Hidden Remnant | Tim Sheets

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then David arose and fled that day from before Saul and went to a Kish the king of Gath now this was Philistine territory Gath was Philistine territory and went to echis the king of Gath and the servants of Akos said to him is this not David the king of the land did that did not they sing of him to one another in dances saying saw miscellaneous thousands and David his tens of thousands now David took these words to heart and was very much afraid of a Koosh the king of Gath so he changed his behavior before them feigned madness in their hands scratched on the doors of the gate and let his saliva fall down on his beard then Akos said to his servants look you see the man is insane why have you brought him to me have I need of madmen that you have brought this fellow to play the madman in my presence yo this fellow come into my house now verse 1 of chapter 22 David therefore departed from there and escaped to the cave of a deulim and when his brothers and all his father's house heard it they went down there to him and everyone who was in distress everyone who was in debt and everyone who was discontented gathered to him so he became captain over them and there were about four hundred men with him let's pray today Lord we thank you for your word we thank you for your holy spirit who activates that word amplifies that word and teaches us from it and we ask Lord today that the atmosphere of the Holy Spirit as teacher would be in this room and that that you would speak to us in a very clear way individually and cool currently that you would cause wisdom and understanding to be heard in this house today that the prophetic word of the Lord would be heard today we are told Lord that you are speaking to your church and we are to hear what you are saying let us hear what you are saying today I ask you for the anointing of Samuel that not one word that I speak fall to the ground challenge us change us but calls us to understand the present word of the Lord to the church in the name of King Jesus amen you may be seated the story of David who became one of Israel's greatest kings perhaps one of the greatest kings in all of history is one of the most fascinating to study of all the stories in the scripture but I want to talk about just a tiny bit of that story that I feel like needs to be amplified it's in my heart today the event that I just read to you is talking to me in a very unique kind of way it's a bit unusual and it's a it's a prophetic picture for our times I heard the Holy Spirit say these words to me on Tuesday of last week I heard him say the remnant must get David out of the cave the remnant must get David out of the cave David must come from the cave to see the context of this passage you've got to go back you got to go back in time about a year preceding David's hiding here at a deulim amazing events begin to shape history before you get to this chat we know that David is a 16 year old teenager had faced the giant of Gath who was of course Goliath and because of his heroic efforts in battle after battle after battle with the Philistines he was a fierce warrior he was a he was tenacious when in battle because of heroic efforts in battle after battle with the Philistines David had been promoted to be one of the captains in King Saul's army and though he was a very very young man at the time just probably around 18 19 years of age though he was a young man he becomes a very vital leader in the Israeli army he is highly respected by the other officers and and of course he was gaining a reputation even among the nations surrounding Israel his tenacity was talked about even sung about they sang songs about David David or Saul has slain his thousands but but David his tens of thousands the young maidens the tambourine maiden sang in the streets in one of the festivals also David's heroics had had also opened the palace doors of King Saul to David Saul was a man who was manic he was given two highs and lows of real low depressive depression times and because of that condition David who was a great musician and songwriter even at that young age he was often asked to come and play for King Saul and his music would would soothe us all because of David's valor in battle after battle again he was like he was like a Navy SEAL of our times or Green Beret or an Army Ranger that was David in those times and because of David's valor and battle to honor David King Saul actually gave his daughter Michael to him in marriage one of the highest honor a king could ever give to anyone was to give one of his daughters in marriage to someone thus David actually became King Saul's son-in-law also because of the marriage David and Jonathan Michael's brother and of course Saul's son became very close friends and they were like brothers things are fine for a while fact things are very good for a few a couple of years but then over time King Saul's jealousy begins to begins to infect him and because of jealousy of David's success in his anger and jealousy one time in a fit of rage as David played his music Saul actually grabs the spear and throws it at him David shows his agility ducks but it catches David's robe and David has to run of course he ran for his life he runs and he hides outside of the city while Jonathan and while Michael intervened for David's life before King Saul finally they they did succeed and after a few days of cooling off Saul was settled down a bit and David was invited back into the palace but it didn't last long you may remember if you've studied the story at all you remember that as a young man the prophet Samuel had come to Jesse's house that's David's father to anoint one of Jesse's sons to be the next king of Israel there were eight brothers today richer seven today many eight sons and the Prophet said God says Saul is rejected as the king of Israel and one of your sons jesse is to be the next king one by one they came when David got there the Lord said that's the one it is God's will for David to now replace King Saul to be the king and anointing oil was poured over his head well King Saul finds out about it and you know that didn't go so good the jealousy begins to possess King Saul even further and King Saul conspires to have David killed thankfully we are told that that Jonathan Jonathan finds out about the plot and he goes and he tells Michael about it and sure enough King Saul triggers the plot and one nights all sins soldiers to surround David's house and when he came out the next morning they were to kill him get him when he's unsuspecting get him Wow his guard is down when he comes out in the morning hide around the house and when he comes out in the morning attack him and kill him but that night Michael tells David the plot she said if you don't leave and leave now by tomorrow this time you are a dead man the soldiers of saw are already surrounding surrounding the house Jonathan has just gotten word to me that dad has has his army their surrounding soldiers are outside right now they're already in place too kill you and so that night in the middle of the night Michael helped David escape out of a upper window they drop a rope down and David he slides down and he sneaks through the yard sneaks through sleeping soldiers and out into the woods and then we are simply told he ran he ran and he ran and he ran and he ran until finally he comes to the region of gas which is Philistine territory who in the world is going to think of of looking for him there it would be the last place that he would go Philistine territory but but that's where he runs to and David begins to blend in with the citizens of Gath he hides there for for a couple of months but then because of his valor because of who he is someone in King Akos army one of the soldiers recognized him and they said this is the hero of Israel capture him and they did they captured him and brought him before King Akos that's a very quick review of the scriptures that I read as I began David is brought before King Akos and will no doubt be beheaded because he has fought in battle after battle after battle remember again Goliath was their champion but he he killed Goliath but he had also killed so many other Philistines and no doubt he's going to be tortured and he is going to be beheaded and of course David he knows it so when he comes in before King Akos David begins to pretend like he's got rabies and he falls to the ground and he allows the saliva to just begin to drip and off of his beard and it says he Paul's around in him the pally Paul's at the gates and he begins to growl like an animal he acts completely crazy he must have been pretty convincing because King a keys Akos says this man's nuts get him get him out of here the thinking then was rabies it's there it's such a horrible way to die this is a perfect way for this champion of Israel to die leave him to die a torturous death let it be prolonged for several days maybe even a few weeks let him die this horrible condition with rabies so david has taken to the edge of the territory of Gath and he's turned loose and then we are simply thrown again he ran he ran and he ran and he ran he takes off running again and finally he finds a cave in the hills of a dull 'im and there he builds a little hideout in the back of one of those caves he is now no longer recognized and honored as a champion he is now no one serving him no captains are listening to his commands he's alone he's in darkness in the back of a cave there is no one to help him no one even knows where he's at no one knows if if he's even alive they haven't heard anything hide or hair of him for months now and he doesn't know what's happened after he left after he ran away was was saul vengeful enough to actually kill his own daughter he didn't know was Michael was she even alive what about Jonathan what was going on he knows nothing he's absolutely all alone well how does David deal with this I mean how would you deal with it how would anyone deal with this David he begins to deal deal with this through music he begins to deal with it with songwriting he does so using praise as a warfare and among the first songs that he ever wrote in that cave our Psalms 56 through 59 in many Bibles if you read the sentence above this Psalm it'll tell you what it's about and those Psalms that he's saying they were about King Saul surrounding his house to try to kill him and his yes being chased to this cave here are some brief excerpt I'm proud to praise You God fearless now I I trust in God what can mere mortals do that was written in the cave all alone he sings God they don't let up they smear my reputation and huddle to plot my collapse they they gang up sneak together through the alleys to take me by surprise wait their chance to get me but God you've kept track of my every toss and turn through sleepless nights each tear entered into your ledger each ache written in your book the King James says each tear was put in your bottle back then when someone when they lost a loved one or something bad happened a friend would often they had these little tiny bottles or vials and when they cried they would put tears their tears they would catch in in that bottle and then he would send it to them say I'm with you Mike I'm grieving with you I'm standing with you and I'm praying for God to comfort you he said God you put my tears you put them in your own bottle I'm proud to praise God proud to praise God fearless now I trust in God what can mere mortals do to me God you did everything you promised and I'm thanking you with all my heart you pulled me from the brink of death my my feet from the cliff edge of doom I've run to you for dear life I'm I'm hiding out under your wings until the hurricane blows over you ever feel like you're in an emotional hurricane I call out to high God the God who holds me together he sends orders from heaven and he saves me he humiliates those who kicked me around God delivers generous love he makes good on his word soar high in the sky God cover the whole earth with your glory they booby-trapped in my path I thought I was dead and done for they dug a man trapped to catch me but but they fell headlong into it themselves soar high in the skies Oh God cover the whole earth with your glory is this any way to run a country is there an honest politician in the house behind the scenes you brew cauldrons of evil behind closed doors you make deals with demons the wicked crawl from the wrong side of the cradle their words their first words out of their womb are lies poison rattlesnake lethal rattlesnake poison drips from their fort death to threats death to charms decades of wax built up in their ears my God rescue me from my enemies defend me from these mutineers rescue me from their dirty tricks save me from their hitmen Desperados have ganged up on me and they're hiding in ambush I did nothing to deserve this God they they they return when the Sun Goes Down they howl like coyotes ringing the city then suddenly they're at the gate snarling invective drawn daggers in their teeth they think they'll never get caught but God breaks out laughing I can always count on you God you always show up on time and ruin the plans of my enemies they they return when the Sun Goes Down they howl like coyotes ringing the city and me I'm singing your prowess crowing like a rooster at daylight for you've been a safe place for me a good place to hide strong God I can always count on you those words are some of the words written by this fierce warrior in this cave who is now all alone I think they're some of the most inspiring words of faith in all of the scripture what faith David displayed living for months in that cave making declarations of his faith singing declarations of his faith well after a few months God begins to he begins to turn things David's dad Jesse and his brothers and Michael and Jonathan and some of the captains that that were Pro David they had begun to send out search teams everywhere trying to find where the king is at and after a few months they did find him we the thinking is one of his captains they kind of knew how David thought one of his captains got out far enough and they got wind of where David was and a small band of soldiers they found David and word is sent back secretly to Jesse and Jesse decides that he's going to bring the entire household all of all of his family all the brothers out to the cave and David had seven of them and he brings all his family out to the cave but it also says as well he brought four hundred remnant lawyers a Hidden remnant showed up at that cave a preserved remnant showed up at that cave God had heard David's cry and was now adding the cries of families and he was now adding the cries of a hidden remnant to restore God's plan for a nation that had been poisoned rattlesnake poison had dripped into cauldrons brewing evil and deals had been made with demons but God called out a remnant to restore David and begin to turn a nation and turn it they did David sing psalms 5916 but I will sing of your power yes I will sing aloud of your mercy in the morning for you have been my defense and refuge in the day of my trouble to you o my strength I will sing praises for God is is my defence my god of mercy the message Bible reads this way First Samuel 22 verse 1 and 2 so David got away and escaped to the cave of a deulim when his brothers and others associated with his family heard where he was they came down and joined him not only that but all those who were down on their luck came around losers and vagrants and misfits of all sorts the deplorable who clung to their spares their bows in their arrows their slingshots and their gods and David became their leader it was about 400 of them JB Phillips translates and Darby's Hebrew translation translates it this way those who were distressed and in debt and bitter of soul they came which was of course a reference to how they felt inside about the conditions what was happening the Geneva Bible reads those vexed in their mind came in other words those that were were feeling and bothered deeply bothered inside they came those troubled in their souls about how things were about how the conditions were they came to the cave troubled ones came troubled ones but warriors came poor but warriors came those in distress but warriors they came those concerned came those in debt and oppressed came those who so stirred them came those who were bothered by the oppression they they came those soul troubled at the poison dripping into the land who who felt like misfits they came 400 I'm game and they begin to tell David of others embedded in the countryside's and in the villages and hamlets and the towns who were like-minded that had been crying out to God they said David there's more of us embedded into the countryside more than you know and for the first time in months David's heart surged with hope because he knew there was a hidden remnant that was preserved and looking to change things David could not do this on his own he could not do it without a committed remnant it was not possible he needed a radical remnant to rally and they did one of the reasons for the rallying was then told to David I mean he's been isolated for months he knows nothing and one of the reasons for the rallying was then told to David the high priest ahem elec who had helped David escape David when he was escaping he ran and he ran into to where him Luke was and he was starving in him except I don't have any food but here's some show bread some communion bread eat that and then you can get on your way and he actually had fed David but that had been found out by an enemy spy and now him Alec an eighty five other priests were killed by King Saul with a sword murdered and now it's told to David a him Alec and eighty-five priests have been murdered now they've been killed with a sword and a cry of anguish went up from David mingling with the cries of a distressed remnant in the land they were they were crying out for mercy crying out for God to help them trying out for divine intervention the priests of the land were getting murdered thankfully God hears the cry of a remnant in caves he hears the cries of remnant intercessors remembers second chronicles chapter 20 the ammonites had surrounded King Jehoshaphat and the people of God with far superior power and far superior numbers and the decision had been made by the Amalekites or excuse me the ammonites to just kill them all annihilate them women children everyone no one escapes they all must die but we are told that a cry went up a cry went up from all the generations that formed a hopeless looking remnant from the tribe of Judah a cry went up from all the generations Jehoshaphat had lined up the children then behind them he put their parents behind them he put the grandparents behind them he put the great-great grandparents for generations begin to cry out to God and then they begin to move forward and their cries became a song just like just like with David they they sang a song of praise and it was so simple but so powerful praise the Lord for His mercy endureth forever and they kept singing it and that cry of praise from a distressed remnant brought help from heaven and Angel armies ambushed ambush the meteor the ammonites and an awesome miracle took place as a mighty deliverance begin to sweep through the land their enemies were destroyed not not them their enemies this story of David and his remnant has been speaking me to meet prophetically for months I couldn't get my I just couldn't get a handle on what I was seeing bits and pieces of things prophetically and then this past Tuesday I'm I'm thinking about what what in the world am I to share you know this is a kind of a different time of year and it's not time for a series but what are you saying lorded I heard him say so clearly these words that started me on this journey today telling you a simple story but it's going to have a prophetic picture revealed in a moment Tuesday morning Holy Spirit said the remnant must get David out of the cave the remnant has to get David out of the cave the kings in the cave nothing's going to change until he gets out and the remnants got to get him out it's like a puzzle I I don't know how to describe the journey because I seem sometimes I see vignettes of things just visions of things and yet I don't see the whole picture sometimes and that's the way this one this has been for weeks for me I've prayed over the course what are you trying to show me and I've been trying to see bits and pieces of a prophetic puzzle in our times in the midst of a poison nation I mean it's like we've been snakebit so much poison I mean even even cook cries is there an honest one left and then the condition of the church the condition of of the body of Christ in the land and I I'm trying to put all these together forming a picture for a new era that I know we are any any entering into and over these last probably three months I've prophesied portions of this picture but just portions because I don't know where it was going and I'm one of those I don't like to know not know where I'm going as I've said before I don't fly by the seat of my pants oh I know who made the pants I want to know what kind of materials the pants made out of how old are they and I'm I'm gonna follow like David I'm gonna follow as hard as I know but I don't see the picture what are you trying to show me and it's something that I prophesy just in kind of limited ways under the anointing of the Holy Spirit would come on me maybe at a conference and I would prophesy a portion I'm like I hope no one asks me where all this is going because I don't know David is a type in Scripture of a prophet a priest or apostle and a King David is a type of the Apostolic he's a he's a type of the prophetic movement in this new era and there is a remnant that has there is a remnant that have gathered at apostolic hubs that are in cave times or at least have have been in caved and the remnant is distressed persecuted but something's starting to happen please see what or hear what Holy Spirit is saying something starting to happen Holy Spirit's been busy with Angel armies activating prophetic words activating the prayers activating and answering the cries of a remnant he's been busy causing situations and conditions promises to intersect with a God planned moment a a moment of awesome victory a moment of of Awesome deliverance a moment or a new era of living in God's promise just like David and his remnant went on to do the cave time was left behind and the ruling in the reigning did begin enemies were profoundly defeated from the cave to the palace it happened the ragtag remnant became the overcoming remnant the Vagabond misfits became leaders of destiny the poor oppressed with debt inherited abundant blessings David and those troubled inside were crowned with the victors crown I've prophesied portions of this at different conferences as I said and prophesied portions of it here but today I want to do it in a more complete way here what I feel in this context I feel like Holy Spirit is saying the Lord of Hosts decrees my ekklesia is now leaving the cave times my David's are receiving their reinforcements prophetic words are intersecting their moment in accelerated ways for you are entering a fullness of times that we have prepared for you you are entering seasons of refreshing and will now rain as overcomers in ever-increasing glory from glory to glory to glory promotions to greater levels of authority are now activating says the Spirit of the Living God the weak will say they are strong the oppressed will say I am free alignments with assignments are now accelerating prophetic visions and dreams have now intersected their moment and the ekklesia must activate them with degrees of faith as they do angels of of Christ's Kingdom government that I have now moved to the battle fronts will assist the ekklesia ste crease to produce rapidly production will now accelerate I will empower their decrees they will come to pass for you have entered a new a new day and I will now reveal my hidden remnant I have issued the call to millions in the secret place come from your caves come come from your dens come from your shelters come from your cellars come from your hiding places I am now revealing my hidden remnant I have preserved them for such a time this I have prepared them for such a time as this I have trained them I have resourced them I have gifted them I have anointed them now I will reveal them as I revealed the hidden remnant to Elijah so I will now reveal them for my apostles and prophets you will now see the radical remnant I will now reveal the hidden remnant embedded into dark times and they will now rise and shine knowing their light has indeed come they will partner with my glorious ecclesia that is rising in fresh new ways for I am now activating the second Apostolic age it is assigned to the new era the second Apostolic age will now aggressively rise miracles will multiply healings will multiply harvest will multiply nations will change a new era is now advancing forward that is magnificently different from the past cave times it is potent with power waiting for the engagement of my ekklesia and my hidden remnant hear the sound says the Lord hear the sound of heaven hear the rumble of heaven hear the gathering roar of the Lion King calling to his pride to come hear the sound of Angel armies mustering to their stations hear the sound of warriors a rang for battle to march with the King of glory hear the shout rising from the wind filled lungs of the King as he rises to go forth and conquer hear the shout of hidden roar your warriors emerging from their caves emerging from their hiding places and standing with passion beside me hear them running stand with their king here the brawny vigorous engines of synergy amping up to converge the ages into your time fill the compression of spiritual power that is now multiplying here the gushing river of your God flowing from the throne and rushing into the earth realms blessing invigorating lifing everywhere it goes for now begins the flow of purpose and purposes and proposed a new purpose we've prophesied into your times it will now accelerate rapidly to fullness hidden remnant come from your hiding place and reign with me leaders come from your caves and reign with me remnant warrior gathers gather at the hubs and serve my calls reflecting the joy of those who have left the bitter cave times to rule and reign as I've ordained
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 18,094
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Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, angel armies, heaven made real, planting the heavens, a new era
Id: rcThmrvqtho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 43sec (2563 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 15 2018
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