Bizarre Bahamas! Unseen Extreme ISLAND Seafood!!!

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if that crab bites you that is not gonna let go this is some high stakes stuff yeah anything could happen yeah do you think some one of us could die welcome to round two of sunny reacts to his own TV pilots that he shot and that was not successful and that got cancelled before the video begins some quick context this is a couple years ago in 2018 this came out we've been working on it for about a year we shot a pilot in Florida I posted a react video to that already and this one is in the Bahamas we were out in the Bahamas trying to find the most kind of unique weird interesting food we could find out there let's check it out is there still poison in here I think okay good enough for me [Music] my name is Sonny and I moved to Asia in 2008 to be a teacher I'm from a small town in Minnesota where we don't do things like eat live octopus pig is very much alive here's the thing though they actually taste pretty good my time in Asia has taught me that adventurous eating is a path to unexpected deliciousness this is the part that says bop-bop-bop so I stopped teaching and started reviewing the world's craziest dishes online up top all right and now I'm in the Bahamas on the hunt for the most unique delicacies on to have pink sheets on and off the menu oh I'm after the best of this dream a gem and it's crazy delicious today I'm in the Bahamas I'm going beyond the resorts and cruise ships to find amazing food some people might call crazy and around here you can't talk about food without talking about conch it's time to get a conch yeah and there is one man considered the conch master of the Bahamas he's on the island of Exuma and his name is Rasta Steve you ready to go yeah let's do it conch are large sea snails that can grow up to eight inches long and are eaten practically everywhere in the Bahamas in dishes like fritters salads and soups this is like real traditional bohemian food right but I'm gonna give you today right it's a tropical salad it's good for everything you get new debt to save you a week on your feet I'm gonna make you strong under the sheet Jana Sangh in did you say strong in the sheets yeah like I'll sleep better okay yeah like that this salad if you want super restful sleep this is the salad for you is that what you're saying no it's that say people weak on your feet right okay make you strong under the sheet you understand yeah that sounds cool I want to be strong everywhere there's a lot of side of the salad I like yeah yeah man it's good is it also delicious well I really like everything is about it it's natural and it's good for you sounds good cracking it open that's the only way you can get a release and I use this yeah it's gonna come right out oh you stick a knife to release the pressure I've never seen this at the counter a lot of stress you know just for you sure I don't speed better looking thing so we got in this and skinning this what would you say it tastes like to me it's not fishy at all it has its own nice Mouse so chewy taste but it's not fishy like a squid or octopus and then we have all the fruits and vegetable what I like about this is it just it's super healthy it's all Halloween war ingredients it's all from the earth seafood plus right from the scene I see signs for this all around the island how long is his conch salad been popular well I was born you know yeah but then later new dinner if you come up a little bit with the fruits so the traditional one the traditional one would just have the green pepper onion and tomato yeah for the finishing touches Rasta Steve adds salt some pepper and a squeeze of lime so kind of like a ceviche right you got it and there you go whoa that lucemon crazy good all fresh fruits vegetables fresh conquer oh here we go over-the-top delicious there's tons of citrus in there sweetness from the vegetable the conch the flavor is in there a fit but it's not super strong the texture really comes through because with all the fruits and vegetables that conch is it got a little bit of chewiness to it yeah which is really nice I was standing I would happily eat this every day and then right here that's what you call a cone pista this is the real deal yeah this is all a strand in the car so sorry this is good for you you need a Chinese what is it what's the pistol yes pure protein some people say like al-aziz the act or something like that right oh please because it I don't know if I can say because that's what we call it the way here in bohemian viagra yeah yeah this is like the male reproductive organ of the conch you did the time what happens after I eat this give you actually boost like a table okay more boost in my roost yeah you got it more strut in my butt is that right more pep in your step okay I'm more stride in your glide it gives you everything it can do everything all right here we go the conch fissile it's salty oh there you go Mike oh yeah boys Julian Sultan that is a fascinating flavor as you can send me an email back and tell me about it I'll send you an email to my god I didn't get around to sending Rasta Steve an email but if I did I would have told him that last night was amazing I slept a full eight hours [Music] the Bahamas are made up of more than 700 islands and my next stop is on one of the most unspoiled Cat Island you might be asking yourself what do cats have to do with food well nothing really but I'm here for a dish called crab and dough it's like a deconstructed crab pot pie my search begins at the boggy pond lodge nice to meet you nice to meet you few visitors make it to Cat Island but at boggy pond Helen Cartwright's family have been serving up not-to-be-missed local favorites for over 40 years I've heard about the crab and oh oh yeah and you know how to make this oh yeah you got a good we gotta catch some crabs first so we can go about round seven eight o'clock in the morning no tonight we're going night hunting yeah because that's when they come out sure yeah no I knew that okay this is dangerous this is nothing this is child's play just for this show we're trying to like increase the danger factor to make it more exciting for ya so catching the crabs is that pretty dangerous if that crab bites you that is not gonna let go this is some high stakes stuff yeah anything could happen yeah yeah do you think some one of us could die coming up I risk life and limb oh my god for even crazier food in the Bahamas this is the last thing I expected act 1 complete in the beginning of the episode I meet this dude on the beach very nice guy forgot his name flash it back in the episode and his name is Rasta Steve this guy was a great co-host he's very funny and the food I think the food wasn't really too crazy maybe it's crazy for the Bahamas but it was still trying out seafood penis the conch male organ I can tell you that knife I'd dip nothing there are no effects I'm sorry to let you down after that I partook in a dangerous crab hunt let's check it out so you can go grab hunting right from your car yeah this is brilliant I'm on Cat Island on the hunt to try one of the craziest dishes in the Bahamas crab and don't anything could happen especially nothing nothing is also a possibility go by foot and see if you see anything in here do you think this is a good place to look this is a good place right down here sometimes you know when you're crabbing and you have to be very quiet and you can hear the crabs clicking in the bush crabbing dough is a dish with roots in West Africa but it's the black and red land crabs in this region that make the dish what it is today I see one this way you see one yeah over here a nice big black one the black one over there yo it has no idea that I'm here don't fight you whatever you do he's grabbing on to the one no it's too late for you you're gonna be crabbing joke cool that's exhilarating summer is the peak season when these roads can be covered with crabs Oh what is this and while it takes a few hours on this night we got what we came for let's go make some crab and oh okay what happened oh here we come it's TV so there'll be a voice er voiceover from there I learned a lot about catching crabs but I decided it was time to make some crab and oh okay and then we're at your kitchen tomorrow [Music] I've already broke them down yep wait somebody they're still moving oh yeah they don't seem that upset about it because they can grow new legs you know is that true can we let one of these out into the wild then to start a new life well I don't think so because you really need the virus in order to feed that's a good point yeah so we are placing the crabs in the pan here put about two tablespoons the seasoning on this okay she hits the crabs with a mix of onion cumin and garlic when we seen this we're gonna put in some water on the bottom well I I could be a bottle of beer Oh some people cook it with just water and salt I know Steve are lame how many beers do you put in like the 60s you don't want too much liquid because you got to understand the crab has liquid in it garlic garlic and onion mm-hmm okay now we could just put the cover on there you go while the crab steam for 15 minutes we make the dough four cups of flour one or two tablespoons of baking powder a little bit of seasoning mix this together so when did you first make crab and dough and your mom taught you so who taught your mom I guess huh parents so this dish has been around forever oh yeah this is been a long time we've got a crab over here and it's been steaming you want to place this on top of here what yeah this is the last thing I expected when you said crab and dough I mean it makes sense it's not crab dough it's crab and also dough yeah and it's gonna soak up all that beer flavor and crab flavor right there in the dome garlic and onion that's gonna be oh that looks nice we've got our nice dough too real soft you can tell that it's been steamed and then we gonna get some of these down yeah sure some pinchers you call them fighters I like that pinchers you come on finches pinchers yeah well you know today that's true oh good name and we're gonna put a head on there okay Oh come try it off you want to dip the bread in here we're sopping up all that fat from inside and then it's juices that have been kind of boiling right inside there good guys really yummy it's super rich I didn't expect that I thought it would be a lot more like fresh sweet seafood explosion but it's rich its fatty it has a unique taste but I like that the bread alone does have some crab essence mm-hmm great texture it's just dense Bobby's going together perfectly really yummy this is a part in the video where there'll be some kind of voiceover I'd be like that dang I learned a lot from Ellen you know different cultures can calm interest different things yeah but at the end of the day we're all just people next I'm turning up the heat you know about this goat peppers do you think I can handle it with more of the craziest foods in the Bahamas I don't know what's wrong with it Oh boom act 2 over so that one was really fun to shoot because we really caught those crabs and I don't want to break the illusion of television for some of you out there but a lot of television is freaked here's why you got a schedule you might have a crab hunt in the schedule like 8:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. but you have a whole team of people you got an audio guy and camera guys a director these guys are not gonna wait for five or six hours for you to go try to find something to hunt down if there's an animal they like throw it there and then be like oh look at this I found a crab but it was exciting for me because I hate doing that not that I've done it many times by the time it's happened before luckily we actually saw in the wild these crabs caught it by hand it was all real and we got good footage of it I don't know how exciting it was it's still just a crab but at least it was real but after that I never could have expected how crazy things got in the next part of the show let's watch it today I'm in the biggest city in the Bahamas Nassau it's on the Island of New Providence I'm looking for something called south have you heard of this cause my local guide slash cab driver Jonny has taken me to Nesbit's in search of the craziest foods in the Bahamas specifically a dish called south it's a traditional breakfast onion all the seasoning you can have some chicken you got pig feet you can have sheep song they have a sheep's tongue that's a delicacy but is they like making out with the Sheep isn't like that at all [Music] yeah Pete yeah that's a good amount of feet there's a sheep down some sows is a common breakfast food and hangover cure for locals consisting of clear soup light broth and cuts of meat that would normally go to waste that are cooked then pickled in lime and vinegar just dive in there's a lot of knuckles in here are you just kind on all right yeah got to work it around it yeah you can get in it that's why there's one that's tremendous a lot of people in the US they're not big fans of unusual textures especially really fatty gelatinous textures like this is just pure sticky that gooeyness taste great this one's really special [Music] that's a good tongue it just is very simple salt pepper a ton of lime okay we'll see get past a sheep part don't think about it being a tongue but don't think about that you're tasting its tastebuds bad and now there's one more food I've asked Johnny to help me find and this food is dangerous some would even say deadly the Bahamian goat pepper it's roughly 140 times hotter than the jalapeno up around the bin you have wal with a fisherman boats are ladies selling the herbs and spices and things to find the goat pepper Johnny has taken me to Potter's key here hidden beneath the bridge to the resorts a hidden world exists all entertainment goes down it's like extra low whoo the reason we're here is I'm just looking for some really unique food do you know about this goat pepper though I'm do you think I can handle it I look pretty tough on the outside but I'm weak on the inside clean you out you got it right now we're looking for the goat pepper have you heard of the goat pepper the only thing I use is goat bedlam whoa so you can handle a lot of spice that one didn't and didn't drink any right Wow and how long has he been dead what's your hottest item right now there's the hottest item like knives to practice oh that's literally the hottest item I mean what's your best selling item I'm dubious oh wow it is the hottest item literally and figuratively that's crazy he me advised a lot of pepper there's that a full campus so I got the gold peppers but now I need someone to cook them for me as it turns out Johnny knows a guy who knows a guy who knows a guy who hooked me up with the owner of a legendary restaurant in Nassau called Goldie's conch house and he's invited me to his actual house for a dish that not only has an intense amount of gold pepper but it's so strange he doesn't even serve it in his restaurant that's the chicken foot yes the chicken for you and oh you got some pigtail to it we care about a thing you don't see you haven't with a big Daddy so we're gonna cook the chicken feet under pigtail together when Goldie's cooking for his friends chicken feet pig tail and goat pepper is one of his go-to dishes and it starts with salt pepper and garlic all this is to go in our pressure cooker we've got our chicken feet we've got our pig tail tons of spices some veggies all going right in the pressure cooker okay this is cool purple trust me this is hard okay ladies a piece of you want to know I've been told it's probably gonna burn my face off really yeah okay so pretty pumped all right so we got a bunch of thyme in there we've got to go pepper we just only chopped up one one about that big I don't know why I bought a bag with like 78 of them and then BAM you just seal it off for like 20 30 minutes No and now the moment where my manhood is tested in the Bahamas has arrived this looks amazing I'm pumped but are you sure I'm gonna taste the spice I gonna make you sweat the gold pear but don't play if you want to feel the heat I gotta make you feeling wall that's a cliffhanger so that was wild the first guy Johnny super nice guy really positive upbeat and we really enjoyed that tongue or whatever we had together this other gentleman Goldie now we were gonna shoot in his restaurant but they had some kind of a gas explosion or something go wrong that day we couldn't shoot in his restaurant so as a last minute resort we're like I guess we'll go to his house and shoot there so that was not the plan at all so we're in his like super dark house they have to light everything is tiny and we're shooting a scene there where he's cooking this food it's unique food cool food I mean chicken feet and pig tail and the pressure cooker it was really good but then he used the goat spice and you'll see what happened next I'm on a quest to experience the most unique foods in the Bahamas and I'm ending the expedition in what is clearly the danger zone I'm about to punish my body by ingesting the most feared of all spices on the islands the Bohemian goat pepper the moment has come you said that you're gonna make me feel of spice in fact it sounded a little bit menacing and even a tad bit threatening I've come prepared I've got my bandana to soak up all the sweat cuz it's it's coming you so you already put in a whole goat pepper and then you put the extra unless I get someone inside Goldie has prepared a bohemian local dish of chicken feet and pig's tail and he's overloaded it with goat pepper a pepper that's 140 times hotter than the jalapeno all right let's get a nice fort full of that let's try it out Oh oh that is a music you taste the good purple eye you know what I taste a little bit of pepper a little bit of spiciness but it's just Pleasant it's nice I gotta take a drink I taste a bit boom listen you can just drink if you want to you don't have to say it's cuz the pepper but Sonny hold on hold on Sonny all right nice try are you gonna do that for yourself oh no no I'm gonna do oh you're okay that's for you thanks bro here we go let's try it ah - scream I thought this girl pepper was gonna be crazy come on I'd rip in my mouth apart that tastes awesome I'm gonna you said I'm gonna make you feel the heat you want the heat I'll make you feel the heat I think let's go let's go tell me with this one okay [Music] okay okay not all right it is a little spicy the spiciness kind of lives right in my chest right now a little bit in my sinuses it's just trying to get out of my body right now I won't let it I'm telling you I was freaked out coming here I was like okay it's pepper time turns out I'm just pretty cool is there something wrong something wrong with you boom that is the end of that episode my absolute favorite part is that Goldie really thought he had some intense fiery hot food for me to take down and I don't know in Southeast Asia that's called mild it wasn't too bad at all and I'm not like a hardcore Spice guy look at me eating these wings I'm a lost puppy yeah almost dead it was hilarious it felt like a big victory and that was it we explored some kind of unique food but I think it's just what's unique for the Bahamas compared to the rest of the world it wasn't like extreme or anything so that's it that's the pilot we did two pilots it was supposed to be one for Travel Channel and one for Food Network in the end the vibe was kind of similar so they just said let's just put them both on Travel Channel it didn't work out but that's fine it's funny actually looking back that was a couple years ago I feel like I'm Way better at hosting now I think when I shot that I was a little bit nervous and apprehensive and I didn't go as hard as I could of I got too much in my head it's also hard shooting TV because shooting TV like the way we shoot with our channel is so quick we show up at the location I have some ideas and within 15 minutes we're shooting the scene with TV you get there and they're like two hours lighting looking for great angles I'm thinking about the scene and so by the time we start the scene I've already done the interview in my head like 15 times and like created jokes and funny moments in my head so much that I'm like burnt out already it just was so unnatural if I did it again I probably would just try to show up when they're ready to shoot that's it it was a great experience I learned the ton I love doing it I'm glad I did it it was a huge challenge I was super nervous and felt unequipped and unprepared but I [ __ ] did it anyways and hell yeah that's it content and it's legal content because it's a react video I'm reacting to what happened in that video thank you for joining me it again for this look behind the scenes add something I shot a long time ago up that I'm trying to recycle for content on the second channel because we are in the apocalypse and I can't go inside and shoot anything a piece
Channel: More Best Ever Food Review Show
Views: 3,002,253
Rating: 4.8750091 out of 5
Keywords: besteverfoodreviewshow, befrs, streetfood, foodreview, foodblogger, foodandtravel, yummy, foodie, nomnom, travel, sonnyside, sonny, foodgasm, foodporn, foodandwine, seafood, food, delicious, travelchannel
Id: gtGqjhFjcNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 10sec (1510 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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