[Reupload] Marco Pierre White's Recipe for Boeuf Bourguignon with Wild Mushrooms

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the dish i'm going to prepare is a classic beef bourguignon which is a basically a beef stew cooked in red wine with mushrooms bacon and onions it's that simple the joint i'm using is a whole brisket which i will chop into large chunks that's my preference you can buy small cubes from your butcher from the supermarket as you can see there's big nuts of fat i'm quite happy leaving those in because when they're cooked and cooked properly fat is delicious me personally i like large pieces because what do you think that that may seem like a very large piece but once it's braised down you'll be surprised how much it shrinks as you can see look at the fat coating there's a massive fat but when you're going to braise something you want that fat because cook slowly for three and a half to four hours it's delicious so try and braise with cuts with high content of fat so the loyal here take your onion and because we're going to be braising these chunks for three to four hours it doesn't have to be the finest chopped onion in the world they'll just break down get your pan incredibly hot because when you're going to put big chunks of meat into the pan the amount of heat which will be taken out of the pan is enormous if it's not hot enough the meat will release its water and you'll just end up boiling your meat it's a pointless exercise as you can see i've retained the heat in the pan by caramelizing firstly you get a fabulous flavor through the caramelization secondly you're braising it beautifully if you don't get the color the desired effect you just might as well have ball beads what you've got to think how much flavor have we created by caramelising the meat so it's really important to get a really good golden brown caramelization the difference of your stew when finished is enormous as you can see the beef is nicely caramelized out of the pan into the calendar to drain the juices now we take the onions in the same fat that we caramelize the beef in we're roasting the onions in as you can see by slowly roasting them we remove the water content of the onion by removing the water content we then remove the acidity which then allows the natural flavor and sweetness of the onion to come through one and a half onions chopped quite rough what these will do is add a lot of flavor to the bourguignon but at the same time they'll break down in the braising and they'll thicken it a little bit so there's no need to use a lot of flour a whole garlic just chopped in half and it goes for flavor let's take a little bit of the fat tiny bit of flour just a pinch no real recipe just a little bit in the hand you may be asking why half a garlic unpeeled i like it rustic i like a whole piece of garlic not crushed it'd be too strong i don't want to dominate it i want it to infuse and to support and at the end if you don't like it just whip it out i leave it in i'm not that fast because remember it's cooking for three four hours so the onions will break down and add to the thickening and so that little bit of flour in the old days people in my opinion put far too much flour in you just take some thyme parsley bay leaf a little bit of celery doesn't have to be perfect it's sort of a bucky garlic so it's a little bit of celery a bit of parsley but a thyme a couple of bay leaves red wine nice bordeaux in with your boogie garni a nice big rash of bacon and then what we'll do is we'll reduce this down by two-thirds to intensify the flavor of the red wine a little bit of pork so i've done 750 mils red wine 250 ml pork that is one liter of alcohol i will then do one liter of water with two stock pots let's pour this now into there shake that in and then we take our beef put the beef inside so now when you think that's one liter of alcohol with the meat so if you imagine i'm going to reduce that down by three quarters so once that goes down then take into consideration the shrinkage of the meat we pop in one liter of water but then what we do is we have the beef stockpot what does the stockpot do for us it flavors it seasons it makes something delicious so as you can see it's now reduced down nicely that's taken about 20 minutes reduced down on this stove then we add the water i may put a little bit more in later on in the cooking and now what we have is a couple of stock pots i reduced the red wine in the end by half i felt that it was strong enough so we just dissolved the stock pots in and that's now ready to go in the oven so we'll cook that soda now out of fox 140 150 we'll start to check it out after about two hours see a little water a little adjusting you just continue to brace it slowly so it's time to do the garnish the beef bourguignon is now about 20-25 minutes away from being ready and the garnish is just the bulging garnish which is very simple it's a little onions you can buy fresh if you want and want all the labor but you can buy very good ones from the supermarket frozen so they've been defrosted and they're ready to cook the wild mushrooms again from the supermarket and good bacon which we cut into little strips and fried so it's crispy be generous with your garnish there's nothing worse than getting a big stew which is delicious and just a few little mushrooms a few little onions and you'd love them for bacon okay the bacon just cut it into lardons again your choice how chunky you make them unsmoke streaky bacon into a hot pan no need for any fat because the fat within the bacon will render it'll cook in its own fat the water content within the bacon you start starting to release a little evaporate and the fat also is starting to render the little onions are beautifully caramelized and we finish off with bitter pork but that's optional your choice in all the great restaurants in france they do it it just gives it a nice sweetness and important onion works very well together it goes well with the bug in your garnish as you can see the bacon is now caramelizing nicely drain the excess fat from the bacon add the mushrooms to the pan the oil and here's our bogginyon beef stewing red wine okay the beef it's been cooking three hours 45 minutes the meat's supposed to be reduced by approximately half there's still substantial size pieces of meat it's very nice sort of rustic dish this will serve six to eight people pour the braising liquor over the beef what i say be generous with the garnish mushrooms and finally scatter the bacon across the top of your dish what did we do we caramelized the beef then we roasted our onions with garlic the glass with the red wine and the port in goes the beef we reduce it down then we put in the water the beef stockpot and then in the oven for three hours 45 minutes and then we prepared our garnish the mushrooms the lardons and the pettis onion or the little onions very simple and there we have the classic beef bourguignon garnished with the wild mushrooms the bacon and the little caramelized onions you
Channel: TomTurboSwaggings' dumpster
Views: 609,851
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Id: MOzD_G_onpI
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Length: 9min 25sec (565 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 13 2020
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