Did I Just Uncover An 80 Year Old Time Capsule Hidden Inside This Storage Unit?

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that box right there is what we're really interested in take a look at this uh just off the top here look it's just plumb full of what looks to be some interesting stuff look at that oh my goodness i've got to get in this [Music] well good morning good morning good morning guys it's been a while since i've posted a video and i'm sorry for that uh this last week has been crazy but today we're going through the box truck some building box slots for our auction later today by the time you guys see this auction's probably over but it is what it is guys look we've already got some box slots made up right and uh we're about to head to the box truck and see what we can't manage to find i'm supposing probably a lot of sewing and crafting stuff because the majority of what's on the box truck came from the tj maxx hoarder unit could very well also find some money we'll just have to see let's go and take a look all right guys well we have been going through this box truck and uh finding some really cool stuff got a lot of vintage patterns yeah i need to make a dump run absolutely there's a lot of trash over here but take a look at this this is this is really interesting and i think we're gonna probably go through this uh on camera with you guys take a look okay so aside from what i'm about to show you take a look at this this is just tons and tons of pre-recorded vhs tapes i pulled out all of the the originals here and we'll put those in a lot it's a lot of older country stuff but that box right there is what we're really interested in take a look at this uh just off the top here look it's just plumb full of what looks to be some interesting stuff look at that oh my goodness i've got to get in this i think this is all really old stuff and i'm excited to get into it and see what we've got guys here's the box it was heavy and i brought it here in the garage where i've got a little bit of shade but we're about to go through this thing salt lake city utah interesting good beating stick all right let's go through this all right looks like we got some old dice here and uh this is an old pen here rally day be glad in the lord amen what the world are these catch a penny snap it up jaco pops it in the cup snapper turtle left one day where he went i cannot say interesting and let's look at this key finder kings key finder that's actually really pretty wow all right so there's that box cool moving on muriel cigars doubting that's what's in it oh oh this looks old let me get this pulled out real quick and we'll show you okay so here it is it's made by seneco japan so it's pretty darn old a little donkey with a carriage and what looks to be salt this would be salt and then this right here i'm not sure what this would be another marking and then the pepper that is too cool we're looking at the back side of it let's let's see what it looks like front side forward there we go really cool that's a nice old salt and pepper shaker okay guys this thing is packed full of stuff let's just move this down here and look at it oh wow what in the world okay that's an old hot kai hakkai kodak instamatic camera r4 something stuck to the bottom of it there here's a little brownie brownie holiday camera that's too neat looks like a lot of sewing notions and other things in here what's in the gift box oh come on oh lots of old dice that's cool thumb tacks tens of steel oh there's a ring this looks like sterling to me let's look ooh that's beautiful holy crap yep that's sterling turquoise gorgeous ring i bet that cleans up really nicely some of these coins and such 1965 just one year shy here's a oh is this gold this is old i would be willing to bet that that is gold right there and i can't tell who the maker is right off top that is a old old watch little pins a couple little pins here what's this that's pretty let's keep looking here uh high speed oh 22 bullets nice i want to know what's in this this baggie looks like old hold buttons lots of fold buttons in there symbol oh here's an old pocket knife shoehorn oh wow how did i miss that look at this holy cow that is definitely sterling looks like it has a kink in it right here it might try to break this is gorgeous though wow man that is beautiful all right what else we got in here all sorts of stuff this is a knick-knack box for sure buttons more buttons little pins some of these pins could possibly be gold too this is not cool well let's keep going all right back to this we've got divine liturgy interesting this is 1994. nothing special here instructions cherry seeder that's interesting some postcards okay here's some flashcards division flashcards more postcards a bunch of them we have here no telling i'm not sure what we're dealing with there this is really pretty made with real feathers too all right and here this looks like a pretty old book science and industry [Music] child craft copyright 19 this one's 1947. interesting batman coloring book here's an old scrapbook we're gonna have to look at this this could be very interesting oh my what place card huh okay so these are just old uh old matchbooks why are they stuck together stuck to stuck together this is just a whole scrapbook full of matchbooks that's really cool all right all right let's see here what is this this is not a bong this is not a bomb this is handcrafted by bischoff don't know if that's uh gonna be worth anything but that's really really neat let's see what is this selex locks in glass filter that's pretty old stuff there uh get some more more cards here it looks like hole in the rock home what in the world it's like a huge inkwell see if i can find the lid or something to it this says japan that's pretty old that has no writing at all i think we've got something right here wrapped up so let's take a look see what we've got here oh wow this is super pretty made in japan interesting but we're missing the lid i think we're missing the lid okay what is this this is iron for something this looks almost like a camping kit let's take a look here yep that's exactly what it is i'm not going to mess with it right now but that this is the handle to the camping kit valleys landing brokers leading brokers interesting probably pewter this is a ashtray look at those old marbles that's cool let's see what's inside here old lace okay poker chips avon french lavender room freshener room freshener again more poker chips let's see what's in this [Music] ah let me get it open my buddy kyle's here he's gonna open this up for me or attempt to good luck oh look at you i loosened it up for you what do we got oh okay oh man this is old yeah this could be that looks like it might be don't know that could be gold let's see what else we've got in here that is not gold what's this yeah those are for hair um no most of that is for hair here's something else okay that wasn't as interesting as that i was hoping but hey still neat nonetheless okay now for this box taped shut here we go oh old buttons old sewing notions okay whoa what do we got here drawbacks a lot of this is not going to be good anymore what in the world this is some old stuff embroidery cotton wow okay that's what's in there what's in the bag what's in the bag everybody wants to know oh my gosh this is incredible look at this oh wow that's amazing that's got to be worth something i don't see a maker's mark anywhere on this though it's signed i'm gonna have to pay a little attention to that i think man that is cool look at them old those are old buddy old marbles it's a goodyear ashtray swingline stapler i bet that these are staples yeah staples what's in here okay that's just the lid to those oh wow okay new mexico look at these again no maker's mark i don't see let me look underneath the lid nope no maker's mark those have got to be old though here's a second one this has got stuff in it what stuff might be in here sewing stuff what is this anything in here nope old screw back there's the other one okay not seeing anything incredibly crazy in here all right let's go i don't think that this is candies do you let's see life is like a box of chocolates milk glass looks like we've got a pair of it says number four there a pair of milk glass vases that's what it looks to be yeah there's the other one right there okay we've got a couple of card holders here some old cards here too that's cool washable washable playing cards never heard of those all right bitter butter dish spreader i bet that's what's in here it's a butter dish and spreader let's go figure what's this sony how do you open it sony solid state no it's a speaker interesting [Music] what else we got what's this we've got a few of these what in the world what am i looking at that is weird oh that's s oh these are little salt and pepper shakers okay so the pepper goes in that little cylinder that's where you fill it and the salt goes there that's what they are cool and i bet all of these are the same what's this clark zagnut the candy bar for everybody man that's an old box ain't it let's see what's inside oh these are old cookie cutters old that's cool all right now we gotta look at what's in the tom thumb let me get this out real quick and we'll take a look okay so here it is says tom thumb i'd be willing to bet it's some kind of yeah that's what i thought take a look at this guys that is an old typewriter i've never seen anything like it that is cool that is too cool okay and lastly in here we've got this poly fab scented drawer lining i don't know if that's what's in here or not yep scented drawer lining look at this 1942 on that receipt crazy that was the whole box guys that was a really cool box
Channel: Thrift Trader
Views: 8,781
Rating: 4.9437609 out of 5
Keywords: Time Capsule, 80 Years Old, Hidden Inside, Abandoned Storage Unit, Storage Unit Finds, Treasure Hunting
Id: g4r39yPsNm0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 54sec (1314 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 21 2020
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