Sometimes Even Hikaru Loses

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oh wait knight h4 yes huh ah so it's gabon because chad is north so  it's gotta be gabon right that has to be   right yeah there we go there we go very good oh  oh by the way my game started wait a second i   gotta move um let's go g6 wait sorry my game just  started okay let's get going okay let's go here   let's go off emote yeah let's go off emote yeah  um let's go d6 here yeah let's go here right in   times i need doctor mustache think of twinkie buns  for the four months they need a brutal brutal for   the prime let's go here in castles yeah i've had  i've had way too many african ones so it's like   i've looked at africa a lot lately that's the only  reason i'm i'm suddenly getting them because it's   been forever i mean i i haven't looked like  african history is just ignored in schools   or maybe not ignored but you don't  realize how massive the continent is so let's keep going um and i'm gonna go a6 here i'm gonna do something  a little bit weird because taken i'm gonna go c5 there's bishop c2 i guess i take i mean i have  d5 but this kind of this really flattens the   board but i think it's the right move  so i trade and i take with the knight let's take hit the night tonight three i mean this feels good for me but  i i still have to prove it yes bishop g5 knight   c5 seems logical but it doesn't seem right um i do  this actually i don't like knight f8 but it might   be i think knight f6 and queen b6 must be the  right way to play this like h6 and g5 and i don't   think so though i think knight c5 is the right  move i think i misplayed this just a little bit but we'll see what he does yeah i think 96 was actually a very  bad move by me but we'll see we'll see   maybe it'll work out i think i should  have gone knight f8 or knight c5   it goes there because the problem is now he he  always has like bishop b3 this is the problem   i still think i'll win the game  but i'm not very happy with this probably i go g5 you'll win either way he goes rook d1  which i'm kind of happy to see i guess i go   here to guard the guard the p says i still  have g5 at some point oh he almost can take   but i guard luckily yeah now he finds  bishop b3 now i don't really have much   do i have rookie bishop d5 bishop d5 bishop  f6 knight f6 let's go here if he takes i take   with the bishop and if he takes i just take  with the knight so i'll pre-move it because   it's a safe praying move you just cart  denied for the four months jakarta denied so he does here he's thinking for a long time okay i mean i have 94 here i hit everything i'm  gonna block i was hoping he wouldn't see this   queen youtube queen d8 but i still should be much  better with bishop c5 lurking especially with b2   hanging as well i mean he probably has to take  and i take again this looks pretty good for me still thinking see what he does thinking way too long way too slow here that's a very very good move  um or is it wait no maybe not   oh sure put pressure on the knight side bishop  g7 too yeah go here and now he's got a problem   with the pawn i mean you can play this end  game down a pawn but i should be winning here um it was like take wait why did i do this why did i do that actually really insane  i guess i can go here and take f2 maybe i'll go here and take up two should we still be good okay  because knight e4 i have rookie six   if he takes i take and knight c4 and now i go here  and i mean okay if he's gonna play king f3 i think   i'm gonna win this because i have a nice wood i  have kind of a little bit of a wooden shield here   now i think i go a five to kick the  knight and i have rookie three maybe six checking a four doesn't look quite right  i mean i'm i have so much time here that   i probably should just like find a  good move and win like maybe king f6 yeah this looks right go here tonight b3 i mean i almost have  checkmate here but not quite   like work f2 looks right but you know what i think  i should just be like safe with bishop g1 here   yeah he runs out of time we got the  win one up one down very good start okay so let's see who's  playing fabian is playing hans wait hans shouldn't he be playing  in a iceland right now or am i crazy or did he make a quick draw in round nine no i guess this game is over let me see  what happened ons uh played against who where's han's game oh hans won against thor halsen   okay so so hans actually already  won his first game i guess yeah not not um not a good turn for hans he loses  another four points despite winning the last round   and he's down to 26 32. not not good yeah all  right um okay so let's see what else do we have two world insights lesotho is not and swaziland  is officially swatini i call it swaziland   that's why teenie just sounds weird  swaziland is such a cool name of a country   i don't know why you would change to eswatini all  right um okay so let's see who's still playing   andrea is still playing his game andre ken is  winning he takes rook b7 and f6 and you just win   i have been to iceland yeah i played  okay rook d and bishop buffet is actually   forced checkmate as well trevor  q6 and mate yeah bishop ggs also gabon is not pronounced  gabon what's it pronounced   gabon gabon gabon i don't know how you pronounce  it but anyway um all right so andre again wins   see who else is playing uh vedic is playing uh  the legend he's down to one second is he gonna   win this for k6 and e5 e5 check takes king f6  i mean this is just a draw e5 e6 okay e7 e6 e7 yeah king d7 wow impressive wait what is king eight okay the game's  drawn all right so viet draws the first   game not not the start he wants  for sure still a few games going okay this looks like a draw but it's probably  gonna go for a while actually this is grant neil's   grand delicious he's not winning either this  is gonna be a draw the rook just cuts the king   wow the grand delicious draw  is his game as well early draws uh the gabon is silent so how do you pronounce  it gabon gabon gabon like gabon okay fair enough all right so waiting for the second  round to begin should begin pretty soon   god bone got bone got bone all the letters are silent yes yeah indeed indeed  all right next game should be starting momentarily   let's go knight f3 back to regular stuff   give me the gabon yeah give me the  gabon yeah exactly i agree totally okay all right what's he playing knight  f6 let's go b3 keep it simple man said brazil was landlocked yeah i don't  know what i was thinking there that was   pretty poor but then i just say there's the  amazonia river so kind of not let's go c4 play some of your speed run openings against title  players i sometimes do it's just it varies so i'm   calling it now tomorrow's world will be one of the  stands in asia i think the lacunae for the 17. i   will say wordle since it's been all about uh it's  been all about um it's it's been all about africa   lately i'm actually learning some stuff so which  is kind of nice uh that looks weird i just go here   so i take and play g4 i mean this  looks a little bit sketchy for black i go here i mean the problem is black has real  issues now there's knight h4 i mean this looks   really scary as as the greatest chess player of  all time gary uh gary gary chess said a knight   on f5 is worth at least a queen i'm gonna get it  here for probably just one pawn so black is in   really really bad shape oh wait he's knight of  two at night ah actually that was stupid of me i forgot he had f5 okay so i guess the way i play  this i'm just gonna go here maybe f3 next move   just kick the knight out of town and then castle  and rook g1 you know let's just kick the knight   out of town castle's rook g1 i mean this looks  really bad for black or g1 pressure everywhere   here i think i'm just going to keep attacking  now in the center because he's trying to run   with his king so now i blast open here and  i think black's in really really bad shape goes f4 i mean again i think okay i have to  be a little bit careful here so if he gets   the knight to g3 it's actually not clean  but actually e5 queen d3 that should be   winning the question is do i have an easier  way like queen g2 and then e5 or something no i think this is still correct with  queen d3 it looks correct to me at least yeah this should be correct  maybe there's an easier way   to win but this looks this looks simple enough it's really hard to envision black surviving this  i mean everything is kind of just collapsing here my man is whoa knight g8 that  looks uh kind of suicidal   i mean i just i don't know i don't believe for a  second black is going to be able to avoid getting   checkmated here i'm going to go here queen h7  i bishop a3 even my man is really hoping for   a lot here really hoping for a lot even bishop  a3 looks very deadly knight g6 should just be   wait what am i isn't this just winning  though because takes i just take   i mean maybe not a five knight a four ass that's  pretty gross yeah i don't see black surviving this i am being attacked by a super gm yeah   yeah this is pretty terrible for black i don't  even know what he's going to do he's going to   go like knight f5 i'm just going to take and  just gg's right on the spot game over game appreciate it thank you in honor of eat it right this is the vd song  i was takes i i mean everything is collapsing   here around his king it's just all way  too weak everything's super super weak 38 seconds he's just not going  to be able to survive this you know wagio for the prime thing starts  to wag you now i think 96 is also just   gg because i have rook uh brook g6 yeah  this just looks like gg i just go check   is overloaded i mean just  an absolute disaster here let's take now i've rookie one i mean   i just don't see how black can honestly  survive everything's just collapsing yeah there's something black can do because knight h6 i mean he's really trying  hard to save but i mean he's just this just   isn't gonna oh my gosh i missed king d6  oh my gosh i just missed that as a move   ah that's ridiculous by me okay just take i  guess i'll go here now i'm starting to use the b   shop f7 is also almost me but i think  this is the cleanest one just shocking ggs good uh check check check and mate all right we got the win  um unfortunate king way off sides here   we're on two out of two let's watch  some other games watch fair chess   okay fair chess down upon he might only  draw this game too he's in trouble here yeah fair chess is only going to draw  this game this is going to be a draw wow so dimitri gives up a draw early as well   oh vd drew the first game with drew wait veda  drew the first game withdrew from the event you drew the first game any  any withdrew ah that's great that's as good as it gets no i mean on draken of  course draws and that's fine but vd drawing the   first game and he just he just withdraws from  the event that's that's that that's uh yeah   no i mean he wouldn't have done that if i wasn't  playing maybe but that's just i don't know i you   never give up after a draw because nowadays in  title tuesday there aren't that many players like   they're only 343 so like the winning score  is always like nine and a half or ten so just   quitting after one draw is just insane  yeah that's a little bit that's a little   bit much okay let's watch some other games  machanic he wins this game not shocking am i still in touch with felix longjel also  known as xqc sometimes but not not recently i   mean he hasn't done anything with chess in some  time now and i've been very busy so yeah i mean if he wants to do something obviously no of course okay what's going on here oh  fabiano is down a bishop he's losing   oh wait no sorry phobia is white never mind  sorry fabian is white here so he's just winning all right let's see it's bishop f4 maybe  bishop c7 and b7 rook d is also good here yeah okay i guess yeah b7 um and king eight  and b and fabiano wins the game okay   all right what else do we have probably  some other games okay hans is still playing   hans is actually in trouble  here but he has three pawns about four any g5 g6 kind of scary for for hans  actually fish about four   fish about four or this okay oh not g6 and you  lose there's about four you just lose oh boy   ouch brutal hans loses  early brutal loss ouch crazy absolutely brutal thank you so much for the three months it  was such a bad gag appreciate it thank you   best streamer and chess  player greetings from germany   it's wonderful time playing um i  don't think he is but i could be wrong all right anyway let's keep moving along round three coming oh i get rusted off someone  were very familiar with i played them a lot of   times they get a connor for the 15. i'm  trying to play i think a real solid for   the eight months so i played him a lot okay  i'm just gonna get back to my regular stuff he's plays the fianchito i  believe i remember practicing real salva just took five dollars out of bezos i   need a big fat poop head for the eleven  months thanks so much big fat poop head this guy seems booked to the gills  for some reason don't ask me why yeah i don't actually like the  opening i've played this game   uh do i go knight d4 i guess  i go here knight of six maybe okay it goes bishop e3 um now i can play  c5 but i think knight f6 must be right i   just assume i have play here maybe just king h8  next move and this is a very unclear position   it really does cakes interesting choice um i take g4 or not i'm gonna take this one and go king h8 maybe oh it goes knight b5 i didn't actually expect that  move um wait a second i didn't expect that at all i just throw this game already maybe i  guess i have to go here maybe queen of   six i don't actually like what i've done  at all here i'm at b2 or something go here not happy with what i've done so  far not happy at all just go here no i don't know what i did  i just played this horribly   i should have taken and gone here anyway  why did i just do that what am i doing it was g4 which is kind of a weird move  too wait a second g4 looks wrong somehow three b7 knight c5 or bishop e5 it looks that  looks wrong somehow but how do i play this   i'm down on the clock which is not what  i need either queen a2 rook b7 queen c4 no it's no good though what am i doing i just i  gotta move okay i just i gotta go i'm thinking too   long here i just gotta go i have no time or do i  take with the maybe i take with the queen unclear with a king there there there  messi i think with a king okay goes rick b1 which is  probably a very good move i mean obviously take g7 but if i get the  activated bishop i should be okay here i also have queen e4 at some point e3  that looks bad go here target the rook   i feel like i'm starting to actually outplay  him like even if i get queen of four in bishop   d5 it starts to look very scary for white i  think he's already misplayed this quite a bit it was f3 now queen e2 looks like the  right move queen four is also a move though i mean queen f4 queenie two they're both moves   my instinct says queenie to his right just  just my instinct is that this is the right move   i don't know if it's right but i  feel like the pawns hang on bishop e5   gonna be complicated i take of course  he goes rookie one i go e5 and king g7 very messy position but again  i assume he's got weak pawns   on the queen side and i can win  this because h6 isn't really a danger go here target this pawn h6 just king g6 is  always good this will throw in a check in a5 here i guess i go i kind of want to  go c6 maybe a little bit scary um let's just go here i can just wait i  cannot wait i can outweigh them here let's go here i'm gonna go here i'm gonna try to break  somehow i gotta break something here that's not the move i expected  i think i go here and take the h6 i still have rook h1 i'm gonna go here maybe next move wait oh i blundered this he's got rook d6 king f4   no i think i have to do this very  sneaky move let's go back here i mean h6 i always have rook h1 i think there i mean i guess i check again and not king e3 wait this last check nobody's got king d4 check yes he blundered he gets mated in one knight  e3 i go d5 yeah he just he chuck made it himself king d4 bishop e5 is chuck  maybe he takes i just take   yeah he goes here it's just chuck made in one  king has no squares tough game but we gotta   win tough tough game all right three out of three  let's keep watching let's see who else is playing   not a good game but it's a  win okay chris chuck wins midlay is playing actually menley is i know  this isn't min sorry wrong wrong game i was   looking for minlae he is i guess uh yeah he gets  to win okay pretty normal all pretty standard yeah [ __ ] cross dresser for three oh did someone  post moves i didn't notice that if you do post   moves you guys you're gonna get banned no  posting moves no posting the moves you guys all right why brook takes pawn was losing um it  wasn't losing but he had a way to draw see tari   is atari is losing to the bean man rook g5 even  wow tari's going to lose the bean man not good not good g1 he's going to lose to the bean so  i mean at least hari's in good company he's not   the only person to lose to the bean xqc did it too  um but hey all right so tara loses um what else do   we have uh a few more games left indian lad is  still playing okay looks like a draw yeah yeah yeah bean guy was the punching yeah bean guy  was the punching bag of the pro chess league yep obviously should be drawn 96 chuck d just  took five dollars out of bezos pocket thank you so much to nupster for the seven months  thanks so much upstairs appreciate thank you mentally is not streaming really  okay yeah this should be a draw all right so they draw okay so we  have what how many games not many i i respect the sick double burn  than than both tari and xqc yeah   so do you have a bunch of people on three out  of three not shocking dulles of course myself   on drake on draken they're not drinking sorry  um asapanko notre bag a lot of strong players   do i do theory prep for chesmar's  anymore of course i do you guys obviously i hope everyone's loved ones are fine in new  york my friend sister got injured in the shootout   on the subway oh jeez let's go knight f3 the  layout the layout's not actually messed up it's   quite good um it looks very good as far as i can  tell no this looks correct yeah this is correct i guess yeah the subs is kind of  covering it a little bit but so be it   let's go here bishop b2 yeah i mean i know the  8000 subs is covering it but that's what it is if once we get to 8 000 subs it won't be there  anymore you guys so we just got to get to 8 000   buy our pineapple shoes and go from there  now i'm going to play g3 this time good d3   i think i'll play 95 again let's trade i had this against um somebody guess what rookie one maybe e4 next move e4 seven i guess i go queenie two i don't even  know if this is necessary with something   you have fire shirt for the nine  months as much fire let's play a3 here i'm blackmailing you guys no i'm not fabiano  is not on three points i guess i don't know   i have no idea what happened to fabiano i'm  gonna play knight f1 that's what i did against   pistol pete when we played our sec match  i put this knight on f1 and played like c4   i don't really know if it's all that great but  it looks like an interesting concept to play for i should have also played c4 maybe instead  but so be it let's go e5 i'm going to play   h4 i guess or a4 so a4 makes more sense  because i can always meet c5 and 92 or i c4 about burritos galore for the 26 months  thank you so much that burritos galore thank you   but c5 i mean i can play rook d1 uh  knight e3 is actually a move here good yeah i think it's okay i think it's okay  because if he takes i take take take   should be six i trade i just  subscribe i think it's okay we'll see   seems like a pretty reasonable way to play this i  can always go afford to consolidate the chain too i think it's okay yeah it should be okay  you get a cake heath for the two months   thank you so much k keith appreciate it thank  you we're thankful for the get the sub sorry   it plays knight b8 but now i  thought i had some c4 trick date takes takes doesn't  actually look all that wonderful   so i'll just go f4 consolidate  the chain or kd1 here at some point i'm probably gonna play  c4 it's just a matter of one exactly thinking for a long time here i guess he's  trying to figure out what his plan is um because knight d4 which i think i'm kind  of happy to see i'll go queen of two   i want to go knight if i want to  play like this okay interesting   i can play c4 here yeah let's just go c4  play for the imbalance i don't know this   is actually great but i'm playing for a big  imbalance here i guess i take it trades i mean   it trades i guess i take with a b-pawn i'm  actually not really sure how i'm capturing   i'm not sure i can claim anything here it's  just this bishop on h7 is actually not very good this queen b6 which i didn't  think was right i guess i just take so i'm not so happy with this either okay place  queen b3 i'm actually surprised to see that   wait i do have d6 maybe   i also oh i don't have any good moves here ah this  is actually kind of yeah this isn't what i wanted good d4 i mean he has c4 but i'm going to  try to go queen up to an f5 or something   oh he just takes i did not expect that i mean again this is not what i wanted but is  bishop is bad maybe so here maybe rook a1 or c1 he rookie two okay i've definitely  not played this very well right here this isn't what i wanted at  all i should have gone r2p too let's go here it's going to try to go b5 i mean i'll go here why did i allow b5 to i mean i have  to take yeah i completely flubbed this oh so unfortunate i still have chances maybe though i shouldn't  just give up i i mean i have some outside chances wait but that hangs no it doesn't hang c4 and go bishop a1 maybe or f5 is there an actual threat here oh very frustrating first very frustrating game i beat him so many times the sooner  or later you have to lose the game yeah yeah sooner or later you lose the game  i threw that pretty hard though because it   was completely fine up until i blundered right  about here c4 is just a bad move it's probably   just a draw try too hard to mess it up i mean  yeah if i just trade and play a normal position   it's about equal tried to tried c4 which  was just not good yeah queen b6 is just bad unfortunate but it happens not a big deal all  right you guys can take a short break go use   the russian we'll come back i think there's a  six-minute break between rounds four and five   so we'll be back in a second all right guys we're  back so all right not not a good not a good game   um why did you get a herman miller chair um  shaking shaking my head best investment ever   because i'm very happy with my 180 amazon basic  chair it's very nice i can lean back i can swivel   i also would add on amazon itself this chair  got very poor reviews a lot of people said   it's falling apart the quality is bad i've had  this chair since early 2019 i'm looking at it   nothing's wrong with it for me so yeah what  was i looking oh i got my um i got my toast   i have my toast with some uh almond butter  and some um i put some seeds on it as a   move towards being a variety streamer would  you consider doing an elden ring stream um you've used it six times since 2019 because you're  in california i mean it was fine to me what's cos almond butter is tos what what what i have some like some of those  like um like sesame type seeds what what do you mean tos why is that tos what i'm missing i'm missing a joke okay you guys are just being weird  i'm i'm literally eating i'm eating   i'm eating my food i don't  know what you're talking about all right so the standings okay so round  should be starting pretty soon on i pronounce toast like x is pronounced as tos   okay they're looking for the 13th day of trolls  for the fourth professor ted for the 32. thank you   real uh real cold burrito for  the two months thank you so much   what happened sometimes look you guys i learned  from the best everything i've learned on twitch   is because of xqc so if i start talking like  xc2 why why is that such a surprise surprise yeah i'm missing the joke thanks your how many points have three out of four can i say hillary is that what i'm supposed to say   it's a hickory is that what i'm  supposed to say like like yeah out of bezos pocket thanks my  favorite streamer laughing base go here skttc underscore  just resubbed for six months hey i over the 34 sergey she offered  17 skits for the six thank you so much plays h4 now f5 is a move for  sure i'm just going to do it   i want to thank you 99999 just subscribe  to it it's been a great ride yeah i   put my butt i put my toast in the  in the machine and buttered it up okay obviously i'm gonna go g5 here um create  we're gonna try to create a pyramid i think   in a second a past palm for the 41 months  saying so much past pawn appreciate 41 months   now that's what i call a true fan i mean g4 looks like a good move here just  to try and play more on the king side here   i maybe create the connect five i mean knight f6 was obviously  a movie a g4 so i didn't play it a man is still thinking here i don't know why   i'm not really sure what he's looking  for i mean is he looking to take geez he's super slow okay castle of course a good knight  f6 here look at this castle why not i mean i can create the connect five it's just a  question one do i do it i'm gonna go b6 to stop c5   i think long term i'll be able to  win this pawn in h5 here you get   pismos for three hundo bits  thank you so much to pismos hey car we all love chess  because it's unpredictable   no one's beatable absolutely i mean i  don't care i just play chess for fun let's go g3 create the connect five here um now the question is do i have time i think  i'm gonna go hearing queen eight next move   just subscribed put pressure on h5 here i mean yeah he does have knight  b5 which i kind of overlooked um let's just go back i  guess not so happy about this plays b4 so i guess i go a6 i'll go a5 here maybe bishop e8 at some point  go here oh i could have played c5 too actually   i should have played c5 probably i mean his  king is gonna become very open pretty soon   you know pulsar jelly for the good something  is cigar man as well i think so much cigar man   it was knight b5 um that's actually a  very logical move i can take the pawn   it's a question whether i want to i think it's  right cause i still can take and i can go knight   c8 which is very important here just to guard  everything and then if i can reroute the knight   back eventually i should just win this game  very tricky position okay i'm gonna go back go here probably bishop f8 97c5 at some point i guess i go here on knight c5 whoa they across the man for  the five gifteds i should be   better here that looks like a free  pawn but do i really want to take it i see no reason not to take it we're hearing like rook b7 maybe i feel like i'm playing this particularly well i  mean i'm obviously better but it's not i guess if   i get the h pawn i just win the end game basically  i just go i gotta get h5h4h3 and just end the game   i get h5 h4 h3 i just i just win because he can't  stop to connect six or connect five i should say   a queen eight six i go queen  b6 i'm fine yeah i just go here whoa what is that okay i just take i mean let's just be this is just  losing because i run the pawn tick tock right but i just keep running now  now the pawn is just unstoppable kind of question is do i want to play h3  or not like i don't have to even   i guess i'll just go here tickle the rook  on 86 at some point repeat work g7 maybe   i guess i go here yeah h3 is now a big problem yeah he resigns i mean there's nothing he  can do if he takes i go g2 and i win the game   he doesn't i mean he goes like here i mean  i go h2 push b2 and then i go bishop h3   he takes i get the two pawns and he can't go  here cause i make a queen otherwise i take and   win so gg all right get the win four out of five  um that's not not the greatest but i'll take it to this plank okay michelangelo is playing  midlay wonderful time exciting game all right what's happening 20  seconds from mid lane midlane   is doing well i think i think  mentally is just better here maybe knight d4 takes takes in queen e5 or  just queen e5 right away tick tock tick tock the queen is summoned to hit the pawn on d4  white might try e5 bishop bishop e4 if you can i'd probably go e5 e6 here try to really  mess up the position it goes there e5   i don't like d5 at all like  black should be quick enough here i played ballerton i don't know i think the curry   hd for the 21 months thank you so  much crazy appreciate thank you oh have i seen dark yes i have seen dark yeah tick   tock tick tock yeah that's why i was doing  it okay what happened to min layman lay is before rick c5 no oh he misses it now  there's like rook h6 or bishop g3   okay but now it's gonna be a draw i think g5 okay i guess this will be a draw tries to go over checkmate in one you got it you got to play m peasant king h2 and   now it's just a draw yeah this will  be a draw pretty soon take the pawn bishop g3 bishop g3 it's  mate in one rick what rook d2 midlay throws it he should have won completely  threw it completely through it yeah i didn't   lose the motorbike i lost the sugar off different  player um unfortunate for from been late should   have won that game should have won that game  thinking of raymond for the gifted sub thank   you so much alright yeah i lost to sugar  off who's actually on five out of five so   okay nothing to really be that  ashamed of let's see joseph is playing   oh knight d6 beautiful beautiful win for  jossman shaq and then you just you just no   now you queen and queen who's this standings  yeah we have the standings right here um   yeah you should sugar album five machanic  andrea dennis lazanichika uh manley billy   kimba and grishak and bortnick and a ton of others  on four and a half and then a bunch of us on four   is sugar rob a very strong gym yeah it  was like 26 60 feet very strong yeah this is the early title tuesday tournament there  is another one later on as well oh no joss was   black oh never mind josslyn lost oh my gosh  actually wait i had it wrong ouch brutal tough   tournament very tough tournament by the way this  is also why you don't withdraw from the tournament   after a first round draw because there's only  one person on a perfect score after five rounds all right next game should be starting  pretty soon i think there's still a few going what is the candidate's candidate  starts on june 16th so a little   over two months away a little over two months where is fabiano fabiano lost the game early uh  just like i did but he's probably still in the   hunt somewhere yeah i see i see his name if i  can ever get rid of these challenges blocking   he's on four out of five also fabiano's on four  out of five same score well i played late title   tuesday that is my intention um i probably will  stop somewhere in the middle of the stream um so   i'll probably stop like an hour or two before then  come back for it rather just stream all the way   straight through but yeah are you like seriously  preparing for it or you just don't care i mean   of course i'm gonna do some preparation for it  yeah obviously what kind of question is that dude is this guy shaheen who is this okay i don't know who this is all  right plays 96 okay so he shows   good understanding let's go here in castles i i'm guess ibd2 i can also play like knight d4  maybe to trade some trades some bishops here yeah who exactly i don't know who  this is but whatever he goes queen b6   uh now the question is do i play knight c3  or do i take first my instinct has to go i don't think this actually play rook c1 here   i don't know if it's the right  move but it's just my instinct who's there i mean i guess i go here in 95 or e1 95 makes the most sense objectively   because i have bishop d4 to hit the queen actually  having the work on c1 really really useful here ollie reza burner account no it's not alireza think for a long time here let's see what he does for the 22 months it goes 96.  it's kind of wrong to me somehow so do it take d5 or play knight  c3 i think i played knight c3   d4 knight a4 yeah d4 i have  knight f4 so this should be good   and you can't move the knight because  then i get the fork with knight d7 because rick d8 that also feels  kind of wrong somehow to me um that feels wrong but is there a way to do it hmm i guess i just take and play knight a4 here  and just play the position i mean i'm not   thrilled by this but it should be better for  me because i can stack the two towers here did i just blunder this wait a second i just  take i have to take it takes not knight c6 i   also have knight c5 i mean rook c1 looks pretty  strong the idea of what isn't that just a fork that's just gg yeah it's just a fork you missed it yeah i should just win the game now i'm gonna get another win so we're gonna  move to five out of six we're gonna be   decent positioning not great  but not terrible either ali reza is now as french as the  eiffel tower baguette omelette escargot   indeed indeed uh now the question is which work  do i take my instinct is just take this one   when i have knight c5 here i  think i just bring the juicer in   and play like rook d1 try to trade off the  knights try to trade off the rooks here for sure   although i gave him e3 which i really should  not have given him he is playing quite   well i will say that no this was very careless  but why did i allow e3 that was ridiculous absolutely ridiculous i think  after h i'm still fine but   really careless really really careless by me i mean as long as the squares are covered there  are no checks and i have time to consolidate with   queen e2 or queen f3 it should be pretty cleanly  winning but to allow this was fairly insane   because bishop h6 i expected that i think i just  go queen f3 or do i go queen d4 queen before   actually kind of takes even more squares actually  this looks like the right square just centralize   the queen prevent anything i mean you can go back  then i go queen e3 and i assume i'm just winning it goes back i expected that now the thing  is where do i put the queen do i go to e3   where do i go i think this is okay knight g4 hg4 yeah this is fine does this check on  f6 like he doesn't have time to create the right   triangle here because it's just check okay now  now i should just win yeah now now it should be   pretty clean but kingi 2 is a little bit dubious  too perhaps um all i have to do here is get my   get my piece on the right square so  i think a4 looks like a logical move i mean g3 as expected oh my gosh  what am i oh yeah yo what am i doing   oh what did i just do wait by b4 maybe i'm not playing this one well at all we have 325 now what the heck am i doing i just missed it i hung the b3 pawn geez oh i'm lovely it's like a check in here maybe yeah now i can block and i'm  safe in the corner i think go here go here we go so tricky this guy  keeps defending really well and why am i failing to put this  game away i guess i just go here   oh i almost blundered queen 86 oh my  gosh that would have been really bad what am i doing like i'm actually  trying very hard to not win this game there we go finally jeez oh there we go me yeah this guy kept  defending really well for a long time   surprisingly very tough very tough game but we  got the win eventually very very tough game all   right that was really really disappointing behind  me but anyway let's move on okay midlay is playing   against uh egroc and he is winning here so all  right yeah that was not very well done hey how's   it going mr llama i see hope you're doing well  man you're the hippolytus for the four months   there's so much hypothesis appreciate we love all  the comebacks where you lose one and then you win   the rest of the games yeah i mean normally if you  lose the game like you just have to buckle down a   little bit more if you don't have any margin for  um you don't have any margin for error after that   why does shaq go into sub mode because of people  basically just saying moves that's why when   i start first start seriously considering becoming  a streamer just sort of happen um i know what you   mean by first considered it i guess what i would  say is that um you know i streamed a little bit   in 2017 not much but late 2018 i made a conscious  decision to try to stream more that was in large   part because my chest square was going down the  toilet a little bit i wasn't playing very well   i was losing rating points um and so i just  started doing it and i really enjoyed it so   i wouldn't say that it was specifically like  a decision i i mean the decision was i chose   to stream but it wasn't like i started thinking  about like i'm gonna do it every day or all those   thoughts didn't really exist i just chose to do  it and i liked it and that's kind of what happened   new demetrius greece for the three months i  think it was so much the boss for the seven   do i still put mayo on my french fries of course  i'm you guys i'm proud to not be an american have some culture and have some culture  and put that mayo on those fries of course   all right anyway um let's see okay  what else do we have uh what yeah   uh but yeah of course no i i  that's the one thing i will say   europeans like maybe the only thing they've  gotten right in the last like two decades   is uh is mayo on french fries that's the only  thing they've gotten right in the last two decades all right um so yeah um ruthless ruthless  yeah truly ruthless indeed vinegar on french fries that sounds kind  of nasty mayo on fry is just how you do it all right one game left um or what six  games in so rook h6 and black wins okay how about mayo and ketchup i've never tried to  do mayon ketchup salt and vinegar chips i have   had those actually i don't remember  where but not really my thing though i mean i've had truffle fries  or parmesan fries or all that   jazz so i'm playing billy kimba so yeah the  tournament's definitely on it's game on now let's play the karo khan it's been  the opening i've been playing the   last few days so let's just play it again why not plays this one so i'm gonna  check and go queen a6 i guess is c4 he's playing this order this is a little  bit different i think there's some c5 here   i have this against rasmus with  white i think actually i'm trying   to remember what the exact line is  the bishop before right away or not um or if it takes and i'm trying  to remember how this line goes   where's the bishop before and  then c5 i can't quite remember okay i should just move actually i don't  have all the time in the world so i'm just   going to move here if i had more time  i'd use it but i can't just like fall   a minute behind on the clock  that's just not going to cut it um i guess i'll go here i think i misplayed this already though yeah i  did miss play this is already quite bad for me i guess i'll go yeah this is not what i want at  all i guess i'm going to go and go bishop a3 maybe uh yeah i think i'm gonna go here i  just have to move quickly i'm gonna   have to move quickly and go for something  a little bit unusual maybe c5 maybe just   chip the structure as fast as i can maybe i  should have just done it right away actually no this was very poor by me um i'm gonna try  knight f86 maybe i mean this feels very dangerous i do have knight g6 or something i think what i can do here is b4 okay so what does b4  threaten nothing specific wait what does b4 actually do i take unless unless i'm actually just  getting force checkmated here   which i very well um actually might be yikes i  guess i have to go here this looks really bad allows me to castle though well i mean  i gotta do it otherwise i just lose   i might just lose anyway but  i lose i lose but that's life again if i can just defend for like two moves i  have a chance i just need like two moves to defend   like one two that's all i need of course i'll go here i go king b8 put it on king b8  right away i guess but whatever 92 looks like a weird move okay um this idea  i don't i don't understand his idea here   maybe i could have gone knight f8 i should have  gone knight f8 why did i play knight f8 there okay i have knight of fade again but then  he is queen h6 now so it's a little bit iffy i'll go here and he's trying something i can  play rook c8 maybe actually i think i should   just go knight well but then he has queen h6  d8 i'm going to go for this does this lose   so be it i mean i just figure i'm in really  bad shape if i don't do something active here oh he doesn't actually take advantage  of it interesting i guess i go here   okay so i understand this idea i can also play a  four though because takes up knight h4 starting   to get a little bit tricky for for uh from  from billy take of course and maybe queen a4 let's cover all the squares i still have 97 i mean i had a five i actually think i'm okay here   somehow i'm okay i shouldn't  be okay but i think i am okay i'm up 30 seconds also very very  important that i'm up on the clock here   position should be easier for white to play wow  queen d1 that's not the move i expected i mean i mean wait if this is actually losing what is he doing actually  what on earth is billy doing yeah billy's completely lost his mind i guess i go here excited g1 maybe over here no billy's completely lost his mind  i mean he's going to lose this game   i think a a funkathol for two months i mean i can take oh wait knight h4 yes huh okay there we go we got the win there we go  all right yeah i mean he was obviously winning   i mean i think he was like plus five somewhere let  me turn on the lines let's from the evaluation bar   i mean it was like completely lost this is  plus two yeah i mean somewhere around here bishop f6 and i just resigned  okay yeah queen d2 is wrong   bishop h6 was really bad yeah work up c1 and  i don't get to castle and then i basically   just resign i just it was plus five it was plus  five it goes here and now it's only plus two i   mean it's still losing queen d2 is bad rook  b3 and just keep attacking still very good yeah and now just yeah now it's kind of our yeah  now it's already almost gone it's still good but   but 97 right away would have drawn i  go here yeah queen d1 just absurd but   it's already mostly gone here mostly gone  he's trying not to flag yeah that's probably   a large part was this time situation but  whatever no one asks how you just you   just gotta win the game so we got the win  move to six out of seven as you guys see   there's only one person on six and a half so this  is exactly why vd never should have withdrawn from   the tournament after one game in a koopa grab  for the two months they get so much koopa grab yeah i totally never thrown away plus three  or plus five lead in the game yeah happens   how do i know the evaluation sus   because i have this thing called intuition  and feel i've played chess for most of my life   and you can sort of feel based on the placement  of pieces whether positions playable or not seven puppies one dream just subscribed  they have seven puppies for the seven months yeah i have a hair on my  shoulder no i don't but thank you who's chess word that is um chess  warrior is notre back abductor off run it i don't have i don't have  anything you guys stop it there's nothing expense just took five dollars  expense for 17 months thank you all right waiting for the next game we should be  starting pretty soon let's see board next game   oh looks like a draw just subscribed why is bortnick still playing here  by the way why is he making the draw   like why isn't bournex just going king  a2 and making the draw i mean very weird dude enjoy ryder for the tier one thank you  so much joy ryan i appreciate it they get a   hazina for the eight months slightly back with  the semester no hair what are you guys talking   about hair is slightly back of the seam  it is there yeah you guys are very funny there's nothing you guys are you guys are  just being weird it's gone now i mean there   was never any hair there's like no hair on  the floor what are you guys talking about all right anyway okay so next one should  be starting momentarily one game left yeah there's nothing just trying what i'm gonna do  because i mean i'm on six out   of seven i have a i have a chance okay  i have to win this game against notre   dame now notre dame played something  bad against me last time as i recall i didn't remember what it  was we did something dubious plays b6 interesting i mean i  guess i just developed probably this is knight bd7 very interesting  choice by notre back i mean   i suspect this is wrong but i don't  really know why it's wrong unfortunately   if this feels wrong um but again i don't  want to spend 10 years on this move   play b4 like i know this isn't right but in  a blitz game i don't know how to prove this um yeah and a blitz i don't  want to spend too long here uh whatever i mean i i know this isn't right  but i i can't i can't burn all my time here   trying to find the refutation i just have to play  chess before i end up down like two minutes on   the clock and i'm just gonna lose lose on time  it goes there which i think is slightly wrong   i'll take take and play like bish basics maybe go here hit the rook of course i go queen e2 it's here eight logical i mean i guess rick d1 must be right here i take what the queen or do i take  with a pawn is also a big question mark   honestly not sure is knight b8 logical i  guess i go if i go to i guess i go to d3 because now i have e4 as the threat  if he takes i take i get bishop e4   i don't know if takes with the  pawn is right but i'm gonna do   it i could have taken with a queen  and probably just drawn this game but   i mean i'm down half a point i need i think i need  to try and win if the draw it draws albeit but interesting choice um i'll go here to hit the queen go  here so again he still can't take   as a rook problem and i now have  f4 to open up more diagonals here b4 is actually kind of interesting let's go b4   actually i don't know if i like b4 so  much but it does create an imbalance i'm up on time which is useful so if i i thought i had  something here again but i don't   what am i doing i thought i had  a move why did i just play b4 such a bad move i should never played before i'm  not to make a draw here somehow very very poor   i thought i had something why did i  play this i was sure that i had some   move like takes and rookie seven  or something i just have nothing and now i'm using too much time again lovely i guess i'll do this i mean this  isn't what i want to do at all let's see forge i'm actually a little surprised by oh here i've just got to move a little bit  quicker c3 okay i mean i'll just go here oh not playing this very well at all i'm still okay but i'm not not happy all right queen 06 is logical when i  do a bishop g4 maybe to hit the knight of course i just blundered c2 somehow   i think i'm gonna have to make the draw very  soon though before this gets really out of hand right see five okay i guess i go here still not thrilled by my position i  have to say but c3 is very weak now h5 logical now do i go to h3 f3 this  is also a tough question if i go to   f3 he's got 97. i go to h3 i'm gonna  go here i don't know this feels wrong there's still a big threat his  knight is i mean everything is   kind of weirdly placed for both of us here he finds knight d7 knight b7 really  really good move let's go here let's go here i'm gonna  try to play e4 or something oh my gosh i just blundered knight d4 oh  yeah oh my gosh i just i what the heck   oh i just hung knight d4 oh my gosh really not  my day i just hung knight d4 out of nowhere oh my gosh ah well there goes title tuesday  ah just the throw that i needed oh my gosh uh oh my gosh hey all right i have to use the  restroom anyway but ah yeah yeah oh yeah 94 what am i doing i  had a feeling i was going to   hang it to but yeah i'm going  to resign and go i'll be back yeah very very poor very very poor game very  very poor and it all started because i used   too much time in this opening right here let me go  back let me see did i have something i bet i did see yeah this is the problem see i told you guys  this was a problem i used 30 seconds and in a slow   game i would have found the continuation but  take some bishop c well now it's saying some   weird h4 but in a slow game if i don't i would i  would have been able to figure this out this is   actually just good for white but the problem is in  a blitz game you use 30 seconds you're unsure you   do something else and that just messed up all  of the flow of the rest of the game again if i   had a lot more time here everything changes but  i use those 30 seconds and then i didn't go for   go for the best line i knew there was something  here though so i used those 30 seconds and then   then i didn't play it and it happens why  not retake c3 well i mean it's all just lost   i mean i just i just blundered terribly here  like in this position it's probably okay   yeah why did i go actually you know what's funny  i saw rook c4 during the game and i didn't play it   like i saw an ip7 and i saw rooks before while  he was thinking why did i not actually play this   i mean i guess it's all it's not actually all  that clear because he can just play with me too   but still to go work before is just  ridiculous and i had rook c4 here as well   and then just yeah just a blunder e4 very very  poor very very poor uh kind of ruined my day uh   uh oh you don't have the bar on sorry but you guys  can see that you can see the eval up top here but   yeah i was it was right here i think i wanted to  tank for like 30 seconds i was i was like i think   i said to chat there's something better i knew  there was something wrong with this but i didn't   go for the right line that happens just annoyings  that ruin the rest of the rest of the game happens i can't win anymore sure but i can still  probably get to like third if i win three so   why not play evan mohani for the 10th of a capital  letter for the fourth thing is for the gift of sub   neutral back is not the future of chess i will  say that outright he'll probably get to 2700 plus   but i mean if you compare his trajectory to  ali reza's i mean he's got a long way to go   he'll be very good but he has a  long long way to go long way to go yeah fair enough no i mean he'll he'll be very  good but again saying he's gonna be like 2800   or the future of chess i mean that's going a  bit too far yeah yeah people are gonna say oh   yeah you're you're just like you're you're like  you're you're in you're trashing or something   i'm not um but again his rating is not what  is his rating is he he's he's not 2700 right   let me see where he's at he is yeah he's 26.61  like 26.61 to 2700 is very very far off very far   off camera is hot see like that's an example  like kamer is is 11 points higher than notre   back and i think notre back is actually a much  more talented player like i think nerderbeck is   much more talented than the camera but again kmer  is 11 points higher and that kind of says a lot   yeah so why so salty i'm not salty actually  26.61 is not 2800. okay let's go knight c6 here   uh actually it's funny no speaking of notre break  he played this against me in the rcc a couple   weeks back let's go d6 bishop c5 um sorry let's  play h6 yeah that's the peck was good esopenko is   what 2709 he's 20. he has his he has chances too i  mean thing is everybody has chances but again the   rating range matters rating range matters a lot  and 26 26 72 cameras what they're both 17 26 72   26 61 long way to go to give you an example hans  was 26.50 like uh yesterday and he just lost 20   points overnight so very difficult yeah yeah yeah  i know the plebs are going to say salty blah blah   blah whatever um they don't understand trust let's  play knight g6 here i'm just taking go 97 back just take with a pawn actually what  am i doing this is actually very poor   yeah it's it's like it's like when the people  come in here and they try to rile me up with   like these lovey comments about how he's gonna be  a gm it's the exact same thing like you just have   to be realistic about it people want me to not  be realistic and say oh yeah this is going to be   like the next coming i mean they probably aren't  play c6 yeah let's just take and go bishop d4 here   and then just take play bishop d4 but  this is actually not very attractive again what this game also i don't know  what i'm doing so let's take a g5 here   can let me become governor of new  york maybe yeah maybe it can be   but 2661 is miles and i mean miles away from 2800  it's like you talk about a game like valerian it's   the same thing when you talk about like the the  levels of radiant it's the exact same thing um uh i guess let's go here maybe queen e7 yeah do i ever give credit people to bb yeah i  said he played very well he played knight   b7 he played a couple of great moves but  that's not the question that i was asked   um the question that i was or the question  that someone said is they said he's the   future of chess that's very different  from being asked if he played a good game don't know what i'm doing this game actually  i'm playing this very poor let's go repeat   hit with a pawn no 20 i mean 26 50 at 17 there's there's a lot of  potential but again long long ways to go i mean   like i said hans just yesterday was 26.50  he was he was climbing up a ton of points   really really fast or not points he was  climbing up the leaderboard really fast   a couple of bad turns back  down to like 26 30. so again   when people think it's just some something  like that it's just not how it works so i can take i can also go queen  e7 here put pressure on the pawn on   i actually just hang a pawn oh what am i doing let's all go here and hit  the queen maybe rookie six very poor let's go rookie six hit the queen   of course he finds queen g3 and now i'm actually  just down a pawn and probably worse let's try   let me see if i can somehow swindle him  but this is not going very well either typical form well it's not about form i mean i'm  actually quite i was quite lucky to make it to   where i did because i was losing against um i was  losing against uh matt mccobb before and i also   had the game against the rain and where i barely  won i can't win first place unless notre but no i   still can't i'm one point out of first zero chance  zero zero chance but maybe i can get to third or   something more than that i just want to play  three good games that's that's all i want to do   play three good games and at least end on  a high note that's all that i'm hoping for so let's trade that's actually not a great  move because now at least i can pretend that   i'm playing for more although again he's up a  pawn and i double pawn so this is really not very   very good at all either but that's what it is fake because that's kind of a  mistake kind of kind of a mistake go here now i can take i can also  move the bishop back to like c6 but again it's probably just a draw this is it's another one these young kids too who um uh let's go here yeah no gerbeck another one not notre back but  no go back okay let's go here oh thank you like   him and then for the fourteenth name brought  weaver for the 21 months appreciate it um   i allow this one which i shouldn't have  allowed and drop the bishop to e4 or go to b7 go here knight f3 i guess i take i'm  gonna have to chuck material on the   queen side i think i'm just gonna go like uh  somehow i have to juice and also go a5 maybe oh i don't want to spend  too much more time here um i got to come up with some moves i guess i'll go here gotta move play with d6 to put pressure on the knight play rook d6 i'm gonna go h5 h4 try to put  pressure on the king side here a little bit   create this weakness knight d5 i have  rick d6 next move and go from there and play h i think i just go for h4 so  i need to play against the the king side   so here i hope this is right these kids are so good geez ricky too  what a great move unreal i'll go here of course this is also a draw obviously or is it wait no it's not i guess i just barely win oh no i don't win what the heck oh this is disgusting am i actually  gonna find a way to not win this i'm gonna win these kids are  getting too good though it's   crazy he's like fm and he's hanging  on so well just insane crazy crazy how old is this kid greetings he is oh he's 18. he's 18 2408   yeah i i guess he's older he's older than than  i thought he was i thought he was like 13 or 12   but it looks like he's 18. is he the future of  chess yes good question good question who knows no no i wasn't actually no the reason i was  looking was had nothing to do with being sauce   it was just very impressive so i was curious  it was like 12 12 or 13 or what his age was   because he should obvious is he is he stronger  than levy yes you guys want me to you want   i know what you want me to say on that so  that you can make some new clip and start   some drama for no good reason um yeah yeah  yeah i know what you you're waiting for for   me to say something and then do that he  drew fabiano also yeah not bad not bad yeah if he drew fabiano yeah it's  not surprising very very good player oh we have one of these with 20 seconds each okay you're saying the player with a high rating  is better than a player with a lower rating   not exactly oh god i get your bava oh okay okay so it's gonna take okay so let's see oh i'm gonna do something really weird huh   i don't know it's job but let's play  something very strange and ridiculous of course your bob plays f5 i should  have played f5 myself why didn't i go f5 yeah i don't even know what i i don't even know  what i'm doing this game i'm just making moves i guess let's go here now i can actually take a pawn i mean it  looks kind of ridiculous but you know i'm   doing so poorly in terms that i might as  well just play really on the edge here and   try to confuse matters probably it won't  work but i mean c4s and queen b3 is move i   also have knight no knight c2 is not a move of  course this makes no sense let's go knight f3 not even sure what i'm yeah i don't even know what  i'm doing this game this is just terrible position   for me probably although i guess i'm gonna go  c4 and try to confuse the matters confuse the   situation a little bit i mean queen b3 looks like  a move to hit the pawn hopefully this is decent let's go here maybe c4 of  course i've blundered that too and uh yeah i have a feeling i might  find a way to lose a third game with   white just that kind of a day  yeah i mean what even is this let's go here hit the pawn on v6 i guess i'll go here maybe d3 very poor position go d42 but i think i have to go d3  and hopefully i'm not just busted here   very likely i'm just losing somehow but who cares   it's just one of those days okay it goes  there now i can play d4 i can also take i can also take on c4 i don't think i take on  c4 i think i take here it's gonna go queen d1   i mean this doesn't look right though this really  just oh why did i go to d1 i could have gone to d2 yeah i should have gone to  d2 what on earth was queen d1 like i just i just hang everything  here i mean i guess i can play a4 maybe a4 queen c4 or something i also knight g5 maybe wait a second rp7 no no i can't go knight wait i can go to h5 i think i'm just going to go here i  hope this doesn't just lose somehow but now at least i get a pawn i  mean it's a pawn upon for my kingdom   still not very happy with any of this but  maybe maybe i can go here and hopefully   not just i feel like i'm about to make  another huge blunder for some reason c8 i'm kind of surprised with  that move i guess i just go there here yeah i can feel i can feel a blunder coming  on somehow i just feel i just feel it i'm gonna uh bishop e2 also i should have gone to  b5 i think why did i go to e2 those are two knight d4 here way too slow too slow too slow you got to speed  up find a good move i just can't find a move now find a move just find a move just can't i can't come up with i  just can't come with a move here let's make a move i just i can't i can't come  with a move it's ridiculous i literally just can't come with a move me ah frustrating i just can't find moves for some reason yes ridiculous i'm gonna win this game it's just a game chill yeah it's just a game  uh it's just a game until someone's eye gets   poked out right horrible i mean i know i'm  gonna win this game but absolutely horrible   i think it's sexual for the prime  no java's mistake was he suddenly   let it get to a position where  i could make five moves quickly yeah absurd yeah i mean he the thing is  like the point is job had a position where   he has easy moves and i don't have like right here  i either doubled works but what do i do like i've   got 10 seconds and i have no obvious moves and  then he the problem is he just made it where like   i i have to go for the sequence and either  it works or it doesn't and it happens to work   no i mean that was horrible by job oh  it's 23 winning actually i was wondering   is queen e3 winning here probably  is actually no no knowing that yeah   okay so we're both just terry we're both  just terrible chase players what else is new we're both just awful oh notre back lost him in lay men lay got to  nine or wait no not still playing never mind should be a draw i mean notably's gonna win this right e5 yeah  notre dame's going to win hornet's got no time   here how does pornog always have 10 seconds or not  10 seconds he has like two seconds in every game somehow bournog always has like  two seconds it's ridiculous gotta go 87 i mean how do you how do you  do this how do you just keep i don't know how bourtnik does this  like every game he's got two seconds   against everybody and sometimes it works but   i mean it's just i don't know how he  expects to hold with two seconds every game i mean how do you get solo on time yeah i just don't know how you get that long time  so yeah okay let's see so who else is playing okay   so minlae and bourtnick haven't played so i have a  shot at second place maybe if i win my game i have   a shot at second place i'm drinking uh organic  organic mix during an organic mix yeah you wish   i had a grand prix to win tomorrow well yeah  because normally when i play terribly online i   i always play well over the board okay so i have  a chance to actually the good thing is i have a   chance to ruin mindless day now because if i beat  midlay he's not gonna get second place so i have   a chance to ruin his afternoon which is just what  just what i want to do it's good g6 and bishop g7 or i can make him very happy and lose but  i'm gonna make sure this game is decisive   one way or the other because i i want i  wanted to either win the tournament or   ruin his day i want him to be either really happy  or really unhappy okay um i'm just gonna go here   he has tie bricks on me um kind of yeah   okay now i guess i just cast oh i 94 and d5 right  that's that's actually a line but this looks   slightly wrong in terms of the way manley has  played this i take oh here hit the pawn i have 97. if boarding hadn't flagged her i  have a chance to win probably yeah   that's true actually bourne doesn't flag he's  on nine so whatever i don't really deserve to   win though i've played some really bad shots  today so i shouldn't i mean i had a chance   to win that would probably be too much i mean  what i i mean i should have lost the game to   to matlakov i shouldn't have lost notre back but  i should have lost some matlacov so like even if   you flip those two it's still no good and then of  course i was completely busted against shababa so   yeah i think that's asking i mean  that's really asking too much to   think that somehow i should have a chance  to win i've not played good chess today this however looks vaguely familiar like  i've seen this have i had this against   ll maximus i think i had this against l maximus  maybe i had this against somebody this looks very   familiar let's go here i feel like i have this  against al maximus and maybe elvishy as well i could be insane though i'm not sure  but i feel like i had this against uh   against maximus vash maximus vascular or maxine  vascular grav is what i meant to say um okay i can take was it 95 and i don't remember how  this line goes i had this against somebody   in the grand chess tour and now i'm thinking why am i suddenly thinking  again for no reason i guess i'll just go here   again suddenly i'm just thinking for no  reason i just can't bring myself to move yeah maxine vascular grav i i just my brain's  not working as i think everybody can tell oh gladiator maximus from france yeah you  gotta move dude i know like i just like   something's wrong today don't have  the rhythm at all don't have the flow   i mean mid lane is using a lot of time  to be fair i don't know why but he is   that's bishop d5 i mean i guess i'll just i'm just  gonna play logical moves i don't want to spend   too much time now if i take any takes with what  the pawn i guess i have knight b6 here i think yeah i need more organic mix i just need to play   better chess mainly has nothing to  do with the mix or any of that stuff   i just need to play good chess and i'm  not doing it right now that's for sure knight f6 he goes takes and it's a draw  i don't i don't want this to be a draw   i'm a winner i'm going to lose this game  but i refuse to let this become a draw   let's go here i just refuse like a draw is  the worst possible result for everybody so   i'm going to make sure this is  decisive one way or the other there let's go here maybe 96 i think i'm  gonna go like knight g5 that's my idea that seems like a slightly wrong move oh of course what is that abysmal absolutely abysmal yeah i'm really not playing well at the  moment this is really quite pathetic by me   i mean i'm probably gonna lose this game if  i'm not careful he needs to win though if he   wants to make a draw fine i mean i don't think  anyone's okay go here all right bishop h4 maybe or not wait h46 queen of six yeah it's just not my day  today i guess i'll go here really not my day missing everything i mean but now i but again why does midley  keep finding ways to mess it up like   he keeps finding ways to not win these games  when he should like he was completely beating   me and now he's now it's going to be  a draw again come on man lei just win like literally the the one result  i don't want is a draw and midnight   found a way to mess this up to where  he's not winning anymore and i can't   there's d5 which looks like a  bad looks like the wrong move now why did he go yeah he's i mean i can't believe  this he's gonna he's gonna he's gonna lose this   game no i mean i want him to beat me like i i do  but yeah he's completely messed this up and now   let's go here and i've got 94 even okay goes there   i found a good oh he found actually a good  move that i completely missed that's a good   move actually good move by midlay very nice um  or is it wait or is it no actually is it wait bishop a4 is a very good move yes bishop h6 i guess i'm here i think this is fine rick d8 right oh i find a way to lose anyway  yay i find a way to lose anyway   okay i find a way to lose it anyway fantastic yeah  okay that's okay surely he can't throw this right um i mean it's got 10 seconds yeah it sums up the day i'm  not even upset about this one oh come on dude just beat me what  is come on dude what is rook f3   just beat me come on i mean come on work h7  just win the game i mean come on dude seriously   like what is what is rook f3 i mean come  on rook h7 just win the game i mean come on oh that's i i mean that's so bad he was  getting second no he gets a 10 out of   11. wasn't he going to win on the tie break  or not yeah i mean obviously not my day i   mean i don't mind this but let me let me check  one thing though i want to check one thing here   um because i think right around  here yeah this was still good i mean i guess yeah i just trade here and  it's a draw but okay whatever yeah i mean   i just mean you gotta you gotta win this  dude like i mean also rook d7 was an easy   way to win just cut the king off and  go rook c1 i mean that's just easy one no it's just not it's not not good that's  just not good i mean that's just not good you
Channel: GMHikaru
Views: 88,449
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Hikaru Nakamura, master chess, chess instruction, magnus carlsen, chess commentary for beginners, hikaru chess commentary, chess tournament, twitch streamers, chess game play, chess tricks, master chess moves, TSM, chess speedruns
Id: n0juAV_FHEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 112min 25sec (6745 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 18 2022
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