Britain's Biggest Hoarders E1 | Mental Health Documentary | Absolute Documentaries

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[Music] i'm jasmine harman and my mum's been a compulsive hoarder all my life this room is shameful when i was growing up i felt that she loved her stuff more than she loved me do you want some more bags last year i tried to help clear the horde from mum's house i'm telling you you're not keeping all of these actually your dolls i'm trying to control myself thank you and i'm telling you i'm keeping those if that isn't with your agreement then we have to fall out okay i discovered little is known about why people hoard i'm just looking for answers and there aren't any outlet yet there are people up and down the country living in appalling conditions amongst piles of clutter that they can't bear to part with yeah i have got a rat on this guy no i don't want to saw rubbish into that size bag i don't want to sort it into one again why do i have to get rid of all my towels whilst helping my own mum get to grips with her situation i've heard from some of britain's biggest hoarders now i want to help them as well i have all kicked my way very carefully what's in there that's our living room after years of living with hoarding you just want something normal just want to be the same as everybody else because you're not i want to find out if there are ways to help hoarders overcome this debilitating condition april last year it must be [Music] oh god i've been frightened of death for the first time in my life [Music] experts believe hoarding should be recognized as a distinct psychological disorder but it's not families like mine are living with shame and secrecy and we're not alone behind closed doors up to 3 million people are suffering and there are few places they can turn for help [Music] in saint albans marion and allen have lived with alan's hoarding for over 30 years absolutely fabulous pretty woman [Music] i don't want to remove too many because if this lock slides the whole lot will go down at the moment there's not one room that we can use properly allen's possessions are in the kitchen they completely fill the dining room i haven't been in the living room for maybe two years since he blocked the doorway up in their three-bedroom semi there's only one place that marion can actually sit down allen's horde has reached epic proportions it's taken over the entire backyard and the front garden too emotionally i do value these things i feel comfortable with them they're not in the way hoarding has taken its toll on the couple's 41-year marriage and on family life they have three adult children who all grew up in the house i felt it took a lot from took a lot with my children really he did because he took care of this stuff and he didn't necessarily take care of us i had to do that i don't want to be hit like this [Music] although i've lived with it for a long time with my mum i've never been to another hoarded house before so i don't really know what to expect hello hello come hello jasmine really nice to meet you lovely to meet you thank you for having me around it's not very easy to get in don't worry what's in there that's our living room it's not in the moment whose are all these old vhs's they're all allens well the trouble is we can't get into the room where the video might be so these are the two bedrooms next door and then there's a small one here which you can't even see in the door it's there you can't even see the door so you both sleep isn't that much better i'm afraid so it's not much it is probably half it's at the bathroom that's the bathroom what about getting showered and things like that not at the moment you can't go to my dad or a friend so when's the last time you were able to use the shower a year ago really on my own shower yeah where does he get stuff from just walking around and finding things skips are good charity shops anything anybody's thrown out would come back here has he been like this ever since you've known him it wasn't really showing itself until he got two redundancies right one following on another i think that's the trigger it's like his possessions took the place of his family and his friends and it makes you anxious which part of it make you anxious if someone comes into the door the embarrassment of it i suppose you understand i know you do you do i know that you would that's just that's amazing because for years you think you're the only one that it's happening to you think nobody else lives like this nobody else has to live like this you'd be amazed how many people do despite their piles of possessions many hoarders remain in denial hello jasmine nice to meet you do you think that you have a problem with hoarding possessions holding it well i know it looks sickled you piggledy at the moment but tidied up and put in its place see nothing is in its right place it's just laying about so you think it's just because there's not adequate storage exactly yeah so with the books do you have any idea how many you've got oh i can fill a bookshop i look at these books as friends everyone's a friend alan is emotionally where my mum was about three years ago still very much in denial so it would be amazing if alan could start along that same road to acknowledging what's going on [Music] so also got an electrical problem 64 year old richard lives in this four-story townhouse in north london over the last 40 years he's filled every inch with clutter but unlike alan richard seems keen to get rid of some of his horde that is an almost in-date mushroom risotto which i should have cooked by now there is an incredible amount of rubbish it's a total mess it's filthy dirty all this clutter means that i can't carry on life in a normal way three of richard's 12 rooms are completely inaccessible and he can only just squeeze into his living room bedroom kitchen and bathroom oh god oh dear moving around the house has become a hazard as the floors are completely covered in layers of packaged food plastic bags and general rubbish and the house isn't helping richard's already poor health he's just spent nine days in hospital with a respiratory infection it has overwhelmed me as my health has deteriorated over the last few years i'm sort of getting near to the bottom right now i have actually gone into my doctor and said i've been frightened of death for the first time in my life i have got a rat back up it's come to a situation now that outsiders won't come and help and family connections are very very limited it's one of these things where the family didn't work very well it's quite a secretive world that i'm stepping into richard hasn't let anybody in the house for a long time so i'm guessing it's going to be quite bad hello jasmine follow me and fight your way back through this chaos and clutter having all this plastic and paper on the stairs i'm surprised you haven't tripped or slipped down to be honest i have to kick my way very carefully so we finally got to my bedroom which is in utter chaos there's no proper heating but it must be freezing with a broken window it's very uncomfortable because you get so cold it's not good enough for my health picking my way through this last mountain of clutter gets me to our chaotic kitchen richards asked me to find someone to help him clear his floors but having met him i think he'll need more than physical help how do you think it's got to this stage just being unable to cope and with the back and leg injuries that are historic i can't bend down and pick up off the floor for too long a period but how do the things get on the floor in the first place they fall right gravity and when i say how has it got to this stage i suppose i mean not things falling off but how has it got to the stage that everything has to be balancing on top of things so that they do fall off partly because of the problems of the design of the house it was designed 30 odd years ago a modern house has far more places to put things [Music] this is an awful awful way for anybody to live i know richard's got health problems and back problems but he's also a little bit in denial and i think there's probably a lot more to it than richard is letting on at the moment and he may not even realize what's really going on under the surface hopefully having someone here with him will make a real difference [Music] it's beautiful isn't it i mean it's it's cute pretty home sweet home last year we managed to clear a few rooms in my mum's house which was a huge step forward but a real struggle and most of the house remained unusable since then mums continued to have therapy for her hoarding and now seems to be in a much better place emotionally if i can see that there is a problem therefore i want to deal with it and i feel like i can deal with it but i just can't deal with it on my own my mum's one of very very few hoarders who have a high level of awareness about what they're doing and about the problem and how it affects their life and she also really wants to change and this stuff we've decided to take a radical step and tackle mum's entire hoard [Music] i just don't even know where to start like do i do i actually take all the food stuff with me or just put all the pictures together love everyone's everywhere and i'm kind of a bit panicky but um i haven't started crying yet the plan is to remove everything from the house to a big warehouse then mum can come and actually see what she's got and get rid of things everything out we have a fresh canvas that would make me happy for the first time in 25 years mum's house is completely clear i'm quite upset actually i just feel bereft i do it's quite difficult and i know i'm putting on a brave face but actually it's hurting um to have let go of everything to the warehouse that's a great one thank you the pile in the middle is getting smaller isn't it yeah we've taken all of mum's horde to a local warehouse mums asked for everything to be spread out and sorted into categories to make it easier for her to decide what to discard but i'm concerned that seeing the contents of the whole house displayed like this might overwhelm her hi mom hello hi you're right wow [Music] what do you think it's all rather lamp type isn't it it's not like [Music] even this is the only thing that's spread out i know but i mean i don't know how we can i could choose the shoes now and then get rid of the rest yeah go on them just having a hard time sorry there's all your stuff it's in the warehouse you choose what you're gonna take don't take too much and let go all right so i'm having trouble now i know it would be difficult i just didn't know when the difficulty would arise and it's a reason now all right it's still very very difficult for her because it's a very emotional process and so that's why we have to go at her pace we have to do it in a way that she's comfortable with [Music] for the last nine months mom's been opening up about her childhood in cyprus with psychologist felix economakis so vasula would it be okay today to do a little bit of work on the the loss of your father the loss of any parent is obviously a significant thing it's a big deal and because there is a theme of loss implicated with hoarding then this is really an area that we need to look at when mum was four years old her father my grandfather was murdered during a period of political unrest in cyprus [Music] my mum and the rest of her family were forced to emigrate leaving their whole lives behind even though it's a long time ago it's still possible that there aren't processed feelings about it so when you think of the loss of your father what comes up for you it's a lack of security lack of comfort deprivation of love it's a lack of anything everything you know we carry a father and mother and everybody else inside of us is the part we carry inside we internalize them felix asks mum to imagine her father is in one hand able to have a conversation with herself in the other why would father save that part that would be a nice thing to sort of just say and to know if for example i was talking to my daughter i would say i'm incredibly proud of you you're a lovely woman i think i'll keep it in my head okay how does that part feel to hear that and take that on board yeah it feels nice it feels nice that's right [Music] a little bit of releasing first is [Music] natural [Music] the reason she likes to surround herself with a lot of possessions is because she's trying to fill a void i just hope that she's ready to move on from the feeling of comfort and security that she gets from having all the belongings around her i don't want this process of clearing out the house to end up being another loss oh you crunched all that wood now what would oh do it to annoy you smashed all that down in some albums allen's horde no longer fits into his house and his back and front gardens are piled high with clutter the garden such and i saw that four months ago the local council took legal action requiring marion and alan to clear the garden or risk prosecution they now have two weeks until their deadline i'm feeling anxious because when you don't know what's going to happen it's you know you worry and if alan doesn't cooperate where do we go he's got to change something it's got to be done today i've asked alan to try and make us start clearing his garden i want to see whether everything means something to him or whether he can let some things go i know that from working with my mom and working through her possessions initially it's very very difficult you have to take it slowly i think that the key to working with alan is going to be letting him make the decisions should we have a look through them want to keep them all yeah can we throw the wet books but you need to look at the books first right okay you want these yeah for moving the fridge remove anything oh anything logically when are we going to be moving anything oh god's sake no don't go don't go i'll put well i'll find somewhere for them inside if you really want to have them put them under the bed then can that go no right you haven't got you already have lots of paper papers here there's papers there that's the pile of stuff you said can go yeah i can see that most of that we don't really want anymore no no if i'd have had more time i might have decided differently after a full day's work alan's only managed to clear a tiny area of the garden [Music] having seen how difficult it is for alan to part with any of his horde i'm worried that at this rate they won't get it cleared on time hi alan my big worry alan is that i don't know how you're going to be able to prioritize pleasing the council and keeping the stuff that you want to keep see i've never looked on it as a problem it's other people's problem i was always taught you don't interfere with other people so but there's the risk of getting prosecuted or you know the risk of a vine i mean are you worried at all about well it's no good worrying there's no good worrying about it alan may not be worried but i know that marion is how easy do you find it to talk to ellen about this problem not very easy at all the trouble is that i i've spent a lot of time doing not doing anything not trying to change it because i know it's going to make alan angry what is it then that pushes his buttons or gets him angry anybody taking moving or even even sort of threatening to move things how are you feeling about the councils council situation i try not to let myself think about it because i don't know how to go with it if i allow myself really to think how enormous it is i fall apart and i'm no good to anybody falling apart no you're not i'm not [Music] i just don't know how it's possible to get through to him that what he's doing [Music] is hurting himself and hurting marion [Music] at richards there's also a huge horde to tackle as so often chaos comes before order he's told me he wants his cluttered floors cleared but like alan i think he's going to find it very hard to part with any of his possessions so i'm treading carefully with all the things like the plastic bottles and the food packaging and stuff like that is that rubbish or is that something that you need vast majority of this stuff that's now down on the floor is rubbish okay i've yet to work out what's really going on for richard but making his house safer to move around seems like a good place to start i've asked heather matuatsel a professional declutterer with extensive experience working with hoarders to help me hi hi you must be heather i am yeah greetings nice to see you there's an awful lot that i need to get out of here it's impossible to know how richard will react when the actual clearing starts and i think that's what today is all about to be able to gauge a little bit on what he says compared to what he's actually ready to do i know you're quite used to working in this kind of environment is this daunting for you or no not really it's a big house and there's a lot a lot of stuff but i think the main thing is to find out what he really wants to keep and it's really important that they feel as though they're in charge because it's their stuff and it's their house and it's their decisions there's so much food everywhere what is this april last year it must be it's awful it's just what makes it smell so bad in here these it's really dangerous because there's a lot of out-of-date food and paper and there's plastic bags all up and down the stairs it's a wonder that he hasn't fallen down these stairs and broken his neck heather and i start to make progress but we soon hit a problem what's happened is that i've found one or two things which they've thrown out but when you actually check it out you find there are one or two important things right i've brought a few things up that you wanted to keep um but i'd just like to ask you why you wanted to keep the stuff if you can let me just so that for example the stuff that's a bit mouldy like this oh i just say it saves the jazz right okay and this is just in date but still really and there's another tin that really is i think i think they're dangerous richard i know you like kidney beans i mean this tin of kidney beans looks gross but in actual fact the bottom of the can is perfectly all right they look dangerous that's my point that's why i threw them away but i think that's got to be my decision as to whether i'm going to throw away money that i've spent on food obviously if it's deteriorated inside then out it goes but you can't see botulism or smell it or detect it and that's what you get from rusty tins i once at my late mother's house opened a can of steak that was 20 years old and it was perfect i i threw them away because i just thought they sorry i feel this this particular point of the discussion is absolutely relevant and i don't want to be discussing tins of beans heather's agreed to help me with richard for the next 10 days but he's made it clear things have to be done on his terms i think that my greatest concern is i've got to be able to say yay or nay to what goes out of the door it's having a pair of hands who can help me not a pair of hands that wants to do what it wants to do [Music] he's really at odds with himself on one side he's desperate not live like this and on the other side he can't help himself he cannot just say fine get rid of it all he has to check everything and that's not his fault that is part of this illness [Music] marion and alan have just one week left to clear the horde in their garden and they're at a standstill they're unable to even discuss the situation but today i want them to try because they have no room in their own home we're meeting at their daughter lucy's house [Music] what i'm hoping is that they will all have an opportunity to [Music] share how they're feeling in a way that's constructive that's not judgmental and maybe in seeing how much marion is hurting it might have some impact on how quickly alan can progress with the garden i think my dad finds it really hard to see how difficult he's made it for the rest of the family i've got two young boys one's nearly eight and one's five but i can't take them over to mum and dad's house because there's just no space for them that makes me feel quite sad really we've never as a family been able to sit down and talk objectively about the problem any attempts have been um just met with anger and you know or silence we know that it's you know this isn't about criticism or blame or i've asked psychologist dr caroline wells who's trained in treating hoarders and family therapy to facilitate the meeting i don't know leave any you know defensiveness at the door as well they want to clear i want to retain it because i've got a use for it maybe marion if you could tell us a little bit about your experience we can't live the way we've been living and the things i want are not on reasonable things i would really like my grand sons to come over and be able to play in the garden because if you leave it too long they'll be teenagers who won't be interested they don't know what a great granddad you would be if you could let yourself and i'm sure lucy would like the boys to know you better as well i just worry that my mum's going to trip over down the really narrow path that she has to step over and she's going to fall and she's going to break her leg you know i worry about them in this house and in this garden that is dangerous and it's not going to get any better unless we you know it's just get worse after years of living with hoarding you just want something normal something ordinary just want to be the same as everybody else because you're not what's it like listening to marion saying she just wants a bit of normality i know how does that make you feel [Music] selfish i suppose would you say having the grandchildren over would be an advantage well it'd be nice to have them come over and play but listening to how much it would mean to marion to have that yes yes i know she would enjoy them coming over uh well we'll work towards that goal when it comes to things and family some difficult to draw a line somewhere but uh i can't say that i feel more about objects than i do about the children or my wife right now his intention is that he will be able to clear some stuff he'll be able to avoid prosecution whether that can actually materialize or not we don't know the proof is in the pudding isn't it at richard's house we've now taken nearly 30 bags of rotting food plastic bags packaging and paper off his floors but richard has to painstakingly inspect every bag before letting us throw anything away i'm deciding what is definitely rubbish good god that's a pencil richard is still very much at the stage of needing to check everything this is his first time tackling the problem and i do think that that's to be expected really and that's quite normal can you pass me back that tray so i can get rid of these papers here off the floor rubbish into that size back i don't want to sort it into one yeah he's finding it very hard to let go of things but i think richard and i know each other well enough now that i can set him a challenge which is to ask him if he can let go of some newspapers and not have to check them because once he knows what it feels like and it doesn't hurt or it's not frightening then he'll be able to do that and work a lot quicker okay we've got a little box of newspapers for us too just as an experiment i would really like to see if you can take all those papers and put them in the bag without looking through them how would that make you feel um describe your sort of emotions just a little bit concerned i just want to flick through it it is time consuming but the thing is it works for me i'm worried about time and given your health as well i feel that this house could without sounding overly dramatic be the death of you i definitely want to check them because i want to see what's going out of the door just suspend that thought for a minute no i've may i'm not going to suspend that it's more important to you to check everything yeah at the moment it is then it's more important to check everything than risk losing a little thing your health is not as important even if it shortens my life for my peace of mind i would rather go through it [Music] right now he is backed into a corner his health is suffering he can't function properly at all and he doesn't know what to do but he doesn't really want to clear out at the moment and he needs to have other people to help him i've asked professor paul salkovskis one of britain's few hoarding experts to talk to richard hello hi pleased to meet you from my own experience with my mum the first step towards getting better is actually admitting that you've got a problem so how do you see your problem the house is a problem because i haven't got the physical strength to actually get on and sort it out okay but i suppose what's missing from that is how you feel about this lot i'd like to get it sorted and the rubbish i'd like to get thrown out right and still not quite get how you feel about it how do you mean i mean we're sitting here in an icy cold house surrounded by a lot of stuff yeah most of which is not accessible to you and i'm keen to understand what it's really like to be you i'm also keen to understand a bit more about how you feel about yourself and about the situation written i'm sorry i'm i'm finding it very difficult to see where you're coming from one of the possibilities i'm thinking about is that you really try and avoid thinking too much about how you feel which would bring us fairly neatly on to what has happened to you right okay difficult childhood um slightly dysfunctional family there was quite a lot of domestic upheaval i would say when richard was 13 his father left the family and richard's whole life was turned upside down overnight it put a lot of stresses on me because i became the man of the house and you know it wasn't a good scene and relationships with my father deteriorated quite seriously so pretty horrible all round not the most pleasant of times was money a bit tight at that time yes it was extremely tight my mother got heavily into debt inevitably so does at least some of your ideas about the value of things come from that time yes it does probably does um because i had to be conscious and aware of what things cost but in my childhood my parents divorce and things like that you've got to move on you can't live in the beginning i know but i actually think a lot of this is coming from turmoil that you've gone through and you're sinking into the quicksand of this stuff to the point the quality of your life is so poor well you're asking me with my life worth living i'm not asking you that i'm asking you whether you might consider ending this phase of your life in order to enter one that is not dominated by these huge piles of fat maybe they are just things but they have been a part of my life and i'm not sad to have somebody come in from outside of my life you see this is part of the problem because nobody would be taking part life where your life these things have taken your life away that you know it's the other way around and i think it's appropriate that you have some further help in both areas which i would be quite happy to do so okay so how did it go with richard i would be pretty happy with that as a first session he drew some clear links between some of the pretty awful life experiences he's had and his attachment to possessions and he's not going to be able to make major changes until he's dealt with some of the issues that we've pulled out today and have you worked with people in the past who have overcome this kind of level of clutter problem yes yeah no no no i i wouldn't i wouldn't write him off i think we made some progress i think he tended to be a little bit too oriented on what my past life was but the work that i'm doing with heather is probably a lot more practical and useful but i think there is scope for some more discussion to help me richard will need ongoing treatment if he's to really get to the root of his hoarding in the meantime we're going to continue trying to clear his floors and stairs in some albans alan and marion have just one day left before the council deadline runs out and their garden could be inspected do we want all those hangers don't really have much of the wire do you want the wire i don't want to have to go and buy a load of wire i don't want to have to go and buy anything when i've already got it for the first time allen's allowing marion and her friends to go through his things in an effort to meet the deadline i feel really terrible actually if we can't get the garden finished today it's really difficult because the more people there are the less control allen will feel like he's got and that just might send him a little bit over the edge i mean you hadn't thought was about the china where were the chinese i don't know yet because it was happening so fast well it's got to be you know there's a day with everybody here how are you dressed just you can't work with about 10 people you know because you can't see what they're all doing is this definitely for keeping because there's a lot of paper can i chuck those [Music] just for today what only for today this is your new life alan yeah under allen's supervision newspapers wet books and broken brickabrack are all going in the skip is that books or yeah it looks like books for a long time alan wouldn't let anybody else help because he didn't see us helping at all so it's amazing that alan has allowed all these people to come in and he's doing it not only for necessity but he's doing it for his family as well plastic can go the best it can go but you want the wire one is that right do you want the wires right okay what about this old video the video can go well done full chains yep yep okay right look we nearly made it through to this table that's fantastic by the end of the day three skips have been filled the backyard's still full but for the first time in five years marion and allen have a clear front garden [Music] it make you feel wow all that space now wow a bit strange probably it's magic oh wow you have done so well alan and marion it's made a vast difference and thanks to everybody you're welcome you're very welcome i'm grateful for what we've done and what help we've given but it does sort of hurt to see things get thrown away in the skip [Music] alan and marion have cleared enough to avoid prosecution for now their house is still stuffed with alan's things and most rooms are unusable but marion's optimistic it started something really good has started i believe it's been a long time coming and if alan thinks it's magical then maybe we can work some more magic i'm just delighted i really didn't think this could happen [Music] oh this is nice oh i'm so lucky to have so many things to choose from i'm gonna keep it for now unlike allen mum's had the benefit of years of therapy but we're now halfway through her time in the warehouse and she's still struggling to let go of her horde i'm on the verge of a meltdown to be honest because i can't see how it's going to work if everything here had to go back to the house i would feel totally gutted like this there was no emotion involved you know it wouldn't hurt me to walk away from here and say i don't need anything but i can't handle that at the moment i can't be like that remember again why do i have to get rid of all my towels the same reason why you have to get rid of all everything because you've got too much stuff you can't live properly remember i was kind of agreeing to let these go even though insider didn't want to and and that's okay you don't and yet and i don't know what to do [Music] i'm astounded at that i thought oh we can bring it all to this giant warehouse and spread it all out and display it all nicely and mum will be able to just go around and go i'll just take that one and that one and that one and the rest can go [Music] i just feel really stupid but that i could have even perceived that this would all be [Music] done [Music] over at richard's house progress is just as slow in the last 10 days we've bagged a vast amount of rubbish and you can now see some of the stairs and floors but richard's still refusing to let anything be binned until he's gone through it so what have you got there then this time last week we found this i set you a challenge would we get rid of a box of newspapers without looking at them and i turned around and i said well no i think i would rather actually glance and i make the decision i want you to learn what it feels like to let go without checking because the checking is what's got you here take that leap of faith try it i really don't know i don't know how my brain is ticking just that bag no simple as that i can feel it coming come on come on give us a yes no no no no no no no no no i'm going to take one sample one out in the middle of it okay let's have a look at it see what's of interest looks we're looking [Music] the power of life or death caused by excess newspapers get one you are such an angel well done that's fantastic wow i knew it and actually you know what richard you won't even think about that you won't ever again you won't you know it's a breakthrough that's amazing well done [Music] all right go on superstar yay go on there it goes bye-bye history well done where's my lid [Music] you should be really really proud of yourself now oh taking a big step so how do you feel now after after that first move that you've made i feel invigorated because there's a lot of progress has been made do you know what makes me the happiest is the fact that you enjoyed doing that because you'll get that feeling again going through this experience has been very useful for me it's quite revealing it's good to know that there's a possibility that there can be help for me to sort out my life and my home to get something done whereas until now i felt there was little hope at all there's still a really really long way to go for richard but i think the last couple of weeks has been transformational inside him because he's been throwing stuff out he's seen a psychologist and i hope that this house won't be the death of him [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's our final day in the warehouse and at last mum's managed to push through the pain of having to decide what to keep and what to let go that can go and that goes with that and that could go too mum's made quick decisions on hundreds of items she's also let go of scores of boxes without even checking the contents it's just unprecedented and so it's great it's absolutely just out of this world amazing maybe she's deciding you know what time is more valuable my space at home is more valuable and it doesn't mean that much to me anyway so just let it go there's still some work to do but my god we've made a massive dent in all the stuff so i couldn't ask for more really i would never ever have believed that mum would get to that stage never [Music] good bye bye goodbye i'm trying to be brave i'm trying to be brave i don't feel as if i've got rid of enough but you know never give up hope they're off say bye to your stuff mum stuff you i've probably parted with about 50 of my belongings strangely enough i don't miss the things that have gone so it's quite odd the problem is i'm still a hoarder and in order to stay in control of it i i still need help most of what mum's kept is upstairs but the ground floor is clear enough for her to have the family round for dinner for the first time in eight years it's hard to believe that this is the same house [Music] it looks so great isn't it the white house the future for this house will be more laughter and happiness hopefully that's what i'd like it's really nice to have you all here and you've all worked so hard really grateful you're really lovely thank you thank you for doing it mum well done [Music] it's a nice feeling to feel like home really exists that's really nice that's the best part of this actually thank you jasmine oh thanks mama thanks everyone [Laughter] richard has now employed someone to help him clear his house and plans to continue psychological treatment allen has allowed marion and her friends to carry on working on their back garden [Music] and i've learned that hoarding is not a lost cause but it does need to be recognized as a specific condition that people need help with there is light at the end of the tunnel even for some of the biggest hoarders [Music] you
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Keywords: biggest hoarders, britains biggest hoarders, hoarders full episodes, Britain's biggest hoarders, biggest hoarders full episodes, obsessive compulsive cleaners, my hoarder mum and me watch online, my hoarder mum and me jasmine harman, britain's biggest hoarders, absolute documentaries, full length documentaries, full documentary, absolute documentaries Britain's biggest hoarders, ocd cleaners, messy people, jasmine harman, jasmine harman hoarders, mental health documentary
Id: lWjZfwGjRCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 40sec (3520 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 31 2021
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