Midweek Online (9/15/21)

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good evening thank you for joining us tonight before pastor tim leads us in prayer let's spend some time in worship god we exalt you we bless you we magnify your holy name pour out your spirit upon us god hallelujah no make me a house make me a house of bread a house oh make me a house make me a house a house of bread lord make me may the fire of my altar never go out fire on my altar never go out may the fire of my altar never go out make me a house of prayer may the fire on my altar never go out fire on my altar never go out may the fire on my altar never go out make me a house of prayer lord make me a house make me a house make me a house a house of prayer may the fire of my altar never go out the fire on my altar never go out may the fire on my altar never go out make me a house of prayer may the fire on my altar never go out fire on my altar never go out lay the fire on my altar never go out make me a house day and night day day and night night and day day and night night and day will make me a house of prayer day and night night and day and night night day day and night and night day make me a house of night friends day and night night day oh make me a house of prayers day and night night and day and night night day take me a house there's a sound of awakening shut up in my boat the wind is starting to glow we are the people of the mountain so we embrace the climb our dna is awakening but we release the sound release the sound release the sound of awakening release the sound release the sound release oh foreign have your way hello everyone thank you for tuning in to a prayer tonight thank you for rachel and the praise team for getting us ready and uh we have much to pray about and uh tonight before we do that i want to remind you friday night is our hub night and it is it's going to be awesome friday night seven o'clock i really feel in the spirit realm something stirring in fact i want to talk about a prophetic word here in just a moment that i want to pray and activate and believe is going to be activated at another level friday night gina goldstein will be with us and we want to pray for her she is a prophet of the lord and awesome teacher and she is a god speaks to her in dreams and we have used these dreams many times to speak to us and to speak into our times she's a very special lady of the lord and uh i'm glad she could make uh make it out in her schedule to be here and i ask that you please be here if you can be in attendance because that that feeds that crowd dynamic it it raises faith and be here be a part of it so that we can pray into what god is saying we will hear the present word of the lord and we are going to pray it these hub nights are very uh special and they've been gaining in intensity why because holy spirit is releasing strategy for our times he's giving us insight as an ecclesia a reigning church a ruling and reigning church to to speak into our world in a different way and so i encourage you friday night seven o'clock please be here come prayed up ready to worship ready to pray ready to hear from the lord pastors come prayer teams come you're all invited there is no charge and yes if you cannot be here well it is live streamed for you uh tonight i want to i want to talk about a prophetic download and vision that the lord gave me about five months ago now i'm not going to reteach this because i taught it on sunday morning and i've also taught it on duchess give me 15. but i do want to give you the highlights of it the points of it so that we can pray them tonight i've been feeling this yesterday and i've been feeling it today but about five months or so ago a very aggressive very strong boldness begin to come into my spirit and i'd been praying for boldness i've been praying for boldness on me bonus on this ekklesia boldness on all praying the prayer of acts chapter 4 29 the apostles prayer grant that great boldness would be upon us and that signs and wonders miracles be done in the name of jesus and as i was praying into that i began to feel this intense intense aggressive anointing come into my spirit and when this happened i began to hear things in the spirit realm at a different level it was almost like it was a visitation of the lord it was like everything in the the spirit realm just become enhanced or more real i could see things in the spirit realm i could hear things in the spirit realm at a different level and as i prayed into it saying lord speak to me tell me what what you're you're wanting to uh show me what you're wanting to show me i heard holy spirit say say this to me i am anointing my apostles my prophets and my ecclesia i'm anointing them for new battles and they will result in new victories and new was emphasized and yet i knew that it included the old how this happens in the spirit you just intuitively know some things but i begin to understand old battles would would now continue but old battles and new battles would be won as a result of new strategies that holy spirit was going to give us and i began to hear then in the spirit realm explosions of dunamis dunamis simply means the power of god the word power in the new testament is dunamis but remember dunamis we get our english word dynamite from us but that's really not what dunamis means dunamis means the dynamite is lit the explosion in the greek language is the dunamis so it's exploded energy i begin to hear explosions of god's energy god's power in the ecclesias exploding against strongholds i knew strongholds were falling because in the spirit realm i began to see what looked like old fortresses or old castles being blown to bits i could hear these explosions of the power of god and i knew exploding power is coming to to ex to ecclesias and i want to pray that for this friday night i'm going to pray that there's an explosion of power that that comes against strongholds also begin to hear the sounds of revival in my heart i know revival is stirring and i begin to hear the sounds of revival i could hear the old songs of revival one of them was george uh beverly shays that he used to sing at the billy graham crusades that song of revival then sings my soul my savior god to thee how great thou art another was brownsville we will ride i could hear that song it was all being played in the spirit realm another was the welsh revival with evan roberts this is love vast as the ocean revival songs begin to hear them stir and begin to activate and i could also hear the cries of revival and and i was taken back in time to hear people at the altars that we called at the time i was a kid the mourner's bench people mourning and crying out for souls i could hear their cries and their weeping and i could go ba i went back in time to to people i had watched at the altar sobbing and crying over unsaved loved ones and i knew that that god was calling ezeklycia to begin to move into a time of a time in this revival the revival is stirring right now a time of of giving birth to souls again going into mourning for the lost and calling them forth crying out for souls crying out for sons and daughters and then and this is a bit unusual but i begin to hear the sound of a lion king roaring and when the lion king roars we're told you can hear it for two miles but the deep-throated roar of a lion king i could hear it just like i was close by and hear it hearing it literally a lion king roars of course to gather the pride the other lions together that are part of each tribe the lion king he roars to declare ownership of a territory he marks that territory with with a a roar and it is a declaration that he will also answer any enemy's intrusion to take over his territory another lion comes he's gonna roar and i knew our our lion king jesus was roaring over his ecclesia and roaring over the earth and roaring over nations and i knew he was roaring over this nation and he was saying i'm going to answer enemy intrusions i'm gathering my pride i've been gathering it my ecclesia is gathering and he is roaring to declare to the enemies that have made an intrusion against covenants he made with this nation he is roaring in declaration that america is mine america's my territory i'm not going to give it up i am not going to hand it over i will not lose it i will battle for this nation and i will win the battle for this nation i will anoint my ecclesia to to win this battle old ones and new ones but they're going to win it as i prayed into this holy spirit gave me a decree actually i asked for it i i never have asked the holy spirit for a decree before until this time i don't know why but i never had i've asked him a couple of times since but i've never had before when i when i get something from the lord or i'm inspired with something from the scriptures well i form a decree and i i decree it by faith this time i said holy spirit give me a decree that i can give to to the saints to the church and i heard him say very boldly this declaration this decree he said hell doesn't stand a chance and uh that just went all through me i'm like wow what a decree in fact we i still wear the bracelets hell doesn't stand a chance but that went all through me i knew he meant it he was he was very determined in his statement something something's happening there's a stirring in in the spirit realm holy spirit's beginning to move and there's an aggression in it and he's going to raise up raise up the ecclesia and they're gonna stand in hell doesn't stand a chance i know that i believe it and then lastly before we pray in in this vision time i began to see a huge wave and uh it was it was way off the coast like i was standing on the shore the wave is way out there and it's just like a little rise way out there like a bump out on the way out off the shore of a wave that was beginning and it just kept coming and building and coming and building and it was getting bigger and bigger and bigger until finally it accelerated becoming a huge wave like a tsunami wave that crashed up on the shoreline and the debris that was lined up uh just scattered all over the the the shore debris was taken back out to sea uh as as the undertow of this huge wave came on to shore like it grabbed it and just drug it back out to sea and i knew a huge wave of the holy spirit has been rising it's been getting bigger and bigger it's coming and building coming and building bigger and bigger and now it is accelerating to crash upon the shoreline of debris abominations of of defilement of the lands of mocking and of betrayals and blaspheming this woke agenda that's trying to to undermine our nation and undermine christianity and the undertow of this wave is going to wipe it out it's going to wash it away it's going to drag demonic debris away the king is rising and he is rising in a very determined effort in our time hell doesn't have it doesn't stand a chance we are going to prevail in jesus name that is of course the king's promise and we believe his promise here's the definition of prevail prevail is catastro in the greek text it means overpower it means to hold out against it means to triumph over it means to conquer hell's kingdom and the antichrist battle against the church the king said will not hold out against my ecclesia they will not hold they will not overpower us they will not over overcome us the church for far too long has had this backwards we've just been trying to hold out against hell hold on until finally jesus comes and takes us out of here but the king didn't say it that way he said hell will not be able to hold out against my ecclesia no when we rise when we stand hell doesn't stand a chance we are going to prevail and so tonight i felt like just kind of giving the well the the main points of it and not really teach it but i do want to pray it and i want you to join me tonight to pray we're going to pray for some things in our nation we'll continue to pray for afghanistan and some of the mess that our government has caused but we are also going to be praying for the hub that's coming up friday and i want to pray these points as well so will you join me tonight set your faith in agreement uh that we're going to see this prophetic vision these prophetic words come to pass lord tonight we come to you knowing that you hear us what an audience lord that we can come we can come into your presence and know that there's help in the time of need we can come to the throne of grace thank you father for hearing us we come tonight in our kings name jesus and we do come on behalf of this nation a nation that is has left you in your ways but one we are calling back and we know we are going to win this battle and we call it back in jesus name we come against the chaos and the confusion that our government and our president and other leaders have have caused in afghanistan bringing into harm's way christians that need divine intervention we pray for that lord get them out of that situation in supernatural miraculous ways may we continue to hear about divine intervention and the angels that are delivering christians out of that kind of danger and we ask you god that you would give us leaders that will not put us in that position again and we're asking that you remove those that have in jesus name we pray god for the voice of the ecclesia to become stronger and stronger and that we god would indeed begin to enter into a different time a time that you have ordained and as we approach lord the the hub friday night i believe god and i anticipate your being with us to give us a download of information and revelation strategies from your heart that will enable us to be strong in you and the power of your might and to be the intercessors that you have called us to be the warriors you've called us to be to make changes in your name and we pray god friday night that you would be with gina that you would speak to her a very clear clarion word for us i pray god that you put it in in people's hearts to be here the intercessors hearts to be here pastors heart to be here to come into uh an agreement for our times may we understand the the intensity of this moment in the importance of us gathering together and synergizing our faith for this moment call them in lord and let's come as a true ecclesia holy spirit synergize our faith be with us be with the praise and worship let let anointing and presence fill this entire place lord i ask fill us with your your holy spirit fill us with insight may we know we are in your presence we ask that god i pray for strength understanding open your word to to gina as she is preparing an anointer to deliver a message from your heart to our heart i pray in jesus name i pray god that that the vision and the prophetic word that you gave to me a few months ago would be activated at a different realm even beginning now lord i i feel it in my spirit and maybe be evident evident friday night at the hub we're winning battles we're going to win some old ones and some new ones as your power increases i believe god that it's time for the explosions that i heard in the spirit realm to be heard in in the ecclesiast the power of the living god to be heard explosions against the strongholds of hell i'm bringing them down come holy spirit not just at this hub but in all ecclesia hubs explode with your power explosive power come god bring revival may we begin to hear the sound of revival in the land the sound of revival throughout this house this region this hub this this entire area lord the state of ohio and the surrounding states and across the land and around the world we let us hear those sounds of revival echoing out of the land once again the greatest revival may we begin to hear the sounds of it may the songs of old revivals and the songs of new merge together and begin to speak into the atmosphere against the powers of hell scattering in them and shattering them and enabling us to reap the harvest give us lord a burden for souls burden burn your people to to pray song to pray prayers of of deliverance off of to come and deliver and and set free the the lies the deceptions of hell that have darkened people's hearts and minds our sons and daughters or aunts or uncles or whoever they may be god burden us with a prayer burden to pray prayers of deliverance for them we can do that lord you you said that when your sons and daughters pray there would be the times of refreshing and times of great birthing well we know birthing lord can be it can be times of revelation that we birthed but but we're believing lord it's birthing souls birthing souls is time to birth souls to give birth lord in the spirit realm to lost lost people lost and confused people and turned their lives around give us the burden lord to begin to pray for souls and place that burden on us in such a way lord that it's not it's not too heavy it is a joy burden like a woman in travail yes she is burdened but she's giving birth to a joy that is set before her let that be in jesus name burden us to pray for the lost and king jesus would you come and roar roar over this territory roar in this house at the hub friday night lord may in the spirit realm we hear the roar of a lion king declaring my pride is gathering declaring we're going to answer the enemy's intrusion and declaring this is my territory may the roar of king jesus go forth into this nation and declare america is mine i'm turning it around i own it i'm in covenant and i will not let it go may we see these things lord accelerate them pour out your spirit and we ask these things in the name of the king who is roaring king jesus amen amen thank you for decreeing and praying with me tonight be in prayer these next few days as we we get to friday night declare hell doesn't stand a chance declare it over that night please be a part of it come on be a part of it seven o'clock the hub friday night if not we'll see you on online bless you thank you for praying with me tonight foreign
Channel: Oasis Church
Views: 892
Rating: 4.965517 out of 5
Id: mkdXXnVVMnw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 49sec (2269 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 15 2021
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