Yusha Evans - love for the sake of Allah

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ash hadu an LA whoa ash hadu an LA ela ash hadu Ana Muhammadan more ash hadu ana muhammadan why soon oh hey honest honest hey Alice order hey Alan Fenner - ah along Oh Oh No whoa [Music] right Salam alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu Allah Akbar like bomb Oh like what all black ball I said when I love a lot more I said when you know in more or she had one more happen Marisol a shadow no more harm mother soon oh hey yellow soylent hey you're not funny hey little fella hey your little fella one more oh yeah you know in more [Music] in alhamdulillah he enough mother who when a star you know who when a star Pharaoh who were not all the wheeler him and Rory and Fuu Cena women Sayyidina Muhammad el-mahdi dela woman you little fella her tiara why she doing the hula Cheri Cara ashhadu anna muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluh yeah you holla Dena a minuto ha ha ha to party well otamatone 11 to mostly moon yeah I you Hana suta for Ibaka melody holla pockemon of sin Waheeda masala cumin has all jehovah bertha man whom original and catherine when is a water-cooler holiday eat as a gonna be he were our han inna llaha can la cumbre p --ba yeah you holla Deena a minuto allaha wa Palookaville ensue de de amalah eyah fellow kundo new become warm allaha wa rasuluhu father the father thousand edema and bad fanastic al-hadith aqui turbo wah wah higher Hadley had new Muhammadans of allah alayhi wasalam wash our el amor amor de fair to her hakuna mutata that nvidia Vakula be Tarleton de la la huaca de la ratta Nathan or my brothers sisters is my honor to be here with you officially now alhamdulillah this time not speaking to you as a guest but there's an official part and member of the community and as always as you know every time I've been on this member I have tried to give you something that I see is of a need and benefit that I see the whole community at large not just this one but the communities I've visited all around the world and things that are or take home advices that you can put into practice today in Sharma who tirana you know allah subhanahu wa to Anna in the Quran says something that defines us all of us defines us defines who we are not only individually but collectively Allah Jalla WA ala says in surah Taha Jared in a heavy human token matin wahida did this your nation your Ummah is one OMA one OMA one Nura become very balloon and I am your Lord therefore worship me what what great amazing things we can learn from this very one verse from Allah Subhanahu WA to Anna telling us first and foremost the identity of the Muslim Ummah is its unity its oneness and Allah Japan hotel associated its oneness with himself by saying and I am your Lord so worship me what a beautiful and profound statement that has defined this Ummah from the very beginning that when this Ummah understood this concept and held firm to it Allah Jalla WA ala took them to the highest levels the highest levels granting the first of them to be people whom he declared himself to be pleased with him and they were pleased with him the best of nations quantum hydrant and amitin of a gentleness and then after them he allowed them to encompass most of the civilized known world and change it forever because they understood and contextualized the idea of one the Quran Allah Subhanahu WA - Ana revealed the Quran as its last revelation it was his last and final revelation to mankind but it was a first it was the very first book from Allah Subhanahu WA to Anna this sets forward this concept of one Ouma in humanity not one imma from bani israeel not one number from this group but no one from mankind and in it a new and everlasting meaning for that word - the day of judgment this word Allah that Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala named us with is a broad concept it encompasses all kinds of nations it encompasses all kinds of languages it encompasses all kinds of colors it encompasses people from every single walk of life and Allah brought them all together and declared this Ummah your is one Ummah and the foundation of it being based upon the terrain of Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala and I am you therefore worship me so the very core of this idea of an Ummah is that we are united upon one thing and that is the TEL hate of allah subhanahu wata'ala that we worship no one but allah alone we give a badger to none but Allah alone we serve none but Allah alone we seek the pleasure but none but Allah alone this was the way of the companions of the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam may allah be pleased with all of them and grant them the highest ranks of jannah it is the first book the Quran and the first message from Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala even though it's the very last one it is the first one to address all of humanity all of humanity and call them to this one way this one singular path the path of al-islam the sirat al-mustaqim the singular path that is straight that leads to allah subhanahu wata'ala and you can only walk upon it with her hate in a loss of Hanna who went to Anna and belief in His Messenger Muhammad alayhi salatu wassalam this unifies us it addresses humanity regardless of time or place this is the book that is everlasting from the time of its revelation to the time of the day of judgment this book will always always be in season it will always be run of it it will always be new it will always be useful and it will always be a source of guidance for this one umma we are one umma we follow one messenger we have one book we believe in one Lord who is one with to read this is the singular structure of the nation which was set forward by Allah Subhanahu WA to Anna with The Messenger Muhammad SAW bla bla and it was said them this is the nation he strove for we are the living embodiment of the nation that he strove for would he be pleased with what he sees today we have to ask ourselves this if our prophet lays her to a sudden and he foretold many of the things that we do today he told us that we were going to do him would he be pleased with us he strove for the rest of his life to establish this one and I want to teach you some of the things today two things that this Ummah is built upon without these two pillars beyond tawheed and belief in Alana's Mester that's kind of that's that's just mandatory but these two pillars with which this Ummah cannot survive without these two things and I look through the Serie I look through the lives of the companions of the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam and this is what I found to be their strength what kept them together it was love and brotherhood love for one another and the concept of brother and sisterhood know that through the rest of the football when we mentioned Brotherhood or love for your brother this is a general term that means both brothers and sisters Brotherhood and sisterhood there are two types of people in the world today I like to category categorize all people into two groups one group are people who are not Muslims and I like to refer to them in our present day as the umma to Dawa the people who need to hear the message the people who really need to hear the true message of al-islam they are the unmelted Dawa we have a lot of work to do with them that's one of the reasons for me being here is we need to address them and then you have their own metal a Java those who have already accepted the Dhamma those who have already accepted the message they are one they are uniquely singularly one body and that's the way a large lor the addresses us and treats us so we need to behave in act as such allah subhanahu wata'ala in the quran says in nemily monona Allah indeed the believers are but relatives the word everyone the the connotation that it is taken is that they are closer than family that the tires of men are closer than the bonds of blood we saw this in the lives of the companions of the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam when sometimes their biggest enemies even our prophets biggest enemies was from his own family the companion sometimes had to fight wars against their own relatives uncle fighting nephew brother fighting brother father fighting sensor and fighting father you know the race famous statement of the son of Abu Bakr around the allahu and came to him and told him father I saw you on the battlefield on that they ever had and I avoided you so I wouldn't have to fight you Abu Bakr I looked at him and said son I didn't see you and if I had seen you I would have fought you and tried to kill you because you were an enemy to Allah and His Messenger when Allah says in the monona if wa it means that that bond of faith that bond of tawheed ties us closer than any bond of blood kin it makes our relationship sacred sacred in front of allah subhanahu wata'ala we don't rest that concept sacred unified by a loss of hand hotel in this book in the man mean owner allah indeed the believers are but family the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam he said l muslim our whole muslim that the muslim is a brother to another muslim the muslim is a brother family to another muslim he does not harm him he does not wronged him he does not put volumn upon him nor does he ever forsake him the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam also said that allah is with his slave he's with his slave he's with them and aids and assist them as long as they are with and they aid and assist their brothers and sisters that allah is with their slave of his as long as the slave of his is with his brothers and sisters in helping and assisting them this is where the aid of a lost of Hannah with Anna comes when we stand united when we stand together when we are one body the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam speaking of one body said that the parable of the believer the parable of the believers to one another the parable of them in relation to one another is like the parable of the body if an organ falls ill in the body then the entire body responds with pain and fever and sleeplessness to respond to that pain we are one whether we like it or not whether we like it or not there is nothing that can divide us because no matter how much we try to divide ourselves based on land and territory and ideology and thought process and school of thought and language and color allah subhanho wa taala squishes us back together that you're in this together whether you like it or not the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam said that the believers are like a building the believers are like a building each part in each structure working together to hold the other one up and when he said this he put his fingers together like this and clasp them together and said these are the believers they're like a building each part holding another part up and if you start tearing down parts of that building the whole structure becomes weak it becomes weak and topples over and this is what happened to this Ummah when we decided that we had done enough and complet enough and started bickering amongst ourselves and fighting amongst ourselves look at our history we strut we destabilize that building and it crumbled around us but that building can be rebuilt it can be rebuilt we here can create a structure that is so steady and so stable it can stand the test of time insha'Allah who to honor I see that in this community or I would have not have chosen after much much long thought to come here and put my two feet in your Center and honduran ahead I'll be the height I mean the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam also told us and this you very know is a very famous hadith that one of the seven categories of people who will be shaded under the throne of Allah Subhanahu WA to Ana on a day where there will be no shade the Sun will be brought near people will be drowning in their sweat Hellfire is brought near you can feel the heat blistering off of it on that day there will be seven categories of people whom Allah will shade under his shade and it will not be like the shade of the building outside here it'll be a shade that'll be ultimate coolness for them he said one of those categories are two people who meet each other and love each other for the sake of Allah Jalla WA ala alone and they meet and depart solely based on that love on the day of judgement Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala will call out where are the people who loved one another only for my glory were the people who loved one another sincerely for the love of me for this day I have given them the shade of my throne on a day where there is no shade once a man was on his way to a far-off village a village next to him and on his way an angel stopped it started walking next to him and said where are you going he said I'm going to visit my brother he said does he owe you anything no do you have any need from him that you does he have any need from you no I'm just going to see him solely because I love him for the sake of Allah and the angel responded I said my lord has been since my Lord has sent me to you to tell me to tell you that he loves you for the sake of the one whom you love subhanAllah look how simple it is to earn the love of allah subhanahu wa to ana through the bonds of brotherhood and sisterhood in islam just sincerely having love for one another we earned the love of allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to enough the way he remembers us so simple in a hadith Qudsi mmm armand rahim allah - allah reported that the prophets Abu baraa they were seldom said Allah Jalla WA ala says my love is due for those who love one another that my love is an obligation I have made it obligatory upon myself to love those who love each other for the sake of me my love is do for those who visit one another for my sake my love is due in obligatory for those whose heart is free of grudges and who uphold ties with one another solely for my sake Subhan Allah the words of Allah Subhanahu WA Turner through the mouths of the messenger of allah so allah alayhi wasalam although the prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam said and this is in sahih muslim reported by the railroad the allah who you have to hear this the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam said you will not enter paradise you are not into paradise until you believe and you will not believe until you love one another subhanAllah our Messenger Muhammad Ali said outdoors to them whom we follow and strive to follow his way and his son told us you will not enter paradise until you love one another because you will not believe it do you love one another and you cannot enter gender without belief so he saw mama how they were selling them upon the order of Allah Jalla WA ala linked our entry into paradise our Eman our faith upon the love that we have for one another how far away are we how far away are we from in reality these small things these small things and then he said can I tell you something which if you do it it will help you to love one another they said yes o Messenger of Allah tell us he said spread said am spread peace amongst each other make peace amongst one another spread the salams make reconciliation all of that that means this is the Deen brothers and sisters as authentic as I didn't give it to you all about Rasul Allah Sai Baba they were selling I can't give it any clearer than that also another hadith of reported by two MIDI omotola relay classified as a hate from more heavens above robbed the Aloha and then Allah to Allah says those who love each other for my glory those who love each other for my sake on the day of judgment I will place them upon pulpits of light I will place them upon pulpits of light and they will be the envy of the NB a-- and the Shahada they will be the envy of all of the prophets and all of the martyrs the NBA the best of mankind the Shahada who rest upon the throne of Allah subhanAllah they will be envious of the people put on pulpits of light on the day of judgment only because they loved one another for the sake of Allah how far have we gone away also in another hadith of witzy narrated by muhammad rahim allah to Hannah Eddie say when more have been Jebel as well about the allah one that the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam said Allah - Allah says my love is obligatory to those who love one another for my sake those who sit together for my sake those who visit each other for my sake and those who spend on each other for my sake my love is obligatory upon them brothers sisters there is no greater achievement you can achieve in this world I don't care how many degrees you get I don't care how many phd's you rack up I don't care how big of a house you have how big of a bank account you have how many fancy cars you have how beautiful of a spouse you have how many beautiful children you have there is no greater achievement than the love of allah subhanho wa tada because the prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam said when allah loves a person he tells the angels who are nearest to him I love so-and-so calling them by their name I love so-and-so so you love so and so and those angels pass it on down to the different angels and ranks until the angels in the lowest heaven will communicate that to all of creation that Allah Jalla WA ala loves so-and-so so you love them that is true fala that is true success that is a person who on the day of the Irma will be the envy of everyone the envy of Musa and a-seven the envy of ISA L AM the enemy of the Shia of hood the envy of everyone and it can be obtained sincerely solely by loving the brother sitting next to you the sister sitting next to you even if you don't know them even if you don't know where their Fermi and if you don't understand the language of their culture or their identity and there might be some things that you disagree upon but beyond all of that we love each other for the sake of Allah that yes I might disagree with this brother left right and center we might have heated the but if he is ever in need I would be there for his aid if he has ever slandered I would defend him if he is ever in pain I will respond because he's my brother at that point everything else goes out of the window we love each other for the sake of Allah Jenna wander alone why because we're seeking the love of a lost of Hanna with a data through our brothers and through our sisters this is a way to Allah this is a way to the pleasure of a loss of Hannah Witton is through the love of your brother and your sister about the old narrative from Omaha Omaha brought the Aloha and aroma that the messenger of allah alayhi salatu wassalam said verily there are some people amongst the servants of allah there are neither prophets no martyrs but whom the prophets and martyrs will envy on the day of judgment and they said with that o messenger of allah he said there are the people who love each other with the spirit of a loss of Hanna home with her honor they are not because of family they don't love each other because their family their tribe because it from the same country because we're from the same clique or group or whatever no they love each other sincerely for the spirit of Allah Subhanahu WA to Anna not because of relations not because of wealth by Allah there will be a light upon their faces they will be sitting upon light and they will have no fear on the day when everyone will be afraid and they will have no grief on the day when everyone is sad may a loss of Hanna who went to Hanna make us of those who love each other sincerely for his sake I don't want you don't understand what you can gain from it it's such a small lead it's such a small deed to put our differences aside it's much a small effort such a miniscule effort to push down our own ego to push down our own pride to push down our own prejudices and look at the brother next to you in front of you behind you the sister next to you in front of you behind you and just have sincere love for them for the sake of allah subhanhu at to anna such a small effort with great reward emma muhammad narrated from the prophet lace adopt orphans salam from az-zubair even our worm there has come to you and i were in with these two small hadith there is come to you there has come to you diseases this is Sir hey there has come to you diseases like the diseases of the nations before you this is a warning for us there has come to you diseases and the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam referred to it as a disease that was of the people of the nations before you those diseases are envy and hatred and they said hatred is like a razor it shades the religion off but it does not shave off the hair it shaves off your religion he said hatred will shave and destroy your religion it is a disease a cancer that doesn't eat away at the body it eats away at the Deen it will shave off the Deen and not shave off the hair by the one in whose hands is the soul of mohammed sallu maha they were selling he swore upon allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala who had his own soul you do not believe until you love one another and then he said can I show you that which will if you do it it'll make you love one another you spread set on you make peace with one another subhanAllah Imam Muhammad recorded from a homonym and Abdullah probably Allah who on that the Messenger of Allah are they set out to us Adam asked the Companions and I'm asking you this today do you love paradise he asked him do you love paradise and of course the response was yes o Messenger of Allah we love paradise he said if you love paradise then love for your brother what you love for yourself if you love paradise then have love for your brother what you love for yourself love for your fellow brother and your fellow sister what you love for yourself and you will obtain paradise you'll attain Jannah we could use a whole lot more of this in the world today for the Muslim community is love love and brotherhood in unity we will never be successful without it I don't care how hard we try we would just be continuing to run on our own a light wheel we will be making no progress killing ourselves running on a rat wheel if we do not have love and brotherhood and unity and sisterhood we will never be successful it's impossible abbulu sada harih was thoughtfully the walakum hamdulillahi rabbil alameen wa sallahu wa salam o allah rasool allah wa ala aalihi wa sahbihi ajma'in wa shadow and la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika de la shadow and muhammadan abduhu wa rasuluhu the prophets of allah allah wa salim showed his companions a an example one day that's a very profound example what can happen when we are unified he spoke so much about sticking with the Gemara that the muslims we stick together our safety our security is in the Jamaat is in the body of Muslims he took a stick and he showed it to his companions and he snapped just broken he said this is the loans and who goes off and tries to do his own thing this is the Muslim who separates himself from the body of believers Shaitaan will snap him like I've snapped this twig then he put a whole bunch of those sticks together grasp them and bit them and show that how strong they were and that they could not be broken he said this is the Gemara this is the body of Muslims this is your safety this is your security this is your strength stick with the believers well money if we were unified even with our differences being unified is the problem it needs to be redefined unity doesn't mean we agree on everything our chef Yasser told us the other night that we don't have to always agree on everything the Companions didn't be on everything the great amounts of the of the ahead didn't agree on everything we've never agreed on everything we don't have to agree on everything but what we do have to agree upon is that we believe in Allah subhana WA Ta'ala alone we believe in the messenger muhammad aleyhi surat - wa sallam we believe in the book of allah subhanhu at Hannah and we stand by each other we might have our own disagreements that's fine but we stand by one another I have a feeling we are fulfilling the prophecy of the Prophet Muhammad alayhi salatu wassalam as I finished he said I asked the laws to tide them over to Ana for three things for my Ummah three things two of them Allah granted me the third he not may Allah protect us from this he said the first of them as I asked Allah do not eradicate my Ummah off the face of this earth do not destroy my nation by starvation by starvation by starving to death all of us he said Allah granted me that he said do not allow my Ummah to be destroyed and wiped off the face of this earth by its enemies he said Allah granted me that so our enemies on the outside the very minuscule we put them bigger than they are minuscule the third thing he said was I asked allah subhanahu wa'ta'ala to not allow my ummah to be destroyed by fighting amongst one another and destroying themselves and he said I lost the panel with that I didn't grant me that Allah did not give me that one we are our own destruction we are our own success or we are our own destruction we have to stop placing that on everyone else's shoulders we have to stop placing that on the outside shoulders placing that on the media shoulders placing that on politicians shoulders that solely relies on us on us our unity is our success our disunity is our failure it's as simple as that plain and simple when we are unified we are successful we've always have been when we love one other the for sake of Allah Allah aids us when we are dis unified when we are in disunity we are failing we fail and when we have hatred amongst one another in Envy amongst one other than jealousy amongst one another and all of this other ills that we have amongst one another then Allah Subhanahu WA Ta'ala takes his love away from us and we see it reflected in the turmoil that we create may Allah Jalla WA ala allow us to love one another for his sake may he allow us to love one another for his sake may he allow us to love one another for his sake Arobin at inna fatahna husana orphan are here at the husana up in a turban or Arabic filling of the numinous Rafa Navia morena whatever epiderm and once women alikom milk caffeine and a home in surah slamming muslimeen allahumma sall wa is a lemon muslimeen Vakula makan your hamara he mean whether it's a circular mushrikeen subhanaka rabbee horrible as it EMEA C foon was ceremonial mousseline what hamdulillahi rabbil aalameen Timisoara [Music] long like butter like bottom a shadow layer hello Edwin and ahem madam Rasul Allah Oh oh hey Jana cilenti honey hello fella but then I don't come at this wallet to cuddle come at this from Allah come on along like button in straighten up the lines foot to foot shoulder shoulder Allah Akbar handling and European I mean my man ye many human D in a canal buddhaya canister in venus elephants toffee syrup on Lavina and I'm telling him waiting no booby I named him one of what do head 180 either said yeah man what Derek a monkey mfana well NLC or two for your neck amina lunar 1sf really caribou calf a dumb war LM giving care team well when Jaden m'boy laughs a header well we're getting care Illume Felner feminity muffuletta for what miss ena Felton helm what I mean maybe near meteora be careful had this long at work send me I'm wall homie man heavy that long like them [Music] along who Akram along like Oh more equal and handling Lana banana mana Wahine manikyam edenia Kanagawa canister Andina syrup on mustaqim Seahawk on Lavina and I'm telling him void in my boobie I lay him what a born LM nanika for Derek Lowe a partner you can with like a levy fall over well often and again o'clock same errand or see you saw mmm Aaron are sitting small see their fellow death um for the ye never become somewhat long Sami Allahu Liman Hamidah my club along with my Magnum [Music] unlike them [Music] ceremony kimonos metamour Salam alaikum warahmatu more [Music] cinema Rico Morocco etiqueta just a few announcements Shambo who - Anna the first of them is make sure for the donations for the mastered operation at least try to do $20 per person this is your Center this is your house the house of a lost of Hanover - Anna but this it is in trust of this community so please make sure that you donate generously for that and Sean along with - Anna also donation for Cora Bonnie but the hair meet cash or at the kiosks you can either donate cash or you can do it at the kiosk right by the front office in sha allah number three we're doing the epic backpack drive back to school backpack drive please donate generously for that school supplies backpacks what we're gonna do is you fill these backpacks and give them to children who are less needy who actually need these school supplies so any school supplies that you can think of most of you have children are already buying school supplies so just double up on them just by 2 instead of 1 and 1 of them donate for someone who could need it and she'll know who to Anna number for tomorrow for those of you who know me I'm a car guy so we're starting epic cars and coffee tomorrow and Shama - Anna 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. right here on the left side of the parking lot for those of you have a nice car those of you have any car you like cars just bring your car and shuttle my park on the left side we're gonna relax it's gonna be a very informal gathering and hopefully in charmolue Tyler can come a big thing for guys who just just like to hang out in shallow so that's starting tomorrow every Saturday at 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. and also we have two brothers that are in need of your Dora one of them is named Habib appreci he is actually his brother suffered a heart attack is in the ICU he's asking for your honor we ask Allah subhana WA Ta'ala to grant him as she fell grants him a complete healing and also grants his family patients at fastness during this time and then also our brother was seeing sedan from Sabrina Medical Foundation he's in Dallas medical for a serious health condition and his family is requesting do I as well we make dua data loss to panel with Allah grants him a complete Shifa a completely covering and also patience and steadfastness for his family and also to remembers on this day of llamo Juma to make dua for all of those suffering around the world this is the day where there is the dua vista Jabba there is the dua were a loss of Hannah without accepts the dua of those who believe so please make dua for your brothers and sisters who are suffering today insha'Allah barakallahu fee comes an American
Views: 3,951
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: East Plano Islamic Center (EPIC Masjid), Islam (Religion), Muslim (Literature Subject)
Id: pIaJrVZBsZ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 52min 46sec (3166 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 19 2019
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