High School Teacher Reacts to Students Being Smart A**es [Part 2]

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[Music] [Music] hey youtube i'm mr terry i'm a high school history teacher and welcome back to another history teacher reacts video all right a week ago i posted a video reacting to these different memes and stories of kids being smart asses in school and you guys definitely loved it because i got a ton of views and when i see that that tells me that you want to see more of it and i've got another collection for you too so this is students being smart asses part two all right the original video link is down below you can see this collection for yourself you'll see some other links to some other fun stuff too my gaming channel fun history merch and stuff like that too but let's go ahead and get to this all right chicken dog like the video and subscribe right now and chicken doggo will not get his revenge on you for eating his brethren i'm a sharp key signature on the music we line one more than three and my fifth tone is hey what is over my hair name me yes use a tape diagram to ex so in the first video i was trying to do a rating system of thumbs up and sideways and then thumbs down we'll give it that that was pretty lazy i'm not going to lie that was pretty lazy thumb down express the word problem that you are provided below show will work a kennel has 75 dogs in total some are puppies and some are adult dogs the ratio pup is two adult dogs in a kennel is one to four how many adult dogs are there every where are you from my mom me why is it important i was born where are you from this kid this kid learned from a pretty young age apparently how your mother carries you in their stomach and pretty did a pretty good look at this diagram of like the uterus in the inside the mom this is pretty incredible there i'm giving this kid a thumbs up for his anatomically good understanding of how children are born well done buddy 100 years from now i will be 107 years old i hope someday that i will own 100 footballs and 100 bills i never wish to earn 100 ponies or 100 unicorns 100 years from now i hope to be dead really this could just sound like it is 100 from years from now why would you ask that i mean don't kid the kids know i mean i know kids don't have a concept of time like when i told kids in a an program in an elementary school that event i don't know why i did this this was very this is very insensitive we were talking about the solar system and i told the kids that um the sun will eventually pretty much explode and the kids were freaking out and i said no don't worry this is going to be like millions of years from now they had absolutely no concept of time and i had a kid that was crying pretty much the rest of the day i felt horrible about it but i did learn that kids have no concept of time uh back to the thing though i think it's pretty good 100 footballs you got to be able to throw hopefully this kid is maybe this was tom brady now he can throw the balls really well because he had 100 to practice with and i wouldn't want ponies on unicorns hundred of them thumbs up draw at least four pieces of clothing on the model and then write a description of the outfit in spanish you must include atleast from this unit in your description not including colors remember to change the endings on your adjectives roper monitor on it cash fools everything around me cream get the money dollar dollar bills y'all this kid has very much been influenced by uh some of the modern culture let's see what he's got though so he's got a big old blunt um he's got it's this green shirt he's got literally a money necklace and money in his hands this kid i okay so which rapper is this right now let me know in the comments this is a famous rapper today who is this you got a thumbs up my friend draw the arrangement of particles in liquid nitrogen and gaseous nitrogen liquid nitrogen n2 gaseous nitrogen n2 name everything always has to look like a phallic symbol getting lazy that kid training will go man you have a name yes minus one point why is lazy so important the iron is important to make a sword a pickaxe and a complete armor so we can be protect from the mobs at night what are the consequences of dehydration the consequences are we get very tired unhealthy and very weak and probably die ten out of ten that's that's four points the absolutely answered question that wasn't even that wasn't even being edgy thumbs up just for that write a single radical expression oh sweet that's totally gnarly dude kevin has nine stamps that have the image of a boat on them if this is the thirty percent of the total collection of stamps kevin has how many stamps does he have too many stamps lazy idfk language aaron signature mom hey i think my mom should do less of this what yes tell em mom you need help your kids crying out for help in their first grade class well done i hope that worked out scramble the words to make a sentence is pen in goat my a my penis in a goat goat my so what would make this a lot more funny though well first off okay he could do he or she could do this by the way i feel like this is always boys i feel like the boys are the ones this stuff goes over their head one of two things my pen is in a goat i want to see a pen in there i don't see a pen in this goat if that did it it's a full it's a full thumb up or not going to lie though now that i look at it a little bit closer that's an actual sentence using all those words thumbs up i come in pies what do we call the science of classifying living things can't react racism [Music] describe the process of classifying living things racism yes thumbs up what do we call the signs of classical things that's what it is let's label all the races that is a thumbs up well done describe a pieces that could be used to create a simple door minecraft what nerd alert this kid knows more about minecraft doors than actual doors that is a weird question a process that can be used to create a simple door maybe this is this a wood shop class i don't know nevertheless you used it if this could be more practical sideways thumb would you want to swim with the boy in this water circle yes or no why not no explain your answer the bottle looks funny because there's trash in the water exactly correct and he's chubby not very nice who would not want to grade this paper do not touch it's not it fell from my nose i know my mind loves me because she didn't send me to an orphanage happy mother's day yes the low standards of motherhood let's see that kid's gonna be happy in that three points rick castle is never gonna ay give you up b let you down right c make you cry d as you can about how you felt when you made your mistakes describe the time when you made a mistake i downloaded fortnite why didn't you like to go tonight just kidding whoa why don't you like to go to see the foreign movie [Music] well i know that's perfect by the way there was like a chinese homework assignment that like that was in the first video by the way um and it had like it had a whole thing about it was like a letter home if you were a chinese immigrant and i asked people you know like what does it say there was a bunch of you that responded to that with translations that were similar so i know you're doing it right thanks for doing that what does this say let me know down below to center this cell in your field of view you would have to move your microscope in which direction circle one okay right if you switched the objectives and viewed the cells under 400 times magnifications would appear circle one okay again smaller two lasers laws enforced in the south no when okay that's just being dumb that's sometimes you're just dumb it's not funny imagine that you live when is now one time as abraham lincoln what would you say to him or ask him okay prediction don't go to the theater don't see the show i'd tell him not to go to a play ever his treasure [Music] this is like a mix of being dumb like dumb and brilliant at the same time so i'm giving it to you they cancel it out tell about your favorite christmas tradition present perfect i have baked cookies tell about one broken new year's resolution passed i failed to lose weight write one sentence about your favorite novel present i don't have one i read science and history books write about your favorite household chores go present are you really asking that question tell about the job you intend to have when these are all great future i will become an expert in computer science sequel circular ah you go king i will burst into class and comment on mr thomas mustache mr thomas will blush and say thanks yo name six animals which live wait i was hoping mr thomas would have responded with that he'll blush and say thanks i don't know i have to know how this i have to know more about mr thomas specifically in the arctic two polar bears three four seals tom thought the number he squared the number and added the result to the starting number the sum was divided by 6 and then 10 was added what was his final result 15 and tom has too much spare time true true what is an occasion that often reunites family members an event that reunites family members is a tragic accident where everyone dies and they meet in hell touristically because to separate sand and small stones sitsif the dark side has many abilities but separating sand and stone isn't one of them ugly ugly enough is enough to d dang it judy dude judy is hardest okay i have to stand corrected i thought these would all be boys i don't know if judy's a girl but uh nevertheless leave the boy alone he's kind of funky looking featured comment you ever heard of a staff infection everyone puts their hand up except me teacher looks at me intensely asks if i know the answer me if you want to be featured in the next video use hashtag dankness in which battle did napoleon die his last one two didn't where was the declaration of he didn't die in battle he died on iron of saint helena independence signed at the bottom of the page three the ravi river flows in which state liquid state four what is the main reason for these you're just kind of getting lazy though a plus the creativity okay i'll get inside the head of the week directions write as many words with the same pattern you see k truck okay there is no way a teacher actually wrote this teachers are more sensible than this guess what's gonna be in here and i'm gonna look f word name frankie i earn money at home but my dogs and i don't i'm a freeloader that is my dog frankie you wanna see a freeloader this is a freeloader and his name is frankie two plus two equals four i can do math explain how you know both electromagnets have the same strength because they can each pick up three paper clips when the electromagnets are switched off the paper clips fall off one electromagnet and stay attached to the other state which electromagnet has the steel core because it's labeled it is obviously the one on the right the diagram shows plotting compasses on a desk in a thumb up right now that works write out the correct spellings on the dotted lines rasheed accidentally dropped the envelopes all over the floor use darwin theory of natural selection to explain how the elephants drunk it could have had sex with like a giraffe cause they have proper long necks and then their neck jeans could or been passed on to the elephant's trunk jeans therefore giving it a longer trunk there's a giraffe uh proper long necks and then their neck genes could have been passed that's not how it works but i like the creativity hint 20 is two times ten well no kidding sherlock see me at my desk ann says the graph shows one more rainy day than cloudy days is she correct choose yes or no no explain your answer because no crazy what did you learn about earth day that you did not already know oh no might this new information be useful i did not know if day was april 22nd it might be useful in trivia game wayne about life does this story teach no matter what happens it's your own fault if your plans don't work out electronegativity the negative charge of an energy exclusion principle no parrots allowed what is needed to provide electricity to the people you burn living things and get energy from it you monster for the chapter four test the mean golden aviation former smith's class was 5.75 for mr holds class it was 9.25 what does this tell you about the test scores in the two classes smith got some dumb ass children right all right this is a total fake meme though this is miss smith it's typed forced meme if someone actually wrote this thumbs up somebody forced this by typing it on there to make a meme out of nothing that didn't actually happen these have to be legitimate so for that thumbs down some dumb ass children right to complete each sentence use the word bank i got yarn at the bank do you like the bank put your feet on the bank did you bank the drink get a bank to clean up the mess can you bank your fingers i will bank soon i i feel like this kid was being honest with this use the word bank it's very literal i'm giving you a thumbs up because you did it and it seemed like that could happen plus you color outside the line so it's okay yes can you bank your fingers i will banks how do you bank your fingers fill the solutions directions read each of the problems and come up with a solution for each one problems you fell on the playground and scratched your knee solutions get up and deal with it yes yes visited by appreciation doggo this doggo will appreciate you for cleaning his mess but only if you comment it's okay all right which one did you like the best that's that in the first video i want you to get that going in this one what was your favorite one to me they got to have creativity in them and have to be smart in that way but they could also be really funny when um they're just completely oblivious so i guess there's different criteria for this anyway this was funny i can appreciate you know and also not all us teachers have you know something stuck in our behinds okay we can appreciate the humor at least i'm one of those this is fantastic hopefully you liked them and again if you uh want to see more of these we can get more collections going biggest thing to be able to do is just by liking this video it'll tell me that you want to see more of this fun stuff anyway with that the original video link again is below you can check out the original one make sure you're supporting that and with that we'll catch you next time bye [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 141,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, memes
Id: ezLFkftrvTc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 36sec (1116 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 03 2022
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