Family Guy Roasts Every European Country! | History Teacher Reacts

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you all have made it abundantly clear that you want to see more family guy so i got to the compilation that i'm going to check out and this one is family guy roasting all of europe i don't want to waste your time let's start unfortunately there's not a clip from every european country [Music] we'll throw you a bone here collection of videos by the way video this video collection is down below and check it out later all right albania let's go delegates this session of the united nations is hereby convened man this sucks hey podium guy hey i got a problem here excuse me some of us are here to learn no one's talking to you albania is there a problem back there you bet your funny accent there's a problem i'm stuck up here in the nosebleeds i am president albanians are just just just the uh quiet nerdy person in the back of the class is usually those people usually sit in the front of the class though all right albania should i piss off albanians because i heard this let me know if it's true down in the comments albanians are muslim italians is it right all right next one armenia oh my god my old harmonica i'm going to play this really loud tonight don't be armenian genocide please neighbors oh okay hey it looks like a fun party um hey listen it's two in the morning uh when is your five-year-old gonna go to sleep soon very soon you want weird food wrapped in weird leaves yeah look i'm guessing there's some kind of soccer match from your home country going on and i get that i do but uh some of us are trying to sleep and i could almost deal with the noise but it's the cologne all right i can smell it in my bed and i live two houses from here that's how powerful it is okay that's how powerful it is you like it yeah i kind of like it well connie must really mean business like an armenian kid in a candy store more armenians oh no hey little boy can i help you yes i wish to buy business and turn into car wash what the heck belarus is getting into family guy okay this is his favorite belarusian children book called the good night moon of chi you didn't know belarus white russia what that means good night chernobyl moon good night radiation night melted phones in ukraine good night glowing milk for effect night bleeding grandpa's eyes goodnight two-headed cat goodnight nobody okay good night blocks and blocks and blocks of nobody the end next book everybody poops blood not going to bed after that of the chernobyl radioactive monster story man that would make a great one to scare your kids though before bedtime chernobyl in ukraine though but did affect belarus logs right near the border oh my muffins are ready the czech republic you made muffins well it wasn't the muffin fairy or was it go ahead try it peter try yet are muffins a cake dad i think mom's right maybe you should go discuss in the comments well now wait a minute meg let's not be too hasty these are delicious what's the secret ingredient spoojizakum what oh oh oh you thought no no no no spoojizakum it's a sugar substitute from the czech republic that's right spoojizakum drovoshny wow i can use smoking to get out of anything finally i'm above the law denmark's 19th century ancestor king of denmark griffin more wine more women more i'm having a heart attack is anyone at the table a doctor i am come here hurry run but very far away doctor couldn't make it in time and that's why here in denmark we have very small tables yeah and i served on bigger first years all right we're going baltic states let's go okay he's mad about so if anyone knows a good restaurant in the area sushi or tapas somewhere they're always bringing stuff to the table so you have something to talk about you know hey what's this this looks good for a date by the way that last sentence was about war [Music] peter's a great interpreter all right finland what you got that's the gatekeeper we just show it a key and we get free food yup just keep it simple now if asked we're brothers from sweden same mom different dad well shouldn't it be the same dad different mom no no the swedes have a very long fertility window chris trust me on this remember big accent hey guys fyi breakfast is closing in five minutes yeah yeah we're doing it i'm looking for a pair of half half-brothers with different fathers from finland hello hello hello it's done this is why sweden chris what do you think of finland i'll never doubt you again good now grab a yogurt that's way smaller than you knew they made yogurts i hate that at hotels everything's a tiny version i feel like a fat guy because i'm like oh your cups of orange juice are this big so i need like four of them and everything's yeah just smell the tiny little pastries and stuff come on america at least the ike's taken out i hope you were careful because i swear to god if i find one ike in there i am going straight down it's fine i double checked here's your mics i like that next i want you to fly to france and tell french people that a good-looking depressed guy smoking a cigarette is not a movie [Music] and your sirens sound like gay guys having a threesome [Music] oh i thought paris would be a bit more picturesque oh god it's just traffic and some big guy using a jackhammer but monsieur this is not a jackhammer it is a jacques hammer [Laughter] [Music] oh god germany is there going to be germany's favorite talk show dad what is this show i don't know it's just a german guy listing items and then declaring them good welcome where are we okay sunsets this is good i agree that's just good sauerkraut that is good the autobahn from from the driver audience of the mentally feeble nazis did that with the eugenics program to purify their race god i wish i could get tickets to that show no no no no no peter peter peter [Music] [Music] i don't understand any of that please explain if it's safe for typing greece [Music] parthenon heck yeah apparently the greeks have a bunch of different gods athena is the goddess of wisdom satan is the god of the sea the okay of time yep oh cool what do you do i tell the time and make gift baskets so are you also the god of gift baskets i don't know you tell me rosewood mango candle chronos oh it's like actually like live ancient greece back when the parthenon was arriving by the way people ask me all the time um in my comments and my live streams if i go to any time in history where would i go i would like to go to athens between the persian and peloponnesian wars the supposed golden age of about 50 years see what it was all cracked up to be troy's chocolate has gotten into our peanut butter the people of greece's true butter has gotten all over our chocolate store we might be combined or we could fight to the death guy stop the battle of the grease's peanut butter cup has gone on too long let us agree to disagree huh what a pleasantly de-escalating phrase that i'm just now hearing for the first time yes we will agree to disagree don't do it the war between southerners to greece now let's go call a bunch of jagged rocks a beach oh god european beaches they suck they're all rocky import some sand come on laying down on them walking them it's horrible your water is pristine the mediterranean is amazing let's get some sandy beaches all right make it happen all right ireland i don't want to be he's going to be a drunk joke with my homies now chris it's important you learn about your irish heritage being the life of an irishman oh no domestic abuse no no [Music] this indicates that ireland was a much different place before the discovery of alcohol most experts believe it was something like this you're all super advanced gentlemen today we ireland's top scientists have found a way to convert our entire population to pure energy [Music] [Applause] boy you know i've always wanted to come in here and then when i got here the timing feels right wow all this stuff looks pretty good uh can we get some salami and brian brian let me handle this uh scoozy baba the boopy calzer you're speaking is latvia all right we're going some more baltic states let's go all right class today we're going to be talking about various everything okay it's just a rear end we all have one mine just happens to be a hot brazilian woman's no we're not laughing at you we're laughing at griffin's shoes why what's wrong with them i don't even know what those are what's teslick i'm i'm not sure but my mom says they're very popular with latvian athletes running throwing lifting big things tesleek that's all right with me man your shoes sold separate latvian athletes op oh what's this bear game see latvian [Music] bear scares latvia's number one bear prank show now available in region three dvd holy holy crap they fight me nobody can watch on any of their dvd players now back to my life can i get some latvians to uh perform that last one scares we'll be back after message from state-run industry [Music] is only place to get your shirt don't want that shirt anyway i just thought it might be helpful it's funny but i i have no memory of living with them yeah sort of like chris doesn't remember we stole him from a dutch family what's this now right yeah dutch crazy sounding german sorry dutch it's my favorite thing is coverage yes it's happy to be back home i too am gleeful you are improper your hair is like hay a horse would eat it go into the wood burning oven i love the transparency we miss our stolen son in america do you think he remembers us wooden shoe family other kids stewie lost and he deserves our ridicule hey whoa wait and there was a weird cucumber thing that son of a come back here oh you can do it stewie for sure free your food and together we will bump wieners but it's stuck norwegian mid-level model girlfriends oh just untie your shoe is how oh duh that wouldn't help doesn't change the shape of your feet from this thought bubble hell not for a while i may need you if i run for office hey what's it like buying food from school it's good oh i know everyone back there so they let me drink their corn water and they got the jewish kids great having someone i can talk to i feel the same way chris i think you and i could get along very nicely yeah we'll be a better team than the warsaw globetrotters talking shirt give to my friend spin on finger two rotations dream about window [Music] oh yep there's world war ii for you you're going fishing again yes well except actually they made a czechoslovakia before poland actually of course i love fishing remember fishing was my not-at-all memorable job for two years now you don't remember my fishing boat you don't remember santos and pasquale not even a little they were like male consuelas it was a mistake making them portuguese though people don't even know what a portuguese is no no that's what i thought we're torturing these words me and my brain huh and we're just getting started family guys now first let me thank you for answering the ad how are these guys what do you feel qualifies you to be an effective babysitter for stewie [Music] that said no portuguese but um no portuguese i'm sorry peter but the government makes the rules i just enforce them oh believe this joe this is like living in russia i might as well just move there you don't want to do that it's dark it's cold and hooking up is just a crapshoot cause of all the big coats all right drop the glue one two [Music] [Laughter] [Music] they'll probably ship me off to siberia i hate it here shut up drink wolf milk and watch russian cartoons oh gosh which russian popular russian cartoon shoe and shoelace shoe and shoelace one is meaningless without the other [Music] peter i can't imagine any scenario where this is gonna be beautiful oh i can i'm a very passionate man haven't you ever seen my spanish soap operas i thought that was ireland [Music] okay boy now [Music] aren't those mexican it's more spain quagmire wha what are you doing here you don't no kids don't be so sure brian i've slept with chicks all over the world who knows i could have kids in their 20s spanish hey you know we should drive up there and you guys can eat for free it's a great idea let's go to harvard oh i don't know you guys we'll be as out of place there as a black guy in sweden they're all watching him black and sipping 80 of success is just showing up the other twenty percent is super loud five-year-old coldplay songs yeah oh gosh who's ready to puke at 5 00 am yeah oh man those people right props to the people getting [Music] oh no the one middle-aged post-gastric bypass guy yep yep yep guys in every class hey props to that guy turning his life around switzerland heck yeah i say brian look three rows down what is that east of switzerland what would tom bosley be doing on a train in switzerland i'm almost certain tom look i don't know well if i yell you have to watch yep that's what you do no it's not him huh we here at channel 5 would like to interview with some highlights of mankind's brief existence like the battle of hastings guys if we win this we get hastings yeah let's do it let's go that is super important that's them taken over england that is the foundation of england right there yeah like oh hastings but that is one of the most influential battles in modern history battle of hastings empire ah i could get used to this you know what this is what i want our empire to be about [Music] osmond bay osmond founder of of the empire that's what he did thanks for the ride and your unsolicited racial theories i'm telling you he's the turks every time merry christmas uber stories let me know in the comments medical she never did confess instead the griffin's muslim neighbor was arrested for the break-in lois said nothing and the man was deported back to turkey [Music] it appears the back brace has corrected the spine very nicely that's wonderful stewie doesn't have to wear the brace anymore what no i can't give this thing up what do you mean you want to keep wearing the brace of course i do it's the best thing that's ever happened to me when i wear this brace i get pampered like the queen of england so i have the most money in the world right yes your majesty great can you make sure my hair looks like it's all tied up in ways [Music] toilet paper is made of money yeah and look at this they even got some of that high-class british porn almost almost all missed there we are well done i don't want to talk about it or school you know margaret we could have sexual intercourse right now yes yes we could but let's not it was awfully nice of our new neighbors to invite us over for dinner i don't know i was going to cleveland's house with someone else living there just seems weird that's like when a new pope moves into the vatican hi i don't know who to complain to about this but i'm still getting xviii's mail yeah no no he's not here anymore this is xxiv yeah no i don't need newsweek no i don't need national geographic i love new york no yeah well hang on to boys life [Music] they saved the based joke i'm learning how to use based kids for the end there all right wrap it up all right ton of history related jokes in there hopefully i was able to add my two cents amazing i did not know that family guy did so many history and stereotypes of so many different countries i mean that was like most of europe holy cow all right guys thanks for watching recently these joke videos i've been trying to find these historical joke videos for some of the great comedic stuff out there and i got plenty more if you haven't seen them yet family guy uh we got simpsons history jokes we've got cyanide and happiness i'll post those up around here as the video is ending you can still get your laugh on with all that if you have other good historical joke compilations be sure to send them my way best place to do that is go to the discord server if you're not on discord yet come on over video suggestions channel is great for that but anywhere you can put it is always useful as well alright with that we'll see you later bye
Channel: Mr. Terry History
Views: 209,029
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: react, history, family guy, jokes
Id: XaS_O7j7WGs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 0sec (1380 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 28 2022
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