Remembering the Yusha Evans-

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[Music] [Applause] [Music] charlotta Allah today I'll try to be short and sweet I'm only going to talk about something that is synonymous to all human beings you know there's a lot of things that people are promised you're promised a good job if you go to school you're promised good pay if you get that good job you turn on the TV I don't know how many promises you might see a day you promise that if you sign up for this service you'll get this month's free and listen there's all kinds of promises that are delivered to people these days and you know that's part of the marketing of this life is trying to sell you something everybody's always trying to sell you something by making promises you know Allah Azza WA JAL has tried to sell us something by making us promises he's sold us Jenna by giving him back our freewill in doing what he wants us to do with our lives he's promised as hell if we refuse that offer but there's one thing he's promised every single human being it doesn't matter where they come from what country or what land you came from doesn't matter what language you speak doesn't matter how rich or how poor you are doesn't matter what job you have hired or going to have doesn't matter whether you were a Muslim a Buddhist an atheist a Hindu no religion agnostic Allah has made one promise to every single human being Kulu Nelson that I could've moved every soul will taste death in the word that Allah uses is so beautiful they write that you'll taste it because it's not the end it's just the beginning death is only the beginning but it is a promise that Allah has made to every single human being then you will in this little phase in this dunya which means nothing this dunya that in the eyes of Allah is not worth the wing of a mosquito this world which the Prophet Elisha to a ceramic was with his companions one day and they passed by a dead carcass on the side of the road and he had picked it up and said which one of you and it was deformed by the way he said which one of you would buy this carcass from me for one day Haram they said the arrow so Ljubljana and none of us would take it even if you offered it for free he said no that this world and everything that is in it means less to Allah then this dead carcass means to you so this face they were living in now Allah has promised every soul will taste the end of it and then Allah Azza WA JAL goes on to promises who Lucia in hanok everything will perish Allah has created everything in this life for it to perish one day it was never meant to exist permanently it will all disappear except the face of Allah as erosion so I'm going to tell you about an event today that will come to every single one of you it will reach you it will find you no matter where you go no matter how far you try to hide yourself this event will find you and this event will find you in only one of two ways and I'm gonna describe those two ways today and that's the only two ways there's no middle there's no force there's no third one of two ways you will reach this incident the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam and this is narrated in an authentic hadith bel Alber are I mean Ozzy rugby Allah or da it is near Davina Muhammad it's also narrated abu dawood in alikum that the prophet alayhi salatu salam was once accompanying a funeral and he came to a grave and we came to the side of the grave there had not been dug out yet but the niche there hasn't been dug out yet the prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam was standing next to that spot and let me tell you something brothers and sisters i love the way the prophet alayhi salatu salam taught people because he brought reality in their lives he stood next to the grave and told them a story he said suburb are Haleiwa Sundlun seek refuge with allah from the punishment of the grave he told them seek refuge with allah from the punishment of grave and they said all they let him into their beloved we see graffiti said say it again probably sincerely say it again they believe another blogger he taught us solo Hollywood seldom to never pray once allah without finishing it but asking Allah Azza WA JAL from the trials of life and death in the punishment of the grave so he was standing in this grave and he told us this and then he told us to sit down so he sat down as if we had Birds on top of our heads meaning that they were playing extreme attention and he said when the believing servant and this is one of the two ways in which this diaper turned out this taste of death will reach you he said when the believing servant reaches the end of his stay in this city this prison that he's been encapsulated in for his entire life when the believer reaches the end of that angels with bright faces they send and they sit down in front of him as far as he can see and then the Angel of Death comes and sits next to his head and says o soul hi Eva oh good soul or purified soul come out to the mercy of Allah and his great reward you see that's the last words the believer were here in this life someone as Allah Azza WA JAL tells us in certain facilities in the ladina Paulo Ruben Allah for mr. Pam that those who say they believe in Allah and they remain steadfast the Angels would descend their death and they were tell them three things lattaker don't be afraid what it does and who don't be even be sad don't even be worried don't have any stress today I'm sure but have glad tidings bill genital lady come to me - I do know of the jannah that was to you by Allah so this is the last words that the believers here and then that soul is so desirous to come out that it comes forth as a drop of water descending from a water jug just smoothly comes out and those angels that are around have brought with them a shroud a calf in from Jenna and they have brought with them beautiful smelling sins to embalm and wash the soul in when this soul falls out the angel of death can't even hold it for one second and those angels take it from him and they begin passing it around and you know what they're doing with that soul they're smelling it they're smelling its fragrance and they're enjoying holding this beautiful pure soul and they immediately they wrap it in that shroud from Jenna and then as they ascend up into the heavens to take this soul back to Allah in a lillahi wa inna ilayhi Rajan everything belongs to Allah it goes back to Allah they reached the lowest heaven and they knock and they asked for entrance and it is asked who is this with you and they will say this is so-and-so the son of so-and-so calling him by his best names calling him by his best names and every angel in that heaven will accompany me to the next one and the same thing will happen and then when that soul reaches the seventh heaven above which is only the autoshop allah azza wajal allah will say take the Magnificent book of beads and my slaves and place it in Indian place his book in Indian because that's where his record belongs with honor and dignity and then they were placed this angel back in the grave gently and the interrogators of that era the last tribe of the believers will occur the Angels munkar and nakir will enter and if this believer has lived his life the way Allah wanted him to then his Salah will come and stand next to his head and I'm hoping I'm getting off for these right his sadaqa will come and stand next to his side his good deeds will stand by his feet and when the angels come to approach his head these good deeds will say you can't come from here because these angels are interrogators they're rough Allah created them with no mercy the Salah will say you can't have entry here we're protecting him when they go to the side you can't come this way his good deeds his Siddhartha is protecting him when they come from his feet you can't come from this way either so those angels will ask him to sit up and I'm gonna tell you more details about this later tonight the angels are tell him sit up because we can't yank him up because he's being protected so please sit up when he sits up the first thing he will ask is let me pray let me pray in the English you say you'll have time for that they'll be plenty of time for that first you need to answer my three questions Naraku is your Lord and this person whom Allah Azza WA JAL has given estimate religion and a steadfast heart will respond immediately or up there Allah I have no doubt about that they will say how do you know this information how do you know this information he would say because I read The Book of Allah I believed it and I affirm it this day the angels will say what manadena what was your religion my religion was Islam I lived my life the way Allah wanted me to woman never you cool your prophet mohammed sallu behind him send him is my messenger then they will lay this then excuse me after these three questions a voice from above the seven heavens will respond set up a lab be my slaves spoken the truth my slave spoke the truth open here for him open his grave for him after they squeezed and hugged him open it for him furnish his grave with furnishings from Jenna a door will be open to him for he'll fire and it will be said if you had this available this would be your place and it will be closed to never be opened again then another door will be open to Jenna and it will be said because of your belief and unlock this is your home now and the fragrance of Jenna will come in and someone will come every morning and evening to remind him this is your home then a beautiful handsome person will come in and sit next to him or her and that person is so beautiful that the person in the grave will say who are you I've never seen something so beautiful as you they will say I am your good deeds I am your good deeds to keep you company today what a beautiful companion but you know what that companion is being created right now by what you're doing in this life right now you are creating this infinite for yourselves if you do the right thing but that's only one of two ways there's another way and the other way is not as good a whole look how the Heather was talk to know when I come for stuff for over the world hamdulillah hey Robby let me go Sara - Sara Mauro su Lila Lila early he was happy he aged 9 what I need to tell him is any leontyne foreshadow la ilaha illallah wahdahu la sharika lah why shadow under Mohammed and bad for the disbeliever for the person who disobeyed Allah to so much extend in their life that their good deeds can't do them any good any more for that person when this taste of death reaches them angels will descend with dark faces and they will line up in front of him as far or her as far as they can see then the Angel of Death will come with a shroud from Jahannam of stinking smelling sackcloth of the harshest worst fibers that any human being can ever imagine in the Angels six next to this person's head and the person sees this he sees all of it she sees all of it no one around can see this but they're watching they're seeing it people are seeing this instantaneously every second of every day someone is seeing this incident happened how lava Island we don't even know nor care to ask it's happening then the angel says o soul Haditha Oh dirty filthy soul come out to the anger of Allah in his wrath and the soul realizes what is about to happen to it so it seeks to is-8 this and it runs around in the body then the angel of death has no choice but to reach in and snatch it out and the prophet alayhi wa sallam said it's like taking a stick of thorns placing it in a wet ball of wool or a ball of wool and just pulling it back out it just tears everything the pain is so intense then on the day of judgement the pain of this death will still be visible on the people's faces when they resurrected at the time of bani israel there were a few pious people who went to our graveyard and they made dua to allah to bring someone from those graves to tell them their experience and so a person was brought out of the grave and he said what is the matter with you why did you bring me for this I have been there over 100 years in the pain and that death just now subsided from me put me back so that soul is ripped out and the Angels don't want to touch it no one wants to touch it they grab it and they just immediately shove it into the deck off no one's going to touch it nor smell it because it smells as a prophet alayhi salaatu wa salaam says of one of the most stinking foul corpuses corpses of the earth then they take that soul and try to ascend to allah azza wajal and they asked for entry into the first heaven and they say who is this let's say this is someone saw the son of so-and-so calling him by his worst blings calling him by the worst of names then a voice will be heard from among the seven heavens Allah Azza WA JAL he will respond send it back send it back despised and rejected into the day of judgment it can't even enter in Allah says send his back so they throw it and fling it back into the ground and the prophet alayhi salaatu wa sallam said it is whoever assigns a partner to Allah it is as this he has fallen from the sky and the birds have snatched him or the winds have just flung him away that is what is waiting for them and then when they reached back to their grave these two angels munkar and nakir come in and this person has no protection from them this person has no protection from them so they just snatch him up and they asked him men arabic and they're not gonna wait around for you to think they don't want you to figure it out then I say man drop book who is your Lord tell me now they say I don't know money myself my family my job that was my job that's what I served what you served is what your heart is gonna speak there's no lying in the ass here you're gonna be honest man wrote book My Lord was Jesus rap movies movie stars whatever it was that's what you're gonna say and they're gonna smash you over the head with a hammer they don't turn you into dust and when you scream the Prophet Lisa rattling every living thing on earth except humans and jinn hear it and I would let you hear what's going on in the graves the Prophet laser doctor said I'm saying but if I did so I'm afraid you would never bury anyone ever again then they sit him they put him back together set him up again woman Dean look what was your religion I don't know christianity buddhism atheism myself smashed again third time oh man never you woman maybe you who is your prophet they will say I don't know I heard that people say such and such about such and such that's all I know it's not good enough they smash him and sit him back down and alura's whoa Jen says my soul my slave is a liar the liar and the grave squeeze him when he came in and it doesn't let him go and then Allah Azza WA JAL says please his saw his record in sid gene click his record in Sid gene because that's why he's going that's what he would end up in a prison for the rest of his life for the rest of his existence for the rest of eternity so places record where it belongs and then a door to Jannah is opened in his grave and it is told that had you believed this would be your resting place and then that door closes to never be opened again ever then a door to Jahannam is opened and he said because of your actions this is where you will reside and they furnish his home from his new home his grave and he is told every morning and every evening this is where you arrest and that I evil ugly filthy looking person comes and sits next to the head and this person in the grave says who are you I've never seen something so awful I've never seen something so ugly so despicable that person will say I am your bad deeds to keep you company into the day of judgement I am now your companion until you're more cliana you see these are two different endings two different ways of entering into the realities of acidy but they're quite different they're quite different they're polar opposites there couldn't be any two different things but those things are being decided right now how you will meet your death you're deciding it today which one of these two deaths wait for you is being played out right now in your life every choice you make every decision you take you are setting yourself up for one of these two innings and only you and Allah Azza WA JAL know which one of those two you are setting yourselves up for you need to ask yourselves every time you go to perform an action will this action bring me the ending that I want because if it doesn't you should leave it alone should run away from it as much as you can you should run away from it because that ending is waiting for everyone one of two ways and these two people I want to tell you something about him these two people as they're sitting in their graves one of them every day we'll be making adora and the other one were making a door on the believer who has been promised the mercy of Allah the pleasures of Jannah he has one to offer Allah every day the other be a penis sir my lord established the hour my lord bring the day of judgement quickly because I want what is promised to me your Abbiati messiah and the other person in the grave is saying you robbed me never allowed the hour to be established please never allow the hour to be established he would rather be tortured in his grave for eternity than face Allah on the day of judgment because he knows was waiting for him so these are two totally different ways to end your life there are many different ways to live your life you can live your life however you want to each as omen as they say eat drink and be merry enjoy it why you got it you only live once no no you only die once you live forever you die only once so you can live your life however you want but you will die one of two ways and that decision is all in your hands you can't believe in anyone for that except for yourselves I want to finally as an ending point because we're gonna continue on with this tonight sha allah i want to give you some advice and admonishment first and foremost to myself from one of our great fellows a member tobyh rahim allah tala he said something very very beautiful he said where is the wealth that you have gathered in a mosque in this life where's it at where is the money that you worked so hard for have you prepared yourself for the great day of terror have you prepared for it just like the prophet alayhi salatu salam when someone asked him when is the hour he said what have you prepared for it who cares when it comes what have you done to prepare for it it could come today would you be ready he said there is no money in your hand when you're dying and even if there was I couldn't do you any good you cannot bribe death he said the wealth and pride that you have enjoyed in this life Allah has replaced them on your death with humiliation and poverty because the really bankrupt person is the person who stands in front of Allah with no deeds the commodity on the day of judgment is deeds that's it nothing else deeds that's your only commodity left he says what has become of you all prisoner of your own burdens oh you who have been taken away from your family in your home and he's talking to a person who's already left what was it that concealed the right path from you what was it that was in your life that blinded you from the straight path of Allah what is it that you put in your life that kept you from the sirat al-mustaqim what was it that caused you to have no interest in making provisions for the long journey of after this waiting you what caused you to delay oh you who were deceived by this world this journey to the intense day of F of Terror is inevitable for you it's inevitable that is the day when you will stand in front of the sovereign the judge and the blows that were struck by your hands the places where your feet took you the words they were uttered by your tongue the actions of your limbs and all of your faculties will be counted against you on that day if Allah has mercy on you you will go to Jenna if Allah doesn't you will go to him o negligent ones who ignore the important matters of life how long will you be negligent how long will you neglect Allah as they were gel in your life how long do you think you have enough time to keep doing it that's not gonna send you an email a text message it's not gonna give you any warning do you think that this matter is easy do you think the death in a theater is easy do you think that this is insignificant in your life do you think that the situation you lived your life in will help you now on this day you think your wealth will save you when your actions have already condemned you or do you think your regrets will help you when your feet are slipping across the throat do you think your regret won't do any good for you on that day it'll only be a weight that throws you deeper no by Allah you're all wrong do you think your friends and family will be there to help you when Allah Azza WA JAL is gathering you together to throw you into the deepest parts of hell do you think anybody's gonna help you do you think your family's gonna be there they're gonna be worried about themselves your friends you won't find them your only friend on that day will be in deeds it's your only friend no by Allah you are wrong and you will come to know you were not content with what Allah gave you you went after the Haram you are content with what Allah gave you hylian you had to chase the hot on you never listened to the warnings they were given to you you never had enough of your feel of that which Allah told you to stay away from you weren't deterred by your life without guidance you are happy with the things you have accumulated but you never think of what lays ahead o you who are sleeping and you are unaware how long will your slumber last do you think that you'll be left alone and you won't be brought to account to tomorrow or do you think that death can be bribed or do you think that death distinguishes between the lion and the Gazelle the tire and the tire announced the predator in the prey death doesn't distinguish between any of them no by Allah wealth and children can never ward off death from you nothing can benefit those who will be forgiven except righteous deeds nothing can benefit you if you want to be forgiven except righteous deeds so good news to those who listen good news to those who listen those who understand those who practice what they preach those who are desert tutored by their own selves from following their desires those who know that the victor is only the one who pays attention no that man will have nothing except for what he strives for and he will see it all with Allah so wake up from this negligence and make righteous deeds the provision for which you equipped yourselves for for the next life quit amassing this dunya can't take you anywhere you can't take it with you equip yourself with the one commodity that you will take your deeds your actions what you do you know I was raised here in the south and there's a statement that the deeds make the man the deeds make the man and that's never been a truer statement the deeds make you who you are and that will be known on the day of judgment do not wish to attain the status of the righteous ones when you are weighing yourself down with your sin doing immoral deeds when Allah is watching you even when you're by yourself do not be so deceived by hopes and wishes that you neglect to strive for the athena for one poet once said take provision from this life to equip your akhirah strive for a law and do good deeds do not accumulate too much of this world for that accumulation will eventually leave your hands would you like to accompany other people who have provisions and yet you do not brothers and sisters this is the hot cover this life this is the reality of this life death it's the only reality only thing I can promise all of you death will come and it will come swiftly and without warning so you have to prepare yourself for that today inshallah and we ask Allah Azza WA JAL to protect us from an evil ending and grant us a righteous ending
Channel: Islamic Center of TN
Views: 85,054
Rating: 4.8849702 out of 5
Id: VK4-e5Sp20M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 45sec (1845 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 10 2013
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