The First Box Paid For It All! Over $750 Worth Of Rare Items In One Box!

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chloe's doing the diggage oh wait what is that no oh my goodness oh losing stuff look at this guys holy crap look at this guys this is likely [Music] the oldest book i've ever owned there it is 18 16. what's going on guys jason thrift trader and chloe guys if you haven't seen yesterday's video go take a look at it the link is in the description below that is when we loaded up most of this one unit we're about to go through we're gonna go through some boxes as many as we can with you guys and uh let's take a look see what we can't find you ready all right let's do it all right first box guys all right what in the world was that [Music] franciscan earthenware that's some interesting stuff guys i'm gonna take a look real quick see if this is worth anything at all online and i'll let you know that boys and girls you're looking at anywhere from 15 to 40 upwards of 50 dollars a piece for these on ebay and that is just incredible who knew that bowls would be worth so much the people that make them all right that's something different there i wonder what that is now that this is the first box off the truck holy cow i'm excited what's that nothing no it's really nice it's pretty it's very pretty i don't know what we'll do with that it's very nice though oh that's good oh that's nice one piece i'm feeling that's similar to a gravy boat or something is that more yes wow oh it's a that is incredible guys so this stuff is called atomic starburst which makes sense it looks like an atomic reaction that's the spoon there we go maybe that's where it belongs is that the lid to something yeah or something oh it may not be to this wow we got big plates here oh that one's chipped bummer that's cool guys we're gonna get the rest of this unboxed and we'll show you how many we got all right guys so i was just telling chloe that what we found in the very first box over 750 dollars worth of this stuff right here at 25 a pop and that is the very low end that's crazy we paid 530 for this storage unit very first box all of our money back incredible that's cool isn't it that's what's up that's what's up take a look at this alright guys so here it is there are a couple of these right here with chips but not all of them have chips but we have 31 pieces all the way down to this we're not counting this this is different all the way down to these little mugs this little bowl here dinner plates here this big salad bowl that gravy boat looking thing a couple smaller plates and uh that dish plate right there guys all this just this stuff is roughly 750 retail on the low end 25 bucks a piece that's incredible hi guys so what's left is these right here these georgian eggshell georgians they're not worth really much of anything you know you're looking at 10 bucks for a set of four or something so this will be donated but this right here guys this is pyrex and uh this is worth around 15 to 20 dollars i had to look it up because i know that some pyrex is worth a whole lot of money what's chloe digging out this is painted in japan hand-painted in japan really huh fairyland who's it made by a fairyland import hand-painted japan that could be you know it's not as heavy as like the german west german steins don't know if this is worth anything or not this is definitely something to look into these are cool you've got loads oh those are old wood dominoes these could be worth some money i'm gonna have to look those up that's incredible those are cool too the amber glass you got all sorts of stuff over here you've got the cool box well i got the expensive box though all right so out of everything that's here this is worth roughly in total close to 40 bucks so it's not really anything special those are china this i couldn't i couldn't make out who that was can't make it up but this is old no makers mark this right here is worth um this is glass bake it's probably worth roughly around 25 bucks but this guys this right here has the potential for 50 or 60 bucks maybe even more than that it's iroquois casual china by russell wright something we haven't looked in yet is this benzomatic i bet it's oh god how do you get this sucker open yeah i figured torch products that's cool though man that's old you can tell that's old that's cool that'll go in yard sale all right guys this is uh box number three i guess and it's a lot more of the wrapped up stuff thus far i've been pretty happy with how the glassware has been going this right here is not really anything i don't believe no i say that don't know what you got oh that's corel my grandma used to have these that's awesome that's not corel that's cool no markings bum or dishes this might be his normal everyday dishes here it's looking like it looking like it we're gonna get this unwrapped and we'll show you what we get all right guys so this is what we came up with and i think the most interesting pieces or the most interesting piece out of all of this is this little this really cool bowl that is some old fire king right there boys and girls that's i have no idea what that's worth but i would suspect it's probably the nicest piece in here this right here is also fire king milk glass bowl these two bowls right here don't have a name on them that is milk glass and uh everything else really is just kind of your normal run of the mill stuff this this is kind of nice it's a small one though cor it's a corning ware so yeah not too bad we're about to start digging in this box see what we can't find so we will let you know if we find anything spectacular okay guys so what we found in that tub was a bunch of older photos some of these are really interesting um look at this guys not a photo but this is honor services program at first m e church ceiling oklahoma august 25th 1918. so i thought that was really cool and uh there's some really interesting pictures let me see if i can find look at this guys that's incredible look on the back says it was taken in 1900 at richmond oklahoma woodward county that's pretty incredible there's a magazine from 1972 and it's all like this what in the world oh it's old west magazine something we might have to look up that's interesting pretty cool chloe is uh digging in another box we found uh-oh this us divers company full thermal temper that's glass so that could be worth something and i thought this was really neat too really pretty made in japan that's it that's all we found in that box chloe's doing the diggage oh wait what is that no oh my goodness oh losing stuff look at this guys holy crap all right we got to get this to the table alright guys so right here in this we have a two dollar red note from 1953 that's pretty cool and then in this look at this guys 1918 walking liberty uh 1903 barber dime 1906 barber dime 1906 barber dime 1907 barber dime that must be a quarter it's a half dollar it's a liberty half dollar 1911 v nickel 1907 probably the same 1919 something buffalo nickel buffalo nickel buffalo nickel 1920 this is a mercury dime 41 mercury dime and 41 mercury dime that's incredible good find chloe did a good job there all right guys look at this this is incredible okay price ten cents saint bill of new york the queen's world open this up another fictional saint open it up one more time look at this copyright 1945. i thought that was really really interesting so that's going to go in the ephemera a lot look at this this could be potentially sparking controversy but i'm not interested in any kind of controversy this is just history right copyright 1955. there you go it is what it is that right there interesting pamphlet is also going in the fmr a lot and next we had another tub full of tools and we were able to salvage quite a few of them some of these potentially could be worth some money all of it's good just good tools here yeah yeah look at those those are really oh taiwan what are these craftsman yeah they're taiwan it's all right though we can sell them we'll sell uh pretty much all of these tools locally pretty sweet pretty sweet all right time to get some more stuff off the truck okay guys so we are digging through these tubs and uh obviously there's tons and tons of tools this thing was really heavy by the way and uh chloe dug this out of one of the tubs of tools book instinctive displayed or instinct displayed she said it was already open she get in here look at this guys this is likely the oldest book i've ever owned there it is 1816 instinct displayed in a collection of well-authenticated facts exemplifying the extraordinary saga city or sagacity whatever of various species of the animal creation wow all right guys so chloe just drug this off the back of the truck bless you and uh this is how you unlock it there you go wow okay we're gonna have to be careful with this because there's obviously names and stuff on it this is pretty cool we're gonna go through this a little bit and hopefully we've got some things to show you all right guys so upon conclusion of this trunk briefcase no that's not a briefcase this is a travel case not the greatest shape either but there's a lot of older mailers pertaining to catholicism in here probably from the 40s and 50s like this one printed in italy this one's not in the greatest shape but there are some that are in really good shape we also pulled out a bunch of postcards roughly 40s to 70s some early 80s in there and really that's about the gist of this nothing too incredible but all pretty neat stuff we did however find this in there and it's a hong kong philippines centavo i haven't looked to see what year it is but i thought that was interesting all right guys so here is another box we're nearly done just got another set of plates there but in this that is probably my favorite piece and then i have no idea about this but hopes are high because i have a lot of it let's just go through this real quick so this is uh fenton and guys i don't know glass at all but i'm just giving an estimate or a guesstimate really on what i think that's worth i think it's roughly worth about 50 let me know down below if i'm right or wrong i'm kind of curious okay um that is really the only piece that i saw marked oh let's not break it dir but this i thought was really cool and for some reason i feel like it's mid-century modern there's no marks but it's really interesting the way they painted this so i don't know if that's amateurly painted or if it was purchased this way but that looks really really cool other than that we have a lot of this stuff federal-shaped syracuse china made in us and then these i thought were particularly interesting as well um it's george washington and the first lady right there i would assume okay and uh yeah that's really the gist of it these i thought were really interesting i'm not entirely sure what they are maybe candle holders don't know i forgot okay so this no markings really well there is a marking and i can't read it i don't know if that's fire king looks like a k inside of a diamond maybe i don't know but judging by it i say that this is 30s or 40s but uh again i don't know if somebody knows what this is let me know please because this is really interesting all right guys so this is the most interesting thing we think we pulled out of today what do you think maybe maybe interesting to me the most interesting to me hey there baby how are you oh my goodness you're amazing sure short break a shot glass in the driveway how did that happen let's go through this hey i'm going through this i found a baby book a baby book okay does it have a date yeah okay uh well we know it's old because this stuff right here is old to list but by title of bills and resolutions passed by the 11th legislature and approved by the governor secretary of state election board um looking for a date uh 1927 guys certificate of service in the world 1917. that's my that's masonic as well keep that what's the date on it august 3rd 1918 1918 yeah oh my goodness yep 1918. wow that is really really really cool program oh wow country declamatory contest march 19 second 1907. yeah buddy that's really cool i'm assuming this is probably roughly same time period uh union communion service wow that's gotta be old 1903 this is a teacher's report parents report from 1903 like a report card this is incredible what are you finding um some of these are different knots uh like one looks through all the full but it's daughters of the american revolution which is d-a-r which is something i was in in school but daughters of the american revolution yeah it's just like the national 1890 yeah oh it says here 1925. well that's pretty incredible actually if you ask me that's that is a 95 year old certificate it's crazy yeah this stuff is okay so yeah this is early 1900's this is incredible whatever you do be very careful with that oh it's just a little ledger um what is this stuff samuel leonard white 32 1918 what guys oh wow so they carved your little tummy wow this is incredible stuff guys i don't know i think what do you think i think that this this uh this entire the rest of this really kind of deserves as much of his own videos as uh it can have right huh i have to look into that that is really interesting guys so this is what we're gonna do we're gonna tell them they gotta wait until next time wait till next video we're gonna finish this up
Views: 16,033
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: opRw500KvP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 6sec (1386 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 07 2020
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