I'm FORGOTTEN in Roblox Home Alone Story!

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i wish we would never have to see any of you guys again oh never kevin don't say that that's such a bad wish wow wow wow that hurts son oh no i feel bad for mom [Music] everyone is so busy preparing for this trip well it's a busy trip i'm so excited to go to paris we should be packing too we're going to paris no i'm lazy yeah i'm lazy too oh my god we're so cute someone else pack i'm very lazy oh hey kevin hey kevin hi guys i'm kevin i'm glad you guys are coming with us to paris us too i thank you we sure hope we don't forget anything i should explore the house before we do anything else go ahead ooh okay sure well shouldn't we be packing but who really packs nowadays around the house what's this i want to open all these hello well you're not our dad but hello kevin's dad look have a giant turkey wait what kind of gas we should get off the table you guys get off the table we should look at this no bad i'm just mincing the meat it's fine mom said we have to pack our suitcases okay okay kevin how does one pack no i'm kidding look for clothes in this room okay please do not let gold pack she will take forever okay why you know i make you guys look cute we match for our you know guys just stop arguing and pack so we can i'm going to pack everything because you never know when you're going to need five extra shoes come on all done you're really happy and excited to go to paris that what's that noise i didn't pack my winter boots yet it's cold it's not the time i think a burglar the hike oh that's old man jolly we stay away from him huh why why because they say that he's a murderer what but why that trash can is where he keeps all his bodies they say but if you know that's what murderers do jail by now he saw us right right get out of here i think we'll be fine no no what are we going to do no i think dinner is ready really oh yeah because all right everyone we leave tomorrow morning so eat now okay okay i will never i hope you enjoy the turkey legs they're not just totally like poisoned [Music] i'm allergic to turkey nah mom this dinner is terrible kevin's so cool kevin what the hell hey they cooked that price kevin how dare you say that to your mother grounded thou so rude kevin come on going to paris kevin kevin you're so rude i was just being honest but isn't it good to be honest yeah but you guys say it nicely right that's it kevin you are in timeout for the rest of the night that doesn't include us right because because we go to the attic you and all your friends no we didn't do anything turkey was delicious deliciously bad we light your turkey legs look i'm eating it i hate kevin oh no stay in here until morning i will wake you up when we leave for paris or should i say i wish we would never have to see any of you guys again oh never kevin don't say that that's such a bad wish oh wow wow wow wow [Music] let's just go to bed at least we're going to paris tomorrow oh um i don't know kevin i need to say something you need to stop being a kevin and respect your parents stop okay guys sleep sleep we have to go to paris the green bed okay guys what's this alarm for what this really oddly big time guys you didn't sleep oh my gosh what why we always happening did you guys see that oh man i can't wait for this lemon family to leave me too robbing an empty house is so easy we can hear you guys by the way right here let's go get some rest before we steal everything in this house tomorrow there's nothing of value here ah celebrity everyone wake up we are late now mom was supposed to wake us up oh no it's 11 a.m we were supposed to leave two hours ago well maybe if you didn't yell at mom kevin quickly let's go wake up the adult okay come on let's go let's go find time because we are totally children all right adults where you at i don't see anything evan's mom and dad we're ready to go hello to perry where's everyone hello why are they in the bedroom guys wake up come on everyone wake up where's everyone is everyone wake up hello no one's in the kitchen look and there's still a fully [Music] hello it's empty hello anyone home uh oh do you guys see them anywhere no no no let's check the basement oh over here this is the basement right not allowed to go into the basement no over there where's the basement over there i don't like basements gold creaky doors um i don't like basements either because they're dark eerie and scary and always into the i don't know you can just shout from the snow that creepy down here oh there's this creepy place spider webs kevin i okay climbing bookshelves do you see anyone why is there a big pizza oven down here oh very repeating i think that's a furnace it's happening oh it opens i'm scared of that furnace let's go back upstairs it's just our imagination you know wow we really made them disappear our wish came true kevin [Music] [Laughter] i feel like we are forgetting something six children you always think that relax everything is fine you forget so many your seats are everyone's meanwhile outside the house oh man the lemon family's finally gone for the week that's us i can't wait to rob this house it's going to be so easy kill a hell of hillary whose house do they think they're robbing did anyone hear that car door noise yes it's probably mom and dad who would be here at this time pizza pizza santa you don't have money for pizza quick find the outdoor light switch and turn the lights on okay sure smart all right it's right there who found it that was like a little eye spy hint oh it's right here everyone oh here it's right here good job lunard rainbow tournament [Music] i thought noan was supposed to be home knock knock well they were all supposed to leave for paris this morning we're still here just coughed me loud guys let's come back at nine o'clock when no one is home we're still gonna be here we can't drive we're not gonna go anywhere wow they disappeared with lightning those two strangers were trying to rob our house no wait we have to be prepared for when they come back that's your idea let's go to the store to buy supplies hi yeah let's do it prepare for war we have money of course we have money in this story everyone has money and kevin so okay guys we need a hammer glue rope and wood okay you just get enough check check how are we supposed to carry that let's split up and find them i'll go find the glue i'll find the rope to make a mistake do you think we can grab some like overnight oh what's that grab that i don't think there's any good snacks rainbow anything else did anyone find the glue into a high sushi oh i found the glue grab a chocolate pick a hammer that's everything let's head home thank you employees we're talking we are paying all right follow me let's walk home okay kevin come on kevin show the way wow the city's really beautiful journey why is there a fan following us what do you mean what oh what the sauce it's the robbers van quick we have to lose them gold [Music] that's true that's true and they're going in a circle and who's gonna drive in a circle and if they follow you they gotta get out of here but gold your hat your hat brings it away you're gonna catch up sorry i just want it to be really comfy and warm that's why i took my big cool come on hurry up i'm going back you guys are so slow sorry we're getting distracted we're trying the tactic you know go around the block that's what they said you really only need to go around the block twice why would you go into a dark forest that night i think that yeah this is a very bad thing this is a short cut home hey i've got a glow stick oh yeah cool our house is right across this lake the lake is frozen so we should be no no no no no no that's dangerous that's not even a small lake that's a huge lake that is huge that's nice i think the lake just became water good oh now we don't have to be unsafe oh and it became a obvious great oh this doesn't look frozen to me looks like an awesome favorite well we have no choice let's jump across very dumb idea but this is roblox okay let's go don't do this in real life though yeah this is easy you don't want hypothermia no oh my goodness rainbow that's exciting don't look back you'll get hypothermia too hurry up i just don't want to freeze like rainbow gold i'm sorry i got distracted i wanted to look at gold at the same time which was a bad idea it's okay it's because the water's freezing you touch your toes in there and bam you're dead don't worry kevin we have a lot of roadblocks the robbers can have an innocent snowman what wait they'll just rob us of our robux you want to see me twerk old man jolly oh jackal that's awkward hi kids i could really use a dollar oh it's just a dollar give it to him stay away from us you old man oh no no please please i can't i don't want to be the antagonist maybe we should give him a dollar no gold it's my dollar we should yes let's give old man jolly a dollar the elders yeah what harm could he do with a dollar times if he throws it at us i don't really i mean he could knock us out i don't really believe he gives us a deadly paper cut no ah thank you ah you're welcome smiley face emoji khan okay i don't think you're a murderer like the other kids say yeah probably a nice guy okay guys it's time to set up our defenses yeah everyone place the wood on the windows got it and by everyone i assume us not you oh my gosh by piece i want to say this is a trap yet gold this is just uh normal defense mechanisms yeah oh that's true it's like you just put it so boring fine these aren't just regular defense systems they are highly intelligent gingerbread sticks to destroy the human race i don't think we can do this barricade ourselves in when the pizza guy comes how are we going to get our pizzas this is too much um there's too much [Music] okay let's just barricade this just so that they can't go there this is bad this is really bad oh they're gonna come here hurry up drop defenses quiet they should be here any minute now where should we hide uh i don't know we have the best surprise we know you're in there why is there a hole oh that's pretty crazy everyone jump on his head you're messing with the wrong kids we're aggressive good job we are too strong for them nice yeah [Music] oh oh my god oh oh oh oh you kids are out of luck no harry you are oh i don't think we can find him because he's chasing me yes we can get away from [Music] catch me up here whoa dude i'm going to die i'm going to die draco and i can't respond with roblox please go away sir i'll help you rainbow smack him hey oh remember you had me spawn with roblox buy refill house down here come on guys is there anywhere to hide on top of the christmas tree wait can we go outside oh wait yeah i'm gonna jump on top of the tree good idea the pool table no the tree works guys wait are we supposed to hide in the basement oh good job jacko no guys head to the arcade room which means it's not safe good idea i'm safe i'm going to die oh no yes rainbow's dead it's okay she can respawn just stay here rainbow rainbow no no no no no how long do we have to run quick run to the basement we can hide there finally we have to hide kevin wait why kevin no you we have to hide kevin oh everyone hide inside the closet by the furnace oh right here everyone okay into the big closet hurry go fast go fast wow kevin this is why punctuation is important it's not the time rainbow it's seriously not really different things [Music] i feel like i need a sneeze no no don't sneeze did marv lose their beard uh okay oh we have to get out of here just smack him into the furnace we can just stay here i can turn the fire on to distract him then we run upstairs okay what kevin one two three run okay go run let's go [Music] [Applause] we can't stay in this house where can we go now we barricaded ourselves inside we're stupid follow me upstairs yeah okay this is what happens we can get to the tree house by going out this window this one oh that one okay okay oh you kids are trapped now use your weapons to defeat the robbers what i thought we were supposed to escape what no now we can beat them oh now we can beat them this should be easy just smack yeah we're knocked out now's our chance to escape that's so easy let's go go out the window and jump across to the tree house kevin you coming or not you're going to stay there ah you don't fall or you'll get hypothermia gonna protect the i thought this was more [Music] uh luna took a great fall i thought we were just gonna line across but i guess we're just jumping guys i'm scared don't stress right now come on cool yeah yeah one more one more james one more dink stop kevin i think we're good can we get down from here get up what are you doing dude don't jump out of the tree [Music] you think you got away we're coming nice yeah how's the fall pretty horrible that's uh pretty hypothermia it's pretty cool jack we have to burn the tree down where are you here i don't see you are you sure that seems a little crazy burn them down marge you're supposed to rob the house oh harry has no chill oh oh hold on jolly it's old man jolly yeah jolly we're so happy you saved us good ending oh you guys helped me when i needed it so i helped you by murdering these robbers he isn't murderer no he's not you guys just knocked him out they're just knocked out oh we got the good ending yay [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] you
Channel: ItsFunneh
Views: 5,025,766
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: itsfunneh, funneh, funny moments, funny, krew, krew plays, gaming, games, roblox, itsfunneh roblox, youtube itsfunneh, itsfunneh minecraft, itsfunneh krew, itsfunneh videos, no swearing, no cursing, roblox funny moments, roblox roleplay, roblox minigames, roblox story, story in roblox, roblox home alone, roblox home alone story, home alone roblox, home alone, home alone game
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 37sec (1297 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 01 2021
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