Hijab & Modest Sh. Yusha Evans

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but that's to be merciful merciful but not to forget our eyes with bees this one is wonderful full of us black and wine is led us to be merciful merciful but not to forget our eyes with B is what is wonderful wonderful full of us black and why you are my brother and God is on a one side if we stay together Islam is a war bra solid the next lecture will be the adornment of other women the real princess a jab and modesty will be given by chakra you sha Evans inshallah senemo alaikum wa rahmatullahi Brocato al hamdulillah al hamdulillah not matter who when I start a new home when I stuff it all when I order below him into Rory and Fuu Cena woman Sayuri I'm Melina may of the local fellow mo da ba ba woman you little fella hadiyyah-lah when a shadow in there in a halo law watch the whole area color why shadow and muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu I'm Abed yesterday was initially supposed to be my last lecture but for Hungary learn back today and I moved the podium over just for the simple fact that I can't talk to the sisters from way over there so I'm come over the urban inshallah to Anna because this one I am going to address everyone but this one is really focused on my sisters in Islam and the title or the topic was the adornment of the woman or the real print or modesty in Islam and rather than just sit here and give you a conglomerate of information which most of you probably already have all of the verses were Allah subhana WA Ta'ala talks about how the woman is supposed to guard her modesty and protect her chastity or the Hadees or Salah symbol are seldom speaking about modesty I'm going to try to be more realistic with you because a lot of the things that you've heard are things if you heard over and over again but you don't sometimes I think that all of us as Muslims we don't take that information and know how to rationally implement it into our lives a lot of us may have knowledge about Islam we may have a lot of knowledge but then we don't know how to rationally implement those things into our lives which that understanding is only a gift from Allah subhana WA Ta'ala as Auto sue said the law has seldom said you're redoing allahu khairan you over 15 whomever Allah wishes to give good he blesses them with understanding of Deen so dear sisters I'm not here to harass you I'm not here to jump on you I'm not here to beat you down but at the same time don't think that I'm going to sugarcoat anything because I can't it's it's not my job my job is to as Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says yeah you had ladina aminal doc ilaha tokati will : so dida to fear Allah as he should be feared and always speak the truth so I have to say what is correct and some of it may be a hard pill to swallow but well I he I'm not going to just get on to the sisters it's gonna be for the brothers as well because everything has every coin has two sides so no one's going to get away today so I'm going to talk to the sisters a bit about modesty in general is well because over su sobrino head of a synonym said that having modesty having higher is the essence of a man one of the biggest essences of our a man is modesty and higher is means more than being modest and shy having a sense of modesty for sisters and brothers is what protects us one of the ulema said it is the boundary between the Haram and the Highland it is the fence the separates between the Haram and halal and lets you know when you've gone too far it lets you know when you are leaving the hell all areas and beginning to approach the Haram areas your modesty is that which Allah has already given inside of you that understanding that conscious that we have when we do something we feel it's wrong you know how we feel when we go to do something and we know that it's wrong we feel like it's wrong inside of us but we're still sometimes let ourselves convince ourselves to do it anyway we'll convince ourself there's okay that is our modesty speaking that is our higher that is our conscious that'll also kind of what I already put in us when it comes to the adornment of the women I'm going to explain the status of the woman in the eyes of allah subhana wa ta'ala and islam and that alone should let us know how important it is to guard that gift because indeed the woman is a gift that allah subhanho wa taala initially gave to the first human being Adam he created Adam from dust and then he created Eve from his rib as a companion and without the woman and all of the qualities that she has we would be in a much more terrible world than we live in now the unfortunate thing is that in the world we live in today sisters in order for a woman to be respected and progress it's all about what she has to offer to the world as far as physically what she has to offer to the world as far as what she is able to give of herself in order to advance in the world now we might like to think that it's not like that that there is an equality amongst the genders but it's just not the reality of the situation it's just not the reality of the situation and I want to ask you a question brothers and sisters just to think about when it comes to why women are commanded by allah subhanho wa taala to guard their modesty and then we're going to get into some of the details of what it means to go out that modesty Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says in the Quran in surah Tourneur the verses of hijab he used the word well yet offend and for them to guard their modesty coming from the same word as we use for a half death which means someone who guards the Quran the word Hafiz does not just mean someone who memorizes the Quran nor Hafiz is someone who is a guardian of the Quran they are a protector of the Quran and Allah subhana WA Ta'ala tells the woman and the man to guard their modesty to guard that which are lots of high know what ila give them and gave them as an adornment and I want to ask you a question how many of you have ever went into a bank and saw the money sitting on the front counter and they had a note by saying just take whatever it is you know you have in your account and write it down and let us know that you took it and we'll check on it we'll keep up with you later but we trust you how many of you have ever been in that Bank where there was money sitting right on the counter if so please let me know where that Bank is I'm leaving right now pictures everywhere there's no bake like that right where's the money sisters where's the money it's in the bank vault right where's the bank vault it's usually at the back of the bank and what is it the bank vault this big huge steel door that probably weighs 10 15 tons that has four or five locks on it and then if you even get that safe door open guess what's behind that another door a cage with bars that you need to get into and even if you get into that cage and you go into a bank vault guess what's in the bank vault there's where's lined with little boxes that slide out and you need another key to slide the box out so if you get into the big door one and then you get through the gate and then you get to the box and you get into that you slide it out guess what there's another letter layer on top a little metal flat on top of that that you need to unlock as well and only then after you unlock that can you get to the money so there are safe caught after safeguard after safeguard after safeguard keeping the money away and why do they do that they do that so you won't steal it right not only that that's not the only reason why they do it because if they wanted to they could just do other things to keep you from stealing it there re another reason why they do all of that lavish security is so that you don't even think about stealing it so that when you go into the bank you don't even think about taking the money the only person who robs a bank is a fool because you don't get away with it you do not get away with it it's too many security measures in place and all of those security measures prevent people from even thinking about going in and robbing the bank unless they've lost their minds you know what modesty is for the women in Islam and for the men modesty are all those safeguards that the bank has to protect the money I guard my modesty not just so that people don't see it but I also guard my modesty like this so that no one even thinks about it no one even thinks about harassing me or for the women no one even thinks about harassing her nobody even thinks about approaching her and I've even been told yes yes you're right but there are brothers who will even go in there approach a sister who's writing a film the club and try to hit on her I'm like okay but what is he looking at he might as well better hit on the brick man over here he's not going to see anything doesn't think that there's nothing to look at it's only his imagination that's making him do that and you already know them this brother has an issue it brings it to the forefront but the normal average person is not going to do it because you've put so many safeguards in place that they won't even think about doing it this is here this is modesty this is how we protect ourselves because let me tell you dear sisters and brothers would you guard under that hijab and knock him on and that gin ban is more precious than what a bank holds in it safe it's more precious than any jinn that someone would like to hide if I had the most beautiful diamond in the world if someone had given me the biggest most beautiful diamond in the world do you think I left around with my hand all day and when I go to the gas station to pay for something I stood on the counter and when I'm getting gas I sit on top of the car and I leave it on my front porch when I go inside do you think I would do that no I'm gonna lock it up tight I'm gonna lock it up tight in Early's make sure that nothing happens to it this is what you are guarding with your modesty is even more precious than that because it is a gift that only Allah soprano Latoya is given to you and the beauty of Islam the beauty of Islam is that in the freedom of Islam this is what I laugh when I hear non-muslims say that hijab is an oppression or they say that the way the women have to cover themselves in oppression I laugh I just laugh because I say no that naked women on the billboard down the street is oppressed she's oppressed because every single person are driving on this road already gets to see everything of the beauty that Allah created her with there's nothing left for me to see there's nothing left for me to desire there's nothing left for me to lecture on she's already given it out for free the real freedom that the sister has an Islam that the woman has in Islam is now she has the freedom to choose whom she wishes to give that gift to she has that freedom to choose whom I give this gift of myself to and they're the only one that gets it and then he has the right to it brothers you gotta work for it you have to be worthy of it there's a lot of steps you got to go to be worthy of it so this is the beauty in the freedom of the women in Islam as when she guards herself and protects her modesty the way Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has told her to do she is really free that is real freedom for me to walk around dressed like this each and every single day is real freedom for me because I don't have to worry about anybody looking at me with our teary reasons I'm not saying that I'm all buffed and cut up and stuff like that I work out but we're not going that far just the point is that belongs to me belongs to me and I choose whom to give it to and to step off from the sisters I'll be back to you in a moment for the brothers the rules are the same the rules are the same if I wanted to go into the rules of covering for the women there are about four or five rooms number one is that anything that you put on cannot show the shape of your body period point blank there is no difference of opinion in the ruling about that anything that you put on cannot show the shape of your auto long and according to most of the scholars the entire woman is her Ottawa that's it everything Allah has given you his beautiful sisters trust me everything that Allah has given you is beautiful and according to the most correct ruling it is to be guarded therefore if I can see the shape of it it's not guarded it's not guarded it now for the brothers the ruling is the same the ruling is the same anything that you leave your home with has to cover your artery without showing its shape what does that mean that means those which I don't think any of you brothers have a problem with it that's I don't think any of your brothers are going on but actually it's coming into play now you see um the new trend is going on with the skinny jeans for men I only want to say where that implicates to me but you know that new trend the skinny jeans they're home for Miss rim to wear why because those should they show the shape of your Ottawa make sure the shelter what's between your navel and your knees and I've seen to the Masjid with jeans or with running pants or whatever are in so tight that I can count the change in their pocket and I don't let them play in front of me because when you go to bend over and say well you put in all your junk in my face that's not modesty that's not permissible in its name actually it's not correct it doesn't mean that you just have to have clothes that go there no they can't show the shape of your body either brothers they can't that's why I choose the easy way what is it there's there's no me having a turkey wearing this but the ruling is that you just can't show the shape now back to the sisters another rule is that it cannot show the color of your skin which a rayon can be loose and then see-through like curtains in the house when you look into the Sun and I've seen a lot of sisters do this the road Beautiful's came all beautiful in JBAB and then it's so same as soon as you walk in front of a light I have to turn my head like oh my god like an x-ray machine that's not proper it's not permissible the same thing for the brothers you're not supposed to wear anything that shows the color have your skin from your navel and to your needs it's just the way it is brothers you have to guard that it's not permissible for you to show it and for the sisters again this is for just the sisters and I know this is going to be like okay there's variances about it but let me tell you that there is no difference of opinion of the scholars about this issue perfume for the woman when she leaves her house is not permissible it's just not for a sister in in there are reasons I know sisters like to smell good you like the smell good I just know good but I know you sisters I could smell good the only problem is when you go outside of the house smelling good we men are like foxes drawn to a scent it's just a way of luck readiness you smell a woman walked by and she smells good automatically it's like a reflex your head is going to go you looking for that smell it just happens you can even be saying I'll also be led while your head is continually turning it just it's just the way it is and this is why our reserves of live already he was sending them made the commandment to all of his people in Medina he said do not let any woman who leaves her home with perfume come to the Masjid and pray with us do not let her do not let her come into messages once a before ever of the Aloha and was walking by a woman who had perfume on today she said he said were you willing now there are some that say ok is not it's just going to the Masjid but you have to understand this is 1300 years ago where that was where a lot of the trend that interaction between men and women took place everything else was pretty much separated but now we live in a world where everything's mixed abu huraira smelt a woman and asked her where you going she said to the Masjid he said no home and wash that off because your son well he said I heard our source under a syndrome that a woman who leaves the home wearing perfume going to the to the master caught her she can interact with men her salah is not permissible until she makes dilution like she is in the state of genom so it's just not permissible I know I know that Vera Wang princess smells good door suga Bona light blue I trust me I know I know it smells too good that's why it's just something that you guard if you want to smell that good smell that good for your husband he'll love it but don't do it to us it's a fitna for us below and I'm just being real with you I'm being as real with you as I can now for the men I know that seems like it's a imbalance but this is the way Allah subhana WA that designed it when the man is encouraged to wear perfume because our rasul salah salem was his sunnah that he would wear a lot of perfume but the perfume for the men is something that should be strong in a manly smell these bells were crying well in that road was perfume I know it smells good I see get your wife another we're in Charlotte to Ireland but it's supposed to be something but as there was a manly smell in chalma and our reserves said we'll send them like good smells and he said the Angels like good smells so there are things that go back and forth both ways the rules for modesty are pretty much exactly the same except for a few minor rulings between the man and the woman the only difference between you sisters is the way Allah decides you and the way Allah decides us a lot designed you dear sisters with an immense amount of beauty an immense amount of beauty as brothers there's some beautiful brothers where most of us are pretty scraggly unfortunately just where we are we're just scraggly we're here you know we got we we do weird things we scratch ourselves we pick our nose we got we got all kinds of issues but sisters have been gifted with an immense beauty by allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala and then he also designed that that beauty that allah gave you is very attractive to the man it is very attractive and it is a great fitna of attractiveness when you don't guard it properly and this is why all Rasool said when he suddenly said that I fear for you after me the greatest fitna that I'll leave behind me our resource services you can find this in Sahib acharyas is authentic hadith he said the greatest fit nya Lee from my Ummah is the fitna of women it's the greatest fit and I leave for myomas the fitna of women not because you're bad and corrupt and all of that but because you have the ability to flip us out you have the ability to drive the men crazy with things that are lost upon what Allah has given you and that's why Allah has put so many safeguards in place for you to protect it now I want to ask you a question sisters and I know I'm stepping out on a limb here I know I'm probably gonna get some hate mail behind this but this is know I'm doing it just because I love you for the sake of Allah Soprano what the ayah I want to ask you a question how many of you agree with me that the beauty of the woman is to be covered how many of you agree with me that's pretty much all the hands right that your beauty should be coming now hands down I'm I asked the brothers what do you think is the most beautiful attribute that a woman has I don't want to hear any vulgar words and only any of that stuff ly rest of your home because I'm not talking about they sha no I'm talking about what is the what do you think is the most desirable feature of a woman the most honored and blessed part of the human beings face and especially for the woman are the human beings body the face correct yes an old correct Wallner that woman has a beautiful face she's beautiful everything else you can work with so dear sisters the adornment of the body as according to a dresser said that I've said in the adornment of the body is what the face the adornment of the body is the face and for this for the woman her first point of attractiveness is her face so I'm not going to tell you what is my opinion I'm just going to ask you or the opinion of the majority of the other man I'm just going to ask you rationally that if you agree with me that the beauty of the women should be covered I'm telling you from the man's standpoint that the most beautiful part of the woman is her face the most beautiful part of the woman is her face therefore she should guard it in any way that she can she should try to guard it I know it may be tough sometimes and I know some of you may disagree with me but this is just the reality of the situation is that this is a attractiveness this is the point of a track nurse or the sisters and I just want you to be safe I want you to protect that gift that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has given you it's not so respectful and I know there are some sisters who like to run around him and there's nothing wrong with being fashionable sisters don't think I'm trying to put you you know in in straight black abayas all day long you know no no anything that's not what I'm trying to do there's nothing wrong with fashion there's nothing wrong with wearing nice clothes there's nothing wrong with wearing nice shoes there's nothing wrong with wearing even expensive shoes if you if you can afford it or if you can make your husband afford it there's nothing wrong with with liking Dolce Gabbana's nothing wrong with liking Jimmy Choo there's nothing wrong with with liking all of these things but the simple fact is you need to ask yourself and I truly guarding myself when I leave my home am I guarding myself when I leave my home am i protecting that gift that Allah subhana WA Ta'ala has given me because you see sometimes and I've seen it before sister leaves the house she put on she makes sure the jab is on really nice she makes sure it's so nice make sure no hair sticking out she makes sure her ears are covered and then she goes outside and I see her walk in front of me and she's got on pants ensures that look like they were painted on let me tell you that that's a whole misunderstanding of what he jab even means hijab is not a scarf that you put on your head hijab is a lifestyle hijab is a way of life it's a way of thinking it's a complete covering and this is the beauty and I want to give you and then he's my good friend so I can copy him there was a lecture that one of my dear Imams one of my de man's one of my very favorite this in Islam that I've known for a long time he gave and he talked about to women I'm gonna end with this and then I'm gonna leave some time for questions and answers he talked about two women who left the house one of them she might be Muslim she might not be Muslim but she gets ready and she looks in the mirror she has a makeup all done which is another issue for sisters there's no problem with wearing makeup when you leave outside of your house if you cover it up belongs to you and your husband but don't go out in a way that you know is going to draw attraction to yourself because you're not attracting anything but negativity but anyway he said there's a woman who's going to leave a house and she has a makeup all done right she has on nice clothes showing off all of her features and her curves some nice heels to accentuate her legs or this Jewish looks in her mirror to make sure she looks good make sure she looks good when she leaves the house she looks older than when she's walking down the street you can see every single man's head turning right along with her it's like doing The Rave all you see is one than another another another just following her wherever she goes and she smells good when she gets home on the bus so she gets on the subway everybody wants to sit close to him and she just so attracted me she smells so good and it always because when she stood in the mirror in the morning she wanted to make sure that she looks good she wanted to make sure that she looked attractive she wanted to make sure that she was a rapping billboard for how beautiful I am look at what I have look at what I can give to the world look arete I can give to you this is how she feels when she looks in the mirror he said then you have another woman who gets up in the morning and puts on her gym bag or hits her him on she puts on her job the proper way maybe she puts on the net farm he said and she looks in the mirror well before she leaves the house but she looks in the mirror for a different reason she looks in the mirror to make sure that what she's leaving the house with is pleasing to allah subhanahu wata'ala she makes sure that when she looks in the mirror when she leaves the house she's not attracting attention to Hey look at me look what I have to offer to the world she's not leaving the house to make herself or lacking bilberry from her beauties and her gift that lost a pan over to Allah gave her she looks in the mirror in the morning when she leaves for different reasons and this is the real beauty of the sister trust me this is the real beauty of the woman in Islam and take it from me personally my opinion might not mean anything to you but it's my personal opinion that when I see a sister who covers herself properly and everything is in check it's beautiful it's beautiful in a different sense it's beautiful in a different sense than an attractive sense it's beautiful in the sense that it makes me feel good about being a Muslim it makes me feel good about the fact that I know that my sisters in Islam had the freedom to choose whom to give their beauty to whom to give their gifts to whom to share that gift that allah subhanho wa taala gave to them they have the freedom to choose these women running around half naked in the streets don't realize that they're the ones that are really oppressed they are the ones who are really oppressed that's why do you think people harassed Dimi guys come up behind them and slap them on the behind guys say all kinds of vulgar things to them why people even go to the point of attacking the sisters and raping them and all of these types of things I'm not saying that the woman asked for it but she's advertising that which Allah has told her to protect she is giving for free that which Allah has already commanded that she should make the man work for him make him be where they make the brother to get married to the sister he should be worthy she but earn it because that's a gift that Allah has given you when he gives you a good wife it's a gift from allah subhanho wa taala back to the brothers for a moment and brothers when you ancestors when you're seeking to find a partner in life when you want to get married you should put the priorities and check brother and you should put the parties and check sister doesn't matter how much money he makes he gotta have some money you gotta have some money some bills gotta get paid but doesn't necessarily have to be a doctor because a doctor good for the for the for the bubbles for the sister she didn't have to have him to come from a rich family if she does Hamas iris or Sabra know how they were send them said that there are four reasons you can get married and the best one of those was to marry someone who had deen to make someone who had deen to may someone who carried themselves as a muslim for the brothers and the sisters because let me tell you when you have a relationship that is built on Dean it won't fall apart unfortunately and I know there's a little bit of the subject but it's important unfortunately a lot of the marriages of the Muslim moment today are ending in divorce it's going up just like the non-muslims here in America the divorce rate is worth about fifty percent almost half of every marriage ends in divorce one of out of every two years in the Muslim community we are almost matching it if not beating it but almost one of out of every two marriages in divorce why why does it happen like that this is not the only reason but let me tell you one of the main reasons I'm going to tell you one of the main reasons it is because a lot of our relationships marriages start out wrong how do they start out wrong the brother and the sister start talking to each other in private when they're not supposed to be in the shaitaan is a third and then they start getting on Facebook they start chatting they gotta know about Facebook I got 5,000 friends I can't even add no more friends know about Facebook I need like four more accounts or you find each other's numbering you start texting and start calling each other late at night and you start hanging out together and you made them fall in love you may even fall in them or what you may think is love and you may be real little you may fall in love and then you may even get married but guess what you've gotten married based on a love that was based on infatuation and that was based on feelings that were given to you by who who gave you those feelings shaitaan because would it auto a suicide mobile how do you send him set on a man and a woman are alone that are not married who's the third party Shaitaan so that love you feel you might feel it but it's not from a loss of huh no with the adder it's from Shape on so what happens to those marriages after a few months in maybe even a year in and that effectuation forever when that initial feeling of love goes away and then you're just left with each other looking at each other like wrong with you and what is wrong with you you might not even like each other anymore by that time because what happens when shape on puts that infatuation between you is that you're blinded to it is wrong with maybe each other you're blinded to the fact that maybe we aren't even really competitive with each other you're blinded for a lot of things and then when you get married Shaitaan is happy to break that marriages trust me one way that's one of his favorite things to Shaitaan will just remove and step out of the situation and then now you're left with arguing you're left with fighting you're left with all kinds of things that lead to somebody giving up the man gives up and he walks away and leaves his sister hanging or the sister just can't take anymore and she leaves and then now you have a family broken up maybe children that has to be separated too big disease this all comes from us not guarding ourselves properly it all comes from part of our modesty and not correcting it but but on the flip side of that let's say the brother and the sister get married facility love just the raw soap I know what I Allah has made it happen they know each other they the better has approached the wali he has given his intentions he's had a chance to meet my sister had a chance to see her he's had a chance to discourse with or even on some puzzles with the Rallye present and they decided we both have Dean we both love Allah and His Messenger and we both want to seek to please Allah and His Messenger by this marriage and they get married then guess what happens they might not even know each other the first day in the hole they look at each other like they're crazy they don't know me I don't know you and you don't know me but you know what happens Allah subhana WA Ta'ala says when you do it like that that a lot of places love and affection he places love and affection between spouses and he will make one a covering for the other he will make the man the covering for the woman and the remanent garment for a min and that type of marriage shirt on can't even get inside the house because that marriage is blessed by a lesser panel at the ILA and that love that you get when you have that that's real love let's love that doesn't fade away when bad things happen that's the type of love that doesn't give up when it gets rough that's real sincere love that are lost upon what the other gives to a man and a woman when they desire to please him by their marriage this is what we need to strive towards brothers and sisters I know it's tempting to get on Facebook and you see this sister online your family consistent that's fitna already or sisters you don't I said on what he could better have a personal question I want to ask you that's fitna I already know that's fitting I don't go on facebook chat don't expect if you my facebook friend hardly ever see me on there if you see somebody on chat knows that if somebody's hacking my account you're not talking to me plenty of people have done that I'll talk to you on Facebook no you didn't because I don't wanna face book chat 5,000 people on there that's treatment it's a place where there's no supervision Shaitaan has too much play area there so we have to guard ourselves better than sisters to the reality of what's going on around us because we need to be building a strong online and you cannot go to online without building strong families and you cannot build strong families without building strong relationships and you cannot build a strong relationship by starting off the wrong way you can't you cannot start the wrong way it has to be done right everything in this land has a system behind it it has steps it has procedures it has ways it has to be done and don't think that you can do it any other way and there's going to work because your way does not work your way cannot work the only way that will work is a lovely sisters if you want to really be free and you really want to please a man there's only one way to do it that's a less way you want to say that I'm modest and I have respect and dignity there's only one way to get it and that's a lovely and that you will be true be free who cares what people think who cares what people think how many you were here at my lecture when I talked about the pursuit of happiness how many of you were here when I talked about how to gain a lost pleasure and gain dignity whomever seeks to be pleasing to alone even if people don't like it they will gain a lost pleasure in the pleasure Wow I think we had a technical malfunction thank you let's slide this over sabotage that type of when you seek to please allah subhana wa ta'ala and Allah gives you the dignity of people that's a type of dignity that can't be taken away from you and that's a respect men the better that brought me here we're talking about on the way over here is that when you seek to please Allah you get respect even if people don't like you who cares if people don't like you I don't care if anyone likes me if you give me the respect that I deserve as a human being as a Muslim and as a man that's all I need the only people I care about liking me is my family and if they don't like me then we got a problem then you should need to fix some things but who cares if the people don't like you if they think you're crazy if they think you got a bag on your head who cares let them laugh you know why you know why we should let them laugh how many of you have ever heard that the phrase laugh now cry later laugh now cry later that's for them that's for them and I even had this not long ago I had a debate with a pastor and a couple of non Muslims an atheist in New Jersey and they were talking about why would any one guy jumped up and said why would anyone want to be a Muslim why would anyone want to be a Muslim you guys have the worst way worst way of life you're backwards not only that but nobody likes you guys why would I want to enter a life or now every time I go to the airport I'm being harassed every time I go to the airport they're gonna put me in a special line and through these x-ray machines and all this and that I might get locked up I might get this I'm gonna get scrutinized I might get beat I might get spit at why why did I do that tell me one good reason I can do that I said I'm gonna tell you why and I said this is for everyone I'll tell you why because maybe you look at us now you might look at the Muslims now when they're in the airport and they're in this separate line being harassed you might see the Muslims being crowded up and thrown into prisons and into detention facilities in refugee camps you might see the Muslims getting oppressed all over the world you might do that I said but I swear to you by the one who created the heavens in the earth on the day of judgment you will wish that for five minutes you would have been in that line in the airport you will wish in the next life for one moment you have stood in the footsteps of one of those Muslims who have been oppressed for one moment you will wish that you were the worst oppress Muslim in the planet rather than the situation that would be facing you when you stand before your Creator so you can laugh at us now you can make fun of us now all you want the way the real laughter the fun is the day that we enter into germinal and we leave you behind if you want to be serious about it that's the reality of the matter is the war I have gives me that type of is so last now go ahead laughs even if I tell you who this man is really about your last meal me go ahead I actually sit down and let you finish because I'm gonna have my day the believers will have our day when they may wish that they were sitting on outside and send me back to the lair for five minutes or be like then I'll get in that line I'll let them harass me I'll let them split me I'll let them snatch myself as my hair I'll never put me the refugee camp oppress me and put me in Guantanamo Bay they could remember where they want to put me as long as I can stand with them today and the law would say it's too late you should have done that then you should have done it then this is the reality of the situation whether this is this is what you have this is the gift that Allah has given you it's not worth anything that anyone else can give you it's not worth selling your dignity for it's not worth trying to please and look fashionable and fly and who cares about that who cares about that the only thing I care about is Westside I'm gonna be standing on on the day of judgment let them do what they want to do brothers and sisters sisters let them make fun of you because I know you stick out more than anybody else let them go ahead and make fun of you when they laugh at you laughs inside just smile inside knowing that one day the only ones that are going to be laughing on the day of judgment the only people they're gonna be laughing is gonna be the last of the people of Jenna that's it and that's all that really matters everything else is just garbage they say it's just peanuts and that's not what we want we want what unless upon Allah that Allah is prepared for the believers things that I has never seen or an ear ever heard nor has a mind ever imagined so Allah has given you brothers and especially you sisters a beautiful gift and the way that he has created you protect it keep it guarded keep it away from these young men I love you brothers for the sake of Allah sisters keep it away from them they can't handle it I know they can't I'm telling you from personally we can't handle it so guard it and make us work for it and the better that works for it and his reason I prefer it then decide whom you want to give it to for the rest of your life get married to him and then let your relationship being please be pleasing to a loss of Hana with Isla the only thing that will come out of that is good and that's what we need from this Ouma right now I'll Kalika the heather was definitely the relic only for stuff for the who in a world where federal him you
Channel: Ahmed Abanur
Views: 80,634
Rating: 4.8650393 out of 5
Keywords: xijab, umal, shible, idris, mustafa, omar faruuq, faruq
Id: sIwClQkq7Js
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 45sec (2685 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 27 2012
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