Heston Blumenthal's Steak Sandwich | Waitrose

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so i'm now going to show you how to make a steak sandwich this steak sandwich contains pickles some sun drenched tomatoes artichokes onion dip finishing off with rocket and parmesan this is a fantastic template on how to cook a steak i'm just going to prep the other ingredients for the sandwich dill pickles as opposed to the little corny shorts because these are a bit sweeter and now for the tomatoes these are sun drenched the skin is just a little bit dry and tougher very easy to remove just thumb and forefinger pinch and off it comes now artichoke hearts they've been pre-charred and that char flavor is going to work really well with the steak okay so now it's time to cook the steak i will season it most people when they cook steak at home don't have the pan hot enough really important to get this smoking hot but leave it on without the oil so i'm using olive oil believe it or not it's got a high smoking point and works well for this but you can use not oil or grapeseed oil they're all smoking put it in and lay it away from you otherwise you're going to be splashing hot oil over yourself now this next stage is a brilliant technique flip for the steak every 15 seconds and when you flip it over that side that was touching the pan is now facing up so the air is just cooling it down a little bit and that's going to pulse heat through the meat so we want a nice brown outside without cooking the living daylights out of the center historically one of the most biblical laws in the kitchen is that browning meat seals in the juices it doesn't at all impossible you can hear this sizzling that's the juices coming out the more you cook this the more the steak this piece of protein is going to contract and that'll force the juices out depends how you want your steak cooked i want my steak so probably medium rare but in order to get better control i'd use one of these to probe so now i'm going to do is leave this steak to rest on a rack all of that residual heat from that hot pan is going to continue to cook this piece of steak so i want this steak to be medium rare which is around about 55 degrees so i need to take the steak out at about 50 because it will continue to cook so while the steak's resting i'm going to make the sandwich so for the bread i'm using a wholemeal seeded bloomer drizzle it with a little bit of olive oil pop the slices into the pan the bread's ready so now i'm going to spread some onion dip onto the toasted bread then some artichokes then some of the dill dill peppers now i'm going to slice the steak so you can see you've got a nice amount of pink meat still there but it's still nice and juicy just before i put the meat onto the sandwich i'm going to season it even season and then to finish off some of the sun-drenched tomatoes a little bit of rocket and this is going to accentuate the sort of peppery notes and then last but not least a few parmesan shavings so that is what i call a steak sandwich
Channel: Waitrose & Partners
Views: 537,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: heston blumenthal, steak sandwich, steak, how to cook steak, weekend kitchen with waitrose, waitrose, steak recipe, brunch recipe, luch recipe, waitrose recipes, how to, how to make, best recipes, ingredients
Id: XOqPVxV-iFc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 26sec (206 seconds)
Published: Sat May 24 2014
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