Hitman 2: Isle of Sgail 3 Ways to Play! (Knight Armor, Iron Maiden, Ancient Necklace) Ep. 1/2

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hello everyone and welcome back to outside Xbox is three ways to play hitman two you join us here on the Isle of scale in the beautiful North Atlantic where the secretive Ark Society is holding their annual get-together for paranoid millionaires who think the world's going to end we're here to kill two targets the Society's new leaders twin sisters Sophia and Zoe Washington and specifically not to kill the constant because he's got some vital info we need so two red ones over there on the Left those the Washington's and up there at the top the blue guy that is Constance but first off we should probably head inside and get a drink because it looks really cold out here I've packed my briefcase you know my party briefcase my party mask on and he's the master of ceremonies I guess there's a big party here look at glass cube oh it's not a sex thing is it looking at that guy's robes I can't want to wear that and said if that's if that's okay that's cool with you guys I'm basically clothes shopping at this point I'll have that coat away okay I just kind of feel like that robe will get me more access than just my cool tuxedo nice it is it is then I don't worry I will come back for it at the end but feel like as soon as these guys f off I'm gonna isolate this guy and take his is cool it is cool robes for the pattern the detailing the Cromie edging if you wouldn't mind just investigating this dark corner where no one's looking yeah sound like a good idea great great great great then I can pop this on and sir what are you the Grand Poobah the high sorcerer of the secret whatever whatever it is yes Zoe Washington I supposed to be killing her I mean ignore what I just said let's do a cheeky Brit Club and see if we can get that coat off him yeah that coat is mine Aiko is so mine get subdued give me that coat give me that coat sweet in we go easy breezy ma'am this is the easiest party I've ever gotten into check it out there's a the Stargate on stage and a grand piano no dry ice it's my kind of party let's just pop him a little bit further out view in the shadows great got myself a cool coat and I assume in addition to being a cool coat it will get me some places I wasn't able to get to you before okay hey everyone it's me a high-ranking member of the arc society you can tell because they logo behind the bar is on the back of my robes so as you can see I should at least get free drinks right let's find out it's amazing someone's holding a party in dark souls this is very very cool lovely free wine what's that Diana murders oh yeah you're right fine fine let's find some sort of elaborate way to murder these people then targets nowhere to be seen it is a very bit older they are no wait there they are hmm they're very far away we stopped for a quick drink Alissa for wine just minesweeping is 47 drinking everyone else's remnants employees right not allowed back there fine duly noted what about up here this looks like this is the upper courtyard presumably get my bearings this is so Dark Souls so this opportunity suggests I go and disguise myself as them an initiative presumably some sort of robes let's go and see what's going on over there Phoenix symbolizes the collapse of civilization from which the arc society emerges unscathed cool thanks exposition guy I get it interesting Zoe Washington is going to partake in a ceremony mmm symbolizing the downfall of civilization from which the arc society will emerge unscathed apparently a giant Phoenix shaped effigy is set on fire with Zoe inside it well huh I suggest you locate this master of ceremonies who lights the fire 47 if this doesn't sound like an accident waiting to happen I don't know what does oh man like I'm gonna wick a man one of the Washington twins no no way that sounds we must bit grim even for 47 burning someone alive let's do something else Wow okay it sound like a giant Wicker Man type thing okay some sort of giant metal tree and a huge crowd of people several of whom ax notices so not ideal I would say under the circumstances even though I am dressed in these robes other know people in the arc society with perfectly bald heads is that what it is I find that hard to believe feels like 90% of old men have perfectly bald heads probably what I can do is lure someone into that set it on fire and then you know irony but a lot of witnesses they might see a body could impact my final score so let's keep that one in the back pockets and assuming this rope has pockets and maybe come back to it put a pin in that one see if we can find something a bit more elegant who's this person here what it they're wearing socks suspenders definitely definitely a sex thing geez so Game of Thrones am i know not allowed to get a closer look just as well I don't to burn anyone alive anyway calmly we've just been spotted thank you oh my gosh what is happening there are so many notices here I've got the coat leave me alone I've got the count oh my gosh even the security camera can tell Oh what this coat is nowhere near as good as I thought it would be right what's around here alright I think I won I feel like I want those robes so if I can just distract him over here gon have a fiddle with the sound box you're a qualified sound engineer on you take a look Oh fine do it again there we go this time this time for sure come and check it out here he comes alright those roads are gonna be mine you mark my words Oh Jack thanks briefcase I knew if I brought my party briefcase for a reason okay I'll just pop you in this chest get on your get on your robes Oh Ark member Neville I think that's better than initiate so I'm climbing the secret society hierarchy fast okay so we're sort of general Ark Society interior bits at the moments gonna try and find a way deeper into the castle because I'm not actually allowed many places dressed like this okay there's no guards down here there is a member of the serving staff who is a no sir so okay just wait for her to finish this phone call then we can knock her out and then we got a free run into a different part of the castle sorry about this kind of you looking at things you understand hitman business I'm behind the velvet rope guys I'm being waved into the secret VIP area yeah VIP lounge how about that now who will stop me oh that guy might stop me he's got he's got blue ropes on he's even fancier than I so what's going on up here on the VIP battlements okay they've got gas eaters so let's just earmark that idea for possibly blowing up later and there's a open bar hmm Premium open bar and then into the castle what's this I was kind of a gallery of the Society's ill-gotten relics it's the screen by édouard monk can I blend in yes yes I like it it's very good captures the essence of the human condition just working cool okay so what's up here door yeah it's a legal action pressing that button but I don't think anyone's around to see it so here goes nothing that is very cool and also no one saw so we're good we're good I'm gonna crypt lovely over there sticking to the theme here very nice brushwork omission story hang on okay oh oh oh my target one of my targets that she isn't of the arc society professional treasure hunter and Providence operative there she goes okay there's there's one of the Washington sisters heading off in that white dress and meanwhile this necklace tell me about it I Anna the arc society collects priceless art and historical artifacts in case of a global disaster and this year world-famous get it it's a reference to the arc societies growing collection however Blake fears that Sofia Washington his former lover and rival who has hunted the cloud serpent for years will attempt to steal it for herself before it goes into storage and drama okay look that man looks identical to me he's identical how can anyone notice me look can I sit down next to him Oh No I've just picked up a new spirit I'm like I'm about to bathroom over the head of the newspaper that wasn't my intention what I wanted to do was sit down and read the newspaper next him look oh he doesn't he's got a bit of like acne or something maybe but if that's the difference I mean come on Deary me just drop this newspaper don't pick it up I guess then not allowed to drop it anymore a fine summer to throw it away put it in him there's a wastepaper bin wasn't that pop in there there we go it's in the bin and I guess this huge box is attached to the alarm system that is Sofia Washington chairwoman of the arc society professional weight severe just walks fast man I'm bad at my job I'm really bad at my job I feel like I need one of these like guard outfits with a little little cape the one that only goes up to your belly button he looks like a treasure hunter and don't you think that might be him let's see you tell him a little way so mr. Nathan Drake Nathaniel Washington what's your name bleep Nathaniel that's the one amazing is that no no no I don't think that's no unorder it's a very convincing sound alike it's very Nathan Drake you okay I feel like I'm gonna have a better time getting around if I'm dressed as a security guard so while these two aren't looking at each other I'm gonna take them out so I get their outfit and bonus two fewer guards to look at me scissors that's gonna be useful now I've got a newspaper stuff down my trousers cuz I can't put it in a waste paper bin I'm thinking turn on the vacuum cleaner this guy's going to come in and investigate come on buddy that Henry Hoover is going ballistic someone better get in here and sort it out right wait that towards a shot shut Watto shut there we get our stuff scissors to the head disguises staff there we go grab the scissors just in case oh my god come on come on get in get in that way right I've had enough of this it's going over the end apparently everyone wants people to litter around here okay very fetching 47 now can we get around the edge of the wall maybe or climb up here can we clone here we can climb up here okay fine okay there is quite a few guards am I just hang out here for a moment and see if any of them move you've already been clear a move somewhere where they aren't looking directly at me ideally hitman effect if you could no okay yeah join join the party why not I've got infinite grip strength is fine oh here we go so this is Sofia that's the other one she's sort of in a purple suit and there's the necklace down there mmm-hmm you know what they're not looking directly at me I'm just I'm gonna go for it and like a maintenance worker I guess I'm not gonna let him around with the generator I'm gonna throw a coin because I feel like I'll be on the wrong side of him if he comes around oh and he's not even known for the coin although his mate has turned round he's got you know what I'm just gonna I'm just gonna go for it I'm gonna go for it death or glory not my death this guy Jeff but someone's death or glory okay drag drag drag drag drag drag first again 47 first account plus again plus again first again no one said I can't believe no one saw that well I don't even know where he went he's got how did I get away with that I don't have got away with that but I will take it and I will also take this custodian outfit my robes aren't the right color to get me upstairs apparently but there's always another way if I know hit man can hit man my way around yeah this this is drainpipe why not have to leave my party briefcase behind sacrifices you know why trespassing a disaster and oh oh dear this is and then disguise oh yes oh very good I look like the fifth member of kiss hey custodian here just heading up says someone got sick real sick big old puke fest so clear that up all the day's work some sort of museum maybe art gallery that's all going on here on scale what's in here oh it's some sort of wake for oh I think it's for Janus the guy I killed in the last mission yeah well that it's either Janus or Karl Lagerfeld I'm gonna go with Janus but yeah did he hear what happens to tragic really it was an accident and a screwdriver accidentally got jammed into his throat by some amazing hitman hitman accident anyway by the things I do Diana like dangling off this ledge by my fingertips look at the Hat bet there's something important over there I mean they're better because this is quite a lot of effort I don't have a key maybe he dropped a key surely he dropped yes yes yes that's that's what I need what's this hide is an armored Knight well now I have to become an armored Knight how do I do this how do I do this ah okay Oh are the people here wow it should probably have checked that before I went in so I think I'm gonna have to shoot these two guys and that security camera all in one go which is gonna be a bit difficult but I really need a new outfit so I can get further up into the into the castle I want free run of the place basically so here we go I brought my dress pistol it's the shiny chrome one because you know special occasion so right I'm gonna go camera and then left guy and then right guy okay camera let's go right guy there we go Wow Wow that worked really well man I've become way more efficient in this game than I expected okay cool man flash grenade sweet weight Raider are these guys supposed to be in here I think they're loud I think they're loud I'm also probably allowed to have a tactical bartoli so why not should probably put these people somewhere and then I think I saw a keycard yes yes this is good this is good stuff no do I want the butter I'll take the Bartoli and I might as well destroy the evidence as well not that it makes any difference to the awful score I always get but you know it makes Andy feel better oh boy hello wow wow it's a good job I move those bodies okay there's some sort of shadowy council meeting going on here jebediah block coal man all right cool I reckon I need to dress up a sister EVER dialog while I was hoping to get over there and talk to gemini block is that all right wait here I'll be right back in a more convincing disguise I'm thinking those guys in the robes what about in here gonna be something worth having through here whoa oh that's a lot of notices okay what can I do what can I get what can I steal me see let me think okay I'm out on the balcony again oh no oh no did son see me oh I think some oh maybe they saw me on the security camera okay this hooded guy I think I can lure him out here maybe it's maybe I'd be better off in his clothes just I just ding a coin in the corner over there maybe did he you uh I think he heard that it looks like he had it as an exclamation point and everything no ah no I guess I guess a coin just isn't interesting enough Oh unless this lady the hole when the creepy mask is coming out no no one cares about my coins fine well I'll keep them then I like coins even if you people don't like coins ha let's go oh oh no oh wow oh wow ok fine I guess delayed reaction there is just um close one oh well thank goodness the privacy on this little balcony here let's take his uh let's take his head while we're at it let's get get that blue cape on 47 see whether this does us any good through here you know make face alright Wow okay so I need one of those I'd like I said I need one of those little cloaks so I can definitely get one of those here surely push whoops Oh an accident a terrible accident right and now this guy I will have your outfit please thank you very much it was always gonna come down to one of those little cloaks what a look what an absolute look so fashion forward okay let's put the robes on oh okay that's three on the back of this so it's like a level three Ark Society member it's like yeah ascended so that sounds something that sounds pretty good right oh if it was interested by the way the recipe for the Dragons flame cocktail which was specifically designed to annoy me if I think invest to developers is right here so if you wanna mix that I wouldn't recommend it it's right there another drainpipe yeah here we go this is the good stuff yes we're getting so close to the cube I must see what is inside the cube okay he still won't let me in even though I'm a level three major ie or whatever so I reckon one of the security guards who are up there can probably go there come on Danny come well that's on yourself mate if you just let me through you wouldn't be about to be beamed in the head with whatever got gold idol there we go you wouldn't be about to be beaned in the head with a gold Idol really you have no one to blame but yourself you coming oh he's already picking out a hand there we go hold still anyway like I said your own fault blough right let's think about this Nexus deal smash and grab smash and grab turn the alarm off first surely turn the alarm off while no one's looking Ellie anyone's looking that God's gonna go and investigate and uh I can coin some more people out of the way through the fire alarm maybe oh there's the Washington ELISA - let's hit the fire alarm oh man she's freaking out I'm not even gonna murder you yet for a short while okay now the fire alarms going so everyone should evacuate if they know what's good for them because there might be a fire oh that's quite a lot of armed guards coming in as well they and so we're looking at me but looking at me don't look at me hi partners paddle okay all right maybe we smash this yes yes jewelry case okay now we can put this on and then I think just wander around that rooftop over there where jebadiah blocks hanging yeah it's all part of the plan to become jebediah block and then and they kill her somehow I've got this key card have an eye so let's go in here vintage gramophone God who I probably should have checked about before I came storming through but their mind here we go oh wow oh it's the cube I've made it since the cube and this okay what have we got going on up here we have one noticing guards and whoa he's on it he's on it got jebediah block there in the fancy robes and two two other guys that's the notes to take care of and helpfully he's collapsed behind a low wall where no one can see him so good thank you very helpful which means I think I'm cool with the other two and jebediah himself right this would be brilliant if it weren't for that notice agai I've got to get in one of it it's so dark Souls it's so amazingly dark Souls like that guy is really just guarding the stairwell I mean I suppose that's what he's paid to do isn't it I saw Anita around the other side the other problems that grew up glass cube is that everyone can see into it now these guys would just calm the heck down come on just relax you were too hard take a break I said take a break all right here we go it's my chance grab it yes yes Danna you were very kind but don't patronize me the idea that that was a smooth cat thievery regular Ocean's eleven Diana I'd probably be okay to knock this guy out he's not forgive him but I just I'd feel more comfortable if he were standing over there so that's just way come around this way I mean know that it's a problem because I'm a security guard like you are fine I'll go around this way then I pretty sure no one's looking this way so if he just turns around I can knock him out like so there we go knock his friend now over here with the binoculars nice and stealthy and then jebediah block get my daughter back of the head as well beautiful all right now to become jebediah block Coleman who is dress Wow like Skeletor going to an award ceremony for some reason oh and we've got a second face on the back of our head a second face that looks actually quite a lot like 47 which so possibly not the best disguise as fine no one would expect me to have a version of my own face on the back of my head why would anyone do that you my friend are causing problems I don't like it at all that guy's looking in that guy so I can't just kill this guy because this guy's looking at him I can't kill that guy because that dies looking at him they've really thought this through who knew it was so difficult go for a sprint game for a run going for a hide behind here well I don't think I'm in a better position now but I am closer to the suit of armor so alright I've come up with a new plan and it involves shooting both them in the head so let's go calling out to get that guy over there to investigate yeah off you go get the old pistol out no scissors let's go for guns to clothes for scissors switching to guns right there's one and come on tube there we go right now can I be the armored guy yes so good oh whoa I better just stay here until they calm down and he's all upset because the necklace is missing and he's like I know who stole it it was my no-good ex-girlfriend what's her name Washington the gods are only just catching on that the necklace isn't there everyone else is still enjoying the art I think when yeah my next objective is to actually become Blake Nathaniel which is gonna be easier when he isolates himself after he's finished doing this bit of story so off you trot mr. Nathaniel I need your Safari jacket how come he does enough to wear a robe all right now if you could just walk somewhere a bit less crowded but more isolated oh he's having a text rail with his ex-girlfriend classic anyone around anyone looking barely anyone looking hardly anyone looking at all yeah while we're on this there we go tape I'm just gonna take this opportunity while we're on the staircase go quick quick quick get on that Safari suit and yeah like it I guess pick up this stuff I mean if I was feeling fancy I'd hide the body but I do want to get discovered dragging your body around on the stairs now do I also there's more you hiding wasn't like a convenient antique chest around here for me to stick his body in no way through there or is there I bought a lot pick I'm a genius oh no here come here come on guards oh no they're gonna go upstairs 47 47 they're gonna go upstairs they're gonna find the body oh no too late too late body found okay I I wasn't expecting to actually really do any hiding in this but um yeah I'm just have to stand here like it like a suit of armor for a long time this is so Dark Souls I love it I absolutely love it [Music] back to smoking and joking two of your colleagues are lying dead here what does that big circle mean what does that big circle mean I've never seen that big circle before my life oh I can get a medieval weapon as well oh is that broadsword tell me I can have that broadsword all right same jebediah block have a call man I drink your milkshake hey you want to talk to me jebediah blocks business man is this business business all about coal black gold they call it get it out of the ground it's due consideration coal is bad like to support yep so maybe we could go and talk about this somewhere more private sound good yeah let's go Cole Cole Cole business business business that looks a lot like 40 saintly come on just looks like 47 he's walking backwards dude just moon walking around this party right stop hiding Clank Clank Clank Clank Clank yes oh my god I'm in Dark Souls in hitman it's brilliant like blank blank blank blank uh I feel like I should be able to do roles and stuff blending is jebediah block I am definitely 100% not jebediah block council chamber council meeting time to take my seats which I know where it is because I'm jebediah block there if I mentioned I love Cole Cole Cole Cole this one yes one there we go just sitting down normally as there's no one let's reiterate for decades you that's me jebediah block aka Skeletor on a date let's get this all goes to the Opera oh geez no no oh oh hey there's a target that's not the target I'm after with this opportunity though I need the other one and he Sofia Washington hmm where she she's up higher she's up on the floor above me which means I'm gonna need to take the stairs coming through scuse me gentlemen Oh nobody oh don't look at me oh man I've got to kill at least one if not two of those sisters with the broadsword can I throw it does it is it a throwable oh it's a throwable oh my gosh all right now I'm gonna go back and hide hide [Laughter] picked in the first in the purple suits and I am looking uncannily like Blake Nathanael hey hey hey hey so much history and drama feel bad about it let's go talk about it somewhere secluded preferably soundproof okay good progress my kill count is getting close to what it is in Dark Souls so yeah look at me look right well my only route is through this room I can turn the gramophone on can i yes do that gramophone on hide round the corner and when someone comes to turn it off I can eliminate them eliminate oh through the head through the head probably about the point where you you guys having these masks made up that's probably the point where you think is this an evil Society dump that guy through there oh boy Oh someone else is investigate the distraction Oh when I've left us all there wait my sword my sword I've got my sword it's fine we good right well yeah through the pretend head on the back okay no here just to annoy her so she might take me aside for a stone talking to you somewhere private sounds right jebediah block says nay I really feel like the body-count of this level has gone up considerably since I got the suit of armor I don't think I can get out the window in a suit of armor which sort of makes sense I know forty sevens got excellent upper-body strength but I think hanging from a ledge in a suit of armor would be beyond even him see the Safari suit was the secret go anywhere in Safari see and this level is huge what a party ok ok passed the bar plus the little domed cities he's that running over there oh is that the kids Blake and Nathaniel Oh see oh he's pretty he's got a spare Safari see pop back on wasn't well good no harm no foul okay so this is his office I reckon and oh just the six guards is it real convenient I just drop my broadsword oh boy I did I did oh no so I can't throw a coin while holding a broadsword I mean that sort of makes sense I suppose that went well considering okay my insistence on playing this like Dark Souls is causing me some real problems I've got to admit yeah you heard what are you gonna do take me aside and give me a stern talking-to you somewhere private I'd like to see you do that neh-neh-neh-neh-neh-neh-neh that's right he does super neighs yeah what were you doing upstairs yes my god perfect all right let's go it's quite gonna pop through this doorway outside good okay oh no I can't do anything out here I can't even crouch well you asked for that I'm sorry hey there's that necklace I Nix okay now what's the plan 47 shoot everyone in the room oh no she's gonna get rid of them whoo good good job I've got a plan which is basically like I think Sofia comes up here anyway so what I'm gonna do is I'm just gonna sprint in and darksouls her to death with my broadsword and then I'm gonna go and grab a different outfits there's one just to the left in the little balcony next to this room because it's just a bit too hard to get around in this suit this is nice nice mix of medieval architecture and a big glass cube coffee table oh I do man I should be sit down anyway what was the thing if terrestrial cold goes under Oh cold sorry listen I've got a lot of very interesting ideas about coal but you know I don't I don't want the security to hear what I've got to say so maybe if you sent those guys out I can tell you these great ideas I have the coal here she comes she's coming up the stairs so I'm just gonna run in and oh my god oh okay that wasn't quite how I had planned it but let me grab that broadsword anyway I was gonna be messy right let's continue to talk about our shared history for at least another 60 seconds until we're alone properly alone there we go yours closed okay fine all right so what are we gonna do nothing it real quick oh nice Oh very poetic 47 gratin with an ancient Aztec necklace how that's nasty okay good where is she where's she gone she's here right here we go Dark Soul ah death by Dark Souls BAM praise the Sun gentlemen please give me in mr. block a moment oh my god she's actually dismissing the guards this is perfect okay oh my god just put a face in it Iron Maiden really if you're gonna go and stand basically inside and I made it you kind of have to expect for this to happen what all right target down body hidden weird mask on still I think that went pretty well what opportunity complete there she goes up severe and if I just I just drop her out of the window into the sea no it'll be a either wiser so let's just uh lift you out of there down we go oh no oh no oh no oh no that wasn't the sea at all that was just like a courtyard or something so that's a body found oh dear should have checked below the window never mind hey cuz I'm like fifty percent there that's one of two twins let's get out of here nice let's get my disguise on event staff there is no way that suit of armor is fitting inside that little laundry bag no chance my friends oh what's that flashing oh hello trigger remote trigger switch for what kill switch for what I bet this would make the constant come quite a constant Wow okay good there hang on to that for later okay now I just need to find well well find a way to kill her you know what it you didn't hear that but I need to find a way to kill her that is spectacular and non suspicious [Music] oh oh yeah sometimes you just got to think what would Mike do Mike would take the propane flasks no Zoey come back come back you've got a job to do and that job is to be on fire man this is why I shouldn't try story missions all right time to get this burial outfit on okay this is worse worse somehow the skull is on the back this time and got a kind of loosened old man face what is the matter with the society seriously all right well I'm all dressed up let's find a funeral Scottie
Channel: outsidexbox
Views: 325,161
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: outsidexbox, andy farrant, jane douglas, mike channell, hitman 2 gameplay, let's play, outsidexbox hitman, hitman outside xbox, funny, accident, disguise, hitman 2, constant, silent assassin, xbox one, story mission, isle of sgail, the ark society, hitman 2 sgail, hitman 2 isle of sgail, hitman 2 ark society, zoe washington, sophia washington, iron maiden, jebediah block, armor, armour, blake nathaniel, necklace, hitman 2 final mission, three ways to play, hitman 2 knight armor
Id: xsTBcgpl9ak
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 37sec (2677 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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