Tim Sheets - Rock Church - "Angel Armies"

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apostle Tim sheets and I'd like for you to give him a rule Rock Church of Virginia welcome tonight amen thank you thank you wow so great to be with you good to see you tonight you may be seated thank you I've enjoyed being here so much and yours you're all just so kind you make me want to stay it's like wow I really appreciate it and this morning got to share with a lot of the leaders and we talked about the company of angels that I believe are releasing in this new era and then last night we got things going a little bit and we got the king standing up hallelujah and so but thank you so much and Pastor John nice to see you and Robin and get to know some of the staff and of course Bishop thank you for having me and and appreciate it so much I was on my way to preach a conference for Chuck Pierce in Texas just a few weeks ago and I on my preparation time for going there I simply said Holy Spirit what are you saying and what what are you doing right now on the earth because you know I want to I want to be on the cutting edge of that and so I said what are you doing right now and usually that is a request that I press into and seek the Lord about for maybe an hour maybe days you know seeking Him but this time he answered me just like that just answered real quick I said what are you doing right now and Holy Spirit said well right now we're preparing to show the world the Lord of Hosts is not a wimp he said actually the king is tired of his kids getting bullied and he is about to change things and make you stand for them and I began to sense a very aggressive king of kings and Lord of lords at standing for his people and I I can sense that beginning to develop in the body of Christ there there's just an attitude beginning to come forth in the body of Christ we're tired of being bullied we're tired of a defeated foe rising up and telling us off and we're going we're getting ready to stand up and say no you don't tell us what to do devil we're here to tell you what to do our King said to bind you so we're going to amen but can you tell I've preached six straight days morning and afternoon and evening although not after after noon today I want to talk to you from Acts chapter two tonight thank you pastor appreciate that Acts chapter two when the day of Pentecost was fully come and they were all with one Accord in one place and suddenly there came a sound from heaven as of a rushing mighty wind and it filled all the house where they were sitting and there appeared to them cloven tongues like as of fire and settle on them and they were all filled with the Holy Ghost and began to speak with other tongues as the Spirit gave them utterance I want to talk a few moments tonight about Holy Spirit his New Testament church his angel army in context with a world-changing revival that is now beginning in our world as we said last night it is a new era now there are many references in scripture concerning how Holy Spirit who is called the other self of Christ in John chapter 14 another comforter there he said I'll send you another comforter is the Greek word Alice and it means one of the same kind or quality it means the other of a pair or it can literally mean the other self he said I'm going to send my other self to you how when Holy Spirit moves he moves with angel armies and he often moves as what the scripture calls or has named him Lord of Hosts Lord of Angel armies one of those occasions occurs right here at Pentecost please understand what is happening beyond what we talked about last night it was coronation day for the king understand please that here in Acts chapter two King Jesus had issued an order from the throne of heaven for a new campaign to begin on planet Earth take my gospel everywhere and begin a new era from Old Covenant to new it's new times it is a new era and I want you to start a new campaign Holy Spirit comes to supervise and empower it and as usual he comes with angel armies into that Upper Room that is referenced here by the cloven tongues of fire that hovered over the remnant warriors seated in that upper room remember five hundred were told to go but only a hundred and twenty did so only a remnant did it well angels ministered the fire of God's glory to that remnant angels of glory angels reflecting glory and appearing as tongues of fire often often appear throughout the scripture they're seen in the scriptures Acts chapter 2 is just one of those times they they heard a sound from heaven like a rushing mighty wind it filled the house where they were sitting and there appeared over each of them cloven tongues of fire the Amplified Bible says resembling fire which settled upon each of them in other words angels reflecting the the glory or the presence the fiery glory of holy spirit begin to hover over the 120 in this upper room angels are often said to be reflectors of the glory or the fire of God they're like a mirror that it can reflect and angels often reflect the presence and power of the holy spirit or another part of the Godhead now cherubims wings are said to produce this kind of sound in Ezekiel chapter 3 Ezekiel said in Ezekiel 3 when the cherubims flew their wings brush together and produced a swishing type of sound some translators translate that as a violent fluttering type of sound others translated that it sounded like a river rapids that are that are running in roaring rapids others translate it as a marching type of sound one translated it as a galloping horses galloping a type of sound and still others said it was a drumming type of sound I don't know about you but I'm starting to hear the sounds of heaven I'm starting here some marching type of sounds I'm starting to hear the sound of angels that are forming in power formations under the Holy Spirit I'm starting to hear a river that's starting to run and is starting to run throughout this this world like a like a river rapids I'm starting to hear the roar of heaven begin to amp up again in in the church now this sound echoed off of spinning wheels that spun beside them and Ezekiel chapter 4 says this produced a rumbling type of sound the World Wrestling Federation is not who coined get ready to rumble it was Holy Ghost at Pentecost he was saying it's time to rumble I don't know about you but I'm also hearing that it's time to rumble more importantly the wheels are a part of the chariot upon which the Lord of Hosts rides on a carrier on occasions carried by angels the point is clearly God is moving here at Pentecost Holy Spirit was moving carried by angels or accompanied by angels and Holy Spirit moves into that upper room assisted by Angel armies and like Ezekiel the 120 heard the rushing wind they heard the swishing sound they heard the rumbling out of heaven like a a great army marching they heard the sound of roaring they heard the drumbeat of heaven they begin to hear the rhythm of heaven rhythm describes how something moves there was movement that was made and they could hear that movement rhythm is coordinated movement it's like when you strike a piano key that the strings in that piano begin to vibrate and it produces a rhythm and a harmony guitar strings do the same thing when you strum that guitar the strings begin to vibrate and it produces a harmonious sound this sound from heaven begin to vibrate and begin to Paul sate into the spirit of those 120 people and it began to harmonize heaven with earth for a new campaign and tongues of fire began to settle over each one of them as angels hovered on the day of Pentecost Holy Spirit moves with his angel armies to bring about a new move of God new moves of God down through history are always if you study the history of those moves you will see angels were a part of it and Holy Spirit has those angels at Pentecost ministering fresh aspects of his wind and fire and river on the earth now the Godhead is often described in Scripture as releasing their ministry on the earth or even in the universe they are often described as releasing their ministry through angels so most certainly if they release their ministries through angels it should not be surprising that we the heirs of God and joint-heirs with Christ we the sons and the daughters of God also need angels to partner with us to assist us in our ministries on the earth quite frankly New Testament ministry is not possible without angels angels are present because we need them God didn't make angels to see if he could do it they are needed beings Hebrews 1:14 says the heirs they need angels to assist them in ministry they are they are ministering spirits for the heirs now Hebrews 1 and verse 7 says and of the Angels he says who makes his angels spirits and his ministers a flame of fire that is a quote from Psalms 104 and verse four flaming there is the Greek word Platz and it means a flash of fire or it means a blaze of fire or it means a tongue of fire plox also describes is the Greek word for a lightning bolt angels are carriers of God's glory glory fire is on them and angels can strike from God's presence like lightning we are now moving into an era where angel armies are released and the glory of God is beginning to surge and intensify and the armies of heaven the angels of God are going to now begin to strike with great power against the adversaries of our king and they're going to begin to strike with the power of God assisting the heirs in great deliverance and to bring great victory to them now Ezekiel 113 describes angels or living beings this way says ask for the likeness of the living creatures or angels their appearance was like burning coals of fire and like the appearance of lamps it went up and down among the living creatures and the fire was bright and out of the fire came forth lightning lightning strikes the angels appeared as flashes of fire plucks cloven tongues of fire or blazes of or flashes of fire the New Living Translation reads this way the living beings look like bright coals of fire or brilliant torches and lightning seemed to flesh back and forth among them message Bible reads the Angels look like a blazing fire or like fire torches and tongues of fire shot back and forth between the creatures and out of the fire bolts of lightning plucks tongues of fire in Isaiah chapter 6 and verse 6 Isaiah says this a Seraphim flew to me with a burning coal he had he took from the altar of heaven with a pair of tongs and he touched my lips with that burning coal and he burned iniquity off of me and lit my lips to prophesy he lit my lips so that I would be a prophetic voice a witness for God noted Hebrews in Greeks theologian Spiros O dod's describes a Seraphim as a winged angel that appears as glowing flames of fire well all of that was happening here at Pentecost Holy Spirit had come to baptize the Church in power from heaven and the angels that he commands came with him to assist and their assignment initially was set their lips on fire to become my witnesses so when they came into the upper room with Holy Spirit when they marched in following holy spirit tongues of fire began to shoot back and forth as God's glory begin to serve in that room brilliant tortious of fire hovered over them wind from Holy Spirit and from angel wings begin to stir around the room and they begin to hear this rumbling sound that was coming out of heaven and that was getting into their spirit and aligning them in tune with heaven putting them in harmony with a vision that they couldn't see up until up until that that point and flashes a blazing light like lightning striking begin to dance over top of their heads in in those Holy Spirit breezes angels ministered fresh fire off of Heaven's altar as Holy Spirit began to breathe life into the Kings desired new campaign his new era on the earth at that time the angels were working to fire up the Saints just like they're beginning to do right this moment they are assisting Holy Spirit who is breathing life into a brand-new kingdom of God move on the earth that's what this new era is all about the breath of God is coming back into the body of Christ and it's lifing of the breath of God is being breathed on the New Testament church and Angel armies are beginning to take the coals of fire from the from the altar of heaven and light the lips of the people of God to prophesy again and to speak the Word of God with boldness without eleven years ago now Holy Spirit began to download this revelation to me about Angel armies I've written the book on Angel armies and it's a lot about that time but he captivated my my mind my spirit with angel armies that assist him and are here to assist the heirs of salvation I studied it for month after month after month to date I have over 5,000 hours in studying angel armies from the Scriptures in many ways I'm still studying and I gave you things this morning leaders that are not in the book because they're recent studies that that Holy Spirit is taking me on but it was an amazing season of of enlightenment as Holy Spirit took me on a journey of both experience and revelation but Holy Spirit began to teach me and he said to me the king has now issued orders for a new campaign on earth similar to Acts chapter 2 and I am now coming again to supervise and empower it a fresh outpouring will now be activated and released upon the earth and a fresh new Pentecost will now be released revival will now be everywhere because it will become now a kingdom revival not a local revival I praise God for Toronto I went and enjoyed it I praise God for Pensacola I went and I enjoyed it this is not going to be like that in this new era the revival beginning to build now it's not going to be like it has been the Saints are not gonna have to drive a thousand miles to be in the presence of God that's not his plan revival now will be a kingdom revival you don't have to drive four hours to get in the presence of God it shouldn't be that way it should be right here you all not have Drive ten minutes to get in there and the holy ghost is now firing this thing up for a kingdom move of God he's lighting it on fire he said to me the king has issued orders for a new campaign on the earth similar to Acts chapter 2 and I'm coming to supervise it and then he said something to me that absolutely stopped me in my tracks I was not expecting it I quite frankly at that time angels were not on my radar has a massive Kingdom benefit like they should have been if you'd asked me back then do I believe in angels I would have certainly said yes but I did not understand then how how angels help apostles shift their regions I didn't understand then how angels come and help New Testament churches shift the culture of their regions something that I I teach today and practice today but then I've never even heard about it I was out by a lake not far from my house where I like to go pray it's only about a half hour away and I I can take you to the exact spot where this took place I don't know how many times I've prayed at that lake I've prayed there all night long I don't know how many times probably a hundred or more I like to go there I've spent the night just if it's cold you build a bonfire and you sit there and I just talked to God talked to him all night long and listen to what he is saying and this eleven years or so ago I I was seeking Him I was I was I was talking to him about the next phase and what he wanted me to do and I was I was pursuing him sitting by that lake night after night the kids would go to bed and when they went to bed I would drift off down to the lake to talk to God and I can take you to the exact spot where Holy Spirit riveted my attention as he said I will now lead another campaign upon the earth similar to Acts chapter 2 only this time I am bringing far more of the angel armies I set by that lake afraid to move I mean I didn't move I was I just I just set like frozen because I knew something so big so significant was being breathed of heaven and understanding of what what was beginning was starting to dawn on me this time I'm bringing far more of the angel armies and I began to study and I began to ponder everything I could I read everything I could get my hands on to date some 220 different books or references or or some kind of material on Angel armies and from that point on Angel activity began to increase in my life and for my pastor's mind at the time it was it was dramatic the shift that was taking place I was never one up to that point to see angels it was rare for me I sometimes recognized their their work but but I didn't see angels but angel activity began to increase exponentially I began to see the work in the Ministry of angels everywhere I I incorporate worship services I would see the Ministry of angels but not just in worship service in everyday life I began to see the work in the Ministry of angels I would begin to see these columns of light flames of fire flashes of light over a congregation and at first I thought am I losing my mind it's how I found Izzi kiyul because I thought this has got to be in the Bible somewhere or you know and uh and and it just increased I would see these huge columns of fire when I was preaching sometimes now I see I see it all the time now but then I had never seen anything quite like that also it was during that season that Holy Spirit branded a phrase into my spirit and it's become conscious awareness for me ever since it sparked a faith to declare revival when I couldn't see revival anywhere it it produced boldness to face demons and not back down to face hell's kingdom with enlightened eyes to face evil strategies with confidence that the phrase of Holy Spirit has become a rock foundation upon which he has enabled us now in Ohio to create a prayer ministry that's about eight years old now awakening now prayer with initially in the first eight years over 600 churches that have now prayed 24/7 for revival and Reformation with one of our prayer torches in Ohio if you'd have told me I could get 10 churches to participate that way I would have said I don't know 600 what happened was prophet Chuck Pierce prophesied and and said to me the Lord says build a firewall around the state of Ohio and I thought how do you build a firewall around the state then Jane Hammond comes in and she says people are the churches are going to come and they're going to dip their torch in your fire so I thought well okay I'll get a torch that's gonna be how we build a firewall we'll have a prayer torch and we'll pass it around and the idea was and we did we got this we got a it's an artificial flame you plug it in and it's not real but but the idea is a church prays 24/7 for one week I mean every hours covered you come to the church and even in the middle of the night somebody's there some hours there's 10:15 there sometimes there's two or three but all hours are covered and then the next Sunday you pass that torch you send a group to the next church he passed passed the torch to them on Sunday morning announced they're trying so I think well that's what I'll do so I get a torch and I I passed that torch to the next one and it wasn't just a few weeks and I had that torch scheduled for the year so I got another torch it got scheduled I got another torch and then it got scheduled another one another one another one finally we had 16 of them and we got to 600 churches in 8 years 8 hard years have worked because I go to all those 88 counties I take a bus with the entire praise team I've been to those counties I've been every nook and crania of that state and then we had 600 churches but I doll dramatically changed just a few months ago on June the 20th last year I was at CI Christian International Bishop bill Hammonds place and I had just finished preaching at his conference on the standing King some of the things I talked about last night and then I went back to the room and I was awakened about 3:00 in the morning by the Holy Spirit wide awake and he spoke this to me you are now entering into a fullness of time a fresh new Pentecost will now be poured out on the church and everything in my kingdom will now accelerate declare acceleration so I started preaching I got up the next morning and I preached on everything's gonna accelerate and a new Pentecost is being released a couple of weeks or a few weeks actually after that Lou Engel called he was doing an event in Cleveland Azusa now where the Cavaliers play basketball big arena 18,000 seats and he said can I do a pre Azusa now rally at your church I said sure so he came in to do that rally and he found out while he was there about the prayer torches and he gets this light in his eyes you know and he says I know what we're gonna do we're gonna see how many torches we can pass out you know at the at the Coliseum well I wish I could I wish I could tell you I jump for joy all I could see was dollar signs because we we don't sell the torches we give them away and I'm like oh how are we going to do this so put out the word and people started buying torches hundreds of them the people I'll take a hundred and and and so we go to the Colosseum and he gets me about a few minutes I describe it and I said in that section up there there's a whole section of prayer torches if you want one go up there and what took us eight years of hard work to do to get 600 in one hour we went to 5150 that's no that's not people praying that's churches and that's called acceleration Paula goes did in an hour what it took me eight years to get 600 things are beginning to accelerate now they're going to accelerate in your churches they're gonna accelerate for you victories are beginning to accelerate but the phrase that Holy Spirit carved into my spirit was this the greatest days in church history are not in its past they are in its present and in its future I've declared that nearly everywhere I've gone since and the ramifications of that statement are absolutely enormous think about something greater than anything ever done before is now being released something greater than any move of God in all of history is now being being released greater Kingdom power than has ever been seen in church history will now flow out of Christ New Testament church the world has never seen anything like that before hell has never faced anything like that before in some ways the church has never done some of what it is about to do now under the power of the Holy Ghost and new strategies are going to be implemented the Pharos of Evil's bondage are now going to face those that know their authority and miracles are going to multiply just like they did when Moses faced Pharaoh what did God do to get him out he just multiplied the miracles they just kept coming Pharaoh's of our world will now know they will now face those that they're at their gates who know their God and Kingdom power for mighty deliverance and supernatural mirror is going to accelerate on this earth you're about to hear testimony of tremendous exploits because there is now an alignment of heavens army with the remnant warrior army of the church on earth and they are going to synergize together under Holy Spirit's supervision and power to demonstrate that the kingdom of God is among you it's here greatest days in church history are not in our past they're in our present and in our future Holy Spirit is marshalling his armies and of course a large part of his army is angel armies they're here to partner with with the Saints with the New Testament church under Holy Spirit's supervision in the greatest movement of the kingdom of God in in all of history there's been some great moves of God but this is greater than all of them it's greater than all of them Holy Spirit is leading the Saints he's leading the Angel armies and together the world is now going to see a surging dynamo an engine of a kingdom that cannot be shaken the deep currents that produced the greatest harvest are now starting to flow millions in the valley of decision are going to be brought into into the kingdom of God on another occasion out at the lake during this season I had gone out and spent time and I was seeking the Lord about apostolic networks this again 11 years or so ago that this started back then everybody was starting in an apostolic Network and they kept telling me you need to start an apostolic Network and so I'm out there talking to the Holy Spirit about that and as I prayed about it and said Holy Spirit should I start an apostolic networking and asked him the question Holy Spirit said to me he said what about my angel network that's not what I asked you ever you ever figured out he thinks he's boss he said what about my angel network and network was emphasized I had never thought about it I don't know why I'm embarrassed to admit it but I'd never thought about it Network angels networked and I remembered thinking at that time well sure God didn't make millions and millions of angels saying let's see what they do might be amusing though they were made for a reason they are a network of organized beings and they are a very disciplined and organized army they are linked together in an interrelated communication communication system with the people of God with the New Testament church under Holy Spirit's supervision it's always under Holy Spirit's supervision and they are they are inter communicating worldwide and universe wide in other words they are not disorganized do their own thing beings they are dedicated beings focused on their assignment of carrying out Holy Spirit orders and assisting the heirs and the New Testament church so I begin to think about the potential of all the networks beginning to partner with the angel network under Holy Spirit's supervision I mean that would be incredible and I begin to see that 70 years ago Holy Spirit had had begun to plan all of this back in the 1950s he began to put the fivefold ministry into amazing networks in the 1950s it was all about evangelism Billy Graham you know TL Osborn and Oral Roberts and great evangelists and evangelism networks begin to begin to be built all around the world evangelism networks and then in the 1960s the pastors it was all about pastors great churches Tommy Barnett and and just different great churches begin to rise and pastoral networks begin to begin to be put together everywhere and then in the 70s what does God do teachers everybody in the 70 was gone somewhere to get taught Kenneth Hagin Kenneth Copeland you got to be taught and the teachers begin to network and they networked all around the planet and then in the 80s the prophets he began to emphasize the prophets and prophetic Network started everywhere they begin they're still going there prophetic networks and then in the 90s we started hearing about apostles an apostolic network started everywhere why it was preparation for now when Holy Spirit would add another network the angel network to all of that he is activating things that are about to blow this world's mind he said what about my angel network and the potential of all these networks partnering together under Holy Spirit power and supervision I could see the ramifications the potential of that and an amazing revelation begin to unfold and I begin to understand the third Great Awakening I begin to see the converging of the ages and all the anointings of the ages that I talked about last night coming into our time no longer stewarded by pastors only but now a network of fivefold ministry and angels assisting now I begin to discern our times as the sons of Issachar we are told discern your times so that we know what to do so I begin to make that my prayer during this season as well first chronicles 12:32 says the sons of Issachar understood the times to know what Israel ought to do well we need to know what we ought to do we got to discern our times I mean the angels are busy for a reason that there are companies of angels that I talked about to the leaders this morning being activated in this new era for a reason what is the reason holy spirits coming with more angel armies than he did in Acts chapter 2 what is the reason so I began to study 1st chronicles 12:32 seeking prophetic insight it says they understood the times understood is the Hebrew word to Benna and it means knowledge or it means wisdom or insight or intelligence the word times there is the Hebrew word earth and it means the proper time or the right season or the appropriate time for an event or a happening to happen to know is is just one word in the Hebrew text and it is yadda and it means to perceive or to anoint to perceive or anoint to see to inform or it means knowledge that is gained by sensing something you sense it it also means to distinguish between two options yadda distinguish between two options what to do is also just one word in the Hebrew text and it is the Hebrew word asam and it means to execute or to work or to create or to build or to prepare Assad describes God's creative activities not his abilities not his abilities no the activity of that ability sounds a bit difficult to describe it means to prepare for God activity that only God's ability can create for you see something is beginning on planet earth right now a campaign is building right now a movement is now moving that only the abilities of God can can execute we are called to discern it and participate Holy Spirit will then release divine ability anointings and Angel armies in other words the kingdom of Almighty God and His his Christ is now going to demonstrate God activity upon the earth on the earth not when we get to heaven of course there's God activity there on the earth right here right now King Jesus has issued the command Holy Spirit and Angel armies have heard the decree prepare for God activity prepare for my kingdoms activity all over the planet prepare my bride for my activities prepare my church for Kingdom activities prepare it to move prepare it to execute like we did with Daniel go down there and cause them to understand this Gabriel activate this Michael activate this angelic princess activate this holy spirit activate the greatest movement of my kingdom in all of Earth history prepare my my people for God activity that my ability in my power my delegated authority has released to them prepare them for worldwide movement that order has been heard and it has now been executed holy spirits all over it which means dramatic deliverance is now in process it means supernatural recoveries are now in process it means supernatural resourcing is now in process that means supernatural victories are now in process it means miracles are now in process it is not possible that Holy Spirit knew about this new move of God on the earth this new era and has been caught flat-footed and unprepared no way he's been working on the plan with meticulous details he has been preparing for our times for decades please know this Lucifer is not a better planner than Holy Spirit there should be no doubt in the remnants mind he knows what he's doing and he knows how to execute the orders of the King upon the earth after all he was a participant in the decision-making a process of heaven's plan which means this we are not just going to stumble into a Great Awakening we're not just gonna have we're just not gonna stumble into some kind of great revival no Holy Spirit has planned for it and he has planned it very very well and one of the reasons for the releasing of angels in great numbers one of the reasons Holy Spirit comes with angel hosts is to activate that plan through the New Testament church they're here to assist Holy Spirit in assisting us to understand and participate they're here to assist us in connecting to the proper option and then execute it in the name of King Jesus so when you put together the Hebrew words of first chronicles 12:32 you see what Holy Spirit's doing right now it prophesized to us but now if yo dasa translates Holy Spirit is anointing God's people with intelligence and wisdom that reveals the proper time the appropriate time for an event to come into season he is anointing us with perception to sense and distinguish the proper option so it can be executed to work perfectly as designed by heaven he is preparing us appropriately for the releasing of God's creative activity so you can participate in a God happening what's happening a God happenings happening the biggest God happening in all of history is happening the earth is now going to see a Holy Ghost and fire outpouring and revival when God's Word define something as a god happening I want in on it when it describes as a God happening it's got to be tremendous Holy Spirit and His angels are here to help make that happen they are here to fire up the Saints to begin to participate in the plan of Almighty God he is here yes here Holy Spirit here with the angel armies to light their lips to be the witnesses of the Living God again there's never been a move of God like we are now going to see with millions and millions of prodigal coming home and millions and millions of new converts coming to Christ a worldwide revival is beginning to roll through America and around the world and it's going to be like the snowball rolling downhill getting bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until it finally just rolls right through the gates of Hell it's gonna steamroll demon strongholds steamroll iniquitous roots steamrolled doctrines of demons scattering them and shattering them it's gonna roll right over Antichrist governing systems it's gonna roll right through demonic hindrance cultural hindrance societal hindrance political hindrance judicial hindrance media endurance the church will now do some new things some new ways hell will now face a new testament church that it has never faced before one that's based on the foundation of the prophets and the apostles it's going to be a bold church that no longer backs down to demon powers for too long when the adversary when he'll when the kingdom of darkness said boo the church ran but church is starting to move under the power of the Holy Ghost and when the devil says boo he's gonna get his face smacked when he says boom he's gonna get a rise out of New Testament believers that say that's enough in the name of our King we have authority over you we're stronger than you are there's never been a kingdom of God moves like this one it is defined in Scripture as a God happening here the word of the Lord tonight I was talking on this a while back in just sometimes prophetic words drop in in to my spirit apostles they prophesy a bit different than prophets but hear the word of the Lord tonight as we wrap this up Holy Spirit says to remnant warriors it is time for the unveiling the great season has now come and the curtain is being drawn and the world will now see the scintillating kingdom of King Jesus rising from the ashes of a beguil'd world see it says the Lord see it's radiant glory intensifying accelerating and revealing your king a supreme commander of heaven and earth it's time for the reveal says the lord of the supernatural in the natural for there will now be seen a spiritual kingdom that visibly affects natural kingdoms it will visibly affect earth kingdoms it will visibly affect world leaders it will visibly affect government it will visibly affect the marketplace the education system the media like leaven the mighty kingdom of God and His Christ will penetrate the earth as never before darkness will be penetrated and dispelled by glorious light deception will be dispelled by glorious truth iniquity will be uprooted by glory our demon Thrones will be toppled by glorious Authority bundage will be broken by glorious liberty and curses reversed by glorious blessings principalities and powers minds and dominions of L will be toppled by the superior forces of my kingdom says the Lord of Hosts my kingdom is rising it will now be revealed in new ways and in new displays it cannot be stopped they cannot be detoured it cannot be compromised my spiritual Kingdom will visibly affect the world it will rise and it will reign in awesome wisdom and in the power of the Holy Spirit it has been and it is and it will be increasing upon the earth with my jealous aggression and striking flashes of my power a kingdom that has no end and no equal will now be revealed just as I promised a surge of heaven has now begun the world has never seen the like a functioning reigning spiritual Kingdom that is at hand yes you can touch it and yes it will become visible for you are entering in the season of a mighty king who prevails a king who makes his stand his kingdom is growing and it will prevail and the prevailing anointing of King Jesus will now be seen upon his remnant as in the first deck lesya so mightily grew the word of the Lord and prevailed so it will be in your time's anointing to prevail is now being poured upon you the king's words on your lips will prevail mightily as you speak you will grow as you speak you will prevail increases increasing bounty abounding promises believed for will grow and prevail to fullness prophetic words will prevail to fullness supernatural deliverance will prevail to fullness healings and miracles will prevail to fullness dreams and visions and goals will prevail to fullness decrees of faith will prevail to fallenness cries of your heart will prevail to fullness it is yes than it is a mend for you in heaven my church will prevail says the Lord the gates of Hell will not prevail the authority of Hell cannot prevail it is written and it cannot be reversed it is the immutable decree of your God so act in accordance Lucifer is not omnipresent but I am Lucifer is not omniscient but I am Lucifer is not omnipotent but I am Lucifer's Kingdom is not unshakable but - in according confidence I will now lead the greatest move of my kingdom in Earth's history Holy Spirit is now activating my coalition because I will have my harvest I will have an allied partnership with me remnant champions who will know that I am God with them they will know I have allied myself and my kingdom with them it will be seen I am God with them everywhere I am wisdom and knowledge with them everywhere I am the all-powerful one with them everywhere I'm the prevailing one with them everywhere and they will prevail everywhere for the spirit blows this wind word through the churches the coalition force of my kingdom have now been called to the battle line the multiplied strength of my allies joined together for my kingdom calls has never been stronger my Angel armies my remnant warrior army my holy spirit my father and all of heaven have allied with me and my kingdom fight one of us you will have to fight us all covenants are established treaties have been signed in my blood alignments have initiated assignments and the strength of my Allied Coalition is strong and enduring no Hell cannot prevail my church will prevail my remnant will prevail yes my kingdom has been attacked and yes my remnant has been pressed in great battle but know that a mighty mighty Kingdom is allied with you know that the King of Kings is allied with you know that Holy Spirit and his angel armies are allied with you know that Almighty God and all of heaven is allied with you you will not fight this battle alone allies are at hand allies are among you allies are rushing to the battle with you my kingdom my power a my anointing to prevail is upon you you will win against hell's opposition hell cannot stop you so arise with my kingdom and with great confidence rule and reign with me with great boldness understand my coalition backs you understand you have my authority go and influence the earth as my ambassadors and stand for my truth declare my without compromise and make a determined stand for my cause go and as part of my kingdom coalition rule in the midst of your enemies go in my name and prevail go and prevail stand if you would singers come Lord tonight we declare Virginia Beach this region you are now pouring out and anointing to prevail come Holy Spirit come with the armies of the Living God mighty coalition armies and forces powerful forces of your kingdom arise Lord Lord we hear the call of heaven we hear the voice of Holy Spirit to the churches it's time to rumble it's time to move it's time to rumble it's time to move in Jesus name activate activate
Channel: Rock Church
Views: 42,999
Rating: 4.8883247 out of 5
Keywords: Rock Church, Church, Christianity, community, love, unity, Jesus Christ, modern, modern church, bible, biblical, John Blanchard, Bishop, Anne Gimenez, Bishop Anne
Id: weB9iyKw5nQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 62min 19sec (3739 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 31 2018
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