Heston Blumenthal's Traditional Minced Beef and Dumplings | Waitrose & Partners

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this new recipe is one of the best ways i know of using mints it also uses a fantastic little technique of combining onion with a little bit of star anise and that really boosts the meaty flavors and makes this dish so comforting it's just a perfect autumnal meal and here's johnny to show you how to make it right so we're going to start by heating some groundnut oil in a heavy bottomed casserole the first thing we're going to cook is the chin beef and our marabon you need the oil to be quite hot all we're looking to do is give it some color on the outside after the shin and marabone now we're going to brown our mince piece for about three to four minutes again just to brown it so we're now going to deglaze the pan with some red wine at this point we want to get rid of the alcohol that's there in the wine so we can either do that by boiling it for about five minutes or if you have a small blower torch you can just ignite it just let that burn till it dies out add two packs of pests from waitrose finishing ju for beef one piece of starnis one bouquet garni now i'm going to add our meat back into the pan add just enough water to cover the meat once it all comes back up to a simmer just put the lid on and put it in the oven at 120 degrees for two hours so as the beef's cooking in the oven we're gonna get on to cooking the vegetable part of the dish a small amount of groundnut oil in the palm of the pan i'm gonna add our onions and we're just looking to sweat these onions we're going to add one star anise when you're cooking any kind of meat dish if you add a little bit of starneys in with your onions in the beginning of the recipe when everything gets mixed together in the end that combination is going to help bring out the meaty flavors of whatever dish you're cooking add our carrots cook it for another couple minutes our button mushrooms just been quartered just going to cook those for just a couple of minutes now we're going to add in our tomato puree and cook it out until the mixture turns a bright red color add our pasada and let that cook out slowly for about 10 minutes so we're just going to set it aside to cool and just a note to remove that whole star anise after it's all cooled down so to make our dumplings mix the flour the thyme leaves the chopped fresh chives and the parsley along with the mustard salt and lemon zest in a stand-up mixer until it starts to form a fine crumb at that point add the suet and the milk continue mixing until the dough has just come together take it out of the bowl at this point and allow it to stand covered for about 30 minutes once it's rested roll it into 24 even-sized balls so our meat mixture is completely cooked and cooled now remove the starnis bouquet garni and our two marrow bones break up the shin beef with a couple of forks combine the vegetable mix with the meat add the mustard worcester sauce mushroom ketchup and season it with salt and black pepper now we're gonna take our dumplings and we're gonna cook them in a pan with a bit of butter we're just looking for a golden color arrange them on top of the casserole pushing down gently then put the whole casserole back in the oven for about half an hour until the dumplings are cooked and the casserole is heated through finish it with some freshly chopped chives parsley and thyme and that's our traditional minced beef with dumplings you
Channel: Waitrose & Partners
Views: 276,513
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Heston Blumenthal, Minced beef, dumplings, technique, star anise, fry, onion, autumnal, Beef Mince (Ingredient), Recipe, Cook, the fat duck, jonny lake, bray
Id: FyexReMieXQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 18sec (258 seconds)
Published: Wed Oct 16 2013
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