High limit coin pusher season 4 episode 20

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hey everybody welcome back to the coin pusher today we're doing a 500 buy-in we got 50 50 quarters 10 dollars a piece got a oh ginormous tower in there a whole bunch of them earbuds got some 20 bills hopefully we can make some good money [Music] it's not doing very good so far oh that was a good push we got 20 bucks on that right side hopefully we can get it i got four quarters left stay on that right side see if we can't get that 20 bucks that's the last of them right there all right well let me go collect some quarters be right back well yeah we didn't make any money but we got about a hundred quarters hopefully hopefully start making a big money here soon got a lot of money wrapped up in this butterfingers nice it's 20 bucks come on baby let's need some big pushes oh yeah [Music] oh it's doing real good now nice [Music] look at all those earbuds oh we just got an earbud 100 bucks on the left side wow that was a real good push oh yeah nice all right that's the last ever quarters out there let me check it out we'll be right back nice we made 270 dollars baby we got six of them earbuds we got over a thousand quarters now doing real good make some big money oh that big old tire fell over nice we're gonna make all kinds of money hold on 500 chips wow [Music] oh my goodness i'm gonna be rich oh yeah probably already got our 500 buyback already when we do our uh we'll be doing the announcement of that 300 amazon gift card here in a minute stay tuned for that you uh happen to be watching this on facebook you're watching a stolen video i only upload on youtube so definitely going to win anything on the giveaways if you're watching this on facebook [Music] go ahead and check me out on youtube search corn pusher you'll find me on there i do giveaways pretty often not every video but pretty often you're definitely not going to win if you're on facebook doing it though there's just some thieves stealing my videos i'm actually going to going to court here in uh about a week or two gonna sue them oh nice there's a bunch of money i should get some pretty good profit off of i'm pursuing them for that so hopefully it'll slow them down a little bit still in videos when they know they got to go to court and pay me 300 000 per video [Music] doing really really good making all kinds of money [Music] so i better clean that loot shoot out a little bit it's overflowing oh nice oh yeah there's all kinds of money going in there oh look at all them 500 chips oh yeah wow it's doing real good we got oh got about 50 quarters left probably let's get them in there and while i'm cleaning it all out it'll play the little video of the whoever won that giveaway [Music] all right that's the last of the quarters are up there we ended up with five thousand eight hundred and seventy dollars right there nice this would be for a giveaway whoever guesses the best wins [Music] got three on them earbuds too [Music] all right all right i didn't bother to count it because well it's just a whole bunch and then i have to count it all again here in a minute but i'm sure it was oh well over ten thousand there there's a whole bunch a couple baskets full we got about three thousand quarters i just grabbed a thousand of them now [Music] grab some more here in a little bit if we need them but it's doing really good oh yeah there's over a thousand dollars right there [Music] nice [Music] so come on baby it's big pushes [Music] still quite a bit on there we can win [Music] ah i think i'm gonna use a video editor to change the colors of everything in there just see what kind of need neat maybe you guys if it works out you guys already been watching it in a different color you've got a earbud on the farthest left that's pink i don't know what color it'll be in the video but it's actually pink i got the 500 chip on the right that's purple and then the 10 chips them are those are blue [Music] kind of curious to see what it'll be like in the video i guess we'll find out at the same time won't we if it didn't work out then obviously the colors i just said will be the colors they are [Music] 500 bucks on the right side just about got it oh yeah nice it's got that stuff on the left side we gotta get no butterfingers well that was the last of that thousand i'm gonna grab another basket full should just take me a few seconds there's a whole bunch down here we'll just grab a basket clean out the old loot shoot all right several thousand dollars there we'll keep her going now tell it all for the end [Music] it's like it's gonna be a pretty quick video worked out pretty good for us on this one i think just pushing the way it needed to a lot of times we struggle just made 20 bucks just need some big pushes get that to go i got to be some big ones coming dump a whole bunch of quarters in there if i got to let's get a whole bunch in there not that many well it'll unclog in a second i'm gonna grab some quarters while that's moving back and forth there's quarters everywhere i got money in the quarters too though kind of separated a little bit while i'm pushing back and forth getting there yeah i try not to drop too many in there get it all clogged up there's still a whole bunch down here but i think we're gonna have to call that good for now we got another thousand yeah i might have been in like 900 i grabbed let's drop a couple quarters on that see if it'll break it free [Music] [Music] i didn't mean to drop that many in the whole basket slid in there on accident accidentally poured them all out in there all right we got it we got her cleared off let's keep her going let's drop like oops 50 quarters or so at a time [Music] so uh we got the 500 chip in there darn it yeah now we gotta get that back too we'll get her probably get it before i step on the rack on the left side breaks loose [Music] this left side just don't move very good oh yeah i think we just made 30 all bucks the last ever quarters right there [Applause] all right i'm gonna separate all that and grab supporters will be right back nice right up and ten 3910 and we had a four of them earbuds also we got over a thousand quarters we'll just start with a thousand oh yeah i just got that earbud see if we can't get that 500 chip about the same time we'll get that stuff on the left [Music] oh yeah another ten dollars 540 left let's make let's get it let's get that last 540 bucks [Music] nice real good probably slower down on quarters just a hair oh yeah 500 bucks to go baby come on they rolled back on us a little bit it's got a pretty big lip on there gravity pulled it back towards the back we gotta overcome gravity to get that thing we'll get her though pretty confident we got plenty of quarters oh so close as long as i don't roll backwards we'll get her let's see oh i guess the quarters in there oh yeah nice we're gonna tally it all up for you and we'll be right back nice we're here for thirty three thousand four 420 dollars and we got 18 of them earbuds also nice oh pretty darn good day not bad for a 500 buying not bad at all well if you all enjoy what you're seeing do me a favor hit that like button and subscribe we'll see on the next one y'all take care
Channel: Coin Pusher
Views: 52,710
Rating: 4.9143329 out of 5
Keywords: Coin pusher
Id: gIFvVD6rXP0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 4sec (1144 seconds)
Published: Sun May 02 2021
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