Moving Into A New Era | Tim Sheets

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revelations chapter 2 in verse number 7 revelations 2 verse 7 he that hath an ear to hear let him hear what Holy Spirit says to the church amplified well just felt wind come in on that thank you lord amplified he who is able to hear let them listen and give heed to what Holy Spirit is saying to the church message Bible are your ears awake then listen and give heed to what Holy Spirit says to the churches let's pray tonight Lord teach us your word we live on revelation and manna from you come and feed us tonight I pray God that the anointing of Samuel would be upon me not one word that I speak fall to the ground give clarity let me flow in the dimensions of your Holy Spirit Jesus you said the Holy Spirit is a wonderful teacher who would stand in your presence hear what you say and come and tell us come and tell us tonight Holy Spirit we desire to hear from you give understanding and give enlightenment and we'll ask it in Jesus name Amen you may be seated clearly the Holy Spirit speaks to the church that is the ekklesia or the reigning church the New Testament church this is the genuine church he speaks to the genuine Church and we of course are to give heed to what he says I mean if a member of the Godhead gives a message to the church we ought to be paying very close attention to what he says and and one of the things Holy Spirit is saying right now is move into the new era we have planned for decades we being the Godhead and the godheads kingdom the Godhead has been converging the ages now for seven decades 70 years he started in the 1950s converging the ages into our times right now and Holy Spirit is saying cross the bridge from past movements that cross that bridge that leads to fresh goals fresh ideas fresh dreams fresh victories fresh success fresh fresh harvest like the children of Israel cross your Jordan and step into a new time and a new place God is calling the corporate body of Christ he is calling us to step forward into a new time and into a new place it is time to occupy different territory come across a bridge of Hope moving towards new hope for different times he is saying so clearly move from past times you must move from past times and move into new times of great refreshing and restoration he is saying what I've been saying really for for dozens of times the past three years he is saying you will now enter into prepared for brand new era prophet after prophet after prophet is saying that same thing it is not something that is coming to us out of the blue Holy Spirit has been saying it repeatedly when Holy Spirit repeats a message to the church over and over and over and over again he expects us to pay attention to it he expects us to begin to embrace it decree it act on it and engage with it and he does it he repeats it so that a corporate awareness begins to arise from the body of Christ so that a corporate faith begin to exude forth and activate it in such a way that it starts to be lived in it is time to start living in this it's time to live in it this week I I read Lana Bowser's prophetic word for 2019 she is a very respected prophet of the Lord from Australia in fact she will be here with us on Sunday March the 31st but in her prophetic word for 2019 Holy Spirit says it again please listen with spiritual ears if you have ears to hear then hear what the Spirit is saying to the church the Holy Spirit says it again here's her 2019 part of her word I heard the Lord speak this his voice booming so loudly it felt like the whole earth shook he spoke Lana it is not the end of a season it is the end of an era a completely new era has begun I don't know how many times we've heard that dozens a completely new era has begun I woke up shaken by the of God I knew the power of God that I felt and the decree of God had brought an historical shift to our world in 2019 we are going to see miny demonstrations of his power and outstretched arm in ways we have never seen before there are going to be mighty deliverances there are going to be mighty demonstrations of the power of God that will leave the body of Christ and the earth totally overwhelmed - to the many who have been crying out to God wondering why they do not yet have a plan or strategy for 2019 I want to encourage you what the Lord is going to do in 2019 is going to be completely different who knows maybe we're we're participating in a prophetic picture tonight we're doing something completely different the Lord is going to be doing something completely different it is going to be a year where the Lord will take the take the church and the world by surprise could I could hear the decree his decree resonating 2019 the year of being surprised by my power you have no grid for what I'm about to do it's completely new I lost track a long time ago of how many times I have declared here and everywhere I've gone the last two or three years of how many times I have said God is going to do some new things now the world has never experienced some of what it is about to experienced the church has never done some of what it is about to do and hell has never faced what it's about to face it's never faced what it is about to face Lucifer has never faced a necklace-- a church like he is about to face it's never been he doesn't know how to handle what is about to be thrown his way he can't handle it the king said he couldn't she continues the prophecy continues the Lord spoke again the earth will shake it my power and my decree in 2019 my majesty and holiness that are going to be revealed will leave the earth trembling trembling at my power my goodness my majesty I am the king of glory and I'm coming in come on in I've been preparing my church for such a time as this I am coming to reintroduce myself to the church and to the world for I am restoring the all of Who I am to the church and to the world I am going to cause the church and the earth to tremble at my power there are going to be many faces down times in the body of Christ and in the world as I move in my glory mccumbee times went on your face his presence you can't you just gotta fall the mighty harvest will come the mighty harvest will come in as my power is demonstrated as government's are shaken shifted move as things that would seem impossible are suddenly accomplished in the day in a day by my mighty power my goodness is going to be revealed in power it is going to bring in a mighty harvest it is time for the great outpouring it is time for my glory to be revealed it is time not only for the church to see my power and glory it is time for the earth to see my power and my glory it will see it in ways that it has never seen it before says the Lord and then she says there will be many times in 2019 during the demonstration of his power and majesty that we as the people of God will be left trembling in his presence the fear of God is being restored and it's the place of all at the holiness of God from that place will arise an army that is carrying and moving in the power of God in ways never seen before it is time to move from the past into new times amazingly the one who thinks different than we think the one who acts different than we act says you will not find what you lost in your past stop looking there stop looking backwards to find what you lost yes you lost it back there but I'll bring it back in your future that is one of the supernatural Grace's that is being activated in this new era it is a restoration type of anointing in other words in in your future your future is filled with lost things your future is filled with lost things waiting for you to receive them if you move forward there are all kinds of things that we have lost in our past that are waiting for us to move forward and retrieve them in the future it is an amazing characteristic of this brand new era that is now beginning it is supernatural restitution it is supernatural restoration things stolen harvest stolen are going to be returned Sevenfold lost things are being returned in our future that seems a contradiction to our minds but God sees lost opportunities in our future that he brings back around to us in Supernatural restoration in Supernatural restitution he sees harvest lost harvest in your future he sees miraculous restitution there are lost harvests in my future there is lost revenue in my future there's lost opportunities in my future there's lost money in my future there is lost promises that are being activated in my future personalize it yourself there are lost things that are in your future waiting for you to move forward and pick them up God's putting them there he sees new seasons of success and he is saying it is time for my church to step forward and move into them and begin to activate their faith in ways as they move forward to begin to pick up lost things they lost in their past miracles are about happen we are entering into a new era we are ending in two times that will be far different than anything that we've ever experienced before and it's going to be very fast-moving as we near the glorious reign of King Jesus on this planet a kingdom that has no end is going to become more and more prominent and recognizable and it's government from spiritual realms is going to begin to increase invisibility through a very radical remnant I've been hearing in my spirit it is time for the radical remnant to rise it is time for my radical in remnant rise we are entering into times when when the ages and their various movements and their various emphasis converge together in heightened function things are about to function at a whole new level the Prophet Rick Joyner in his word for 2019 also includes many similar things that are that that we've been saying now over and over and over here what Holy Spirit is saying through prophet Rick 2018 was a remarkable and wonderful year 2019 will be even more so every year from now on will be more so but key elements of a great spiritual critical mass will begin to come together in the coming year and this will begin this will begin a spiritual atomic like explosion hear what the Spirit is saying to the church I don't know I think it was three or four years ago at one of the summits the prophetic word was a weapon is going to go off it is time I believe for a weapon that is supernatural to go off like an atomic explosion and begin to begin to penetrate the darkness of this world with the light of the glorious gospel of Jesus Christ where the king presents himself as he really is he continues in his prophecy we are now entering this is rick joyner again we are now entering the harvest that is the end of the age how many times have we heard it the greatest move of God that has ever been is now upon us how many times have we heard it this is a very respected prophet the greatest move of God that has ever been is now upon us the greatest in gathering in the kingdom is just beginning I believe it was it was close to eight years ago I was in Chicago and the prophetic word was dropped into my spirit it was this the greatest Exodus in history will not be the exodus out of Egyptian bondage that Moses led it will be the exodus of a billion souls in this new era something big is up something that's never been done is is up the greatest move of God in history is up the greatest thing gathering and the kingdom is just beginning there has never been anything like it before there will not be anything like it again these are the times that all of the righteous old and even the Angels desired to see and we are here to live in them we're here to live in them I'm here to live in I'm gonna be right in the middle there somewhere we're here to live in it the deep darkness that is now spreading over the people will only make the light appear that much brighter just as the greatest profits rose during the greatest times of Israel's apostasy great champions are about to be released throughout the world preaching the good news of the coming kingdom we are being called to be some of those champions some of you you are being called to be some of those champions and yes you can be we're being called to be champions in this new move of God this new era I agree with these prophetic words I agree with this this awesome prophetic word from Rick Joyner I just typically say it a little bit differently perhaps you've heard it the greatest days in church history are not in our past they're in our present in in our future get it down in your spirit that's not just a phrase that is a word from the Spirit of God saying activated begin to believe it and move into it become a champion we're crossing a bridge into times when all the outpourings of all the ages that has ever been released to the Christ Church from the book of Acts on will now be released at the same time that's never happened for never has they're all being rolled together and reactivated after Holy Spirit has retrofitted them for right now and he's done a very good job doing it Holy Spirit is a perfect mentor Holy Spirit is a spirit of wisdom Holy Spirit is the awesome leader of the church he has done his job with excellence and he has now retrofitted all these outpourings all these anointings and he has rolled them together so that they all are reactivated in our times that is why Lucifer is not going to have a clue of how to deal with it because whatever he throws will be overcome by a people that are no longer intimidated by him see we were not put here to be intimidated by hell hell is supposed to be intimidated by us and something is getting into this into the heart of God's people it's kind of like a spiritual attitude that says I have had it with the attacks of the adversary because of my God and because of the name of Jesus I am going to begin to act different than I ever have before I'm no longer running I'm gonna win all this means I believe that we are now entering into the glorious church era that is described in Ephesians chapter 5 I don't know anyone else declaring it but I am I believe we are now entering into the glorious Church era which is far different than most of what is called church today indeed most do not have a grid for it most are clueless as to what real church is there is only one being that has the right to define real church or the ecclesia and that would be Jesus the one who's building it and he said in Matthew 16:18 and 19 I I I will build my church he personalized it I will he said and the gates of Hell will not overcome the one I build I will build my equity I will build my reigning church it will be glorious it will be powerful it will be miraculous it will be without spot it will be without wrinkle or any such thing now that is based entirely on his integrity see he either will or he won't he is either going to build a church the gates of hell can't prevail against or he's not I got everything riding on the fact that he does all the chips are in everything in the banks in I can't give I can't put anything more into it everything I've got and everything I've done for 40 years is riding on the fact that his integrity will get that done he's going to build a church that hell can't stand against I got everything riding on it I wouldn't have stayed for 15 years the last 15 if I hadn't I've got everything riding on the fact that he's gonna do exactly what he said he would do and hell can't stop him see the true church isn't built by man I can't build the church nobody can it isn't built by personalities especially in this new era forget the personalities you know forget the brother Wonderful's that have it all planned out for their own benefit no this is different no more this phony manipulation stuff there is nothing in God's word that says man is to define the real Church nothing God does Christ does the Holy Spirit does the Godhead does we are moving into times when the true church as Christ defines it rises to be what he said that it was going to be not this hybrid empty form practiced by pretend Christianity there's not going to come a shift in the life of real true believers in Christ Jesus because Holy Spirit is building a hunger a hunger in the remnant for God's manifest presence deep I don't know how he does it but he knows how deep starting to call too deep in the in the remnant in the believers and there's a desire building for more I've got to be more there's a hunger building for more glory more more power the attitude and the commitment to God's ways by a dedicated remnant is becoming more and more focused as fresh anointings and and fresh outpourings are increasing hope is rising hawlings are being reactivated callings in God's people that they thought they lost or they set aside because of selfish things or sin Holy Spirit is reactivating those calls and he's starting to stir the soul of the remnant there was only one being sovereign over the soul of man that's the king that's Holy Spirit and he's beginning to brood over the soul of man building a hunger for what they were really put here for deeps calling too deep they're wanting more hunger is starting to build and the supernatural will not maybe will now be seen in the natural realm as Christ's powerful kingdom begins to surge moving with the righteous remnant that will now be voicing their faith get your hopes up that's what Holy Spirit said get your hopes up miracles healings wonders will now be seen just as they were seen in the scripture only more so and in greater numbers because Christ is not just Lord in the past he is Lord now he's going to be Lord tomorrow he is the same yesterday today and forever and he's about to show that to this world we're crossing a bridge that leads excuse me there we're crossing a bridge that leads into what we've described as a defining moment or a tipping point moment defining moments as I've said is decided by who defines the moment right now the Democrats are trying to define the moment or the Republicans are trying to define the moment or Nancy Pelosi is trying to define the moment or donald trump is trying to define the moment they are clueless of how to define the moment there is only one group of people capable of defining this moment otherwise its total chaos defining moments if the church doesn't fill the vacuum will be filled by someone else who defines the moment defining moments is decided by who defines the moment the remnant the true believers are called to define this moment right here and right now there is not a doubt in my mind that is a key part of what the new era and even what this summit is about to activate we are being called to define this moment of history now we wouldn't be called to do something we couldn't do under his authority by His grace by authority that he gives it is expected it is expected by King Jesus that his remnant defined this moment he expects us to be one of his kingdom warriors who in his name define this moment he expects us to be at our post it is expected that we be good soldiers he expects us doing what we can defining moments have always been the remnants moment you can study it throughout history it's the remnant that defines history rarely have tipping-point moments been decided by a society's majority found religious cultural political changes are usually accomplished by a tiny yet resolute minority Karl Marx was wrong about so much but he was right when he said two percent who are passionate dominate the 98 percent who are indifferent indifference always loses passivity gets beat every time we need to end the delusional thinking that it takes a majority to change things it does not know those smaller in number the odds are actually in our favor if God be for us who can be against us greater is He Who is in us than he that is in the world in the kingdom of God numbers don't decide victories never have God is on our side angels are on our side a remnant of high impact people with some courage and with some resolve who are anointed by the Holy Ghost are indeed history makers and this is the era for the remnant history makers to rise and be who God says we're supposed to be and do what he said we're supposed to do America is now known as as a homosexual nation it's dominated and run by homosexual agenda or now transgender agendas and yet homosexuals are less than 2% of her population but they control the cultural conversation they control our media that they control our education system they control the language just today you heard you can no longer talk about Family Values it offends them in fact Google has a big mess on their hands because someone actually talked about Family Values oh you can't do that we don't have a family they control our movies TV even commercials you can't even watch commercials anymore not that I do my clicker works they control aspects of our government in our laws it's not who we really are though not at all it's not who we are it's just that 2% is more vocal than the majority whose values are absent conviction the 2% control the 98% who are indifferent that's got a change and it's going to in the American Revolution history teaches that only 1/3 of the people in the young colonies were Patriots Inc seeking independence from Britain's bully government another third were loyalists to the king and the other 40% didn't care one way or the other that is a picture of far too many in the body of Christ today they don't care one way or the other that's why we raise our voice like a trumpet that's why there has got to be some champions rising up what a lesson of history more than numbers the Patriots they had a depth of conviction they were unflinching in their resolve they were committed to their freedom they were committed to Liberty they had faithful endurance they had passion and they had they had heart for a cause that would bless their children and their children and then their children and then their children sacrifice was embraced as a virtue they defined their moment thankfully thankfully God only needs a remnant in fact he seems to prefer it he seems to prefer working with a remnant it's a consistent theme of the Scriptures that it's always been about a remnant Gideon's 300 perfect example you got too many Gideon is get down to the remnant they faced thousands of enemy warriors but the 300 were enough with God's help they were enough and they attacked the enemy and took back seven years of lost harvests restored harvests were in their future waiting for them to move forward and retrieve them the 120 in the upper room in Acts chapter 2 they were enough 120 think about that's not many it's not many at all but but they turned the world upside they saw miracles that we're desiring to see they saw thousands of people save they saw great harvest they defined their moment the remnant today is far more than 120 its millions think of the stand that we can make and as Holy Spirit breathes his wind that remnant is about to rise up and make that stand we can change this nation and we can change this world and I think that's what this new era is about and somehow a spark is going to be lit at this summit that takes it into all the world I think about this I don't know how many people we got in this knot we don't have thousands like we used to we got a remnant and yet the favor of God has been upon us all of them all the bills are paid it's a miracle these doors are open and we are about to touch all 50 states in two weeks that's not height we're going to be we will be in all 50 states live-streamed we're going to be in several nations of this world the low estimate is some 55,000 people are going to watch how can a hundred people 120 people do that it's because numbers is not what it's all about God honors the remnant that won't make a stand he just does they were enough somehow there's enough to change this world and we're about to it's time for some high-impact resolute remnant warriors to rise I don't know if it's really a good phrase or not but some I think it's time for some spiritual Patriots spiritual Patriots committed to be Christ's real Church those who are passionate tenacious faithful resolute resolve committed spiritual Patriots who will just not give up until there's Reformation a revival everywhere it came at times up here these definitions of a defining moment defining moments a defining moments are times in which what is done will affect the future we're being called to affect the future we can affect the future of this region just we can affect middletown we can affect the Miami Valley we can affect this state and in many ways we are affecting about an eight-state region we're called to that be a defining moment is a moment that puts a life an institution or an organization on a different path the church today needs to take a different path the nation most certainly needs to take a different path see a defining moment is a moment when conformity is challenged can anyone deny that in our world we need to challenge conformity conformity means you you behave the standards the societal standards know we don't know we don't behave standards that are against the standard of God's Word it's time it's time to it's time to defy some conformity and say no we don't behave that we don't live that way and you can't bully us into doing it we defy it Mel Swartz writes fear and eggs and fear and anxiety typically Corral us into formatted behavior rather than insight or revelation that offers a better way God's ways a better way his words a better way Holy Spirit has a better d defining moments are moments in which someone or a like-minded group of someone's take the pin and with decisive authorship write the script of a new play it's time to take the pen and write a new play it's time to rewrite a different ending to the play the world has written and it's time to write it in accordance to God's Word I have no grandiose idea of Who I am I'm a surprised as as anyone that God will use me I'm just grateful that he does as the song said I'm available what was that word available I'm available it's amazing what God can do from from somebody that's just available there's no grandiose ideas I have none concerning who you are who we are but we can be faithful we can I I learned a long time ago there are a lot of people that are more talented than I am they can preach better than I can preach they they got better I mean their brains work better all these things and that's just the way that it is but if someone out faithfuls me that's my fault I can be faithful I can do what I can I can I can strive to be a champion I can I can strive to raise my voice I can desire hunger to be on the cutting edge of what my God's doing and nobody can get in front of that I can be as faithful as the next one that's a choice we can trust God for a world-shaking revival and we need to we can be a part of a radical remnant that here's what Holy Spirit is saying and with his help defines this moment singers and musicians come please father today there is such a sense of destiny in all and purpose in the times about the times we are in and the challenge of those times but your challenge to us to be more or do more than we have and to be faithful in the midst of our adversary we are pursuing something Lord that I believe is going to be able to touch America and in some ways this world and you're giving us a voice to declare into it help us Lord to make those prophetic decrees in such a way that it puts iron in the soul of your ekklesia and may this ekklesia Lord this apostolic hub may it begin to develop iron in its soul individually Lord every one of us build iron into our soul to be who we are are supposed to be to be what we can be we love you Lord we bless your name
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 18,524
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Keywords: the oasis church, tim sheets, dr. tim sheets, oasiswired, oasis church, middletown ohio, new era, moving into a new era, prophetic summit, a new era
Id: lbVklkb0zFs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 50min 0sec (3000 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 22 2019
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