seen enough Barbara's loyalty is not with her children it's with our possessions bottom line it's gonna be your stuff versus family and that's the decision tomorrow you're gonna make well we just want you to look normal not have to to be a prisoner to all this stuff because that's what you are you can't accept we do accept your separate way we love you you're our mother you gave us life and we're gonna help you okay we don't give up on you I don't want you to know or not listen to you son listen to them Barbara's tendency to reject love from her family is a way for her to protect her possessions tomorrow when we start the cleanup process I'm concerned she's gonna fight to the death to retain her possessions [Music] every time I do start to like try to organize or clean up you know like cleaning my mom's room I just opened the door it takes me for a little spin and so I'll just close the door and try to shut it away shut shut the memories away but you know it doesn't work [Music] good morning i'm standolyn robertson a certified professional organizer tell me what your goal is I wanted to like just get everything organized and have a nice safe environment for walking Roxanne she's at a real turning point because she's grieving the loss of her mother and now she's faced with creating a safe environment for her son to make the decision right now to deal with it means that Joaquin won't be inviting us here and 20 years to deal with it I think we have a great plan aggressive but I think you're up for the challenge and we can get this done everybody ready good okay let's do it mom's favorite piece about my mom's bedroom I didn't feel as though like I could go in there and start working but alongside of my sister it became a little bit easier favorite sweater how's it going easy worked it through it what's the hard part mommy's clothes that is my mom's room dad hey I could still smell her in here it wasn't that hard getting her that the objects it was just being in the room you know filling her presents and knowing that that was somewhere that she was and I hadn't been in here in a while I'm sad and I miss her but I know she's not in pain anymore and I know she's not she's not saying anymore you know I'm okay with that part of it but you know sometimes I if I want to just pick up the phone to call her like that's it and then if I can't do that yeah or touch her you two have each other yeah each other and there's a I think there's a new way to touch your mom to honor her bronze antimony coming together in the bedroom I'm thinking that Roxanne's really getting the idea that the heart is not in objects the heart is in oneself she raised two good women and our we're gonna help a lot of other women what's going on your families don't know just miss my mom yeah a lot [Music] if we can't get her property cleaned she's gonna lose not only the things that we would throw away to get her into her house but she's gonna lose everything [Music] good morning everybody my name is Matt Paxton I'm an extreme cleaning specialist barb you got a lot of people here to help we've got a very willing family which is good I've done about 2,000 houses in my career and this is in the top 5 of volume this is a massive massive undertaking so strategy-wise we're gonna get in to the side yard are you cool with that strategy hitting the side yard first this okay you guys ready let's do it we really don't have a lot of options the front door is completely packed the only option is to go down the area on the side of the house and hopefully get to the back door what are you thinking about this file can't open toys at work I'm curious why you're upset about this my friend it's a long time as we started sorting Barbara's items we could see immediately that the sentimental savings of items was very important to her I can't get rid of my bear the smell will go away I can't throw him away we must remember that Barbara recently lost her husband and her emotions are really really at the surface we're here for you in his place and you know dad would have been so thrilled to get this property cleaned up you know that mom you know he did not like to live like this do this for him if you can't do it for yourself let him be a reason Barbara is just so anxious I just want to take it really slow all right I got an exercise all of us are gonna keep my mouth shut we're not gonna judge at all we're gonna go through this box I'm gonna hold it up you tell us keeper give it up Epson yard ornament it's been so the way I guess throw it away it's book now I'd like to keep that that can get throw it away how bad those two black pretty bad not all they smell really bad to look no do mom you make the decision it can go good job we're earning her trust which is what we needed to do but man we are way behind the hard part is this just gets us to the back door now we got to go in the house tomorrow no Mars can be hard tomorrow's gonna be really hard we only did one dumpster but most hoards that would be a huge celebration at the end of the day but I got like 15 more dumpsters to fill we have to just kill it tomorrow you can watch more hoarders episodes every single Sunday this month at 7 a.m. on A&E [Music] I want you to see your stuff together so let's focus on the fabric for now okay okay and I'm asking you to make hard decisions okay hard decision so what do you want to do Roxane you want to make space make room for all isn't it yes there we go it's not that much it's not that much no I'm not saying get rid of it I'm just that totally okay it's this all of your fabric yeah and yeah this is all of it yeah yes I don't think she showed us all the forever because I think anymore just because you can do it doesn't mean that you have to do it or you'll have time to do it I'm keeping my fabric there's no can we come to a middle ground zone like no it's not realistic to keep it but for her I think that's where she's putting her foot now I'm keeping it what are what about the chairs in the kitchen are we we're gonna save those those chairs only bother you so you know they're gonna stay well they're not my favorite chairs oh gosh no leave my kitchen chairs alone cuz it goes with my kitchen table I think those actually would be good to be donated that's it like it's no ugly like discussion about my kitchen chairs if she does with somebody that's not exactly seeing eye-to-eye with her or doing what she wants them to do then you see a different side are you gonna go out and buy me a kitchen table and chairs because I'm not throwing kitchen chairs just because you may be a hypochondriac you're thinking that everything is gonna get everything is gonna get me sick so you can't make decisions where somewhere it's not your house I'm just not feeling like Roxanne absorbing lessons that people like here trying to educate trying to guide her trying to say things to her and that worries me trying to like come at my chairs like oh they're a tease chairs no my mom purchased this set in the 2000s okay I think we agree to disagree here no I'm not gonna agree to disagree they're my kitchen chairs they're staying I don't care [Music] I've gotta get pretty much an entire floor clean today where there's no chance I'll finish this house we've got to hit on all cylinders for this to be successful good morning everybody timewise we got a hustle today so we're gonna get in the kitchen and we're gonna make some hard decisions I can't do it if it has to be fast and hard well you can and we will [Music] now that we start picking the stuff up you start to see maggots rat poop rats Barbara stuff is extremely extremely dangerous this is all fresh my traps we'd be contaminated that came out of the kitchen I can't save anything that's soft goods so those clothes that came out of the kitchen they have to go not throw in my tin away nobody day question is Barbara how could you not do it for yourself and your family in order for her to move forward in life something has to change but Barbara right now is using incessant crying sobbing whatever she can do to stop what's going on it may seem cruel but this is the way to get you to learn not to let this happen I'm never gonna learn it's gonna make me better how are we doing in here can you get in there a little bit maybe ever buy that chair usually by this time in the process the anxiety is going down and we are skyrocketing you can't just rush this stuff Jeff this is it trash shovel stuff it is now the stuff in the backyard under the tent a lot of that can be saved 99% of that ain't gonna be able to be so you don't know that I have a lot a choice there's no choice in this situation you made a choice isn't long use an item joint of situation where you made you to have no choice this is where it all began trying to help you jump in here to be tossed away there's stuff that you haven't seen for [Music] No [Music] [Music] yesterday we cleared a lot of things out and I want to dedicate today to your mom and give her the home that I know she wants her grandson that okay I'm feeling really good about like today you know so I'm ready to get it started let's go huh so here's a suggestion while the books are on the bookshelf and not bothering anybody let's deal with all the stuff on the floor all the stuff that's piled up then we'll take a look at the box but the bullet stuff could be somewhere to put this stuff this one if I agree let's see how much we keep let's deal with the Florham we're just at the top of the stairs talking about our strategy for the craft room and it just went downhill from there Roxanne does not look just like you I've been here for three years I do read those you read those books so I read rattle I didn't read all of them you don't need all those books Monique speaks her mind she doesn't have a filter on her mouth sometimes you got to look at and be like mode the Wooster look like the looks don't faze me so [Music] [Laughter] just please like leave me alone for a second because like she can go on nerds she won't appreciate nobody doing nothing for her she thinks that everybody is obligated to do stuff what do you want to do Roxanne do you want to decide you gotta throw a tantrum now this is the real rock singer that everybody singing right now if you don't say yes to what she wants then she throws a chance [Music] No [Music] what's going on what's going on don't walk past me come here you want to come show me I don't want to see my mum loser home but my mum just won't let us help you don't let us help you today you lose everything you don't get a chance to keep anything listen to me listen let me talk we're giving you a choice to keep things let me talk let me talk please if the city comes in they are there now please let me talk and dad was shy with Jo we care about you we're giving you a choice the cities have hot what joy is into me take everything you're not gonna get no alright and they do it they don't live under a bridge what's important living in the house where you ain't got nothing [Music] here's the plain fact in truth of it all if you don't let us help you [Music] Barbra's almost hysterical shaking and crying taking consideration Barbara's mental health it doesn't make sense to go on from the mental health point of view we're kind of feeling that it's taking too much out of you right now I don't want to keep doing this to you it's not fair what I'm gonna do now is opposed to cleaning the whole house I'm gonna try to get you 2 to 3 feet all the way through the house from the back door to the front door so if your house catches on fire you can choose which door you're gonna go out of are you ok with that plan even though we drastically lowered our expectations this is still the biggest tort I've ever dealt with we got a hustle every minute tomorrow to get this done I good morning everybody Ren and Jeff and I are gonna go inside all we're doing is making a path we clear on that everyone let's go work it's taken us about three hours to get through the living room now we're through it we're finding at this other room all I see is an arch and Jeff just starts climbing up ten minutes later he's banging on the front door hey I mean this is four feet above me this is blowing my mind so after three days lots of turmoil we can finally get to safe exits we're gonna take Barbara in to show her what we've done this was about safety I still don't think it's a hmm you don't make it safe I agree it's not safe enough we all want to do more I wanted to get more out I want it more cleared for her there's still a lot to do it still needs a lot of cleaning and disinfecting [Music] they want you to have quality of life that's what they're talking about so we ever wanted you to have a safer life this is a good start so you just uh be strong and finish it okay and this is the first mile of America well now I don't know if I have a future or not but I'm still hoping to finish the house so I can live in it [Music] really rocks in serious rocks and leaves and now I'm stuck with the person that I need to make all of the decisions is gone I have guys hanging around waiting the help I have a team of organizers and she's gone come back to the house wax in we're not gonna be chasing you are trying to find out where you're at just come back to the house so we can get this done hey Mel says you calm down a little bit you ready to get back started yeah so watch your mouth and let's go let's go we're back they came back everything was okay there's no hard feelings and she is who she is so I know her just today everybody else got a chance to meet the real rock scene we're at a critical point truthfully what I was thinking I was like let me not waste everybody's time like we're here to do jobs so that's why I pulled it together came back [Music] so hard decisions ahead a dressers are born so you're cool was have just taken over this part of course yeah [Music] [Music] when I walked into the house I was stunned I couldn't believe the transformation when I first saw my studio I was in all as walking grows up in this house I'll he'll be able to enjoy the space now that it's clutter free today we have established a safe environment for Roxanne's child you know it definitely lightens my load you know that I was carrying around on my shoulders I wish mommy was here so she could see this because she would really love it she'd be really ecstatic about it [Music] [Music] oh we're doing some kitchen organizing sorry about that you know the kitchen is the hub of the house because that's where we do a lot of our socializing bill-paying studying and food prep and the key to conquering the clutter is to create a home or a space designated for specific items let's break down some of those kitchen zones shall we and remember you don't have to do all of this at one time so let's talk about the countertops kitchen counters seem to be the drop zone for most folks leaving little room for that precious food prep the first step is to create a designated area or zone that you can agree on with the whole family that you keep clear just for food prep and the secret to conquering clutter in the kitchen is not so much what you put on the counter but rather how often you clear it so I want you to be sure to calendar even on your phone with a reminder every week to kind of clear that counter and you can stay ahead of the game what about the pantry now if you're lucky enough to even have a pantry in your kitchen I want you to utilize these four tips to help you out with space number one empty the pantry out so that you can take of an inventory of everything that you have that means clear out all the shelves and get everything out onto a table the second thing is to group like items with like items so that you can consolidate throw things out even check expiration dates and you know we do this all the time on the hoarders show number three once things are grouped like with--like and if you want to be able to see some of your food items you can use a simple glass jar like this or hunt around the house and find something else I actually use my own stain depression glass for lots of food items in my pantry number four you can use an over-the-door shoe organizer whoa that is if you have a door and you have space to do this but these shoe organize actually have some plastic clear pockets so that you can put food items in there and you can see everything that you've got plus your family knows where to put things away when it's kind of empty so it's a great little tool to save space and if you don't want to use it for food you can also use it for cleansers and things like that now I'll finish with a couple of other tips for space-saving in your kitchen and I'd like to use this cardboard magazine holder I use it for everything all over the house in this case I took the magazines out and I put saran wrap the tin foil the baggies in and it holds everything up straight it's super neat everybody can find it you don't have to pull one off of the other and it stores easily on a shelf the other thing that I like to do is use a lazy susan you know how you put spices on a spinning spice rack well it's called a lazy susan and you can use that in the fridge that way when someone's saying hey honey I don't see the mustard in here you can say just spin the lazy susan and you'll be able to find it so here's to an organized kitchen and good luck I want them to be kept together as you will let me help you this will get done I think a person who might not be alive one day because of this hole you're sleeping in a car you're kind of homeless really I just don't see what's going just put it in any old way and the way my mom gets most of her stuff is she still said your actions have trained them to think that you're keeping things you touch of all things to take sort of the ultimate insult [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my name is Arlene I'm 66 years old I am a retired case manager for the state of Hawaii I define myself as being nitpicky perfectionist and if someone were to see what was in my house they would seriously doubt it I'm a product of world war ii i was born in the middle of the blackouts and at that time everybody was asked to conserve everything the rest of my family not too many of them were affected by it I think that's probably the only one that kind of like got affected by conserving and you know saving things for later and all that it's just something that kind of like the snowball it just kept rolling and rolling and picking things up as it went it is not my nature to let things like this happen it's just over a period of times it got worse and worse and worse and it got to the point where I just kind of give up my name is Richard and I'm Arlene's husband I recently had prostate surgery the next problem I have is scoliosis it's gotten pretty severe I can't really stand up straight we only have enough space in the house right now Farley to sleep I can't even sleep here anymore [Music] he just kind of like that we thought and it's almost at the point where I think I'm gonna wind up sleeping in my car my name is Melissa and I am Arlene's daughter when I first found out that my dad was sleeping in the car I was angry every time I think of him climbing in the car going to sleep it upsets me it frustrates me it's just not right my name is Billy and I'm Arlene's son-in-law I'm also told me that growing up paramount a lot of stuff it kind of conflicted with life and ever had friends over so I kind of drew a picture from that it didn't really start getting too bad until she was in intermediate school she never could bring her friends home because things were starting to pile up sometimes Melissa was a little upset about the way things were piling up growing up in that house was very difficult for me I had a very small very small little place on the floor to play and that space eventually was taken over by things every Christmas we tried to get a Christmas tree a very small one that would go on the top of a card table and as I got older and things accumulated it was harder and harder to get one that was always painful you know it was always tears and fighting and just to get a Christmas tree we've been married 40 years now so it's been about 38 years worth of accumulation I guess we've been together an awfully long time and uh I think we tend to get on each other's nerves a lot pick that up put it over there yeah okay but you know it should be there in the first place meal basket what Richard gets kind of um annoyed because things fall down on us because of the way it's stacked it can't be so really solid the things are gonna fall all the time I actually had a conversation with my mom I pointed out the fact that he's had these medical procedures done recently and he's her husband how how can you do this to him how are you okay with this I do really feel for what he has to go through I feel frustrated because you know all this time we haven't been able to do too much about it many people have offered to help my dad and I included we've tried to clean the house up in the past okay let's just get a big dump sure and just get everything and dump it I can't do that I just cannot do that [Music] I'm Carolyn and I'm a home health care assistant I am definitely a hoarder there's no question about it I've let it get completely out of hand there's stuff in the hallways there's stuff on the stairwells there's stuff everywhere I've been able to sleep in the smaller bedroom in the back but I have to climb over things in the hallway to come down to the bedroom my name is Melissa and Carolyn is my mom there is about one path in her house from the doorway to the couch and if you go anywhere else in the house you have to climb over something my name is Austin and Melissa is my mom and Caroline is my grandma even though the living room is a mess the kitchen is insane the stink is just horrible because there's rotten and stuff just all over the place unfortunately the way my mom gets most of her stuff is she steals it I've caught her stealing stuff from us family members of caught her stealing stuff from them Friends of cutter stealing stuff we've caught her at the store stealing stuff she just has to take things we are to the point that yes we're ready to press charges and say we're done you can't continue this anymore half the stuff she gets not always hers like blankets of mine and blame this in my brother's she'll take him and we'll find him in the house or we'll find him in her truck and she doesn't really having a reason to why she took him if we know she's gonna be coming over at our house anything that we don't want taken we lock up in our safe I don't say that I don't have things here that are theirs there probably are things that are theirs there may be things that I've had that I don't even know that I've got she's supposed to be there to love and guide you and it's almost a roll over cell - we're almost teach her again what's right and wrong my name is Tim Melissa is my wife and Carolyn is my mother-in-law one time we went into a restaurant and ate and we left well grandma had taken the bowl that they serve and put it inside the styrofoam pack and she took it outside and Austin opened it up in Austin's like grandma this isn't your bowl what are you doing with it you kind of laugh about it otherwise we'd probably cry I was always a hoarder but I think when my husband was alive he kind of coached me to try and keep things up better and if I couldn't do it then he helped me once he was gone I kind of gave up I loved him very much and I acquired a lot more things after he passed away because I felt like that kind of filled the void my name is Mike and Carolyn's my mom my dad would have an answer for all this I'm sure you know we just want everything up and take it and junk it I feel sad that my Harding has caused so many problems in my family you shouldn't have to watch your parents or your family members because you're afraid they're gonna take something from your house she's already violated our trust and taking things that Thanksgiving I told her you're like cancer I have to cut you out I think I need to be able to remove what has to be removed and sort what has to be kept and decide where they gonna go I love Arlene dr. Shabazz hi how are you nice to meet you I'm dr. Susan Chabot and I specialize in hoarding and OCD I'm a very small person and I'm having some difficulty getting through here my husband has a big problem she created the home that is totally unsuitable for human life this is not a home this is an accident waiting to happen oh I'm more that's gonna get worse Arlene gonna start coming down when when things like this happen do you feel like it's your fault nope whose fault is it it's gonna happen to happen nothing I can do about that don't touch anything don't fall it's very sad that no one can live in this house with Arlene I don't know how Arlene lives in the house but her husband during the day he goes to the library he returns to his car at night he is getting older what is his future I'm sure that Richard can actually sit on mm-hmm he actually comes in here yep a hard time now because things have gotten very crowded and tight in here uh-huh he usually urges he said officer that I've fitted for him or in line my sleeping areas this very tiny spot right here it's so how would you describe it about one-and-a-half feet by four feet probably uh-huh it's a small area uh though I just see my knees up Arlene I must be honest with you this home frightens me I believe it's my whole heart that you have a disorder and that you need help and it scares me to see any human live in a house like this Arlene is not the kind of person who says help me and tries to trust people she says if you want to help me I'm going to tell you what you need to do I'm going to work hard with you and try to respect your things and at the same time let's see what's holding you back there's a condition that you have that causes things like this to happen and you don't fix that in two days you have attachments to every single thing in this house if there's one little screw or one little thing and one little container I don't think that will get very far for your safety I see a person who might not be alive one day because of this hole I'm starting to see that things that just keep piling up don't bring peace or happiness that only family members can actually bring you that type of thing hi Carolyn nice to meet you I'm dr. David cousins I'm dr. David Cutts I'm a psychologist and I specialize in obsessive compulsive disorder which includes hoarding so what room is this this is my living room okay it does seem relatively cluttered I usually have a pathway into it pathway out Caroline is most definitely a hoarder there's an incredible amount of clutter my understanding is that she acquires it by by taking things from other people and stores and and such she definitely fits criteria as I kleptomaniac she takes many things that really have no value at all so this is the space between the kitchen and the back rooms right you've got some pictures of your family on the wall right would you say that your family is the primary motivation for taking care of this okay the reason I wanted to do this I have nine grandsons and my granddaughter okay hoarding will always affect family members it affects their ability to come over to that person's home it affects the ability of the person to come over to other family members homes children and grandchildren probably don't come in yeah yeah okay I go to their homes once in a while that they don't frequent here okay that must be tough all right so it looks like this is kind of the epicenter it is yeah the kitchen is where the smell is the worst of any place in the house my refrigerator hasn't been accessible for a long time then so there's been food in there for several long time okay about how long do you think I'm not positive so it hasn't been opened or anything no is that something that at some point you okay to do um I guess at this point I would be kind of anxious about that I think we're gonna find over the next few his players that get peeled off and what's her anxiety starts increasing it it's gonna be much more complicated than whether she could just let go of her things she's gonna have to work through a lot of different psychological issues you can watch more hoarders episodes every Sunday morning this month starting at 7 a.m. on A&E [Music] the object is to get done and to get in there and you know able to sleep at night I'm hoping we can get all that done but I really don't know okay we're here to clean this house I'm Matt Paxton I'm an extreme cleaning specialist you know we were called to make it safe for your husband but quite honestly I think it needs to be safer for both but normally we have a lot of rules and we tell people how it's gonna go I've got a hunch that's not gonna work in this situation we talked about higher goals is safety something that is important to you very much what do you want to say to her directly to her what oh don't be afraid to throw stuff out all right family over here what do we want to think I want to see my dad sleeping in the house again I want to see my parents married 40 years to sleep in the same bed what is the right way to clean your home um I guess the suggestion is just bring the thing out and I'll try to make a decision right then we have got to get working guys so I think on three we're gonna do a little just say Banzai you can do that hey ready let's go Banzai the reality is you can see they literally see how bad this is okay stuffs gonna fall non-stop on us this house is extremely dangerous and that's why we're here this was the living room that was the kitchen this is like way way way worse than I could've imagined it would ever get so why did you keep acquiring stuff when there was no room to begin with the only thing that has been acquired in there are the boxes to replace those boxes I'm just I'm horrified okay that's a key let's keep moving I've got a box of empty tea boxes I'm always looking for things to wrap gifts in and I can never find that's why I get little boxes and more boxes I think that there's like millions of little boxes in there that you could use you know let go of some of them are leanest we going through this process balance your thoughts with safety all these items put together equal a hoarded house the way she thinks the way she makes decisions everything is consistent with compulsive hoarding this is going off me slow and you know grandpa we got a lot of stuff do you think you're gonna reach your goal of creating space in your home not if I have to keep on making decisions who's gonna make the decision I feel like the decisions are being made for me so maybe we shouldn't ask you anything and just let things come before you do you want to do this by yourself I don't know no you're not you're not going to you can't let them help you please I don't have any choice you know you didn't have any choice though these trucks would be filled and they'd be gone by now and the house would be empty you know we move just enough stuff to to open the front door that's not even close to you know what we were hoping to accomplish today I'm letting go a lot more than I would have you think so yes I am okay oh wait we haven't let go of anything there's nothing in the trash truck at all in fact we just say where I wanted to go for right now it would go a lot faster okay well then we need to back off so you have a chance now to see what you can do I have no role here this is office supplies this is officer price hold this over there because I okay know sometimes I'm going to have to have a very large area for flowers this is one of those jobs but it's really no good way to look at it we want to clean the entire house and we've barely got in the front door open you've got the best help in the world sitting in front of you and we're taping boxes the things you're keeping I mean do you would you even notice if they were gone some of them this is trash what can the people in your life give you who love you this is about changing life themes can she let other people help her hoarding is her work and she will work and work and work at it all by herself I'm being told I'm doing it wrong no I just don't see what's going look in that truck right there that's what's leaving that's it can you find just one thing that you could take a risk with you I'm gonna go look for something now what is this children's craft supplies okay so guys know I want them to be kept together and that's why I'm trying to find something to put it in it's a group together if you will let me help you this will get done all right so I won't be able to find what I need then just put it in any other way so all of this is more important than your husband had I don't know I told you what you need to do to get better go find something that's of some value and say let this go that could be what marks the rest of this process for you I did say in the very beginning that what I decided to keep or you can throw or what has to be my decision tonight I will still be sleeping in the car obviously there's still not room but a bit I feel sad that my harding has caused so many problems in my family I'm ready to turn over a new leaf hello everybody I'm Dorothy breininger I'm a professional organizing expert and I specialize in hoarding here's what I plan to accomplish the whole house who thinks we can do it I guess all right you're so pretty squalid odor in the home I can smell it from the curb when I walk up we're starting in the kitchen because that is what I believe to be the most difficult place let's go in straight to the kitchen I say the criteria is clear all this oh wow is that great that your mother just says oh yeah get rid of it all I am completely shocked at how good she's doing you are throwing your stuff away I understand what's that like anything that I have a family it's more important you have a family she's not running away it really is the first time that I've seen a hoarder get into the thick of it and work like crazy what great work you're doing and I am absolutely elated tell me how your mother did Safran my hi this is my classroom from 20 years ago I didn't think I'd ever find it again you think your mom was hiding it holding on to it because maybe she wanted the memories I think she was ah I would have given it to him years ago had I known it was there when you tell me I totally believe you you might be safe keeping it and holding it because it's a great memory for your son or for yourself but you know what your actions have trained them to think that you're keeping things to keep to keep it because you either take it or keep it because that's who you are [Music] she lied she flat-out lied she didn't told me that she did not take my aunt's genealogy hen and she flippin it's right there Carolyn took some genealogy papers from family members you know their religion I believe their Mormon I think it was just a of all things to take sort of the ultimate insults you lied - what did I say you said you didn't have the genealogy you never took the genealogy you didn't have it and that file folder that was there that's what it was I only have the genealogy that I'm to hell and the originals from me you steal from my brothers and sisters I'm tired I love you and I want you to get out don't you know you have a person let's look and see what they are just go get up let's give the papers and look and see what they are make copies of them I kind of woke up this morning and I was also a little frustrated what I keep coming back to is that you're sleeping in a car you know you're kind of homeless really you don't eat here you sleep in a car and you go to a library all day what I need to know is do you really want to be back in that house well Darlene absolutely okay okay we've got a TV in there buried under something so we could watch TV go to bed that'd be great [Music] it seems like your family's pretty hopeful that you guys had a nice night last night and they was so pleased with the world together it was so pleased should they feel hope I think so I think we good finish I really do you have changed since yesterday and that is awesome we're not gonna spend a whole lot of time talking today I think we need to clean go through take that out go through [Music] we're getting further down into the bottom piles there's a lot of rodent activity if it's half eaten by mice can we get rid of it maybe you know yesterday she was just defending her turf I'm saying now she's defending herself it's a whole different day this is the most space that's been in the house in ten years I mean this is unfortunately it's not a place you can like put a bad or our family this is a white box that's been here for twenty thirty years this is all poop that's probably all expired yeah it seemed to go 2001 I don't have any choice I can't get I cannot get my person to 2002 using expired medication can be for Kent can be dangerous and it's usually not worth the risk but I do need to know what is being sold are empty buckets empty boxes it's got to be a little bit more letting go keep on stopping no I'm never gonna get done if they say what about this and you say put it over there I'll check that later that's an extra step it'll be too late it'll be five o'clock so shall I just need the bottle to you to make all the decisions and don't favorite things please tell me throw everything away a third time I'll do it I want to get this guy Abed period if you want me to throw everything away I will do it I don't think you would miss this stuff mom you haven't seen it for years there's a lot of stuff but I'm wondering if there's anything in there that you trust me that that I would make a good decision on my head why what's wrong cuz I'm moving along and then I have to stop stop stop mom you're stopping yourself and we're still stopped she'll never have this opportunity again to create a safe place for them to live in what are you feeling right now what are you thinking I don't think she realizes that she's still not fixing it she's the one slowing us down I don't want to take it out of her hands but I feel like we have to at this point do you realize that this is this is like a disorder that can kill people in some circumstances the hardest part of my job is to sometimes go against what I would normally do but for a grade of good we're leaving today we have to take urgent measures do you think she would trust us to do a bulk of this I thought truthfully is that she's not gonna go for that okay if it was depression and she was suicidal would put her in a hospital she is a hoarding disorder that's so severe that she could die from it and you could too so this is this is a critical moment in terms of a family intervention we can replace things we cannot replace them yes that's so important [Music] this is the original this is our popular - well I didn't know that I had this genealogy so she thinks did you took them I didn't know I had the original copy of the genealogy you can see exactly what it is my right is ideology then they've been looking for right there's some with holes punched in it right there which tells me those are flipping originals my mom took them and then it's because I see for just a sec you do not get to touch him you still see this is what my mother sent me no this isn't your coffee's I've seen when are you I was a little girl they came in a manila these are the things I think I mean I think that this is something that in in a few days and a few weeks can be something that can help you grow and help you move forward but it is important to see how painful it is Carolyn put it best that she feels like an onion that's being peeled and peeled and now she's kind of at the part where it makes you cry and I think that's the case for the whole family need to let all the anger out they need to yell at each other they need to cry they need to hug each other I mean all of that maybe in one more group are you guys okay thank you okay let's move on with this okay [Music] is it salty okay there's a bag that's throw it don't mix no don't mixed up and put good stuff in bags girls if you're accidentally thrown out it's going way too fast you want to just it's like fight okay well you know can I see this step no I can't see it right it's just going Carolyn does have a lot of anxiety I think she's controlling it a lot whether that's good or not I think it's debatable you're okay you're okay if you need to stop and say stop we're going to just say stop it's going too fast just say we need to sort err we got a voice hitter else they're not gonna know all right sign it is right now if we do this you think you'll make it yes okay all right look I'll stay till it's dark if that's what it means I'm willing to pay the price if it goes wrong but something had to change hey mom I just love easy talk over what do you think we were talking about know if things continue the way that they're going I'm really concerned for what happens when we leave I really want to go in there and I really just want to blast the place and and get rid of a lot and not bring it past this tables if I get rid of $100,000 with the stuff that you could use I will spend the rest of my life relying for you but I can't replace you and I'm terrified I'm gonna lose you so are you willing to let me just get rid of a lot of stuff in your house okay it's okay we'll check it I'm okay hey guys how you doing I just got done kind of talking to Eileen about some things and she's kind of giving us carte blanche to just clean things that you put in the house we want to keep everything else guys until she says stop just go I knew all this coming that was a big decision Arlene very very brave Arlene decided that it was time to let go and trust she knew deep inside herself she could not make those decisions quick enough to save her family you're standing on the floor you realize no one has stood on that floor in 40 years 40 years we think I love it my son you thought you'd never been exciting in it yeah so it's new you're sleeping in a bed tonight wow this is amazing never thought I would see the walls of that room it's always always been cluttered oh boy oh yes oh yeah we got floor that's that's important we got floor and got room to move around do you want we haven't made as much progress as I would have liked to make we haven't even touched any other rooms besides this first one but at least my dad is out of the car now you have your view back yeah that's why you thought of it that way it's beautiful when I trusted Billy's judgment but there were a bunch of things that kind of it kind of scares me to think what happened it's beyond comparison we got this room cleared part of the kitchen and we have a bed to sleep in now it's terrific [Music] [Music] today's activity we're going to start in the second bedroom it's also Rogers old office is that correct yes that's the bedroom of course we have it's the master bedroom [Music] I want you to stand right in here all right find any soft stuff and throw it here keep packing up the socks fast keeps hitters or no no not salvageable we're never gonna get a girl but okay get rid of it then I don't think that's worth saving to you what are those look like on me not good they make your hips to know you're doing fantastic okay does not describe your work great job okay genealogy part of the blow up yesterday was because of some genealogy books and some originals and today another four five more original books have popped up we're gonna take them and get copies of them okay this is the great originals of everything in welcome to take him in wake up these are their woman photograph albums on them and good sleep I'm all good okay smokey and I'm glad we're getting down for the real best taxi I think it's been kind of an eye-opener because she's been admitting that yeah I take things from you guys I lie to you guys and she's told me and my brother that she is sorry says years now foot off I learned from my experience [Music] there is such a big difference for Carolyn from how she was yesterday to today we're gonna throw these pans out [Music] today she was ringing a cowbell she was playing she was throwing stuff onto the truck she is totally transformed her behavior what about this girl this can be strong [Music] one two three here we go [Music] Wow that cool haha look at that guy's cities do you get that we cleared the clutter so that other things human beings could actually fit in exactly the best blessing I have is my family pretty soon you can come to my house and maybe even spend a night sometimes better how would that be yeah alright with the proper support from her family and from professionals and with the right frame of mind I think she can do well and she's taken the first step I mean without a doubt I have to give her that credit I've gained the better understanding of what I have done that is hurt so I promise them that I will will not take their things I don't want the grandkids to have that problem I don't want them to think oh grandma just gonna come and take something of ours I don't want that ever to be a feeling I don't want them to have that fear from me [Music] she says she's willing to change and I really hope that she can do it she can rebuild the trust and and have you know what she wants as far as family and everything else now you mix sounds pretty yeah yep I'm pretty happy pretty tickled to see your family around [Music] [Music] one comment that I hear from my clients all the time is Dorothy I don't have enough time to get organized and well even though most of us do have some time to get organized right now maybe we're still not wanting to do it and where there's one flame there's usually another one right around the corner and what I mean is if you don't have time to get organized you may also not have time to exercise you may not have time to make a dental appointment pay your bills grab lunch things like that so usually if we're screaming out I don't have time to get organized it could mean that something else is going on so before we even begin to search for minutes and moments to get organized we need to see whether or not we you might be over committed and that usually means not being able to say no or you may be working too many hours and that could mean you're not using your voice to speak up and you wish you could or you might be losing time to escapist activities like reading playing video games or binge watching nevermind no marathons going here so mmm where do we begin when you don't have a spare minute I say start by waving your magic wand which in case you've misplaced it is located near or at your calendar because you alone have all the power of glenda the goodwitch and it's up to you to review your day and create some spare minutes you've got a couple of ways to do this one is the organized as you go approach and the other one is the single priority approach let's start with the organized as you go approach wherever you are you can't ask yourself with what's kind of disorderly or disorganized around you for example if you're waiting to pick up your husband or wife from work you can reach over to the glove compartment pull everything out sort like with like pull out the pens and the papers that shouldn't belong or should be tossed and bang you suddenly have organized your glove compartment in the car another example is maybe you're brushing your teeth in the morning I hope so but you're brushing your teeth and you put the toothpaste right on your toothbrush and before you start the actual brushing you might want to unload one little drawer or part of a drawer or part of a shelf and just take the things that don't belong and run them to the rooms where they do belong and that way you're organizing you get that done and you finish brushing your teeth you kind of tuck it in between the whole brushing your teeth experience and your bathroom just got organized the other approach is the single priority approach how do you do this one well you decide exactly on one organizing task that you want to accomplish and you set an appointment for it yeah actually in your calendar and decide the amount of time you want to allot yourself and set a timer to you see if you you see if you you see if you've got 17 minutes before you leave for dinner with your daughters or your spouse then you have 17 minutes to do some little bit of organizing and here are some things you could do you could eliminate outdated coupons from your phone or envelope in your purse review nail polishes you could survey and organize the spice rack and you can also head to the tool bench in the garage and start organizing your tools there tape whatever amount of time you have and just get started good luck it's more than I got the idea that he just wasn't gonna clean up warning has destroyed your family mama he has destroyed your family he just got fed up in that does a police search everyone in movies no nothing you say no going yeah you can get out of the family that's how I feel I suppose you just hold my cooling you walked away from me this on me I'm not being here to shame me [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my name is Claudia and I'm 58 years old when I met Jim believe it or not it was on Valentine's Day in 1971 seem like it was like love at first sight and seemed like he was this everything that I looked for out of a guy you know somebody real respectful and loving and kind I'm Jim I'm Claudia's husband I'm 72 years old when I met Claudia she had two kids I loved him I wanted to become part of her life and I did marry Claudie we made 10 kids together so we have 12 children back when all the children with the ring at home we accumulated quite a bit of things I'm Renee I'm 27 and I'm Claudia's daughter over the years she would bring in things and not throw away anything so things started accumulating rapidly I remember there were padlocked doors would jump behind me because she said that she didn't want us to go in and steal anything my kids would think a lot of my collectibles was garbage because the garbage that they own they naturally they don't think like I do she was thinking he was stealing items like are you kidding we're not touching your things lady this stuff is junk let's burn it [Music] I'm Arianna I'm 19 and I'm called easy on his daughter if we try to clean up or remove anything throw anything in the garbage my mom will get hysterical I really started getting junk and stuff and I try to organize and she'd get mad and tell me don't touch her stuff but it's my room so it's like she took a possession of my room so then after a while I just couldn't take anymore so I moved out and moved to Mira's house at the age of 13 I'm Mayra I'm 25 years old and I'm Claude his daughter when Ariana moved in it was a struggle because I didn't have you know excessive food in my home to feed or money that I would need to you know actually financially take care of her and I just kind of had to work extra hours just to take care of my sister and my daughter my name is Kathleen and I'm 41 years old and I'm Chloe's daughter mom and daddy so I got a lot about stuff here but like clutter you know we need to get rid of this stuff is piling up clutter would be gone oh here's my chance here now my father he said kids were gonna clean up the house and this was like a liberating day for us so we like putting everything in trash bags and wow we had pretty much got to organize and my mother came in and saw what Claudia get back oh she would just really really get very mad she went in a rampage she toured about is back open and food everything back where it had been I'd get the beatings you know forever laughs she says walk you started getting rid of some of this stuff Oh next time you do it I'm gonna put the police on you huh oh yeah I had to talk to them too about this courting give me a break would you a lot of times the cops will come to our house because my mom didn't want to get rid of anything nothing would move I just had it ooh I've had it he's okay I'm just out of here you know he'll just leave go for a ride or walk I'll just go in the backyard and fill around with stuff well you just take a hike for a minute you know time out so I did [Music] we didn't know what happened there was a police search I had my muse every night and so forth billboards flyers and everything no nothing the last day that I seen here we got up that morning and we talked see you later and I said okay I'll be waiting on you I waited all the rest of the day for him to show back I called him I say Oh morning honey what's wrong what happened why you didn't come back home did you why no we are in Las Vegas I say you are my life I can't go on without you he say you must go on without me and he said I'm getting a divorce I said divorce for what he kept telling me I want you to clean this house I love him so much and I can't live without him I've been waiting for 37 years I don't know I live alone homeless shelter in the downtown area of Peoria I've had a couple of mine doors to offer me to come home with me I told him that would be a good idea because I wouldn't really want to be a burden on him it was sad that my mother ended up in a shelter I offer her you know to stay with me and she told me no you know she's fine don't worry about her she'll be okay she'll manage it hurts me so much that my mother is in this facility I question how did we all get to this point my mom can only live at the shelter for one year period so she only have a year a year in a year is about up the years about up so we gotta move fast you that crap out of there think you have back in-house daddy want to come home come on [Music] I do believe that there's a big chance of me coming back you see and she would get her head together I do really good chance yeah my mother's warning has destroyed this family we're at a crisis point because my father wants to go home we want our family back together and my mom's on the street we have to do something immediately I think mama is in denial of being a hoarder because she filled it nothing's wrong with her wanting to keep all this stuff and keep all these memories and stuff she don't see anything wrong with it this is my stuff why are you bothering me why do you want me to get rid of my stuff it's none of your business just leave me alone it's more lonely I got the idea that he's just wasn't gonna clean up [Music] vanished yes from the face of the earth and that's what I did vanished I'm hurt when he asked me to marry him he got down on his knees and asked me to be his wife and he promised me he would never leave me alone and lonely I'll try to figure out my life for what I'm gonna do which way I'm gonna go the feelings that have been bottled up our hurt shame anger oh man it feels like this has been a catastrophe this is it this is it [Music] hello cloudy ah are you it's nice to finally meet you dr. robin zasio my name is dr. robin zasio I'm a clinical psychologist and I specialize in obsessive-compulsive disorder and compulsive hoarding thanks for having me over okay [Music] when I met Claudie to do the walkthrough we were surprised to find that Jim was here at the house and this was the first time that Claudia had seen Jim in 13 months when he packed up and left without any warning how how are you feeling seeing Jim here after all this time good you are back home so I guess cloudy why don't you tell me about this room we used to sleep in this room this was our bedroom okay we started sleeping over there and took this for more or less the junk room I see your children had talked about a time when I think all all of the family tried to start getting rid of some of their clothes inside she at one point there were locks on the doors to prevent them from getting it do you remember that the I would ask them to help me and they would take my good things and the bad things and just take everything go okay the house that Claudia is trying to restore is basically falling apart there are ceilings that look like there's been water coming through we're gonna have to remove the stove the refrigerator I'm not sure what that is I'm just not sure that Claudie fully understands the magnitude of the condition that this house is in currently is this organ gonna stay in here oh this is the grand yeah is it gonna stay in the kitchen oh no no no it's just in a way now it's in the way now oh it was gonna be moved you know yeah [Music] I'm just wondering what's what's going on now that the two of you are in this room together after not being here for so long in the condition of this house what this feels like for you I'm really her total shock then he just got up and walked up my life like that she wasn't put a lord I probably lost my mind cuz I've been with him for 38 years and he has never left me never you know 38 years is a long jump out of somebody's like huh so you got some tears going on there yeah just I guess I've been allows you know vanish you know makes me feel bad I have wonder how I got the nerve to vanish now I feel like oh you should have mm-hmm have you heard these words from her I mean did you know how badly she's been suffering no I'm curious did you just get so overwhelmed that you didn't know what to do which is one of the reasons we halted basically yeah yeah so she's been carrying the load now by herself yeah yeah I feel like a heel you know but sorry about does that mean Jim that you are going to stay here and live with Claudie yes it does but we have some other Haitian mind issues you know we're looking at physical issues we have some minor issues we need to clear that up also okay how does that make you feel to hear that from Jim mm-hmm he's not telling the whole story 38 years yeah 12 children 22 grands how could you just get up one day and just walk out of my life like they're high why [Music] Claudia's current state of mind is that she is not feeling real hopeful about what's to come and although he's promised that he is going to stay she's quite skeptical that he will honor that promise I think she's really scared about the future and I think that she has reason to be if I get the house clean I'm not really sure if you will come back glad to have him back and we get our family back like it once was [Music] you can watch more hoarders episodes every single Sunday this month at 7 a.m. on A&E [Music] you cover for your parents like this is a secret but it's no longer secret I want people to know about this disorder and what it does to families it's it's an atrocity it's very hard it's very shameful on the other hand I'm upset because my husband could have gave me more help instead he just threw his hands up and brand [Music] good morning everyone good morning I'm Donny 2l Payton life management specialist and I worked with the chronically disorganized and clutter thank you all for braving zero temperatures to be here today I just have a few ground rules that I ask that you all follow Claudie has expressed a desire to make sure that none of her children are alone in any of the rooms she believes that in the past they've taken things without her permission so we're asking that you not sneak anything out of doors I throw anything out of the window without her giving us the okay to do that we're a building trust here we want to make sure that we keep her trust and the quickest way for the process to stop is if she stops believing that we're gonna take care of her things all right are we ready to get started okay let's go [Music] Hey where's the pictures do we dare to go through it because let it go alright well the cleanup is going very well it's going better than I thought it would and everything is going well my mom is saying yes to a lot of things then I thought she's gonna say no to everything is trashing this building I'm not trying to donate I don't want to see it surface anymore he's saying yes yes get rid of it stretch it stretch it so everything's going great I'm working my buns off uh-huh but don't bother class Jim oh yeah just nice to really get down and do some cleaning can I just say it's so great to see I know this house is far from where it needs to be but you're back as a family in the home again it's really neat this is good for the family and for her you know I mean it's our mom we love her everyone seemed to understand and grasp the rules they've been really good despite the frigid temperatures that we'd have to work in and quality has been excellent she's let go of almost everything that we put before her we're working on our second trash bag all right can we get [Music] how is that he'll be watching that really it isn't great really even though in the past that's what was happening that upset you so much yeah because though my family wasn't taking special interest as you guys are yeah oh yes [Applause] having her husband Jim here has been amazing for her mood the two of you together hand in hand [Music] having the daughters here and other family friends has just really lightened things up it's not what I expected I know she's motivated she wants her family back I've seen this dozens and dozens a time where they'll say they want the family back that ultimately we don't make this kind of progress in in months and months of work [Music] [Music] after lunch Claudia pulled her husband Jim aside to talk with him about whether or not he was planning on coming home and he would not give her an answer everything was going smooth up into now then my mom and my dad had a discussion and then my mom got pretty upset because she didn't hear what she wanted to hear What did he say she came to me very upset feeling like she needed to get an answer from him so that she could figure out how to proceed with this whole cleanup process he was funny he's big pretender I went through all of this for him he says that I was the father of this but I wasn't default all this time I self he must make a decision today because he already had one year two months think about every time yeah I'm not waiting no longer for an answer [Music] yesterday when we talked you shared that if the house got cleaned up you would be back and Claudie asked you today about where you stand with coming back mm-hmm ganging up on me I knew it was coming you're serious you know hey I feel good about it and I'd like to continue feeling good all the way through and I bring you can make me feel good couldn't you this is fake we're gonna square this off right here right now if you intend to come back to me tear up the dog bone divorce papers right now here and now they would like that the divorce papers Tamara cuz if he won't tear up and forget about you you turn this house over to me I can go on this is where we're at I'm not here to be married to be your marriage therapist right and normally I would not have these kinds of conversations because I'm really here to help you deal with other issues which is the cluttering the hoarding and so forth but part of what's come up is that these issues are overlapping yeah with what we're trying to do here in the house and Claudia is having a lot of anxiety she's feeling like she wants some answers and so we're just trying to work with both of you to help figure out where things are gonna go from here I was on pricing when you came back he was coming home to me now this divorce is still on other than off what I hope that I could take it off you know you hope you could yeah at this point it seemed like I don't have a no choice you know I love her even unconditionally you know that's how bad I am about it but right now you can see how she is you know I mean you know I'm this not putting her down anything of that nature finish this bull crap you don't know whether you want to be married or not I don't know this prick see what you're doing I suppose you just hold my cool you walked away from me 13 14 months ago just walk away I don't care about no cameras rolling what you gonna do after you willing to tear them up [Music] I don't see any plans everything she's been living in the shuttle she's been living in a shelter and that's it you the one had the plans yes I still got dreamed in plans well do they include me sorta [Music] after her conversation with Jim and he was not able to commit to whether or not he would come back to live with her she got very angry I'm through yoga cutting this terrible [Music] she basically left the house stating that she couldn't continue on today [Music] good morning everyone we are back for day two it's still cold so we got the morning meeting started without Jim and Claudia I'm wondering how you're feeling about that a little you know he was not here just want to let you guys know I'm here to help you out talk through some of this stuff and be available as as things come up so if everyone ready to go I think that we have an excellent chance of getting her home back to a livable condition because she's expressed that she really wants her home back and she wants her family back I'm afraid to say I'm going to go you're afraid to say it but you're gonna let it go all right so she's willing to let go of a majority of the things in the home you know we try to put me down like I ain't nothing but ray how did I put you down like huge trash crazy and the next time on what they could you with my face to bust you in your damn mouth can you get the doctor please ladies needless to say there's a lot of emotions in this family understandably and and I want to just have some dialogue about how people are feeling what are your concerns about things going forward I'm just a little angry and irritated because how could this have gone so long undetected this house was not like this when I was living in and got like this when I left one year and two couple months ago so all this stuff came new south one year ago is that what you thought we had the things in here they were stacked neatly tied up in plastic bags someone broke in my home two different times and they took and scattered things he's just yes here now looking for money objects yes she told me that burglars had broke in and went in from room to room and that wasn't a logical answer that I could believe I don't care what your can attempt neighborhood kids came in and they broke in and scattered things around this is sad that it took this situation for my family to come here I'm happy that they here to help because you know had a knock came here it would have only just been me and my sister Jamie's putting up with my mom you know what the water needs to be addressed I don't know if there's people in denial or not but there was sporting done here any needs to be addressed because despite we clean this house up it can accumulate again so it needs to be addressed somebody has an issue a problem and it needs to be fixed immediately hoarding has destroyed your family mama I'm just gonna tell you the truth he has destroyed your family completely I'm not gonna take quadi has flip-flopped in one moment she takes responsibility in another moment she blames Jim another moment she's blaming it on burglars and thieves I don't really know where she stands but when she gets directly confronted by her children she gets really defensive so so hang on one second you know they're concerned that it's bad for me like this yes don't badger me like that don't read your me yes you are I'm not that's how come you are with you well she was tipping around here like a mouse the whole time you was here you know you you got you got me through in here they shamed me this is they know what type of people I am this family has been devastated in terms of the unit by the hoarding however what was uncovered was years and years of other emotional baggage that came out in the house cleanup process the emotions is coming out you know people especially how they feel and you know how hold back so much and I never say much but it's like now you know I'm really upset about all this I felt like it was a burden on me just constantly being there for my mother where you know little support for my siblings it's all broken up you and Dad and I hear my other siblings out of state it's only me and Jamie it's like what's next what's next every one of these girls is love and adore you and yeah just put me down made me look like I wasn't nothing but trash that's like everyone beat your mom hello we care we're here got me on camera to shame me are you serious yes help Mom shame me you are so over it you are in denial yeah here take these here I'm I'm done with this thing that's right my drama queen I really don't know why she attacked me I'm thinking it's because my father and I live in the same city and and he's cut off all communication with her so the things that she wants to say to him she says them to me and it hurts it really does how else would this have happened if you didn't have this crew here someone reaching out to help you that's good I really appreciate it but I won't be but you're angry with her for bringing all this hell no bring the truth down but don't put the blame all on me everybody around here in the community they know what kind of man her father is well I'm not hearing that Jim is perfect I'm not hearing any of that I'm hearing that this was a bonus how come he ain't on camera I don't know I'm the only one on camera how come it's not Jim aunt Claudine Jim wasn't here Oh Jim ran away because you're thinking he ran away that's right he left me in a big bag all this men tell me he needs to be seen and we need to ask him how do we feel about a certain thing yes okay if you if you want to leave my mom that's fine but tell us the truth look us in our face tell us it's over with don't go home back I'm done I'm ready to see her right now cuz I'm ready to tell him [Music] warding has destroyed your family mama I'm just gonna tell you the truth it has destroyed your family this is not my fault my husband is a he's drugging most of this stuff up we had a situation today where the children of Claudia and Jim wanted to get together and express their feelings the issues that came out were also around death packing up and leaving and abandoning mom in a situation so my daddy to come forth and tell the truth how you feel if he's planning on going then you can get out of this damn this family that's how I feel [Music] your family's having a tough time you may need their dad okay and I need you to listen to what they say and I got to prepare you it's not gonna be easy but your family needs to talk to you and Sarah how they feel okay are you willing to hear this sure okay all right we just been going through it and I want to know you know is you planning on being around here to help out with this house is you want her planning on moving forward you know I'm not trying to pitch you on the spot but I think that it needs to be addressed because after these people gone what's nice are you gonna stay with her that's really what you're asking right she can't take care of this house alone the two of you can take care of this house right but she can't do it alone she has no money she has no income right but I have some issues I had at best back in Vegas you see are those issues more important than being here with your wife no she's a great thing in my life that's right but they have to be put on the back burner for a minute anyhow so what does she do when you go back to Vegas where she where does she win house at the Lord work it out and all you have to do so the Lord will bring money for the bells the Lord will bring food and shelter for her he will make a way well what mama is concerned about she want to know are you still going about with it of course or not are you gonna just stop it and are you willing to get back with her or do y'all you just just fail the house and she'd get a smaller place to stay or relocated I never planned on certain I'm crazy about this place hope that I did here you know it seems like I could if you can clean up and everything and that really sparks me to really come back and really keep it up but like I say I have to go and tend to business you know what kind of business well I like to read yeah I got books you see and you want to go back to Vegas cuz you have some books to read is what you said automobile herbologists I forgot to tell you that what you don't that in here in school yes okay he's gonna be that okay after my father had came in on our conversation I feel like he's pretty not straightforward with you know what he's wanting to do and he's still leaving it up for grabs which is not cool Jim do you think it might be more important to be here with your wife than to read books do what reading books that you could do here and be here with your wife and take care of the family I'm a guy that likes hot weather if my father doesn't come back I feel like me and my sisters probably be still stuck with the responsibilities of my mother this the stuff that we keep circling around with is clearly the issues in this family that have gone year after year as you said they haven't been talked about none of them have been resolved we are not going to resolve them this weekend so I think everybody now knows how everybody feels it's out on the table yeah and at this point everybody's going to have to decide what role they're going to have and going forward okay don't with a lot but you're moving with the process and I think we're going to get your house completely clear today if you think that you can still go on and move forward and you can go on to the second floor and and do what we did you think you can move on it's finalized right we need to get to the end yes we want it facing the wall correct all more pictures yeah look at me look at me and it's me in a third grade we'll put all these and she really appreciated me and I haven't heard those words from her it's quite a quite some time unbelievable I think you should be the living room that your old rooms be the dining room and then let the rest of these rooms be guest rooms like that's what I think now since everything is cleaned out it looks wonderful I might even want to spend the night tonight I'm impressed this is phenomenal the process was very emotional very tough it was hard on all of us tempers letting go it was a lot but you know by the end up we got this house completely cleared we were able to feel over ten trucks and 22,000 pounds of stuff left this house it was so easy for me then that go thing because I really found out that it was a good to have around very bad for my health I'll put my grant there my kids if they would like to come over and visit sometime Claudia is a compulsive hoarder this situation was very unusual that she could pretty much with no anxiety throw these items out the fact that Claudia was able to purge items so easily really places her at high risk to continue to hoard and if she doesn't get proper aftercare therapy it places her at even higher risk [Music] I'll have to go back to Vegas take care of some business shake a few hands adios like that but it's going to take 15 minutes I can't do it in a minute I can't do it in five it's gonna take 15 he says he's gonna be gone and come back about two three months wait I'm not really looking forward to that because you know if he tone of voice what if he comes back I'll welcome to come back me it'll be [Music] [Music] [Music] so what do you think I hope you enjoyed today's marathon and thank you so much for watching and yes we are at the end of our marathon today but don't worry you can watch more hoarders episodes this month every Sunday morning starting at 7 a.m. Eastern Time on A&E see you later
Channel: A&E
Views: 1,897,946
Rating: 4.5031586 out of 5
Keywords: a&e, aetv, ae, a&e shows, a+e, hoarders, hoarders show, hoarders full episodes, hoarders clips, watch hoarders, hoarding, addiction, hoarding intervention, hoarders full episode, hoarders marathon, best of hoarders, hoarders episode, hoarders episodes, hoarders clip, organization, organization tips, cleaning out my closet, hoard, dorothy the organizer, dorothy breininger, professional organizer, dorothy professional organizer, dorothy organizing expert, intervention, dorothy hoarders
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 231min 30sec (13890 seconds)
Published: Sun May 31 2020
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