Hitman 3 Final Level! ALL ABOARD THE DEATH TRAIN! (Hitman 3 Carpathian Mountains)

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Iโ€™m so sad theyโ€™ve now finished the story missions. These videos have been so damn good. I will throughly enjoy all the upcoming elusive targets, but the story ones are always the best.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/YetiBot ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 24 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Oh man, I was really looking forward for a 3 ways to play on this one.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/sterlingphoenix ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Mar 24 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
you can't do surgery on a train yes you can it would be it's probably you can't do good surgery on a train you can do surgery on a train okay now you can go go go go now go just no don't throw don't just he's looking out the window you can walk straight past him just walk past him all right i'm walking he's looking at birds or something oh is this what it feels like to play stealthily i don't like his cupcake wait cupcakes there's a cupcake he's going to turn around he's turning around right all right leave the cupcake i'll get the cupcake later what's this place valve oh you need a vowel some kind of valve what kind of game is this hitman you've played it dozens of times yeah it's called hitman not fix man oh i'm i'm oh you're rotating trapped in the void i'm yeah i'm in a void guys oh you you've hello welcome to our side next we're trapped in an assassin's creed loading screen yeah yeah and in a circle oh yeah oh violent drama oh yes welcome to uh the carpathian mountains looks a bit weird to me it's the final level of hitman 3 and we're having some kind of flashback episode yeah uh where we revisit our best our best kills this is this is agent 47's loveliest dream yeah this is how he dreams this is what he likes to drink and dream about yeah he's like this was a good one yeah i loved it when i killed this guy a great time so who is this one i don't remember it's not letting me get close [Music] the accusing choir oh is that horrifying tell me that agent 47 is haunted by his deeds the greek chorus look at this ocean of blood you can't put this guilt on me diana i care not for this ocean of blood i've forgotten who this is the constant right i haven't really been concentrating on the story you've got one of those origami birds on which means he's a herald right yep what's the herald harold is is one of the providence bigwigs right providence vips the top top tier of providence i really should have sent the story shouldn't i yeah yeah you should might give it your place so we're on some sort of surgical operating table oh great and now she's tangoing what mine going with some other dudes we've got to sit on a tree tree it's a bit weird oh man yeah i maintain that all 47 streams look like this and this is not irregular or unusual yeah diana's bad though it turns out what do you think of that she dropped don't believe it contact poisoning she's a triple agent it's all a part of the plan give me a trip i cannot i cannot even the toxic betrayal that's that stolen touch on the hand that we all thought was oh that's exciting and romantic it's fear toxin it was fear toxins the scarecrow from batman has a lot to answer for so it was a super delayed fear toxin that didn't take hold until after until after we'd killed those two people did we just pass out on the dance floor though is that what happened face down in the punchbox no did you not watch the cutscene where you're running through the woods and diana gets you i don't watch cut scenes jane i don't have time you've got to watch the cutscene why are you in on controls this is outrageous agent 47 killed diana's i remember that bit yeah that was a trailer well then you did see that did see the cutscene yeah i did i did i did and so she's she's climbing her way to the top of the pyramid but also she's sort of taking her revenge or incidentally taking her revenge on 47. she's like 47 was a useful tool to get me to the top of the pyramid now i'm here i can achieve a revenge how dare she call me i think the revenge is is just incidental that's not her ultimate goal i guess we'll find out also no one understands the business better than diana right it's business it's nothing personal i mean it is personal because he killed her family yeah well you're meant to trigger a car explosive this is their parents don't do you're playing the game but what if i just don't do it yeah don't do it see diana i refuse to do it what if i just walk up well oh you're like it's like you're the winter soldier and diana is iron man yeah yeah all right fine i got killed iron man's mother no i don't i got bored waiting ah i've got a very short attention span andy i would have secured 47 if i had him in my head all right now we're going to eliminate arthur edwards the constant is he wearing like an ip an iphone or a lanyard where yes is he yeah it's it's some sort of medical tracking device right well oh well that guy's going to notice you because obviously what should i do guys you're my handlers for this okay well cheyenne has got this guy out and put on his clothes all right gently choke him out and take his lab coat and hat oh he said he was talking about serum and dosages and taking it is it because 47 is full of super serum full of some kind of super soldier super serum where's my keycard i actually already had one of those so um right you're gonna hide you're gonna hide him oh am i gonna hide him do i have to yeah yeah yeah hide him take him back to where you put him on the gurney you've got him no i'll bring him in here it's fine they might think that he's agent 47 and do all the he grew while he was on the table i would believe that through sheer power of will no intel right where was i so this is a very long narrow medical facility we're on a train right this is some sort of moving medical facility you can't do surgery on a train it's probably like one of those cars that hangs on like inside another car on a sort of uh gyroscope and a big gimbal yeah to keep it stable right i'm blending in as a doctor look at me oh yeah interesting wait what does that circle mean over here the need for further research she's clearly indeed the cycle overhead means she will notice you if you stop if you stop lending in ah i got it shows how infrequently i ever bother to blend in i go in this way yeah this is very revealing i want to go in this room and see what secrets you know you don't want a gun right examine that it's some sort of centrifuge all right fine just centrifugation plasma i was hoping it was an ice cream chest but no what's this machine oh no it's just blending more blending in blend blend blend blend you can watch this guy's got a gun hasn't he what are they saying are they saying important things why don't we talking about the serum that i think that they're synthesizing from 47 or something okay you don't need a gun you never need a gun what but how am i going to kill people i'm a hitman with your bare hands fine i'd would just like to raise the issue that they're they're trying to retrieve the serum so they can make everyone's lives better have we thought about that that maybe that's not what they said yeah i mean it's possible they said it will do it'll do good um do we oh i don't have a code hmm it'll be on a whiteboard oh there you go there's 1979. i bet it's nice poster with your pin number on it all right 1917. they're wily these prophetess have you seen the size of that 1979 unbelievable oh crowbar yes rusty crowbar no when do we get onto the roof of this train andy you've already played this level i haven't played this level have you not oh mike you could unlock that door now with the crowbar i can unlock no mike you can't my why now the guy is shooting he's right there what is wrong with you did you forget there was an armed guard yeah i thought i didn't realize he was there it's fine there's only there's nowhere else for him to go you're on a train right security guard this is what i'm saying no piercer style he can only go for the crowbar we needed that to open the door break wow she's definitely dead if you broke a crowbar yeah oh it was rusty well there must be another one right now you must have a key single use disposable crowbar oh my god you're on your worst behavior i know yeah well it's my first chance to be a hitman and i'm gonna enjoy myself right he's just showing off everyone don't rise don't rise to it there must be a key here somewhere well i don't know you made your bed you crowbar into it i'll find another crowbar why is it rusty i bet the place is just brimming with rusty crowbars maybe they just didn't want you to go on a crowbar rampage yeah well maybe they were like we'll we'll limit how much chaos you can i thought because we want you to play this i thought this game was by this point by three end of three games they'll know not to smash everyone in the face with crowbars all the time for no reason so i may actually reload in the second crowbar yep that's it you're trapped here now unbelievable all right fine i'll reload it 47 is no don't reload there must be a way around it all right come on they wouldn't design a dead end in this game this is a this is a one ways to play level yes so yeah this is why we're not doing those threes because as we understand it this is quite a comparatively linear level yeah um and it's it's a short linear level because mike has gone and and budged it right up oh here we go okay um there's another crowbar you guys i don't know what you were worrying about like a feature you might not have come across um during the three entire hitman games we've been playing is a little feature called hitman vision you can use uh to see items that's the environment if you press the shoulder button yep i don't need it because i've got my own performance anxiety now that mike is is having to play live while we watch um forgetting the basics yeah i used it a lot last time i used hitman yeah two minutes using it now can i get over what happens if you hit both those people with crowbars what then i think i'll probably regenerate i don't think i don't think there were two two crowbars there in the first place right okay i think it's for it's an it's a mic proofing measure yeah so if you take the first crowbar and wang someone over the head with it they're like fine you can have a second crowbar i feel like this would be extremely difficult to do even for him like agent 47. it's quite look at how icy it is yeah there you go jane we're on the roof of the train yeah i knew it you wanted what's down not be i want that green mushroom right all right there's a guard it's great but it goes back to you here's where the guns are going to come in so is diana on this train uh we get to have a word i don't know maybe that'd be cool we could ask her what she's doing with the fear toxin that was lucky he was in the middle of here right gotta hide the evidence yeah but you've got to kick someone off a train you can't have a train level and not kick someone off it was he dead or not he wasn't dead not until he hit the ground no it doesn't say non-target kill yeah i think that maybe providence guy is a fair game watch out okay that was close i thought maybe he landed gently in a snow bank maybe fine that's true and then had a dream about whatever he likes best yeah ice cream right oh i preferred the argentinian vineyard if i'm honest yeah it's like a storage room for the fruit cocktail yeah all right what's this plate oh you need a place what kind of game is this hitman you've played it dozens of times yeah it's called not fix man oh i've probably could have done with another oh wow if only you had a second one there's a valve okay here you go ah the puzzle elements all coming to the fore where was it it was here it was right behind you oh my goodness right what is it a vowel for oh oh the roof this thing oh no it's gonna rip the sky the sky roof the the skylight okay watch out for watch out for things like that thing yep yeah look out for it watched out for it i kind of do want to see the cut scene where 47 gets get blasted in the face closely oh here comes one no don't actually do it just took one of his ears off so it probably just causes a lot of damage rather than the game over i was hoping for a really cinematic cutscene yeah you just get heated into the forest providence is like we've got our evil surgery train but also let's carry some petroleum around and you know yeah targets double duty things oh god oh why are we on a train um because this is where arthur edwards is he's got his private car where he's doing serum experiments okay but why are we doing experiments on us yes yeah but why on a train because it's like snow piercer isn't it you've got to keep moving you're going to keep moving or you freeze today yeah the law will get you oh it's like international law can't touch you if you're moving at a certain speed international train tracks yeah it's its own jurisdiction oh so that is locked right fine so i do actually have to everything is locked you can go going through this window though yeah that's fine it's all good oh this is a bit nicer a little bit i mean not nice nice this is third class well i want to know where the uh like um the fancy sleeper cars are with like velvet bunk beds use hitman vision oh lord oops oh loud wow it says i can eliminate them i'll run out of time you can but i mean you can't and you shouldn't what do you do and you haven't you shot shot one of them then around another one and then just left the other one is in there probably radioing everyone right now i need something to hit him with because i've run out of ammo andy because my shirt don't worry he's got a soda can he's got a soda can and a plan oh he's got a friend is this the plan yeah sort of right oh my it's fine oh mike i'm just going to recharge here i'm just going to recharge it recharging the relaxing environments of a speeding train they're shooting you shot me through the window i don't know that you can get out of it by this is standing here this level's so black and white i can't tell whether i've healed black and white because you're bleeding to death oh gosh there are a few of them aren't there uh right let me just use vision can you use hitman vision yeah oh there we go okay now we know how many we're dealing with this level i just used hitman got no idea where i am so it's fine i'm just gonna save i'm just gonna save it okay right now you should be able to like chisel off a big icicle and murder them with icicles yeah i should say dramatically appropriate oh i can go the other way they won't be expecting trains have two sides look at this you are being hunted i am the knight and you're no they've all left they've all left they're all bored and they've all i mean they've left to further up the train which is the way you're going yeah but i've got more ammo now haven't i yeah oh dear here they are they came back there's more of them oh he's got a helmet that's cheating all right what's going on with a rusty old nail don't stab them with just shoot them all right oh is that grenade throwing grenades at you it's just who's shooting at me now everyone everybody andy what's the rusty nail for i don't know i genuinely don't know maybe you're picking a lock or something like another all right they've all come this way so go down the other end and run out yeah all right all right let me know they're off they're off they're off i feed off the chaos providence is best and brightest well he's not in the train i just don't know where else he could be yeah yeah fell off the train having a nice stream in a all right he's on his own should i go get him i mean you better in for a penny and all that yeah all right can you just like push him off the train that would be nice that would be fun punch him yeah there you go he's going to fall off the train he's suspended between the two flaps he's going to get all ground up in the wheels should i drag him that'd be a horrifying place to wake up because you would only have a second or two before you fell under the wheels oh oh i'll leave him remember to reload your gun oh yeah before you try it start trying to shoot anyone yeah getting your mother back up punch him all right i'm gonna explain this in the fiction of the game by saying 47 is still still coming around from the effects of all those sedatives yeah and he's angry they had to give him so many tranquilizers and so his aim is decision he's operating at not not his best you've got all the guns though good fiction all of these guns are gonna dress as one of these these providence guys yeah get in a less compromised outfit i'm already wearing that you are already oh it's the same one okay what about the guy with the helmet though that was a different disguise oh yeah and it has a helmet as well doesn't it which is probably useful that's not a helmet okay not a helmet i feel like he was an elite guard yeah and i'm elite so i deserve an elite outfit providence elite guard yes yes resistant to headshots no doubt yeah and also you're not compromised anymore is that guy alive no he'd have a little um circle over his head if he was that's true little sleepy circles look like a buffering little buffering cool well we've dealt with all the guards on the train i assume so uh oh it is you can pick it with a do you want to go in there though because that's going to break what's what have they got what's in there you've hit my vision anything highlighted any outlines not really no oh really there's something on the chair it's a shotgun well you want that yeah i do of course i do yeah there's a trees anyone in here hitman vision like it's a little comfier this far up the train yeah we're going through the we're going through the classes i think okay so this is like a like um a proper train it's not just like an evil lair turned into a train i think it must have been yeah it might be like a repurposed train a train turned into an evil layer it'll be an old russian military train won't it or something oh we're going back outside now oh and they're also transporting big old pipes yeah and logs it can be two logs and timber they're gonna build evidence just got handed everything the providence is like may as well pick up a bit of a bit of walking around money yeah if you're an evil genius yeah where is there anyone around i'm just imagining the beautiful stealth run you could do on this they won't even know you're on board look how miles away the target is how long is this train it's a long train you've got to keep going what's this dark souls door where does it go what's in there though secrets i bet you drop in from above on the wall yeah you probably have to climb outside of the train and then up onto the roof right who why don't we try that go out go out the window try and get up on the roof open the dark souls door uh if there's an open window anymore are there any open windows maybe you have to go much further down the train and then retrace your steps or something it's probably like a doubling back thing isn't it yeah okay never mind no not right now right room full of guards what's the plan there's only one tell me mike you only have one plan none of them are notices one of them is one of them's notice here but we're late he's turning around he's turning around he's literally turning around look at him escape escape i'm running i'm getting out of here escape i'm escaping he's looking out the window you can walk straight past him just walk past him all right i'm walking he's looking at birds or something oh is this what it feels like to play i don't like a cupcake wait cupcakes there's a cupcake he's going to turn around he's turning around right all right leave the cupcakes i'll get the cupcake later it's a muffin much worse where are we still on a train is there something better than a shotgun in there ah so you can open that now and turn off the power whoa there's no coming right this way yep the doors you're stuck i'm stuck in the door oh yikesy right now turn off the yeah turn off the fuse box see what that does okay and then it'll be all dark and then maybe someone will come and investigate you want me to hide in the cupboard yeah i guess so i don't think it will well then what's the soap for i think you can throw it on the floor and they'll slip on it oh that's amazing i should have done this should have like put on the floor oh well he's coming now we'll use it later i did biff him with the soap never mind no i did knock him out okay so it's a bit harder than fruit so the fuse box still off are they gonna just keep coming to try and turn it off until uh no i don't think so it'll let you know if there's someone's gonna investigate my abstraction i'll pop this guy in here anyway was that that wasn't a notice today was it that was just a regular grunt wasn't it yeah but you're still thinking there's a couple of chill guys in here who don't mind you being there but you can go on the outside again wow perfect not kidding hostile area yeah where are we we're in the carpathians mountains like the dracula mountains haha presumably oh nice that worked really well he's fine you fell in some snow they'll bring you back like the winter soldier do you reckon that guy's going to see me if i jump back in nah terrible peripheral vision yeah um but yeah we're probably somewhere between the czech republic and romania so okay real dracula coming to the country maybe that's what we're racing to dracula's castle yeah because maybe that's what he wants to see give him the super serum yeah and make a super dracula maybe yeah maybe the constant is like a renfield to dracula it's like i'll get you your super okay i love this fictional layer uh you're i can't help but notice you're like not going through the drinking car wait i'm going to be i'm going to be getting into the car in a moment are they the booze car are they reclining by the bar can i get behind i bet there's some good wines or something some good vintages romania there you go romania romania we're on a loop from zagreb to it why are we looping why are we because we've got to constantly be in motion otherwise the the cops will get us oh it's an illegal surgery train well it's in motion it's a loophole let's do it that's why they call it a loophole yeah there are a lot of guards in here aren't there all right now let's do us let's make someone slip over on something like a soap trap okay so if you put soap on the floor if you uh use the two shoulder oh all right oh it broke oh no it broke yeah you have to play it you have to place it or throw it rubbish he's going to check it out now maybe he'll slip on it it would be quite hard to do a stealth run of this yeah yeah there's a lot that's that's why it's a fun challenge so he's a sticky but what should i do with him nothing oh there's a rusty old nail okay i picked up the refrigerator i do have that and what's interesting there's a notice of right outside yeah yeah i think you can go right immediately i think you'll be okay terrible peripheral vision told you it's a good point and these guys not even bothered love it they love my shotgun right oh are we nearly at the how close the target's still a billion miles away yeah no pisa yeah it just couldn't withstand the the solidity of agent 47's his face completely his granite cheek bones broke it on his cheekbones the iron pipe just shattered at least there's not things that are going to kind of scrub you off the sides of the train that would be quite stressful now you're good you're good what another doctor another dark souls door oh this better end at dracula castle i'm just saying now can i use my shotgun just like once all right as a treat thanks what's that box there oh never mind oh a rusty screwdriver is everything so rusty because they don't want you to just like rusty screwdriver your way through the entire train they don't want me to but i'm gonna try well only if you keep finding screwdrivers i guess but he's just he wants to go he wants to go off oh no oh no no no no no no oh no oh no he wanted him he definitely went under the wheels arguably hidden not well hidden yeah in the snow look out thing on the left yeah got it what is this there are so many signals along this stretch of carpathian mountain rail track come on andy what would you be doing in this circumstance other than shocking speaking behind everyone look yeah there's nothing to hide behind that guy there's an exploding barrel it's pretty straightforward these guys are all pretty heavily armored just so you know i would save there is an exploding barrel jane okay so what can i do if i just attract them to the exploding barrel and then shoot these yeah but you won't you'll only get one like yeah and also you'll be next to the exploding barrel yeah and also there's a noticer in here huh interesting what a what a dilemma well i've got a screwdriver what's that um are these guys you hit man vision for a second do you see hitman vision that's not the exploding box on the crate up ahead right you need a fuel cell for overloading the lights ah that's not the exploding kind of barrel right that's the one that you puncture it with a screwdriver oh so you could make like a fire i guess but that's not gonna get immediately put out all the trainness right well let's just just shake them out one by one oh you can push it oh the screwdriver that's it you're one you screwed over done push him it's fine you could have pushed the other one but not this this is going better than it than it might have yeah oh no oh no now it's shotgun now it's gone they're still alive oh my god they're yeah because they're heavily armored heavily armored shoot them in the armor gaps all right let me get my other gun out oh that's what's that gonna do or just anywhere in their body is fine yep okay i just need to recharge i've gone black and white yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah all the colors gone yeah silent movie 47. but crucially there's an exploding barrel there or a fire yeah there you go he's on fire this is actually horrifying oh [Music] look at this thing be that outfit it's very heavily armored yeah yeah this is good i'm getting more and more that's nice school it's an high school where we're behind the ultimate murder weapon because it melts after you've used it yep jonathan creek will be in here yeah no one will know you were here except for all the corpses you dropped your um i know i'm going to go back and get it once i've once i've iced once you've used this ice cream on someone [Music] right now where is my gun where's the evidence [Laughter] you can't prove what happened wow wow he's not even dead yet he's getting back up oh my god just great just great gun work just great play yeah just incredible how full of bullets is this guy he's wearing armor he's wearing armor do you not get all right oh that's that shotgun's out of ammo you've got two head mounted torches yeah that's how much that's how much torchlight are there anymore probably yeah uh there's a shotgun yeah why there you go all right reload good four more shotgun shells are we nearly there not even immediate dracula's coming billion miles away we're on a bridge though that's quite cool yeah it's cool i mean we're doing a loop so presumably if you take too long on this level you just end up backing around and around yeah what's this all right gun another oh no i wanted to pick up the gun i did not want to get heavily armed here we are at the end of the hitman trilogy another screwdriver wonderful big old rusty tool set oh i could break up in this box with my crowbar that i just got in there what's in this mystery box anything good grenades apparently oh this'll be useful oh dear oh no hmm what to do double flashlight scary dudes i'm a double flashlight scary dude as well though well then but then i would how are they all notices like how are you supposed to be able to see when i've got two shiny lights on my face what my face looks like how am i supposed to deal with all those guards what if you you go out and sneak around the other side of this guy yeah see how many you can sneak around yeah yeah yeah you can sneak around and then at least if you're in the right direction because that guy's not a noticer these two so get behind this guy and now can i sneak through yeah yes yes sneakers okay you know what i'm just i'm just running run i'm just running running running running they can't climb they've got too much equipment on surely sure okay there you go that'll work through and now change change change change okay get a suit on i've still got a big shotgun that's fine you can drive that where's my there we go there we go right i've dropped it okay okay okay good everyone breathe it's fine i'm breathing i'm bringing vine it's fine and that guy's not even noticing it and also hang on he's got a he's got a sound okay so you can you yeah pick up your smg you're allowed but it says something it says i'm not allowed or maybe you're not allowed well pick it up and see if he becomes a noticer uh okay uh should i use hitman vision remember that's a useful tool yeah he becomes a noticeable all right well leave it we don't need it no i don't my hands are registered deadly weapons aren't they exactly what's in here more intel this is all fine oh it's a kind of moving office yep good that'd be cool that was straightforward and i've still got a gun so i feel no one murdered you that time someone's secure uh not a lot of convoluted story opportunities on this level not a lot of any kind of choice really where you dress up as a waiter in the dining car yeah you dress up as an old-timey train conductor we're getting closer please and then you throw them off the train and say no no we're at the front of the train yet we're getting there aren't we we're nearly there look this is like a fancy office we're definitely snow piercing our way yeah we're getting friendly yeah and we made our way through all the security there's no notices here at all really kind of a cool office it's like train force one okay we are really close to it yeah we're getting oh i can attach the train car well bye see you later well it's just me and my victims now yeah well you're on a loop though so eventually you will meet that training card coming the other way right guys what do i do what do i do i like the idea that all the um all the angry shotgun men were still chasing you and they're all shaking their fists angry uh okay so this is uh the boardroom executive car yeah getting swish look at this carpet look at that carpet pile yeah that's the good stuff wait is that oh is that him that's him there's your target finally we made it what's the plan mike what are we gonna use flashbang him nail in his face yikes okay i like that as a plan let's give it a whirl if the nail won't work we'll use a screwdriver okay okay yeah fine there's probably going to be a cutscene you probably can't kill him without a cut scene where he explains his evil plan surely all right guys are you ready yeah your door needs to be open you can't throw a flashlight through an empty pocket you can't bounce it off i knew you should have posted a guard like on your door yeah yeah i'm unimpressed with your security i'm not miss burnwood she's the other person just set the flashbang on the desk yeah i can't believe it's not going to let me kill him in my own union oh no there's a second 47 down the corridor no i'm pretty sure it's the second 47. it's another clone you have to fight him fight your clone self wait what's this serum is this the serum that makes everyone into a 47. it's the captain america what does it what 47 uses it it becomes that it becomes double 47. that's what we've seen there's 247s right he becomes 94. yeah rusty no rush should i throw the hash bang flashbang rusty nails should i throw the serum out of my i can't throw the but i can with a rusty screwdriver oh yeah i guess you can there we go oh no wow wow that was mission completely well you smashed the mirror too yeah wow can i put a suit on now oh oh that's it that's your ica black lily gun oh and my fiber wire and my suit must be in here as well oh it's your parker your agent parker yeah yeah but wait for now to get that parachute off the yeah get the briefcase oh do i pick it up i don't know do you it's not it's not oh yeah i do yeah and now i have the chance later diana's like so did you bring me no no i left it on the train but you wouldn't let me um oh diana you're gonna laugh you wouldn't let me use this to kill him i guess presumably because he would have turned into because he would have turned into 1847. here we go oh you're just going to pull the emergency brake yeah well you're on a bridge yeah now what oh now you're going to parachute off the bridge yeah then you're gonna yeah do a dive shooting star press off hmm oh what a lovely sunrise all right off to dracula's castle deliver him the serum to golden eye bungee jump off the dam that looks like a long walk to wherever he's going that's why it will be a while until we see another hitman game he's walking back from should have waited to pull the brake on that train yeah wait until he got near a town maybe oh look a cutscene what's become of diana bonewood she's the leader now she's the leader of providence hmm she's cleaning all the records there she is i won the little pin okay now she gets a visit from a sinister guest oh is this that do you remember the trailer for hitman three wait no i'm thinking of a different trailer you know [Laughter] it's been a long walk age seven okay we've tracked down to her cabin yeah i'm agent 94 now the best damn oh no he garrotted the past with fiber where this is ah this is her skyfall lovely okay and then yeah he's going to ski down the ski slope and he's going to jump up and out and he's going to pull a parachute and it will have his face on it his face i'll choose this path because i can what path there will always be people like that so there will always be people like us right is he talking into his it looks like he's talking into a gun there but it's just it's just a big phone he's talking to his gun yeah you may be my only friend oh so no no diana 47 reunion there no no no even any smooches look at that complete it well there you go hitman three it's done should we see what the score was yeah yeah how many stars for mike all of them well you did do that yeah and match some buttons sure you did i dressed up oh no here we go i got quite a few spraying sleigh got my boom stick yeah loads of xp definitely not bad not bad two stars two stars not bad and the rank of henchman yeah you're right i absolutely am a henchman yeah all right well thank you for joining us on this hitman three three ways to play journey this was just a one way to play because it's a bit of a linear level but um yeah we thought you'd want to experience the final mission along with us so thanks for watching everyone do like and subscribe for more of this sort of thing from outside xbox there will be more hitman as the uh escalations and uh targets roll in so this is not the end for us don't worry there's still more hitman to come
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 107,443
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, Hitman 3, untouchable, carpathian mountains, constant, final, level, mission, last, ending, diana, agent 47, train
Id: xTBNjWpNX24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 23 2021
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